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Everything posted by Maymuunah
God I couldn't hold my tears falling from my cheek walaahi. it soo sad to see others boasting around what allah has bestowed upon them when other parts of somalia are suffering like this. May allah reward them with something better in akhira and might they endure the pain and suffering, and may allah bring peace to somalia as a whole. the pics are so heart breaking
The pics were great. keep the coming bro..I feel the need to visit somalia after so many years of being qaxooti.
Guys wouldn't it not be fun if they had "men" forums too? the word itself looks strange. who knows may be we would have known what goes around them.
I would like to know if islam permits a person to work in a fast food restuarant.for example as a manager. by the way i do not work in a restuarant but a close friend of mine does and it always disturbs me to see him earn his living from that place, so guys and girls who have some knowledge about the diin, what do you have to say about this question. However,I myself believe that it is totally wrong and it is not allowed but my friend won't take that for an answer, and he wants me to bring some prove. I would have done that but since I am not that knowledgable about the diin, I hesitated for being ill about what i do not know that much. so would there be a person who can atleast quote for me some axaadiiths and quran verses. I will appreciate very much.
Lol @ Nur. the e thing was funny nur.
Very interesting stories you got here girls but i have one question for you. for all of you girls who are wearing the hijab. do you wear the long hijab they used wear back in africa eg kenya or do you wear the short one such as the khimaar. I am just curious and trying to figure out whether a small khimar that only covers the head could be called hijaab. I visted MN one time and walaahi i was puzzled by seeing how some of my somali sisters were dressed. looking at them, they seem to wear a khimar but bellow the head they are wearing a tight sleevless shirt and a very tight skirt too. how can you define a hijaab?
jakallahu khairan walaal for the very clarifying and informative details you had given me. I will surely change my whole manu. jakallahu once agian.
ilaahay hakuu fududeeyo walaal busineskaaka and may you get profit khair iyo baraka badan.
Nur what is the meaning of wabilaahi tawfiiq. I tried to end my post with that but i got a bit too hesitant to do so..me arabic no friends
I am really confused not actaully that confused but the arrows seem to me are directed at the empty ground or is it above the big building. i think i have to visit an Optician. walaahi I myself too used to the think the masjid alqsa was the gold dome but i second to modesty thanks for the clarification man.
Nur walaal since you touched the chocolate being xalaal, I would like you to enlighten for me these follwing questions. when i try to catch a humburger or anything that is cooked in fast food restaurants which do not contain any pork, some of my friends believe that it is totally xaram to eat foods from there. furthermore some of them reason that it is cooked/grilled on the same place as the pork itself was. so walaal can you be please shed some light for me here and is it xaraam to eat from these kind of restaurants or other places that do serve the same thing.I guess it is rare to find where pork is not served. I also heard that some of the foods that we buy from groceries/supermarkets are haram since they contain some wine, and I also heard rumors that anything that contians Glycerin is xaraam since it is derived from pork or something of that sort.it is amazing every where i look whether it is body wash , soap, or even shampoo i see that name.mise waxa korka marka lagu dhaqo is not the same as putting it in your stomach? me no idea. Can anybody whether nur or anyone please provide for me/us foods that contain xaraam ingredients, so I can be a little watchful. salaama calaykum sis and bros
woow a best place to sharpen up ur luuqo ingriis. thanks sophist for the the quite interesting sheeko.
guys what is the difference between the chat room and the forums. whenever i click one of them I am dragged to the same page. do they have here chatrooms or wuxu ma isku midbaa. not a new member but definitely not a frquenting one.
sister what is with the indian picture..do you like those indian movies alot or is there somehting to it abaayo.. just curious about the topic i have nothing to say about it, but my humble opinion says in order to have knowledge you have to gain education.
Jakallahu khairan for bringing up this topic nur. sister rahiima and indha..I am interested in these forwarded emails what are they..and is there any chance we the new ones can get it too.
Quite interesting story nur, but why are all girls falling for this story..anyway may allah grant you what ever you desire as someone above me mentioned...and keep it brother you are on the right track. salaama calaykum
Masha allah, what a piece of work! very moving indeed.allah khiar fara badan hakuugu badalo qoraaladaan.
Oh boy do I have a hard time understanding our islamic calender..now i need somone to put it for me in the gaalo calender so I can make sure what days are these best days on Earth...I am in need to learn a lot about ARABIC OR SHOULD I SAY ISLAM or should i go one trip to Saudi Arabia i guess that would work. one more thing-what islamic month calender are we in? see jakallahu khairan walaal for informing us these days
jakallahu khairan walaal. # 20 really made me think a little bit more..may allah bless you
Okey....may you get more time on your hands
Man I can't believe while i was reading some of ur articles ur were also generating others...ok masha allah nur and may allah reward you with lots of khair...i read all ur articles today and i do even emailed to friends and foes..barakalaahu fiika walaal...i believe womens are the most good ones in backbiting but allah's willing i will try to replace with something more usefull..like reading quran..hey i do not do that much xanta!
Me again, I couldn't find your topic on "Xasuusta allah" any help on how i can find it
Masha allah Nur, may allah reward you for this, walaahi tikar is the most precious rememberence of allah and I keep in mind that most of my highway drivings..May allah all reunite us in jannah amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin PS please do continue enlightening us with ur topics
LOL@Nur, caramel niqaab uxir indhaha...
Nur are u willing to tell us some of ur recipes..and what u do who knows it may be a learning lession if u do that....to be honest the qurbaha girls do not know how to cook that much as u have mentioned earlier..and honestly I Like breads so much so i wish you can lend me if u know some of ur (cooking technique) bread recipes...I am with all ears.
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