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Ehelada Maxaabiis loo gudbiyay ethiopia oo walaac muujinaya Mogadishu 15, Feb.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Ehalada maxaabiistii loo gudbiyay dalka Ethiopia oo dhowaan laga keenay dalka Kenya ayaa dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia waxa ay ka codsadeen in la sii daayo. Ehalada qaar oo la soo xiriirey Idaacadda Shabelle, iyagoo ku sugan degmada Dhoobleey ee gobolka J/hoose ayaa waxa ay walaac ka muujiyeen xaaladda ilmaha ay dhaleen oo Ethiopia lagu xirey. Axmed Max'ed Macalin Shiinoow oo ah aabaha mid ka mid ah wiilashaasi loo gudbiyay dalka Ethiopia ayaa waxa uu sheegay in wiilkiisa uusan ka mid aheyn ciidamadii Maxkamadaha, isla markaana uu caawinayay dad gaari uu kula halaabay xuduuda Kenya, iyadoo halkaasi si qaldan ay uga kaxeysteen isaga iyo dadkii baabuurka uu ka heysnaa ciidamada Kenya oo u soo gacan galiyay kuwa dowladda Ethiopia. Waxa uu codsaday in uu doonayo in uu ogaado xaaladda wiilkiisa, isagoo sheegay in uu ka walaacsan yahay halka lagu hayo. Waxa uu baaq u jeediyay hay'adaha u dooda xuquuqda aadanaha iyo kuwa caalamkaba in ay ka shaqeeyaan sidii loo sii deyn lahaa maxaabiista ay dowadda Ethiopia geysatay dalkeeda.
Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: About the AIDS allegation, it can be possible, for Soomaalida iyagaa meeshaas isdhigay, haddee baa'baan iyo haddii kale don't care, only cadowgooda ah reer/laf/jilib hebel. MMA, waa runtaa, Soomalida iyagaa meeshaan isdhigtay. This being said, however, we must not forget that every nation on this planet has had its turbulent periods. These difficult times along with the deluded souls who have engineered it, should not and will not drive us into forsaking the noble task of striving to lift our country off its subjugated state. As in the following quranic ayat, difficulties do not last. "Verily, with every difficulty there is relief".(94:06). Inshallah, the important lessons to be learnt from these difficult times, unlike the momentary difficulties, will last. The AIDS allegation is a serious one. We all hope and pray, for the sake of our people, that it turns out to be false. It is worth remembering though, as history has so abundantly disclosed, that it is safer to expect the worst from your enemy than to remain complacent.
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^ i think you are right. Spreading AIDS in the enemy land could be one reason as to why a Hospital is converted to a milatery base---if the report is true that is! Xiinfaniin, i hope i am not right, but if true, this is a serious matter which should be investigated further. There are more strategic facilities for army units to occupy, so why are we seeing increasing reports of soldiers occupying hospitals? Just a few days ago, the main roads leading to Medina hospital were cut off for several hours, while EThiopian soldiers conducted 'search' operations in the sorrounding areas.
^There are other more worrying reports of Ethiopian army units occupying vast areas in hospitals in other towns. Apparently, they have a habit of entering hospitals before any other facility, in all of the towns they've occupied thus far. Some might explain this by highlighting the need for medical equipment by the soldiers or even to hunt-down injured fighters seeking treatment in hospitals. These might be sound, valid explanations but the consistency with which these reports appear suggests otherwise. Conspiracy theories aside, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that something more sinister might be going on in these operations; e.g. the deliberate contamination of vital medical equipment and the spreading of AIDS! The evil designs being carried out in our homeland gets more heavier on the heart each passing day. I'm afraid we will only come to realise the full scale of these atrocious crimes decades from now. Once that time comes, history and the Somali people will judge Abdullahi Yusuf and his associates very harshly.
