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Everything posted by BiLaaL

  1. ^Juje, i take your point. Yes, i do agree that this conference will not reconcile conflicting parties inside the country. One doesn't have that kind of luxury in the middle of an occupation. We have a greater evil to contend with. Only when the occupiers leave the country can we move towards the noble aims you've described.
  2. Originally posted by NGONGE: But they’ll be seen by many as being Eritrean puppets. Which brings us back to the same question: how are they different to those in the Somali capital? Ngonge - Let me shed some light on this by using a Somali phrase. Soomaalidu waxeey dhahdaa: Nin soo jeedo lama kicin karo. This may be interpreted as: if one chooses to overlook facts, then none can awake him to it. Simplicity intertwined with immense wisdom. What i mean is this: apart from being based in Asmara, you will not find in this group, the usual characteristics of a puppet entity. Or can you? Its simply a coincidence that Eriteria happens to have the same enemy as this group. One cannot use this to trash this noble-aimed anti-occupation movement.
  3. Originally posted by Juje: Furthermore , how will it be different from the one called by the TFG. It will be a meeting of those who are of same thinking and policy - it will not resolve anything as there will be no conflicting asides attending it . This conference, unlike the Ethio one, is willing to accomodate all parties, even those who disagree with it. Apart from the usual quarrels, the only essential condition is that one must believe in ending the occupation - surely that isn't too much to ask from your fellow occupied countrymen. The group in Asmara is not to be seen as a mere opposition. They are alot more than that. Whereas the TFG wishes to pave the forward along clan lines, the opposition is more pragmactic and looks to settle matters politically. These are two distinct choices.
  4. Except for the difficuty in bringing delegates together, Asmara is perfectly fine with me. If this conference succeeds in agitating the occupiers and their supporters, a feat its sure to achieve, then that of itself will suffice.
  5. ^I seem to think that such a conference is well overdue. It seeks to distract attention from and undermine the Ethiopian led one. However, i do agree that Asamara, while having its strenghts, is not the most preferred of locations. But then again, things are never ideal when your declared aim is to end an occupation and you're in the middle of one.
  6. Mogadishu 11, July 07 ( Sh.M.Network)-Warsaxaafadeed ay soo saareen maanta golihii maxaakiimta islaamka Somaliyed ayaa waxaa ay ku baaqeen kulan arimaha Somalia looga hadli doona oo ka dhici doona waddanka Eritrea, sida ay warsaxaafadeedka ku sheegeen. Warsaxaafadeedkaasi ka dib oo Seekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed wareysi uu siisey idaacadda Shabelle isagoo ku sugan magaalada Asmara ee waddanka Eretrea, ayaa waxaa uu sheegey in aaney marnaba ka qeyb qaadan doonin kulanka shirka dib u heshisinta beelaha Somaliyeed oo la sii sheegay in uu Muqdisho ka qabsoomi doono bartamaha bishan aynu ku guda jirno ee July. Waxaa uu guddomiyaha Golihii Maxaakiimta islaamka shaaca ka qaadey in iyagu ay ku baaqayaan kulan arimaha Somalia looga hadli doona kaas oo ka dhici doona waddanka Eritrea bisha Sepmteber, kaas oo uu sheegey Sheekh Shariif in ay ka soo qeyb gali doonaan xubno ka tirsan kuwa la baxey baarlamaanka xurta ah,siyaasiyiin magac leh iyo ururo bulsho. Waxaa uu sheegey Sheekh Shariif in kullanka Muqdisho lagu wado in uu ka qabsoomo uu yahay mid aan wax natiijo ah keeneyn inta ay dalka ku sugan yihiin ciidamada Ethiopia oo uu sheegey in ay yihiin kuwo soo duuley oo dalkii qabsadey. Mar wax laga weydiiyey in uu wada hadal dhex marey isaga iyo guddoomiyaha shirka dib u heshiisiinta qaran Mudane Cali Mahdi ayaa waxaa uu sheekhu ku jawaabey " in aaney wax wada hadal dhex marin isaga iyo Mr Mahdi oo uu ku tilmaamey in uu yahay mid daba dhilif u ah gumeystaha iyo dadka la socda sida uu hadalka u dhigey Sheekh Shariif. Si kastaba ha ahaatee warsaxaafadeedkaan ayaa waxaa uu ku soo beegmayaa xilli uun ay ka harsan yihiin maalmo shirka dib u heshiisiinta qaran ee lagu ballamey in uu ka dhaco Muqdisho,kaasoo marar badan baaqdey.
