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Everything posted by Abdirazak_PTL

  1. Accordingly, the IGAD Secretariat established an observer mission composed of representatives from member states (Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Djibouti except Sudan) and the Secretariat. Source: http://igad.int/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=280:referendum-of-southern-sudan-observation-mission&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=150 I personally dont like to get bogged down in the snm garbage tales because only a little research of 5 minutes exposes it. Now the observation team is selected from Somalia. Which means TFG because IGAD only recognizes the tfg as the sole government of somalia. Secondly the referendum in sudan was only accepted when khartoum decided to allow it to happen. I dont foresee mogadishu allowing hargeisa to have a referendum, do you? so why bother with election observers and so forth when U cant even pass the first stage of negiotations. Lastly the referendum in sudan is for south sudanese and doesn't include north sudan because of the differences among those people which is most notably religion, language, and culture. South sudan is more closer to uganda, where-as north sudan is closer to Southern egyptians and nubians. If mogadishu and hargeisa actually agree to hold a referendum for somaliland, I doubt they will say "we agree that the somaliland regions will only be allowed to vote in the referendum which gives the snm 80% leverage" lol. Politicians r not that ******. Besides there is no differences among somalis either in language, culture, religion, color. The only differences are regional like a alabama deep south person is regionally different to someone in brooklyn new york. If mogadishu even allows hargeisa to have a referendum, the referendum will include all 18 states. Or they will say that somaliland can have an election within somaliland regions but in order to seceed you must get 95% majority which the 80%snm wont be able to get. So its wishful thinking at best. I doubt somalia will even allow for referendum to occur in hargeisa. I think Somalia plan is to stablize somalia and negiotate with the snm and the snm will have to negiotate because addis ababa will tell them to do so or lose a critical ally and if they lose addis ababa as an ally who will protect from somalia wrath and attack? because somalia will attack hargeisa then and capture it remove seccessionist elements and raise the blue flag high.
  2. Anyways the raw facts are. over 1000 people got health treatment free in burtinle. and over 800 people are getting free health in Galkaio. These health campaigns are so excellent the doctor comes to puntlanders where-ever they maybe and provide essential services. Plus there is more discussions occuring regarding construction of burtinle hospital and all its different sections such as maternity, emergency wards, in-patient and out-patient sections
  3. Vistt http://www.raxanreeb.com/?p=77587 It explains how all of burtinle health standards are rising to unexpected levels. below are some pictures
  4. Dhaqaatiir Ajnabi Ah Oo Gargaar Caafimaad Ka Fulinaya Isbitaalka Gaalkacyo (Sawiro) Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi RBC Radio, Gaalkacyo Cawil@raxanreeb.com Gaalkacyo (RBC Radio):- Wasaarada Caafimaadka ee Dowladda Puntland ayaa dalka keentay dhaqaatiir ajnabi ah oo bixinaya gargaar caafimaad oo lacag la’aan ah, waxayna howlgalo caafimaad ka soo sameeyeen magaalooyinka Garowe, Burtinle iyo Gaalkacyo oo ay haatan ka wadaan. Isbitaalka magaalada Gaalkacyo oo ay maanta dhaqaatiirtaasi ajnabiga ah ka howlgalayeen ayaa ahaa mid aad u mashquul badan, waxaana maamulka Isbitaalka Gaalkacyo ay RBC Radio u xaqiijiyeen in ay is diiwaan geliyeen dad tiro ahaan kor u dhaafaya ilaa iyo 800 oo qof. Labo dhaqtar oo u kala dhashay wadamada Masar iyo Uzbakistan ayaa maanta howlgalo caafimaad oo lacag la’aan ah u sameeyay bukaano ka kala yimid xaafadaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, waxaana howlahani gargaarka caafimaad ee ay wadaan dhaqaatiirta ajnabiga ah sii socon doonaan maalmaha soo socda. Dhaqaatiirtani ajnabiga ah ee bixinaya gargaarka caafimaad ayaa waxay ka soo