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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: The odds sxb,the odds are stagged against the cowards and not vice versa Indeed, they are, but we differ in the definition of cowards. In a normal term and in particular this scenario a coward is 'kuwa naf iyo hilo ka radshey cidama shisheeye - oo weliba ah kuwa cadawo so jireen ku aha dhaqankoda, diintoda iyo dalkoda'. And by the end of the day Kapitano, no matter how you define the current TFG because of -'kuwa ay hilada iso wateen'- it is nearing its termination.
  2. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: The word justifies itself.The clowns are hiding and using the civilians as shields and the Government is telling the civilians to not let their neighborhoods be used and if so,leave the area so that the Government can freely deal with them with out restraining themselves.Simple as that! Maka taqaan niman hada gacmaha la heysto. War go ahead do what you deem to be correct in doing your balayo. The odds are stagged against you sxb.
  3. Originally posted by Garaad Caanood: Abwaan waad jirantahay qabiil daraadeed ayaad duke ugu kacsantahay xitaa heer waxa aad gaadhay inaad thread gaar ah u furtid duke O adiga maxaa ka hadalsinaya?
  4. Originally posted by Hunguri: JB, Somali land can host. They deserve the credit of having them as a good example. Indeed..!
  5. Calacalka ma la iska dhafo...koleyba inta la gubey aya guba uma iman Quran ahkris mesha.
  6. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: Be proud of the fallen boys and pray for them,may they rest in peace and find a better home in the hereafter. Modest in defeat sxb..good one. Whether you condole the dead of invading Axmaro or not it is your choice, though not admirable, but beware it is not the end - there will be many to come. Now you can probably see at first hand that bringing Axmaro to help you disarm your compatriots in blood and religion was not wise solution. Shall we now go back to the table and discuss in ironing out differences and balancely sharing the 4.5 cake.
  7. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: My source is from Gaalkacyo, remember I hail from Southern Gaalkacyo, I can't go wrong with this info. Why? Ma xidiid baad tihiin odeyga?
  8. They could have not marched into the capital without the Xabashi that is for certain, but what most of us thought was that they were tools used to bring the TFG into power and , alas it was not - it was the other way around, the TFG turned out to be tools used by the Xabashi. To make matters worse - Dowladi miciyo hor leh ayey laso baxdey - out went out of the window, TFg which was supposed to be broad and representative. It became more and more like a Family state. It was no longer vying to protect the national interests, but rather their leader cause of their newly found power with Xabashi have chosen to pursue a path which is neither national reconciliation nor in favour of peace. The decline of the TFG and its chance of ever ruling a united and pacified Somalia is no more cause of its recent attributes, regardless of how its SOL supporters are optimistic. The worrying factor is what is around the corner after this period for Somalia, it certainly looks bleak.
  9. Somaalida aya horey uu sheegtey fuley wax ka qoryo badan maleh. Ila iyo sanadki tegey ayad waxa ku heysa "4000 armed forces - finished traning and deployed", welina wax kaso naasa cad maleh. Jenerale halke bey saladu iska qabsan la'dahey saxiibo?
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^He ran away from Mogadishu rockets but the deputy speaker, minister of interior, deputy defence minister, chief of police, commander of armed forces are all there, oh so is the President. Indeed very true, but the day I see them strolling in the streets of Hawl-Wadag, Bondhere, Wardigley, Xamar Ja-jab, Hodan, Waberi, etc. and fulfilling their required duty then I will give you credit Jenerale. But if you are counting men who are holed up in Villa Somalia and barricaded by Ethiopian troops - then them like their protectors are invading aliens - and as any logic would specify their days of presence are numbered if the TFG continues in this norm of aggression.
