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Originally posted by The Duke:Indeed. They are trying to move the goal post. This was a reconciliation conference between the clans. The clans have made peace. The goal post was incorrectly positioned to start with as there is no conflict between clans. There are, however, political differences. Once again, the conference did not succeed because it failed to address substantive political issues.
Originally posted by Juje: Somalia: Opinions Mixed As Reconciliation Conference Winds Up According to analysts, however, the conference did not achieve much and failed in its main task of reconciliation. "Reconciliation is the most urgent priority for Somalia but the TFG defined it in deliberately narrow terms, related to clans only. The conference achieved very little since none of the key issues essential to restoring security, as well as a broader peace, was discussed," said Salim Lone, a newspaper columnist and political commentator based in Nairobi, Kenya. Timothy Othieno, Horn of Africa analyst at the Institute for Global Dialogue in Johannesburg - The TFG forgot that it was an interim government created to "to facilitate a process that would legitimise whoever is chosen by the people - via credible elections" Added Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed of the UIC: "From beginning to end [the conference] was not about the interests of the Somali people but to legitimise the occupation." "If anything, the conference has worsened the plight of the population in Mogadishu", pointing out that thousands of people continue to leave the city due to the insecurity.
Originally posted by Juje:The conference has dramatically concluded cause of its iminent failure, Asmara one looks all so bright and getting all the attention. And brilliantly timed too. Let the real talks begin.
'Scale the mountains' ; Mandela's message to black Britain
BiLaaL replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Duke, you’re full or ironies. On the one hand you tender tacit approval to the ongoing occupation of your homeland and, on the other hand, here you’re posting an article about Mandela! – a man whose life exemplifies resistance to apartheid and foreign occupation in general. You’re adoration of Mandela is misplaced, given your current stance. Mandela would see you as a traitor to your people. Not to mention an imposter! Gordon Brown described Mandela as a man who was never subservient to anyone. Sadly, the same cannot be said of you. In fact, your subserviency is two-fold – you’re subservient to an illegitimate President who in turn is subservient to Zenawi. This Tigre tyrant merely plans to use both you and your illegitimate President as cannon fodder. Try this guy - i'm sure you'll feel more at home with him. -
Originally posted by ThePoint: I think the vast majority of Somalis are ready to share natural resources - the devil will be in the details. You’re quite right. Negotiations seldom run smoothly and are always prone to dispute among parties. Having said that, however, the two caveats you presented coupled with elements of accountability and transparency would come in handy in addressing some of the fears. Extremely difficult points of contention can usually be overcome by either inserting a sunset clause in the final document or by fostering a sense of competition among the stakeholders. To that end, I would reward oil producing regions that reach / maintain certain bench marks – e.g. efficiency in production, inventiveness etc. These two factors of either rewarding excellence or reassuring parties by written guarantee of a review after a certain period of time – should again allay fears. You're right about the prescription but I think it will be a long slow road for the demise of clannism in Somalia. This is where we differ. Tribalism is hardly the titanic its made out to be. The majority of Somalis have recognised the flaws inherent in tribalism and are ready to divorce it from their collective consciousness. The horrors of the last seventeen years have given rise to a population with a deep desire for change – all they require is a sincere, non-partisan, and pragmatic group of individuals armed with an alternative to tribalism. The rapid rise and success of the ICU had more to do with this sentiment than anything else. Tribalism is now largely confined to aiding immediate relatives (kin relationships), as it was initially intended. I think we should distinguish between the two forms of tribalism – the first is extreme, in that it often leads to direct confrontation between clans; and the milder, more familiar second form – this one is essentially political in nature. I would argue that the latter best defines the sort of tribalism present in Somalia today. This form of tribalism (political) is common place right around the globe. It is perfectly normal. It revolves around valid questions such as structure of government, form of constitution and its indivisibility, division of resources etc. As rightly highlighted by the ICU, the Free Parliament and the majority of clans; the current conflict revolves around political questions not tribal ones. This is precisely the reason why the current reconciliation conference has failed. I refuse to accept the notion that Somalia is in the grip of a tribal conflict. The only groups advocating that idea are foreign powers and their agents in the TFG, both of whose interests lie in dividing Somalis. In a nutshell, this self-perpetuating myth has been planted by foreigners. The decline of tribalism has been gradual for the last seventeen years and has arrived. It has been erased from the consciousness of most Somalis - all that is left is for the right political conditions to materialise.
