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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Miriam1

    Today I....

    ^true true more so, I think I have been noticed changes in overall mood and none of those sugar induced headaches... .
  2. Miriam1

    Today I....

    Today I fell off the wagon. Hello my name is Jawahiir and I am addicted to pop, coke, pepsi...its been 78 days clean and free
  3. ^ I always wonder what the time frame is with questions like that. Lets say I just left teh lottery office and got a cash advance of 10,000 dollars, I would head to the bank and pay all my bills, my sisters bills, my mothers bills etc etc. If its a few weeks later and I have oodles of monies in the bank account. Drop everything and go on holiday. Question if you could step in the life of one character from a novel which one would it be
  4. Ibtisam I am curious as to what the man said, but just to let you know, I came to that very same conclusion in the Summer of 2006, sitting in my hotel room in Hergaisa. Since then being somali has reverted to making tea with xawash and going one or two weddings, no conferences, rallies, literature or daydreams. I now daydream about buying a cottage in northern Ontario. Far more realistic.
  5. Anyone catch Obama's speech in Berlin? So many people...
  6. Miriam1

    Rising Star

    Inspiring, read most of it. Will finish it soon, I really liked how there was no exaggeration about his inherent intelligence and genius, but an emphasis on how hard he works. ahhhh starting grad school in sept. I hope havard law school calls me :cool:
  7. Welcome one and all! so many new faces as the summer breeze blows
  8. Originally posted by AAliyah416: ^ Blessed in here girls wear dresses in mixed weddings, and diracs when its like separate weddings. Oi? really I am heading to a mixed wedding this weekend, well too late. I would think you would do the exact opposite, some of those dresses are drastically revealing. Wouldn't it be more comfortable to wear them in a girls only receptions? and then wear a proper dirac with fodah/cardigan in a mixed wedding um...must attend a few more of these hip weddings.
  9. ^ pictures not showing.
  10. wow are you people behind or what...that is such a June movie Bought tickets online last night for the "Dark Knight" too excited.
  11. I know its certainly not good for your hair. Bought some under pressure from my aunt.
  12. I love watching period dramas from every culture; British, Indian, Egyptian, Syrian etc. your whole stance reminds me of the storyline from Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility". The Dashwood sisters depended on thier father who later died, suffered under the cruel hands of thier half brother and finally found wealthy rich husbands to "take" care of them. Wonder what happens afterward? What if Colonel Brandon dies or even the weird Edward? But Jane didn't worry about that, she always wanted a happy ending. Reality sucks big time. Get a job and an education.
  13. I have never experienced anything as blantant as this. Canadians in the west are just strange, they need immigrants, which by default these days are people of colour for thier labour market and yet they can't handle the change. The messed up thing, is the provincial government, there which is rabidly conservative and most recently got a consession from the Federal government to increase its qouta for how many immigrants they can admit. But what are they doing to ease change in the society, provide assistance to these people? In Toronto its mostly hidden racism, you know your in a neighbourhood your not suppose to be in from the stares they give you like, you have a third eye on your forehead. Most recently I was visiting some a very unfortunate family who chose to live in a very Italian neighbourhood in Toronto (Woodbridge/Vaughn). I have never felt more stranger in the city, thier neighbours stood out staring at us with our hijabs (sans abaya). Going to the neighbourhood store with the kids, almost got into a fight with a 50yr old fat hairy italian lady who yelled at the kids for touching the candy?! I appreciated my odd little neighbour after that day, with its healthy mix of Ghanians, Nepealiese(sp?), etc etc.
  14. The first of many hidden attacks. Poor Obama
  15. Aaliyah, it all really depends on your body time. Try this: Stopping all carbs, all forms of added sugar and have your final meal as Oprah says around 5 pm, after which make sure you workout for one hour, a fast jog.
  16. ^ Ms DD stay away from Ben and Jerry. My local supermarket is having serious discount on Hagaen Das today....I think I stood in the icecream isle for a good 5 minutes " should I or should I not...its only 2.49!" I didnt thank god. heh lakin I admit I have the attention span of a butterfly sometimes, forgot about this thread. But did get started on the weightloss effort and so far its been around 12 pounds. Had a pitfall once or twice with some verrry delicous arabic sweets and ofcourse indian gulub jamus
  17. OMG ^ American politics so ever entertaining ....while Canadian political parties continue to sue each other into oblivion
  18. Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood: I fail to see what is Islamic about these events! I fail to see how it represents Islamic heritage and Islamic culture! I fail to see how it portrays Islamic Traditions! Dude, how can you can see anything with that kefiya all over your face? ps. Love such events, for Toronto folks don't forget "Muslim Fest" this August.
  19. I bought this book myself after a bit of a search, I enjoyed it greatly. Muhammad : His Life Based on the Earliest Sources by Martin Lings. I found his writing style very easy to follow and well detailed, the kind of book you need to read twice. I think Tariq Ramadan's latest book "In the footsteps of the prophet" is also a nice follow up
  20. ^ Abit depressed are we? It kills me that none of those people sitting around her got up.
  21. Miriam1


    In order appearence Mr. Zayla Dexter is uncatchable! watch season one and you will figure it out Valenteenah, true it is better on a 40 inch flat screen tv planning on buying showtime this fall. Che...after shovelling two driveways in the middle of Canadian winter...all you want to do is bundle up and watch tv.
  22. Miriam1


    Sista, welcome to the sisterhood of Dexter! haha. Can't say it enough, its one helluva show. Ps. I am sure this makes me a fanatic fan, but is anyone keeping up with the spoilers for season 3? +++++++++ SPOILER ALERT! ++++++++++ Rita is Pregnant?