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Everything posted by bilan

  1. Sayid was born near Buuhoodle, and he started his liberation movement there, that's where he was from. duulku caqli yraa, kilika shanaad kuye, learn history first, he was fighting both British and Italian, that's why i say Sayid Maxamed 1000 sano buu idinka horeeyaa.
  2. saalax, who is we?? waxaa la yiri wadar iyo waaxid yaa waalan, he is a hero to all Somalis from Bari to Raaskambooni. so if he is not your hero then something must be wrong, what do you have against him, are you denying that he fought against British Empire, are you denying that he said no to be enslaved, I need to hear why are you against him. Daraawish were the first movement in Somalia that fought for independence, all other parties that came after they were inspired by Sayidka, so just be fair and give the credit to the man for what he did..
  3. All I heard about the man was that he was traitor and spy for the British Empire, but I guess for some people he was a hero, so now we can understand why some people celebrate May 18th and not June 26th. whether you like it or not, Sayid was a man of a vision, but most Somalis did not understand him, and yes he made mistakes and killed a lot of innocent people, we cannot deny that, but his achievement outweighs his mistakes. So it is really insult to both the movement and its leader to be compared to a traitor. Zack xaal baa lagaa rabaa.
  4. I agree AAliyah, especially when you are undergraduate, there is no reason to rush, laakiin as Cali dhuux said “Cabdiyow ninkii caashaq wado, looma caal helo” when it comes to marriage it is hard to convince someone to wait 4 years, when they already met someone they like and want to marry within 6 months. Then you also have the whole issue of is it xalaal to hang out and talk every night with someone you are not married to. So I guess it depends how committed the couples are. If you do not have kids it is not that hard, but with kids it can be little tricky. That’s why I respect single mothers who are still able to laugh and have good time despite all their responsibilities .
  5. I have seen a lot of people around me, mostly men, who got married to a girl that does not work, so at the end they were forced to drop out the school to provide for their family, I guess that’s what the parents are worried about. I would not advise my brothers to marry while they are in school, but it is doable, based on my experience I was not in school but my husband was and he was also working full time. so I can honestly say it was really hard trying to do all (kids+full time job+ taking care of the house), but as said it is doable. But you need to make sure you are both on the same page, finance is not the only thing you need to worry about.
  6. who said i want them to join us, they are free to go or stay, it is their interest not to leave. hanqaraarac lug uma dhutiyo.
  7. aaway kuwii Somalia necbaa? Did they decide inay dadkooda dhinac ka raacaan.
  8. Well it is not really complicated, unless you want to take what does not belong to you, no one ever claimed your cities/villages, if you are serious about secession aadna ku iimaan qabto intii Alle kugu abuuray, then waa in xuduud cusub la jeexaa, qabiil walba waa yaqaaanaa meeshuu dego, but will SL accept that?
  9. Saalax;719785 wrote: Bilan. Reread and see where i wrote "might" . Anigu ma sheegto ba saado ali. Maxan ka sheeganaya qof intas caysa Somaliland iyo Shirkadaheeda? when we had/have very talented and legendary female singers hailing from Somaliland such as Sahra Ahmed, Khadar Dahiir, Sahra Halgan, Nimco Yaasin, Kinsi Haji Adan. Good for you Saalax, stick to the fanaaniinta tolka, now you need to go one step further and stop inaad sheegato dad aan ku rabin dhulkooda, you know what I am talking about, markaas idina waa nabad galaysaan dadkana waa ay idinka nabad galayaan.
  10. ^^correction Saado Ali IS NOT FROM SL, SHE IS FROM SOMALIA, waxaan maqli jiray damiin far waaweyn baa wax loogu qoraa.
  11. Hadii is wareejis iyo dabbo rux lagu duulayo African American baa waa hore duuli lahaa.
  12. XX, maybe he would’ve done all that hadaan lala dagaalami lahayn markuu xukunka haystay,mida kale you are talking about roads, did SL managed to build these roads the last 20 years? Mida kale are you joking, if you believed people from SSC(clan) will be 60% of SL adeer maydaan go’deen, the reason you want to have your own country is to be majority and have all the power in your hands. Plus if you have a right to not be part of Somalia why they cannot have the same right and have the option not to be part of your SL???
  13. XX, you need to learn little bit of history if you do not know how people from those regions benefited from the union, plus the only places that Siyaad developed is Mogadisho iyo northwest(yes SL (burco-Hargaisa and Berbera, but I know inaad inkiri doontaan wax walba oo uu odaygu idiin qabtay, ood oran doonto gumaysigaa noo dhisay). But that’s not the point, you did not answer my question, why do you think they should chose to be minority when they can be part of the 20+ million people?? What will they gain joining you? mida kale reerka waad ku khafiiftay
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;718168 wrote: Suaal baan ku weydinaya anigu ma garanayo dadkan aad ka hadlaysid eeh aad leedihid cuqdad bay qaban maan arag anigu balse dee hadad laba qof ama shan qof aad aragtay umad dhan ha u nisbayn, War anigu waxan aminsana ina midowgii lixdanki ba qalad ah,, sabab waynu oganay 30 sannadood aynu Somaliya dal la wadaagnay wax ale wax aynu ka faiidney anigu ma sheegi karo , bal Khadarow,, Somalia midowgeeni dadki reer woqoyiga eeh dalka ay la wadagen maxay ka faiideen ma ii sheegi karta? Ama Dhisitaan dal ha noqoto ama hormar ay gaadheen ama wax so gaadhay mano sheegi karta, i always wonder how somaliland would look a like if the union never happened. XX, talk about the triangle, but I can tell you that people of SSC benefited from the union a lot, especially under Aabo Siyaad’s rule. So just put yourself in their shoes, would you rather be part of the majority or be minority in your own home, because realistically speaking if they join you, they will be minority. Take a couple of miniutes and think about that.
  15. bilan