howlgaleen Isbitaalada Garowe iyo Burtinle, waxayna Isbitaalka Garowe ku qaabileen ku dhowaad 500 qof oo bukaan ah, halka degmada Burtinle howlgal caafimaad oo ay ka sameeyeen ay ku qaabileen 750 ruux oo iyaguna bukaano kala du-duwan ah. Waxaa dhaqaatiirtani oo labo ruux ah ay kala qaabilsan yihiin dhegaha iyo indhaha oo hal dhaqtar ah, iyo dhaqtarka kale oo isaguna shaqadiisu tahay xanuunada dumarka, waxaana keenista dhaqaatiirtani ajnabiga ah gacan weyn ka geysatay Wasaarada Caafimaadka Dowladda Puntland. Dhinaca kale Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Puntland ayaa tababar maalmo kooban soconaya waxaa ay u furtay dhalinyaro kalkaaliyaal caafimaad ah kuwaasi oo wax ku baranaya hoolka shirarka ee Isbitaalka Gaalkacyo, waxaana u faa’ideynaya macalimiin dhalinyaro ah oo soo dhameysatay jaamacadaha wadanka banaankiisa ah. Ardeydani ayaa marka ay dhameystaan waxaa ay noqonayaan kalkaaliyaal caafimaad oo ka howlgala Isbitaalka Gaalkacyo, kuwaasi oo ka shaqeyn doona qeybaha balaaran ee Isbitaalka Gaalkacyo oo dhowaantan Wasaarada Caafimaadka Puntland oo kaashanaysa Hay’ado ay dib u dayactir balaaran ku sameysay. RBC Radio.
  5. Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi RBC Radio, Gaalkacyo Cawil@raxanreeb.com Gaalkacyo (RBC Radio):- Duqa Degmada Gaalkacyo Mudana C/raxmaan Maxamuud Xaaji Xasan ayaa maanta si rasmi ah u dhagax dhigay mashaariicda horumarinta degmada Gaalkacyo ee ay taageerayso Hay’ada Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan dhinaca horumarinta ee UNDP. Mashaariicda horumarinta degmada Gaalkacyo ayaa ah laba mashruuc oo lagu dhisayo wado dheer oo saddex km ah, taasi oo si toos ah u gasha Garoonka Diyaaradaha magaalada Gaalkacyo iyo sidoo kale dayactir balaaran oo lagu sameynayo Garoonka kubada cagta ee Cawaale Stadium Gaalkacyo. Duqa Degmada Gaalkacyo C/raxmaan Maxamuud oo dhagax dhigayey mashaariicdaasi ayaa RBC Radio u sheegay in mashaariicdani ay yihiin kuwa horumarinta degmooyinka ee ay taageerto Hay’ada Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan dhinaca horumarinta ee UNDP. Mudane C/raxmaan waxaa uu hadalkiisa ku daray in wadada Garoonka diyaaradaha gasha oo 3km ah la dhisayo, qandaraaska dhismaha wadadaasina ay qaadatay shirkada John Consturction Company, iyadoo dhinaca biyo dageenka Cirjiife uu Gudoomiyuhu sheegay in la marin doono buundo yar oo dhirir ahaan gaareysa 10m, balac ahaana gaareysa 6m, si biyaha galaya Cirjiife ay hoos uga maraan jidka loo dhisayo in uu galo Garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Gaalkacyo. Duqa Gaalkacyo oo dhagaxdhigay wadada garoonka diyaaradaha Gaalkacyo oo ladhisayo Dhinaca kale Duqa Gaalkacyo waxaa uu dhagax dhigay mashruuca lagu dhisayo Garoonka kubada cagta ee Cawaale Stadium Gaalkacyo, waxaana qandaraaska lagu dhisayo garoonka qaatey shirkada Muumin Construction Company oo maantaba bilowday shaqada Garoonka, iyadoo shaqaalaha shirkadaasi ay guda galeen in dhagxaanta ay ka bixiyaan gudaha garoonka gaar ahaan halka ciyaartooydu kubada ku ciyaarto. Garoonka kubada cagta Gaalkacyo oo dayactir ku bilowday Garoonka kubada cagta Gaalkacyo oo mudooyinkan dambe aan helin wax dayactir ah ayaa haatan dib u dayactir balaaran lagu sameynayaa, waxaana la dhisayaa derbiyada garoonka oo uu burbur ka muuqdo, ganjeelooyinka oo dayacan iyo halka lagu ciyaaro oo dhagaxda laga soo bixinayo. Wadada Garoonka Diyaaradaha Gaalkacyo oo lagu bilaabay dhisme Duqa Degmada Gaalkacyo C/raxmaan Maxamuud ayaa sheegay in mashaariicdani ay xigi doonaan kuwa kale oo bulshada looga faa’ideynayo, isagoo intaa ku daray in loo baahan yahay in Jaaliyada dibada ee gobolka Mudug iyo ganacsatadaba ay soo taageeraan mashaariicdani, maadaama sida Gudoomiyuhu sheegay in wadada aada Garoonka diyaaradaha Gaalkacyo waxa laga dhisayo uusan ahayn laami haddana haddii ay gacan ka geystaan shacabka Gaalkacyo iyo Jaaliyada Dibada ay suurtagal noqon karto in laami laga dhiso. Mas'uuliyiinta degmada oo goobjoog ka ah dhismaha wadada garoonka diyaaradaha Labadan mashruuc ayaa dhaqaalaha ku baxaya waxaa uu yahay lacag konton kun kor u dhaafeysa oo ku baxaysa wadada aada Garoonka diyaaradaha Gaalkacyo iyo sidoo kale lacag sodon iyo dhowr kun ah oo lagu bixinayo dib u dayactirka garoonka kubada cagta ee Cawaale Stadium. RBC Radio.