The sad reality for captured noble men of the Courts. Ethiopian and American soldiers fight over who gets to interrogate Sheikh Axmed Islaan Also, let us not forget the thousands held in Kenyan prisons, many of whom were not members of the courts (including women and children). Kenya human right groups attack arrests of Somalis Rights Groups Press for Release of Four-Year-Old End Impunity and Humanitarian Crisis in Somalia
An analysis of the unforgivable lies spread by Jendayi 'the incoherent slave' Frazer against the UIC. Sophia Tesfamariam February 9, 2007, American Chronicle “…To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole…” Chief United States prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials On 6 June 2006, the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) after a two month long battle against the US-backed Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (ARPCT) took over Mogadishu, the Somali capital. Mogadishu's air and seaports were re-opened for the first time since 1995. The UIC expanded its control throughout Somalia and restored peace and security in areas under their control. The people of Somalia were optimistic about Somalia’s future for the first time in 15 years. But the celebrations would be dampened; their dreams and aspirations would be dashed by the sudden appearance of the Islam phobic Jendayi E. Frazier, US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, who set out to undo the progress, with a “new strategy for Somalia”. Despite the globe trotting and conducting of “meetings” with Washington’s Somalia Contact Group (Jendayi wants to believe they are international because a few “interested parties” have been included) in New York, Brussels and Kenya, it was evident and the tell tale signs were there…the SCG was a convenient smokescreen, a cover for a non-existent diplomatic agenda. Jendayi E. Frazier was preparing for and planning a military solution for Somalia; she had no intention of allowing the expansion of the UIC, which would have brought peace, security and stability in Somalia , but also an Islamic government, a definite no-no in today’s Washington. That was unacceptable to the Islam phobic envoy and her bosses. After 15 years of supporting the “wrong side” (and contributing to the chaos and instability in Somalia) instead of giving peace a chance, Frazier set out to undo it. Conducting an unprecedented, very public, and loud vilification campaign against the UIC in the mainstream media, she set out to tarnish their image, and isolate them. Colluding with Meles Zenawi, the deceptive flip flopping leader of the genocidal vote rigging minority regime in Ethiopia, she planned and advanced the end of year invasion of Somalia. Jendayi E. Frazier adopted Meles’ defamation tactics and accused the UIC of having links to Al Qaeda, without ever providing any evidence. Even as top US Administration officials refuted her claims, she kept repeating them in hopes that the labels would stick…they didn’t. She accused the UIC of being “extremists”, whatever that means, she deliberately exaggerated and fabricated the “threat” they posed to Ethiopia, and down played Ethiopia’s aggression and invasion of sovereign Somali territories. Her outrageous accusations were designed to weaken the UIC’s popular support, and bring internal division in their ranks. It failed. The UIC maintained their popular support, evidenced by their rapid expansion to other parts of Somalia, outside of Mogadishu, without ever resorting to force. The deceptive street smart Meles Zenawi ran a parallel campaign to influence Ethiopian public opinion and convince the rubber stamp Ethiopia Parliament to allow him take “any and all necessary actions” against the UIC, and give his invasion the legitimacy in the eyes of the international community and the Ethiopian people. Relying on his trademark tactics of deception, gimmicks and lies, he prepared for his illegal war, knowing that the US State Department and his personal friend, Jendayi E. Frazier, would provide him the diplomatic, financial, political and military backing. Hijacking the Somali peoples right to self determination, and in violation of the UN Charter and international law, she set out to impose Washington’s solution for Somalia, by military force. It will be a long time before we know exactly what transpired between June 2006 and December 2006 when Ethiopia decided to launch its war of aggression and invasion against Somalia, but the following report will give us an idea. Jon Snow of the UK based Channel 4 news presented a special report on Somalia on 30 January 2006. It will give the people of Somalia in particular and the people of the region as a whole a better understanding of what really happened in Somalia, it also tells us what