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Everything posted by Abdirazak_PTL

  1. Qardho Market will be rehabiliated Textile Market will be opened in Qardho New market in the suburb of wadajir in qardho Rehabilitation of Qardho roads Projects to be started in libow and dhaxan suburbs of qardho Rehabilation of qardho prison 50 trees to be planted on the side of the roads in qardho Qardho nice way to start 2011
  2. Where is the other somali regions drought policy? nowhere to be seen because meelahasi dawlad kama jirto. Shabab is even blocking any drought relief to occur in the regions it control except in kismayo which is quite odd. Somaliland is just praying it goes away and theirs reports of deaths already in hargeisa casimadooda from hunger. This is puntland drought policy very clear and precise. The first phase is governmental rescue which will truck water into regions hit hard, maintenace of wells, and creation of new wells. The second phase will be development agency funding into drought stricken areas in puntland and strictly puntland. The third phase is the business-men conference on 20th of january which will provide another drought relief strategy and finally the diaspora of puntland are meeting in emergency mode and raising funds to for the final phase of the drought relief. Puntland wa dawlad dadkeedu waana dad laysku halayn karo
  3. http://radiodaljir.com/audio/martisoor/kayseJan12.ram
  4. Puntland Drought Relief Program has begun. This is the first phase of relief, and there will be huge meeting 20th of january between puntland business men who will bring about the second phase of the drought relief, and then third phase which will be the developmental agencies who will be required to take part in preserving puntland and finally the fourth phase the diaspora like myself who is even attending a big meeting at the convention center in melbourne and donating $500 towards the cause
  5. Dawladda Puntland Oo Dhaqaale Ugu Deeqday Abaaraha Ka Jira Puntland Dawladda Puntland ayaa ugu deeqday wajiga hore ee la tacaalida xaaladda abaaraha ka jira Puntland lacag dhan 6-bilyan oo shilin Soomaali ah una dhiganta laba boqol oo kun oo doolarka Maraykanka ah. Wasiirka Qorsheynta iyo Xirriirka Caalimga ah ee Puntland Daa’uud Maxamed Cumar oo maanta saxaafada kula hadlaayey magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Puntland ayaa sheegay in dawladda Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland ay ugu deeqday wajiga hore ee abaaraha ka jira deegaanada Puntland dhaqaale gaaraya 6-bilyan oo shilin Soomaali ah. ….”Gollaha Wasiiradda Puntland wuxuu isla qaatay,madaxweynuhuna ku dhawaaqay in lix bilyan oo shilin Soomaali ah una dhiganta laba boqol oo Kun oo doollar loogu shubo akoonada Dahabshiil iyo Amal…”ayuu yiri. Qorshaha deeqdaasi ayuu ku sheegay Wasiirku in lagu jiheynayo ama loogu talagalay hawlgalada gurmadka abaaraha iyo meelaha dar daran ee bilowga ah in loogu hawlgalo,wuxuuna sidoo kale sheegay in shaqaalaha dawladda ay ka qaybqaadan doonaan xaalada gurmadka abaaraha ka jira Puntland. Wuxuu sheegay in kulamadii ugu danbeeyey ee ay yeesheen gollaha Wasiirada Puntland ay dhinacyo badan ka eegeen xaalada abaarta sida : Ceelasha iyo Xaaladda ay ku sugan yihiin. Xoolaha iyo Xaalada ay ku sugan yihiin. Biyaha Ceelasha ku jiray iyo sida ay u dhamaadeen. In loo baahanyahay gurmad deg deg ah oo lagu jeediyo awooda dawlada Puntland iyo hay’adaha oo dhamaystiran. Daa’uud Maxamed Cumar ayaa sheegay in ganacsatada la casumo inta ka horeysa 20-ka bishaan si ay usoo bandhigaan ka qaybgalkooda xaalada abaaraha Puntland. Sidoo kale wuxuu sheegay Daa’uud Maxamed Cumar in wajiga labaad ee la tacaalida xaalada abaaraha Puntland ay u qorsheeyeen in loola dhaqmo sida ay u muuqato. Wasiirka Qorsheynta iyo Xirriirka Caalimga ah ee Puntland ayaa ugu danbeyn sheegay in la cayimay guddiyo loogu talagalay in ay ka hawlgalaan gobolada iyo degmooyinka kuwaasi oo ay ku jiraan ganacsato,waxgarad,madax dhaqameedyo iyo maamulka dawlada si looga hawlgalo goobaha ay ka jiraan abaaraha ee Puntland. Si kastaba ha ahaatee dawladda Puntland waxay soo bandhigtay sida ay uga qayb qaadaneyso abaaraha ka taagan deegaanada Puntland awaxayna dhawaan soo saartay qoraal ay beesha caalamka ugu baaqeyso gargaar deg deg ah oo ay soo gaarsiiyaan kumanaanka kun ee la ildaran saameynta abaarta xoogan ee deegaanada Puntland. Cismaan Turaabi Horseed Media Boosaaso,Puntland
