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Everything posted by Tahliil

  1. I Couldn't pass without my deepest condelences to the family of the young boy; May the Lord shower His mercy on him;
  2. I don't know but sometimes i think we have too many things to choose from; cultures here and cultures overthere; Naturally then conflicts arise from these things; a camera man; a musician; women throwin away thier viels; all being on the opposite spectrum of things But to assuage ur worries a little bit RAIN, I have recently attended an Armenian wedding, and it was so chaotic that I really thought I was at a football match full of drunk British hooligans; I left like twenty minutes into the thing...
  3. I Hate pretenders; Please don't come to my door, never ever, singing an old carol; I've got only one magool in my history books;
  4. I became who I am the day, or in my case the night, I was born Somali and I think am proud of it; at least most of the times these days. I think therefore we should let these families Arabs or not b who they are (proud or not) As for the thread posted: I'll say give me a piece of land, security and a H O E or couple of hoes ;....and i will live my life off of the land; I have the feeling that I can strat a line, generations of Tahliil farmers...hills or no hills; my only request being of course: don't send me off to some desert; where it is 120 degree in the shade and baren like my two palms. Send me some place with water; pouring water; falling water; still and stagnant watter; muddy or not; some place with water...
  5. I think the guy got a point...metaphorically at least...I think there were or still are a lot of shoe cleaning going on in those parts of the world for whities...think of this scenario alone and tell me if it is far from the truth: A common shoe cleaning I have observed so many times is: ( and tell me if this isn’t true ) That you have been standing in line in some travel agency in one of those countries for more than 20 mins now and suddenly in comes a whitey and in just a blink of an eye he is ushered into a backroom, and gets help from beautiful young girls; and while he waits in a comfortable chair; coffee here, newspaper over there, cookies offered; a music is being played; and perhaps a possible lap dance from the manager is thrown in the mix for him; u r rotting in a chair or standing somewhere over there sweating, waiting for someone to look at your direction; a whitey in the meantime is having a hell of good time; basically getting his shoes cleaned for him; but that isn’t it; what scares me most, frightens me to death is that I sometimes think that they may forget who I was and why I was there and then call me to clean his shoes for him while they take care of the chocolate chip cookies and the rest of his pastries. I had seen it happened in Somalia and in Ethiopia and in Dubai and in Djibouti; whities getting a free pass for everything they want to get in a lot of third world countries and you (hagi jacfar) getting as always restricted; controlled; checked; limited; frisked; humiliated; shoved and pushed around(in your motherland). It is a common thing; all over the place; there must b a lot of shoe cleaning beliefs going on in our heads, I think; in our little tiny whiteyphillic heads. And it’s got to stop; respect is a good thing. Don’t get me wrong; but a respect just for the whitey; that isn’t right; and in my little tiny peoplephilic head I think equality and equal treatment for all is greater and much better.
  6. Not so long ago, somewhere in North America, my neighbor used to have nightmares, long and horrible nightmares, and I have been told that he screams if he fall a sleep and very often he couldn't close his eyes for fear of nightmares; horrible, reoccuring ones; he became insomniac; So his uncle used to have prominent shieks in the nieghborhood come to his house and read the quran on his nephew; not once but several times I saw the elders going into house and doing that favor for that family; the guy was around in his late twenties; and they say he used to kill people back home. He was a murderer, killed for the fun of it; He looked to me a normal guy while he was around the local coffee shops; good debator about Somali issues and he joked a lot about tribes and stuff and dressed neatly. some say that they could see him as a killer but a lot of other people knew that as a fact; that he was just a killer; With the screams and the lack of sleep and the nighmares, i believe, a justice, a different kind of justice from Allah has been served to him.
  7. Tahliil