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^The TFG is a foreign governemnt? , give us a break the TFG leadership are the only representatives of the Somali clans who inhabit the 18 regional districts. They were chosen by the Somali people in a reconciliation conference that took two & a half years to complete. They also now control the country TFG Leadership hails from Puntland and thus cannot be termed as representative of whole of the Nation. On the other hand the TFG parliament which represents the nation is now at quasi and only in resemblence of what it was established for..thanx to President Yusuf who is on a one man show. Chosen by the People two and have years ago..?: kindly remind me where and when, unless ofcourse you consider those baboons that were holed up in 'Dofarey' as peoples representatives. Now Jenerale disregarding your daily innuendos I think you will agree with me that this TFG has taken a turning for the worst scenario and unless and untill they are reverted the TFG will be conjectural. Arrival of Ugandan troops good sign but will they curtail the dictatorial, authoratarian and unconvincing aspects related to the TFG, I doubt. Will they or do they have the capacity to rekindle the voice of democracy and independence within the TFG Parliament ( even if they fight with chairs in their sessions rather than debate ), I doubt. Those crucial elements of balanced power and collective reponsibilty is not nirrored in the TFG jenerale, hence it is only supported by you and other Puntlanders because of President Yusuf, now tell me whether that is enough to constitute a national salvation.
  12. The big let down in here is for the first time in history a Somali president who cant even speak one word of Arabic.
  13. Originally posted by Emperor: ^^What would you do had you been in their situation, I bet you would have danced for him No. Wa Cudubilleysan laha..
  14. Juje


    Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: YUSUF GARAAD ABSHIR BACADLE ADAN HASHI AYROW SH. HASSAN DAHIR AWEYS ABU MANSUUR Ma lacag baad kuledahey, mise gabar baad rabta in aad ku darsatiid ?
  15. "Anigu Boolisna wa ahan jirey,milatarina wa ahan jirey, jabhadna wa ahan jirey - 'sheydan' walbana wa ahan jirey" Abdullahi Yusuf and they clapped for him
  16. Originally posted by Taliban: The important thing is, the ICU will adapt and make corrective measures. It's healthy and natural to have minor disputes sometimes. It did not adapt and make corrective measures when it was most needed. The reason why Somalia is under 'gumeysi' and scumbag like Yusuf can only be narrowed down to the lack of vision, sense of direction, prioritising and fairness by the ICU. They did not realise the importance and value of the task they achieved and what lay ahead. Their command was limited to one clan and its associates thus nullifying the fact that they were broad and justified. It is this factors and meddling within them that has brought their fast downfall. They are history as far as Somalia is concerned, but what one wonders is how will Somalia recover from the bitter and ugly situation the ICU has put them in. If you see them any other way Taliban , then you are not true to your words.
  17. Arab states trained Al-Qaeda men to fight in Somalia MIDDLE EASTERN countries secretly armed and supported suspected Al-Qaeda recruits in the failed state of Somalia in a direct challenge to western interests in east Africa, according to a United Nations report. Hundreds of Islamist fighters were flown, with Eritrean assistance, from Somalia to Syria and Libya for military training. Others were taken to Lebanon to fight with Hezbollah, the report to the UN security council has revealed. UN investigators also detailed military aid given to the Islamists by Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Arab states friendly to the West. Iran also supplied 125 shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, 80 of which arrived by sea in dhows and the rest by air. A clandestine operation to smuggle the fighters out of Somalia began in July last year. In an interview, Evgueny Zakharov, the owner of Aerolift, an airline with a fleet of ageing Antonov and Ilyushin transport aircraft, based in Johannesburg but registered in the British Virgin Islands, said: “We transported lots of men in uniform — Arabian men with masks. “They were disciplined men and although none of them had rank badges there were obviously people in charge. They got on the aircraft as if they had done it many times before.” Zakharov said his involvement began after he was approached by a General Tambi of the Eritrean People’s Defence Forces. Eritrea, a neighbour of Somalia in the volatile Horn of Africa, was a major supporter of the Islamists. Tambi offered to buy Zakharov’s Ilyushin 76 transport aircraft carrying the Kazakhstan registration number UN 76496 for $1.5m (£770,000), even though the normal price for an aircraft of that vintage and condition is just $1m. Zakharov went ahead