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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Originally posted by Pi: ^^ The dust will settle within the coming days and weeks. Until then, everyone has the luxury of comforting themselves with all sorts of delusions. Indeed..! There is no joy in here I guess from either parties. But those those who led innocent Somali youth to war on the perception of defending their religion but i reality was a cover to gain command and control would be held accountable , if not here in this wordly life but certainly Inshallah the hereafter. Hundreds of untrained and clueless Sonali youths lost their lives yesterday, for what? And please dont give me that bull*hit excuse they were fighting for Islam. Cause Islam was never under any threat. But rather they were fighting cause Xassan Dahir Aweys could consolidate the power he gained through the barrel of the gun and not throug the will and support of Somali people.
  2. ^^ Shib! saxiibo shime xanin yeheyga cabirtana, meshan ma lagu kala xishonaya miya, wah! se camal?
  3. ^^ Ha saxiib kuwa kale waxan ku arkey mesha oo in Togane so xigtey, sidi nin xigmaad ku hadla.
  4. Mantey wadadadi gabey ee ku washeen, ma istirahdeen?
  5. Dabley ka tirsan Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah oo qafaashay wadaad Masjid ka wacdnayay Somaliweyn - Muqdisho -Somalia 21/12/06 Koox dabley ah oo ka tirsan Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ayaa afdubtay wadaad ka wacdinyay Masjid ku yaala degaanka Siinaay ee degmada Wardhiigley, halkaasoo uu ka jeedinayay muxaadaro ku saabsan Salaadda iyo Xajka oo labada tiir ee ka mid ah shanta tiir ee Islaamka. Wadaadkan oo lagu magacaabo Sheekh C/raxmaan Nuuriye ayaa ka soo jeeda beelaha hubeysan ee degan magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo dabeydii qafaalatay ay ula dhaqaaqeen meel ka fog halkii uu muxaaarada ku qabanayay, waxaana mar gaarigii uu saarnaa oo ay wateen dableyda Maxkamadaha ay ku soo xoomeen dadweyne ku sugan agagaarka xaruntii Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ee bartamaha magaalada Muqdisho, ay ka meermeereen ciidamadii watay inay caddeeyaan sababtii ay ku qafaasheen wadaadkaasi oo ay xornimadiisa uga qaadeen. Sheekh C/raxmaan Nuuriye ayaa isagoo saran gaarigii ay wateen ciidamada Maxkamadaha waxa uu sheegay in la soo qabtay isagoo faafinaya faa'iidooyinka Salaadda iyo Xajka u leeyihiin ummadda Muslimiinta ah, "Hadaan la sheegi Karin Salaadda iyo Xajka oo ka mid ah tiirarka Islaamka oo laxirayo cidii ka hadasha iftiinka Islaamka ha noo sheegeen Maxkamadaha dalka waan uga dhoofeynaa" ayuu cod dheer ku yiri Sheekh Nuuriye oo sheegay in Maxkamaduhu isku koobayaan ka hadalka awaamiirta diinta Alle SWT, taasna aan laga aqbali doonin.
  6. We are still waiting for the pics of Ethiopian POW's and armed carriers captured by the ICU. Wonder why they are taking so long to publish. In this on going current skirmishes it was instigated by the ICU in attempt to capture the government seat. Though recent news emerging from Xamar indicate it was not a unanimous decision on the part of the ICU to go on war, people like the chief Sheikh Sharif were isolated and to this day he is an outsider, hence showing the friction within the ICU itself. On the other hand this afternoon it was announced by the ICU that all final exams, which were due next week, of Mogadishu numerous Universities and high Schools has been indefinately postponed due to unforseen circumstances. Dadka siyasada indha indheya waxay leyihiin that this is due to the fact that the ICU might attempt to forcefully recruit into armed combatants the youth of the universeties and high schools. Another suprising story is the announcement of the sole spokepersons of the ICU , Ibrhanim Shukri and Ibrahim Suley. Hence nulifying the importancy of those that held that position before today, eg. Sheikh Mudey. People sometimes you need to look into the smaller pictures in order to understand the bigger picture. The ICU is in tatters.