Kooxaha u dooda xuquuda Aadanaha ee Kenya oo qaban qaabinaya banaanbaxyo Mogadishu 28, August 07 ( Sh.M.Network) Kooxda u dooda xaquuqda aadanaha ee dalka Kenya ayaa sheegtay in ay qorsheenayso banaanbax looga soo horjeedo xariga loo geystay nin u dhashay Soomaalida-Kenya oo u ololeeya muslimiinta Kenya oo lagu waayey magaalada Nairobi, loona maleenayo inay xirteen waaxda la dagaalanka argagixisada ee dalka Kenya. Kooxda muslimiinta ee xaquuqda aadanaha ee fadhigeedu yahay magaalada Nairobi ayaa hadda isku duweysa dibadbaxyo ka dhaca wadooyinka, taasoo daba socota waxa ay rumeysan yihiin afduubka loo geystay Faarax Maxamed Cabdulaahi oo ay ku sameeyeen booliska Kenya qeybta ka hor taga argagixisada. Cabdilaahi waxa uu ahaa nin u ololeeya siideynta dadka Muslimiinta Kenya ee lagu eedeeyo inay xiriir la leeyihiin argagixisada. Gudoomiyaha ururka Al-Amin Kimathi, ayaa faahfaahin ka bixiyey sida ay wax u dhaceen. “waxay aheyd Axadii la soo dhaafay, abaarahii halkii saac, Cabdulaahi oo ka sii baxaya masaajid ku yaalla xaafada Islii ayaa waxaa u yimid laba nin oo la hadlay dabadeedna ku ritay baabuur ay wateen, goob joogayaal ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in raga kaxeystay Cabdulaahi ay wateen gaari looga shakiyey inay lahaayeen waaxda la dagaalanka argagixisada,” Gudoomiyaha waxa uu intaasi ku daray in xiligaasi wixii ka dambeeyey aan indhaha laga qaadin Cabdulaahi. Kimathi waxa uu sheegay in qareenada ay kula taliyeen marqaatiga inaysan saxaafada la hadlin sababo la xiriira cabsi loo qabo amaankooda. Waxa uu sheegay in ku dhowaad todobaad la waday baadi goob, ka dibna la la ogaaday in Faarax Maxamed Cabdulaahi ay xiratay dowlada Kenya laakiin booliska waxa uu beeniyey inuu wax lug ah ku lahaa arrintan. Cabdulaahi waxaa lagu yaqaanay inuu u ololeeyey gaar ahaan siidenyta walaalkiisa ka yaraa oo la yiraahdo Cabdi Maxamed Cabdulaahi oo booliska ay xireen bilowgii sanadkan. Kimathi waxa uu sheegay in Faarax uu la xiriirayey walaalkiisa Cabdi oo uu sheegay in markii loo qaaday Muqdishu ka dib loo sii gudbiyey Ethiopia. Cabdi waxa uu ka mida ahaa 150 qof oo ka kala soo jeeda ugu yaraan sagaal wadan oo lagu xiray xadka Kenya ay la wadaagto Soomaaliya intii uu socday dagaalkii dhex maray maxkamadahii Islaamiga iyo ciidamada Ethiopia oraantii sanadkan, dadkaasi ayaa qaarkood la siidaayey. Kooxda u dooda xaquuqda bani’aadamka ee dalka Kenya waxa ay sheegay in badi dadkaasi ay weli ku xiran yihiin xabsiyada Ethiopia, laakiin dowlada Ethiopia waxa ay xaqiijisay xariga 41 ruux oo keliya oo lagu eedeeyey argagixisinimo. Kenyan Muslims Protest Abduction of Campaigner
^Waxuu ku hadlaayaa masiibada heeysato naagaha Somali. Meel walba waxaa ooga horeeyo kufsi iyo fara xumo. Fidiyaha waxaa lagu soo duubay meel dad qaxooti daganyihiin. Xabashada oo magaaladaha waaweeyn ku kufsadaan iyo tuulo qaxooti oo Somali balaayo ku farxumeeyaan. Meel eey nabad qabaan majirto.
