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Everything posted by Salafi_Online

  1. points of benefit during the course of Ramaadan! 1]: GAINING TAQWAA Fasting has been legislated in order that we may gain taqwaa as Allaah - the Most High - said: "O you who believe! fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed upon those before you in order that you may attain taqwaa." [soorah al-Baqarah 2:183]. Talq ibn Habeeb (d.100H) - rahimahullaah - said: "When fitnah (trial and tribulation) appears then extinguish it with taqwaa." So he was asked as to what taqwaa was, so he replied: "Taqwaa is to act in obedience to Allaah, upon a light (i.e. eemaan, faith) from Allaah, hoping in the Mercy of Allaah. And taqwaa is leaving acts of disobedience to Allaah, upon a light from Allaah, due to the fear of Allaah."[3] "This is one of the best definitions of taqwaa. For every action must have both a starting point and a goal. And an action will not be considered as an act of obedience, or nearness to Allaah unless it stems from pure eemaan (faith in Allaah). Thus, it is pure eemaan - and not habits, desires, nor seeking praise or fame - that should be what initiates an action. And the preparation showed, to earn the reward of Allaah and to seek His good pleasure."[4] So Fasting is a means of attaining taqwaa, since it helps prevent a person from many sins that one is prone to. Due to this, the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "Fasting is a shield with which the servant protects himself from the Fire."[5] So we should ask ourselves, after each day of fasting: Has this lasting made us more fearful and obedient to Allaah? Has it aided us in distancing ourselves from sins and disobedience? [2]: SEEKING NEARNESS TO ALLAAH The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "Allaah said: Whosoever shows enmity to a friend of Mine, I shall be at war with him. My servant does not draw near to me with anything more beloved to me than the obligatory duties that I have placed upon him. My servant continues to draw nearer to Me with optional deeds so that I shall love him."[6] The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whosoever reaches the month of Ramadaaan and does not have his sins forgiven, and so enters the Fire, then may Allaah distance him."[7] So drawing closer to Allaah - the Most Perfect - in this blessed month, can be achieved by fulfilling one's obligatory duties; and also reciting the Qur’aan and reflecting upon its meanings, increasing in kindness and in giving charity, in making du‘aa (supplication) to Allaah, attending the Taraaweeh Prayer, seeking out Laylatul-Qadr (the Night of Power and Pre-Decree), a night which is better than a thousand months, attending gatherings of knowledge, and striving in those actions that will cause the heart to draw closer to its Lord and to gain His forgiveness. Our level of striving in this blessed month should be greater than our striving to worship Allaah in any other month, due to the excellence and rewards that Allaah has placed in it. Likewise from the great means of seeking nearness to Allaah in this month is making I‘tikaaf (seclusion in the mosque in order to worship Allaah) - for whoever is able. Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim (d.751H) - rahimahullaah - said: "Allaah also prescribed i’tikaaf for them, the objective being that the heart becomes fully preoccupied with Allaah - the Most High - concentrated upon Him alone, and cut-off from being preoccupied with the creation. Rather, the heart is only engrossed with Allaah - the Most Perfect - such that loving Him, remembering Him, and turning to Him takes the place of all the heart's anxieties and worries, so that he is able to overcome them. Thus all his concerns are for Allaah, and his thoughts are all directed towards remembering Him and thinking of how to attain His Pleasure and what will cause nearness to Him which leads him to feel content with Allaah instead of people. This, in turn prepares him for being at peace with Allaah alone, on the day of loneliness in the grave, when there will be no one else to give comfort, nor anyone to grant solace, except Him. So this is the greater goal of I‘tikaaf." [8] [3]: ACQUIRING PATIENCE Imaam Ahmad (d.241H) - rahimahullaah - said: "Allaah has mentioned sabr (patience) in over ninety places in His Book." [9] The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "The month of Patience, and the three days of every month, are times for fasting." [10] Ibn ‘Abdul-Barr (d.464H) - rahimahullaah - said: "What is meant by the month of Patience is the month of Ramadaaan ... So fasting is called patience because it restrains the soul from eating, drinking, conjugal relations and sexual desires." [11] He (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "O youths! Whoever amongst you is able to marry then let him do so; for it restrains the eyes and protects the private parts. But whoever is unable, then let him fast, because it will be a shield for him." [12] So fasting is a means of learning self-restraint and patience. With patience we are able to strengthen our resolve to worship Allaah alone, with sincerity, and also cope with life's ups and downs. So - for example - with patience we are able to perform our Prayers calmly and correctly, without being hasty, and without merely pecking the ground several times! With patience we are able to restrain our souls from greed and stinginess and thus give part of our surplus wealth in Zakaah (obligatory charity). With patience we are able to subdue the soul's ill temperament, and thus endure the ordeal and hardships of Hajj, without losing tempers and behaving badly. Likewise, with patience we are able to stand firm and fight Jihaad against the disbelievers, hypocrites and heretics - withstanding their constant onslaught, without wavering and buckling, without despairing or being complacent and without becoming hasty and impatient at the first signs of hardship. Allaah - the Most High - said: "O Prophet, urge the Believers to fight ... So if there are one hundred who are patient, they shall overcome two hundred; and if there be one thousand, they shall overcome two thousand, by the permission of Allaah. And Allaah is with the patient ones." [soorah al-Anfaal 8:65-66]. Thus, without knowledge and patience, nothing remains, except zeal and uncontrolled emotions, shouts and hollow slogans, speech that does not strengthen, but rather weakens, and actions that do not build, but rather destroy! So in this month, we should strive to develop a firm resolve for doing acts of obedience, and to adorn ourselves with patience - having certainty in the saying of our Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam): "And know that victory comes with patience, relief with affliction, and case with hardship." [13] [4]: CULTIVATING GOOD MANNERS The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whosoever does not abandon falsehood in speech and action, then Allaah the Mighty and Majestic has no need that he should leave his food and drink." [14] He (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) also said: "Fasting is not merely abstaining from eating and drinking. Rather, it is also abstaining from ignorant and indecent speech. So if anyone abuses or behaves ignorantly with you, then say: I am fasting, I am fasting." [15] These narrations point towards the importance of truthfulness and good manners. Thus, this blessed month teaches us not only to abstain from food and drink, but to also abstain from such statements and actions that may be the cause of harming people and violating their rights - since the Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said whilst describing the true Believer: "A Muslim is one from whom other Muslims are safe from his tongue and his hand." [16] Thus it is upon us as individuals, to examine the shortcomings in our character, and to then seek to improve them - modeling ourselves upon the character of the last of the Prophets and Messengers, and their leader, Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) - aspiring also for the excellence which he mentioned in his saying: "I am a guarantor for a house on the outskirts of Paradise (or whosoever leaves off arguing, even if he is in the right; and a house in the centre of Paradise (or whosoever abandons falsehood, even when joking; and a house in the upper-most part of Paradise for whosoever makes his character good."[17] So by shunning oppression, shamelessness, harbouring hatred towards Muslims, back-biting, slandering, tale-carrying, and other types of falsehood, we can be saved from nullifying the rewards of our fasting - as Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "It may be that a fasting person, receives nothing from his fast, except hunger and thirst." [18] [5]: SENSING MUSLIM UNITY The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "Fast when they fast, and break your fast when they break their fast, and sacrifice the day they sacrifice." [19] Imaam at-Tirmidthee (d.275H) - rahimahullaah - said: "Some of the People of Knowledge explained this hadeeth by saying: Its meaning is to fast and break the fast along with the Jamaa’ah and the majority of people." [10] Thus, in this blessed month we can sense an increased feeling of unity and of being a single Ummah due to our fasting and breaking our fast collectively. We also feel an increased awareness about the state of affairs of the Muslims and of the hardships that they endure, because: "During the fast a Muslim feels and experiences what his needy and hungry brothers and sisters feel, who are forced to go without food and drink for many days - as occurs today to many of the Muslims in Africa." [21] Indeed, the unity of the Muslims - and their aiding and assisting one another - is one of the great fundamentals upon which the Religion of Islaam is built, as Allaah - the Most High -said: "And hold fast altogether to the rope of Allaah and do not be divided." [soorah Aal-‘Imraan 3:103]. Allaah - the Most High - also said: "The Believers - men and women - and friends and protectors to one another." [soorah at-Tawbah 9:44]. Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728) - rahimahullaah - said: "The welfare of people will not be complete - neither in this world, nor in the Hereafter - except with ijtimaa‘ (collectiveness), ta‘aawun (mutual cooperation), and tanaasur (mutual help); mutual cooperation in order to secure benefits, and mutual help in order to ward off harm. It is for this reason that man is said to be social and civil by nature." [22] Thus we see that Islaam lays great importance in bringing hearts together and encouraging ijtimaa‘ (collectiveness). This is not only reflected in the month of Ramadaan, but also in the other acts of worship as well. So, for example, we have been ordered by the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) to pray the five daily Prayers in congregation, and that it has been made twenty-seven times more rewarding than praying it individually. [23] Likewise, this similar collective spirit is demonstrated in the act of Hajj (Pilgrimage). Even in learning knowledge and studying it, blessings have been placed in collectiveness, as Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "No people gather together in a house from the houses of Allaah, reciting the Book of Allaah and studying it amongst themselves, except that tranquility descends upon them, mercy envelops them, the angels surround them, and Allaah mentions them to those that are with Him." [24] Likewise, even in our everyday actions such as eating, Islaam teaches us collectiveness. Thus, when some of the Companions of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said to him: O Messenger of Allaah, we eat but do not become satisfied. He replied: "Perhaps you eat individually?" They replied, Yes! So he said: "Eat collectively and mention the name of Allaah. There will then be blessings for you in it." [25] Indeed, even in the etiquette’s of sitting the spirit of collectiveness is demonstrated. So, one day the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) came across the Companions who were sitting in separate circles, so he said to them: "Why do I see you sitting separately!" [26] Similarly, Aboo Tha‘labah al-Khushanee (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) said: Whenever the people used to encamp, they used to split-up into the mountain passes and valleys. So Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "Indeed your being split-up in these mountain passes and valleys is from Shaytaan." Thereafter, whenever they used to encamp, they used to keep very close together, to such an extent that it was said: If a cloth were to be spread over them, it would cover them all. [27] Thus, Ramadaan is a time to increase our sense of unity and brotherhood, and our commitment to Allaah and His Religion. And there is no doubt that this sense of unity necessitates that: "We all work together as required by Islaam as sincere brothers - not due to hizbiyyah (bigoted party spirit), nor sectarianism - in order to realize that which is of benefit to the Islaamic Ummah and to establish the Islaamic society that every Muslim aspires for so that the Sharee‘ah (Prescribed Law) of Allaah is applied upon His earth" [28] So we must examine ourselves during the month of Ramadhaan and ask: What is my role? - and each of us has a role - in helping this precious Ummah to regain its honour, and return to the Ummah its comprehensive unity and strength, and victory that has been promised to it? Likewise, we should reflect upon our own character and actions and ask: Are they aiding the process of unity and brotherhood, or are they a harm and a hindrance to it? So we ask Allaah to grant us the ability to change ourselves for the better, during this blessed month, and not to be of those who are prevented from His Mercy and forgiveness. Indeed He is the One who Hears and He is the One to Respond.