Jendayi’s role was in the invasion and occupation of Somalia. This is how the report began: “…Channel 4 news has obtained an exclusive document revealing America's role in the planning and execution of last month's Ethiopian invasion of Somalia…It reveals the US having to do close business with a government whose human rights record has been so recently condemned…it was a document that no one at the African Union summit was keen on discussing…” Of course they wouldn’t. Jendayi Frazier and her coterie were at the African Union to cover up Ethiopia’s violation of international law, to shove any evidence of their recklessness and bigotry under the rug using “peacekeepers” and “stabilization force” as cover. Jon Snow told his listeners “the blueprint for a very American supported Ethiopian invasion of Somalia was hatched” at the US Embassy in Addis Ababa, six months ago. He said Washington turned to Ethiopia and the reason is obvious. The mercenary Meles Zenawi was willing to offer Ethiopian forces to carry out Washington’s agenda for Somalia. The end justifies the means, especially when it is Ethiopian lives that have to be sacrificed, and not American lives. It makes it even easier when there is a mercenary regime that is willing to sacrifice the lives of its own people to advance other agendas. Snow referred to a “UN record of a meeting” that took place sometime in June 2006 and was attended by a US Commander of the Fleet off Somalia, Rear Admiral Richard Hunt, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Jendayi E. Frazier and an unnamed UN official. According to the report, the attendees discussed possible scenarios in Somalia and how to deal with them: •“…The worst case scenario would result from a total control by the UIC over Somalia…the US would not allow it…” •In the event of a rapid Ethiopian in and out intervention “…the US would rally with Ethiopia if the ‘Jihadists’ took over…” •Jendayi Frazier is quoted as saying, “It would be a mistake for the international community to condemn such an invasion” •An unnamed UN official is quoted as saying, “any Ethiopian action in Somalia would have Washington’s blessing” This clearly shows that Jendayi E. Frazier and the mercenary Meles Zenawi planned, prepared, and initiated a war of aggression against Somalia; unnecessarily jeopardizing the lives of Ethiopia’s young in order to effectuate Washington’s incoherent, Islam Phobic foreign policy which Frazier decided could not be accomplished without Ethiopia’s outright invasion of Somalia. Meles Zenawi, true to his deceptive nature, concocted a lie to hoodwink the Ethiopian parliament, and launched the unprovoked aggressive war against Somalia in order to please Washington. This report exposes the deceptions, lies and total disregard for the wishes and aspirations of the Somali people. It also showed contempt for Ethiopian lives. The fact that a UN official was present and pretty much condoning the upcoming war of aggression and invasion is deeply disturbing. Whether or not he/she was acting in an official capacity does not matter. A UN employee is supposed to uphold the Charter. Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations was in Addis Ababa for the AU summit on 1 July 2006, and he was also in Gambia for another Summit in June 2006 along with Abdulahi Yusuf…if he is the unnamed UN official at that meeting, it comes as no surprise. In a civilized world, no matter what grievances a nation may have, and however objectionable it finds the status quo, “aggressive warfare is an illegal means for settling those grievances or for altering those conditions”. The US-UN backed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia to prevent the Union of Islamic Courts from expanding their influence all over Somalia is an act of aggression, a violation of the UN Charter, the African Union Charter and in contravention of international law. The UN Security Council did nothing while the Somalia arms embargo was violated, as Ethiopia invaded, and as the U.S. bombed Somalia. The hijacked UN Security Council has yet to call on Ethiopia to vacate from sovereign Somali territories; it is instead working to legitimize Ethiopia’s US-backed invasion and occupation of Somalia. Ban Ki Moon, the new Secretary General of the UN, attempting to consolidate and legitimize the US backed Ethiopia’s violation of the UN Charter and international law told reporters on 15 January 2007: “…I was simply concerned about the possibility of an impact on civilians and the reported loss of civilians…I was hoping that -- while I fully understand the necessity behind this attack -- we should be cautious enough not to see this kind of situation lead to unwanted directions…This situation only is a very stark reminder that we need to redouble our