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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Am not worried about his tact, on the contrary the tacts of you and your associates are alarming.....ceel baad ku rideen rajadi laga qabey dowladaan.. I will not be suprised if one of your kinsmen turns up with a letter signed by President Yusuf in Bush House claiming he was appointed By President Yusuf to be the new head of BBC Somali Service.
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: They are UK tax payers and thus have a right to voice their concersn. What a joke...shouldnt it be the other way round, that they are parasites who live on hand outs from UK tax payers. This demo if anything , has simply shown the ugly head of Yusufs supporters. This demo was not pro-government or anything near it. It was clannish and tribal antagonism. It was ill conceived and mis calculated. BBC know what the BBC Somali srvice does and will not listen to what has been organised in the back rooms of Camden by Xussen Idamale and Co. tell them to go back to their blackboards and learn how to win friends rather than loosing many through gloating and recreating tribal animosity. Reer Baadiyaal waxiid.
  3. 1/3 to federal state.....loool..that must be a joke ..saxiib wax alale wixii aad ka heshiid Range, Puntland aya iska leh 100%..xabad hanaga siin anaga. Qashiin ayad rabta in aad anaga nala qeybsatiid, wa kugu keliga saxiib.
  4. For those who were crying wolf against the presence of Ethiopian troops. There they are going, now come and support the legitimate government.
  5. They talk about Oil and Gas exploration and the say $US50 million. It shows they are shambs and fakes. Range is no exploration company at all. The only deal they make with Puntland State is dumping of wastes, especial nuclear and other hazardous waste in the region. This enriches them and the Puntland heads and money makers. It is an oppen secret that thanx to Range Puntland state within the next 20-25 years Puntland region will be inhabitable by humans thanx to Range iyo madaxda Puntland State who made the place 'qashin-qubka' sunta adunka oo dhan. Oil and Gas exploration...by Range....give me another one.
  6. 183 xubnood oo u codeeyey in xilka laga qaado guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Kulan la wada sugayey oo maanta ay Baydhabo ku yeesheen xildhibaano gaaraya 193 xildhibaan, ayaa la hor geeyey shir guddoonka baarlamaanka mooshin ka dhan ah guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo socdaal ku maraya dalal ka tirsan Yurub, waxaana warbixin halkaasi laga jeediyey lagu sheegay in guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka uu jebiyey qodobo ka tirsan xeer hoosaadka baarlamaanka, waxaana markaa kadib cod la geliyey xil ka qaadis lagu sameeyo guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka. 183 xildhibaan ayaan u codeeyey in xilka laga xayuubiyo guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka, waxaana uu shir guddoonku sheegay in uu sidaa ansax ku noqday xil ka qaadista lagu sameeyey guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka, iyadoo ay jireen xildhibaano gaaraya 10 kuwaasoo ka hor yimid xil ka qaadista guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka, waxaana xildhibaanadaasi ka mid ahaa xildhibaan Max'ed Ibraahim Xaabsade oo ah wasiirka gaadiidka cirka & dhulka, wuxuuna sheegay Xaabsade in Soomaalidu u fududahay wax duminta, balse ay ku adag tahay in wixii la dumiyo sahal lagu dhiso.