  3. Silent SIster Xayah(modesty) is from the pearls of Taqwa, IM sure you can find different ways to express your feelings! This Issue of Polygamy is quite simple really, either its for you or not; end of story! However the one who speaks ill of polygamy, voicing their opinions(as if it matters) their heart is dead! since in reality they speak ill of Allah THE SUPREME CREATOR, They question his wisdom , as if he is unjust! surely such attribute is far from Allah the most High! He does everything with wisdom, and he only loves that which is good, and commands only that which is Good! HOw many stories are there of people who practise Polygamy and the outcome is disaster/hell! who is to blame Islam or the Muslims? look into your soul, and you shall find the problem! How many men are out there who use and abuse this blessing? who is to blame islam or the Muslims? look into your sould and u shall find it! Know may Allah have mercy on you, Islam and muslims are not the same!one is perfect while the other is not! There are some despicable muslims out their who's iman does not weigh more then a grain, My Allah save us and increase our iman(ameen)then there are those who wear the cloth of humility and taqwa, they have forsaken the life of this world only to seek the face of ALlah the Sublime. so folks your left with two choices (a) do not practice polygamy; (as u wish),and keep your negative comments to yourself, (b) Practise it; enjoy it, praise Allah the most HIgh for this sheer blessing! Allah does not legislate anything expect Blessings! END OF STORY!
  4. What everyone needs to remember is that the four mujtahid imams did their very best to follow the Qur'an and sunnah. They were extremely devoted to obeying the commands of Allah (swt) and following the example of the Prophet (saw). Some of the mujtahid imams (Abu Hanifa and Malik for example) were tabi'een, who had direct contact with the salaf. The 4 imams are they not from the Salaf? I believe they are! What is a modern day salafi? Are they not those who follows the manhaj of the Salaf us SaliX, does this not include the 4 imams?!? Basically, modern-day salafis claim that they know how to better follow sunnah than the mujtahid imams--even though the four imams lived closer in time to the salaf, and were far more intelligent and qualified. All were hufaz al-Qur'an, and had memorized hundreds of thousands of hadith. Abu Hanifah once stayed on one wudu for three days straight! Imam Shafi'i would recite the entire Qur'an from memory *twice* every day of Ramadan. They were extremely pious, and absolute geniuses of fiqh. No truth in such statement, Rather salafis do not claim they knows better then the 4 imams, Rather they says “its Obligatory for the muslims to follow the Salaf, this includes the 4 imams, who are from the salaf us Salih “ The question is not to "follow the Qur'an and Sunnah alone" or "follow a madhab"--rather it's a choice between following a traditional, extremely brilliant, recognized mujtahid scholar, with a direct link to the salaf, or following a far-less-qualified, modern-day scholar. The choice is pretty easy if you ask me. Mashallah brother, are the modern day salafies following the quran and Sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf us Salih ! isn this not the definition of a salafi? and isnt this exactly what a modern day salafi scholar calling to? A madhab is merely a systematic implementation of the Qur'an and sunnah. One follows a madhab in order to most accurately follow the Qur'an and sunnah. Well the Salafis follow the madhab of the Salaf us Salih! this includes the people before Abu Hanifah and those after the 4 imams, until the end of the 3rd generation! I'm OK with Wahabbi/Deobandi/Salafis and all, many are great bros in the deen, but really their methodology is far less valid than any of the four madhabs. So the minhaj of the Salaf us Salih is far less valid then the 4 imams who are from the salaf ?!?? Mash'allah abdullahi well said bro.. Qac Qac Mashallah to what?!?
  5. therefore i will go ahead to expose your cult and their tricks in order to prevent others to fall the same trap that you've already fallen BROTHER YOU SHOULD NEVER DESPAIR OVER A FELLOW MUSLIM! IF YOU THINK IM MISGUIDED, THEN DOESNT THAT MEAN ALBANI IS MISGUIDED, AND BIN BAAZ IS MISGUIDED, AND UTHAYMIN IS MISGUIDED, AND RABEE IS MISGUIDED, AND SHAYKH FAWZAN IS MISGUIDED, AND MUQBIL IS MISGUIDED, UBAYD JAABARI IS MISGUIDED THEY ARE ALL MISGUIDED SINCE MY SO CALLED GROUP ONLY TAKES FROM THEM! Question and Answer period with Shaykh Rabee' Question: O Shaikh, what is your view concerning Shaikh Ubaid al-Jaabiree, and is he not a Scholar, but just a student of knowledge? Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee: By Allaah, the one who reviles him and says that he is jaahil, then he follows the paths of the devils. And he follows the way of Hizbiyyah in reviling the Scholars of the Salafee manhaj. Shaikh Ubaid is from the most excellent of the Scholars of the Salafiyyeen, and he is known for wara' and zuhd (piety and abstemiousness) and for speaking the truth - may Allaah bless you - and no one who (truly) desires the face of Allaah the Blessed and the Most High would revile him. And we have known these methods to be the ways of the Hizbiyyeen. this is my last post concerning these Ridiculous and Unwarranted attacks! I suggest you stop wasting your time!
  6. Salafi I knew that you couldn't get any evidence from our SALAF the position that your group stood on the killing MUSLIMS in Palestine, Iraq and elsewhere in this world. Saxib Do you believe we endorse the killing of others muslims?Innalilahi Wa inna Ilayhi RajeeCun; brother look into your heart,do not lie upon the noble shaykh, this is a muslim we are talkinga about, SHOW US what we missed, where in that fatwah does the shaykh endorse the killing of others muslims?!? As long as you defended this FATWA and it's author we assume that this is your group's OFFICIAL position on MUSLIM and non-muslim killings, Rapings, torturing and enslaving them. you assume ?!? are you serious! Since you have no real Proof you resort to assumptions NOW! Subhanallah brother why dont you preoccupy yourself with something more meaningful! TRY IBAADAH!