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Thats just a silly question. You need to ask that to both parties and not me. Sxk you are weakening Wallahi. Why both parties? There is only one party which is offensive here, there is only one party that has spilt the Somalia blood (which he is so mauch concerned with) from Banderedley to Kismayo and still doing on daily basis in that area, there is only one party that is geared to destroy the Somali National government, and that party is the ICU> They should answer that question.,
  8. ^^Ha..! Wuxuu uu salaxa adiga oo kale oo indha la'an shabaqa kuso dhex dhacaya. Wa hadi aad af-soomaigeyga fahantey.
  9. MAXAAD KA TAQAAN MAGACYADA CUSUB EE KU SOO BIIRAY SOOMAALIYA?!! Tan iyo markii Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamka Soomaaliyeed ay la wareegeen gacan ku heynta gobolada Koonfureed ee dalka Soomaaliya bishii June ee sanadkan sii dhamaanaya ayaa dadka Soomaaliyeed iyo Warbaahinta xorta ah waxay la qabsadeen dhegahooda magacyo cusub oo ay wataan mas’uuliyiin xilal sare ka haya Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamka Soomaaliyeed. Bilowgii maqalka magacyadan dad fara badan oo Soomaaliyeed ayaa markii ay warbaahinta ka maqlaan la yaabi jiray laakiin muddooyinkii ugu dambeeyay oo magacyadan si aad ah u soo badanayeen Saxaafadda gudaha iyo dadka Soomaaliyeedba waxay la noqotay wax caadi ah, waxaana weriyeyaasha magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan kuwa ka hadla idaacadaha gudaha waxay hadal heyntooda ugu weyn noqotay marka ay isugu yimaadaan goobaha shirarka Jaraa’id inay iskula kaftamaan "Hebelow adiga magacii xalay dhawaqiisa waad qaladay, saas ma ahayn ee sidaas buu ahaa" iyo hadal heyno kale oo ku aadan magacyada cusub. Laakiin hadda Saxaafadda si weyn ayay ula qabsatay magacyadan cusub ee toddobo bilood jirka ah kuna fac xilliga Maxkamadaha jiritaanka Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah, hadaba magacyadan cusub oo maalinba maalinta ka dambeysa sii kordhaya, waxaa intaasi dheer in iyana magacyo loo bixiyay dagaaladii Muqdisho ku dhex maray hoggaamiye kooxeedyada iyo Maxaakiimta, waxaana muuqata ilaa iyo iminka in dagaaladaasi ay socdaan, iyadoo laga cabsi qabo inay ku sii fidaan goobo hor leh, sida degaano ka tirsan gobolada Bay iyo Bakool iyo gobolada dhexe ee dalka. Mas’uuliyiinta xilalka ka haya labada Gole ee Shuurada iyo Golaha Fulinta Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah intooda badan magacyadooda waxay ku darsadeen naaneesyo ku cusub shacabka, kuwaasoo intooda badan u muuqda kuwo laga soo min guuriyay dalalka Carabta, waxaana idiin soo gudbineynaa dhowr iyo toban magac oo ka tirsan hoggaanka Maxkamadaha iyo xilalka ay hayaan:- 1. Sheekh Muqtaar Roobow (Abuu Mansuur), Ku xigeenka difaaca G/Maxkamadaha 2. Sheekh Fu’aad Maxamed (Abuu C/raxmaan Al-Sokori) Xoghayaha Waxbarashada Golaha Maxkamadaha. 3. Sheekh Ibraahim Shukri (Abuu Zeynab) Afhayeenka G/Maxkamadaha Jubbooyinka. 4. Sheekh Maxamed Maxamuud (Abuu Muslim) Guddoomiyaha Gobolada Jubbooyinka. 5. Sheekh C/llaahi Macallin Naxar (Abuu Cuteyba) Madaxa ammaanka G/Banaadir. 6. Sheekh C/llaahi (Qayadatullah) Taliyaha siinka Dheer. 