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Everything posted by Miriam1

  1. Pool...guess you gota bear it.
  2. ^ Really, they aren't hitting the ground. Don't you think men who wear pants above thier ankles look like little kids, or trying to hard to look religious This is a fine outfit, seriously. Really thinking of ordering something from this site. But the sizes...anyone tried women's clothing before...whats a medium like...is it perhaps an H&M medium or a Old Navy Medium?
  3. So true Malika it is!! Although we accept death as an undeniable part of life, largely from how we are brought up. At moments it hits us, if our actions will lead us in the right path at the end of it all. One hour, nice. Got 8.5 hours to go!
  4. Oh my. I have come to the conclusion that I haven't seen the real Dubai...spas? Shall suqa somalida next time inshallah.
  5. Just hit me, when is the last time we really thought of heaven or hell fire for that matter? fearful, is our fast really accepted? Amr Khaled is getting to me
  6. Congratulation! May she growup in the shade of your wealth and kindness
  7. ^ Your so random, its hysterical.
  8. Miriam1


    Acudbillah! Well. I am not sure, how you assume to know ever so much about me Johnny, keep to your random atheists posts. AT&T your even more disturbing now.EW.
  9. Are you seriously a Teacher? Calling a poor kid fat?!. What a selfesteem killer.
  10. KoolKat and Cadaan, you folks are killing me. Did you forget Mike Harris?? Dabshid. Elections matter here, especially for recent immigrants.
  11. Miriam1

    Ugly Education

    ^ LOOL Walahi you made me laugh, we should start a jamiyah for your brother so he can import a wife.
  12. Miriam1


    omg LOL. I rarely read his posts, such disturbing stories Missed love balayo. Good advice there.
  13. Miriam1


    Ah. Trying to think of good looking musalsal actors...there has to be some. Only Mutaz from Bab Al Hara comes to mind, only if they did photoshoots! Nothing on Google image.
  14. Miriam1


    Can't deny it. He is hansome and she's beautiful. But the show is proper crap, nothing can beat a good Masri or Syrian musalsal. Lately there has been some awful ones. I don't know how people watch it. Rather watch Bab Al Hara 3 or even bioseries Ismahan. Ps. Hend Sabri is beyond beautiful, she's dressed for her character in that poster; a servant. Its a pretty good show.
  15. LoL my heart dropped there for a sec. Thought it was Bollywood Amir Khan. Heh
  16. ^ he retired after the sponsership scandal.
  17. Cadaan why? What is it about the last two years of leadership that makes you want to vote Conservative. It can't be the numerous scandals, very recent listerious contamination?
  18. And I don't know what planet you're living in, but "less government assistance" has never been a rallying cry of Somalis [/QB] How true Moreover, we aren't the United States, and have history of Big Government from Universal HealthCare to Crown corporations. It was under the conservatives in the 1980's that calls for small government were heard. This only lead to Mike Harris being notoriously hated for years to come. We have to be really carfeul with this fella. He has introduced several legislation that proves his neocon agenda. For instance regulation of herbal medical products, which only would increasing revenue windfall of large pharmacitual companies. And cutting funding to hundreds of arts nd community programs, most notabably limiting funding to artists and film-makers upon material being approved by government ministries. Our biggest problem is the Stephen Dion's lack of charisma. Erg.
  19. ^ Stick to Puntland politics. Its not boring for those who are affected by the results. If the Conservatives achieve a majority government, we will paying for years to come.
  20. ^ you got some great advice there. good luck
  21. Here we go... Canadian PM Calls Snap Election Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has called an early election for 14 October in a bid to strengthen his minority Conservative government. I think we all can agree, that Stephen Harper is simply scary with a miniority government lest a MAJORITY! Time to switch off CNN and focus on CP24 or CBC...and get involved, to ward of this evil man.
  22. Ibti and Faheema lol finally, I thought her position was a bit off too. But I didn't want to spoil the mood...all the earlier replies found it so "insipiring". Lakin honestly the fact that she was married twice at such a young age nd divorced...should turn a person off from marriage for the rest of their lives. Could both men have been rubbish? Perhaps her standards were either drastically low or she had very bad judgement. Heh. People worry so much bout something that might or might not happen.
  23. omg, that was really funny. "how can she slap!" looooool. poor guy, its a reflex.