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Posts posted by Fyr

  1. The evidence is obvious for any rational person to see it, it’s just simply you that have chosen to ignore it. Are you really telling us that this lucrative business can go unnoticed without Cadde being a stakeholder? The evidence is simple Duke pay the landlord or change your address simple as that. And please don’t tell us the house is too big for the landlord to keep track on its tenants, this is Somalia Duke everybody knows everybody just like a little white town.

  2. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Warning! Brutal video


    The Ministry of Defence has launched an investigation into a video which allegedly shows British soldiers brutally beating a group of young Iraqis.


    The film, which was reported in a Sunday newspaper, shows the troops repeatedly kicking, punching and striking civilians with batons.


    The newspaper said the footage was filmed during street riots in Basra in 2004 by a corporal who can be heard laughing and encouraging his colleagues in a running commentary.


    "We are aware of these very serious allegations and can confirm they are now the subject of an urgent Royal Military Police investigation," a Ministry of Defence spokesman said.


    "We condemn all acts of abuse and brutality and always treat any allegations of wrongdoing extremely seriously."


    According to the News of the World, the video shows the troops dragging four young protesters off a street and into an army compound.


    The cameraman is said to be heard laughing and saying: "Oh yes! Oh Yes! You're gonna get it. Yes, naughty little boys. You little f***ers, you little f***ers. Die. Ha Ha."


    The tape shows a minute's worth of the attack - with 42 blows counted, according to the newspaper. The footage also allegedly shows a British soldier twice kicking a dead Iraqi in the face.


    Gordon Brown, the Chancellor, said that if the video was accurate, those who were responsible should be brought to trial.


    "This will be acted on; the investigation should take place; the name of the British forces around the world is one we must defend and protect and be safeguarded by taking the action that is necessary," he told BBC1's Sunday AM.


    Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn called for troops alleged to be involved to be suspended.


    "I think it's awful and I think it will cause a lot of trouble in Iraq and I think it will also emphasise the whole point that the continued presence of British and American forces in Iraq are part of the problem, not the solution," he said.


    A military spokesman in Basra today reacted to the release of the tape by condemning "all acts of abuse and brutality" by British troops.


    "We hope that the good relations that the multi-national forces have worked very hard to develop won't be adversely affected by this material," Flight Lieut Chris Thomas said.

  3. I wonder how long the terms of deployment signed between the Djiboutian government and these foreign militaries are. Fyrkanten, anything on this?


    Like the french they’re here for the long term, whether it maybe terrorist today or something else tomorrow rest assured they’ll be there for a very long time just because of djibout’s strategic location.




    Oh how I would’ve wanted everyone in SOL to speak their minds instead of two-faced sinister that goes around here characteristically, I can assure you that I don’t take any offence in assumptions as they’re only assumptions and nothing more.



    My interest in this subject has little to do with Somaliland, but rather the regional effect of these kinds of deployments. These kinds of news should really be of interest for you as it centres more on Somalia then any other place in the horn of Africa.


    Would you believe me if I said that I don’t like the British any less than you do, and I wouldn’t want them deployed anywhere near any inhabited Somali region?

  4. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Her uncle may be the world's most elusive fugitive, but Osama bin Laden's niece is about as conspicuous as she can be in a sexy photo shoot in the January edition of the men's fashion magazine GQ.


    Wafah Dufour is an aspiring New York-based musician who told the magazine that her family ties to the al Qaeda leader suspected of masterminding the September 11, 2001 attacks have prompted death threats and sent her into a bout of depression.


  5. Britain, Djibouti To Sign Antiterror Deal




    Britain is expected to seal an agreement with Djibouti next month to allow the deployment of British troops in this tiny but strategic Horn of Africa nation as part of a US-led international counter-terrorism operation, officials said Dec. 22.


    Djibouti’s Defense Minister Ougoureh Kifleh and a British envoy said the deal was expected to be signed in mid- to late-January after details of English- and French-language versions of the agreement were completed.


    “We had received the terms of this agreement earlier, but this time the British delegation brought copies in French ... so we can now amend them and agree on a final pact,†Kifleh told AFP at the end of a two-day visit to the former French colony by a group of British diplomats.




