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Everything posted by Abdirazak_PTL

  1. Puntland has grand dreams which cannot be achieved without security of the area. Atam was an obstacle to this and the obstacle has been removed. Where-as xaji is talking about u haven't captured him, where-as were saying we removed an object against puntland progress. Bari is now completely puntland controlled. The progress can continue as long as the obstacle is removed. We dont care where the obstacle goes as long as its not puntland zones.
  2. Xaji i know your crying about it. But Puntland is controlling Galgala, we dont care if ATAM goes and hides out elsewhere. As long as its not within Bari. The main priority is the safety and security of the financial capital of Puntland Bosaso needs peace and security so it can continue on its massive grand plans. This is what farole has achieved. Now Bosaso can start planning for infrastructure building, marine institute, private/domestic investment and so forth. Where-as the security of the political capital of puntland Garowe is just as important and paramount. Its the government seat of Puntland People. Its where puntland politics is sought from. The Army Capital of Puntland Galkayo Security is Non negioable. Its the green-line, the buffer zone between progress and chaos. The reminder of what we COULD HAVE BECOME if we like the USC clan. It is reminder for all puntland citizens Plus another future Cities on the Rise. Bendar Ziyada home of the Puntland Marines
  3. Puntland has proven itself to be a mature state. Holding three somalia wide events it's only logical to have puntland hold the political conference for 2011. I think the international community will see that puntland is a mature state and viable ally. Because lets be serious is there anywhere-else in somalia that shows any signs of patriotism for the nation? The western world love that someone who can unify a people
  4. Ciidamo Daraawiish ah oo dib ugu soo noqdey Garowe 23 Dec 23, 2010 - 12:15:38 PM Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo xubno ka tirsan xukuumada ayaa maanta 23.12.2011 kusoo dhoweeyey magaalo madaxda Garowe ciidamo ka tirsan daraawiishta kuwaasoo dib uga soo noqdey buuraha Galgala. Ciidamadaan oo ka qayb galey howlgaladii buuraha ku dhow tuulada Galgala looga sifeynayey kooxaha Al-Shabaab ee uu hogaamin jirey ninka lagu magacaabo Attam. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo hadal kooban ugu jeediyey ciidamadaan duleedka Garowe ayaa u sheegey in howlgalkaan ay ku sifeeyeen kooxahaan uusan shacabka Puntland ilaawi doonin sida ay u guteen wajibaadkooda isaga oo tacsi direy dhamaan eheladii askartii dhimatey dagaaladaas. Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Farole iyo xubnihiisa ka tirsan Xukuumada ayaa ciidamadaan u soo horkacey xerada ciidamada 54aad oo ku taal duleedka Garowe. Dadweynaha Puntland gaar ahaan kuwa ku nool magaalada Garowe oo safnaa dhinacyada wadooyinka ayaa ku dhawaaqayey hal ku dhagyo ay kusoo dhoweynayeen ciidamadaan. Magaalo madaxda Puntland ee Garowe ayaa dhinaca kale la ciirciireysa dadka ka qayb galay tartanka cayaaraha gobolada Somalia. GAROWEONLINE
  5. Kornaylka. Mujahidiiin lama yirahdo SSDF, are you blind? war forumka snmtu bay yihin oo magac walbo iyo qabil walbo iska dhigayo to make it appear its SOMALIA online. War waxaasi mar hore baan gartay
  6. Abtigiis;682499 wrote: Nimanka 300 iska celin waayey baanu diyaarado iyo navy u samaynsan miyeyna isqilaafayn, Cowke muqumadoow? Warya delete this thread now. It is outdated, useless, and meanigless for lack of stronger words to describe it. Cowke, kaneeco miyaa ku cuntay adigoo yar waa maxay saskan ku hayaa 24/7? I have taken back the thread. I accept logical responses!!! Puntland Navy and Airforce is to strike down galgala militants in the mountains because those areas are very hard to access. We can only access it through 2 routes. Sea or AIR because the infrastructure is non-existant like roads and so forth. Thats why puntland is building up its air capabilities and marine force. Piracy is a means to convicne the international world, where-as the agenda is alot more focused on somalia's geopolitics. I can sit down and threaten any somali clan that I will send punt strikers to their tuulos and all they can say in return is "magaladeena dhulka ha dhigin" because they dont have the superior capabilities of puntland which can fight on ground, air and sea!!!