Originally posted by ThePoint: ^I'm not sure we will be able to acheive oil 'nationalism' if we have no process for for the sharing of revenues within regions, between regions and with the central government. What you will get is oil clannism or resource clannism unless fair agreements can be worked out that have responsibilities attached to them. I'm glad that you commenced your reply by referring to regions rather than clans. Equitable revenue sharing can only be accomplished by shifting emphasis from clan-based distribution to a region-based one. Not only would this eliminate the 'resource clannism' that you speak of but it would also ensure that regions lacking oil fields of their own would also benefit. Resource nationalism thrives on a nationwide emotion - every Somali citizen needs to feel ownership before it can truly take hold. Bringing clans into the management of oil revenue would frustrate this ownership. It would also present foreign oil firms with the opportunity to do deals with and manipulate the different tribal stakeholders. Rather, an inter-regional Council with the Prime Minister as its head would be best suited to carry out the task of allocating oil revenue between regions. Inevitable differences (e.g. geographic location, population size etc) between regions would be taken into account with regards to allocation size. Put simply, oil revenue sharing (considering Somali has oil) is of national significance and as such would require cooperative action between National and state/regional governments. I doubt that many Somalis would have a problem with such a framework. No single region/state in Somalia is the exclusive territory of any clan. This reality is acknowledged by most Somalis. As such, we should be weary of adopting the views of an ever shrinking minority. This minority has already been given too much credit. We've reached a stage where no facet of life can be examined without throwing the issue of clans into the mix. In my view, tribalism is tantamount to a shadow minister who doesn't cast a shadow. It plays no significant role in the daily life of most Somalis. In fact, most Somalis abhor the favoritism it projects sometimes even within the same clan. More and more Somalis are starting to understand that tribalism is nothing more than a mosaic of concealed misfortune. As overwhelming as tribalism may seem in our society, what out people lack most is due process. An alternative policy with clear guidelines. Its the absence of these guidelines that forces the majority to be dicated to by the minority. So far, we haven't produced men with the intestinal fortitude to quash the idea of tribalism playing a role in the fiscal policies of our country. Oil exploration, free of foreign exploitation, carries great potentional for post-conflict Somalia. This potential economic saviour should never be allowed to fall into the hands of clannists.
Damiir waa lawada leeyahay oo qof walba ilaahay wuu ku abuuray, laakiin waxeey u baahantahay daqaaqis. Sababteey dadka u daqaaqi la'yihiin waxaa ka mid ah - xaalka meesha uu marayo oo dadka badanaa eenan ogeen inta yar oo ogna eey iska dhagatireen.
The sad but daily reality faced by our Somali sisters. Watch! AFP Video
^Waa runtaa. Saas hadeey tahay, kaftanka naga yareeya nimanyahow. Maanta kaftan nooma yaalo. Aan u danqano inta walaalo oo shalay la dilay iyo inta gabdho Soomaaliyeed oo maanta la kufsan doono.
^^At least 'tuuladaan' (Asmara) waa xor. Meel xor ah oo Soomaaliya ku taalo miyaad ii sheegi kartaan maanta?