  7. Date: _05_/07_/07 Asmara - Eritrea Walaalayaal sida aad ka wada dharagsan tihiinba wadada lagu xoreynayo dalkeena waa dheer tahey , waana dhib badan tahey , waxeyna leedahey dhimasho, dhaawac, barakac , burbur iyo kala harid ay kala haraan dadkii safka ku wada jirey .
  8. Crackdown in Ethiopia condemned Ethiopia's government has been accused of forcing thousands of civilians from their homes in a campaign against separatist rebels in the south-east. US-based Human Rights Watch says troops had burned homes, seized livestock and carried out arbitrary arrests. The group also accused the rebels of targeting officials and clan leaders who failed to support its insurgency. Security was stepped up in April in the remote Somalia region after a deadly rebel raid on a Chinese-run oil field. The ethnic Somali rebels - the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) - have been fighting for secession for the Somali region, also known as the ******, since the 1990s. Eyewitnesses "The Ethiopian government appears to be pursuing an illegal strategy of collective punishment of the civilian population, and the ONLF has targeted civilians for attack," Human Rights Watch's Africa director Peter Takirambudde said. "Whatever the military strategy behind them, these abuses violate the laws of war," his statement continued. But Bereket Simon, special adviser to Ethiopia's prime minister, denied the accusations. "The facts on the ground are absolutely different from what they say," AP news agency quotes Mr Bereket as saying. HRW's Tom Porteous told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme that the report was based on evidence collected from people fleeing the region, mainly to neighbouring Somaliland. "Whatever the sympathies of those civilians in the Somali region, it is quite clear under international humanitarian law that targeting these civilians is illegal and acceptable," he said. "In the long run it's counter-productive; it's likely to lead to an escalation of the conflict rather than a de-escalation of it. This conflict has serious regional implications." Meanwhile, about 100 Somalis are reported to be stranded on the border after being deported from Ethiopia, but refused permission to enter Somaliland. source
  9. War bixin ku saabsan tacaddi ciidamada Ethiopia ay ka geysteen dhulka ismaamulka Somalida Mogadishu 04, July 07 ( Sh.M.Network)-Warbixin ay maanta soo saartay hay'ada u dooda xaquuqda aadanaha ee Human Right Watch oo nuqul ka mida la soo gaarsiiyey Shabelle ayey ku sheegtay in militariga Ethiopia ay si qasab ah ku barakiciyeen kumaan kun oo rayid Soomaali ah oo ku dhaqan bariga dalka Ethiopia todobaadyadii dhowaa, iyadoo ololaheeda ka dhanka ah dhaqdhaqaaqa gooni goosadka ah ee ka dagaalama dhulka Soomaalida ee Ethiopia ee ONLF. Hay'ada waxa ay leedahay labaduba; dowlada Ethiopia iyo jabhada xoreynta ********iya ONLF waa inay ilaaliyaan rayidka oo ay xaqiijiyaan inay galaan gal u heli karaan samafalka bani'aadnimo. Gudaha gobolada Soomaalida ay degto ee bariga dalka Ethiopia ee loo yaqaan kililka Shanaad, militariga Ethiopia waxa ay weeraraan tuulooyinka, waxay barakiciyeen rayid ku dhaqnaa aagaga Wardheer, Qorahey iyo Dhagahbur iyo xitaa meelaha aan lagu aqoon in ay joogto ONLF. "Ciidamada Ethiopia waxa ay burburinayaan tuulooyinka iyo hantida dadka, waxay la wareegaan xoolaha, waxay ku qasbaan shacabka inay guuraan," ayuu yiri Peter Takirambudde, oo ah agaasimaha xaquuqda aadanaha ee Human Rights Watch qeybta Afrika oo intaasi raaciyey "istiraatiijiyad kasta oo arrintan laga leeyahay waxa ay xadgudub ku tahay xeerarka dagaalka," Dad goob joogayaal ah ayaa u sheegay Human Rights Watch in ciidamaad Ethiopia ay gubeen ama ay ku amreen dad rayid ah inay ka tagaan tobaneeyo tuulooyin ah oo ku yaalley hareeraha