    He could not discuss the exact size of the British deployment or when it was expected but a British envoy in Djibouti said Britain’s ambassador to neighboring Ethiopia, Bob Dewar, would return “in three weeks time to sign a memorandum on the modalities of the deployment.â€


    Djibouti is already home to France’s largest overseas military base and the only U.S. military base in Africa and currently hosts some 1,500 American troops and several hundred German, Dutch and Spanish soldiers participating in the U.S.-led anti-terrorism operation known as “Enduring Freedom.â€


    Djibouti, located at the southern end of the Red Sea on the Gulf of Aden, is a key staging post between the Mediterranean, the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean.

  6. You keep feeding us these figures without any shred of source with it, how is it that you expect us to believe when just spewing out phantom budget statistics. Can you even provide the UNDP complied statistics report for any year with Puntland’s budget? Suldaaanka has provided two pro Puntland websites to verify his claims, so what about you any evidence to confirm your claims? Or do just want us to take your words for it. People if you don’t want to believe what Qudhac and Suldaaanka said about puntland wanting to save face in sool, just look at the latest “security reform†announcement, that’s how desperate puntland really is right now.

  7. US Counter-Terror Intelligence In The Region Deliberately Ignored Warning Somaliland On Imminent Terrorist Attack In September 2005


    Hargeysa, Somaliland, December 10, 2005 (SL Times) – The Somaliland Times has learnt that at least several dozens of religious extremists from countries in Europe and the Middle East have undergone training during this year in two Mogadishu based terrorist camps run by Hassan Aweys and Adan Hashi "Ayro". The trainees included at least 10 UK citizens of Somali and South Asian origin.


    Apart from an intensive indoctrination in a new form of fundamentalist Islamic ideology advocating Jihad (holy war) for the establishment of a Caliphate (Islamic state) encompassing all the Somali-inhabited territories in the Horn of Africa, the recruits undergo a rigorous military training in commando assault and marksmanship before being taught how to make explosives from locally available material.


    The two camps have been codenamed Baytul-Amn (Safe haven) and Salah Al-Diin, a Muslim military leader who liberated Jerusalem from the crusaders in the year 1187.


    Baytul Amn is located near the Islamic Courts headquarters in Mogadishu . The other training facility has been established at Shikaro, a neighborhood in Somalia 's lawless capital.


    The training program followed at the two camps has been based on known Al-Qaida manuals. Though most of the instructors are Somalis, however techniques for making powerful bombs and their timers from easily available material in the market is taught by Arab Afghans.


    A training cycle might vary from one month to 3 months depending on the type of skills being learnt. Each trainee is identified by a codename and is required not to disclose his real identities to other members of the group or seek to know similar details concerning other recruits. Trainees are grouped into small size units and members of one group need not be aware of the existence of others in the same area of operation.


    About 50 participants may undergo training at one particular period. Until now most of those who received training in the camps were Somalis from Somalia . However at least 15 Somalilanders are believed to have gone there since early this year.


    Recruits from the UK are trained for future terrorist operations in Britain . The UK cell is also responsible for raising funds among Somalis and other Muslim communities living in Britain under the guise of charity.


    The Hassan Aweys – Ayro group considers Somaliland 's ongoing stability and democratization process as a dangerous challenge to its goal of creating an Islamic state in the Horn. Somaliland is denoted in the camps as the "northern regions". Though the name " Somalia " is allowed to be used however pronouncing the word " Somaliland " is almost tantamount to a taboo. Somaliland is also referred to as the place where people worship a Sanam (fetish object) called "peace".


    The Aweys – Ayro group is believed to have been founded in the immediate aftermath of September 11, 2001 . However despite its Jihadist rhetoric, the group's main activities in chaotic Somalia has so far centered on the running of Islamic courts in Mogadishu as well as securing of logistical support and hide-outs for international Muslim extremists operating against western interests in the wider region.


    Frustrated with the lack of targets in Somalia and the inability to challenge the power of dominant militiamen belonging to various clans and gangs, the group shifted its attention toward Somaliland which started introducing multiparty politics in early 2002.


    Hassan Aweys, a former colonel in the army of former dictator Siyad Barre, decreed in 2002 that a violent campaign targeting westerns working in Somaliland be launched. The campaign was initiated with a failed attempt to kidnap a vehicle owned by the United Nations World Food Programme in September 2002. The vehicle was transporting WFP staff from work to their homes when it was stopped at gun point by 5 men wrapping clothes around their faces. One of the attackers shot the driver for showing resistance. However, the kidnappers had to abandon the vehicle at a location within 10 kilometers to the south of Hargeysa as it ran out of fuel. The driver who survived the incident later informed the investigators that the attackers spoke Somali with a heavy Somalia accent.