  7. According reports from Mogadishu, Ethiopoian troops are retreating to the outskirts of the city.
  8. Hadey Somali hal hal isku qabsanayaan.
  9. Zenawi:Ethiopian troops would begin leaving Somalia This Tue.. 16/1/2007, Onkod News, Addis Ababa: In a press conference he gave at his office, Meles said the Somali people would take a crucial role in stabilizing their country. “I don’t bank on the power of individuals or groups. I bank on the power of Somali people. They are capable of stabilizing their country,” said Meles when asked about the power of the Transitional Government of Somalia (TFG) to stabilize Somalia after the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops( Faah Faahinta Wararkaasi sheegaya in Ciidamada Ethiopia ay ka baxayaan Soomaaliya ka akhri wakaaladda wararka ee dalkaasi http://www.ena.gov.et) Meles also said that Somalia would not move in the same direction to Afghanistan and Iraq. The situation in Somalia is completely different, he said. Meles hoped that Ethiopian troops would begin leaving Somalia This Tuesday. “We still keep our timeline as it has been. We will not wait for some peacekeeping operation to replace our troops,” Meles said. The Premier also dismissed rumors about conflicts between Ethiopian troops and residents of Mogadishu. “Not a single soldier has been killed or wounded since we have been in Mogadishu.” According to Meles, Mogadishu has been stabilized for its elders and residents have taken a leading role in the stabilization process. “The Somalis have shown that they can very quickly stabilize their cities. I believe Mogadishu today is less violent than many African capitals,” he said. With regard to the current air strike of the United States against Islamists in southern Somalia, Meles said it was a target of opportunity, and there were no civilians killed in the operation. According to Meles, the United States action that targeted terrorists that are alleged to be al-Qaida members was carried out on the consent of the TFG. Asked about whether the American intervention would complicate Ethiopia’s mission as well as the peacekeeping operation to be deployed by the international community, Meles said the operation so far has not put Ethiopia in an uncomfortable situation and would not hamper the peacekeeping forces to be sent in Somalia. “To the extent that the Americans keep their operation limited to such target of opportunity and the target is precisely a well-defined terrorists target, I have no problem with it,” the Premier said. source: Ethiopia News Agency
  10. Diinaari “Sababta loo xiray idaacadahan gaarka ah waxay tahay markii muddo loo dulqaadanayey oo aysan waxba iska bedelin qaabka baahinta wararkooda Iyadoo maanta amar ka soo baxay xafiiska nabad sugida qaranka ee dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya albaabada loogu laabay idaacadihii Hornafrik, Shabelle, iyo UQK (Quraanka kariimka) ayaa waxaa arrintaasi faah faahin ka bixiyay afhayeenka dowladda federaalka C/raxmaan Nuur Max'ed Diinaari isagoo tilmaamay in sababta idaacadahan loo xiray ay qeyb ka tahay xaaladda deg deg ah (Martial Low) ee lagu soo rogay dalka Soomaaliya. Diinaari ayaa xusay in sababta sida gaarka ah albaabada loogu laabay saddex-dan idaacadood iyo xafiiska TV-ga Al jazeera ay tahay inay ahaayeen maamuladan kuwo si gaar ah u baahin jiray waxyaabo ka horjeeda xasiloonida isla markaana kala fogeynaya shacabka iyo dowladda federaalka, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. “Magaalada Muqdisho waa la ogyahay waxaa ka howlgala hay'addo warbaahineed oo aad u tiro badan, oo ay ka mid yihiin kuwa Caalami ah, mana jirto wax xorriyadooda loo geysto, balse qof walba wuu ogyahay sababta idaacadahan sida gaarka ah loo damiyay, waqti badan ayaanu u dul qaadanay maamuladan waana loo dul qaadan waayay” ayuu yiri Diinaari oo sidoo kale xusay in loo yeeray madaxda maamulada idaacadahan laguna war gelin doono inay qaataan Leysino ayna ku shaqeyn doonaan sharciga u degsan dowladda iyo xaaladda deg deg ah. “Waxaa la wada ogsoonyahay in dalka lagu soo rogay xaalad deg deg ah, sababtuna tahay in la xasiliyo dalka, idaacadahana waxay baahiyaan warar aan xaqiiqda ku dhisneyn, kicinta dadka iyo abaabulka, dowladuna ma ogolaaneyso inay dhegeysato wax ka hor imaanaya xasiloonida iyo dareenka dadka, waana taas arrinta rasmiga ah ee amarka ku dhacay idaacadahan maanta” ayuu yiri ugu dambeyntii afhayeenka dowladda C/raxmaan Nuur Max'ed Diinaari
  11. Dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia oo albaabada u laabtay idaacado ay ka mid tahay Shabelle Mogadishu 15, Jan.07 ( Sh.M.Network) – Qoraal ka soo baxay Hay'adda nabad sugidda qaranka dowladda Somaliya ayaa lagu amaray in la xiro qaar ka mid ah idaacadaha magaalada Muqdisho iyo mid ka mid ah TV yada caalamka xafiiskooda magaalada Muqdisho. Qoraalkaan oo goordhow ka soo baxay hay'adda Nabad sugidda qaranka dowladda KMG ah ayaa waxaa lagu amray in la xiro idaacadaha shabelle, Hornafrik, Idaacadda Qur'aanka kariimka iyo xafiiska TV ka Aljaseera ee ku yaala magaalada Muqdisho. Qoraalkaan ayaa waxa uu farayaa laga bilaabo maanta oo taariikhdu tahay 15 ka bisha Janaayo 2007 da in la farayo dhamaan hay'adahaasi aan kor ku soo sheegnay in ay joojiyaan howlaha warbaahineed oo ay wadaan mar allaale iyo markii ay soo gaarto warqaddani. Agaasimayaasha Idaacadaha iyo TV ga Aljazeera waxaa la farayaa in ay yimaadaan xafiiska nabad sugidda qaranka ee gobolka Banadir, kaasoo ku yaala Baar Fiat, taariikhdu marka ay tahay bisha 16 ka bishaan oo ku beegan beri saacadu marka ay tahay 10 ka subaxnimo. Qoraalka ka soo baxay hay'adda Nabad sugidda qaranka Waxaa ku saxiixan Taliyaha nabad sugidda qaranka ee gobolka Banadir G/sare Axmed Xasan Cali. Dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia ayaa horey u soo xirtey idaacadda Shabelle ee magaalada Baydhabo sanadkii la soo dhaafay.