  6. Maamulka Degmada Qardho Oo Dhagax Dhigay Mashaariic Laga Fulinayo Qardho Iyo Deegaano Hoostaga Guddoomiyaha degmada Qardho Maxamed Siciid Ciise Guul ayaa maanta dhagax dhigay 7-mashruuc oo la filayo in si rasmi ah looga fuliyo degmada Qardho iyo deegaano hoostaga magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar. Maxamed Siciid “Hogaama Laroor” oo la hadlaayey Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in 7-mashruuc ay kala yihiin: Dib u dhis lagu sameynayo suuqii hore ee dhawaan la dumiyey. Suuq dhar oo laga dhisayo degmada Qardho. Suuq cusub oo laga dhisayo Xaafada Wadajir ee magaalada Qardho. Dib u habeyn lagu sameynayo mid kamid ah waddooyinka halbowlaha u ah magaalada Qardho. Mashruucyo laga fulinaayo deegaanada Libow iyo Dhaxan ee magaalada Qardho. Dib u habayn lagu sameynaayo Xabsiga magaalada Qardho oo 85-sano jirsaday. 50-geed oo hor leh laguna beerayo dhinacyada wadada laamiga ah ee magaalada Qardho. Wuxuu intaasi ku daray in mashruucyadaasi ay ku baxayso dhaqaale kor u dhaafaya 100,000 oo doolar isla markaasina uu qayb ka yahay mashruucyada laga fulinaayo deegaanada Puntland. Waxaa sheegid muddan in dhiraynta magaalada Qardho ay gacan ka geysanayaan dhalinyarada magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar. Si kastaba ha ahaatee arrimahaan ayaa waxay kusoo beegmayaan xili mashruucyo kuwaan dhigooda ah laga bilaabay degmooyinka waaweyn ee Puntland. Cabdiqani Qalabad Horseed Media Boosaaso,Puntland
  7. Ugu danbeytii Waxaa uu Duqa Degmada Boosaso U ku Booriyay dadweynaha in ay Ka Qayb Qatan Arimaha Horumarinta degmada Oo Sheegay in Qof Walba Xil Ka saaran Maadama Bilicda Magalda Boosaso Tahay mid Waajib Ah . Oh damn that gotta hurt the haters of puntland
  8. Damn the city is appearing to have better urban planning, can't wait till that road runs through it and make the city shine. Si wada hawsha dadkeygow
  9. Duqa Degmada Boosaso Oo Maanta Kormeeray Dhismaha Wadada Laamiga ah Ee Ka Socda Boosaso (Sawiro) Boosaso (RBC Radio ) Maamulka Degmada Boosaso ayaaa Maanta waxaa ay Ka warbixiyeen Arimaha La xiriira Dhismaha Wadada Weyn Ee Magalada Boosaso Dhismaheeda Laga Bilabay. Duqa Degmada Boosaso Maxmuud Faarax Beeldaje Oo saxaafada Kula Hadlayay Meesha ay Ka socdaan dhismayaasha aya sheegay in Ay Marinayaan Dhismayasha Meel Wanaagsan isagoona Saxafada Tusay Laamigii Loogu Tala Galay Wadadan Oo Ku Jira Fuustoyin Waaweyn Kaasi oo Maanta Laga soo Dajiyay Dekeda Boosaso. Wadadan ayaa waxaa ay Ka soo Bilaabaneysaa Garoonka diyaaradaha ee Magalada boosaso Iyadoona si Toos ah U Galaysa Xarunta Madaxtooyada Magalada Boosaso Iyadoona dhamaan Dadka Shacabka Boosaso si Weyn U Soo Dhaweyn Arimahan Dhinaca Horumarinta Degmada Gaar ahaan Dhismaha Wadadan Oo Laami Laga dhigi Doono. Xog Hayaha dowlada Hoose ee Boosaso Oo Isagana dhiniciisa La hadalayay saxaafada Aya sheegay in Ay Dalabad U Dirayaan dadka degen Gudaha Wadooyinka ay Howshan Ka wadaan Gaar ahan dadka Degen Wadada Xaafada Suweyto Oo KU Jira Gudaha wadada Laamiga ah ee Haatan Dhismaheeda La Wado. Ugu danbeytii Waxaa uu Duqa Degmada Boosaso U ku Booriyay dadweynaha in ay Ka Qayb Qatan Arimaha Horumarinta degmada Oo Sheegay in Qof Walba Xil Ka saaran Maadama Bilicda Magalda Boosaso Tahay mid Waajib Ah. Mohamed A Rashiid RBC Radio Boosaso Wadada Ka Imada Dhinaca Garoonka Oo Soo Gasha Madaxtoyada Boosaso Oo Shaqada Ka socoto Foostoyinkani Waxaa KU Jira Laami Ama Daamur Kaasi Oo loogu Talagalay In Lagu Dhiso Wadada Duqa degmada Oo Shir Jara id Ku Qabtay Goobta Dhismaha Ka socdo Wadada Oo Shaqo Ka Socoto
  10. I only started to pay attention to puntland like in 2007-2008 before that I didn't, I was more mogadishu orientated. I wish I had because I am certain I would've got more pics of the darawish when under abdullahi yusuf because he really lifted them up like really high
  11. Xaji well i cant post the PIS after they are intelligentsia THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SEEN or they wouldn't be very intelligent would they? I posted the marines which is new institution as you are all aware. Third batch are being trained as we speak. I posted the darawish where-ever I could find them in battle or parading. The darawish dont have a special institution except base 54 really which is their command post. But puntland strengths are definitely the police, pis, and the up and coming marine force. I already admitted the darawish need more attention and dont u see what farole is doing? he is giving them a pay-rise, enforcing no khat policy because he saw how successful that was with the ciidaanka asluubta. So he is addressing the darawish factor to bring up to standard like other sections of the puntland security sector.