    In March 2004 it would be revealed that the objective of the group in this operation was to score local and international publicity from the kidnapping and execution of at least one of the WFP's foreign expatriate staff. However the failure of the operation prompted the leaders of the terrorist group to seek the collaboration of extremists elements living in Somaliland .


    Towards the end of 2002 and with the help of 2 Somalilanders who previously fought in Afghanistan , a Somaliland cell was formed from former Al-Itihad militants.


    On December 30, 2002 or 15 days after Somaliland 's first democratic municipal elections were held, Swiss businessman Juti Martin was assassinated in Hargeysa. The local council elections and a successful multiparty presidential election that followed in April 2003 had ushered in a general mood of optimism and hope when terrorists struck again first by killing Annalena Tonelli, an Italian women who ran a TB hospital in Borama, on October 5, 2003 and then Richard and Enid Eyeington, a British couple who managed the Sheikh secondary school, on October 20, 2003.


    The killings not only shocked Somalilanders but their motives remained a puzzle until March 19, 2004 when Kenyan aid worker Flora Cheruiyot was shot dead while traveling in a vehicle from Hargeysa to Berbera. The killers were apprehended while trying to escape across the border with Ethiopia en-route to Somalia . Among those arrested was Ali Mussa Mohamed nicknamed "Ali Foal" who confessed that he took part in the operation against the WFP vehicle.


    This group's leader, Jama Ali Ismail, better known as Jama Kutiye revealed to investigators that he went on at least 2 reconnaissance missions to Sheikh Secondary School before the killing of the Eyeingtons. Kutiye denied taking part in the killing, but he identified Ali Mohamed Essa as the man who gave him the assignment for information gathering. Mr. Essa who owned a pharmacy in Buroa was already crossing the border into Somalia when the Somaliland police mounted search for his arrest. Somaliland security authorities shared the information obtained from the 5 arrested terrorist suspects with officers from the American counter terror intelligence.


    In less than one year after his escape from Buroa, Somaliland , American agents tracked down Essa to a hideout in Mogadishu . He was wounded and then abducted to an American base in Djibouti where he was interrogated. The Americans later accepted to hand him over to Somaliland through the Ethiopians. Ali Mohamed Essa revealed that he and another man by the name of Ahmed Elmi Samater had carried out the killing of the Eyeingtons. Samater who worked as a technician for Telesom (ex-Barakat) a local telecommunication company, was shocked when policemen came for his arrest at his Buroa apartment as no nobody else was aware about his involvement in the Eyeington's killing except Essa.


    By early this year, 15 people went on trial before Hargeysa's regional court for the killings of Tonelli, the Eyeingtons and Cheruiyot. Four of the accused were tried in absentia while eleven suspects appeared before the court which was presided by judge Abdirahman Hayan. The prosecutor demanded the death penalty for the all the accused. The court concluded its hearings on August 30, 2005 with judge Hayan setting September 24 as the date for the announcement of the verdicts. Somaliland 's first multiparty parliamentary elections were scheduled to take place on September 29.


    Meanwhile in Mogadishu , Hassan Aweys and Ayro were busily planning a major terrorist attack in the heart of Somaliland 's capital, Hargeysa. Besides causing a situation of maximum chaos and blood letting, the operation called for the kidnapping of John Drysdale, an elderly British who lives in Somaliland , Matt Brydon an analyst working for the International Crisis Group, and a number of international observers who were expected to arrive in Somaliland for monitoring the September 29 polls. A number of senior officials in the Somaliland government were also targeted for abduction or assassination.


    The terrorists were to demand that the Somaliland authorities free their comrades facing the death penalty in exchange for the safe release of the hostages. But the taking of hostages was to be resorted to only if a more ambitious plan seeking the complete take over of the political power in Somaliland by fundamentalist militant forces, failed. Though US intelligence circles in the region were aware about the plan, they however refrained from passing the information to their counterparts in Somaliland .


    By September 20, 2005 , at least 10 members of the group assigned to spearhead the planned attacks were already in Hargeysa. On the night of September 22, the Somaliland police raided the hide-out of the group in the most easterly suburb of Hargeysa city.