  6. Jacaylbaro you give credit when credit is due bro, muran wax ma tarto
  7. Those pictures are from hiiran online and they dont like the dhinaca airportka, it is right in the heart of xafadaha. According to HOL all of Bossaso is going to be paved. If this is true, Waa guul-weyn uu soo hoyatay magalada bosaso. Another correction to HOL, ma ahan degmo bossaso wa magaalo.
  8. Degmada Boosaaso oo yeelanaysa waddooyin cusub oo laami ah (SAWIRRO) Jimco, 07 Janaayo, 2011 (HOL) – Maamulka degmada Bosaaso ayaa bilaabay olole aad u balaaran oo lagu hagaajinayo bilicda degmada iyo wadooyinka muhiimka ah ee ku yaala goobaha faras magaalaha ee degmadu leedahay. "Waxaan ugu tala galnay in isbadal lagu sameeyo fiditaanka magaalada,maadaama ay tahay magaalo ganacsi oo uu ciriirigu badan yahay"ayuu yiri duqa degmada oo la hadlay warbaahinta. Maxamuud Beeldaaje Faarax ayaa sheegay in qorshahan ay ku baxayso lacag aad u fara badan,iyadoo ay taageerayaan ha'yado maxalli ah oo Bosaaso ka howl gala Wadada ugu isticmaalka badan Bosaaso marka laga reebo laamiga ayaa waxaa ka howlgalayay shaqaale ka tirsan dowlada hoose ka tirsan,iyadoo dhamaan la xanibay isku socodkii dadka iyo gaadiidka wadadaasi inta ay shaqadu ku socoto. "Sida aad la socotaan shaqada wadadan marka ay dhamaato waxaa loo badalayaa Laammi la mid ah keena caadiga ah sidaas ayaana loo isticmaali doonaa"ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray gudoomiyaha degmada. Waxaa la sheegay in wadadan ay wax badan ka qaban doonto adeegyada bulsho ee magaalada ,waxaana ay ka imaataa laamiga ,iyadoo ku dhamaata madaxtooyada ilaa iyo maxjarka wayn ee xoolaha. "Wajiga koowaad marka uu dhamaado wajiga labaad waxa uu noqon doono in laami la dhigo,taasi oo wax badan sahli doonta "ayuu yiri isna injineerka shirkadda wadadan gacanta ku haysa. Ugu danbayntii maamulka ayaa ka codsaday shacabka degmada in laga taageero howlaha kor loogu qaadayo bilicda degmada oo iminka aad u kortay wixii ka danbeeyay bur-burkii dowladii dhexe ee Soomaaliya. Faisel Maxamed Hassan, Hiiraan Online boston@hiiraan.com Boosaaso, Soomaaliya
  9. Plus the drought is affecting all somalia, I seen shabab drought responses and their cutting off the lifeline to people in the most desparate times, I seen puntland response which is very clear The government of Puntland is committed to play in a lead role in response to the drought and as a result has already mobilized local resources to address the impact of the drought. And somaliland havent seen any response from them even though PPL ARE DYING there already in the cities siiba hargeisa ka warana badiyaha waba ka si daran tahay. A useless govt on paper but not working at ground level
  10. Plus I have also noticed that puntland media definitely have wayyyyyyyyyyy more picture articles then other news outlets. How often do u see pics from hamar and hargeisa outlets? even when there are pics from hargeisa outlets its usually like 1 or 2 pics lol...The hamari guys when they do pics they do it properly and have up to 5-10 however the problem with them is they hardly have pic articles also well definitely not as much as Puntland. Can someone answer why puntland media more pictorial based then others? is it because puntland is more real where-as the other states are fakers and cant show REAL pics to justify their news reporting? Wa dood kale oo furan As far as documentaries are concerned puntland is leading in there also, I know hamar gets more video airtime on news channels then puntland does however im talking about video documentaries on your city and state is abudant in puntland where-as other states I see a lack of this. I think puntland is probably the only real media out there in somalia whilst the rest are phonies lying to their people to further their hate agendas but whats sad is if their speaking the truth which I know u guys think they do, THEN WHY NOT SHOW A GOD DAMN PIC