  7. This is what gave farole the green-light that somaliland doesn't have an army. It cannot even defend itself from 300 onlf. Thats why Puntland building a Navy and Airforce. I would be seriously questioning siilanyo why somaliland troops can't defend its state from 300 rebels? ma dhaqaalo xumo? ma ciidan la'an? ma hub la'an? Puntland didn't defend las anod because we just came back from hamar. We were fighting a War-front in the capital city of somalia were all the usc clan is based. Secondly even Puntland you willl never hear 1000 troops from ethiopia came at the MOST you might hear ethiopian security agencies track down terrorists and that was because most of our arsenal was in hamar at that time, you won't hear it now. What somaliland excuse? you dont even get involved in somalia u have no expenses nothing at all yet cant defend your own state is very disturbing
  8. Vote on which state will crowned the best football team in Somalia's World Cup at HM below http://horseedmedia.net/2010/12/23/poll-2010/
  9. Gen.Ilkojiir:”Puntland Diyaar ayay u tahay Martigelinta Shirweyne Soomaaliyeed” December 24, 2010 | 0 comments Wasiirka wasaarada Arimaha gudaha iyo Dawladda Hoose ee Dawladda Puntland Gen.Cabdullaahi Axmed Jaamac (Ilkajiir) ayaa sheegay in Puntland ay ka go’aan tahay in ay marti galiso shirwayne Soomaaliyeed isagoo sheegay in Dawladda Puntland wax kasta oo laga arki karo danta guud ee Soomaaliya ay diyaar u tahay. Isagoo wareysi gaar ah siinayay warbaahinta Horseed Media waxaa uu intaas ku daray in Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Faroole uu ku dhawaaqay marti galinta shirwayne Soomaaliyeed isla markaana shirkii haweenka Soomaaliyeed ay dhowaan ku yeesheen magaalada Garoowe uu kusoo dhamaaday natiijo wanaagsan. Dhanka kale Wasiirka arimaha gudaha Puntland ayaa sheegay inuu aad uga xunyahay in Idaacadaha caalamiga ah ee BBC-da iyo VOA-da ee qaybta luuqada Afsoomaaliga aysan muhiimad siin tabinta ciyaaraha gobolada Soomaaliya ee sida habsamida leh uga soconaaya magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Puntland. “…Soomaali oo dhan ayaa isugu yimi Garoowe,waxana wada kulmay dad ay eheladoodu horay ugu soo barakaceen Puntland oo muddo kala maqnaa…”,ayuu yiri. Wuxuu hoosta ka xariiqay in labadaas warbaahin uu ku boorinaayo in mudnaantood ay siiyaan ciyaaraha ka soconaaya magaalada Garoowe,waxaana uu tilmaamay in loo baahan yahay in hubanti ka dhigaan baahinta ciyaarahaasi. Si kastaba Dawladda Puntland ayaa sanadkaan oo keliya martigelisay Shirar kala duwan oo ay kala ahaayeen; Shirka Culima’udiinka Soomaaliyeed Shirka Haweenka Soomaaliya Ciyaaraha Gobolada Soomaaliya Cabdiqani Cabdullaahi Cabdi Horseed Media
  10. Thats why I am suprised how badly the USC collapsed. They had the whole nations army, equipment, money, political prestige. Yet a bunch of SSDF soldiers just rose up out of nowhere to having modern navy vessels and airforce capabilities. Amazing how life changes so quick. It appears he sourced it from here. Which is editorial pictures from dailyindiantimes http://www.gettyimages.com.au/Search/Search.aspx?query=z.i.H4sIAAAAAAAEAO29B2AcSZYlJi9tynt_SvVK1-B0oQiAYBMk2JBAEOzBiM3mkuwdaUcjKasqgcplVmVdZhZAzO2dvPfee--999577733ujudTif33_8_XGZkAWz2zkrayZ4hgKrIHz9-fB8_In7dfLn91etf49f4NX6PX_dskV3kvyb9-pj-_7u-_vKL4-dn6evj5z95_Obsyxfp09Mvvjx5Rb-fpM9effniza85Qttf4zf4NTY_v6b5mdRV1b7M6mzR_Nr62a-F_-_u4Nff3bT_zfDPb0z___Xevb5uTt8ZGL-m9ze_m52bX39N_R3gfu3sfGq79P9An7_mDve4aN2b7vdfhxqX9gv7F977demPemHBhn_--vhoF3_9evz5xMLo_M2vnYdQ7J8MZcdCOe9AcX_za3UIxf7JUPYslLoDxf1NlMnNS_wHk-fXUDLt4tPf0HyNyWDaEk3ylfn01wz--rXzSWO_MX8wsXOHg_f7r5W75t7vv3azWtnP8YfB8beyL15O3Yvu91-nqj1WsX_xV5Pc_8r8hefXnl0tze-_pvnj18H_m7U3nuCvXzvPHAb-H_T7yv_C_vHrNgG08M9f-92z545f6Q_7RVZ7uHl__EbNtFrlT9bLWekRMfjUAPxxwHmwcx-__zrEQ2vbPPjr15nX8odQCH8ZCB__GpDQT_ErcYmTG_-PX-9FfpU37f8Dci97JkoEAAA.&sx=AllEditorial It appears credible as it looks like it can be traced back to an AFP editorial employee. I also saw it listed on the dailyindiatimes. So far appears credible. Traces back to David Chazan who must've of been working with the AFP at that time. Right now he appears to work at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8641070.stm Pictures are credible as far as im concerned. Unless the usc were playing the camera man at the time and bringing usc soldiers dressed as ssdf to show the world. Which is possible not very hard to do!!! But I think Abdirazaq and the PIS and Navy and Airforce troops will need to sit under the CARMO Academy or the Bendar Ziyada Marine Institute and discuss the viability of these sources more in-depth
