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Ilaahoow janataul firdaus kawaraabi, adaa weyn oo waaxid ah. Aamiin. Young Mujahideen Movement in Somalia Issues Statement and Video of Suicide Bombing in Mogadishu in Revenge for Somali Muslim Woman The Young Mujahideen Movement in Somalia, a group which has claimed several recent attacks striking peacekeeping, Ethiopian, and Somali targets, issued a 3:38 minute video with a statement to its Somali website today, Wednesday, March 28, 2007, claiming responsibility for a suicide car bombing in Mogadishu. This message was also distributed to jihadist forums. The operation is indicated to be in revenge for a Somali Muslim woman, Suuban Maalin Ali Hassan, who alleged that Ethiopian forces raped and tortured her at gunpoint. Adam Salad Adam, named as the bomber in both the statement and video, is lauded for his good character and role as a field commander of the Mujahideen. According to the message, which was dated March 26, Adam detonated his car bomb on the enemy barracks, shaking the ground beneath their feet. The group also states that this operation was the first of its kind in the Somali capital, and is evidence of their refusal to accept humiliation. Seventy-two Ethiopian soldiers were allegedly killed and hundreds more injured, in addition to burning fuel and ammunition warehouses. The video contains the same information in the introduction, but states that five vehicles were destroyed, rather than the seven indicated in the statement. The video depicts Adam Salad reading from the Qur’an, speaking to the camera, and driving a truck. The scene of the truck moving along the road is clipped as the following scene shows smoke rising from the ground. According to media reports dated March 27, there was an overnight suicide car bombing at the checkpoint of Ethiopian forces in Darmole, northern Mogadishu. A Somali military officer claimed that casualties to the Ethiopian forces were unknown, but the bomber was killed. SITE Institute
Qudbad qiimo badan oo uu soo jeediyay Sh Shariif Muq, 26, 07, 07 (M-Shacabka) Qudbad aad u qiira badan ayuu Qadka Taleefanka uga jeediyey Shacabkii ku dhageysanayey Magaalada Stokhlom e Dalka Swedan Shiiq Shariif tasoo ay hawadana kala socdeen Kuman yaala Dad ah oo aad ugu hamoon qabay Hadalka Amiirka Islaamka Shiiq Shariif Shiiq Axmed oo isagu hadalkiisa ku fur furtay Duca uu u duceeyey Shuhadadii Dagaalka Galada ku Shahiiday iyo intii ku Dhaawacantay iyo Agoonta ay Shuhadada ka tageen isagoo alle uga baryey Naxariistiisa. Qudbada Shiiqa oo aan qaar idiinkaga soo diyaarinay ayaa sidan ah Shiq Shariif mar uu ka hadlayey cida Umadda Somaliyeed la dagaalantay iyo Xilka saaran Maanta Sahacabka wuxuu yiri " Qola la arkaa Maalin ayuu Xilku saaran yahay Gumeysigii hore Waqtigiisii Dadkii joogey xilkii saarnaa Maanta anaguu na saaran yahay , Gumeysiga kii shalay waa ka qatarsan yahay Xaqiiqa ahaan waadna ogtihiin Dagaalka mesha ka dhacay in aysan aheyn Nimankaas dowladnimada sheeganayo dagaal ay wadaan ama dagaal ay kaligoo ku jiraan ee dagaalkooda waadla socotiin Ilaahaa mahad lahee dhinacooda markaan ka qiimeyno waxaan joognaa Guul. Gudoomiyaha Golaha Fulinta ee Maxaakiimta oo ay aad ugu dhag raaricinayeen Shacabkii ka dhageysanayey hawada ayaa ka hadlay sida Alle uga bad baadiyey Dabinkii Gumeystaha rabay oo aysna usuuragalin Sii uu udoonaayey isagoo yiri "Runtii gacan ku heynteenii ay ka baxday Magalooyin badan waa arin jirta lakiin waxaa meesha ku jirta in Cadowgu sow rabay in Ilaahey nooga bad badiyey waa