  11. Galkayo Will be getting new airport road paved, new terminal, the city will have more indoor markets for meat and milk. There is the Galkayo University Project, A City Library, Brand new spanking Hospital. Thats only a few of things that is under construction in that city. I am sure 2011 will bring new projects what u guys think will be future projects of Galkayo city? Qardho - Has new university under construction, more tree planting, there is new police station to be opened, and there is rurar project happening there to create more piped water or biyo xidheen and health campaign happening there. What do u think Qardho future projects in 2011 will be? Garowe - Has new roads under construction, Golis Tower 7 stories going up, 3-4 story suuq, indoor markets for meat and milk, football tournament hosts for 2010, health campaign happening there also, There is alot backlog projects still not completed such federal department projects, parliament project, paving of the airport-run way, A few hotels opened up last year also. So what u think Garowe project will be in 2011 Bossaso - New airport road paved, backlog projects such as golis tower 8 stories, finishing the airport/port jobs, new navy and its headquarters r based there along with the airforce, and i say airforce because garowe-online said "even amisom doesnt have air capabilities" and amisom does have cargo planes so it wasnt talking about that but talking about airforce jet fighters. I know new marine institute is being built there, a few new hotels did rehabilitations on their premises, I know a few hospitals are still being worked on there. what u think is bosaso projects 2011? Now the big question I want to know is why does puntland always have the major projects happening where-as other states dont? consider why is it hargeisa has maybe 10 projects a year or something when puntland rolls out over 100 a year? Can someone please explain? It will even get worse when america gets involved because if puntland doesnt get lion share I know their will be problems. So why does puntland always have the most projects and I know u all guys notice because the amount of times i put up project news is every second day, where as project news for somaliland is like every once a month and they usually hide this by focussing on politics or recognition to cover up the fact their administration is just on paper but doesnt work at the ground level. The only thing that happend in somaliland was that berbera port revamp nothing else for 2010. So can anyone explain why puntland has more projects then somaliland? is it because were linked to the tfg? I dont think thats the case because why would the tfg give it to puntland when it can give it to its own ppl in galmudug or hiiran or other peaceful areas? Anyways dood furan
  12. Somali-Fan website is very strong anti puntland website, Even though I dont agree with half the rubbish that is said on that site, what I do strongly condemn is journalists or any media organization be arrested just because they are negative towards the state or officials. We cannot progress without constructive criticism, we should use this criticism and better ourselves with it. But if we silence it, how can we better ourselves? See this is the way Puntland officials should view anti puntland reporters and media outlets. Anyways enjoy your freedom Yusuf Adan and im pretty sure you will come up with some sort of story on somali-fan or galgalanews to talk about how badly you were tortured and so forth but just remember this yusuf adan, if puntland was a very bad place then it would be burning and no hormar would be seen there just like hamar is burning. Wake up Yusuf Adan Puntland is not perfect buts its by the farrrrrrrrr the best state in Somalia.