Originally posted by Emperor: ayaa waraysi uu siiyay wakaalada wararka ee A.F.P wuxuu ku sheegay inay iyagu masuul ka yihin qaraxyada iyo dilalka qorshaysan ee ka socda magaalada muqdisho kuwaasoo siwayn loogu waxyeeleeyo dadka shacabka ah iyo waxgaradka ku nool magaalada Muqdisho Is this a serious post or just another desperate ploy from an inept TFG supporter? The above report misrepresents the initial AFP interview. Here's the actual AFP interview: MOGADISHU (AFP) Saturday, August 25, 2007 Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, chief of the executive arm of the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), said insurgents would step up their fight until all Ethiopian forces deployed in Mogadishu to bolster the feeble Somali government are withdrawn . "They will be pushed out from Somalia and we will take back our freedom by force," Ahmed told AFP in the Eritrean capital Asmara, the base of the Somali government foes. "We have a right to live in peace and in freedom and a right to manage our affairs ourselves.... Until we get that point, we will continue the fighting," Ahmed said. Although Ahmed urged the United Nations and Western powers to support the Islamist initiative, he renewed salvos against the United States, which backed Ethiopia in its moves to drive Islamists from Somalia. "The US is a large government, but they are supporting Ethiopia, supporting the dictator (Ethiopian prime minister) Meles Zenawi, who is killing our people." "Instead, we appeal to European countries, to the US, to the UN, to support us," he added, apparently acknowledging the weight of Washington's backing in global peace bids. There is no ambiquity in this report. Sheikh Sharif refers to ending the occupation. There isn't a single reference to the issue of civilian casualties. Sheikh Sharif dealt with that issue in a recent interview with Shabelle. He categorically denies that his group ever targeted civilians. See below. Caution: you'll need to discard your TFG goggles before reading. Maxkamadaha islaamka oo iska fogeeyay dilalka ka dhaca Muqdisho
Lobbies to Protest At Terrorism Arrests Daily Nation - Sunday, August 26, 2007 Nairobi (Daily Nation) - Muslim human rights activists are to hold street demonstrations to pressure the Government to seek the release of Kenyans being held abroad over terrorism. According to the Muslim Human Rights Forum, 18 Kenyans arrested since last year are being detained in Ethiopia, Somalia and Guatanamo Bay in Cuba. The lobby claims that the latest captive, Mr Farah Mohammed Abdullahi, 26, was abducted by Kenyan police last Sunday and his family fears he, too, will be taken out of the country. Mr Abdullahi's younger brother, Mr Abdi Rashid, was seized in January 20 by anti-terrorism police officers and questioned over links to a militia which took control of Somalia capital Mogadishu, but has since been ousted. "Efforts to trace my son indicate he was repatriated to Ethiopia where he is imprisoned," said their father, Mr Mohammed Abdullahi. "We have looked for him at police stations but we have not been able to find him." According to their lawyer, Mr Harun Ndumbi, Mr Farah was accosted on Sixth Avenue of Nairobi's Eastleigh estate by "people suspected to be security agents" after he left a mosque. However, police denied arresting the man. The disappearance was reported to the Kasarani police station in the city. "For the first two days since he went missing, we tried to raise him on his cellphone, and the calls went through but nobody answered," Mr Abdullahi said. "Since then, the phone is out of reach." Mr Abdullahi accused police of refusing to cooperate and said they are reluctant to carry out a search. Source: Daily Nation
Kenyan anti-rendition campaigner missing By TOM ODULA and DAVID OCHAMI, Associated Press Writers Sat Aug 25, 5:14 PM ET NAIROBI, Kenya - The family of a Kenyan Muslim who campaigned against the international transfer of prisoners with alleged terror links said Saturday that he has disappeared. Farah Mohammed Abdulahi, 26, was last seen on August 19 leaving a mosque in Nairobi's Eastlands district, being led into a car by three men in civilian clothing, said his father Mohammed Abdulahi. "We have tried calling him (Farah) on his cell phone. It rings and nobody speaks. ... We have gone to all police stations, but we cannot trace him," Mohammed said. Earlier this year, an Associated Press investigation into the transfer of prisoners over international borders — known as "rendition" — forced U.S. officials to acknowledge a secret program of transferring terrorism suspects arrested in Kenya to Ethiopian prisons. Farah Abdulahi became a vocal critic after his 19-year-old brother Abdi was arrested and imprisoned in Ethiopia in January. Those released from jail say they were interrogated by U.S. security agents on terror related issues. The CIA began an aggressive program in 2002 to interrogate suspected terrorists at an unknown number of secret locations from Southeast Asia to Europe. Prisoners were often arrested in one country and imprisoned in another, where a cooperative intelligence service would hold them incommunicado. U.S. government officials contacted by the AP acknowledged questioning prisoners in Ethiopia, but they said American agents were following the law and were fully justified in their actions because they were investigating past attacks and current threats of terrorism. His father said before his disappearance, Farah was campaigning for his brother Abdi's release. Abdi was arrested on the Kenya-Somali border earlier this year after the collapse of the Somali Islamic Courts Union in an Ethiopian-led offensive. According to flight manifests, Abdi was deported to Somalia and then Ethiopia along with 17 other Kenyan Muslims. Abdi's father said Fatuma Ahmed Chande, a Tanzanian Muslim, said she met Abdi in Ethiopian jail. "She told me that she was released after Tanzania intervened. Ugandans and other prisoners were also set free when their governments intervened," said Abdi's father. Kenyan police spokesman Eric Kiraithe said police were investigating Farah's disappearance and Criminal Investigation Department officer Isaiah Osugo denied they were involved.