  11. Lol in a race for somaliland oil. Somaliland has no oil, stop trying to act like Puntland and get your IDEAS. This is what the reports says Beijng to Roll Out the Red Carpet for Somaliland President 24. December 2010 CNOOC is trying to win oil concessions directly from Somaliland after initially negotiating with Somalia’s central government, which has no say in Somaliland. Somaliland president Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo is due to fly to China early in the new year in the wake of a visit to the Somaliland last April by a Chinese delegation that included two officials from the China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC). The Chinese company wants to pick up acreage in Somaliland where Conoco identified oil and gas reserves in the 1980s. CNOOC made an initial attempt to debut in the province in 2006 by negotiating a production sharing contract covering the Mudug area in Somaliland with the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in Mogadishu. However, the agreement remained a dead letter because Somaliland doesn’t recognize TFG’s authority. As a result, CNOOC switched its strategy early this year in favor of making direct contact with authorities in the province. If the company is awarded concessions it will find itself operating in both a legal minefield and an insecure environment. American companies active in the country until the late 1980s still believe themselves to be owners of their concessions and consider the acreage has simply been placed under force majeure (No. 562). In addition, the Somaliland government has no geological data on its subsoil. The results of drilling campaigns in the 1980s have been retained since the early 2000s by a small British concern, Fugro-Robertson, which has refused to turn them over to the Somaliland government. To make up for that lack of information, Somaliland retained TGS-Nopec in 2009 to acquire 5,300 km of seismic and magnetic data as well as 34,700 km of aeromagnetic data. Source: http://www.africaintelligence.com
  12. Sicirka iyo Suuqa: Shirkadda Opec General Trading Company December 23, 2010 | Barnaamijka Suuqa iyo Sicirka ee ku baxa barnaamijka Ganacsiga ee Horseed Media maalinkasta oo Khamiis ah ayaan todobaadkan ku booqaney Shirkadda weyn ee OPEC GENERAL TRADING COMPANY, Shirkadda OPEC waxa ay ka mid tahay shirkadaha ugu waaweyn Puntland, waxaana ay caan ku tahay alaabo tayadoodu sareyso, kuwaas oo isugu jira cunooyinka daruuriga ah, bagaashka, qalabka dhismaha guryaha iyo noocya kale oo badan. Shirkaddu waxaa ka hawlgala shaqaale faro badan kuwaas oo u darban soo dhaweynta iyo qancinta macaamiisha. Todobaadkan cunnooyinka iyo cabitaanada daruuriga ah ayaa qiimaha shirkadda OPEC oo ka yaryahay kii todobaadkii hore, sidoo kale waxaa waxyar hoos u dhacay sarifka dollarka dhanka hoose ka daalaco shaxda qiimaha. Barnaamijkan waxaa fududeeyay OPEC GENERAL TRADING COMPANY: Food Staff (Bagaashka) 2 Tell: 500133, 823726, and 66798085 Email: opecgeneral@gmail.com | Bosaso, Puntland, Somalia Sarifka Dollarka Currency Middle rate We sell We buy 1 US Dollar 30700Sh.So 3,000,700SH.SO 2,950,000SH.SO Sicirka SuuqaCommodity Item Brand Weight Price in USD 1 Bur Cumaan 50kg $26 2 Bur Shaariqa 50kg $25 3 Bariis Badriya 50kg $31 4 Bariis Basmati 50kg $60 5 Sonkor Barasiil 50kg $42 6 Baasto 7 Star 10kg $7.6 6 Baasto Marino 10kg $7.9 6 Baasto Macaroni $8.2 6 Baasto Bella 10kg $7.6 6 Baasto Garina 10kg $7.8 7 Baasto Rosa 10kg $8 8 Saliida Cuntada Al-safa 6xKartoon $25 6 OMO New $8.2 6 OMO Amwaaj $9.2 9 Yaanyo Muna 12xKartoon $12.5 10 Yaanyo Mudhish 12xKartoon $25.5 11 Yaanyo Safa 6xKartoon $12.5 6 Maraq Digaag Jumpo $37 12 Cabitaanka 7UP 24x600ml $7.2 13 Cabitaanka Shaani 24x300ml $7.2 14 Cabitaanka Cocacola 24x250ml $8.8 15 Caanaha Qasaaca Coast 6xBox $94 6 Caanaha Qasaaca Amis $73 16 Caanaha Qasaaca Nido 6xBox $102 17 Biyaha Safaysan Jeema 24x600ml $8 18 Cabitaanka 7UP 24x300ml $7.2 19 Cabitaanka Rani 24x500ml $7.7 20 Cabitaanka Vimto Kartoon $21.5 Cismaan Axmed Ciise (Turaabi) © 2010 Horseed Media
  13. Abtigis. Anigu malmahan lama murmi somaliland. its over now. I have jet fighters u dont. Marka sheekadadu qof kula siman la tag. Anigu waxan ka hadlaya bees meeshi puntland la gaarsin laha 2011 intas uun ba ii daran
