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Everything posted by Eng.Cadde

  1. Lol,ahmed madoobe will take full responsibility of any future problem that might arise.but for now,let reerka enjoy their moment of fame.
  2. oba ma reer qardho ayaad wax kuu galeen adigu? lol what BS are you referring to.i merely stated how things will eventually conclude.
  3. Ahmed madoobe and his reer are pushing kenyan shady agenda in jubba region and reer mogdishu will make sure it wont happen,marka calm down guys aynu aragno haduu ahmed kenya dhul somaliyeed siin karo kenyati.
  4. apophis Yet the refugees who escaped the 1974 famine and were settled by the Late Dictator in somalia are the locals while the Legitimate Clans who grazed in the land for hundreds of years are being pushed aside by some ********s hiding behind kenyan tanks? Time is on your side ,enjoy your own myth for a while.
  5. The Kenyans Told the wafdi they cant guarantee their safety.i dont care the political play at hand lakin why people are ignoring the fact that the presidents clan the H-block also are also the local clans in kismayo? Lets see how the raaskamboni ********`s attempt to sideline the locals will go,adeer meeshaan kismayo baa la yiraa ee mahan garowe ama afmadow.
  6. Ilaah baan idin ku dhaarshe,what can this old opportunistic/parasitic habar bring to mogadishu and its people? kun dollar xitaa miyey ku soo kordhin kartaa on the average person.i just hate when every tom and di ck wants to get higher political offices with out any effor/sweat.
  7. I fail to see the similarity b.w uganda and kenya,uganda is not fighting against a certain clan but against a radical group.kenya on the hand is siding one clan against the others,but they know they cant sustain that long the second the natives feel the heat.marka jaale,when the dust settles,we will see how the future holds for some of the NFD folks ee la soo dhahay dhul baanu idin qaban.jinni jubbaland la yiraah baa layska saari.
  8. You cant really claim to be unbiased when you call for one particular group to rule over other people degaan and dispossess the rest of the natives.the least thing you can do is criticize both groups in such situation.
  9. how many threads in this genre have we seen in the past? dont people get tired especially reer garowe? is there any city in somalia which is not single clan city? and please dont mention galkacyo or kismayo as these two are contested tribally.yes,mogadishu today is one clan city and will remain that for long time,just like islamabad is the capital of Pakistan and is dominated by single ethnicity-punjabis-.
  10. well,i am not the one hiding behind kenyan tanks trying to dispossess other peoples land.
  11. oba Well,as long as the interests of mogadishu clans in kismayo are not threatened ,the status quo will remain.the days of what is mine is mine what is yours is also mine is long gone.dont lose sleep over issues like somaliland or puntland,they dont influence you or effect you as an invidual or clan but you have a stake in jubba and you will have to fight for your rights whatever means neccessary.
  12. Oba Stop being an appeaser.Jubba region or kismayo doesnt belong to D-Block if you read the history of the region,Mogadishu clans will have a say in any admin in kismayo ,Dont fall for their propoganda.Kismayo is a contested city and it is not called jarusulum of somalia with out a reason. You have folks From far places like laascaanood or bari claiming it,so what prevents baido folks who live in major towns in jubba region or the mogadishu clans who are also natives of the land to claim kismayo or jubba as their land? Some People need to re-gain their sanity and accept the reality that mogadishu clans will not sit by as thier lands are taken over.Kenyans are here to day but how long can they stay?
  13. The So called Jubbaland Committe Formed in Nairobi Marfishes and Full of Kenyan Agenst Travelled To Mogadishu and Were Humiliated. They were reminded That These Regions Fall under the jurisdiction of the somali government and that no entity can form an admin in any part of it.The So called Jubbaland committe Do not represent anyone but their own selfish or clannish interets.I Predict a full war imminent in kismayo b.w D-block and H-block and their allies .I ,in no way,condone clan wars but sometimes they are neccessery especially when you have Folks from NFD as far as Ethiopia claim other peoples land. Guddi lagu sheegay Guddiga Farsamada Maamul-Usameynta Gobollada Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo oo ay Dowladda Kenya oo adeegsaneysa magaca Igad kusoo sameysay magaalada Nairobi ayaa Magaalada Muqdisho so gaaray Iyagoo dalbaday in ay Kulan la qaataan Madaxda Sare ee Dowladda Soomaaliya, Kulanka ay dalbadeen waalaga aqbalay Waxana soo xaadiray kulanka Madaxweynaha, Ra’iisulwasaaraha iyo Afhayeenka Baarlammaanka Soomaaliya, Waxa Guddigan Nairobi kasoo socdaalay ee Madaxda Dowladda u yimid si toos ah loogu wargeliyey markii lasoo dhaweeyay in Dowladda Soomaaliya ay magacawday Guddi ka kooban Xildhibaanno oo kasoo jeeda Beelaha Dega Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo, Kuwaasi oo ka baaraandegaya qaabka Maamul usameynta Gobolladaas, Iyadoo lagu saleynayo Habka Dowladda Soomaaliya lagu dhisay oo ah Qaab Beeleedka loo yaqaan 4.5. Guddiga Farsamada kayimid Nairobi ee ay Kenya soo dhistay oo ay arrintu ku noqotay amakaag iyo mid aan loo fadhiyin ayaa Arrinta ka biyo diiday, Waxana ay sheegeen in Arrintaas ay tahay lama filaan, Iyagoo codsaday in ay dib ugu noqdaan Magaalada Nairobi oo markii hore laga soo diray, Waxana loo sheegay in Soomaaliya aanan laga xukumin Nairobi, Kunoqoshada Nairobi ay ku noqonayaanna aaney waxba kusoo kordhin karin Go’aanka Dowladda Soomaaliya ee ku saabsan Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo, Iyadoo lagu wargeliyey in Haddii ay Maamulka Gobollaada Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo wax kusaabsan in ay ka hadlaan ay doonayaan ay kala hadli karaan oo qura Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Guddiga ay u xilsaartay halkaas. Wakiillada ay Kenya soo dirsatay waxa dhanka kale loo sheegay Guddiga Xildhibaannada ka kooban ee ay Dowladdu soo magacawday iyo Beelaha ay kasoo kala jeedaan oo kala ah:- A-Beesha Xaramka B–Beesha Gaaljeclo C-Beesha Baydhabo D-Beesha Jareerweyne E-Beesha Gedo F-Beesha Dhoobleey. Haddaba Iyadoo aanan weli xal laga gaarin Qilaafka soo kala dhexgalay Kenya oo Magaca Igad wadata Guddiga wakiilka ka ah, Iyo Dowladda Soomaaliya, Ayaa Dowladda Soomaaliya waxay sii dardargelisay hindisaha Maamul-usameynta Jubbooyinka, Si ay meesha uga saarto Hamiga ay Dowladda Kenya ka qabto in ay Maamul iyada Matala ka sameysato Gobollada Jubbooyinka.