  13. nternational Freedom of Expression Exchange Clearing House (Toronto) Somalia: Puntland Court Releases Reporter After Six Months in Jail press release The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) welcomes today the release of journalist Yusuf Ali Adan, an online reporter for Somalifans news website, whose whereabouts remained unknown until December 2010, when Puntland Intelligence Service (PIS) produced him at the Criminal Court in Bossasso town of Puntland. Adan, who was released on Thursday 30 December, was first brought to the Criminal Court in Bossasso town on 27 December. The judge of the court, Abdirisak Hareed, asked the prosecutor to present to the court criminal evidence he had against the defendant, but the prosecutor could not bring enough evidence to the court. However, he claimed that Adan had defamed the Ports Minister of Puntland, which caused the public to panic, and which could have resulted in imminent anarchist action, insecurity and social unrest. The prosecutor added that the minister had withdrawn his complaint of defamation. "This is a great day and the year ends with this joyous news. Justice was done for Adan, at last. Criminalising journalists' work has been something that we have been protesting all these months," said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General. The lawyer for the defendant, Ahmed Barre, said that Adan did not commit any crime and there is no any criminal evidence against him. The lawyer added that Adan is an innocent citizen who was jailed illegally for nearly six months without charges. The lawyer requested that the court release Adan and that he be compensated by the administration for the illegal detention. The judge had asked the prosecutor on 27 December to bring the court the statement in which the minister declared his withdrawal of the defamation complaint on top of sufficient evidence to substantiate his case before 30 December. The judge also ordered that Adan be held in jail until the trial continued on 30 December. When Adan was brought to court for the second time, the prosecutor read the same statement from the previous hearing. Adan's lawyer claimed that the accusations against his client did not exist and had no legal basis. The lawyer again asked the judge to release Adan and rule that compensation be paid to the journalist. The judge finally declared that the prosecutor had failed to bring the court any legal evidence against the journalist and so he ruled to release Yusuf Ali Adan. However, the judge did not force authorities to pay any compensation to Adan. During the court's ruling, members of Adan's family, friends, journalists and human rights defenders were present at court. After the ruling took place, Adan was freed and he left the court with some members of his family. Adan was first arrested on 7 July 2010 when the administration soldiers captured him in Bossasso town. The soldiers later handed the reporter over to the PIS - the Puntalnd counter-terrorism agency - who kept the reporter incommunicado before they relocated him to the central prison in Bossasso.
  14. The above pics are my selection, I selected the ones I feel show the hard work being done by Puntlanders. Now that Bossaso has good local government, airport management and a semi-decent state government we need to work hard. We need to make it green, post up traffic/air signal signs/ Hotels are already there and established. We need to finally pave it and have the airport facing the oceanic views as a superb view. Good on all the workers for getting in there and doing their bit and if I was there even I would pick up a rock for the city. Hawsha halkas kasi wada iyo airportkan wa inu noqda airport calami uu ah reer puntland. When I get off bossaso I want to feel I have entered a city with a government system
  15. More Pics can be viewed here http://www.flickr.com/photos/55584185@N02/5329250403/in/set-72157625635238361/