  12. Somali Islamists held UK meeting to raise funds According to a community leader in London, representatives of the Union of Islamic Courts, the Islamist group accused by the US of sheltering al-Qaida, visited the Finsbury Park mosque (above) in London in November Somalia's Islamist movement, whose leadership is accused by the US of sheltering some of al-Qaida's most wanted operatives, sent a delegation on a fundraising trip to Britain last year, the Guardian has learned. Led by an Islamist minister, the Union of Islamic Courts delegation received pledges of funding from members of Britain's Somali diaspora at a meeting at a north London school in November. According to one community leader, the Somali delegation also met sympathisers at the Finsbury Park mosque, which became notorious as a recruiting ground for radical Islam under its former imam Abu Hamza. Abdiwali Mohamud, a Somali community worker in Camden, said: "They were trying to influence people in a Muslim way, saying are you with us or with the unbelievers?" Although they were not officially recognised by Britain, the Islamists also held talks with Foreign Office officials, who urged them to negotiate with Somalia's government. The Foreign Office meeting underlines the strikingly different approaches taken by the US - which describes the Islamists as "extremists to the core" and targeted Somalia with an air strike this week - and Britain, which accepts that there were moderate elements within the UIC. Around 500 people attended the Islamists' fundraising meeting at the Islington Arts and Media School, according to a British Somali who was in the audience. A delegation led by Omar Mohammed Mahamoud Aftooje, the Islamist minister responsible for reconstruction, appealed for financial help. "They talked about the progress they made in Mogadishu, how they defeated the warlords," the audience member, who requested anonymity, told the Guardian. "More than 20 people donated £1,000 each, some people said £100, others £300, some of them gave cash on the spot, others gave bank details or agreed to transfer money. They said the money was for repairing roads in Mogadishu." However, one of the UIC delegation also spoke of the need for military support, which prompted concern from the audience. The audience member said: "He said: 'We are at war at the moment, people have died and we need military support.' "Some people were angry, they said, are you asking for money to rebuild our country or money for fighting? Some were happy to support fighting but some were not." The delegation also visited Birmingham and Manchester. The Foreign Office confirmed yesterday that a UIC delegation had met British officials on November 20. A spokeswoman said: "They asked for the meeting. HMG appreciated that at the time the UIC was a reality on the ground and in dialogue with the [somali] government. It was reasonable to meet them." The government was aware that the Islamists were trying to raise funds. "We were neither happy nor unhappy about that. The UIC is not a proscribed terrorist organisation." Many among Britain's 43,000-strong Somali community admire the movement for restoring peace and the rule of law to the capital, Mogadishu, and southern Somalia, which has been fought over by rival factions since the collapse of central government 16 years ago. An Islamist supporter, Mohomoud Nur, a community worker with the London-based Somali Speakers Association, said: "Somali tribes are so fragmented the only thing that can unite them is Islam. People felt the only way they could find justice is through Islam." The Home Office is still investigating Ethiopian claims that seven British passport holders were injured in Monday's US air strike on suspected jihadists in southern Somalia. Mr Nur said he had phone contact with British Somali families who were stranded in Somalia and feared that their teenage sons might be accused of being jihadi fighters. "There are families that are hiding there now, who are afraid they may confiscate passports and accuse them, that they are foreign fighters." Abdirahman Warsame, the Finsbury Park mosque's executive manager, denied claims that the Islamists had met supporters there, saying the only fundraising had been at the Islington school.
  13. "The biggest clan of Mogadishu sides with the TFG", not disputing the size attribution - but could it be said that this urging and encouraging another major conflict between the 'majority' and minoriy clan. I thought all clans sided with the TFG.