    In the shoot out that ensued, 4 terrorist suspects were arrested while others escaped. During the firefighting 3 police officers were wounded while an assortment of lethal weapons such as plastic anti-tank and anti-personnel landmines and remote-controlled exploding devices were seized. The cache also included communication equipment mobile telephones, walkie-talkies and propaganda material glorifying Jihad against infidels. Among the suspected terrorists who fled the scene was Abdirahman Mahmud Jama better known as Indha-Ade, who was wanted for the murder of Annalena Tonelli and in connection with other terrorism-related activities. He fell into the hands of the police in the morning following the night raid as he was traveling in a car going to Buroa. At least 10 more arrests were believed to have been made by the police after Indha-Ade's capture.


    Indha-Ade was among the group of 15 terrorist suspects already on trial by Hargeysa's regional court for the murder of four foreign aid workers and other unrelated counts of carjacking and armed robbery. He and other 3 suspects were being tried in absentia before the September 22 incident.


    Eight of the defendants were sentenced to death for the killing of the Eyeingtons and Flora Cheruiyot while seven others were given life sentences for their part in the murders.


    Judge Hayan ordered further investigation into the killing of Annalena Tonelli as there was no sufficient evidence to find any of the defendants guilty of her murder. The court also ruled that more investigation was needed to be done with regard to the accusations against defendants Adan Hashi Ayro and Abdi Aw Mahmud (Godane). The two are wanted for masterminding the murder of the four aid workers and still remain at large.


    Meanwhile the Somaliland government has declined to meet a request by American counter-terror intelligence officers operating in the region to take custody of one of the terrorist suspects captured following the September 22 police raid. It wasn't yet clear why this particular suspect was so important for the Americans. But the Somaliland authorities justified their rejection of handing over the suspect to the Americans on the ground that he was a Somaliland national who was required to stand trial in Somaliland soon for terrorism.

  8. Kenyan pastoralists call for mobile schools

    By SSI staff writer

    NAIROBI, Kenya- Kenyan pastoralists want the government to introduce mobile primary schools in their areas to ensure that every child in their communities has access to education.

    The communities said this week that owing to their lifestyles of moving from place to place in search of water and pastures, they could not yet realize the full benefits of the Universal Free Primary Education (UFPE) introduced by the government three years ago.

    The communities say they were unable to access schools which were located in far places in village settlements which are often deserted in pursuit of water or pastures in times of drought, thereby denying children the chance to go to school uninterrupted.

    “We should not continue assuming that pastoralist communities in Kenya were enjoying the benefits of UFPE education in Kenya while many attend class for less than a month owing to the nature of our lifestyles,†said Dr Bonaya Godana, the Mp for the North Horrin Marsabit district of northern Kenya.

    “The government must tailor education programs to suit the lifestyles of pastoralists if at least 40% of our children are to acquire primary level education,†added the mp, whose Burji community members are pastoralists.

    This can only be achieved by moving teaching staff to wherever communities move with their herds.

    Temporary schools made of tents and moved by camels including teaching materials and tented shelter for teachers must also be provided if education is to reach all, the leaders added.

    Livestock-based economies should not be seen as any less important to an agri-based economy, speakers argued, and hence the government should not view moving of schools as expensive.

    These sentiments were echoed by Ibo Yusuf, a community leader from Garissa in eastern Kenya, who said that the time had now come for authorities to design culture friendly educational programs to suit such marginalized groups.

    The two leaders were speaking in Nairobi this week during the pastoralist community’s cultural exhibition week, in which the communities displayed traditional foods, houses, tools, attire, utensils and various aspects that capture their daily lives.

    About 30% of Kenya’s 31 million people are pastoralists, who live in arid Northern, Northeastern, and the Rift Valley regions of Kenya.

    Prominent among the communities are the Massai, Turkana, Somali, Borana, pokot, Samburu, Burji,Rendile and Ormo peoples.

    The communities have some of the lowest levels of literacy and school enrolments owing to their conservative lifestyles and harsh climatic conditions of the areas they occupy.

    Out the two million children who have joined school since the introduction of the UFPE, it is estimated that only 10% are from these communities.

    Cattle rustling, drought, and at times hunger are some of the factors that have been identified as keeping children out of school.

  9. Death for Somaliland aid killers

    BBC Monday, 14 November 2005, 11:15 GMT


    Eight men have been sentenced to death in Somaliland for the murder of three foreign aid workers.

    Seven others were given life sentences for their part in the attacks. Police say the killers were Islamic radicals.


    Richard and Enid Eyeington from the UK were killed in 2003 at the school they had helped to build. Kenyan Flora Cheruiyot was killed early in 2004.


    Somaliland declared independence from Somalia in 1991 but has not been internationally recognised.