magaalooyinka Dhagaxbuur, Qabridahare iyo Wardheer. Aaga Wardheer , dad badan oo ku deganaa dhul masaafihiisu dhan yahay 100 km ayaa lagu qasbay inay ka tagaan aqaladooda sababo la xiriira weeraro lagu soo qaaday tuulooyinkooda oo ay soo qaadeen militariga Ethiopia, kuwaasoo dagaalo ay dhexmaraan jabhada ONLF. Tuulooyinka ku teesday magaalada Shilaabo ee aaga Qorahey iyo nawaaxiga magaalooyinka Dhagaxbuur iyo Qabridahare ayaa sidoo kale waxaa saameyn ku yeeshay ololaha dagaal ee ay ciidamada Ethiopia kaga soo horjeedaan ONLF. Goob joogayaal ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Ethiopia ay gubaan guryaha iyo hantida oo ay ku jirto dalagii dhowaan go'ay iyo keydka kale ee cuntada ee loogu talagalay dadka rayidka, waxayna sidoo kale askarta Ethiopia ay la wareegaan xoolaha nool iyo iyadoo mararka qaar geysta dilal iyo barakacin rayid. Ciidamada amaanka ee Ethiopia ayaa sidoo kale mas'uul ka ah xariga aan kala sooca laheyn ee ka dhaca magaalooyinka waaweyn, gaar ahaan xariga loo geysto qoysaska la tuhmo in dadkooda ay ku xubno ka yihiin ONLF. Magaalada Dhagaxbuur, ugu yaraan 20 qoys oo looga shakiyey inay qaraabo la yihiin ONLF ayaa lala wareegay geelooda . 18-kii bishii June, tuulada Labiga oo ku yaalla koonfurta magaalada Dhagaxbuur ayaa ciidamada Ethiopia waxaa la sheegay inay dileen 21 qof oo tuulo joog ahaa kuwaasoo madax adeygay markii ciidamada Ethiopia ay isku dayeen inay dhacaan xoolahooda . Ururka Human Right Watch waxa kale oo uu warbixintiisa ku sheegay in dowlada Ethiopia ay sidoo kale xayiraad xaga ganacsiga ku soo rogtay gobolka ilaa bishii June, iyadoo markaa uun loo ogolaa badeecooyin yar oo ay ku jiro raashinka, waxaana gobolka kililka 5aad uu ganacsi ahaa ku xiran yahay waqooyinka Soomaaliya oo ay deris yihiin, gaar ahaan magaalooyinka hargeysa iyo Boosaaso. Gabagabeynta lagu hayo tuulooyinka iyo xayiraada xaga dhaqaalaha ayaa warbixinta lagu sheegay inay qeyb ka yihiin istaraatiijiyada kumaan kun oo dad ah looga soo rarayo miyiga oo loo keenayo magaalooyinka, laguna baabi'inayo saldhigyada taageerada ah ee la siiyo ONLF. Warbixinta Human Rights Watch waxay kaloo sheegaysaa in ONLF ay mas'uul ka aheyd xadgudubyo badan oo dhacay. Bishii April ee la soo dhaafay, weerar lagu qaaday deegaanka Cobol ee shidaalka laga soo saaro, waxaa laguy dilay tobaneeyo rayid ah oo ay ku jiraan sagaal shaqaalaha saliida oo Chinese ah iyo ugu yaraan 28 rayid ah oo la shaqeenayey shirkada Chinese-ka ah meel ku dhow tuulada Sandhore. 28-kii bishii May, dagaalyahaniinta ONLF waxaa la sheegay inay weeraro bam-gacmeedyo ah la beegsadeen meelo ay ka socdeen xaflado oo ku kala yaalla magaalooyinka JigJiga iyo Dhagaxbuur. Waxaa dhacay qaraxyo iyo isjiirid ay sameeyeen dadkii isku soo baxay, waxaana meelahaasi la weeraray lagu dilay 17 qof iyo dhaawac soo gaaray tobaneeyo kale oo uu ku jiro madaxweynaha is-maamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia. Badi dadka ku dhintay labadaasi weerar ee isdaba yaalay waxaa ku jiray 17-jir arday ahaa iyo tiro haweena. ONLF waa ay beenisay mas'uuliyada weeraradaasi laakiin waxaa hay'adu ay sheegtay in ay taariikh u leedahay beegsiga mas'uuliyiinta rayidka iyo hogaamiyayaasha qabaa'ilka ee diida inay taageeraan kacdoonka. "rayidka ku dhaqan gobolka Soomaalida ee dalka Ethiopia waxay ku dhex go'doomay dhinacyo iska soo horjeeda," ayuu yiri Takirambudde oo intaasi ku daray in ciidamada dowlada Ethiopia ay u muuqdaan inay wadaan qorshe sharci daro ah oo lagu ciqaabayo rayidka. Hay'ada Human Rights Watch ayaa ugu baaqday dowlada Ethiopia iyo jabhada ONLF inay hubiyaan in rayidka iyo hantidooda ay ka nabad galaan weerarada aan kala sooca laheyn isla markaana hay'adaha gargaarka ee caalamiga ee madaxabanaan galaan gal loo siiyo in kaalmada bani'aadnimo la gaarsiiyo rayidka u baahan.