7. Sheekh Cumar C/Salaan (Abuu Xafsa) Abaanduulka ciidamada Diinsoor. 8. C/raxiin Maxamed Xaashi (Ibnu Salman) Abaanduulka ciidamada Jawiil. 9. Ustaad Maxamed Macallin Axmed (Abuu Muxsin) Abaanduuliyeyaasha Gobolka Sh/dhexe. 10. Sheekh C/Salaan (Abuu Xafsa) Amiirka Mujaahidiinta gobolada Bay & Bakool. 11. Sheekh Abuu Sheybah, xubin ka tirsan Golaha shuurada. 12. Sheekh Axmed Nuur (Abuu Qudaama) Abaaduuliyeyaasha gobolada dhexe. 13. Sheekh C/raxiim Ibnu Salmaan, Abaanduulka jiida gobolka Hiiraan. Sidoo kale waxaa iyana magacyo loo bixiyay dagaaladii qaraaraa ee magaalada Muqdisho ku dhex marayay qabqablayaashii dagaalka ee la baxay Isbaheysiga argagixiso la dirirka loogana itaal roonaaday gacan ku heynta magaalada Muqdisho. Dagaalkii lagu qabsanayay Hotelka Saxafi oo dhacay maalinimo Khamiis ah ayaa waxaa loogu magic daray Qazwo caan oo ahayd (Al-Axzaab) kana mid ah qazwooyinka caanka ah ee ay saxaabada la galeen gaalada. Dagaalkii Galgalato iyo Garoonka Cisaley lagu qabsaday ayaa loogu magic daray Qazwo kale oo ah (Qazwatu Tabuuk) Dadka Soomaaliyeed ayaa xilligan waxay u muuqanayaan inay soo fahmayaan diinta, waxaana sii badanayay maalmahan in ubadka dhalanaya loola baxo magacyadii saxaabada Allaha ka raalli noqdee. Waxaa isku soo duway: Jabriil M.Nuur (Jabra) iyo Hasssan Abu_qeys
  10. Originally posted by Oromia: A/Y is being a quick learning Meles Zenawi slave. How bad if we are gonna have two Meles Zenawis in the Horn as if the Tigree Shaitan is not enough. Oh yeah..? And how do you explain this? Cumar Faaruuq oo sheegta hogaanka Saxafiyiinta Qaranka oo Ciidamada Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah ay Xabsiga dhigeen Cumar Faaruuq Cismaan oo ku caan baxay sheegashada ururka Saxafiyiinta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed isla markaana kalsooni iyo taageero ka heysan Saxaafada Madaxa Banaan ayaa maanta Xabsiga loo taxaabay isaga iyo Xubno la socday ka dib markii laga soo qabtay Garoonka Caalamiga ah ee Muqdisho xili uu doonayey in uu dibada u dhoofo. Dad goob joogayaal ah ayaa inoo Xaqiijiyey in markii la qabanayey ayey la socdeen Xubno ururka uu sheegto ka socday, waxaana la tilmaamayaa in caadiyan sida lagu yaqaano ruuxa marka uu maxbuus noqdo timaha laga xiiro iyada oo ka dibna ay la baxeen ciidamada Maxaakiimta , waxaana la sheegay in mid ka mid ah Xabsiyada Muqdisho lagu xeray. Qaar ka mid ah Rag tiro yar oo la shaqeeya ayaa la arkayey iyaga oo Xafiisyada Maxaakiimta gaafwareegaya kuwaas oo waday isku dayo ay ku doonayaan in ay ku soo furtaan ninkaasi hase yeeshee warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya xaajadu in ay aad u culus tahay isla markaana lagu heysto Kiisas dhowr ah. Inkastoo Maxaakiimtu aysan cadeyn waxyaabaha lagu hayo ayaa hadana Warar hoose oo aanu helnay ayaa tilmaamaya in ooo heysto Warar been abuur oo uu ka faafiyey Maxaakiimta islaamiga ah, taas oo la xiriirtay in ciidamada Maxaakiimta ay weerar ku soo qaadeen Xafiis ay leeyihiin isla markaana handadaad iyo caga jugleyn ay kala kulmeen, inkastoo Xubno la shaqeynayey ay arintaasi ku tilmaameen. Sababaha ku xambaaray in uu arinkaasi uu caalamka ku faafiyo ayaa waxaa la sheegay in ay la xiriirtay sidii uu dhaqaalo uu ugu heli lahaa xadgudub aanan jirin, waxaana