Given our country's reputation as one of the last remaining under-explored countries for oil, one which holds significant reserves; and given the recent debate over the shady deals entered into with foreign oil firms - perhaps our country could use a dose of 'resource nationalism'. No, i'm not kidding. Oil or resource nationalism in general, one not seen since the last oil boom of the 1970's is said to have made a comeback. From Hugo Chaze's Venezuela to Ahmedinijad's Iran, countries are side-lining large Western firms in favor of local, state-run ones. The reason behind this new wave of resource nationalism is quite simple: higher energy prices mean governments could reap better rewards by limiting foreign involvement in their oil fields / production. Granted, Somalia has no oil fields in operation let alone in a position to dictate how its reserves are managed. Having said that, however, the current trend of resource nationalism coupled with the squeeze being felt by foreign oil companies means that we can cut a good deal in terms of initial infrastructure development, if we play our cards right. Fiscal policies aside for a moment - could resource nationalism catch on in Somalia? When will the Somali public raise their voice against the reckless policies of Geedi? Its odd, but after all these years of disunity, could resource nationalism have the potential to finally break the mold of clan rivalries? Wouldn't it be in the best interest of all Somalis to unite as one in defense of our common resources? Resource Nationalism On the Rise as Russia Mulls Changes to Sakhalin Deals, Subsoil Legislation Western firms feel a pinch from oil nationalism Risks of rising oil nationalism
Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo u waramayay shabakadda warbaahinta Shabelle, isagoo ku sugan magaalada Asmara ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dilalka qorsheysan ee ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho ay yihiin kuwo ay ka dambeyso dowladda Ethiopia, taas oo ay u soo tababaratay dad gaar ah oo laga keenay gudaha Ethiopia Along with pointing out the indiscriminate targeting of civilians, Sheikh Sharif also touched on yet another crucial point - you'll need to listen to the full interview with Shabelle to get the gist of it. The Sheikh revealed that the tactics being used by the occupation mirrors those used by the Derg military junta under Mengistu's reign ( see wiki entry). A special contingent famous for their inheritance of tactics from the Derg has recently been setup in Mogadishu. The Derg rose to power through systematic, calculated elimination of their political opponents. In a very short period (June - Sep, 1974) they were able to displace the imperial government, imprison high ranking military officers and take control. The Derg's trademark tactics included assassinations, executions, tortures etc of any member of society they deemed a threat to their rule. Following their rise to power, the Derg attempted to counteract negative stereotypes by changing their name many times. One might ask - why is Sheikh Sharif linking the Derg of the 1970's and 80's Ethiopia to the current occupation? Well, contrary to popular believe - the Derg did not melt away after the toppling of Mengistu's regime. In fact, Zenawi's EPRDF were able to overcome Megistu only with the help of Derg officials from Mengistu's inner circle. As such, the Derg and their brutal tactics have been inherited by