  10. NAIROBI (Reuters) - A U.S.-based human rights group accused the Ethiopian military on Wednesday of burning homes and forcibly displacing thousands of villagers in a campaign against separatist rebels in the southeastern ****** region. Prime Minister Meles Zenawi announced a crackdown last month on insurgents in ****** who raided a Chinese-run oil exploration field in April, killing 74 people. The ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) is seeking more autonomy for its ethnically Somali region, bordering Somalia. Addis Ababa says it is a terrorist group bankrolled by arch-foe Eritrea. Human Rights Watch (HRW) said soldiers had destroyed property, confiscated livestock and reduced recent harvests to cinders as part of an escalating crackdown on the group. Quoting witnesses, it said in a few cases Ethiopian troops fired on and killed fleeing civilians. "Whatever the military strategy behind them, these abuses violate the laws of war," HRW Africa director Peter Takirambudde said in a statement. Ethiopian officials declined comment. HRW accused security forces of being responsible for the arbitrary detention in the ******'s larger towns, particularly of family members of suspected ONLF insurgents. It alleged Ethiopian troops killed 21 villagers on June 18, in Labiga village, south of Dhagahbur town, as they resisted military attempts to take their livestock. HRW said Ethiopian authorities had blocked trade to ****** since June, squeezing food supplies to the remote region of largely nomadic herders. HRW said ONLF fighters allegedly targeted two large gatherings in the towns of Jigjiga and Dhagahbur with hand grenades in May. The blasts and the crowd stampedes they caused killed 17 and wounded dozens including ******'s regional leader. HRW said the ONLF, which denied responsibility for the attacks, has a record of targeting officials and clan leaders who refuse to support the insurgency. "Civilians in Somali region are trapped between the warring parties," Takirambudde said. "The Ethiopian government appears to be pursuing an illegal strategy of collective punishment of the civilian population, and the ONLF has targeted civilians for attack."
  11. I don't doubt that AY received the number of votes he did receive. The real contention is with the legitimacy and fairness of the election process. Was electoral fraud a factor? In an election as important as it was purported to be, why weren't there election monitors present? The reality is that those 'elections' were neither observed nor scrutinised by another outside party, state or NGO based. They were elections where Zenawi gathered a bunch of warlords, proclaimed a non-existent process, pre-determined the results and used the aftermath to achieve some long-held goals. Its that simple. Do you really believe that those elections stood up to requirements? And here's a no-brainer - just who or where was the constituency?