  12. Puntland has four tier security system 1. Police 2. Darawish 3. PIS 4. Marine Force Now I'd say the police is our strongest point in puntland it has its own institution and they are alot more visible then the rest. The PIS would be next runner up cause its heavily armed and heavily funded. Then would be the marine force which all somalis are crying about however in a couple of years it might even outstrip our police force. The darawish would be the weakest element i believe. Maybe not who knows puntland govt could be keeping its secret and stuff like navy stuff but I dont hear much on the darawish at all however they are there just not as visible as I would prefer them to be. Lets see if the darawish reforms farole is enacting will change this. Anyways I suggest always that darawish sector of our security needs huge boostening. We need to stop hiding them as if were not responsible state, we should be out there showing that we have strong border troops who are also loaded up. I would like to see this years august celebration be darawish celebration of power. Lets put all the other sectors aside and parade the darawish throughout garowe armed with guns, tanks, technicals and bm21 and all the other equipments at the galkayo warehouse
  13. Abdullahi Yusuf Boys Strapped with UZIS One Division Of The Darawish in Galgala Getting Their Orders From The VP Darawish Marching On Another Division of Darawish Getting Their Orders More unique puntland police vehicles
  14. The police recruits are all hauled into buses to carmo academy to meet Sargent I Dont Give A Fcuk I know these police type of vans are famous in puntland siiba bosaso iyo garowe Ciidanka Asluubta qeybtooda garowe Bosaso Governor Guards Base 54 Darawish Command Tower Abdullahi Yusuf Darawish Troopers in Hamar
  15. I think its about time Puntland this years holds a parade showing the arsenal of our state. Lets not kid ourselves, we are building an marine force, we are having 6 black hawk helicopters supporting our ground troopers, we have strong institutions in carmo academy which is the only police institution in the whole country to train our forces. The tfg boys either come to carmo or go to uganda, djibouti and so forth to train their troopers. Where-as the hargeisa folks dont have such institutions and send their kids to ethiopia for training. Lets firstly state that we are proud to have 3 strong security institutions namely 1. PIS 2. Marine Institute at Bender Ziyada which is strong institute that is building 3. Carmo Academy Police Weaknesses 1. Darawish I am happy to hear that farole is doing some reforms and paying the darawish higher and bringing in a no khat policy, hopefully this will retain the border troopers to the state. We need an organized, fit and well trained border troops because of the hot-spots in galkayo and las anod. Its not a funny matter either it appears we have invested to much into the PIS and are concerned about beating shabab because after-all shabab is not really a military force in puntland but more of an insurgency type of force in other words an enemy u cant see but who can strike at any time. To defeat this menace is to have strong intelligence and it appears we have done that. But by focusing on strong intelligence we cant lose the importance of our darawish border troops who are the security guys who deal with clan violence type of people like baraxley, snm, etc. Thats who we send to deal with those type of people. Now why is there so much secrecy with puntland security sector? why dont we show what we got, are we afraid that we will be tagged siyad barre army because of huge arsenal? I saw the uproar that was caused by puntland merely building a navy force of 1000 men that are specially trained and armed. 120 of these technicals were purchased also for the marines and god knows what else their hiding from us The First Batch of Marine Recruits Some of the current naval fleet(TO BE UPGRADED WITH 6 Black Hawk Support) Carmo Police Academy Famous For Training Puntland and Tfg police officers
  16. waryaa moonlight i never claimed the traffic light is in bosaso because as u can see its obviously not in bosaso, I was making a point by putting both pics side by side saying that bosaso will be same in the future when the roads are paved. Thats all I meant towards the pic and u know also thats what i meant so stop makin an issue out of something u just want to make an issue out of. Malmahan way dhamatay Futureka wa kan under construction When completed