arin mesha ku jirta". Maruu Amiirka Islamka amaanyey Umada Somaliyeed isku duubnidooda waxa uu Shiiqu yiri "sidaa soo kale sida Umada somaliyeed sidey u nooshahay Maanta xayiga u tahay qatartana uwada dayeeysa arintaas waa martaba weyn, sidaan ka hor Somali isku meel umawada jeedin isku Fikir ma eheen lakiin Maanta Somali %95 waxaa la dhihi karaa somali isku meleey ujeedaa waa Nimco waana in aan Ilaahey ku Shukrinaa Nabi Muxamed SCW waxaa uu Ilaahey ku yiri Dadka Quluubtooda iskuma duwi kartid Ilaahey ayaa isku duwi kara. Qudbadan oo ah mid tariiqa ayaa Shiiqu kaga hadlay sida Gumeystaha uusan ugu kala rooneyn kuwa Dabadhilifka u ah iyo kuwa ay rabana in ay Gumeystaan wuxuuna taa ka yiri "Gumeysiga cidna Dan uma ahan kuwa Maanta la socdaa Xaqiiqa ahaan Dan uma ahan Maanta" Shiiq Shariifa Alaha Dhowree maruu ka hadlaayey ujeedooyinka ay higsanayaan wuxuu yiri "Maanta anaga waxaa Sharaf noo ah Umada Soomaaliyeed oo Xor ah umada somaliyeed oo aayaheeda ka tashaneysa Umada Soomaaliyeed oo Nabada oo xaga iyo xagaa isku dhex mareysa oo Gacmaha is heysata Hadalka ugu horeya o aan anaga hadaf ka dhiganeyna aa kaas ah iyo hadafalka ugu weyn oo ah Ridaha Ilaahey oo aan helno. Amiirku mar uu ka hadlayey sida ay ufiican tahay in Alle dartii wax badan loo qabtaa si loo guuleysto Janadiisana loo helaa si looga fogaado Bur bur ayuu ku yiri Umada Soomaaliyeed ee dhageysaneysay "Waxaad la socotiin Nabi Muxamed Saxabadiisa Beycooyinka uu la galaayo dhamaantood waxa loo yaboohi jiray waxa ay ahaayeen Janno Nabiyow hadaan Nafteena bixino hadaan Maalkeena bixino maxaan leenahay? Janaad leedihiin, Janna wax ka weyn malahan marka Halganadii hore waxaa baa`biyey waxa ay ahayeen in Qof la arkaba is leeyahay Mansabaad heleysa qof la arkaba is leeyahay Lacagaad heleysaa Halgankaan oo kale hadii Madaxtinamo Jaceyl iyo Xoola jaceyl soogalaan waa Baa`ba`aa sida Nabigu noo tilmaamay SCW" Shiiqa oo ka faaloonaya Qayaanooyinka uu Gumeystaha isticmaalo iyo is badal badalkiisa isagoo ka digaaya Umadana u tilmaa`maya waxa looga baahan yahay ayuu yiri Rabi hadhowree Shiirq Shariif "Cadowga wuxuu isku dayaa si walba Dariiq walbuu kasoo galayaa, mar uu ku yiraah waa kula hadlaa mar uu Xoog isku dayo inuu kugu dar daro,marb Dariiqo ow is leeyahay waa marikartaa uu kusoo maraa, aduunyadaana Imtixaankeeda waa iska badan yahay, muhiimkeeda waxow yahay in ay cadahay taayada ama mesha loo socdo ama hadafla ujeedada la leeyahay iney cad yihiin tasaa u muhiimsan iney haatan midowdo iney nabad ku wada noolaato hormarkooda ka wada shaqeyso tasaa hadaf noo ah oon rabnaa inaan gaarno ilaahey idinkiisa, ma anagaa arinkaa Xaqiijineyna mase kuwa naga danbeeya arinkaa xaqiijinaaya? arinkaa arin aan ognahay ma ahan, anaga waa in Hadafkeena cad yahay kuna Da`daalnaa in aan Xaqiijino laakain waxaa adiga ku saaran da`daal waxaad bixin kartid inaad bixiso. Markale ayuu Amiirka u tilmaamay in waxa na heystaa yihiin Imtixaan nalookaga baahan yahay in aan Dhabaha Alle qabsanaa isagoo markaa tusaya Jidka guusha iyo waxa uu yahay Hadafka Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee uu Gumeystaha Qabsaday ayuu yiri Shiiq Shariif "Dhamaanteen waa in Hadafkeenu noqdaa in aan Umadaas Xorowdo iney Nabad ku noolaato iney Ilaaheeda raali galiso awoodkasta uu Biniaadamku sheegtaa Ilaahey ayaa ka awood badan subxaanahuu watacalaa, Aduunkana waxa Dowlada soomaray ee wax is biday ee Ilaahey haligay Xisaab malahan, Ilaahey agtiisana waxba kuma ahan in Cadowgana haligo lakiin anagaa nala Imtixanayaa Xariga maku dhaganaaneynaa mase waa siideyneynaa, Xarigaan