diplomatic efforts to have some political process for the realization of a peaceful resolution of this issue…" What was the necessity? To prevent an “Islamic Government” from being established in Somalia, which is after all an Islamic country? I hope he’s not afflicted with the “Islam phobia bug” that has debilitated Jendayi E. Frazier’s reasoning and that of her hirelings. The new Secretary General can salvage his reputation and that of the UN by standing up for the rule of law and the UN Charter. He can start by calling on Meles Zenawi’s minority regime to pull its forces out Somali territories it has invaded and occupied and also sovereign Eritrean territories, including Badme that he is militarily occupying. He can also urge the Security Council to shoulder its legal and moral responsibilities by enforcing the Final and Binding decision of the Eritrea Ethiopia Border Commission. Covering up, consolidating and legitimizing Meles Zenawi’s invasion and occupation of Somalia and Eritrea will further undermine the UN’s credibility and integrity, and undermine the trust and confidence of its member states, in its ability and efficacy to uphold and defend the UN Charter and international law. To their credit, African leaders seem to have declined the offer to participate in the US-Ethiopian affair. Calling them “peacekeepers” or “stabilization force” will not legitimize their presence in Somalia. They are not “peacekeepers”, that is a misnomer for what they really are-babysitters for the illegitimate Transitional National Government in Somalia installed in Mogadishu at the behest of Washington, by the equally illegitimate, mercenary minority regime in Ethiopia led by the deceptive dictatorial Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. The TNG has been unable to assert its authority in Somalia. The guns have not been silenced. Peace, stability and security left as the Ethiopian backed TNG arrived, bringing with them death and destruction. At the African Union Summit, only a handful States offered to provide “peacekeepers for Somalia”. It was not because Africans do not want to support the people of Somalia, but rather because they do. Providing “peacekeepers” for Somalia would be to legitimize the Ethiopian invasion and occupation. Ethiopia said it had legitimate reasons for invading Somalia, it also said it had “broken the backbone” of its mystery enemies, it also claims victory. If that is the case, why are they still occupying Somalia? The reason is crystal clear. Ethiopia invaded Somalia on a lie and now it wants the international community to bail it out. Since the US colluded with Ethiopia to overthrow what was an “effective government” (UIC) in Mogadishu and replace it with its puppet, it bears full responsibility for the crisis. African Patrick Mazimhaka, deputy chairman of the African Union was the exception. Mazimhaka who had vouched for the minority regime in Ethiopia and justified its illegal war of aggression and invasion of Somalia in 2006, and the invasion of Eritrea in 1998, was back again moonlighting as the minority regime’s apologist and cheerleader. Contrary to the sentiments expressed by many African countries and their leaders, misrepresenting the truth, and blindly supporting Meles Zenawi and the minority regime in Ethiopia, exposing his lack of concern for the wellbeing of African troops, told the Financial Times on 24 January 2007: “…African countries do not consider it necessary to have a place stabilised and then send in troops. You send the troops first to create the right atmosphere [for peace]…” If there are any African leaders that agree with Mazimhaka’s assertions, let them send their own sons first before asking us to send ours. No peacekeeping, occupation, stabilization etc. etc. force will work in Somalia if the people of Somalia are against it. The onus to create the right “atmosphere for peace” rests on the invaders and the puppet regime they installed. Africans, irregardless of Jendayi E. Frazier’s coercion and blackmail, are morally obligated to stand beside the Somali people and renounce aggression and violations of their sovereign rights. Africans must uphold the rule of law and the UN Charter, and not legitimize this invasion. Africans must speak with one voice and condemn the hypocrisy and duplicity that define international diplomacy today. Africans must demand better for their countries and their peoples. Today it is Somalia, tomorrow it will be you. At the risk of repeating myself, the UIC was never a threat to international peace and security, but rather, the threat we now face is the result of the crisis in Somalia that Meles Zenawi and Jendayi E. Frazier have created and are advancing in the Horn of Africa . The rule of law must prevail over the law of jungle!