  7. From the signs that one has drowned in his sins is his lack of delight in fasting during the day and praying through the night Al-Hasan Al-Basri To be devout for a short while is to survive for ever, but devotion is rare So it is upon you to fear God - the Mighty and Majestic - and not to fear anyone else except Him. Turn to God - the Mighty and Majestic - for your every need, and rely upon Him alone - the Most High - seeking that which you need from Him alone. Do not rely upon anyone other than Almighty God. And Tawheed [Monotheism] - all is contained in Tawheed Shaykh 'Abdul-Qaadir al-Jeelaanee (d. 561H) The greatest start of Knowledge is to listen and remain silent, then to memorise it, then to act upon it, then to spread it Muhammad ibn an-Nadr Zuhd (abstinence) is not eating coarse food and wearing rough clothes, but it is limiting your hopes and watching out for death Sufyan Al-Thawri 'He is not truthful to Allaah who loves fame' Ibrahim bin Adham
  8. Hamdan Katheran Tayyiban Mubaaraka fee Kaa maa Yuhiibu Rabunna wa Yarda! Brother you write “How your Sheikh dare to legitimate the war (and before more than 13 yrs of sanctions) against IRAQI people while bilions of non muslims around the world demonstrated and expressed their furious of Anglo-American sanctions and war aginst IRAQ?†this statement is devoid of truth, no where in the fatwah does the Shaykh legitimize the war! “Forget of being MUSLIMS, what is the crime of more than million Iraqi children who die because of these sanctions? there's no truth to this, the Noble Shaykh said, “ NO, But Supplicate to Allah that he delivers the Muslims amongst the people of Iraq and that he relieves them of their distress . This is what I can add now. “ all the children fall under this! “Forget of being MUSLIMS, is it legal to kill and to bomb innocent civilians in IRAQ?†Its haram for a Muslim to kill innocent Mortals, did the shaykh advocate such behaviour? I think not! “Forget of being MUSLIMS, is it legal to occupy other peoples land?Forget of being MUSLIMS, is it legal to control other countries resource by force?â€? Sahal, The earth belongs to Allah, and he grants it to whomever he wishes! read the words of the most High if your in doubt! "Say (O Muhammad SAW): " O Allah Possessor of the kingdom, You give the kingdom to whom You will, and You take the kingdom from whom You will " 3:26 “Forget of being MUSLIMS, is it legal what hapened and still happening in ABU GHURAIB prison?†if they are Muslims, and assuming they are, since we have no knowledge of this, the Shaykh supplicated for all Muslims! Why do you refuse other MUSLIMS to say 'O ALLAH save the IRAQI people' while we know that this the least believe -ADHCAFUL IIMAAM? brother its crucial that one does not follow the Islam based on emotions, do you know of any narration where the messenger of Allah(saw) or the companions supplicated to Allah on the deliverance of the Disbelievers when a calamity hit them? There are ample narrations of supplicating for their guidance, however what about when a calamity strikes them, did they Supplicated for their safety? Its for you to answer this question! Read the words of the Most High ( 30:2-4) “ The Romans have been defeated (…) after their defeat, they will be victorious…And on that Day, the believers will rejoice!â€
  9. Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa baarakatu In response to Bin Baaz’s Fatwah “Question : When is it prescribed to boycott innovators (followers of bid’ah)? When is it prescribed to hate for the sake of Allaah? Is it prescribed to boycott them in this day and age?†its imperative we have the Arabic version of the fatwah, it can be clearly seen the questioner is enquiring about those who follow innovation…the translator placed ( followers of bid’ah) its of no surprise the shaykh would says the following , those who follow innovation and those who call to innovation do not have similar status! “So he should hate the innovator in accordance with the degree of his innovation, so long as it does not imply kufr, and he should hate the sinner in accordance with the degree of his sin, but he should also love him for the sake of Allaah in accordance with the degree of his Islam and faith†this can only apply to those who follow bi’ah, since what an innovators inventes has no degrees, rather the messenger of Allah(Sallalu Alayhi wa Salam) said, " Every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance is in fire " meaning no matter what the innovator invents, if he does not repent from his innovation, he will enter the fire, regardless of how many good deeds he has earned! They are all in the fire; and this is only after when the people of knowledge have advised him, and refuses to accept their advice! he(saw) also said, "Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the whole of mankind." Reported by Bukhaaree (12/41) and Muslim (9/140) thus it does not makes sense that we hate an innovator for the degree of his invention, this obsolutely defies the hadith,†that All innovation is misguidances, and all in the fire†regardless of what he inventes! Thus like the translator put it, I shall for now assume he is referring to those who follow innovation, and not those who have invented these innovation, and after been warned and refuse to desist or repent from their misguidance, rather they are adamant on spreading it! In response to fawzan The shaykhs said the following, “Because we love them, we should find a way to advise and warn them against the evil which they do. We can punish them for the evil that they do that affects the society, so that the people of the society are protected from this evil. Also, we punish them in order to give them a chance for repentance†one again few things need to be mentioned here, (1) when we advised them and they refused then what? (2) What are these punishments? (3) How do we protect them from society? The Noble shaykh answers these questions Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan was asked, “Are the jama’aat to be associated with or are they to be abandoned?†He replied, “When the intent behind mixing with them is to call them to adhere to the Book and the Sunnah and to leave the error, for the one who has knowledge and insight, then this is something good. And this is from calling to Allaah. As for when this mixing is for the sake of friendliness with them and companionship with them, without calling them, and without clarifying, then this is not permissible. It is not permissible for a person that he should mix with those who oppose them except from an angle within which there is a Sharee’ah benefit, from calling them to the correct Islaam, and explanation of the truth to them so that they may return. As Ibn Mas’ood went to the Innovators who were in the mosque and who stood over them and rejected their bid’ah. And also Ibn ‘Abbaas (radiallaahu anhumaa) who went to the Khawaarij and debated with them and repelled their doubts and then amongst them were those who returned (to the truth). Hence, mixing with them is from this angle, then this is desired. And if they then persist upon their falsehood it is obligatory to leave them and shun them, and to make jihad against them for the sake of Allaah â€. (Al-Ajwibah al-Mufeedah p.12). Next point I do believe that the ibn Taymiyyah quote (which you somehow believed to be a contradiction to his other statements) is a testimony to this I still have not come across the reference on this quote, I visited the webpage and zilch, it does not state the shaykh who answered the question, who is the fatwah attributed to? if it Bin Baaz, then this is an error since he was said the following concerning the Tableegh and ikhwanies! His Excellency, Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez Ibn Baaz (Rahima-ullaah) was asked: Question: May Allaah grant you the best (of His favours). In the hadeeth of the Prophet , relating to the splitting of the Ummah, he says: ((…and my Ummah shall split into 72 sects…)). So, is the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh, with what they have in terms of shirk and innovations; and also the Jamaa’ah al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen, with what they have in terms of partisanship and revolting/rebelling against the leaders and lack of obedience; from the 72 sects? So, he (the Shaykh) responded, may Allaah forgive him and bestow upon him His immense mercy: They are from the 72 (sects). Whoever opposes the ‘aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah enters the fold of the 72 (sects). The meaning of the Prophet’s statement ((My Ummah)) is: the Ummah of Ijaabah, i.e. the Ummah of response; those who responded to the Prophet’s call and revealed their allegiance to him. And the meaning of 73 sects: the victorious sect which adhered to him and was upright in their religion and 72 of those sects – amongst them the kuffaar, the sinners and various innovators. So, the questioners asked: Are these two groups (Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh and Jamaa’ah al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen) from amongst the 72 sects? He responded: Yes, they are from the amongst the 72 sects, along with the Murji’ah and other than them; the Murji’ah and the Khawaarij – some of the people of knowledge regard the Khawaarij from amongst the kuffaar, out of the fold of Islaam although amongst the 72 sects. [Taken from the recording of the Shaykh’s lessons in Sharh al-Muntaqaa in Ta’if approximately 2 years or less before his death]. So sister Rahima isnt Hasan Al Baana not the founder the Ikhwan Musleem? New point If so, how can you have disunity with someone who you stand up in front of Allah with for prayer?†Sister, who are the worst beings? I say the Munafeeqeen, Allah’s messenger( sallalu Alayhi wa salam) and HUdayfah were the only ones who knewwho the hypocrites were, didn’t they not pray alongside the munafeeq, in addition after the death of the messenger of Allah(sallalu Alayhi wa salam) and HUdayfah was still alive, didn’t he pray with them? so how can you define this a unity, there is no being worst then a munafiq! Sarcasm is well noted akhi. What did you mean by or “Maybe your referring to Salma & Safar and there likes?!?â€. I do believe that there is an element of belittlement of these shuyuukh here, like their opinion (assuming that it was theirs that I was noting) is not worthy enough to be considered.†Im in no need of Sarcasm Ukhti, my position concerning these individuals known, their speech is of no worth as far as im concerned! I hold the position of Albani, for they are the neo-Khawarij of our time, Uthaymin who said we differ with them in terms of Aqeeda, since they make takfir of the general mass due to major sins akin to the Khawarij! I don’t believe I was promoting. Do you know what promoting is akhi? I can quote Einstein when he states that no intelligent mind can deny the existence of God, but does this also mean that i am promoting the fact that he did not recognise Islam as the chosen religion of Allah? Of course not brother. When i quote an individual it does not mean that i agree with them on all things and surely i am not promoting them in any way, all it means is that i agree with that particular statement.†Serious sister, how can you compare the two, how many muslim acquire their deen from Eistein? And how many muslim acquire their deen from Hasan? Every muslim knows Eistein is a kafir and they would never go to him for slamic knowledge, however Hasan is well known Da’ee, he wrote books on islam, calls the people to islam. So lets say you see a nice quote from him and you post it here, with his name and book title, keeping in mind that you do not agree with all his points, now imagine, Mr’ X†who has been a member of this forum for a long time and has come to know of you as someone with knowledge; then one day he happens to be in a Islamic shop, behold he finds that same book you quoted from by Hasan AL Banaa. He says to himselve, “wow that was a nice quote i really like that, plus Rahima must of got a great deal of knowledge from him, plus she must like him†so he purchases it not knowing the calamities it contains, or nicely put “these points you don’t agree with†so in reality you have promoted his book, without informing the public his errors and what the scholars have said about his works! now sister i have tried very hard to respond to the points you have raised, its imperative you address mine, you said: No, rather what is not sufficient is your understanding of the situation akhi. You have to put all things into perspective and context. ok Ukhti please do not dismiss my points, put the following in their correct perspective and context, save me from my ignorance! (1) al - Fudayl said : " Do not trust the innovator concerning your Deen, and do not seek his advice in your affairs, and do not sit with him since whoever sits with an innovator - Allah will cause him to become blind ." 'Sharh Usool I'tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah' - (2) Imân an-Nawawî (d.676H) mentions in al-Adkhâr (p.323): “Chapter: Dissociating from the people of Innovation and the people of Sin.†(3) Abu 'Abdullaah became angry and said, " Do not be fooled by his fearfulness, nor his gentleness. Do not be fooled by how he droops his head. He is an evil person. This will not be known except by one well-acquainted with him. Do not sit with him, for there is no honour for him. Will you sit with everyone who narrated the ahaadeeth of Allaah's Messenger (saaws) and is an innovator?!" (4) The Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also warned against the People of Innovation, from befriending, supporting or taking from them saying: "Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the whole of mankind." Reported by Bukhaaree (12/41) and Muslim (9/140) (5) IMAAM IBNUL QAYYIM AL-JAWZIYYAH said “The war against the innovators is greater than the war against the Mushrikeen.â€