    Did not really want to participate this thread but this retort sort of caught my eye. tried to make sense of it but couldn't. Can my learned brother decipher the meaning behind his statement for me? Could you draw the distniction between 'donating what is yours to someone and giving what's yours to another?'am not sure...thnx How about Donations? Charity?, Helping etc as opposed to 'sacrificing ones own Gain for another'
  8. Wow! Not sure if these are real or not...I mean the pictures look nothing like a third world country; plus the green grass; the marbles and the lights; specially the green lawn of the presidential compound seems to be at odds with what I was told about the Eastern plains; Desert and barren; Anyhow, beautiful landscape; beautiful objects; and most of all beautiful people; I enjoyed it; thnx
  9. I think they should have the Hagi's picture in file; Hagi Suudi Yalahow's of course; or better Abduallahi Yaay's; who else can a somali like me resemble both in trait and character? Not JFK of course
  10. A fair warning to those who simply gets upset about graphic pictures. Some of these clips are about Shidane Qorane and they are really disturbing, at least, they were to me; Shidane Qorane was a sixteen years old boy who was tortured to death while in the custody of a Canadain "peacekeeping" force in Beledweyn in 1992...May Allah have His mercy on him and to the those who like him were tortured and killed by other peacekeeping forces in Somalia in 1992 http://archives.cbc.ca/IDC-1-71-723-4317/conflict_war/somalia/clip7 http://archives.cbc.ca/IDC-1-71-723-4318/conflict_war/somalia/clip8 http://archives.cbc.ca/IDC-1-71-723-4314/conflict_war/somalia/clip4 http://archives.cbc.ca/IDCC-1-71-723-4335/conflict_war/somalia/ http://archives.cbc.ca/IDCC-1-71-723-4333/conflict_war/somalia/ http://archives.cbc.ca/IDCC-1-71-723-4336/conflict_war/somalia/
  11. Oh ladies; you are shooting the wrong wall! or rather paint brushing the wrong canvass!
  12. I liked the part where she had to say "By not making 'submission Part II' I would only be helping terrorists." She reminded me of Bill O'railly and the Fox news...and am thinkin she must have listened to and believed a lot of that crap... Subhanallah, How far does one have to go lookin for a superficial fame???
  13. It is obvious to me that we all share and feel the same pain and sadness that befell on our homeland...be either the waste dumped on our shores or destroying the forest or allowing ruthless foriegn companies to fish in our waters.. Hopelessness and anger; misery and misfortune; shock and dismay; that seems to b our constant companion following us around everywhere like the afternoon shadow but how much of these can we take and can ordinary pple endure and live with???
  14. How Tragic!!!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4312553.stm
  15. Who else knew that the Oscars were on TV and opted to watch something else???
  16. Tahliil

    GREAT movies

    I wonder: Does one's choice of movie/s tell us something about his character and what he is like and so on???? Of all the choices listed, I think I'd say the Usual Suspects appeal to my taste...both in terms of well-writen script and picture... Cry Freedom, and Out of Africa both movies capture the African landscape so beautifully and for that I can watch them tirelessly for many hrs...
  17. I can see the humor in it...Him going Yakheeynoo and the Bari guys going like Ariboowe... But Oodi qaadis iyo Jidis...I mean when everything is said and done...They will say it and do it, quite the same way...with or without the ACCENT...
  18. Of course, plenty of bad things happened in that period of time and still goes on unaccounted but beleive it or not, compared to other nations at war, the rape cases reported in Somalia was the fewest.. West/South Afrcan wars and the Bosnian war have the highest number of rape cases reported... Still am not least excusing of what had happened to our sister, but the cases were not as much... On the same token, Afghanistan was said, even though lawless and at war, as we know, for a longggg time, had accounted fewer rape cases than the cases reported in the Balkan wars... I think it's got a lot to do with the structure, ties and the tribal system that women should stay behind, protected...most of the time...
  19. To Moderators: pray that someone would come to his sense and put a stop to this charade... To the rest: It amazes me beyond imagination why some of u couldn't quit when u make your points...but would rather sit and hang around until u exhaust and exhaust your point/s....shame on u, I mean the once with the big vocabulary and no brain to match... This is truly a power-horse problem for you guys...
  20. Is that all or is there some damning, real proof implicating Sangub and his crews to the exact accusation? I hope and hope and hope that this aint another witch-hunt to discredit a prominent (Hamarland, Jubaland, Shabelleland,Somaliland and Puntland and Hawdland and reserveland) figure (All the lands combined of course = Somalia)
  21. I got no explanation for this, perhaps I'm messed up and need help but i really find that last one very funny...wished it was longer than a minute. poor guy went mad on drugs.. Wish also that I could listen to the interview they had with the driver afterwards...After the second bang am sure he wet his pants...funny stuff
  22. Did u guys watch sports, support teams because of race and color? or u simply watch because of its compititiveness and histirical connections to u? I asked u this question simply because, i have seen too many pple rooting for the Eagles for their black QB...Is that really a logical way to support a team? Me being a patriot fan for the last 4 yrs or so, I am glad that Eagles were crashed on Sunday...You Eagle Fans should lose hope or McNabb this time for good...
  23. I'am sure some of u guys sparked the whole thing and were armed and shooting at pple..come on, play it real.....I don't buy that we were all suckin cotton candy, and running from it all. As for me I fled in the begining from Moga to Nairobi and never looked back...since then..
  24. Tahliil


    Nice pictures....but am sure these guys can't wait to go back to the ISBAARO as soon as this is over.. All the best