BAAQ KU WAJAHAN SHACABKA SOOMALAIYEED U DIYAARGAROWGA MACRAKADA SHARAF SOO CELINTA & DHIIG BAXA TIGREEGA Muqdisho,10,February-07 ( Waxaan halkaan salaan qiimo badan uga soo gudbineynaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee geesiga aan gaban ah iyo muqaawamada sharafta leh ee u halgameysa ka xoreynta dhulkeena cadowga saliibiyiinta ee ku soo duuley iyo murtaddiinta dabadhilifyada ah ee u adeega cadowga diinta iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed. Walaalayaal waxaa soo dhowaatey maalintii aad ka guuleysan laheydeen cadowga iyo murtaddiintiisa, waxaad gaarsiiseen gumeysiga dhaawac culus oo ku qasbey dib u gurasho iyo inuu ogaado ineysan idinka dhoweyn inaad isku dhiibtaan gumeysiga Tigreega, dhulkeenana ka dhigto soonka 6-aad ee Itoobiya, dadkeenana galiyo gumeysi ay adkaato iska xoreyntiisu. Walaalayaal waxaa nalakaga baahan yahey inaan yeelano dulqaad iyo sabir haddii uu nagu daba dheeraado halganku ama cadowgu uu shacabkeena gaarsiiyo khasaarooyin, adinkoo og in xoriyadda lagu hanan karo dhiig badan oo aan bixino, yeysan idin niyad jabin awood beenaadka cadowga, ma dhicin ummad looga guuleystey dhulkeeda haddii aysan aheyn umaddaasi mid gabigeedba ********** ah ama iimaankeedu daciif yahey. Ka tusaale qaata Ciraaq iyo dhibaatooyinka ay muqaawamadu dhaxalsiiso maalin kasta gumeystaha Mareykanka iyo Igiriiska, dib u fiiriya Mujaahidiinta Afgaanistaan iyo sida ay dhiigga dhegta ugu dareen ciidamada soo duuley ee Naato. Saliibiyiinta dhulalka Ciraaq iyo Afgaanistaan way ka awood weyn yihiin kuwa Tigreega ah ee anaga nagu soo aadey, suurtagalna ma ahan inaan gaarsiin weyno khasaaro ay dib uga shalaayaan, dadka muslimka ahna faraxgeliya, waxaa noo hartey oo kaliya israacsiin iyo hal jug oo weyn taasna muqaawamadu waa u diyaargarowdey. Hadaba muqaawamada Shacbiga dhulka Hijrooyinka oo hoos tagta Golaha Maxkmadaha Islaamka Soomaaliyeed waxey ugu yeereysaa dhammaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed iney u diyaar garoobaan duulaanka la magacbaxey “ Sharaf soo celinta & Dhiig baxa Tigreega”, kaasoo qof kasta oo muslim ah oo ku sugan dhulka Soomaaliyeed looga baahan yahey inuu ka qeybqaato una dhaga nuglaado marka walaalaha muqaawamadu ay idinkugu yeeraan, lana soo qaato wax allaale iyo wixii cadowga dhib loogu geysan karo, waxaa looga baahan yahey dadweynaha xaafadda degen iney xiraan dhammaan wadooyinka xaafad walba ku aadan, waana inuusan askari cadwo ahi ku gaban gurigaada ama uusan ka ag dagaalamin ama aadan gabaad siin marka la jabiyo. Kuwa soomaalida sheeganaya ee dabadilifyada ah waa murtaddiin banaanka ka ah diinta Islaamka yeysan wax jiir naxa idinka helin, ogaadana iney yihiin kuwa dalkiina iyo magaalooyinkiina soo geliyey saliibiyiinta arxan laawayaasha ah ee Tigreega, haddii aysan ayaga ahaan laheyna ma yimaadeen cadowgu dhulkiina, mana burburiyeen nabaddii iyo wanaagii aad ku nooleydeen, qofkii u kaalmeeya kuwaasna waa la mid loo aqoonsanayo cadow kalkaal . Ugu danbeyntii waxey muqaawmaadu ku niyadsan tahey in cadowga laga guuleysan doono insha Allaah, cididii ka qeybqaatana ay sharaftaas heli doonto. الله أكبر والعزة للإسلام والعاقبة للمتقين Xaarith Abaa-saadiq Isku duwaha Muqaawamada Shacabka Muqdisho 21 Muxarram 1428H/// 09/02/2007