  10. Rahima are the quotes from the salaf not sufficient? They are clear as day light my sister, now lets see if can point out few thing from your Post! I think you completely misunderstood my points, its important sister that you differentiate between a person who follows into innovation, and does an act of innovation then this person as the mayshaykh have nicely put it must not be boycotted, rather we hate that which they practice and we spend time with them advising them ect…, what I’m referring to is someone who calls to innovation and after being advised by the people of knowledge(for how ever long) refuses to cease! Then the scholars label him an innovator. As you can see you Post has nothing to do with the innovators but those who fell into innovation like the common folks ! So Alwala wa Bara is not intended for them, and for those who are innovators, we still make salah with them, however this does not mean after Salah we give them sit with them, and as for the wala wa baara issue ill be back running out time inshallah, it needs few clarification! also the bin baaz fatwa, also can you please give me prove about that bilal and Umar hadith you forgot to reference it! The general, common-folk are not to be boycotted in totality, but they are to be mixed with and advised and taught (for those who are capable, since amongst the conditions of da'wah is knowledge and understanding), using hikmah and ilm, for if it were not for this Salafiyyah would not spread. The general, common folk who are upon some of the innovations and who are the followers of an Innovator, like some of the Soofees, or the ignorant Raafidah, or some of those who might be affiliated with the Jamaa'aat upon ignorance, then many of them desire nothing but goodness and they seek Paradise, so they should not be boycotted and left completely, they have been deceived by those whom they follow, but they themselves do not know any better. So boycotting should not be made general and absolute in this way amongst all the people in general, a form of cutting onseself off completely, this is a mistake, otherwise many people will miss out in arriving at the truth and entering into Salafiyyah. Thus da'wah efforts should be made and increased to invite and call these people with knowledge and wisdom and patience. Shaykh Rabee`: All praise is due to Allaah and may Salaat and Salaam be upon Allaah's Messenger, upon his family, his companions and whoever followed his guidance, to proceed: Then its known regarding [the viewpoint of] Ahl us-Sunnah that the one who falls into a nullifier [of Islaam (mukaffir)] is not to be declared an unbeliever until the proof is established upon him. As for the one who falls into innovation then [he is] of [various] types: The first: The people of innovation such as the Rawaafid, the Khawaarij, the Jahmiyyah, the Qadariyyah, the Mu`tazilah, the Soofiyyah, the Qubooriyyah, the Murji'ah and whoever is put alongside them [from the contemporaries] such as the Ikhwaan and Tableegh and their likes. So regarding them, the Salaf did not specify establishment of the proof [upon them] as a condition for judging them with innovation. Hence, it is said about the Raafidee, "Innovator" and about the Khaarijee it is said, "Innovator" and so on, regardless of whether the proof has been established upon them or not. The second: The one who is from Ahl us-Sunnah and fell into a manifest innovation such as the saying of the creation of the Qur'aan, or [the innovation of] al-Qadr, or the view of the Khawaarij and other than that, so this one is declared Innovator and the action of the Salaf [towards the Innovators] is applied to him. what are the actions of the salaf( i alrady showed you their actions) The third: Whoever is from Ahl us-Sunnah and is known with adhereing to the truth, and he falls into a subtle, hidden innovation (bid`ah khafiyyah). Even if such a one has passed away then it is not permissible to declare him an Innovator, rather he is mentioned with goodness, and if he is alive, then is advised and the truth is made clear to him, and haste is not to be shown in declaring him Innovator. If he persists [upon what he fell into] then he is declared an Innovator. Written by Rabee` bin Haadee `Umayr al-Madkhalee on 24th Ramadaan 1424H Questioner: Our Shaykh (hafidhakumulLaah), we hear a lot from your excellence the usage [of the term] "at-tamayyu`", we hope (i.e. seek) an explanation of this usage from you, and what is your view regarding the one who rejects this [terminological] usage. Shaykh Rabee` bin Haadee: This is not [terminological] usage, this is a temporary word (i.e. a passing remark upon a particular trait) that is said, but what is desired by it is a [group of] peoples who came to the `usool of Islaam, melting them, softening them, and belittling their importance, rather, they wage war against them , may Allaah bless you. And they describe - meaning [describe] the Salafee manhaj, and standing (firmly) in the face of Ahl ul-Bida`, and defending the Sunnah - they describe it as shiddah (harshness), they describe that as shiddah, and they describe that as ghuluww (extremism), and they lied and fabricated a lie. By Allaah, besides whom there is none worthy of worship (in truth), shiddah (harshness, severity) is not found amongst the masaakeen Salafees now. And certainly, no matter how harsh the Salafees are in facing and standing against the falsehood, and innovations, they do not reach one hundredth of what the Salaf were upon of harshness against Ahl ul-Bida` to the degree that they (the Salaf) used to kill them, and expel them (from the land), and boycott them, and beat them, and humiliate them. [And as for us] the Salafees, they have nothing [of what was with the Salaf of harshness], masaakeen. Posted on Sahab.Net: From the cassette: "Is al-Jarh wat-Ta`deel Specific to the Narrators of Hadeeth". sorry ran out of time to address your other points, fawzan and binz on the innovators boycotting them! continue...
  11. the Shaykh did a great job, the fatwah is self explanatory..mashallh! and for all to lets move on! You differentiated these two kinds of Jihad and i just quoted it, but the Sheikh has not deferentiated he said clearly "The best jihad today ... is to hold back from jihad." (p.204) n Arabic ( AFDHALUL JIHAD AL-YOWM HUWA TARKUL JIHAAD ) thats the whole point, you have to read the whole book to understand what the Shaykh is alluding to! i could easily say the shaykh is referring to Offencing JIhad, and there is no way you could refute me, or maybe he is referring to Defensive Hijad, still no real prove! lets move on! Simple minds write simple things... the strange thing is you’re contending with Shaykh Ubayd Jaabari who taught at the Islamic University of Almadinah for over a decade, Alongside ALbani Bin Baaz and had regular contact with Cuthaymin and Fawzan and the rest of the scholars, he is from the kibar Ulama. A man who has spend his entire life serving Islam! What he said is in accordance with the Salafi Creed, Saxib it’s upon you to take it or leave it! no one is going to hold your hand! lets move on!
  12. Seriously though, What did he mean ? My friend no where does it state that its defensive or offensive jihad, but you wanted us to believe that the shaykh meant the jihad, devoid of any clarification!… furthermore this Cassette of yours can not be used as prove, you expect the audience and I to take your word for it?thats silly.. If you wish to remain in this business of refuting others, it’s essential you grasp the art of rebutting! i advice you to do more research so you know your subject before you started copying and pasting materials! your write; secondly what would you say the IRAQ WAR FATWA from your website(salafipublication) is this fatwa also stolen from the Sheikh or what? where's the beef?!? the Shaykh obviously meant "Iraqi Society" this becomes evident when you read the next few lines! He uses term “Iraqi societyâ€! In addition the noble Shaykh Said, “ NO, But Supplicate to Allah that he delivers the Muslims amongst the people of Iraq and that he relieves them of their distress . This is what I can add now. “ this itself refutes your claims..So where is the deficiency?any sensible person can see the Shaykh Meant “Iraqi Societyâ€, nice try though! And remember those who gave you the justification to insult them (Like Al-Madkhali and his alike) they will not be with you that day they will have their own burden. Only Allah knows the unseen and truly we seek his aid, those who you defend may admonish you on that day, saying,†Why were you defending my falsehood when I was in plain error “ I shall not remain silent of those who distort Islam from within irregardless of how you promote them!
  13. Salamu alaykum brother I will relay to you what the scholars have said a propos to serving pork or other substance whihc are Haram. Firstly: Our Lord has forbidden eating pork in definitive terms. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Say (O Muhammad): I find not in that which has been revealed to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be Maytah (a dead animal) or blood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like), or the flesh of swine (pork); for that surely, is impure or impious (unlawful) meat (of an animal) which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allaah (or has been slaughtered for idols, or on which Allaah’s Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering)†[al-An’aam 6:145] also, Jabir bin 'Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with them, reported: I heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying in the Year of Conquest while he was in Makkah: Verily, Allah and His Messenger have forbidden the sale of wine, carcass, swine and idols. It was said: Allah's Messenger, you see that the fat of the carcass is used for coating the boats and varnishing the hides and people use it for lighting purposes, whereupon he said: No, it is forbidden. Then Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: May Allah the Exalted and Majestic destroy the Jews; when Allah forbade the use of the fat of carcass for them, they melted it, and then sold it and made use of its price. Hadith number in Sahih Muslim [Arabic only]: 2960 When Allah prohibits a thing he likewise prohibits the business side of it, one must not aid the people in sinning, even if they are disbelievers. Furthermore, pork meat generates countless of lethal viruses, Muslim should not assist others to harm their bodies by severing them that which is extremely unsafe, we should always pride ourselves in commanding the good and forbidding evil MEDICAL ASPECT OF THE PROHIBITION Abstention from eating pork is a measure to safeguard health. Of all the domestic animals, pig is the most avaricious, eating anything including human excreta. It is the cradle of harmful germs and parasites. Its meat is carrier of diseases to man, thus making it unfit for human consumption.
