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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Miriam1


    ^ Good Stuff! Abit envious though, that you have something Dexterious to wait for. I am counting down the days to season 3. Ps. Why don't you just watch it online?
  2. Miriam1


    LoL@Aaliyah...two years! After six years I have resigned myself to a longterm relationship with this site. Welcome AbAyo
  3. ^ Amen to that...can't stand Soulja boy or T'Pain thier lyrics makes anyone with an iota of sense and decency cringe. But people sing along without thinking or caring..for instance went to a party the other day, and young somali girls and boys who know no other language than English, were willingly singing unbearably nasty lyrics with no meaning, loudly and proudly. ( Young=early twenties, in Univ and Careers) That aside...even though one day late...HAPPY CANADA DAY! Love this video -
  4. Really fireworks on the night before the big day? Since July 4th is on a friday night, it would be amazing to leave the office after a long week and have a late night picnic with fireworks ...Americans always complicate things!
  5. Miss DD I should, shoudn't I. did all the canadians enjoy the fireworks yesterday?
  6. Wow sorry to hear about your cousin. Lakin she did really depend on a random stranger. family is an effy thing and needs to be regulated to close cousins and people you were brought up with...everyone is association by name
  7. worst thing: having new news that would turn close rivals green with envy, and being unable to say it. urgh.
  8. LoL love the random picture of a pakistani playing cricket under the rain streams. Why not if you got the Monniiiesss?! Atleast they have an imagination, all that oil money is burning a whole in thier thobs Cara, a recreation of the Batman Mobile would also be uber cool
  9. ^ Like whom? @ Brofessor
  10. Pure Jokes! He's trying to put together an analogy, just didn't work out...next few months will be interesting
  11. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Pujah...Is that Obama's new seal. He is getting ahead of himself. Unfortunately, America's policy towards Somalia isn't going to change. Didn't you hear? Its called positive thinking. Envision yourself achieving your goals, and success will be around the corner.
  12. Originally posted by STOIC: PS Hayam.No you are not a troll yet.You are safe Good to know
  13. aahhhh! missed most of the key moments liked the equalizing goal, feed kept on being lost.. Turkey is out with a fight..great game played without most of their key players... not boring game at all!
  14. Turkey, by god's will. By one goal in the last second of overtime. 119:59 minutes Turkey coach Fatih Terim will run from the corner and steal the ball ps. first post here..so am I a troll now?
  15. oh my, :eek: had to google it, to confirm, it wasn't an Onion article wonder which of the hotels he stayed in... Ps. Who is Rueben? one album wonder..Somaliland got the *real* winner! bet you now a legion of american suburbanites just discovered somaliland
  16. about an hour to go...I doubt Turkey will win, but I will be yelling for them from my comfy couch
  17. borrowing a line from doctor who..ethnicity is all wibbly wobbly migratory wimey maybe it has to do something with our sense of self worth, that makes us think we always define ourselves as *pure* as opposed to the others
  18. LOL, I thought something was off with this survey, how would the average person in the west even know of Fethullah Gulen! Lakin good for us, voicing our opinions and all. ps. mohammed yunus really? microcredit is a bit funny, sooner or later it's ills will overwhelm its supposed benefits.
  19. I will admit defeat to your little cousin, I can't say I know much about Somalia history or geography. All I am saying that *in general* ethnicity is not a concept that is so clean cut and neat, its muddled.
  20. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: quote:I am curious, what sort of documentation can prove the identity of an individual bantu-somalis as being such? Try this. www.google.com- then enter,origins of the somali bantus LoL! random sites on google.com is not trusted by any academic who's worth two cents my argument stands.
  21. I am curious, what sort of documentation can prove the identity of an individual bantu-somalis as being such? I do understand that there could have been some sort of continuous migration across borders at some point in time, that has been documented historically. Yea I agree with you on the Omanis and Indians who came to Kenya during Colonialism are not *natives* of the land when they arrived. But today over half century later, what are they? For instance, I have friend of mine, she's light skinned from Kenya, Muslim and claims Kenyan ethnicity and nationality, when questioned about her family, one of her grandfathers is partially Somali and one grandmother is partially Indian, her father is more of an native Kenyan, her cousin more of an Omani etc etc...but she sees herself without quotations marks, simply Kenyan Point being, people inter-marry, adopt new cultures, religions etc. There is no fixed proof, something that is unchangeable or inarguably. Beauty of migration ! So all I am saying is that ethnicity, is not as fixed as we would like to believe it is, you cannot put an astrick mark on anyone with confidence.
  22. yea,good copies are on many sites. it looks amazing even though i have no idea what they are saying. i think the son out does his father in this one.
  23. citizenship vs ethnic identity...the earlier is acquired through official means...a nation state bestows upon its peoples the right to belong and the latter through supposed lineage, and is unprovable. So we have two contexts under which we can discuss what is "Somali" if you are want to think of it in terms of citizenship and belonging...then we are seriously out of luck, since there is no functioning nation state to pass any legislation to tell us if the Bantus are Somalis or not, and on which basis we can discriminate and prove one's somaliness. So anyone can claim Somali ethnicity even my Sikh neighbor! how can you disprove it? Language does not count, religion is changeable, history can be studied, the way they look? ... doesn't matter now adays What is left than is simple affiliation and shared history and association with culture and land, in this case the Somali Bantu's are more Somali than any of us born in the diaspora.
  24. something was bugging me about this thread, almost like it reminded me of something! and it was this poem, hit me just now. Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so. After all, the sky flashes, the great sea yearns, we ourselves flash and yearn, and moreover my mother told me as a boy (repeatedly) 'Ever to confess you're bored means you have no Inner Resources.' I conclude now I have no inner resources, because I am heavy bored. Peoples bore me, literature bores me, especially great literature, Henry bores me, with his plights & gripes as bad as achilles, Who loves people and valiant art, which bores me. And the tranquil hills, & gin, look like a drag and somehow a dog has taken itself & its tail considerably away into mountains or sea or sky, leaving behind: me, wag. John Berryman