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Wow, first of all let me say that this page is most interesting i have read so far. But that is not the point i am trying to make here. the first thing is to a certain person To: Postman last time i never told anything not to speak i just voiced my opinion in which i thought i was entitled to the last time i checked. as far as my grammar is in concern i honestly don't care about it because i am not here for you to grade it. i just wrote i as felt like it (not checking and rechecking unlike some people). i don't pride my self in the way i write because to be truthful that its not intelligence. just because you know how to write with big words does not mean that we should be inferior to you or to anybody else. I also do not see how you can take in any pride in writing the english language, cuz the last time i checked thas was not our language. so check yourself next time. To: Samauri in all its honest you seem like a bright kid who knows what he is doing. eventhough i may not agree in the form in which you speak i still think that you are better than others. from the observation i have made in your writing and in your name, it seems to me that you have some fancy towards the language which was spoken in the past. Don't get me wrong because i think that it is interesting you know the way the spoke in all. i have read many books(totally my hobby) and most the i read set deep in the 17th century and i really like the way they spoke but that does know mean i want to speak like the. There are certain times for everything and this is not one of those times. my last writing is to Sareena if i presume correctly. if my i am correct you said that we write in bad grammers will the truth is that is not the cause, you seemed to me like an intelligent person and i do not understand how you catogrize everyone into the same position. yes there are some people (saying from postman that i am one of them), but that does not mean everyone does not know how to speal correctly or that i cant use big words but instead they have no desire towards using fancy words. well it seems to me that i have spoken too long so i will leave it like that. Peace
"You know you're somali when... there are buttons missing on your TV, so you use fork to change the channels.. lol " looooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!! oh my god that is so true. i remember back in the day when i used to do that. i swear i was laughing so hard that my head hurt. but anywyz thnx cause i was feeling well and you made my day a little brighter. keep up the good jokes.
oh my god, :eek: dude we don't live in the 17th centenury any more. so you need to stop talkin' like that. honestly do you talk like that when you are out. or is this the way you talk on the net so that you could look intelligent. i think that you use the dictionary when you are writing. in all anybody that read your writing would fall asleep. so in all get a life
oh my god, :eek: dude we don't live in the 17th centenury any more. so you need to stop talkin' like that. honestly do you talk like that when you are out. or is this the way you talk on the net so that you could look intelligent. i think that you use the dictionary when you are writing. in all anybody that read your writing would fall asleep. so in all get a life
addressed to the warrier you have watched too many Tom Cruis movies.loooooooooooooool :confused: ok. you know what they call people like you. show offs. i mean come on. we go to school we come here as somalis so we can get away from writing big easays with too many big words. but i was wondering if you graduated from American Schools, and whether or not you have taken the SAT cause if you did than, i bet you would probably be the highest and smartest somali guy. don't in anyway misunderstand my intentions of writing this. i am a big fan of readind, and that is like my biggest hobby, but yet i still don't show off with. you know the funny thing is though, as i was writing this post i actually reread my writing so that i don't look like a dummy. but in all goods, we need more somali people like you. but never forget that this is now your language and no matter how much you master it. It will not make many difference in the long run. P.S: i really don't know when this was writing because, well honeslty i have never visited this page before, if you know what i mean.
addressed to the warrier you have watched too many Tom Cruis movies.loooooooooooooool :confused: ok. you know what they call people like you. show offs. i mean come on. we go to school we come here as somalis so we can get away from writing big easays with too many big words. but i was wondering if you graduated from American Schools, and whether or not you have taken the SAT cause if you did than, i bet you would probably be the highest and smartest somali guy. don't in anyway misunderstand my intentions of writing this. i am a big fan of readind, and that is like my biggest hobby, but yet i still don't show off with. you know the funny thing is though, as i was writing this post i actually reread my writing so that i don't look like a dummy. but in all goods, we need more somali people like you. but never forget that this is now your language and no matter how much you master it. It will not make many difference in the long run. P.S: i really don't know when this was writing because, well honeslty i have never visited this page before, if you know what i mean.
i really don't know much about this so be nice to me, because this is my first reply so that they can go to heaven. In order to go to heaven you have to........
mansha allah i think that the scrafices that you both made will be rewarded in the here after life. i myself have not yet given because i don't know all the facts about it but don't do it. ever since i could remember hot cheeto's were my favorite. i swear i ate them all the time. i mean if i saw some body eating my mouth would be all sloopy. but recently my mom told me that it had pork skin on it so now i am trying to investegate it and give it up if it really has pork on it.
It was early morning at the military base, and the first sergeant was calling out names for the daily work parties listed on a piece of paper: "Ames" "Here!" "Jenson" "Here!" "Jones" "Here!" "Magersky" "Here!" "Seeback" No answer. "Seeback!" No answer was heard again. "SEEBACK!!!" The troops remained totally silent. At that point, someone whispered into the first sergeant's ear. He looked again at what the last name really said, quickly turned over the list and continued calling the names printed on the other side.
I heard this joke and i thought i should share it with you guys. After a long night of passion, the young guy rolled over, pulled out a cigarette from his jeans and searched for his lighter. Unable to find it, he asked the girl if she had one at hand. "There might be some matches in the top drawer," she replied. He opened the drawer of the bedside table and found a box of matches sitting neatly on top of a framed picture of another man. Naturally, the guy began to worry. "Is this your husband?" he inquired nervously. "No, silly," she replied, snuggling up to him. "Your boyfriend then?" he asked. "No, not at all," she said, nibbling away at his ear. "Well, who is he then?" demanded the bewildered guy. Calmly, Tony replied, "That's me before the operation."
hellow everyone this is my first time actually posting something. I hope that you guys welcome me to this nomad site. well i heard this joke and i thought i should pass it to you guys. one day the perfect girl met her perfect guy. One day they decided go for a drive. as they were driving they accidentally hit Santa Clause. there was a horrible accident and only one person survived. Can you guess who that is. A. the perfect girl. B. the perfect guy. C. Santa Well did you guess it right. the correct answer is the perfect girl because everyone knows there isn't a perfect girl and santa is a make believe.