  14. Tayyib Sahal now that the audience knowns your source they can examine it for themselves! I dont have a problem with you Exposing anything, if your intentions are in the correct place, which im sure they are! at at rate its necessarity that you provide the whole picture not bids and pieces of it! few question for you to ponder over (1) this hijad, is it pertaining to offencing jihad or defensing jihad? (2) Ilm Waqica, did you read Albanis book on this topic? (3) Ibn Jibreen defences of Hasan ALbaana and Sayid Qutb, we know this but why have you neglected this (4) in response to Shaykh ABu Bakr Zaid why have you neglected the following: . Shaikh Zaid bin Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee(one of the leading scholars in KSA) asked him about these papers and so Abu bakr zaid reviled those who spread these papers. And also in front of others, [the Shaikh] made excuses and said that these papers were stolen from him and were spread without his consent and satisfaction. . Secondly: Shaikh Ali al-Halabi(student of shaykh Albani) – may Allaah preserve him – informed me that he asked Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid in his own house about this discourse and he said, "By Allaah these were words that I had written and I was hoping to send them to Shaikh Rabee’ however, I put them away since they were in need of improvement. However, they were then taken from my office without my knowledge and distributed. And I do not know who did that." . And up until now, he has not officially and openly acknowledged them, and neither is he happy about them being printed and distributed, and hence, these papers are tantamount to a foundling (abandoned baby), with no legal father (as its claimant). . It is deserving for every sensible person that he should become ashamed on account of them, because the very one to whom they are attributed refuses to acknowledge them. And it is also deserving for the one who to whom they are attributed to be ashamed on account of them, . Stated Shaikh Usaamah al-Qoosee(may allah perserve him(student of shaykh Muqbil): Shaikh Rabee’ was taken by surprise, especially when he did not receive a refutation from Shaikh Bakr, so he was taken by surprise by this discourse entitled ‘al-Khitaab adh-Dhahabee’ (The Golden Discourse), which had been spread in every part of the world. Shaikh Rabee’ then got on the phone with Shaikh Bakr and said, "What is this?!" He replied, "By Allaah, I do not have any knowledge about this matter. About this, I say may Allaah curse the one who distributes this discourse." Cassette Lecture. Explanation of the book of Shaikh Rabee’ ‘The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allaah’ (15th-19th/Rabee’ al-Awwal/1421H) Sahal dont you fear the curse of Allah may befall you???? :confused: and to put the nails in the coffin Fatwaa of Shaikh Nasir ud-Deen al-Albani The Muhaddith and Imaam, al-Albani – rahimahullaah – said, commenting upon the book ‘al-Awaasim Mimmaa Fee Kutub Sayyid Qutub Min al-Qawasim’ of Shaikh Rabee’ bin Haadee, " Everything with which you have refuted Sayyid Qutb is the truth (haqq) and is correct (sawab) . And it will become sufficiently clear from this refutation to every one who has read anything from " The Islamic Heritage" that Sayyid Qutb had no knowledge of the Usool (fundamentals) or the Furoo’ (subsidiary matters) of Islaam. So may Allaah reward you with the best of reward, O brother Shaykh Rabee’ ibn Haadee for fulfilling the obligation of explaining and uncovering his ignorance and deviation from Islaam." So Sahal im sure your your intentions are righ But brother due show both sides of the story, dont be selective, aite!!!!!!!!
  15. Taken from ibn Abdul Al-Birr. A man used to ask questions to Abu Ad-Darda, so he said to him, " Everything that you are asking about, do you implement it?" The man replied; No. So he said to him, "So what will you do with the additional arguement that ALLAH has against you!" " The humble student, is the one who gets the most knowledge. Just as the lowest places on earth have the most water". Sufyan ibn Husayn said : " I mentioned something bad about a man in the presence of Iyaas ibn Mu'aawiyah who looked at me and said : "Have you fought against the Romans?" I said : 'No', He said : "What about Sind and India and Turkey?" I said : 'No', He said : 'Rome, Sind, India, and Turkey are all safe from you but your Muslim brother is not safe from you?!" Sufyaan ibn Husayn said : "I never did that again."" Al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah (Vol.13/page 121) SIGNS OF TRUE BROTHERHOOD: ’Alee Ibn Abee Taalib (radiyallaahu ’anhu) said: “ Your brother is one who – if he brings a calamity upon you sometimes, then he does not cease having mercy upon you. Your brother is not the one who – if your affairs become disrupted – starts abusing and insulting you.†,
  16. Salamu alaykum Allah said (24:31) "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent , and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna" the word Juyubihinna is plural for Jilbab, so the beleiving sisters are commanded by the lord of the 7 heavens and earth to wear Jilbab! anything less has no prove from the Quran and Sunnah as far as i know! concerning pants, its evident that sisters are not allowed but what about the brothers? read the following evidences and inshallah and it shall clarify any doubts one may have! 1. Praying/and wearing pants to cover the('awrah)private parts! Praying in tight fitting clothes is deemed makrooh (disliked) according to the Sharee'ah. It also harms the body and hence it is not good from the point of view of health as well. Perhaps the one praying in such clothes actually leaves parts of his prayer out. It is known that many people who dress in such a way do not attain their prayer at all while others attain only a little, like the prayer of a hypocrite. Those who pray, many amongst them nowadays dress in clothes that drape around one or both of their private parts Ibn Hajar says, that a group of the Hanafee scholars considered such practice as makrooh. [see Fathul-Baaree (1/476)] If this is the case for normal trousers then what the case when they are very tight? 'Allaamah al-Albaanee explained that trousers have two problems: a) This is a dress that resembles the disbelievers. Muslims used to dress in wide bottoms which were loose fitting and baggy like some still do so in Syria and Lebanon. The Muslims adopted this practice of wearing trousers/pants when they were colonized. When the colonizers departed, they left behind this evil influence and changed the Muslims due to the latter's ignorance. b) This type of dress constricts and presses upon the 'awrah. The 'awrah of a man is from his knee up to his navel. The worshipper should be as far away as he can from disobedience of Allaah during his prayer. He is prostrating (in obedience and submission) to Him. How can he be praying and standing before His Lord, when his buttocks are shown up and what is between is visibly magnified? It is surprising to find many young Muslims taking exception to ladies wearing tight clothes since they cling to their bodies, yet these young men are forgetting about themselves. There is no difference between a lady wearing tight clothes which press against her body and a man wearing trousers which also cling to his body. The buttock of both a man and a woman is part of the 'awrah and both of them are the same. So it is compulsory for the youth to be warned about this predicament about which they are blind, except for he whom Allaah has guided, who are few. [Taken from one his tapes] The Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) forbade a man from praying in his trousers (saaraweel) unless he had a wrapper (rida) on him. [Abu Daawood, al-Haakim and the hadeeth is Hasan] For more details please consult the following: "Saheehul-Jaami'us-Sagheer" of 'Allaamah al-Albaanee "Sharh Ma'aaniyyul-Aathaar" of Imaam at-Tahaawee Shaykh Hamood at-Tuwayjiree's discussion about it in his book which talks about how resemblance of the mushrikoon has befallen upon many in "Al-Iidaah wa-Tibyaan.." As long as the trousers are wide and not tight the prayer is valid, but it is better to have a shirt or a top on that covers between the navel and the knee, or lower still unto the middle of his shins or down to just above his ankles, because that is the complete covering. 'Allaamah Ibn Baaz has a fatwaa where he says that it is permissible to pray in trousers so long as the 'awrah is not pressed against due to its expansiveness and his backside is not shamelessly visible. If his backside become visible then the prayer is invalidated and if only the clothes press against his 'awrah then it is makrooh. 