  14. Seeing that we ended 2010 with huge bang and have just started building our next notorious airforce and marine. What are we aiming for us as puntland citizens next year? More schools? More piped water sources in refugee camps or rural areas? Infrastructure project completions? such as garowe/galkayo/bosaso airport a Multi Party politics? More private investments? I see 2011 being a good year on the horizon. Inshallah we will have some huge investments into the fishery sector I can see it coming. Puntland Marines secure Somalia waters and bring in Malaysian Billion dollar investments into Puntland fishery sector. I predict it will be one of our growing industries that will be able to compete against the emerging oil industry. I suggest for 2011 our key goals need to be 1. Completion of all the airports. Begin the port work 2. More private investment into the city. I hope the chamber of commerce starts getting tough with these business-men and start making them invest in the cities they are reaping such huge profits from 3. Continue building the capacity of the marines. We need it to match strong institution such as the PIS and Carmo academy in the near future 4. 2011 August 1st...Plz bring out the Jet fighters and Black hawks doing massive parade with the tanks, technicals, bm21. We should even have the naval vessals doing it also. 5. Road projects. Provide a blue-print to build puntland road system over the next 50 years. We need a blueprint to start the grand vision 6. Electricity needs huge reform. No more throwing cables around poles. It needs to be regulated and monitored they should have huge lobby like the chamber of commerce does. Say gas/electricity chamber where they have set regulations for all the electrictal providers to follow guidelines and so forth 7. Make sure when sharif time is over not to send another guy to hamar but to have obama eyes on garowe. He already gave a huge hint to us that he will be focussing on two state process. We need to take advantage of this and use that economic build up to re-vitalise the critical institutions a govt needs and every1 will then see garowe is truly the capital city of somalia. But we must get obama investing heavily. Airport/ Roads/Govt Dept zones/ Hospitals/hotels/Shopping malls etc are all required. I know garowe has started on most of this already. They are having shopping mall built there by Golis, a nice one also according to the design I see. Govt department zones are under construction which is good but the parliament still hasnt been completed which needs to be fast tracked. Hotels are ok. Maybe 2 or 3 more are required if the U.N will be basing themselves here. Airport needs to be completed no ifs or buts there. Roads have been slow paced lately it needs to be picked up My suggestions lets have something in 2011 that we can truly call the Government Seat of Somalia
  15. If sharif didnt like puntland he would just sit there and not say anything while Puntland is becoming the biggest powerful clan of Somalis equipped with the best training and equipment money can buy
  16. My sources indicate that the complete opposite. The tfg is forming a war-front against somaliland to capture berbera port and use it as strategic location to dock down weapons and gain further taxation to beef up his support. Sharif knows he can't rely upon being a bread-basket for world donors, He needs a land and people to control and where better else then somaliland. An easy conquer fest would occur which the southern clans in particularly the baraxley till hobyo boys wiill be advised they are defending their country against somaliland who want to split up the border. This would definitely unite them and focus the war in another direction. The boys from baraxley till hobyo just need a uniting banner and no better way for them to unite to defend the territorial integrity of somalia. Thats what I bellieve sharif is gearing up for. He will use puntland assistance in making sure no threats from the eastern bloc of somalia. Once sharif secures somaliland he will be able to recieves taxation and berbera port as part of his arsenal to attack the remaining elements of shabab juntas. Sharif knows time is ticking and he needs to come up with a big move in order to keep him in office when his mandate expires and hence uniting the baraxley till hamar stetch would be HUGE reason to keep sharif still in power and the only way those boys will unite is when they see outside clan enemy this is when the qowdhans step in. Thats my political analysis not this nonsense sharif doesnt like puntland and if he didnt then why would he not say anything about puntland being an airforce which by far superior then other clans military arsenal. An airforce, a naval, a strong army on the ground force with superior training such as carmo, pis and superior technology like radar equipments being installed in bosaso as allgedo reported is quite worrisome for the enemies of puntland