Originally posted by MKA Yoonis: Atheism is a evil like communism is and no true Muslim should defend it! Although i don't agree with most of what MKA Yoonis stands for (especially with regards to his stance on the Ethiopian occupation of our country), i have to agree with him on this point. The distinction Islam makes between those who believe in a creator and those who deny the existence of such a creator, is quite clear. We get an example of this distinction in Surah Ar-Ruum. In the first few verses of this Surah, a prediction is made that a battle in which the Romans were defeated by the Byzantines will be reversed within a few years and that "in that day believers will rejoice"(30:04). Why, you ask would believers rejoice? They would rejoice because the Christian Romans, although having distorted the teachings of 'Ise (Alaihi-Salam) still had the distinction of being from the 'People of the Book'. Whereas the Byzantines were adherents of Zoroastrianism. Mind you, Zoroastrian's still had a strange concept of a certain creator. The point, however, is that they did not fall in the category of the 'People of the Book'. I don't believe that equating those who reject faith in any creator, as Athiests do, to those who atleast believe in a creator, is proper. As the Quran indicates: "And if you ask them, Who created the heavens and the earth and made the sun and the moon subservient, they will certainly say, Allah". 29:61) Whereas, Atheists would not give such a reply. Finally, after all is said and done, the only religion acceptable in the sight of Allah is Islam. "The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account".(3:019)
Government Calls for Assistance to Rehabilitate Child Soldiers
BiLaaL replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Northerner, agreed. The TFG is comprised of the most incompetent group of individuals. Their every second word appears to be 'international community' followed closely by the word 'help'. As for Duke - If the TFG don't show some initiative and start utilising the talents of their own people, it will take them the rest of their illegitimate tenure (if they survive that long) to achieve half of what what the Courts achieved in less than six months. I'm being a little too generous to say half, perhaps one-third of what the Courts achieved would be more plausible. -
Originally posted by Castro: What an honorable man Sheikh Shariif is. I second that. Sheekh Shariif is one of a kind.
Here's the latest on this fast developing story. Seems like the Americans have agreed to atleast one of Sheekh Shariif's demands. Sheekh Shariif oo la sii daayay, kuna sii jeeda Yemen
^The capture of these soldiers has been circulating in diplomatic circles for days now. The latest and most credible report is from the Emirates based Al-Khaleej news agency who in-turn quoted the Deutsche Press Agency (DPA), a German based independent news agency. DPA alledges to have sourced its information from reliable diplomatic sources. The Americans can deny it all they alike. Inshallah the Mujahidiin will release evidence as soon as they get some breathing space.
^My bad Northerner. Indeed, lets see what they have to say for themselves.
^Read the aricle closely. A man making deals with the enemy does not set the sort of conditions Sheek Shariif has set.
All those who had earlier slandered the noble Sheek Shariif and had accused him of forsaking the cause of the Courts should now tender their apologies. The noble Sheekh is showing his committment to the cause of Somali freedom. He must be under tremendous pressure, and perhaps, even naked intimdation to coerce him to forsake the cause for which he has so valiantly fought. He will Inshallah continue to fight, like all noble men before him, for that which he believes in, no matter how difficult the circumstances.
Kuffaarta Mareykanka oo horey u inkiri jirtay in Ciidamo looga heysto Jaziiradda R/kambooni oo baryo ugu jirta sii deynta Maxaabiistaasi U.S. Diplomat Bids the Release of 11 US Soldiers Seized in Somalia US denies Somali Islamist report 10 troops caught Are There US Soldiers Missing in Somalia?
