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Posts posted by Miriam1

  1. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    I was just watching the Liverpool game and when the first half finished I decided to check out Youtube. I found a popular eighties Arab dance song that reminded me of the old days. The strange thing is after all these years, only now did I work out the lyrics. Sad song.


    She says:


    I am the poor one. I am the oppressed one. I am the one who was sold. For one dinar I was sold. They married me off by force. They foisted him on me.


    I'll beat myself up and die and I'll face the dwellers of graves. I'll become mad and I'll become crazy. I am the poor one, I'm the oppressed one. I am the one who was sold. For one dinar I was sold. They married me off by force. They foisted him on me.



    I'll go to Mullah Ali and I'll tell him o Mullah Ali; an old man and I'm a young girl they put us in the same place. I'll fall to the floor and kiss
    his hand and he'll think I'm kissing his hand and think that I want
    (the Mullah


    My relationship with you has ended, give me my photos back. You are embarrassing me in front of people o young one. I'll go to Mullah Ali and I'll tell him o Mullah Ali…


    LoL no one really pays attention to the lyrics...listened to Majida Roumi's song Kun Sadiki...memories!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZtfXrgDTPE&feature =related


    Never had an idea it was about some love affair...


    Sheh that just sucks ! Good luck though plenty fish in the other lake or...something along those lines.

  2. Originally posted by COSTA:

    i tell them i am from Muratania or Zinzibar

    LOL...are those lands near Narnia?


    Zinizbar.. :rolleyes:


    Although your concerns are real (It totally sucks to be Somali right now ... almost like its the early 90's again) Your absurd spelling mistakes...makes you look like a fool.

  3. Sayid...why do you have the need to exgarate? Be honest and tell us what you really said!


    No one in their right mind will speak like that. Walahi some folks and their SOL alter-egos.

  4. Ha..dreams. I always have amazing morning dreams, super active like brain is screaming for me to wakeup before my alarm rings.


    The other morning it took a very funny sci-fi twist abit like I was in the show Eureka - if you don't know that one...imagine the very first Star Trek...


    With my collegue, I was being chased by gaint beetles (no joke) I wasn't scared, but exicted...running running...they finally got my collegue and spewed green stuff all over him. I woke with my face a bit sore...I really think I was laughing and smiling all along. I love my morning dreams...more entertaining than any movie.

  5. Not sure if everyone's heard of this yet


    Performing this song, when she passed away


    Article Below



    South African musical legend Miriam Makeba dies

    By CELEAN JACOBSON – 1 day ago


    JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — Miriam Makeba, the South African singer who wooed the world with her sultry voice but was banned from her own country for more than 30 years under apartheid, died after collapsing on stage in Italy. She was 76.


    In her dazzling career, Makeba performed with musical legends from around the world — jazz maestros Nina Simone and Dizzy Gillespie, Harry Belafonte, Paul Simon — and sang for world leaders such as John F. Kennedy and Nelson Mandela.


    "Her haunting melodies gave voice to the pain of exile and dislocation which she felt for 31 long years. At the same time, her music inspired a powerful sense of hope in all of us," Mandela said in a statement.


    He said it was "fitting" that her last moments were spent on stage.


    The Pineta Grande clinic in Castel Volturno, near the southern city of Naples, said Makeba died early Monday of a heart attack.


    Makeba collapsed on stage Sunday night after singing one of her most famous hits "Pata Pata," her family said in a statement. Her grandson, Nelson Lumumba Lee, was with her as well as her longtime friend, Italian promoter Roberto Meglioli.


    "Whilst this great lady was alive she would say: 'I will sing until the last day of my life'," the statement said.


    Castel Volturno Mayor Francesco Nuzzo said Makeba sang at a concert in solidarity with six immigrants from Ghana who were shot to death in September in the town, an attack that investigators have blamed on organized crime.


    The death of "Mama Africa," as she was known, plunged South Africa into shock and mourning.


    "One of the greatest songstresses of our time has ceased to sing," Foreign Affairs minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma said in a statement.


    "Throughout her life, Mama Makeba communicated a positive message to the world about the struggle of the people of South Africa and the certainty of victory over the dark forces of apartheid and colonialism through the art of song."


    Makeba wrote in her 1987 memoirs that friends and relatives who first encouraged her to perform compared her voice to that of a nightingale. With her distinctive style combining jazz with folk with South African township rhythms, she was often called "The Empress of African Song."


    The first African woman to win a Grammy award, Makeba started singing in Sophiatown, a cosmopolitan neighborhood of Johannesburg that was a cultural hotspot in the 1950s before its black residents were forcibly removed by the apartheid government.


    She then teamed up with South African jazz trumpeter Hugh Masekela — later her first husband — and her rise to international prominence started when she starred in the anti-apartheid documentary "Come Back, Africa" in 1959.


    When she tried to fly home for her mother's funeral the following year, she discovered her passport had been revoked. It was 30 years before she was allowed to return.


    In 1963, Makeba appeared before the U.N. Special Committee on Apartheid to call for an international boycott of South Africa. The South African government responded by banning her records, including hits like "Pata Pata," "The Click Song" ("Qongqothwane" in Xhosa), and "Malaika."


    Makeba received the Grammy Award for Best Folk Recording in 1966 together with Belafonte for "An Evening With Belafonte/Makeba." The album dealt with the political plight of black South Africans under apartheid.


    Thanks to her close relationship with Belafonte, she received star status in the United States and performed for President Kennedy at his birthday party in 1962. But she fell briefly out of favor when she married black power activist Stokely Carmichael — later known as Kwame Ture — and moved to Guinea in the late 1960s.


    Besides working with Simone and Gillespie, she also appeared with Paul Simon at his "Graceland" concert in Zimbabwe in 1987.


    After three decades abroad, Makeba was invited back to South Africa by Mandela, the anti-apartheid icon, shortly after his release from prison in 1990 as white racist rule crumbled.


    "It was like a revival," she said about going home. "My music having been banned for so long, that people still felt the same way about me was too much for me. I just went home and I cried."


    Makeba courted controversy by lending support to dictators such as Togo's Gnassingbe Eyadema and Felix Houphouet-Boigny from Ivory Coast, performing at political campaigns for the veteran leaders even as they were violently suppressing the movements for democracy that swept West Africa in the early 90s.


    The first person to give her refuge was Guinea's former President Ahmed Sekou Toure who was accused in the slaughtering of 10 percent of the population.


    Makeba, though, insisted that her songs were not deliberately political.


    "I'm not a political singer," she insisted in an interview with Britain's Guardian newspaper earlier this year. "I don't know what the word means. People think I consciously decided to tell the world what was happening in South Africa. No! I was singing about my life, and in South Africa we always sang about what was happening to us — especially the things that hurt us."


    Makeba announced her retirement three years ago, but despite a series of farewell concerts she never stopped performing. When she turned 75 last year, she said she would sing for as long as possible.


    Makeba is survived by her grandchildren, Nelson Lumumba Lee and Zenzi Monique Lee, and her great-grandchildren Lindelani, Ayanda and Kwame.


    Associated Press Writer Frances D'Emilio in Rome contributed to this report

  6. oh my. how badly I need to change my circle of friends too...bored stiff... From work to class to ocasional movie/mall/dinner/coffee shop... I feel you Sheh!


    Wish I was in London... :(

    Trips sound fun Ibti... will be heading to Turkey inshallah mid June. Will stop by london love to meet you all!