  17. AU didn't approve Salim Saleh's militia Saracen International has been associated with President Museveni's younger brother, Salim Saleh. Picture by Morgan Mbabazi By Julius Barigaba (email the author) Posted Monday, December 20 2010 at 20:41 It has now emerged that the activities of Saracen International — the private security company currently training militia in the semi-autonomous Puntland state of Somalia, as reported in this paper last week — have not been sanctioned by the African Union. Analysts say this could have grave consequences for Uganda’s peacekeeping force in the country. Related Stories Salim Saleh's Saracen training militia in Somalia Saracen is a Ugandan company associated with General Caleb Akandwanaho alias Salim Saleh, senior advisor to and younger brother of President Yoweri Museveni. Officially, Kampala denies that Saracen’s activities will harm the African Union Mission to Somalia, Amisom. “As long as their operations do not contravene UN procedures it does not harm the peacekeeping mission. They are not training an anti-government force, are they?” asked army and defence spokesman Lt-Col Felix Kulayigye. Amisom is in the country to prop up Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government. However, The EastAfrican has obtained confidential information to the effect that Saracen started the training without due approval from the African Union. Last week, Saracen International representatives met top diplomats from the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union and the United Nations Political Office for Somalia to explain the scope of Saracen’s activities in Somalia, but the Nairobi meeting raised more questions than answers. The meeting was called to thrash out contradictions between Saracen and Amisom activities, but the diplomats were shocked when Saracen admitted to having breached procedure and usurped Amisom’s mandate. Among other things, Amisom’s mandate includes training of the country’s fledgling security forces — Uganda has to date trained over 2,000 Somali army officers and nearly 1,700 police personnel, all of whom underwent training on Ugandan territory. Another 1,000 Somali army officers are to be trained in Uganda next year. Saracen’s activities clearly parallel those of Amisom. Even more controversial is the fact that the identity of the donor who contracted Saracen for an estimated $10 million remains a mystery, although sources point at UAE contacts while others mention only “a Muslim nation.” It is understood these donors are wary of potential terrorist attacks from Somali Islamist fundamentalist group Al Shabaab. Sources reveal that Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government wants to build up Puntland’s army to fight Al Shabaab in the Galgala Hills, after which the TFG will launch a war against Somaliland, the self-declared independent northwestern state. It is this scenario that poses dangers for Kampala, whose troops form the bulk of the Amisom peacekeeping force. Private business When The EastAfrican contacted Gen Saleh, he admitted that his company was involved but declined to comment on the details and implications of his company’s activities in Somalia, saying he had not yet read the article this paper ran last week. “I have been told about the story but I can’t comment on something I have not read.” The East-African first reported last week that Saracen was training militia in Puntland. However, other army and security top brass in Kampala said there was no risk to Kampala as this was “a normal, private business matter” that has little or no bearing on the country’s security. “In countries with insecurity problems such as Somalia, there is always an urge to hire private security. This has forced Somalia to do the same and Saracen is only training them,” said the army spokesman. Still, other events unfolding in the troubled Horn of Africa nation raised troublesome scenarios for Uganda. On Friday, December 11, Somaliland authorities seized a plane in the region’s capital Hargeisa that was allegedly carrying military supplies to Puntland, where Saracen is conducting the training. Somaliland Interior Minister Mohamed Abdi Gabose said the cargo plane had flown in from South Africa via Kampala, carrying military uniforms and other supplies for the newly recruited militiamen in Puntland, French news agency AFP reported on December 12. Not only is this in violation of the international arms embargo against Somalia, but crucially, it puts Kampala in the awkward position of having to explain the role of its officials in parts of Somalia, other than Mogadishu, where its peacekeeping contingent is legally restricted under AU and UN mandates. Already, government and army officials are issuing denials but this will not necessarily convince Somaliland and critically, Al Shabaab that Kampala is not supplying arms to allies of TFG. This leaves Amisom in serious danger of being perceived as a force that strategically secures the capital while covertly training and arming militia to take control of other areas.