Reports that our Mujahidiin had captured a large number of US soldiers in combat were not false after all. Allahu Akbar. Mogadishu 01, Feb.07 ( Sh.M.Network ) Gudoomiyihii Fulinta golaha maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo safiirka Mareykanka u fadhiya dalka Kenya ayaa waxa ay ka wada hadleen sidii loo sii deyn lahaa askar badan oo Mareykan ah oo ay qabsadeen golihii Maxkamadaha islaamka . Sida uu soo daabacay wargeyska Alkhaleej ee ka soo baxa Imaaraadka carabta Ilo diblumaadsiyadeed lagu kalsoon yahay oo xiriir la leh Maxkamadaha islaamka ayaa maalintii shalay aheyd waxa ay u sheegeen wakaaladda wararka DPA in ka badan 4 wareeg oo wada hadal ah ay yeesheen Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo ah hogaanka golaha fulinta maxkamadaha iyo Safiirka Mareykanka ee dalka Kenya Michel Renerberger isla markaana qaabilsan arimaha Somalia, Wada hadaladaasi ayaa waxa ay ku aadanayeen ama safiirka uu kaga codsanayay Sheekh Shariif in Maxkamadaha islaamka ay sii daayaan 11 askari oo Mareykan ah oo gacanta ay ku dhigeen maxkamadaha islaamka, ka hor 3 todobaad oo dagaal dhulka ah ku dhex maray ciidamada Mareykanka iyo kuwa Ethiopia iyo ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamka. Ilahaan oo codsaday in magacooda aan la shaacin ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in sheekh Shariif uu shuruudo ku xirey sii deynta askartaasi, iyadoo shuruudahaasi ay ka mid ahaayeen in ciidamada Ethiopia ay isaga baxaan gudaha Somalia, in mareykanka uu joojiyo howlaha militari uu ka wado K/Somalia, In Sheekh Shariif laga wareejiyo dalka Kenya oo loo helo wadan kale oo amaan ah, iyadoo la filayo dalkaasi uu noqdo dalka Yemen iyo In Mareykanka uu dunida u sheego in 11 askari oo Mareykanka ah ay gacanta ugu jiraan golaha maxkamadaha islaamka. Sheekh Shariif waxa uu sheegay in qodobadaan ay suurto galineyso in laga wada hadlo sii deynta askartaasi, iyadoo Sheekh Shariif uu sheegay in nabadgalyo aanu dareemeyn inta uu ku sugan yahay dalka Kenya. Ciidamadan 11 ka ah ee Mareykanka ayaa waxaa la sheegayaa in lagu qabtey dagaal dhinaca dhulka ah oo Mareykanka iyo xoogaggii Maxkamadaha islaamka ku dhex maray K/Somalia, ka dib duqeyntii Mareykanka uu halkaasi ka geystay. Safiirka Mareykanka iyo Sheekh Shariif ayaa iyagu waxa ay kulamo dhowr ah ku qaateen magaalada Nairobi oo kuwaan ka horeeyay, hasayeeshee lama shaacin waxii ay ka wada hadleen iyo waxii ka soo baxay. Kulamo afar wareeg ah oo shalay dhacay ayaa waxaa la sheegayaa in ay saldhig u aheyd ka wada hadalka safiirka iyo Shariifka arimaha la xiriira sii deynta askartaasi.
Jacalybaro's childish antics have overshadowed this important post. The significance of Sheekh Faaruuq's words will come into fruition in the coming weeks. This is a highly significant fatwa. Tribalists both in the country and abroad will now have a choice to make; either continue aligning yourself's with the named Kaafir's and choose your tribe over the religion of Allah and the welfare of your own people, or make a wise decision and dissociate yourself's from these men, whose ultimate aim is to seek fulfillment for none but their own vain desires. They have sold the ayats of Allah for a trifling price, in exchange for the life of this world. But surely they will not even achieve that, Inshallah. They will remain poor African dictators, safeguarding every step they take in fear of those who seek to rid their evil works off our homeland.