  14. Originally posted by Khalaf: ^^Foriegn fighters which are muslim , there is no nationality in Islam.......c bosnia. Ok good point. But do we really need them? Do we have the need to bring foreign fighters into our soil and decalre jihaad to other foreign countries. Can we afford it physically? Werent we a nation that was already on a civil strive and ta war with itself on clan lines. Werent we already in a mess of our own, why did we have to choose to make a battle ground in our country. And since you admitted, was it necessary for us to harbour those foreign combatants to come and build a base in our country? Why in simple words could they not do it in their own back yard. Maxaa aniga dhibka layla so donana, waa yabe, oo weliba aad xaq ki sineysiid.
  15. Originally posted by Khalaf: Juje adeer what do u suggest to do with these fugitives? The US can accuse anyone w/out proof i am sure if the nabi scw and companions were here today they too will be on their terrorists list. For you to compare these fugitives to nabi Mohamed SCW is despicable and blasphemy in its own terms.And I suggest you retract from such unwarranted comments.
  16. Originally posted by Castro: For someone who is still defending a puppet and clueless regime, you have the gull to come around here and make statements like that without proof? War hedhe , meel ayey kaga dhegantahey waa ujeeda, lakiin just take the 'puppet' government out of the equation for a moment, I dont really assume they had any part in the incident itself, except 'sacabo tumis'. But Castro, are hundred of Somali lives worth for protecting these fugitives? Dont say they dont exists, cause if you do, you will only act foolishly.
  17. First and foremost and beyond any doubt the bombing of innocent people mainly women and children by American planes is a despicable act of atrocity. Lets not mince words, that is totally not acceptable. However since there is no American decission maker here in SOL who we can condemn and show our wrath lets ask ourself how we came to this stage. Am sure many of you have already bought the notion that America is anti-Islam and therefore we are part of the intended target and a weak one. Let me ask you though, how far will that streght, how long can it protect you from blaming yourself? Just for once lets drop the banner 'Jihaad against America because it is anti-Islam' simply cause we are not equiped to do so, and also the fact that there many our brethens in faith who are reluctant, or in some cases siding with the devil. Hence we are weak' ill equiped, uneducated, , disunited and a poor nation that cannot do the work.That, though, should not mean we should be walking mats, but simply should not be involved in view to our capability. Which brings me to the real targets of the brutal AC130 bombing , the so called alleged individuals who were responsible for carrying out the bombings of US embassies in Nairobi and Dar, and also for other related crimes in that region. Now I know you are going to say that is untrue and that they dont exists, and I understand your reason for that, cause you firmly believe that your faith is under attack, hence blank to any other consequences and reasoning. Beyond any argumentative point this fugitives exists and have been holed up in Mogadishu cause it was a safe haven for them. They were responsible for the creation, funding and training of the Al-Shabab. They were the friction and the catalyst to the savage wars between the 'La Dagalanka Argagixisada' (former warlords) and the ICU. They were the brain behind the assassination and termination of charecters whom they deemed to be linked with US intelligence. One famous Somali peace activists ,Mr. Abdulkadir Yahya Ali, and many notable high ranking officers of the previous Somali police who resided and lived in Xamar were among their victims. Their, the fugitives, presence and influence is undeniable. The core power and decission makers of the ICU were under their command, control and influence. Thus the big question is , is their protection and refuge worth the lives of hundred of Somalis. Look at it from that perspective before your anger towards the Americans. Ofcourse we should condemn them, the Americans I mean, but should we also show our anger to those who have given reguge and base to individuals who are at war we cannot afford to be involved in at the moment. Or at least a war that we shouldnt be bringing to our shores.
  18. There is one individual who lives in Bristol who is completely opposed to the TFG, hence I suggest that they should negotiate with him , in order to bring peace to the country. Come on guys, what is there to negotiate with the 'cimamadyals'...gabalkodi wu dhacey' big time.
  19. Originally posted by raadamiir: These little kides need to be taken out of Mogadishu Street cause once the Material Law is in Place they will all be KILLED!!! Why do I sense that is an option you would prefer.