Ilaahey aan qabsano Midnimadaa Guul lagu gaarikaraa kasaa Umad Sharafnimo lagu soo celinkara karaa". Gudoomiyaha Golaha Fulintta Shiiq Shariif markale ayuu tusayaa Shacabka in ay Guushu dhowdahay wuxuuna leeyahay Amiirku "Qadiyada Maanta hadii ay cuslaato Bari wey Fududaaneysaa Laba Maalin Dabeesha i isku mid ma ahan, maalinkaan Xamar kasoo baxnay iyo Maanta isku mid ma ahan wax badan ayaa is badalay hadii aan Da`daalana waa isa sii badalayaan marka Ducadana iyo da`daalkaba aan badino tasaa lagama maarmaan ah". Markale ayuu Shiiqa Allaha dhowree uqeexay waxa umada Horyaal ee ujeedkeedu yahay isagoo yiri "Waqtigaan Xaadirka waxaa na Horyaal in aan Dalkeena Gumeysiga ka Xoreysano Umadeena in ay Sharaf iyo Cadaalad ku Noolaato waana in aan taas ka dhignaa ujeedkeena kowaad". Shiiq Shariif oo amuura badan ka hadlay ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in dhawaantn ay bilaabi doonaan Dhaq dhaqaaq kooban oo ah mid Siyaasadeed isagoo umada Soomaaliyeed ku booriyey in ay uguntadaan sidii ay Dalkooda uga xoreyn lahayeen Cadowga Gaamurey, iyadoo intii Qalqi aheyd ee kala socotay Alada Enternetka iyo intii fadhiday Swedan Magalada Stokhlom ay ku wada Qiiroodeen sida uu Alle Subxaanahuu watacalaa usoo xusuusiyey iyo sida uu Shiiqa ugu tilmaamay qatara ku beegan umada iyo Halganka iska caabinta ah ay hada wadaan Shacabka Somaliyeed oo ay hor kacayaan Muqaawamada. www.m-shacabka.com
Thanks for the article. It provides a good illustration of the confusion abound within the TFG. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Ninkaas danjiraha Keenya loo magacabay ee ilmo'adeerka yihiin, shaqadii danjirnimo kaliya ma'aha, oo taas wax ma tarto. He is also a 'treasurer,' oo daqlihayaha Geedi ah, oo wixii Qaramada Midoobay iyo Midowga Yurub laga soo qaado dhan oo ku saabsan dowlad ku sheega xukuumadda Geedi [sida lacagaha wasaaradooyinka] ninkaas ayee kusoo dhacdaa first . Sidaan haku socdaan, iyagaa ku jabi doono. I believe the TFG's achilles heel will be their lack of implementable fiscal policies. Soon the donor countries will realise this and cut off all funding or demand intermediaries to better manage finances. This will of course bring in aid agencies who are themselves corrupt; meaning less and less money will reach their intended targets.
^If thats true, i too salute Yey.
Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: A cousin of his, appointed as danjiraha Keenya Soomaaliya u fadhiyo, at Geedi's home. Building Villas' for oneself is somewhat understandable, given the kind of men we are dealing with. What i find difficult to take is why they find the need to appoint their cousins to such important posts. Do these 'cousins' have any qualifications for the assiged posts? Doesn't Geedi fear the embarrassment that will follow from any mishaps arising from his counsin's inability to do the job. Besides, if my intention was to enrich a certain cousin of mine, why don't i simply give him the money. Why make the poor guy sit in an office from 9-5 and sweat about every word he utters. Or is it simply about the position and not about enriching onself?
Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: The Junior Stooge recently bought an expensive villa in Neyroobi . I guess the days of earning a meager salary from his veterinary practice are well and truly over. Geedi knows his days are numbered. Seems smarter than Yey in that respect. Someone should suggest to Geedi that he is going to need some security to go with that Villa and not only while he is in power.