  16. Maamulka Madaarka Boosaaso oo wada Howlo Ku aadan bilicda garoonka. Maamulka garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Bosaso ayaa wada howlo lagaga shaqaynaayo,bilicda iyo quruxda garoonka diyaarada kuwasoo ay kamidyihiin hagaajinta nadaafada garoonka iyo cagaarka ama dhirta kudhextaal garoonka. Maamulkaan cusub oo ayagu dhowaan xilka kala wareegay maamulkii hore ayaa dhawaanahaanba waday how lahaan ay kuqurxinayaan garoonka Garoonka diyaaradaha Bosaso ayaa waxaa laga dereemayaa isbadal dhanka bilicda iyo nadaafada ah tan iyo intii uu xilka lawereegay maamulkan. Garoonka Bosaso ayaa haatan ah midleh goobo soo jiidanaaya indhaha dadka aygu kasoo degaya iyo kuwa kadhoofaya garoonka kuwaasoo ay kamidyihiin dhir aad u cagaaran,goobon waaskooyina oo biya duljiifaan iyo waxyaabakale. Maanta Mar aynu Booqasho ku tagnay ayaa waxaa siweyn uga soconayay Howlo Nadaafadeed oo ay Masuuliyiinta iyo Shaqaalaha Garoonka wadeen iyagoo Gaadiid waaweyn ku gurayay waxii bilicda wax u dhimaya sida qashinka yar yar iyo dhagaxaanta. Maareeyaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha Magaalada Boosaaso C/qadir Maxamuud (Jeenigaab) oo isaga oo ku jira Howlaha Nadaafadeed ee soconayay ayaan kala sheekeysanay howlahan soconaya, waxaana uu sheegay in ay tahay mid ay khamiis walba qabtaan maamul walaa shaqaalaha Airport-ka Magaalada Boosaaso islamarkaana ay uga golleeyihiin in ay ku soo saaraan bilicda Madaarka . Qaar ka mid ah Shaqaalaha Garoonka Diyaarada oo iyagana halkaasi aan kula kulanay ayaa waxay sheegeen in ay u heelan yihiin sidii ay wax weyn yuga qaban lahaayeen bilicda Garoonka, waxaanay ku qeylinayeen halku dhigyo ay howsha ku wadayaan sida, Halkudhiga (Daawanaayoow waa dalkaagii waxa dib u dhacay, Dadna haku haleyn) Mid ka mid ah Gabdhaha ka shaqeeya oo lagu magacaabo Faadumo ayaa sheegatay in howlahan nadaafadeed yihiin kuwo ay soo hindiseen Masuuliyinta Cusub ee iminka garoonka la wareegay, iyadoona amaantay Maamulkan Cusub islamarkaana ku tilmaantay Mid Baraarujin iyo Howl wanaagsan wada. Sidoo kale waxaa intii ay soconayeen howlaha Nadaafadeed halkaasi kormeer shaqo ku yimid agaasimaha Duulista Hawada Dowlada Puntland, waxaanu ku tilmaamay howlaha soconayaa mid aad loogu farxo . Si kastaba ha ahaatee marka la eegto bilicda garoonka Diyaaradaha Magaalada Boosaaso ayaad arkeysaa isbedel weyn tan iyo intii uu gacan ku heynta garoonka la wareegay Maamulka Cusub ee hada ka arimiya. Daawo Sawirada
  17. I think the graduates from Electric and Cooling system Diploma will not be short of employment in Bossaso, Considering the new constructions happening there every-day which all of them will require air-conditioners lol. I know for a fact the house I build in Bossaso will have an Air-con in it. Anyways congratulations too all the students and work hard for the state in all your respective professions. For all those who don't know Bossaso Technical Institute this is the city's diploma level institution where students study for 2 years in what-ever field of choice and recieve recognition. Good on all the Bossaso Folks and may 2011 bring in more graduates for puntland because they will be seriously needed when the oil starts flowing which will definitely cause a trickle effet across all industries in the state and thus demand more workers.
  18. Machadka Farsamada Gacanta Ee Magaalada Boosaaso Oo Arday Gudoonsiiyey Shahaadooyin Xaflad shahaado gudoonsiin ah oo si weyn loo soo qaban qaabiyey ayaa ka dhacday xarunta machadka farsmada gacanta ee magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari. Ardey gaareysa 235 ardey oo isugu jira wiilal iyo gabdho ayaa shahaadooyin lagu gudoonsiiyey xaflad ka dhacday gudaja machadka,kuwaasi oo muddo sanad ah baranayey qaybaha kala duwan ee lagu dhigto machadka oo kala ah: 1. Basic Accounting. 2. Secretarial Study. 3. Electric and Cooling system. 4. Auto Mechanic. 5. Peary Salon. 6. Office management. 