2. Praying in Thin and Transparent Clothing Just like it is makrooh to pray in tight fitting clothes which cling to the 'awrah and show them up, it is not permissible to pray in thin clothes which is transparent enough to make the (actual) body visible. [Fataawaa Rasheed Ridaa (5/2056)] Praying in Sleeping Suit or Pajamas: Abu Hurayrah (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) reports that a man stood up to the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and asked him about praying in a single garment. So he (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, "Unless you find two garments." Then he asked 'Umar (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) who said, "When Allaah is generous, be generous yourselves. A man prayed in a lower garment (izaar) and an upper garment (ridaa), a waist wrapper (izaar) and a shirt (qamees), in a lower wrap (izaar) and an outer garment with full length sleeves (qaba`), in trousers (saraaweel) and an upper wrap (ridaa), in trousers and a shirt (qamees), in trousers and upper garment (qaba`), in tubbaan and qaba`, and in tubbaan and qamees. [bukhaaree, Maalik in al-Muwatta, Muslim, Abu Daawood, an-Nisaa`ee, Ibn Maajah, al-Humaydee, Ahmad in al-Musnad, at-Tayaalisee, at-Tahaawee, al-Baghawee, Abu Nu'aym, al-Khateeb] 'Abdullaah ibn 'Umar (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) saw Naafi' praying by himself in a single garment (thawb). So he said to him, "Can you not wear two garments?" He said, "Of course". He said, "Do you go out to the market in a single garment?" He said, "No". He said, "Allaah has more right that He is dressed up for!" [at-Tahaawee in "Sharh Ma'aniyyul-Aathaar", "Tafseerul-Qurtubee" and al-Mughnee] Such is the case for one who prays in his night garments. He would feel shy to go to market in it on account of its thinness and transparency. Ibn 'Abdul-Barr said in "at-Tamheed" : The people of knowledge love for one to be enveloped in his garments; that he beautifies himself for his prayer as much as he is able with regards to his clothes, applies perfume and cleanses his teeth (miswaak). On the topic of conditions for the correctness of the prayer, the jurists (fuqahaa) talk about the condition of covering the 'awrah: They make the condition for the covering to be thick and say it is not permissible to make it fine so that the skin tone is visible. ["al-Majmoo'", al-Mughnee, etc] This is a requirement whether for a man or a woman, whether praying alone or in congregation. So whoever's clothes reveal his 'awrah in spite of his ability to keep it covered, then his prayer is invalidated. Yaa banee aadama khudhoo zeenatakum 'inda kulli masjidin [sooratul-A'raf Aayah 31] According to "ad-Deenul-Khaalis" 2/101 and "at-Tamheed" 6/379 the aim of zeenah is the thawb and the command means to conceal the 'awrah for every prayer. Praying in a Light Tunic: Some people pray in garments that only lightly cover their bodies and its transparency allows one to see the person's skin colour, while not wearing anything underneath. (It is not enough to wear shorts or trunks underneath unless it covers the extent between the belly-button and the knee.) The statement of 'Umar previously shows usage of more than one garment to screen oneself and how one garment is added to another. The evidence shows that it is compulsory (waajib) to be properly covered and praying in only one garment is allowed only because of the person's straightened circumstances. The prayer of someone in two garments is better than doing so in one. This has been clearly elaborated by Qaadee 'Iyaadh who has dispelled the differences regarding this matter. [see Fathul-Baaree, al-Majmoo' (1/476) and Naylul-Awtaar (2/78, 84)] Imaam Shaafi'ee said if a person prays in his shirt and it reveals him, then his prayer is invalidated. [see al-Umm (1/78)] Even Worse For Ladies: The lady doing that is in a more terrible situation than the man. And if she prays in a loose outer garment with sleeves and slit in front then it is better for her to wear her jilbaab on top. She must make sure she does not pray wearing delicate material such as nylon or chiffon. Consider the hadeeth where we are told how in the last part of the nation of Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam) there will be ladies who are dressed yet they are naked. Ibn 'Abdul-Barr says such women will dress in light material which will cover them yet not screen them, so they will be dressed in name but naked in reality. [Tanweerul-Hawaalik 3/103] A report from Hisham Ibn 'Urwah shows once Mundhir ibn Zubayr sent a beautiful garment from Kohistan to Asmaa Bint Abee Bakr who having felt the material and disapprovingly asked for it to be sent back to the sender. When asked as to why since it did not show the body, she replied it was transparent. [ibn Sa'd in at-Tabaqaatul-Kubraa (8/184) : saheeh] As-Safaareenee said it is forbidden to wear clothes that is light and fine so that the 'awrah is not covered whether for a male or a female. This is a matter of the Sharee'ah without any difference. [ad-Deenul-Khaalis (6/180)] Ash-Shawkaanee said in "Naylul-Awtaar" (2/115) that it is compulsory (waajib) for a lady to cover her body with a garment which is not transparent. This is a condition for covering the 'awrah.
  17. Hamdan Katheeran tayiiban mubaaraka fee Ka ma Yuhhibu Rabuuna wa Yarda silent sister Allah the Exalted said: in surah (5:5) "Made lawful to you this day are At­Tayyibât [all kinds of Halâl lawful foods, which Allâh has made lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, etc., milk products, fats, vegetables and fruits, etc.). The food (slaughtered cattle, eatable animals, etc.) of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) is lawful to you and yours is lawful to them" thus its apparent that the meat of the Ahlul Kitab is Halaal The Ahlul Kitaab(Jews&Christians) are both forbidden to eat Pork, however most christians go to church on Sundays, and live like pagans the rest of the week! well i personally know few christians who dont eat pork! So the christians and jews are known to kill their animals by the throat, so the animals dies due to blood loss, however in modern time, animals are killed in many ways! We are allowed to eat their meat, and we always give the benefit of the doubt, but if you have doubt its best that you refrain from it, however there is no harm for the one who has no doubt The shaykh who was asked this question, who goes by the name of Hasan Xalabi, said we can all speculated on how they kill the animals, but guessing is not a subsitute for the truth and speculation opens the door to doubts" however if you have the opportunity to find out how the animal was laid to rest, then by all means go ahead, but to eating from the people of the book is allowed for Allah made it permissible! But there are plenty of Islam restaurents/shops and meat parlors... so inshallah take the safer side... i for one use to never eat from the people of the book but all the scholars agree that its permissable if you do not know for sure how they kill their animals, furthermore if you do eat their meat and it happends that it was killed in the wrong way, then you will not be held accountable since it's beyond your means! and Allah knows best!
  18. first here are all the salafi websites,this character and his book is no where to be found, "" i do no know him nor do my friends, i have made an extensive research and "ziiiiiiiiiiiip" second, is this JIhad pertaining to Defencing Jihad or Offence? as you know there are different rules for each! Im sure you know this, since you sat/studied with the student of BIn BAAZ as for JIhad and wheter we need an imam or not, Albani wrote a marvellous piece on this topic, (im sure hes not NeoSalafi in your views " third i never once hid anything, but i gave you what the scholars said, concerning certain individuals, and just like one of the other nomads tried to defend Innovator sayid Qutb with a letter attributed to the Noble shaykh Abu Bakr Zaid, who himself admited it was stolen from him, nor did he give permission for distribution, nor did he sign the phamplet! now you Use Shaykh Ibn Jibreen may Allah may have mercy on him, and perserve him to defend the innovators, then once again you have neglected the response of the noble mayshaykh concerning this issue and how the rest of the scholars adviced ibn jibreen to take back his words and that he has errored concerning his matter! why did u neglect this oh Sahal, Fourth give the sister the exact web page,what you gave is not sufficient! it will take her forever to find the exact article! i can do it myself but i wanna see if you are an honest man, who is really doing this for the sake of Allah, or merely ploting and evil plot! you have the benefit of the doubt my friend! fifth for those who can read somali, and like somali lectures, please visit the following website Ps. again brother if you wish to expose the NEW Salafi do not hide information that is widely available to everyone!
  19. Salamu alaykum since that thread was initiated by me,few things need to clarified! Sister since he is family, we as muslims are forbiden to cut of family ties wether they are believer of not, the thread you were reading, it was intended towards those who you do not have a family ties with/blood relations, concerning the kafir family member its upon you to keep the ties of relations with them so long as they do not order you to disobey Allah the most High/nor do they fight you. in addition you should always distance yourself from their festivities,those rituals that are in accordance with their faith!you should not approve these rituals by participating with them/we hate that which they practise....Yet we call them to islam with fair preaching and kindness! eating from the people of the book,( i pressume he is christian) is also permissable as long as you are not aware of how they kill their animals, but if you have sure knowlege of how they kill their animals in a way that is not in accordance with islam,then one must refrain from eating their meat, but if you do not have sure knowledge,then its permissable for you to eat their meat(that is if they are christians or jews). Just remember to say "Bismillah" this is what DR Saleh Saleh student of Uthaymin(rahimullah) adviced me!
  20. All im asking you is that you, present both sides of the issues, the audience has that right over you, show them that you've neglected to include some very vital replies from that website you copying and pasting from! you picked and choosed what you want the audience to read, while the website has the counter arguments presented by Abu Khadijah! plus this man by Sh. Mohammed Shaqra. is majhul(unknown) no one has heard of him, or this book you speak off! maybe you can give us a brief introduction
  21. Qac Qac, fresh off the boat, can do the best Qooxoti laugh,â€Qaxi Qaxi Qaxi†(stole it from DA)lol loool
  22. Oh Sahal,Oh Sahal Why don’t you Fear Allah…. Don’t you Fear the day you will face Allah…. When your Wealth and family will avail you not …. A Copy and paste job, you must’ve forgot…. To narrate....An entire plot,…. I suggest you desist from this deceptive plot….. ~~~~~~~ Must you neglect Abu Khadijah’s reply …. Even your website, grants him his right…. BE fair and Be just ~~~ stop this script based on spite…. But if you must, at least Fear Allah and publish both sides….