  12. “ Waa hagaag, Dadkaasi waxay isugu soo urureen sidii ay u dumin lahaayeen dadaalka loogu jiro Shirweynaha Dib-u-heshiisiinta Qaranka Somalia, taasi waa arrin jirta, laakiin kuma guuleysan doonaan, waayo ma haystan Taageeradda, waan ku celinayaa mar kale, ma haystaan taageeradda cid ka mid ah qabaa’illadda iyo jufo-hoosaadyadda Beelaha Somalia,mana awoodi karaan inay guuleystaan” ayuu yiri Ambassador Ranneberger . This is a load of rubbish. These are the utterances of a desperate Ambassador who's about to be relocated, over his incompetency, to some remote country in central Asia. He's simply trying to delay the harshness of the life awaiting him. Both he and Frazer have been a complete failure in their efforts to isolate the leadership in Asmara, whether consisting of the ICU or former parlamentarians' from the crumbling TFG. Their rumblings have withered down to nitpicking, as is evident in this post. Ranneberger along with plantation runner, Frazer, have been outmaneuvered. Their last ditch attempt to appease the group in Asmara by exerting pressure on the TFG (i.e. forcing them) to invite the leadership of the ICU to the reconciliation conference, was dead on arrival. Having secured this much heralded concession from the TFG, the relationship with the group in Asmara was supposed to get better. Right? Wrong! The group in Asamara announced the invitation dead on arrival. Why? Simple - important conditions set out in previous communiques were not present. Namely, that Ethiopian troops withdraw from Somalia. The clear vision and resoluteness of this group has suprised many. Following this news, Frazer gave a rather dejected sounding interview to the BBC. The comments in this post and recent ones by Frazer are mere outings of frustration. They shall perish in their rage as their plans vanish before their eyes. I've left this point late due to its conspicuousness. Shrouding a thousand layers of falsehood will not conceal it: The ICU leadership and the honorable parliamentarians in the aptly named 'Free Parliament' have the utmost support of the Somali people. They shall continue to have this support as long as their goal remains the expulsion of the occupying forces. Links on the now defunct invitation: DKMG ah oo sheegtay in maxkamadihii islaamka ay ka soo qeybgali karaan shirka dib u heshiisiinta. Islamists Invited to Somali Reconciliation Talks
  13. Originally posted by Faarax-Brown: People have been travelling this weekend to "greet" the P.M(Puppet Minister) with placards & Demos. Good on them.
  14. If we're going to discuss things let us do it with facts. Not spin. Facts are themselves products of manipulation. Genuine facts are hard to come by in that part of the world. I think our argument comes down to which group truly cares about the cause of Palestine. I seem to think Hamas. You Fatah. Anything outside of this is pure conjecture. Having said that, i do acknowlege and respect your views.
  15. Originally posted by NGONGE: I ask you again if you have been following the news! As this drama unfolded, various Fattah members gave interviews criticising the president for being slow in moving against Hamas or ordering his Fattah fighters to fight back. These are FACTS. Look them up! I'm aware of the interviews you mention but i don't rely on them as 'facts'. Its not their existence that i deny but the unfaithfulness of those who have uttered them. If Abbas had a security force strong enough to confront Hamas's, he wouldn't have hesitated to confront them for a moment. Indeed, the west would have forced him to do just that. However, the reality as acknowledged both by the West and Fatah is that Hamas is the undisputed force in the territories for the time being. Fatah would risk annihilation if it attempted confronting Hamas. Again, the interviews you refer to were given by emtionally charged ministers who lack knowledge on the security dynamics of the territories. Their words carry no weight. I called it as I saw it, ignorant! And I shall keep calling such nonsense ignorant until these kids either improve their arguments or not bother to post at all . I still think there are better ways of addressing diverging views. Frankly, i'm not a fan of Arafat either. It seems the endemic corruption of Fatah was not a limited one. Arafat himself was accused of stashing public funds into his Swiss accounts. In any case, lets not ponder on his legacy. Every soul will have to give account to the ultimate judge on the day of Al-Ghashiya. I'm not saying that we might not discover that he is indeed a traitor and a turncoat, however, today, the Hamas leadership are not calling him that . Hamas would commit political suicide, in the eyes of the West, if they were to call Abbas a traitor. Whether Hamas call him a traitor or not is not all that important though. His actions speak volumes. I don't even think the discussion here has really started. I'm just annoyed by your readiness to break it into sides and choosing a righteous side without having the complete facts . The essential facts have been evident for a long time. I'd choose the side which does not comprise on its ideals. Hamas have not. Fatah always does. It's more than certain that both sides have made mistakes and are going to make more mistakes. But, it is also definite (as the title of this thread suggests) that these two groups have no choice but to WORK with each other. Something I believe they will. This is where i strongly disagree with you. Two sides whose visions are so far apart can never work together. Either Fatah will rehabilitate itself into a proper anti-occupation movement and stop acting as a proxy for the West or engage in a perpetual struggle with Hamas. A struggle which it cannot win despite Western money and arms. In the end, the visions of Hamas and Fatah will have to merge or one of them will have to leave the scene. Its illogical to expect that Fatah and Hamas will ever work together. They may work together in the short term but never on a long term basis.
  16. Originally posted by Castro: What is the alternative to "Islamic bravery"? Secular submission to the west? Clan collaboration with the occupiers? Do Castro and Chavez also have an Islamic bravery fever? What happened to Abbas' Islamic bravery? Washed away with too much money in a Swiss account? Give me a break saaxib. If the Palestinian people had any love for Fatah they would not have voted for Hamas. They wanted change and they naively thought they got it. Instead, they suffered a crushing economic embargo militarily enforced by the dabodhilif in Fatah from within and Israeli might from without. Sound familiar? As a Somali, you ought to at least know there's nothing worse than your own kind selling you out. Nicely put.
