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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Miriam1


    Ouh its out. First episode of the third season. Not sure if I should post the link the content is not child friendly. Google it "Season 3 preair" or PM me.
  2. ^ funy right. After a few days, I even gave up on Suhur.
  3. ^ LOOL Your point being, marry the first dude that comes along before you become old nd wrinkled? The world had changed ya habibi! Beauty and Youth are no longer the only things women have to bargain with, and neither is Success and Wealth reserved for menfolk. For your old world sensibilities to work, there are far more players than the intended man and woman. Its a communal thing, a man proposes to a woman her father, uncles, cousins, brothers, aunt...the whole extended family is involved to ensure the best of matches, for their daughter. Its a dying tradition, everyone is left to fend for themselves, and without such assistance, trust me its better to keep your options open. At the end of the day, you could always import a partner.
  4. Originally posted by Ibtisam: Malika True happiness can be found, but you are looking in the wrong place if you look to other humans. Amen! Be happy with yourself, your conduct and such. We might not see how content our lives all the time, I think we recongize our happiness in flashes, atleast I do. An "aha, life is good right now" moment now and then. Cynical its Iran ya sheikha. Red tape and such. they might not be able to hit Manpower that easily for a temp job.
  5. Originally posted by Fahiye: Sometime numerous options and choices are not the route to heppiness. If you don't know yourself, you could get lost. But for most, options and choices are a blessing. To be forced to do something, against your wishes is horrible. Malika balayo, I am starting to loose my sympathy for these women.
  6. Perhaps we should look at why they had to marry. Were they literally forced or left with no choice by a rubbish family. To many women its an escape, better be married to this man, than stay in your families home, where you are seen as a burden. Pity walahi.
  7. Wow, this thread is like a chat-room, a whole new page in less than 3 minutes.
  8. Cynical, who has the time these days? Also consider, it has to be new nd acceptable, which leaves us with a dress or a skirt/shirt combo. Both of which, need to be tailored since most things in the stores are usually with either plunging neck lines and severe skirt slits
  9. Eid shopping is a traditional event that usually occurs in most Muslim countries, it centres around souks and malls. In Gulf countries for instance families with girls go into a frenzy in the last few weeks of Ramadan,spending a small fortune for dresses with matching shoes and ofcourse purses. The purpose of the purse is to hold on to all the money received from visiting neighbours, friends and families, i.e. Eidia. It really sucks here, forget Malls, the only trip we make is to the laundry room before salat eid erggh.
  10. Ohhh, that's so nice. Certainly one BIG benefit of living in the Arabs. I miss it. Soon you will start Eid shopping, with busy malls and stores, little girls with matching dresses and purses, nd ofcourse the best part Eidia and sweets
  11. ^ LOL poor blondes, always made fun of. Ah fasting and looking for work should not go to together...just blew a on the spot phone interview Ya rab.
  12. I am so excited...it will carry me over until my love affair begins again with Dexter (american show) No come on, there is so much to the Abu Issam dies, Moetz becomes evil or good after the absense of his father, does Abu Shab marry?
  13. I doubt it. Hillary ran and she lost. Hence a white woman does not trump a black man. Perhaps, Black or White people simply believe a leader should be a man. People supported Hillary because she was running for President, the seat of power. They will completely change their political ideologies for a woman who is playing second fiddle to a man? No way. In the end, I don't think Americans are ready for a black president. McCain is the safe choice, unless he messes up so BIG some time soon in the next 67 days.
  14. I am in love...ahhh Great speech
  15. ^ WoW so nice. I am going to print that out. Ramadan Karim People.
  16. Boooo Johnny, its a few days to Ramadan, no time for your never ending debates and twisted logic. Whatever you may think of our religion, strive to keep it in, stuff it down. You can bear not to gloat your superiority a few more weeks. I am so excited for this Ramadan, it feels so special for some reason. May Allah bless the Ummah. Ouh and its Hayam Mr.
  17. حسن ومرقص Is the movie not sure if its new for you or not, but I just heard of it. Um don't know why its not working (link) search the title in arabic on google video and filter ur search for latest and over 20 minutes, its a DVD copy.
  18. LOL Zulfa, blue eyes bala blue eyes! I saw a few episodes, nd omg I almost died from the slow pace and retarded dialogue. New Omar Sherif movie (still HOT) Movie
  19. Originally posted by Nephthys: ^Istaaqfurullaah! How so, Hayam? As long as lines are drawn that everyone [especially including the wife] involved are comfortable with, it can work. Ofcourse, if those lines are drawn it is possible. What I commented on was her comment about a friendship with a married man who confined to her secrets and not to his wife, is chosen partner. That's a unhealthy relationship.
  20. How important it is for an adherent to kill an Animal and how important is it for a Deity to have many Animals die to get appeased? [/QB] You speak as if the meat will be left on an altar to rot, instead of feeding thousands of poor. Ps. Isn't tbis better moved to the Islam section?
  21. NOOooo!!! He marries that snobbish fool Firial right? I knew it ah well, I am over it now. This Turkish musalsal is pretty good.
  22. I have access through my university, thats the only way I know of which is not expensive...otherwise its simply crazy buying membership from each journal or database Writing skills is all about practise and critical thinking. Read good essays, see how they write, how the sentences flow. Start slow by copying the format of a fav academic, and soon you will get your own style. Ahhh I really missing writing essays
  23. Originally posted by siphoningdilemma: Listen for only listening does a society cohesively exists. Stop this madness Bella and forget about this Somalian cement. if you like, I’ll be more than happy to equate you with a great foreigner who will treasure you and validate your existence Um I know this is long past, but beyond your strange problem and hatred for all Somali men, even though your "best friend" whom you had good conversations was a Somali Man....who was MARRIED. How can a single woman befriend a married man? ew, corrupts households walahi.
  24. Are you looking to plagiarize these essays? I wouldn't suggest it. Its such a huge risk. Head to the library and read... Dunno if you tried Google Scholar Ps. if you are looking for specific articles, let me know. I still have some access to academic journals Good Luck