    The Somaliland court found the attackers guilty of terrorism and banditry.




    The men shouted "Allah Akbar" (God is Great) after Judge Abdurahman Jama Hayan finished reading his sentences in a packed courthouse in the Somaliland capital, Hargeisa, reports the AFP news agency.


    "We should not be killed for assassinating infidels," some of the men shouted.


    But the judge dismissed their protests.


    "The religion is very clear. It does not encourage the assassination of innocent Muslims or non-Muslims," he said.


    Four of the accused are not in police custody, and were sentenced in absentia.


    The Eyeingtons, in their sixties, were killed in Sheikh, 140km (87 miles) north-east of Hargeisa.


    The judge also ordered a further investigation into the murder of Italian aid worker Annalena Tonelli, who was killed a fortnight before the British couple.


    The conviction was based on weapons seized by the police, confessions from the accused and statements from witnesses.

  10. seabourn1.jpg


    (CNN) -- A luxury cruise line will re-evaluate whether to offer future cruises off the coast of Somalia after pirates attempted to attack one of its ships early Saturday.


    The modern-day pirates were in two small boats and carrying machine guns and a rocket-propelled grenade when they attempted the attack on Seabourn Cruise Lines' "Spirit" about 5:35 a.m. local time Saturday, Deborah Natansohn, president of the cruise line, told CNNRadio.


    The ship was carrying 150 passengers and a crew of about 160.


    The ship, she said, immediately instituted its emergency response system. "The occupants of those boats did not succeed in boarding the ship and eventually turned away ... our captain and crew did a terrific job taking responsive action."


    Passenger Mike Rogers of Vancouver, Canada, said the pirates were shooting and sending rockets at the boat.


    "The captain tried to run one of the boats over, but they were small boats, about 25 feet long," he told CNNRadio affiliate CKNW in Vancouver.


    "Each one had four or five people on it, and (the captain) said he was going to do anything to keep them from getting on board."


    The captain, however, did not hit the alarm button to alert passengers of the emergency, Rogers said.


    "He announced it over the speakers, because he was scared people would run up on deck, and he didn't want people on deck because they would have been shot."


    The cruise ship eventually outran the pirates' boats, Natansohn said. One person suffered minor injuries, she said, but did not elaborate.


    "There's some minor damage done to the ship," Rogers said. "There's no water right now, for instance, in some places, and I believe one of the grenades actually went off in one of the cabins, but everyone on board is fine."


    The boat is now en route to the Seychelles Islands, Natansohn said.


    On Thursday, the United Nations' World Food Programme warned that hijackings off the coast of Somalia were restricting the delivery of needed food assistance to the country.


    "The southern Somali coastline is one of the most dangerous in the world," the WFP said on its Web site.


    "In recent months, WFP's operations in Somalia have been sabotaged by the hijackings of two vessels carrying relief food. Ship owners are now demanding armed escorts to travel in these waters."


    Natansohn said efforts were underway Saturday to locate the pirates. "We have notified U.S., Canadian and Australian authorities, because most of our passengers come from those three countries, as well as local authorities in Africa."


    "Seabourn 'Spirit' has offered itineraries in that part of the world before, but we'll obviously be looking at the incident to determine what to do in the future," she said.


    Rogers said, "we're always looking for adventure, but this is probably a little more than we would normally look for."

  11. I've seen this around on other forums and i'm sure i've seen something like it on here as well. All you got to do is answer the question posted before you and then set another question for someone else to answer.Try to ask a question about something that you may have done in your life, that way we can all learn about each other in a kind of nice way.


    Right i'll set it going in motion and the first question is...


    Have you ever been involved in a brawl ?

  12. Originally posted by Aeronwen:

    ^ Grave robbing is a crime. Memory problems affect a lot of people. Me included (
    short term memory that is. My long term memory is unaffected





    My computer won't let me access the link.

    This one should work.



  13. In 1983-4, the Ethiopian government completed a bloody victory over the insurgencies in the southeast. The Western Somali Liberation Front (WSLF), Somali-Abo Liberation Front (SALF) and Sidama Liberation Front were all defeated and the OLF was severely weakened and would no longer pose a significant military threat. A key element in this success was the Ethiopian government's strategy of fostering divisions in the ranks of the insurgents: its support for the Somali National Movement (SNM) against the WSLF was the clearest example. In this strategy of "divide and rule," the Ethiopian government was, ironically, assisted by the Somali government, which was following exactly the same strategy. ...