  20. Mogadishu 06, Jan.07 ( Sh.M.Network) – 7 ruux ayaa dhaawac uu ka soo gaaray banaanbaxyo rabshado wata oo ilaa iyo wali ka soconaya qeybo ka mid ah caasimadda Somalia ee Muqdisho, iyadoo dibadbaxayadaasi ay dhigeen boqolaal dhalinyaro ah oo ka careysan qaabka dowladda Somalia ay ku sheegtay in ay hubka kaga aruurineyso dadka magaalada Muqdisho. Banaanbaxaan oo ka bilowday saakay waabarigii isgoysyada Tarabuunka, KM4 ayaa ku fiday wadada wadnaha iyo wadada Towfiiq iyo agagaarka garoonka caalamiga ah ee magaalada Muqdisho, halkaasi oo taayaro lagu gubay. Dibadbaxaan ayaa waxaa ka soo qeybgalay kooxo dhalinyaro careysan oo gacmaha ku sita dhagxaan ay ku tuurayeen goobaha ganacsiga iyo gaadiidka Blka ah ee isaga gala goosha magaalada Muqdisho. Dadka dhaawaca uu ka soo gaaray dibadbaxaan ayaa waxa ay isugu jireen kuwo banaanbaxayay iyo kuwo wadada marayay, iyadoo dhaawacoodana uu yimid, ka dib marakii dhagxaan ay kala hortageen ciidamada dowladda oo markii dambe rasaas ku kala eryay dadkii. Ganacsatada qaar ee goobaha ganacsi ku leh meelaha uu dibadbaxa saameeyay ayaa iyaguna qoryo la soo baxay si ay u adkeeyaan amaankooda. Dhalinyaradaan careysan ayaa wado kasta oo ay socod ku marayeen waxa ay ku gubayeen taayaro, iyadoona dhagxaan waaweyn lagu jaray wadooyinka si gaadiid aanu u soo marin. Goobihii ganacsiga iyo Gaadiidka Blka ah ayaa hakad uu ku yimid dibadbaxaan oo wali ka soconaya caasimadda Somalia, iyadoo gaadiidka blka ah mararka qaar ay marayaan xaafadaha dhexdooda, waxaana lagu raacayaa qiimo ka badan intii hore. Banaanbaxyadaan ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli maanta dowladda Somalia ay qorsheyneysay in ay hub uruurin ka bilowdo magaalada Muqdisho si qasab ah, inkastoo arinkaasi dowladda ay dib u dhigtay, ka dib markii codsiyo uu uga yimid qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada ku dhaqan gobolka Banadir.
  21. C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan “Hub ka dhigista waxaa sameyn kara ciidan Qaran oo lagu kalsoonaan karo, reer Puntland reer Muqdisho hubka kama dhigi karaan….” Siyaasiga C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan oo ka mid ahaa gudigii hubka ka dhigista ee shirkii Nairobi ayaa ka hadlay hubka dhigista ay dowladda federaalka ah ku dhawaaqday in ay ka hirgalinayso magaaladan Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in isagu uu qabo hub ka dhigista in loo wajaho si xeeledeysan oo laga fogaanayo eex, iyadoo laga fogaanayo wixii xasaasiyad abuuri kara. “Axdiga ku meel gaarka ah ee lagu soo heshiiyay waxa u qabaa in arrinta hubka dhigista loo wajaho si xeeladaysan oo ku jirin eex iyada oo laga fogaanayo wax keeni kara xasaasiyad hubka dhigistana laga hirgaliyo goob kasta hal maalin iyo hal saac xattaa aan u dhaxayn karin daqiiqado” ayuu yiri C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan oo intaa ku daray in loo baahan yahay in arintaaso in meelo gaar ah aan lal beegsanin. “Haddii aan axdiga lagu heshiiyay la raacin waxaa imaan kara wax aan wanaag ahayn, waxaan xusuustaa hadal u dhawaan yiri Cadde Muuse oo ahaa sidan (maxkamadaha waxaan u arkaa USC shaar diimeed soo gashaday) marka anaga waxaan u aragnaa ciidamada hub ka dhigista sameyanaya ee Putland oo shaar Itoobiya soo gashaday isla markaana dowlad sheeganaysa hubka dhigistana waxaa samayn kara ciidan Qaran oo lagu kalsoon yahay, Reer Putland reer Muqdisho hubka kama dhigi karaan sababtoo ah adinka waxaad tihiin reer Puntland anagana waxaan nahay reer Muqdisho” ayuu yiri C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan oo intaa raaciyay “Ciidamada Itoobiya iyo kuwa Puntland waxay dagaal ka soo bilaabeen Puntland ilaa Xamar ay ka yimaadaan ma jirin meel ay hub ka dhigis ka sameeyeen haddiiba hubka la dhigayo waa in laga soo bilaabaa Soomaali-land ka dib Putland sidaasna lagu yimaadaa Muqdisho ma jirto in cirifka hore laga soo gudbo cirifka kale laga bilaabo” ayu yiri C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan.
  22. Originally posted by OLOL: Ngonge you thing it is cute pic? U must have a queer eye for ....
  23. Oh..you dont have to , here they are > Hassan Dahir Aweys: Misleading the innocent Somalis into believing that he was a genuine Muslim leader Balayo Indhacadde: for cunning and leading thousands of Youngsters into a false Jihaad, and then going to Haaj