taasi la mid ah Been abuurkii uu ka sameeyey Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Dr, C/qaasim Salaad Xasan, waxaana taasi ay keentay in uu magangalyo ku raadsado. Cumar Faaruuq ayaa iyo ururkiisa Saxaafadeed ayaa xiligan ku kala qeybsan siyaasada dalka ka jirtay taasina waxa ay dhalisay in ay kala tagaan oo uu burbur iyo fashil ku yimaado ururkaasi, waxaana taasi ay dhalisay in ay is qabqabsi iyo is eedeyn ay isu dhiibaan haatana urukaasi waxa uu u kala qeybsan yahay laba garab. Magaca Saxaafada Soomaaliya ayaa lagu soo qaataa Dhaqaalo aad u fara badan, mana jirto cid illaa iyo iminka oo Saxaafad la yaqaano ah oo wax loogu qabtay, marka laga reebo raga is afgartay oo heybtooda ka naas nuujiyo xoolihii Saxaafada Soomaaliyeed. Hadii ay cadaato Qodobada aan soo sheegnay ee Maxaakiimta uu ka faafiyey ayaa waxaa la wada dhowrayaa talaabada laga qaato, waxaana dadka qaar ay fajiciso ku noqotay ninkan u nool in uu been ka ganacsado isla markaana uu ka been abuurto Mas’uuliyiinta iyo shaqsiyaadka, iyada oo horay dacwooyin badan oo Saxaafadeed ay u yaaleen. Maanta oo aan soo maray gobo badan oo ka mid ah Xarumaha ay isugu yimaadaan Warfidiyeenka ayaaney jirin wax dareen ah oo ay qabeen, waxaa qofkii aad weydiiso uuku jawaabayey qosol iyo waa mudan yahay iyo erayo kale, waxaana la yaab igu noqotay ninka sidaa ay u necbeysteen Saxaafadii soomaaliyeed sida uu uga gadmayo Caalamka, iyada oo la og yahay in ururada Saxaafadeed ee Caalamka qaarkood ay si indho la’aan ah aqoonsi u siiyeen. Source
  11. Originally posted by Thierry.: Tell me Juje where in history a group have aligned themselves with the enemy in order to preserve statehood and national pride. Indeed that is sad. But tell me sxb, who is the enemy. Those we perceive to be enemies and who have continuosly fought every other Somali State since independence untill the civil war. Or those who have single handedly and deliberately and also due to severe lack natianalism and patritism destroyed the core of the state they had, Somalia. The worst enemy Somalia ever had has come from within it. Hence it is irrelevant to bring the banner out now "Ethiopians are our enemy". Trying to sell that to numerous who were persecuted, traumatised, raped, looted, maimed etc. by the very those who were next of kin in term of ethenticity, Somalis and not Ethiopians.
  12. Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree: So your thought of reasoning is in order to save the state you have to destroy it. You have a problem understanding your A's from B's. Transitional Federal Government (TFG) --- Islamic(self proclaimed) Courts Union (ICU), tell me sxb in your own words which is state and which is not.
  13. Originally posted by Thierry.: Do not disillusion yourself old chap it is not the ICU that is being pushed back to a corner, any person with strength would resist such pressure, but that the key word “strength” something the TFG lacks. May be in your vocab 'strenght' means the one who kills, maims and rules through fear of any preception. In general terms 'strenght' can be attributed those who practice patience and resist all forms of offence with minimum risk. Exactly what the TFg has been doing exactly.