    Che -Guevara;716654 wrote: ^Oh dear-you ate someone's wife? now that's why I say men have dirty mind But I am glad Aaliyah will still go thru with the xeero. Juxa do you think women will spend months preparing this dish just for game. there is no dispute what it meant to older generations and what it represented…but as Aaliyah said you can still enjoy the tradition without thinking the meaning behind it, some people can do that such as A-khadar and others cannot without letting their imagination go to forbidden territories as Zack
  16. I do not even think you need to go Somalia, few months ago local mosque was asking Somali families to adopt Somali children in Foster care in MN, apparently there are large number of Somali kids in the system that are waiting to be adopted.
  17. ok, whatever wiiloow, wax kula yooyootama sidii dhoocilihii Allaha kuu sahlo. Adeer Yeey iyo PLna cimrigooda Allaha dheereeyo.
  18. Listen wiiloow, go ahead and find posts where I defended what was going on in Mog 2006,but then I do not have to justify or defend myself to you or anyone else, who are you to question me?!!! I know that area more than someone who came to Mog after 1991. Somalida cajiib sanaa. but let me give you little advice, people are not like you, we do not always support 100% someone because we happen to be from the same tuulo, so if you want to talk adeer Yeey, call him and have a chat with him about 2006 since you are stuck in that year. BTW this conversation was between me and Oba, so I am not sure wxaad iskugu ciriirinayso, mise PL baad soo urisay. And when did you become nationalistic?? 2009. PS. I see your Somali is not strong enough, but Bilan is not male name
  19. Liqaye i do not even know what you are talking about, TFG2.0 iyo waxaan loo joogin baad ka hadlaysaa, so i am not going to waste my time reading it, laakiin waxaa la yiri far iyo meesha bugta iyagaa is og, so i am not sure meesha ku balbalaysa. Oba, bro we might not know all the facts, but laakiin hadaad arki lahayd odaygii 80+ Parkinsonka qabay ee warqada gacanta ku haysta, i am sure any one oo qalbi leh would have felt bad for him. You seem rational person, and I agree if hadii dowladihii hore u ogalaadeen tan hada jirta should not question it, laakiin maxaa ku tiri it is not legitimate, are you a lawyer . Also they did not leave 1991, cause they have no where to go, somalida oo dhan with the exception Banaadiriga they have other cities/villages to run to.
  20. OBa, wax walba lama difaaco, dhulka ay sheeganayaan waxay u haystaan cadaymo, intii dowloadood oo Somalia soo martay from the civilian to kacaankii, cid ka qaaday ma jirto, why baa hada dhulokooda loogu qabsanayaa, If their documents were good enough for Somali governments, it should be good enough for Shariif & co. enough dhibaato ah waa loo gaystay dadkaas. I am sure if they had anywhere to go maysan joogeen Xamar.
  21. Universal TV showed few days ago a demonstration in Xamarwayne, the locals were saying they are being forced out of their land, and new people are building it, they had documents in Arabic and Italian that showed they owned these lands for generations. I am not sure who is behind it, laakiin it seems Xamar markay cuqubo ka baxdo inay mid kale uun sii gesho, maybe that’s the reason ay magaalda u dagi la’dahay.
  22. bilan


    Aaliyyah;716624 wrote: ^ lol tell me what does it stand for bilan? I am serious walahi lol or I will ask my mom. She has like three of them stacked in our living room...oo ay igu talagashay baan is idhi lol..walee waan ka dhaaran maanta.. I do not want to be responsible of dhaqankan nabaad guurkiisa. Laakiin here is what it is in a nutshell : xeeradu waa gabadhii on her wedding night, ragan soo baxaya ee furfurayana they symbolize the groom, waxan ay furfurayaan waa gabadhii, muqmaduna is what the groom gets on the wedding night. Hadii easily loo furo means gabadhu markeedii hore lama habayn, hadii ay furi waayaana, it means the groom is not good in that department. I actually know islaan diidday in gabadheeda loo sameeyo, the girl did not care since she grew up in the west, but her paternal aunts were really pissed off.
  23. bilan


    NN koonfur is big and diverse, I have never heard sariir saar, I think your friend is playing with you, but ask him where in Koonfur do they have this sariir saar? I have not seen malkhabad long time, actually since ay ayeeyday dhimatay. malkhabad: waa masar modoow oo duleela yar yar leh(waa ilyar) ama duleela xoogaa waaweyn(ilwayn), waayeelka uun baa xirta. Shaash: marwooyinka kaliya baa xirta Masar: is free for all 
  24. bilan


    lol yes muqmad stands for something, something that is very important lol...Men enjoy because they have dirty mind(jk).