  23. Sister Rahima, is it from the manhaj of the Salaf, to quote from Ahlul Bi'dah, wheter its an ayat or Hadith? you said i would do it as long as it does not contradict the Q&S.... sound nice, mashallah, but is there prove that we can quote Ahlul Bi'ah My stands is that, first, there is no need for you to quote them, for whatever they have in good, its with the people of knowledge Second you are promoting their names and their books ! you openly claimed on following the way of salaf in this forum, thus you give the people the false idea that its ok to quote and read the books of the innovators, people will simply read their books because they saw you quoting them, plus your known to be someone who has knowledge and people respect you! now imagine for a moment they do not have the capacity to distinguish between batil and Haqq? and they fall into that which is Baatil, would you not be held responsible? you would have lead them astray! Didnt the messenger of Allah, Reprehand Umar(ra) for reading the Bible? doesnt the bible have some truth in it? and this is UMar we are talkign about, let alone us! Ibnul Qayyim narrated in his book at-turuqul-Hakimiyyah(p.282) about burning of the books of the deviant and their destruction, that al-marwadhee said to Imam Ahmed,†I borrowed a book and in are few evil things; do you think I should tear it up or burn it? So Imam Ahmed said,â€Yes Burn it “ if you have adiila from the salaf about quoting and promoting the names and books of the Ahlul Bid'ah, because they simply contained ayats or hadith, then by all means please show me so that i can be guided aright and follow the way of the salaf in that which i am ignorant of! i couldnt copy and paste any of this because its in PDF format, but read for yourself what Imam imam of the salaf and Ibn Taymiyah had to say about Ahlul Bid'ah specially about reading and quoting their works wether its in argreement with Q&S or not! In response to your dalil by ibn Taymiyah, i would like a reference for it, i have many quotes by ibn taymiyah contradicting that statement, please read the following book by him! ENJOINING RIGHT AND FORBIDDING WRONG BY: IBN TAIMIYA
  24. Mashallah sister you have raised some strong points...allahu akbar, may Allah increase you in knowledge,ameen We both claim to follow the Salaf us Saleeh, so inshallah lets see what the salaf have to say about these points you raised! you said: Is it permissible to give charity and financial help to one who follows some innovations?. My response The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: " Every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance is in fire " Sis, Is there a difference between a man who follows innovation unknowingly/due to ignorance and one who calls to innovation after being advice by the people of knowledge yet persist on his call? Im sure you will agree that there is ! Not everyone who follows innovation is an innovator;; not everyone who follows innovation is an innovator! Let see what the salaf have to says about Hajr(boycotting) the innovators! Hadith - Reported by Ibn Battah in al-Ibaanatul-Kubraa (no. 486) Ibn 'Awn, rahimahullaah, said, " Whoever sits with the people of innovation is worse than them ." Hadith - Reported by Ibn Abee Ya'laa in Tabaqaatul-Hanaabilah (1/223-234) in the biography of 'Alee ibn Abee Khaalid 'Alee ibn Abee Khaalid said: I said to Ahmad ibn Hanbal, "This old man -referring to an old man who was present with us and was a neighbour of mine - I have warned him against a person, but he would like to hear your saying about him. haarith al-Qaseer (meaning Haarith al-Mahaasibee) and you saw me with him many years ago and you said to me, 'Do not sit with him and do not speak to him.' I have not spoken to him from then until now, but this old man sits with him. What do you say about him (i.e. the innovator)?" I saw that Ahmad became red, his veins and his eyes swelled. I have never seen him like that before . Then he shuddered and said, "That is one to whom Allaah has done such and such. No one knows that except one who is fully acquainted with him. Alas! Alas! Alas! He is one not known except to one fully acquainted with him. He was the one whom al-Maghaazilee sat with and Ya'qoob and so and so. He lead them to having the views of Jahm. They were destroyed through him." So, the old man said, "O Abu' Abdullaah! He narrated hadeeth, displays dignity and fearfulness. He is such and such." Abu 'Abdullaah became angry and said, " Do not be fooled by his fearfulness, nor his gentleness. Do not be fooled by how he droops his head. He is an evil person. This will not be known except by one well-acquainted with him. Do not sit with him, for there is no honour for him. Will you sit with everyone who narrated the ahaadeeth of Allaah's Messenger (saaws) and is an innovator?!" Abdullaah ibn Abbaas (radiallaahu anhu) said, " do not sit with the people of innovation, " [ash-Sharee'ah pg 65 of al-Aajurree (d.360)] Abul-Jawzaa 261 (Rahimahullaah) said, “That apes and pigs live next to me is more loved by me than if one of them (i.e., People of Desires) lives next to me. [From Ahmad Sa’d Hamdaan’s introduction to al-Laalikaa’ees Sharh Usoolil-I’tiqaad, 1/53-55 with modifications and additions] Al-Fudayl ibn ‘Iyaad (d. 187H, Rahimahullaah) said: “It is not possible for a person of the Sunnah to support a person of innovation except out of hypocrisy.†[sharh Usoolul- I’tiqaad of al-Lailaka’ee (no. 266)] Abu Moosaa (Rahimahullaah) said: “That I live next to a Jew and a Christian, and monkeys and pigs, is more beloved to me than that if I were to live next to a follower of desires (i.e. deviant), who will spread disease to my heart.†[Lamm Ad-Darr-ul- Manthoor (pg. 47-49) and (pg. 58-60)] Abû Qilâbah (d.140H) - rahimahullâh - said: “Do not sit with the people of innovation, because I do not feel secure that they will not drown you in their misguidance and make part of what you used to know, unclear to you.†Ibn Awn (d.150H) - rahimahullâh - said: “Whosoever sits with an innovator is worse than them.†It was said to Imâm al-Awzâ’î (d.157H) - rahimahullâh: A person says, ‘I sit with Ahlus-Sunnah and I sit with the innovators.’ So al-Awzâ’î said: “This person desires to fluctuate between the truth and falsehood.†[54] Commenting upon this saying, Ibn Battah said: “Al-Awzâ’î has indeed spoken the truth. And I say: Indeed this person does not know the truth corn falsehood, nor faith from disbelief.†Abû Dâwûd as-Sijjistânî (d.275H) said: I said to Abû ’Abdullâh Ahmad ibn Hanbal: If I see a man from Ahlus-Sunnah sitting with a man from the people of Innovation, should I abandon speaking to him? He said: “No, you should first inform him that the one whom you saw him with is a person of innovation. Either he will cease speaking to the innovator - so continue speaking to him - or if not, then regard him to be like him. Ibn Mas’ûd said: A person is like his friend.†[59] Indeed, the people of knowledge throughout the ages continued warning the masses against the innovators and considered this matter important enough to dedicate chapters in their various books about this. For example:- Abû Dâwûd has a chapter in his Sunan (4/197): “Chapter: Turning away from the Innovators and having hatred for them.†Al-Hâfidh al-Mundharî (d.656H) in At-Targhîb wat-Tarhîb (3/14) has a chapter: “Deterrent against loving the people of Innovation, since a person will be with those whom they love.†Imân an-Nawawî (d.676H) mentions in al-Adkhâr (p.323): “Chapter: Dissociating from the people of Innovation and the people of Sin.†Imâm al-Baghawî (d.516H) - rahimahullâh - said: “The Prophet sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam informed about the splitting of this Ummah and the appearance of innovations, and he stated that those who followed his Sunnah and the way of his Companions - may Allâh be pleased with them all - would be saved. So the Muslim, when he sees a person zealously engaged in any of these innovations out of belief, or taking any of the Sunnah lightly - must avoid him and be free of him, and abandon him, whether alive or dead. So he does not give salâm to him when he meets him, nor reply to it if he says it first - until he abandons his innovation and returns to the truth. And the forbiddance of avoiding for more than three days between two people refers to things that happen between people - not what is done for the sake of the Dîn - since avoiding people of innovation continues until they leave their innovation.†[60] IMAAM IBNUL QAYYIM AL-JAWZIYYAH said “The war against the innovators is greater than the war against the Mushrikeen.†This noble imam would rather fight them and wage a war against them then fighting a kafir! The Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also warned against the People of Innovation, from befriending, supporting or taking from them saying: "Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the whole of mankind." Reported by Bukhaaree (12/41) and Muslim (9/140) So what is with Ahlus Sunnah in regards to Ahlul Biddah is that we do not accommodate them, befriend them, praise them, visit them, or sit with them. We do not support them in any way, because that would be supporting misguidance. Rather we abandon them, expose them, rebuke them, intending that the innovation be subdued and destroyed by either the repentance of the innovator or by the cutting off of the people from him. So it is upon those who wish to be guided by Allaah subhanahu wa taa’la to stick firmly to this way, this methodology and not to innovate in it at all. Would you befriend a man, and study from him, and sit with him, and visit him if he was calling people to fornication? What about if he was calling to drinking alcohol? So what is to be one’s position towards the person who calls to what is even more wicked and detestable? And in his footsteps, we find the Noble Companions and the Taabi'een after them warning from the danger of innovations upon the Ummah, its people and their unity, since it is innovations which have divided the Ummah and split it asunder. The Scholars of Ahlus Sunnah from the time of the Salaf set an excellent example of how the Sunnah of abandoning innovators is actualized. Questions and Answers on Manhaj By: Shaikh Muhammad Musa Nasr Source: Private Session with SSNA presenting Questions we took over E-Mail (January 2001) Question: After giving someone advice for over four months on correcting their misconceptions about Islaam, when is it permissible to just give them their rights and not socialize with them? Answer: The Muslim must not despair about his brother, and he must advise him until he feels that it is not likely that he will answer to the Call (da'wah) - meaning that it becomes confirmed in his mind that he has completely rejected