  14. And you want me to believe that the ICU are newly born people who have not contributed to the mayhem of civil strive? That is stale sxb. And you know what you will find hard to sell that notion in Xamar today, also Kismayo, Barawe, Marka, Jowhar, etc.. The believe that everything is rosy is a forgone misleading conclussion now sxb. The pictures emerging now is that they are more hell bent than the warlords, that they have no vision except each and every one of them having his wn ill conceived believe of the Sacred Koran. That they are generating incoming which has no ends to fulfill nor accomplish except to feed their appetite. Justice to them narrows down to the judgement of the militia in the street. Worse of all they are unknowingly fulfilling the agenda of foreign intervention which wants to make Somalia a war zone between them and the Americans hence succeding their desire to shift attention from other battle grounds. I could go on and on. So dont come here with your brain washed mind sxb. I know what the TFg stands for and what nimanka 'cimamadaha wata' is. the former is to bring back the pride and statehood of Somalia the latter to send Somalia to gutters.
  15. Originally posted by Thierry.: Give us a break mate we know where hundreds of soldiers are defecting from every other day. So come up with something else I think u should give yourself a break sxb, specially from websites that are predomiantly biased towards the ICU. If you were to beieve there is a mass-defection of hundreds per day, am sure you will come to the conclussion we only have President Yusuf with AK47 alone remaining in there and PM Gedi manning the tanks. But you did not do your calculations you basically took the rubbish your fed with. On the other hand sxb, the TFG has yet to put together the effort to attack bearing in mind its consequences, hence they are at the moment resorting to defense and repulsing the suicidal attacks put together by the ICU. Also bear in mind you are here comparing a National force and punch of cimaamadleys who have no other purpose but to eliminate those they deem will bring an end to their ill conceived plan. TFG is coming home sxb, the sooner you realise the better it will be for good natured sense. TFG will not bargain with people who want to alter the constitution that protects every and each Somali citizen through the barrel of gun. The TFG is led by a man who has experience of what fear, and also what the fruits of victory are after confronting and overcoming that fear. It is just bad luck for the ICU that they emerged at the watch of President Yusuf.
  16. Ahmed-Guure when the Government forces among them many decorated sarakiil Somaliyeed decide to move and eradicate the hoodlums who have taken control of south Somalia, trust me you wont untill you see them in your doorstep. Rest assured that the prime concern of the TFG is the welfare of the civilians hence they do not just wage 'hit and run'. It will be calculated with the minimum loss of innocent civilians be it those who are caught up in between or those that have been brainwashed that they are fighting for their diin and country. Why else do you think the maxakamiins are desperate for truce cause they know the opposing forces are not a rag tag army, but well trained and displined army who will uproot them. Just wait and watch how things unroll, if the leaders of the TFG have their way they will rather see the ICU concede and disarm.
  17. Desperate times call for desperate measures. One of them is signing a pact with a 'invalid' person. Someone should tell nimaanka cimamadaha wata Odeygi wa hore ayu albaabka xirtey. "So joog ninka laga wayo so jiif aa laga hela."
  18. Joint Press Release from the Speaker of Somali Parliament and the Chairman of Executive Committee of the Council of Islamic Courts Saturday, December 16, 2006 PRESS STATEMENT. H.E. Ali Abdalla Salah, President of Republic of Yemen, has extended to both H.E.Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden, Speaker of the Somali Parliament and H.E. Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Chairman of Executive Committee of the Council of Islamic Courts to visit the Republic of Yemen , the period of 13- 16 December 2006. H.E.the President of Yemen received both leaders ,and carried out with them extensive discussions on the current political situation in Somalia in order to help the process of the Somali reconciliation efforts which sponsored by the Arab League and Igad, The following points have been agreed upon : 1. The Council of the Islamic Courts commits itself to continue the dialogue with the TFG as the best way to resolve their differences, in the forthcoming Khartoum meetings, and with the participation of all other concerned parties. 2. To avoid by both sides all hostile actions which can lead to a military confrontation. 3. To fully implement the already signed agreements by the TFG and The Council of the Islamic Courts. 4. The two sides reaffirm non-interference in the internal affairs of Somalia by any Governments of the Region or anyone else, to respect the borders between Somalia and its neighbors, to start dialogue between the neighbor countries, removing any mistrust and to strengthen the principal of good neighborness and peaceful co-existence. 5. To resume the dialogue in Khartoum between the Transitional Federal Institutions and The Council of the Islamic Courts for the achievement of the political settlement, which guarantees for all parties the participation in the Government. 6. To call on the international community, the Arab and Islamic Governments, and the International Humanitarian Organizations to provide urgent assistance for the Somali People affected by the destructive floods. 7. The International Community, the Arab and Islamic Countries are also invited to contribute in the reconstruction of Somalia after the attainment of the Somali National Reconciliation. 8. The two leaders express their thanks and appreciation to H.E.Ali Abdalla Salah, the President of Republic of Yemen for his efforts to achieve peace in Somalia and for his kind invitation to visit Yemen; they also commend the role of Yemen for the solution of the Somali Problems. Aden,16 December,2006