Zenawi's EPRDF. According to Sheikh Sharif, the tactics of the Derg are now being employed in Mogadishu. Torture, imprisonment and the more recent executions and assassinations of leading figures from Mogadishu (businessmen, clan elders, religious and indigenous civic society leaders, journalists, and human rights activists) all bear resemblance to the tactics of the Derg. The aim of this campaign is to root out all dissenting voices. By eliminating important members of society and by not allowing room for political opposition, the occupiers aim to reduce the conflict to a military one. They have (mistakenly) reasoned that a military conflict favours them best. Sheikh Sharif further contends that members of the Derg (with specialty training) have, in recent times, been pouring into Mogadishu in ever increasing numbers. The recent hike in targeted assassinations is, therefore, directly attributable to this wing of the Ethiopian military. Targeted assassinations of important figures; not unlike that used by the Derg of the 1970's and 80's, has become the new weapon of choice for the occupiers. Critics will no doubt dismiss Sheikh Sharif's claims but on what basis? Isn't Sh. Sharif in a better position (with access to intelligence both from the resistance and perhaps from high ranking Eriterian military and government officials) to know the strategies being used by the occupiers? I doubt not the truthfulness of these claims. This revelation speaks volumes about the growing boldness of the occupiers. [ August 25, 2007, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: BiLaaL ]
Maxkamadaha islaamka oo iska fogeeyay dilalka ka dhaca Muqdisho Mogadishu 24, August 07 ( Sh.M.Network) Guddoomiyaha guddiga fulinta maxkamadaha islaamka ayaa beeniyay in Maxkamadaha ay ka dambeeyaan dilalka qorsheysan ee ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho. Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo u waramayay shabakadda warbaahinta Shabelle, isagoo ku sugan magaalada Asmara ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dilalka qorsheysan ee ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho ay yihiin kuwo ay ka dambeyso dowladda Ethiopia, taas oo ay u soo tababaratay dad gaar ah oo laga keenay gudaha Ethiopia. " Maxkamadaha islaamka ma ahan kuwo laaya dadka rayidka ah, waxaadna ku ogaan kartaan in markii aan ka talin jirney Muqdisho aanu sidaasi dhici jirin" ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif oo si weyn u cambaareeyay dilalka ka dhaca caasimadda. Sheekha ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dhibaatada iyo tacdiyada ka jira Muqdisho ay ka dambeeyaan ciidamada dowladda Ethiopia iyo rag kale oo jawaasiis u ah sida uu hadalka u dhigay Sheekh Shariif. Hadalka Sheekh Shariif ayaa waxa uu yimid xilli magaalada Muqdisho ay ka jireen dilal qorsheysan oo loo geysanayo dadka wax galka ah, dilalkaasi oo dowladda KMG ah ay horey ugu eedeysay in ay ka dambeeyaan waxa ay ku tilmaameen haraadigii maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia. Dhinaca kale Sheekh Shariif ayaa waxa uu wax laga xumaado ku tilmaamay in dadkii rayidka ahaa ee laga barakiciyay magaalada Muqdisho lagu tilmaamo argagixiso, isagoo sheegay in arinkaasi uu tahay mid qaldan. Hadalka Sheekha ayaa waxa uu daba joogaa hadalo Max'ed Dheere uu ka jeediyay shir Jaraa'id uu ku qabtey xarunta Comando Bulusiya 20 kii bishaan oo uu ku tilmaamay dadka ku barakacay duleedka Muqdisho in ay yihiin argagixiso.