Originally posted by Caano Geel: I swear Zawahri and co. are covert agents, used to clear the next round of muslim massacres What evidence do you have for such a claim? Leaving aside the question of whether Al-Zawahiri and the like are agents or not, how do you suggest we find solutions to the status quo? I hope you don't hail from the poor souls who advocate that all our problems will be solved without sacrifice. The problem with current Muslims is that they wish to live in dignity and ease without sacrifice. This is not the way of Allah. Reflect on the following ayat: "Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe", and that they will not be tested? - (29:02)
Abu Ansaar, Allah's promise is indeed true. Final victory will be for the believers and the deen of Allah.
Reuters | Thursday, 25 January 2007 DUBAI: Al Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahri vowed in a video posted on the internet today that Islamist fighters will defeat Ethiopian soldiers in Somalia. "The Mujahideen will break their backs with God's power and help," Zawahri said in the video, adding that they were facing a "definite disaster" in the Horn of Africa country. Ethiopia said on Tuesday its forces who helped Somalia's interim government rout rival Islamists, began leaving the Somali capital. It has said it does not plan to stay after it completes its mission. Zawahri also warned Americans of a reprisal "far worse than anything they have seen" if Washington did not change its policies towards Muslim states. "You are facing the Islamic rage... what awaits you, should you press on (with current policies), is far worse than anything you have seen," Zawahri said. Leaders of the militant group which carried out the September 11, 2001 aircraft attacks against US cities often argue that its "terrorism" is justified as a way to change pro-Israel US policies and to punish Washington for its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. "I will talk to you in a language you understand; If you want to live safely you have to accept reality and reject the illusions that (US President George W) Bush is trying to deceive you with," he said in the video. Part of the video was posted earlier this week on the website of the US-based SITE institute. "You have to try your utmost to reach an understanding with the Muslims, only then you will enjoy security. But if you continue with the policy of Bush and his gang then you won't dream of it," he said. Zawahri also vowed retaliation against Ethiopian troops for helping the Somalia's interim government rout rival Islamists. The Egyptian militant also urged Palestinians to abandon President Mahmoud Abbas as a "traitor" and said he had sold his religion and Palestinian land.
Here's a quote from Huseen Aidid reacting to reports of the latest US bombings on our country. " This is just speculation and we have not received any information ." Clearly not consulted, once again! source
Originally posted by Taako Man: Only one article has posted this ? Since you respect all things Western, perhaps this BBC report will convince you? Somalis urged to meet Islamists Originally posted by Taako Man: Sxb some say sheik shariif is in Kenyan prison. How can you negotiate with a person in Jail ? See the following two reports. oo caddeyneysa in Sheek Shariif Sh Axmed aan laqabanin ilaahay mahaddiisna uu bad qabo Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo kusugan Gudaha dalka Soomaaliya isagoo badqaba beeniyayna Wararka qaar
Mahadsanid Mujaahid:Red Sea. Here's another article to back up the one by Qaadisiya. The lies being spread by anti-ICU circles are fast deteriorating. oo caddeyneysa in Sheek Shariif Sh Axmed aan laqabanin ilaahay mahaddiisna uu bad qabo
Having crushed the I.C.C., Addis Ababa is likely to work carefully to prevent the T.F.G. from becoming viable , despite pressure against that strategy from its patron Washington... The TFG crowd at SOL are delusional to think otherwise. With vital interests in Somalia that no other actor has and a long practice of playing divide and rule, Addis Ababa will be expected to exploit the inherent decentralizing tendencies within Somalia to thwart reconciliation . More to the point. The Courts were a genuine attempt at Somali national unification ; the T.F.G., however, remains another of the many efforts to achieve integration through external pressure and tepid support Castro, thanks for digging up this assessment from PINR. I've read earlier assessments and have been impressed thus far.