  17. Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^So Xasan Dahir word [the man who promised to fight but fled] is now more the the UN report? Correct. The report had an agenda and was commissioned both to damage the ICU's reputation and to hide the UN's own shortcomings. Firstly, The UN's arms embargo, which was in place for a over a decade was clearly failing. Instead of conducting a proper investigation into how and why its embargo was being flaunted, the UN opted for the easier option. It drew up conspiracy theories of how arms were flowing into the country. Note well that the named countries all denied the charges. When pressed by the named countries to provide their evidence, the UN were silent as usual. Sheikh Sharif's reply to the report was that the ICU were armed by the Somali public who were themselves armed. Besides, the UN's approach was wrong as Somalia was awash with guns. Which is precisely why the report you so praise wasn't given the scantest of attention by credible analysts of the region. Originally posted by The Duke: Ok so when the UN reported stated the Clan Courts was an Eritrean based group it was wrong?Thus thats why they have a base in Eritrea and only Eritrea, coincidance right? Now you're adding your own snippets to the report. Come on Duke, dust yourself off. Yes, the ICU now runs some of its operations from Eriteria but it was not based there at the time the concerned report was published. If you want to argue why they are now based in Eriteria? Well, its quite simple. I'm sure you're quite familiar with the logic of my enemy's enemy is my friend. Eriteria is conveniently located and boasts of an audicious President with whom we share a common enemy. Its not uncommon for such parties to link up in their common struggle. You describe yourself as a realist or so i've gathered from your posts - should a realist be asking this kind of question? Originally posted by The Duke: As for the support of a nation, it took four days to get rid of them, what nation? A clan yes, a nation no saxib. You can't end a single post without tossing the tribal question can you Duke? I'm afraid i won't go down that path. The myriad and hypocritical world of tribalism is not for me. There are greater battles at hand.
  18. Originally posted by NGONGE: [QB] BiLal, Civilians did die in this latest conflict. Most did so at the hands of Hamas fighters . Whats you're definition of a civilian? At least in Gaza, Hamas were battling Fatah's security forces. At what stage does a gun-wielding Fatah fighter become a civilian? Your notion that Abbas stopped his security forces from fighting back in Gaza is totally flawed. Fatah's Western-armed but poorly trained fighters were completely routed by Hamas fighters. Serious analysts are in agreement with regards to this point. There's more to the story as Northerner's post indicates. This is a breaking story so don't draw any hasty conclusions just yet. P.S. I'd caution you against greeting other people's posts with a concert of abuse. The ignorance slur was totally uncalled for. If you have a point to contend then do so but without resorting to slurs.
  19. ^The quote is there in Somali. The source is an interview the Sheikh had with Aljazeera(23/6). I'm not into engaging in absurd role plays. Likewise, undusting medieval UN reports on the ICU will not prove anything. Most of the claims made against the ICU have all failed to materialise. It did not have nor require outside assistance. It had the capabilities of a whole nation behind it but that nation was none other than its own.
  20. Sheekh Aweys ayaa waxa uu si aad ah u cambaareeyay madaxweynaha dowladda Masar Xusni Mubaarak oo uu sheegay in aragti ahaan uu taageeray fara galinta ciidamada Ethiopia ay ku sameeyeen dalka Somalia. Read the article carefully. In it he lambasts Hosni Mubarak let alone the Egyptian secret service. Sh. Aweys was never anyone's puppet. You're bordering on hearsay. Produce some evidence or shut it mate.
  21. ^I remember reading similar outcries from Karzai not too long ago. Maintaining sanity is the biggest hurdle for every traitor. It seems like Karzai's inner guilt/sense of justice sometimes overpowers him. I don't suppose Yey or Geedi will ever succumb to such tensions or be moved by the blight of their people. These two men are hardcore traitors. Our only choice is to either exile them to the Ethiopian hinterland or to execute them.
  22. ^Sh. Aweys is fighting for a just cause and will leave this world an honored man. What will Yey leave with? The power he's always craved for is now a passing mirage. At least Sh. Aweys once got to exercise some real power and was never a pawn for anyone.