Originally posted by Caano Geel: all our own making .. maybe we deserve it We thoroughly deserve it. Jidka naloogu tala galay anagaa ka tagnay.
xiinfaniin - The second on your list is quickly emerging as the most paramount of issues facing us. As a neutral observer, most disinterested in tribalism, its very distubring that some see the settling of clan rivalries more important than ending the occupation. Any ideas? Well, i don't see any solutions other than Islam. Its been apparent both to ourselves and enemies alike, that the only ideology powerful enough to help us escape the shackles of clannish hatred is Islam. The only trouble is, however, the mere mention of an Islamic system for Somalia is sure to invite another dose of the 'war on terror' to our doorstep. A final analysis? Until there is a marked and positive improvement in international relations; i.e. one where Islam is not greeted with suspicion but with full acceptance, shall we see any real future for Somalia. For now, we are caught between an international system which will not allow us to employ the only solution to our problems and an equally uncompromising clan-based system.
^^I also hope that there weren't any Somalis civilians onboard the plane. Having said that, however, i think its important to cut off supplies to the occupation(both Ethiopian and AU forces). Reports so far indicate that all 11 onboard were AU personell. These planes are crucial to the occupying forces. The arsenal they carry will inevitably be used to kill innocent civilians.
Originally posted by peacenow: What is in no doubt is that thousands have settled here, mainly in the north. Puntland especially. If you go to the port city of Bossasso, you will wonder if you are in Ethiopia or in Somalia . Peacenow, it is interesting to look back at a comment made in early December of 2006 by former speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan. This is what he told Reuters back then: "Estimates by experts say there are around 15,000 (Ethiopian) troops now in Somalia," Adan told Reuters in an interview. " They are not just sending a fighting force but the families of these fighters as well ... If war takes place now, it will be the responsibility of Ethiopia and its prime minister." Remember this was when there were only a small contingent of Ethiopian soldiers in Baidoa. Now that they have been able to move their forces to several parts of the country, i wouldn't be suprised if some of these soldiers choose to settle in Somalia. This could either come through the personal choice of individual soldiers or it could be a directive from the Ethiopian authorities. Given some of the issues already raised in this thread, i would think the latter explanation is more plausible.
By Steve Bloomfield in Nairobi The Independent, 23 March 2007 At least 150 people arrested in Kenya after fleeing violence in Somalia have been secretly flown to Somalia and Ethiopia, where they are being held incommunicado in underground prisons, human rights groups say. It is alleged they were questioned by US and British officials. Flight manifests seen by The Independent show that three charter planes left Nairobi for Somalia's capital Mogadishu, and Baidoa, the seat of parliament, in January and February, carrying around 80 people suspected of links with al-Qa'ida. The flights left at night, and the manifests appear to have been filled in hastily with many of the details, including the plane's destination, left blank . Several of the suspects are understood to be held in underground prisons at Mogadishu airport where they are held shackled to the wall. Most have since been sent on to two detention facilities in Addis Ababa . Ethiopia has been accused of routinely torturing political prisoners. A further 50 or 60 people accused of belonging to Ethiopian rebel groups fighting alongside Somalia's Union of Islamic Courts were sent directly to Ethiopia. Fighting has reignited in Mogadishu this week following Ethiopia's lightning offensive at the end of last year, which drove the Somali Islamists from the capital. On Wednesday at least 21 people were killed and more than 120 wounded in clashes that led to the burning of five uniformed soldiers, who were either Somali or Ethiopian. The televised incident was reminiscent of events of 1993 when Somalis dragged the corpses of US soldiers through the streets, hastening the US withdrawal from the country. The suspects deported from Kenya were interrogated beforehand by American FBI officials in Kenyan prisons , where they were accused of having links with al-Qa'ida. "This is extraordinary rendition," said Maini Kiai, chairman of the Kenya National Human Rights Commission. "Britain and America are involved in interrogating suspects." Following the US-backed invasion of Somalia by Ethiopian troops, thousands of Somalis have tried to escape the violence by crossing the long, porous border with Kenya. Many of those caught on the Kenya-Somalia border were accused of belonging to the Islamic Courts and refused entry. At least 150 of those who managed to get through were detained by Kenyan police, including 17 women and 12 children, one a baby of seven months . Many needed medical attention but did not receive it, including a pregnant Tunisian woman who had a bullet lodged in her back. All were held in Kenyan prisons for several weeks without access to