وَلاَ تَهِنُوا وَلاَ تَحْزَنُوا وَأَنتُمُ الأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ
Mogadishu 19, August 07 ( Sh.M.Network) Dowlada Eritrea ayaa ku eedeysay dowlada KMG ee Soomaliya iyo dowlada Ethiopia in ay sida ay doonaan ugu takri-falaan dhaqaalaha Somalia, iyagoo lunsaday malaayiin doolar oo ay lahaayeen dadka Soomaaliyeed. Wasiirka warfaafinta ee Eritrea Cali Cabdoow Axmed ayaa hadalkan ku sheegay qeyb ka mida wareysi uu shalay siiyey idaacada Shabelle, isagoo si kulul u weeraray xukuumadaha Somalia iyo Ethiopia oo wada buu yiri tacadiyo ka dhan ah shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Isagoo ka hadlaya lacagta la lunsaday iyo cida qeybsatay ee uu ku eedenayo ayaa Mr. Cabdow waxa uu yiri…… “Waad ogaan kartaan, waadna isku dayi kartaan inaad baaritaan ku sameysaan….waxaad ogaan doontaan in malaayiin doolar ay qeybsadeen Cali Geeddi iyo Alya Kola oo ah xaaska ra’iisal wasaaraha Ethiopia…tanina ma aha arrin sahlan ,” Sidoo kale wasiirka warfaafinta ee Eritrea waxa uu ku eedeeyey dowlada KMG ee Somalia inay caburin ku hayso warbaahinta madaxbanaan, isagoo tusaale u soo qaatay talaabadii ay qaaday dowlada ee ka dhanka aheyd Shabakada Warbaahinta Shabelle… “waad la socotaan xitaa waxa ku dhacay Raadyaha Shabelle…mana aha arrintan mid ka timid dowlada federaalka ee waxa u amarkaasi ka fulay ciidamada Ethiopia … markii ay imaanayeen raadiyaha iyo ay maalin kasta xirayaan….waxaan kuu sheegayaa inaysan jirin dowlad Soomaaliyeed, iyaga ayaa dowlad isku ah ,” Hase ahaatee Eritrea ayaa la sheegayaa inaysan iyadaba sumcad wanaagsan ku laheyn marka la eego taariikhda madaxbanaanida warbaahinta dalkeeda. Hadalka wasiirka warfaafinta ee Eritrea ayaa yimid ka dib markii Mareykanka uu sheegay inuu wado qorshe uu doonayo in Eritrea oo ah wadan saboolka uu ugu daro liiska wadamada taageera argagixisada, eedeyntaasi oo xukuumada Eritrea ay beenisay.
^Masheegi kari inta lasocoto laakiin wararka qaar waxeey sheegayaan in ilaa afar xubnood ay soo gaareen Goballada Jubbooyinka. Si kastaba, Dhaqane waxuu Hiiraan Online u sheegay sida tan: “Xubin kasta oo ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Xorta ah dib ayay ugu soo noqoneysaa dalka, waxayna bilaabeysaa qorshe howleedyadeeda ku aadan sidii sare loogu qaadi lahaa wacyiga dadka, mar dhow waxaad maqli doontaan Xubnaha Baarlamaanka xorta ah oo ku laabtay Baydhabo, Bakool, Beledweyne iyo Deegaano kale oo ka tirsan Dalka Soomaaliya”ayuu yiri C/qaadir Xaaji Maxamuud Dhaqane oo mar ahaa Wasiiru-Dowlaha Xafiiska Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi iyo Mudane ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. C/qaadir Xaaji Maxamuud Dhaqane waxaa uu sheegay in marka Xubnahaas ay dalka dib ugu soo noqdaan ay bilaabi doonaan barnaamijyo wacyigelin ah oo ay dadkooda uga dhaadhicinayaan in ay taageeraan qorshayaasha ka dhan ah Dowladda Federaalka iyo Ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya. Sii akhriso Waa runtaa oo Xildhibaanadda Baarlamaanka Xorta ah abaalmarintooda maalin beey bini'aadanka ka heli doonaan. Laakiin abaalmarinta ugu weyn waxeey taalaa Ilaahay agtiis. Ilaahayna waxaan ugaga baryayaa inuu Janatul Firdoos kawaraabiyo kuligood.