it. So at this point, he must show him his hate for the sake of Allaah, and boycott him, and warn against him and not eat with him nor accompany him. And it is permissible for him to boycott him religiously, so when he sees him he doesn't give Salaam to him and if he is sick, he doesn't visit him - this is after the proof is established against him. And Allaah does not burden a soul with more responsibility than it can handle. Question: How should we deal with innovators? Answer: If it is confirmed that they are innovators, then we must advise them and forbid them from the innovations…and the one who persists after being told, we show enmity towards him and are not gentle with him, because the person that respects and praises an innovator, he has assisted in the destruction of Islaam. the fact that they follow bid’ah does not mean that we are not allowed to help them. They should be helped against their kaafir enemies because they are undoubtedly better than those kuffaar. Al-Baab al-Maftooh, 1/66 the fact that they follow bid’ah does not mean that we are not allowed to help them. They should be helped against their kaafir enemies because they are undoubtedly better than those kuffaar. Al-Baab al-Maftooh, 1/66 the people of knowledge near me have said this is pertaining to those individuals who do not call to innovation, as clearly seen from fatwa , but instead follow innovation, for not everyone who follows innovation is an innovator, and this fatwah of the noble Shaykh was in regards to fighting in jihad with those who do not call to innovation, but may have fallen into some innovation! This should suffice, this is the way of the salaf us SaleeX, the stands of the righteous on the people of innovation concerning UNITY, these are my stands regarding Ahlul Bi’dah wa Dhalala, this inshalah what I traverse upon ! Your second point! (1) Does the practice of Rib’a bank mean that Saudiyah is ruling with kafir laws(judgement) now, for the one who practices Ri’ba does not mean he necessarily believes it to be halal, I put forward an example, a brother drinks and does adultery, yet he says I know this is haram, but im too weak, my iman is too low to control myself, then has he not sinned? but if he said, no adultery is halal and drinking is haalal, nothing wrong with it, then he has made that which is Haaram Halaal and he has uttered a statement of kufr, so for a ruler to practice/establish Rib’a yet he believes in his heart or better yet declares it in the open with his tongue to be Haram, does it all of a sudden mean the whole land is under kafir laws?!? This is a fair assessment? I gave you the fatwah of shaykh Muqbil and what he had to say about the Kingdom, and lived in the land and exiled from that land, he knows the bank system in Saudiyah and what the shariyah entails, yet Rahima you have not to given me the slightest insight on his fatwah! Nonetheless Shaykh Fawzan who is on the permanent committee says concerning the land of tawheed! Shaykh Fawzan : Shaikh Saaleh al-Fawzan was asked, “What is your advice to the one who says that this dawlah (state of Saudi Arabia) wages a war against the religion and causes repression And he replied, “The Saudi state ever since it began has always aided the religion and its adherents. And it was not founded except upon this basis. And whatever it does at the moment in spending material wealth to support Muslims in every place, setting up centres and mosques, sending du’at (to other countries), printing books – at the forefront of which is the Noble Qur’an -, opening centres of learning and faculties of knowledge, and its judging by the Islamic Shari’ah (Tahkeemuhaa lish-Sharee’at il- Islaamiyyah), and also setting up a separate body for enjoining the good and forbidding the evil in every city – then all of this is a clear and evident proof of it’s aid to Islam and its adherents. And this is thorn (shajiyyun, lit. grievance, distress) in the throats of the people of hypocrisy (Ahl un-Nifaq) and the people of evil and dissension (Shiqaq). And Allaah is the Aider of His religion even if the pagans and the biased partisans may detest it. And we do not say that this state is perfect from every single aspect and that it does not have any mistakes. Mistakes occur by every single person and we ask Allaah that he helps this state in correcting its mistakes. But if this person (who makes such a claim) was to look at his own self, he would find mistakes that would prevent his tongue from speaking about others and make him feel ashamed of looking at others.†[Al-Ajwibah al-Mufidah of Jamal bin Farihan al-Harithi] with that said, you have you opinion about the land of tawheed, and so does everyone else, there is a saying that goes like this " opinions are like (_____)EVeryone has one" BUt I on the other hand hold fast on the speech from the kibar Ulama , for a man once came to Sufyan Athwari(rahimullah) of of the greatest salaf and said to him,†Oh sufyan teaches me something so that I can act upon it and so that if I’m questioned by Allah the most High and majestic I will tell him Sufyan Athwari taught me so that he should question you…So Sufyan taught him what which Allah willed him to teach. then said to the men ,â€Go and if you are question about that which I have taught, then leave me to my lord †As for which scholars, firstly I respect and love both shaykh salman and safar and would quote them if the need arose. You my brother do not and can’t seem to comprehend the difference between refutation of a particular point and complete disagreement and attack of caqiidah. I suggest you read up more about refutations, you might begin to see that scholars do not always see eye to eye on everything and we as lay man should not jump on the banwagon of disrespect but rather respect those who have more knowledge than us. Nevertheless, I don’t really wish to get into this with you, like I’ve stated previously, you and I hold opposing views as far as these scholars are concerned, I love and respect them, you are in agreement with the folks at troid. how this is relevant to the discussion? My beloved sister, You can love, embrace, and follow whomever you like, this is not the issue, The salaf used to say, “the isnad is the weapon of a believe, SO STATE YOUR MEN †I simply suggested that you refrain from “scholars said this, scholars said that†habit! The wise believer agrees with all people in that in which they are in accordance with the Qur’aan and Sunnah and obey Allaah and His Messenger, but he does not agree with that in which they go against the Qur’aan and Sunnah and disobey Allaah and His Messenger. He accepts from every group that which was taught by the Messenger… when a person seeks the truth and justice, based on knowledge, he is one of the successful friends of Allaah and His victorious party… I asked you the following question, †do you take from everyone, innovators as well? Your reply: †Yes I do, so long as that particular point is in accordance and does not contradict the established Q & S.†and you used the above quotes as your evidence, the one that starts with..."A wise believer"....! this is in accordance with position of the salaf? seeking 'ilm from ahlus biddah is not found upon the way of the Salaf(not one single prove), Whatever Ahlul bid'ah has of good than it is because of that little the sunnah they apply, which is already found with the people of the sunnah who are not known for innovation. It is because Ahlul Bi’ah follows the sunnah in that particular affair only. So why take this good that has evil mixed with since you might not be able to distinguish for yourself the good from the evil. Whatever good found with the people of bid'ah than ahlus sunnah has that and more and more and more of it. why not drink from the pure cup! general speech is not to be applied in a specific ways Sister as for confirming/or agreeing and accepting the truth then Ahlul Sunnah does so when it is for us or even when its against us, meaning we narrate everything that which is for us or against us, unlike ahlul biddah who will hide that which does not confirm or go their way. The salaf position: Reading/or looking into the books of the innovators Ibn Qudaamah said,†the salaf used to prohibit sitting with the people of innovation and looking into their books, and listening to their words†23 Ibn Jaweez Mindaad said Imam Malik ibn Anas (d179), “It is not permissible to look into anything from the books of the people of desires, innovations and astrologyâ€25 Hadith - Al-Tirmidhi #5142, Narrated AbuBakr as-Siddiq " I heard Allah's Messenger SAAWS say, "When people see something objectionable and do not change it, Allah will soon include them all in His punishment." [ibn Majah and Tirmidhi, who declared it to be sahih, transmitted it.] more Prove: Questions and Answers on Manhaj By: Shaikh Muhammad Musa Nasr Source: Private Session with SSNA presenting Questions we took over E-Mail (January 2001) Question: How should one make Hajar (boycotting) of a Person of Innovation? Clarify the point on avoiding reading books written by people who have left the correct Manhaj. Is it permissible to read their books if it is not on the subject of their misguidance (going astray). If not what about their argument that Imaam Al-Bukhaaree had an incorrect belief – that one’s recitation of the Qur’aan was created - so why do you read books written by this Imaam? Answer: First of all, taking from the books of the People of Innovation, this is for the scholars. For it is the scholar who will distinguish between the good and the bad. As for if the person is unlettered, ignorant or a beginning student of knowledge, then we advise him to not look into the books of the innovators, because they will put doubts into him that will corrupt his Religion. As for the people of knowledge and the scholars, then they know the good from the bad. This is why Abu Al-Munayyir said: “I have closely examined the Tafseer of Az-Zamakhsharee and taken out its deficiencies with a rake (i.e. with scrutiny).†So when the scholar looks into the books of the innovators, he is able to distinguish between what is correct and acceptable and what is wrong and rejected. As for if he is weak in knowledge, then he is not to read these books and he is only to take what is pure. As for what is attributed to Imaam Al-Bukhaaree that he said: “My recitation of the Qur'aan is createdâ€, then this is a slander and a lie against him. This is only from his opponents, which they conspired against him and which they invented for him and attributed to him. But he is free from this, as can be seen in his biography found in As-Siyar (Siyar A'alaam An-Nubalaa of Imaam Adh-Dhahabee) as well as other biographical collections. Hamdam Khateeran tayiban mubaraka fee Kama Yuhibu Rabbuna Wa Yarda!