7. Iyo kuwa kale. Maamulaha machadka farsmada gacanta ee Boosaaso Jaamac Cismaan Shibiin oo Waraysi gaar ah siiyey Horseed Media ka dib markii ay soo dhamaatay shahaado gudoonsiinta aderyda ayuu sheegay in machadka uu dhisay Bank Islamic 1995, isagoona ku daray in la’asaasay 15.September.1997 oo xiligaasi ay hirgalisay hay’ad lagu magacaabo IICO fadhigeedu yahay wadanka Kuwait. …”Hay’adda IICO ka dib machadka waxaa gacanta ku qabtay hay’adda Diakonia iyo kuwa kale oo ay ka mid yihiin DRC,Horn Relief,Save The Children,EDC iyo Wasaarada Waxbarshada….”ayuu yiri. Jaamac Cismaan Shibiin ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in mudadii uu jiray machadku ay ka qalan jabiyeen ardey gaareysa 1220 kuwaasi oo isug jira Wiilal iyo gabdho. …..”2009-2010 waxaa ka qalan jebisay machadka ardey gaareysa 235,kuwaasi oo isugu jira qaybaha kala duwan ee machadku bixiyo…”ayuu yiri. Mr.Shibiin ayaa baaq u diray ganacstada iyo dadweynaha kunool degmada Boosaao in ay gacan weyn ka geystaan machadku sidii uu mustaqbalka u noqon lahaa mid gaara himilooyinka uu higsanayo. Munaasabadaasi ayaa kusoo dhataay jawi wanaagsan,waxaana xusud mudan in ay ka hadleen duqa degmada Boosaaso Maxamuud Faarax Beeldaaje iyo marti sharaf kale. Cismaan Turaabi Horseed Media Boosaaso,Puntland
  19. Wasaaradda Kaluumaysiga iyo Kheyraadka Badda Puntland oo Wax Ka Qabanaysa Jariifka Xeebaha Wasaarada Kaluumaysiga iyo Kheyraadka Badda Dawladda Puntland ayaa sheegtay in ay wax ka qaban doonto kaluumaysiga sida sharci darrada ah kasocdo xeebaha Soomaaliya gaar ahaan kuwa Puntland. Wasiirka Wasaarada Kaluumaysiga Eng.Maxamed Faarax Aadan oo wareysi siinayay warbaahinta Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in Wasaaradiisa ay sanadkaan 2011-ka qorsheyaal badan la imaan doonto. Wuxuu sheegay in Hay’ado ay kamid tahay UNDP ballanqaaday mashaariic horumarineed,waxaana kamid ah in Iskuul lagu barto cilmiga Badda laga furo degaanada Puntland. Wasiirka ayaa intaas raaciyey in cabashada kasoo yeeraysa Kaluumaysatada ay wax ka qaban doonaan isla markaana la dagaalami doonaan maraakiibta jariifka ku haya Xeebaha. Xeebaha Soomaaliya waxaa si sharci darro ah uga kaluumaysta gaadiid badeed kuwaas oo gurta Kheyraadka Badda Soomaaliyeed wixii ka dambeeyey burburkii Dawladdi dhexe. Horseed Media
  20. Dawladda Puntland oo Walaac Xoogan Ka Muujisay Saamaynta Abaaraha Dawladda Puntland ayaa sheegtay in abaaraha ka jira gobolada ay maamusho ay saamayn ku yeesheen dad ku dhow hal milyan oo qof. Wasiirka Wasaarada Qorsheynta iyo Xirrirka Caalamiga ee Puntland ahna Gudoomiyaha guddiga loo xilsaaray abaaraha Dr.Da’uud Maxamed Cumar oo la hadlaayay saxaafada ayaa sheegay in abaaruhu ay saamayn ku yeesheen dad gaaraya hal milyan oo qof. Wuxuu tilmaamay in qiimeyn ay kusoo sameyeen ay ku ******** tirada dadka ay abaaruhu saameyeen,isagoo xusey in dadka ay abaaruhu saameyeen ay kunool yihin goobaha miyiga iyo tuulooyinka. Wasiirka ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in Hay’ado samafal kala hadleen sidii ay gacan uga geysan lahaayeen sidii loo gurman lahaa dadka ay abaaruhu saameyeen. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Faroole ayaa bishii lasoo dhaafay ee sanadki 2010-ka guddi Wasiiro ah u magacaabay wax ka qabashada abaaraha isla markaana qiimeyn kusoo sameeya abaaraha. Horseed Media
  21. Below is the Press Release From Puntland's President Dr. Farole regarding the drought crisis facing the state and the urgent action required http://www.puntlandpost.com/englishnewspage.php?articleid=13925
  22. You will need to zoom in through your web-page in order to read the ceasefire agreement between the warring factions in 1993 which settled the central region disputes to usher in an era of peace which has lasted for nearly 20 years. This historic agreement is being broken by the South Galkayo folks more regularly then ever before which could cause the great mudug wars to return and if it does this time, I can guarantee no usc folk will be living in gobollada dhexe. From galkayo illa beletweyn will be controlled by the Puntland Administration