lawyers and family members. As well as being interrogated by the FBI, human rights groups in Nairobi also claimed British officials were involved. " The Americans had direct access to the prisoners, one on one ," said Al-Amin Kimathi of the Muslim Human Rights Forum, adding that US diplomatic vehicles carried the suspects from Nairobi police stations to be questioned. "Senior Kenyan police officers told us they had nothing to do with the operation," said Mr Kimathi. "It was out of their hands." Four of the people taken to Somalia were British. But the day after they arrived in Mogadishu, they were questioned by British diplomats then released. The US has claimed that Somalia's Islamic Courts, which controlled much of the country until December, was run by an al-Qa'ida cell. Ethiopian troops, backed by US intelligence and logistical support, overpowered the Islamic Courts within a few days of fighting at the end of last year. An interim Somali government, which had been confined to its base in Baidoa, has since taken control of Mogadishu, but guerrillas linked to the Islamic Courts have launched an insurgency with almost daily attacks against government and Ethiopian troops. Ugandan peacekeepers, operating under the auspices of the African Union (AU) have also been subjected to attacks since they arrived in the capital last week. One diplomat who follows events in Somalia closely said reports of interrogation by US officials were "highly plausible". The deportation of the foreign nationals was "one of the prices we pay for the situation we are in". Anger over the treatment of Kenyan Somalis trying to cross the border has intensified. Groups based in Mombasa have threatened to disrupt this weekend's world cross-country championships. The US embassy in Nairobi has issued a terror alert, warning that an attack may be carried out during the event.
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: MOGADISHU, March 22 (Reuters) - The Somali government said on Thursday that al Qaeda had made a young militant Islamist commander its leader in Mogadishu..."And after they had a long consultation with al Qaeda, they named Aden Hashi Ayro as head of (al Qaeda) operations in Mogadishu ." Another bad attempt by an illegitimate government to project the resistance as terrorists. This resistance is aimed at ending the Ethiopian occupation. The TFG are trying to brush it off as just another Al-Qaeda outfit. They may fool 'terrotist watchers' in the international community, but they will not fool the Somali public with these false accusations. The US would have jumped at such information if it was at all credible. Nairobi based Ambassador Michael Ranneberger was recently quoted by Reuters as saying that the "the daily attacks were not likely to be the work of al Qaeda".
GD - You display unrivalled enthusiasm at this doomed project. I hope you don't get a heart attack at its sudden end. In the meantime, continue with your fallacies.
Originally posted by General Duke: Nothing major saxib the TFG has moved men into the hot spots and will continue to do so insha Allah. There can only be one power in Somalia . I think we all agree that there should be only one power in Somalia. That one power needs to have certain prerequisites, all of which the TFG lacks. This is the question you have to address. The TFG is attempting to do something never done in the history of nation-states; and that is an ambition to become an ultimate power within its boundaries by using an outside force to occupy and subdue its own citizens. This was never done successfully and certainly not possible in Somalia.
Originally posted by General Duke: Bilal Well lets see how long they keep them weapons.Those who do not learn will constantly repeat their mistakes. Its the TFG that should learn from their mistakes. The more they press on this path, the worse the outcomes. This calls for an uprising from the population and the TFG will get just that. Empires collapsed from uprisings. Don't forget the last time there was popular uprising in Mogadishu, the might and bank accounts of the biggest intelligence organisation could not contain the residents of Mogadishu. The TFG ought to tread carefully.
Bilaal, the TFG did not start this war and has not ever disrespected dead corpses.. Give us one example. All the images have been from one side, right or wrong? The TFG did start this latest round of violence. It was triggered by its ill-advised plan to forcefully disarm civilians. As for the images, all agree that dead corpses should be respected. The forces which met these occupiers were mainly people trying to defend their neighborhoods. As such this was a popular uprising. Instead of rushing to conclusions though, we ought to place those images into context. Mogadishu's civilians see these soldiers along with their supporters as their enemise. They've dashed their hopes and snatched away the little peace they've fought so hard to achieve. Many of those civilians in the pictures, may have had direct and unbleasant contact with the occupying forces. Their reaction should be viewed from that angle. ***Caano Geel, read my post once again. I am not condoning the mutilation of the bodies. I'm just dismayed at the reaction from some quarters. These soldiers were in the process of killing more civilians if they were not met with the kind of uprising that they did meet.