They're attempting to function as an opposition within the country. Yey won't be able to use the 'terrorist' card against these former parliamentarians as he might against other groups. From that perspective, i think this is a wise move from this coalition. Although lacking legitimacy, the occupation and its agents are nonetheless solidifying their positions. The logic behind this move, if it succeeds, will go some way in addressing the drastic publicity imbalance which currently exists between the occupiers and the resistance. Soon, the occupation may find itself battling on two fronts - on the one hand, an opposition to monitor and criticise its every initiative and, on the other hand - a resistance to challenge it militarily and ensure it never rests as long as it remains on Somali soil.
JB - This announcement is not being made 'all the way from Asmara'. They're in the country.
Xubnaha La Baxay Barlamaanka Xorta oo Sheegay In ay Ciidamo Iyaga Taabacsan La Wareegayaan Jubooyinka Mogadisho, Khamiis , August 16 2007 SMC C/qaadir Xaaji Maxamuud Dhaqane oo ka mid ah xubnaha la baxay Barlamanka Xorta ee haatan fadhigoodu yahay Magaalada Asmara ee Caasimadda dalka Eritrea ayaa sheegay inuu G/Jubooyinka ka wado dadaal uu ciidamo taagersan Barlamaanka xota kula wareegi lahaayeen deegaanada Jubooyinka Isagoo xalay wareysi gaar ah siinayey Idaacadda Somaliweyn ayaa C/qaadir Xaaji Maxamuud Dhaqane waxa uu sheegay in ujeedada uu u yimid Degmada Bu’aale ee xarunta Gobalka J/dhexe ay tahay sidii uu qabaa’ilkiisa uga dhaadhicin lahaa afkaarta Barlamaanka xorta. Dhaqane oo horey uga tirsanaa xafiiska R/wasaare Geedi ka hor intii aan xilka laga qaadin isaga iyo xildhinaada kale ee ku sugan Asmara ayaa sheegay inuu ku howlan yahay sidii Dadka Deeganada Jubooyinka looga qeybgelin lahaa Shirweynaha 1-Septembar ka furmaya Asmara. “Dhammaan xubnaha Baarlamanka xorta ah ee ku sugan Asmara dalka gudihiis ayey dib ugusoo laabanayaan, gaar ahaan Gobalada Jubooyinka, Hiiraan, Bay iyo Bakool” ayuu yiri C/qaadir Xaaji Maxamuud Dhaqane oo haatan ku sugan gudaha degmada Bu’aale. Dhaqane ayaa ku hanjabay inaanu jirin cid xoog uga saari karaysa Jubooyinka, islamarkaana ay awood ciidan ku joogaan xilligan. Dhinaca kale Gudoomiyaha Degmada Bu’aale ee G/J/Dhexe ayaa usheegay Idaacadda Somaliweyn in muddo gaaban ay u qabteen xubnaha Baarlamanka xorta ah ee soo gaaray markii ugu horeysay gudaha dalka tan iyo intii xilalka laga xayuubiyey. Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC)
Mogadishu 16, August 07 ( Sh.M.Network) Qaar ka mid ah xubnaha la baxay baarlamanka xorta ah ayaa kulamo siyaasadeed ka wada qeybo ka mid ah gobolada Jubbooyinka ee Koonfurta Somalia. C/qaadir Dhaqane oo ka mid ah xubnaha la baxay Baarlamanka xorta ah ee fadhigoodu yahay magaalada Asmara ee dalka Eritrea horeyna u ahaa wasiiru dowlaha xafiiska Ra'isulwasaaraha ayaa waxa uu sheegay in gobolada Jubbooyinka uu ka wada wada hadalo uu la leeyahay dadka degan deegaanadaasi si ay u taageeraan dadaalada ay wadaan xubnaha la baxay baarlamanka xorta ah. Waxa uu sheegay in ay qaban qaabinayaan kulan ka dhacaya magaalada Asmara oo lagu doonayo in lagu dhiso dowlad Somaliyeed. C/qaadir Dhaqane ayaa waxa uu ugu baaqay dhamaan odayaasha iyo waxgaradka gobolada Jubbooyinka in ay taageeraan dadaalada ay wadaan xubnaha Baarlamanka xorta ah iyo midowga Maxkamadaha ee ku sugan magaalada Asmara.