  18. Amisom oo si Weyn uga Shakisan Heshiiska Puntland & DKMG la Galeen Shirkada Saracen International & Faahfaahin Dheeri ah oo la Ogaaday (Warbixin) Muqdisho (RBC) Warqad ay qoreen saraakiisha sare ee hawlgalka ciidamada Amisom ee kusugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa lagu sheegay in Amisom ay si weyn uga shakisan tahay shirkada Saracen Interntional taasoo heshiis dhinaca amniga ah ay la galeen DKMG Soomaaliya iyo maamul goboleedka Puntland. “Amisom waxay dooneysaa in faahfaahin buuxda laga siiyo waxa ay tahay hawsha shirkada Saracen International ee la sheegayo in dhinaca amniga loo soo kireystay, taasoo ka hawlgaleysa gobolka waqooyiga ee Puntland. Hawlgalka Amisom waxaa uu ka shaqeeyaa magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana uu si weyn ula socdaa dhaqdhaqaaqyada amni ee gudaha wadanka Soomaaliya. Anagu runtii ma fahamsanin illaa hadda waxa uu noqon karo waajibaadka shirkadan… sidaas darteed Amisom waxay dalbaneysaa faahfaahin dheeri ah in laga siiyo shirkadan”. Sidaasi waxaa lagu yiri warqad ay qoreen hogaanka ciidamada Amisom eek u sugan magaalada Muqdisho taasoo loo diray xafiiska madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif bartamihii bishii November. Waxaa sidan RBC Radio u xaqiijiyey sarkaal ka tirsan qeybta warfaafinta ee dowlada oo naga codsaday inaan magaciisa la sheegin. Xafiiska Villa Soomaaliya ‘Presidential Office’ Warqadaasi ayaa waxaa markii ay gaartay xafiiska madaxweyne Shariif, waxaa la soo qoray warqad lagu soo saxiixay ‘Presidential Office” oo ah xafiiska madaxweynaha. Waxaana warqadaasi soo qoray C/rashiid Khaliif Xaashi oo ahaa agaasimaha xafiiska madaxtooyada. Warqada C/rashiid Khaliif oo lagu soo qoray English ayaa lagu yiri sidan: DFKMG Soomaaliya way ogtahay heshiiska shirkada Saracen International, wuxuuna intaan ka warqabno ku saabsan yahay arimaha amniga gaar ahaan dhanka badda. Hadda waxaa shirkadu hawsheedu ka bilawday Puntland oo ah maamul goboleed hoos yimaada DFKMG Soomaaliya. Uma maleynayo in wax dhibaato ahi ka dhalan karto dhaqdhaqaaqa noocani oo kale ah, balse waqtiga ku haboon madaxda Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo saraakiisha Amisom way ka doodi karaan. Waxaana diyaar u nahay inaan bixino faahfaahino dheeri ah……” Waqtiga hadaladan ay isdhaafsanayaan xafiiska madaxtooyada Villa Soomaaliya iyo Amisom waxay ku beegneyd kadib markii la soo gabagabeeyey tababarkii ugu horeeyey ee la siiyey ciidankii ugu horeeyey ee shirkada Saracen International ay u tababartay Puntland kuwaasi oo tiradoodu ay gaareyso 150 askari. Inkastoo warqada laga soo saaray xafiiska Sheekh Shariif loo diray saraakiisha Amisom, ayaa haddana waxaa cad in weli meesha usan ka bixin shakiga Amisom ka qabto dhaqdhaqaaqa shirkadan dhinaca amniga ah, waxayna arintaasi sii xoogeysatay kadib markii dhowr maqaal oo arimaha shirkadaasi ku saabsan lagu soo daabacay wargeysyada waaweyn ee wadamada reer galbeedka iyo Afrika ka soo baxa kuwaasoo faahfaahino xasasi ah ka bixiyey shirkada Saracen International. Maxay tahay Saracen International? Warbixin dheer oo toddobaadkan bilawgiisii uu soo qoray wargeyska East Africa ee dalka Kenya ayaa daaha ka rogtay xogta hoose ee shirkada Saracen International, iyadoo wargeysku xitaa sheegay shakhsiyaadka iska leh shirkada. Saracen International waxaa iska leh nin lagu magacaabo Gen. Caleb Akandwanaho, oo loo yaqaano ‘Salim Saleh’ kaasoo horey uga tirsanaan jiray ciidamada wadanka Uganda. Salim Saleh wuxuu la dhashay madaxweynaha Uganda Yuweri Museveni, waana walaalka yar ee Museveni. Sidoo kale Salim Saleh wuxuu weli yahay la taliyaha sare ee madaxweyne Museveni. Sidoo kale warbixin ay shaacisay wakaalada wararka AP ayaa sheegtay in Saracen International ay soo qoratay labo nin oo ka tirsanaan jiray sirdoonka Mareykanke CIA, kuwaasoo lagu kala magacaabo Pierre Prosper iyo Micheal Shanklin. Halkan ka akhri warbixin hore Halkan ka akhri warbixin hore Labadan nin ayaa la sheegay inay bixinayaan tababarada dhinaca ciidamada ee la siinayo dadka la tababarayo. Waxaana dhaqaalaha