Where were these fools when headlines such as "The road to Mogadishu is littered with corpses" were common place. Whose corpses were those back then? TFG and occupying soldiers deserve the harshest treatment. They've been implicated in the torture and brutal murders of countless civilians. Why weren't there the same shock and dismay filling these pages now? Are we to excuse the countless evils committed by these occupying forces and blame the uprising of the subjucated? TFG supporters can't seek the moral high ground whenever it suits them.
Allah has saved our Mujaahidiin from their enemies. The most sophisticated satellite imagery coupled with the might of the biggest army in the world could not track them down. Allahu Akbar. "If Allaah helps you none can overcome you, and if He forsakes you, who is there, after Him, that can help you. And in Allaah (alone) let believers put their trust." -Qur'an (3:160) BBC oo waraysatay Sheekh Xassan Daahir Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shuurada ee midowgii maxkamadaha Islaamka, Sheekh Xassan Daahir Aweys, ayaa dib u soo baxay markii ugu horaysay tan iyo markii dhaqdhaqaaqiisa laga saaray Soomaaliya bishii December, oo ay ka awood roonaadeen ciidamada Itoobiya. Weraysi uu Telefoonka ku siiyay BBC-da, ayaa Sheek Aweys uu sheegay in uu wali ku sugan yahay dalka Soomaaliya. Wuxuu sheegay in Soomaaliya xoog lagu haysto, dadkuna ay xaq u leeyihiin in ay iska kiciyaan kuwa qabsaday . Sheekh Xassan Daahir Aweys, ayaa sheegay in maxkamadaha Islaamka ay ahayd in laga abaalmariyo nabaddii iyo amnigii ay soo celiyeen, balse bulshada caalamku ay taas ku guuldaraysatay. Sheekh Aweis, wuxuu sheegay in mustaqbalka uu tixgalin doono wax walba oo dadka Soomaaliyeed ay go'aansadaan. Weriyayaasha ayaa sheegayay in aysan kala cadayn ilaa goor dhowad in Sheekh Aweys uu ka badbaaday weeraradii cirka ay saldhigyadooda koonfurta Soomaaliya ay ku qaadeen military-ga Itoobiya iyo Maraykanka. Here's the BBC Interview It starts from 07:43s.
Originally posted by General Duke: MMA do not delete this thread, there are no clan names in it MMA has already closed the earlier thread. I commend him on that. MMA, please close this thread as well. There should be zero tolerance on this matter. This site is all the better for it.
Check out this inspiring message from a true Somali. View video: Appeal to the Somali People
Originally posted by TheSomaliEconomist: A bit of contradictory arent we? You begin with making it clear that insurgency exists, is ongoing and is the only way out, just to dissolve the fact that there are insurgents in the country a couple of posts later. Make up your mind sir? Read my original post carefully. Originally posted by BiLaaL: These folks don't realise that only the insurgency will deliver us out of this misery, with our dignity intact. The TFG can't solve Somalia's problems, its waiting for foreigners to do it. This can only mean a prolonged occupation. The average poor Somali mother's best chance for a speedy end to this choas is for the insurgency to hit the enemy harder and faster. Lack of an insurgency will only prolong this choas, not shorten it . BTW - I wouldn't label our Somali brothers as 'insurgents'. This is a genuine struggle to end an illegal occupation. While there may be legal questions over the status of Iraq, Somalia's struggle is a clear-cut one. There is nothing contradictory about it. Concentrate on the bold part. It says 'lack of'; denoting the absence of something desirable, in this case the insurgency. It contrasts the presence of an insurgency to a scenario where there is none. The latter part of the sentence, 'will only prolong this choas, not shorten it'; is once again hinting at the necessity of an insurgency. If that no-brainer of a sentence stretched your intellect, one better understands your poor stance in regards to your occupied homeland(if you're Somali). Originally posted by TheSomaliEconomist: ...just to dissolve the fact that there are insurgents in the country a couple of posts later. Make up your mind sir? At the end of my post, reprinted below, my contention concerns the terminology in use. Originally posted by BiLaaL: I wouldn't label our Somali brothers as 'insurgents'. This is a genuine struggle to end an illegal occupation. While there may be legal questions over the status of Iraq, Somalia's struggle is a clear-cut one. The above quote does not come anything close to 'dissolving' the insurgency. The discussion has, by that time, moved on from affirming the existence of an insurgency to how we ought to be referring to it. Don't be too haste in you're replies. If you want to put forth your thoughts about a post, afford the poster some respect by carefully reading the contents of the post before replying.