  14. Zack Tell that duck tales to the feeble minded folks who will fall for it.Nobody can deny the fact that the Last regime settled thousands of somali refugees as part of clan resettlement agenda thus displacing the locals.
  15. Somalia Yeah,that is what we are doing .You can not oppress people who lived in their lands for countless generations when you come as refugees in the late 70s.A boy born in Mogadishu is more closer to kismayo then a boy in bosaso even if we disregard the geographical differences and go by clan wise mentality.
  16. Lool,Faroole boys are losing their sanity,even clan wise,Mogadishu clans have a claim in jubba regions and their inclusion and consultation is must for any viable admin in kismayo.dadkii qaxootinimo lagu soo dajiyay ayaa maanta is laheysiinaya dhul lawada dago but lets see how long they can sustain that delusion.
  17. Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ee ka soo jeeda deegaanada Jubooyinka ayaa ka hadlay Maamul KMG ah oo loo sameeyay magaalada Kismaayo, kaasoo ay ku mideysan yihiin Ciidamada huwanta ee qabsaday magaalada. Xildhibaan Dahir Amiin Jeesow ayaa sheegay in aanay la socon wax maamul ah oo loo sameeyay, balse ay ogyihiin in Gudi loo sameeyay oo howsha caadiga ee magaalada sii wadaya. "Anaga hadii aan nahay Xildhibaanada ka soo jeeda, wax maamul ah oo la sameeyo ma jirto, anaga waxaa ku ognahay in Gudi loo smaeeyo waliba saddex gudi ah"ayuu yiri Dahir Amiin Jeeso. Mr Jeesow ayaa sheegay in Maamul loo sameeyo magaalada ay soo magacaabeyso dowladda Soomaaliya, isagoo xusay in gudiga loo dhisay magaalada ay ka tirsan yihiin jabhadihii soo dagaalamay. "Gudiga waxaa ku jira jabhadihii soo dagaalamay, dadka deegaanka ay ku jiraan qeyb walba iskeed u madax banaan tahay, Maamulka dowladda ayaa looga fadhiyaa iyadaana soo magacaabeyso"ayuu yiri Xildhibaan Dahir Amiin Jeesow. Waxaa uu sheegay in deegaanada Jubooyinka ay wada degan yihiin dhamaan beelaha Soomaaliyeed ee shanta ka kooban, isagoo xusay in hadii Maamul loo dhisayo qaabka awood qeybsiga ee shanta beelood. "Soomaaliya inta qabiil ka kooban tahay beel aan deganeyn ma jirto Jubooyinka, markii wax la dhisayo inay ku dhisaan shantii beelood"ayuu mar kale yiri. Arrinta Kismaayo ayaa noqotay xasaasiyad taagan oo gudaha iyo dalka laga hadlo, iyadoo shirar looga hadlayay aayaha iyo maamul u sameynta Kismaayo laga soo saaray digniino. Xigasho Jowhar.com
  18. Waryaada Kala soocida hala Joojiyo,Indhacade Clan are Part and Parcel of The Social Fabric Of Mogadishu and Have a Stake In the City,What People Dont Understand Is Indhacade people Lived in Marka Hundreds of Years Ago and Form more than half of the Population.Kismayona dee dadka u wada hanqal taagayo ee kayimid garissa,Qoroxey,Bosaso iyo Xamar ayey ka Mid yihiin reer Ilmo Tolmoon.
  19. Farmaajo needs to calm down and let the Men in charge Do their Job.These Military men firing ,unneccessary demos pose a significant threat to the nascent peace in Mogadishu there,farmajo needs to quit the game gracefully before he is declared as a threat to mogadishu peace or worst as a new warlord in making.
  20. appointing a reer Gedo PM is a strategic move that will propel the relative peace that Mogadishu and the south enjoys now.Mogadishu will not lose anything because puntland has zero influence in the south.mogadishu doesnt need puntland and vice versa.
  21. http://www.waagacusub.com/news/
  22. This is just a clear indication of if i dont get the PM ,we will secede(which i support as long as mudug is given back to galmudug).There is no sense of somalinimo in faroole camp.
  23. comparing the honorable nationalist leader sharif to A.Y is an insult to our intelligence.you can compare a.y to caydiid becaus both of they were genocidal maniacs.
  24. Che -Guevara;809106 wrote: aduunyu, if they put up fight within the town, you Will accuse them of using civilians as human shield. They do fight within towns against somali forces.it is a known fact alshababs cowardice is seen when they confront ethiopian troops.they dont even try it. they lost moral high ground long time ago.