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Everything posted by bilan

  1. So Somalina, what is your solution should shariif/Farmaajo+ 550 xildhibaano be in power forever?
  2. ^^ I thought everyone knew that, I have yet to see anyone from PL denying that. Uma baahnid inaad madaxda sare fiiriso, from president to the gatekeeper waa from same sub-sub clan.
  3. Lool XX, do you even know who voted against Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi?? And when did Bari, Nugaal and Mudug 'voted' for the same person??.
  4. Oo hadaa muxuu ahaan lahaa, haduusan African ahayn, malaha British baad mooday, waxaan maqli jiray reer SL markay Nairobi tagaan waxay dhihi jireen waagaan Africa tagnay ma kuwaas baad ka soo hartay.
  5. First article waa cantrabaqash, kaasoo kale waa in qalinka laga qaadaa.
  6. Jacaylbaro;710996 wrote: Of course ...... sharci adag baa ka yaal kuwaasna If that happens, then majority of SL population will be in jail, so yaa ictrifaaka raadin doona, oo xuduudaha soo xiri doona.
  7. Zack supports Sakiin and is against Shariif the president, I would think Sh. Shariif is the lesser of the two evils, willku quraan akhris buu u baahan yahay hadaba . But either way does the president of Azania support the current TFG
  8. These days Azania baa haysata SOL, but my question is why are Azania supporters are against the TFG, few months ago you were fiercely supporting them??
  9. XX, maxaa is badalay, you told us few months ago that you were closing the border, did that happen? you told us Buuhoodle will soon be singing Somaliland dalkayga and no more Blue flag , did that happen? Marka you know and I know if you had the power maalin maadan sugteen oo Buuhoodle baa dhex fadhin lahayd, laakiin awood baa kuu diiday, marka su’aashu waxay tahay if I add up inta goostay ee aad adigu soo dhajisay, iyo Saalax iyo waliba JB, hade ciidanba meesha kuma harine, yaa idiin diidin Cayn. ma jiniyo
  10. For Last 2 years wax uun baa goostay baa lagu hayaa, hadiiba dadkii soo wada goosteen yaa idinla dagaalamaya, ma jiniyo, Allow kuu naxariiso Aabe Siyaad wax baad ka barateen laakiin abaal baydaan ugu hayn.
  11. Taleexi;709855 wrote: Bilaneey... Labadaneena oo PL isku haysana baa caanaha Kismaayo keeni jirney hade anagu dadkaan ka horaynaa, we figured in wakhtigii beeraha la isku dili jray la soo dhaafay, so we are not claiming Kismaayo anymore, we have oil in PL so who needs Kismaayo marka, bal yeysan nooga daba iman dhagaxyaheena. Oba adiga hortaa ma maqal Bu’aale oo la isku haysto, naga dhaaf anagaaba habaar waalid marnay oo aragnay dadka dhulkaas ku nool, laakiin hadad xaasidnimada iska dhaafi lahayd oo reer abtigaa Jawhar wax ka dajin lahayd Somalia waa horay degi lahayd. horta Oba iyo Zack maxaa isku ku diray you use to be on the same side, mise adeeradiin baa is laayey.
  12. ^^ and then what happens when these men run out of the money and decide to switch the sides again, do not you think that you should spend lacagta gargaarka la idiin siiyo inaad biyo Hargaisa ugu galisaan instead of wasting it on people who will never have the same agenda/vision as you. you might be able to bribe these men but what are you going to gain, these men went to village and it is a cause for celebration, I never understood the logic of Somalidiids.
  13. Oba adigaba ilaa Jilib baad sheegatee, maxaa ugu diidee madaxwayne ku xigeenka labaad oo Mudug ugu xiree? but Kismaayo is really exaggerated other than Xalwada iyo bada wax la qaato kuma soo arag, or maybe my timing was bad, either way Kismaayo cidii caanaha keenta/keeni jirtay baa leh, hadii la soo ogaado cidaas then it Is easy to figure out waxa dhalay magaaladan.
  14. I do not even know why Somali diid are celebrating, Kayse and others like him are losers with no principle, if they are willing to sell their own people maxay tahay khayrka aay idiin galayaan.
  15. Faafanow adaan rabin inaad wax fahanto, laakiin adigu ma reer kismaayo baa tahay marka hore taas iiga jawaab, (reer kismaayo waxaan ka wadaa ma ku dhalatay, ma aabahaa baa ku dhashay mise awoowgaa).