  17. Jacaylbaro go read my post first at the top of that picture before u say I stole anything. I made it clear at the top of the picture that this traffic light installation will happen as part of future projects for bosaso and what I was pointing to is where waiting for the city to be paved before installing the traffic system. Anyways U will see sooner or later you know Bosaso will install traffic lights because we already installed stop signs/give way signs/bus stop signs throughout our cities. Where is the next logical path? of course its traffic lights
  19. Moonlight wax la inkiri karo ma aha, bosaso wa xarunta ganacsiga ee somalia and u know it and i know it marka muranka meel ku geyn mayso abti ee iska fadhiso and invest like your fellow brother is mr dahabshil who has been owned and checked by SSDF
  20. Moonlight this is hargeisa down-town waana realityga This bosaso downtown waana realityga I choose these pictures because they show both cities in their true light. Not just showing off 1 building or 2 but showing the city-landscape. Notice how hargeisa has no investment? if it did why dont they have semi-decent skyline? 2 or 3 towers there and thats it. Where-as Bosaso down-town u can tell straight away wa magalo ganacsi because the down-town is sprawling with businesses already. I tell u what sxb hargeisa strongpoint is they alot of house ama aqaloyin iyo xafado lakin dhaqaalo kama jirto dhulkasi, why u thnk everyone going to bosaso? Bosaso is trading city by BLOOOOD AND HISTORY ma ahan arin cusub and this is not what hargeisa is whether u accept it or not its up to u but remember always look at ur skyline and ask yourself why isnt their as many businesses sprawling throughout the place like bosaso. Please dont respond with 1 picture of dahabshil that doesnt prove a skyline, respond with a picture showing the WHOLE SKYLINE and I bet u i can count the number of businesses there with 1 hand. Like I said hargeisa wa xafadoyin sxb wax kale ma aha and somalidu ma ahan dad la siri karo ama been loo sheegi karo. Anyways Bosaso is the financial capital of Puntland, its the financial hub for traders and business men to meet up and exchange, invest and do business. This is already being proposed to be expanded by farole who said he will guarantee that all somalis and also instabul declaration continue investing into the city same with malaysia
  21. Moonlight you are very silly naive kid, listen sxb magaladi dhan baba looma marinaya laami, maxa ku xiggo is-wedi? ma waxad mooda in lamiyo la marinayo iyo no traffic lights? you are out of your mind then. Its already evident puntland has started raising up stop signs, give way signs throughout the galkayo-garowe-bosaso-las anod road. Its also evident that garowe and galkayo already have bus stop signs through-out the city. Its also evident the airport at bosaso is being equipped with them also. Marka put two and two together? War hoy bosaso will have traffic lights or the new roads throughout the city will be poorly utilized and its just a bad business decision not to do so. Marka maseerka iska daa ee Bosaso guul weyn buu gaadhay iyo guul ka si weyn ba soo socda aad la yaabi doontid marki investmentka dhan ku soo badato magalada casimada ee bariga somalia
  22. Some of vastly different commercial outlets in all of puntland This is the 4th hospital in Bosaso alone which compliments bosaso central hospital, suburb hospital, east africa hospital and now this one Native Bossasians at the Peace Club Lobby in Bosaso
  23. Please be aware this is the CEO of Puntland Chamber of Commerce which represents over 1000 businesses and traders in puntland Chamber of Commerce Headquarter In Bosaso Mind you there is alot of unheard of construction happening in puntland financial capital city such as below When the roads are all paved. The Next Project For Bosaso Traffic lights installed through-out the city Come for Spring Bath at Biyokulule. Its like hot steam bath and very healthy
  24. Projects In The Pipeline Golis Tower 8 Storey Building Banner Tawakal Bank/Hotel Under Construction Plus there are number of other domestic investments happening in the city such as dahabshil biggest bank will be built in Bosaso. Its already been signed and sealed. Plus farole is planning on holding a somali wide business men conference in garowe to direct more domestic investments into Bosaso. There is foreign investments such as the instanbul declaration under the pipeline and also america promise of two track process. There is other international domestic investments to occur also in the fishery sector from Malaysia and we even have puntland consulate in that country for the growing business relationship between the two states. There is no denying puntland financial capital is growing and its growing strong and this is what hurts the haters and i wish they die in their hatred because the more they hate the more we build