ku baxaya kireynta saraakiishan sirdoon bixinaya wadan aan la sheegin. Walaaca Amisom Sida RBC Radio ay u sheegeen saraakiil arimaha militariga ku xeeldheer waxaa Amisom ay ka walaacsan tahay in hawsha Saracen International ay marmarsiinyo u noqoto kooxaha mucaaradka ee Islaamiyiinta oo dagaal adag kula jira DKMG iyo Amisom. Hawsha qarsoodiga ah ee ay wado Saracen International waxay sidoo kale kicineysaa dareenka shacabka Soomaalida oo ad uga horjeeda siyaasadaha reer galbeedka ee gudaha wadanka ka socda. Waxayna dhinaca kale caqabad ku noqoneysaa hawlgalka Amisom oo DFKMG ka caawiya amaanka iyo tababarada ciidamada. Dhaqaalaha ku baxaya Saracen International Sida ay qoreen wargeysyada reer galbeedka isla markaana lagu soo daabacay shabakada www.raxanreeb.com, dhaqaalaha shirkadan Saracen International ku baxaya ayaa lagu qiyaasay $10 milyan, waxaana bixinaya wadan Muslim ah kaasoo ilaa hadda aan la magacaabin. Lama oga sababta loo qariyey wadankaasi dhaqaalaha ku bixinaya hawshan sirta ah, balse waxaa loo badinayaa in wadamada Carabta aysan dooneyn inay ka dhexmuuqdaan arimaha siyaasada Soomaaliya darteed iyo iyadoo wadamada Carabta ay doonayaan inay ilaasadaan wajiga ay u hayaan kooxda Al Shabaab oo dagaal adag kula jirta DFKMG Soomaaliya. Khatarta ka dhalan karta Diblomaasi Mareykan oo u waramay wargeyska East Africa ayaa sheegay in marka uu maqlay warka ku saabsan Saracen International iyo hawsha ay ka wado Soomaaliya uu soo xusuustay hawlgalkii Uganda ka sameysay gudaha wadanka Jamhuuriyada Dimuqraadiga Congo [DRC] sanadkii 1998 ee ay kula dagaalameysay kooxdii mucaaradka ahayd ‘anti-Kampala rebels’ xilligaasoo ciidamada Uganda ay la shaqeyneysay shirkada Saracen International. Faragalintaasi ayaa sida uu sheegay diblomaasiga Mareykanka waxaynatiijo gurracan ku abuurtay shacabka jamhuuriyada DRC iyadoo carqaladeysay guud ahan dadaaladii nabada ee laga waday jamhuuriyada DRC taasoo la mid noqon karta hawsha sirta ah ee Saracen International ka wao gobolada Puntland. Faahfaahin uu qoray wargeyska the Guradian oo laga soo xigtay Maxamed C/raxmaan oo ah wiilka madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa lagu sheegay in ciidamada ay tababarayso Saracen International ay la dagaalami doonaan kooxo burcad ah oo ku sugan degaanka Galgala ee gobolka Bari, halkaasoo ahayd meeshii ay ku dagaalameen ciidamada Puntland iyo maleeshiyaad taabacsanaa hogaamiyaha Maxamed Siciid Atam. Wargeyska the Guardian ayaa sheegay in Galgala aaney kujirin meelaha lagu yaqaano falalka burcad badeednimada ee ka jira Puntland. Aragtida caalamka Sarkaal ka tirsan Qaramada Midoobay oo ka hadlay arinta Saracen International ayaa ka dhawaajiyey walaaca laga qabo in Saracen International ay ku xadgudubto cunaqabateyntii hubka ee Soomaaliya la saaray 1992 ka dib markii ay sooifbexeenin heshiiska Saracen International ku jiri karo in hub dibada laga keeno oo la soo galiyo Soomaaliya. waxayna Qaramada Midoobay sheegtay in si deg deg ah loo baarayo xiriirka Saracen International iyo cunaqabateynta hubka ee Soomaaliya. Dhinaca kale afhayeen u hadlay wasaarada arimaha dibada Mareykanka P.J Crowley ayaa shir jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay Washington wuxuu ku cadeeyey in dowlada Mareykanka ka warqabin arintan, wuxuuna sidoo kale sheegay in xitaa Mareykanka uusan ogeyn wadanka dhaqaalaha bixinaya. Ka sokow hadalka afhayeenka wasaarada arimaha dibada waxaa warar hoose ay sheegayaan in waaxda sirdoonka Mareykanka CIA ay bilawday sidii ay wax badan uga ogaan lahayd arimahan. RBC Radio Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho
  19. Madaxweynaha Puntland: Soomaali Hadii Gacmaha Shisheeye Ka Baxaan Way Heshiin Kartaa Garowe (RBC Radio ) Madaxweynaha dowlada Puntland Oo Ka Hadalay Arimaha Ku Aadan Marti Galinta Koobka Gobolada Soomaaliya Ee Puntland Marti Galisay Ayaa waxaa Uu Soo hadal Qaaday Is Afgarad La’aanta Dadka Somalida Dhex Taal. Madaxweyne C/raxmaan Maxmed Maxmuud ayaa sheegay in Dhibaatada Somalida ay Ka Dagi La’dahay Ay Tahay gacmo shisheeye Oo Faraha Kula Jira Somalia. “Somalida Hadii Ay Heshiis U Soo jeesato Anaga Ayaa Marti Qaadi Doono Sida aan U Marti Galinay Shirar Kala duwan Oo Somaliweyn Leedahay” Ayuu Hadalkiisa Ku Yiri Madaxweyne Faroole. Waxaa u Tusaale U soo Qaatay Shirarkii ay Lahaayen Hawenka Somalia Oo Lagu Qabtay Puntland Isla Markaasina Ka soo Qaybgaleen Haween Fara Badan Oo Somaliyeed. Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa Uu Carabka Ku Adkeeyay Sida lagama Maarmaan u Tahay In Gacmaha Shisheye Ee Somalida Ku Dhex Jira ka dhex Baxaan Si Shacabka Somaliyeed Arimohooda U Xalistaa. isgona Sheegay In Puntland Diyaar U Tahay Wax Walba Oo Somalida Isku Keenaya Si dib Loogu Helo Qaranimadii Shacabka Somaliyeed. Ugu Danbeytiina Puntland ayaa Hada Waxaa ay Marti galisay Ciyaarihii Gobolada Somalia Oo Mudo Hore U Danbeysay 1987 Xiligaasi Oo Ahayd Wakhti Aad U Fog Waxaana AMaan Ay Ka Heshay Puntland Dhamaan Dadka Daneya Arimaha Cayaaraha iyo Kuwa Nabada Jecel. Mohamed A Rashiid RBC Radio Garowe
  20. Somalia World Cup Opening can be viewed courtesy of horseedmedia your beloved voice of Somalia
  21. Timur somaliland doesnt have the capability nor did it ever have the military capability of puntland. Puntland just doesn't like to antagonise other regions because of the huge cuqdad people have in relation to siyad barre reign for 20 years. Puntland is the only place in somalia with proper institutions like PIS/Marine Headquarter and even Institute/ Airforce/ Police academy where puntland police are trained locally not shipped to jabuti or ethiopia for training. The only thing puntland uses for outside is political allies but its firm believer of building institutions locally and this is what makes puntland a stand out of the crowd
  22. I suggest puntland uses its superior air capabilities and naval capacity along with strong ground troop and PIS intelligensia to end this hargeisa enclave. I mean really give hargeisa and burco a true fireworks they never forget. Lets make them live another "88 remembrance" days is my policies
  23. JABUUTI: Shir lagu dhexdhexaadinayay Puntland iyo Somaliland oo lagu soo gabgbeeyay dalka Jabuuti Posted to the Web Dec 15, 06:56 Jabuuti (PP) − Shir lagu dhexdhexaadinayay maamullada Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa lagu soo gabgabeeyay maanta magaalada Jabuuti ee dalka Jabuuti, iyadoo qodobkan ugu muhiisan ee kasoo baxay uu yahay in kulammada lasii wado, xalna laga gaaro waxyaabaha xanafta abuuray. Maamullada Puntland iyo Somaliland oo ah goobaha keliya ee ay Nabadda ka jirto Soomaaliya oo dhan, ayaa waxaa xiriirkooda soo dhexgalay mugdi, tan iyo markii uu bilowday dagaalkii labada maamul ku dhexmaray gobolka Sool. Kulankan, lasoo afmeeray maanta oo ay ka qaybgaleen aqoonyahanno ka kala socday Somaliland oo sheegatay inay ka go'day Somalia inteeda kale iyo Puntland oo weli ka mid ah Somalia, ayaa waxay ku heshiiyeen in kulammadan lagu soo daro siyaasiyiin lana sii wado inta xal laga gaarayo. Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Sheekh Maxamed Faroole iyo xubno uu ka mid yahay Wasiirkiisa Arrimaha Gudaha ayaa kor jooge ka ahaa shirkan, iyadoo lagu soo beegay gabagabdiisa xilli garoonka diyaaradaha ee Hargeysa lagu haysto diyaarad la sheegay inay qalab ciidan u waday Puntland. Dowladda Puntland, ayaan ka hadlin arrintaas, waxaana war ay soo saareen markii wararkan ay soo baxeen ku sheegtay inaysan jirin diyaarad hub ciidan u wadday oo ay dalbadeen, isla markaana aysan waxba kala socon arrintaas. Xubno ka tirsan maamulka Somaliland, ayaa todobaadkan ku eedeeyay Puntland inay doonayso in ciidammada loo tababarayo ay qalqal ku geliso ammaankooda, balse Puntland ayaa hadalkaas jawaab ka bixisay kuna tilmaantay mid aan jirin. Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Muqdisho E-mail: Jantile@gmail.com
  24. Timur if they want to dig oil and give their people a better and bright future that is not a crime. However splitting the borders of somalia to suit your clan objective is a crime a territorial crime punishable by international courts or worse yet puntland jet fighters