  23. Mogadishu 23, June.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Hogaamiyihii golaha Shuurada maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia, Sheikh Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa sheegay in ay isugu mid yihiin ciidamada Uganda iyo kuwa Ethiopia. Sheekh Aweys oo shalay wareysi siiyay TV ga afka carabiga ku hadla ee Aljazeera ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada ay beegsanayaan ee ku sugan wadanka Somalia ay qeyb ka yihiin ciidamada midowga Africa ee ka socda dalka Uganda ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho. Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo aan sheegin halka uu ku sugan yahay ayaa waxa uu tilmaamay in aanu kala sooceyn ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa Uganda ee ku wada sugan magaalada Muqdisho. Sheekha waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada Uganda taankiyo ay leeyihiin ay ka qeybqaadanayeen dagaalkii ugu dambeeyay ee ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho, sidaasi darteedna labada ciidan ay isugu mid yihiin . Sheekh Aweys ayaa waxa uu intaasi ku daray in markii horeba ciidamada Midowga Afrika ka socda ee Uganda ay u yimaadeen magaalada Muqdisho in ay garab siiyaan isla markaana ay taakuleeyaan ciidamada Ethiopia ee kaga soo horreeyay dalka Somalia. " Aragti ahaan nooma kala soocna ciidamada shisheeye ee jooga magaalada Muqdisho, waana beegsaneynaa" ayuu yiri Sheekh Aweys oo wareysi dheer siiyay TV ga Ajazeera. Mar waxa laga weydiiyay war bixin ka soo baxday waaxda difaaca Mareykanka, oo lagu sheegay in ay qorsheynayaan Sheekh Aweys iyo ragga ku fikirka ah in weeraro ay ku qaadaan danaha mareykanka uu ku leeyahay gobolka geeska Africa ayaa waxa uu ku jawaabay in arintaasi aanu wax micno ah laheyn, isagoo tilmaamay in aanu jirin wax faa'iido ah oo ka soo galaya haddii ay burburiyaan dhismayaal isla markaana dad caadi ah ay laayaan. Sheekha waxa uu sheegay in iyagu ay doonayaan in nidaam dhan ay buriyaan oo ay ku badalaan mid islaami ah hasayeeshee aanu dooneyn in guryo ay baabi'iyaan. Sheekh Aweys ayaa waxa uu si aad ah u cambaareeyay madaxweynaha dowladda Masar Xusni Mubaarak oo uu sheegay in aragti ahaan uu taageeray fara galinta ciidamada Ethiopia ay ku sameeyeen dalka Somalia. Waxa uu sheegay in hadalkii Madaxweynaha Masar uu ku sheegay in uu u fahmi karo sababta ay ciidamada Ethiopia u soo faragaliyeen dalka Somalia uu ahaa mid qaldan, isla markaana laga doonayo Madaxweynaha in arinkaasi uu dib uga laabto. Waxa uu sheegay in ay ka filanayeen in ay garab siiyaan shacabka Somaliyeed, hasayeeshee hadalka ka soo yeeray madaxweynaha dowladda Masar waxa uu yahay mid aan laga fileyn hogaamiye carbeedm isla markaana muslim ah.
  24. Originally posted by NGONGE: At least Hezbollah never turned its guns on its own people, in spite of major provocations . Hamas has not turned on its own people. Yes, they've driven Fatah's security forces out of Gaza but they've done nothing to hurt the common Palestinian. Indeed, their aim is the exact opposite. This is an important distinction. Most of Fatah's civil servants are still in Gaza. Is Hamas purging them? The answer is no. As for why Hamas has taken this action against Fatah? Simple. Fatah has been a thorn on the side of the palestinian cause for far too long. Sure, they may enjoy some support within the territories but this is limited to beneficiaries of its corrupt practices. Fatah comprises of secular and corrupt leaders who have conceded too much ground to the Israelis. Its almost as if they're a bunch of imported proxies. As long as Fatah is around, the palestinian cause will either remain stagnant or recede. Groups like Fatah are a blessing for the West and a curse for the Muslim world. One of the main reasons why the west has succeeded in its intrusions into the Islamic world is due to the existence of groups such as Fatah amongst us. Without such groups, the West's aggression would not have been as bold. Increasing number of Muslims are starting to realise this and are offering an ultimatum to such groups: either represent our cause as we see fit or bow out! The sooner these groups disappear from our radar the sooner we'll be able to achieve our goals.