  16. lool Obi saas u socoto waxaad dhihi rabataa Somalia oo dhan jilibkeena kaliya aa leh, naga daa bahasha aad cusbada ku darayso maalin walba, Xamar baa laguugu ogaa hadana ma Jilib baa sii maraysaa, mida kale adeer aabe iyo awoow goormaa la soo dhaafay oo dad 5 generation meel deganaa maalin cad laga dhaqaajiyey. Zack meel uu boqol sano degnaa baad leedahay wax kuma lihid adan waxaad rabtaa inaad Aabe Aabe wax ku dhaxasho .
  17. Faafan;709750 wrote: ^Buale is the capital, Jubbada Dhexe. Kismayo will serve commerce. hade yaa kuu ogol inaad Kismayo commerce ka dhigato, Somali oo dhan baaba sheeganaysee, the best solution is to leave Kismaayo alone untill we have strong government, laakiin inay maalinba reer hebel sheegtaan oo la isku dilo is not a solution.
  18. I told you guys, Kismaayo waa meel wax ku jiraan, odayga lama daareen haduu afmadow maamul u samayn lahaa oo Kismaayo afaaraheeda ka bixi lahaa. Zack u sheeg odayga Kismaayo xisaabta ka saar dhe. Lool @ hadad soo degteen.
  19. Lool @ 70%, walee XX inuusan dhamayn, so Xaaji ma waxaad leedahay people who live in Hargaisa have different genes than the ones in Hobyo iyo Xaafuun?
  20. Chimera i do not doubt Kismaayo is a great city, but it is not as great as some people want us to beleive, i lived in Kismaayo 1 year and that was more than enough for me to turn me off from the city, it is too hot for my taste, plus i smell a lot of sheegato in this thread
  21. i am sure a lot of people wish if they can turn the clock back, laakiin i always liked Gaadaco untill someone sent me jecliyaa . and cannot enjoy his songs the same way i do not enjoy Magool's anymore.
  22. indeed Mahiga needs to leave Somalis along, i only wish he would take Sakiin with him. why do we need to go to Nairobi, tii horeba dab loo waa.
  23. Taleexi, I wish I knew sida loo mashxarado, laakiin ilaa hada ma fahmin waxa kaa dhirfiyey, I never said people of SSC(I honestly see Xagle toosiye and people of SSC as 2 different entity) are not part of Puntland, or cid bay marti ugu yihiin Garoowe, do you get that, Suldaan Garaase is not politician, he was never a politician, and the reason these regions are peaceful today is because of these Isimo, they deserve to be respected, so dadka u sacaba tumaya sheekadan have hidden agenda. I have no problem people blaming PL administration, laakiin the problem is not only with PL administrations but people of SSC also have their share of the blame, haday Dalbac lugahaa ka jabin lahaayeen things would have been different, but he was welcomed like a king, so tell me what’s wrong with this picture?? And do not get me started with Xaglo toosiye iyo tuutihiisa beenta ah, Cadde baaba dhaamay oo tuka raq tagay, he was running to be VP for PL, but the minute he lost both him and Garaad Jama created SSC group, IMO he did not create SSC to liberate anyone but for his own selfish reason. And yes, where are they now!!!!. markay dadku yiraahdaan Faroole is the devil, laakiin Dalbac, Galaal , canbaashe, Kayse , Ali Khaliif and others are blameless, then timir laf baa ku jirta, and you do not want to be honest with yourself . Faroole made mistakes and I am not even going to try to find excuses for him, laakiin who are SSC freedom fighters? Kayse?? But since you are from Nugaal, I guess you know what happened in LA 2007, LA was not captured by force we all know that, so until there is unity with in SSC, there is nothing anyone can do. So I do not really understand why people are blaming certain clans? pS . I would not have gotten involved in this thread if it was about people demonstrating against PL administration, but please do not try to defend what people like those of Jidbaale website ay qoraan.
  24. Goodluck to them, I hope they can do something for the people in these regions laakiin I doubt anyone can solve Kismaayo issue, I believe that city will be the last place to be sorted out, but I never understood what is so good about Kismaayo, qandho kulayl iyo huuno badan, no offense to real reer kismaayod people.