  19. Illahey SWT aya lo tobaad keena oo dembi dhaf la warsado xukunkedana ASAGA aya iska leh.
  20. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: quote:all this theories apply when the Mosque is next door with all the terreorist blowing themself up, its wise for the president to avoid radicals. Thank you saxiib, it took long for you guys to come up with the answer. And Nugaal I dont support the ICU,but rathger am more on the side of the 'dowlaada weyn' TFG. However I dont fail to pin point its shortcomings unlike the blind followers.
  21. SOMALIA: HEARTS, MINDS & HOLY WAR Robin Barnwell and Aidan Hartley provide an eye-opening account of the most successful Islamic revolution to happen in the world since 9/11, and the setting up of a new Taliban-style state which threatens to export war to the entire horn of Africa Westerners are completely absent from Mogadishu, with the situation even more precarious for journalists following the murder of cameraman Martin Adler, shot by an unidentified hit man at an anti-American public rally in June. Barnwell and Hartley are forced to work under constant threat of assassination from various factions. Beginning their journey in Mogadishu, it’s immediately clear that militants, known as the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) have seized the capital and are extending their power through both the gun barrel and religious persuasion. While Western powers failed to bring law and order to even a few blocks of Mogadishu and rescue Somalia from years of anarchy and 500,000 deaths, Unreported World shows how UIC has been winning the hearts and minds of ordinary Somalis by quickly brought about a real improvement to their lives. Within weeks of taking control of Mogadishu earlier this year the UIC ended the anarchy in both the capital and hinterland. Backed by the Somali business tycoons who are their main financiers, they have reopened the seaports, airports and roads which were closed for more than a decade by vicious rival clan gangs. Unreported World reveals how the economy appears to be reviving, schools are full, hospitals seem quieter, mosques are being repaired, piracy on the high seas is being stamped out and streets are being cleaned of battle damage. However the programme also reveals that Wahhabi hardliners who dominate the Jihadist movement are starting to establish a Taliban style state that is anathema to the moderate, mostly Sufi traditions of Somalia’s Sunnis. A centralised Sharia court system is sending murderers to the firing squad, and the militants are attempting to force women to wear the veil, banning public entertainment such as TV, cinema and music; and trying to outlaw the widespread use of the stimulant leaf qat and cigarettes, and even long hair. The international community refuses to engage with the UIC because among its leaders are men linked to al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden has described the Islamic militia as an ally in his global jihad. Western intelligence fears they may also be radicalising young Somalis in preparation for terror attacks. For his part, the UIC’s supreme leader Shaykh Hasan Dahir Aweys says that 9/11 was a legitimate military tactic of war. The Jihadists tell Hartley that their aim is to seize the rest of Somalia and expand jihad across Africa’s Horn. In response, the Ethiopian government has deployed forces on a battle footing to the inland village of Baidoa. This pocket of territory, a few kilometres wide, is what Somalia’s legal, pro-Western and secularist ‘President’ Abdullahi Yusuf has made his last stand together with his warlord allies. Peace talks between the warring sides have collapsed and the United Nations blames 10 separate nations for pouring weapons and troops into Somalia. This fresh Horn of Africa conflict has already started, and it pits Jihadists against Western-backed Christians in a clash which threatens the whole stability of the region
  22. ^^Ok...! Does all this theories apply when the Mosque is next door. Bottom line this was a PR stunt by the President, so to ask you this ,would it win him anything ?