These folks don't realise that only the insurgency will deliver us out of this misery, with our dignity intact. The TFG can't solve Somalia's problems, its waiting for foreigners to do it. This can only mean a prolonged occupation. The average poor Somali mother's best chance for a speedy end to this choas is for the insurgency to hit the enemy harder and faster. Lack of an insurgency will only prolong this choas, not shorten it. BTW - I wouldn't label our Somali brothers as 'insurgents'. This is a genuine struggle to end an illegal occupation. While there may be legal questions over the status of Iraq, Somalia's struggle is a clear-cut one.
Originally posted by Jabhad: Talaado, March 13, 2007(HOL): Axmed Cali Xasan oo ah seyga qaba Haweeneydan ayaa isna saxafiyiinta la hadlay, wuxuuna sheegay in xaaskiisa loogeystay xadgudub ka dhan ah bani’aadannimada, wuxuuna carrabka ku dhuftay in ay xiriir la sameeyeen Saldhigga Ciidamada Itoobiya ee Ceel Carfiid iyo dhinaca Dowladda Federaalka, balse aysan ilaa iyo haatan helin wax jawaab ah . Miskiintaan iyo kuwa lamid ah dhibkeeda ilaahay ha u fududeeyo. This aggrieved family have made contact with the Ethiopian headquarters at Ceel Carfiid as well as the TFG. Presumably, Suubaan can recognise the faces of these two soldiers. If the TFG truly has the sovereignty it claims to have, it should immediately commence criminal charges against the soldiers involved. Theoretically, the TFG has jurisdiction over all criminal matters committed on Somali soil. Rape, when committed by serving armed personnell, is considered as a heinous crime under international law. There is precedent for such cases in places such as Rwanda and Bosnia. If the TFG does not undertake the necessary criminal proceedings, it should, at the least, demand the applicable punishment from the Ethiopian authorities against these two soldiers. In any case, the TFG cannot afford to remain silent. One of its citizens has been gravely mistreated by an occupying force it has allowed into its own territory. Lack of action in this much publicised case will encourage more Ethiopian/Ugandan troops to commit more rapes. For the sake of past victims and to prevent any future incidents, Suubaan's ordeal cannot go unpunished. Lets await the reply from the TFG and their Xabashi masters.
Two dead as Ethiopian troops opened fire at a passenger bus
BiLaaL replied to Wisdom_Seeker's topic in Politics
^^Another confused traitor. Conduct your calculations very carefully. Heedless traitors and collaborators always run out time before they realise. Ilaahey ha u naxriisto miskiinta kudhimatay gacanta gaalada. -
Originally posted by Hunguri: Bilaal, sxb and my brother. That is all about debating. I got your point, which is that you are not a man of a minority tribe. But, does n't like practicing Qabiil ideology. That's the essence of your post, if not wrong. Anyhow, We are all equall with one relegion/Muslim/Sunni and one Race. There is nothing majority and minority. I got it saaxiib. And, I rested my case !!!! [/QB] Mahadsanid walaal. Actually, i happen to come from a minority tribe. But as you correctly put it, we are Muslims and Somalis, our clan should come last and even then should be exercised with caution, according to Allah's criteria not our own. O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). (Al-Hujuraat, 13) MMA, aniga dadka eedeeynayo reer Boosaaso ama warbaahinta Shabeelle midna kuma jiri. Fikradeeyda waxeey aheed in aan wax kasheeygo dadka bada kudhamaaday iyo waxyaalaha ku kalifay ineey naftooda qatar galiyaan. Kuligeen ilaahay hanoo wada dambi dhaafo, xikmad aan kufahano qabiilka xumaantiisana kuligeen hanawada siiyo.