despite the unusual contract conditions that stipulated secrecy. He insisted the contract should specify that the new owners were not to use the aircraft to make arms flights. However, he said last week that the Ilyushin made three sanctions-busting arms flights to Somalia from the Eritrean port of Massawa, bringing out the masked men on the return legs. “I do not know who they were but you can draw your own conclusions,” he said. Zakharov’s revelations came as western security services continued their investigation into foreigners suspected of fighting on behalf of Islamic forces in Somalia and of joining Al-Qaeda last year. Among them are British, American and French Muslims. Significant numbers of foreigners went to Somalia, western intelligence officials have found, after the radical Islamic Courts Union (ICU) movement seized power from a weak UNbacked government, established links with Al-Qaeda and allowed Somalia to be used as an Al-Qaeda terrorist training ground like Afghanistan under Taliban rule. In December, invading Ethiopian troops took the capital Mogadishu from the ICU and restored the internationally recognised government, routing the Islamists and scattering the foreigners and Al-Qaeda fighters. But violence continues to plague the weak and fractured country and there are fears of an Islamist resurgence unless African Union peacekeepers are rapidly deployed. Last week four British Muslims who had been in Somalia under the radical militia and then crossed the border into Kenya were briefly held under the Terrorism Act on their return to Britain. An American who was also arrested in Kenya and then deported was charged in Texas with teaming up with Al-Qaeda. He told FBI officers who interrogated him that he had spent time with an Al-Qaeda bomb maker in Somalia being trained in assembly techniques. The UN report also described Iranian attempts to obtain Somali uranium. Somalia is reported to have 6,600 tons of recoverable uranium but the mines have never been exploited because of poor security. In addition, Libya provided $1m to finance future training missions and pay salaries. Surface-to-air missiles supplied by Iran are of the type Al-Qaeda used to try to bring down an Israeli charter flight over Kenya in 2002. The missiles are still at large. Zakharov believes that one of the reasons the Eritreans wanted to use the Ilyushin in the clandestine operations was because the freighter’s registration began with the letters UN and therefore might have been mistaken for a United Nations aircraft. When Zakharov discovered the Eritreans’ real use of the plane was for arms shipments and for flying the masked men from Somalia, he cancelled the contract. Zakharov said he first grew suspicious when he found that the seven-man crew were each being paid £2,500 bonuses for every flight. Contacted last week, Tambi denied all knowledge of the deal. However, The Sunday Times has a copy of the contract signed in Moscow and Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, between Aerolift and Eriko Enterprise of Asmara on July 21. The first sanctions-busting arms flight landed at Mogadishu on July 26 and was followed by three arms shipments — a total of some 140 tons — over the next three days. The Sunday Times
  18. Originally posted by raadamiir: Puntland=1/3 of Somalia/population 4 million Warya why are you misleading people , it is Puntland = 2/3 of Somali population.
  19. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Even Siyaad Barre in his worst insecure days iskama badalin Cabdi Madoowe, a trusted bodyguard. Abshir Bacaadle muxuu yiri...."odeygi dacayada weyn walo darsade..uu duceya" or something like that. Horta Allah uu naxaristo marxumka....lakiin waxan marqati Alle ka haya in marxum Siyaad Barre uu dad kala yiqiin. Ileen intu firshey ayu Caydiid iyo C/llahi Yusuf ayu marna xabiis ku turey marna dalka ka hajiriyay. He knew they were not to be trusted with normal human beings.
  20. The Jenerale says it is a government of stake holders..lol...could it may be the other stake holders have not yet turned up.. Duke look at this list and tell me what is wrong with it. Dhanka Ciidammada 1. Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga Barre Aadan Shire (Hiiraale) ******* 2. Abaanduulaha ciidammada Axmed Mahdi Cabdisalaan – ******* 3. Taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Cali Madoobe - ******* 4. Taliyaha Ciidammada Cabdullaahi Cali Cumar (Ina libaaxsankataabte) – ****** 5. Taliyaha ciidanka Sirdoonka Col Maxamed Darwiish – ******* 6. Taliyaha guutada 1-aad Cabdirisaaq Afguduud – ****** 7. Taliyaha guutada 2-aad Cabdullaahi Fartaag – ******* 8. Taliyaha guutada 3-aad Xiif Cali Taar – ****** 9. Taliyaha guutada 4-aad Col Cabdullaahi Carays – ****** 10. Taliyaha dekedda iyo airport-ka Xamar Laba Xiddigle Joocaar - ******* Dhanka Madaxtooyada 1. Yuusuf Cumar Al-Azhari, La Taliyaha Madaxweynaha dhinaca siyaasada - ****** 2. Jamaal Cumar, La Taliyaha Madaxweynaha dhinaca sharciga - ****** 3. Yuusuf Cusmaan Baribari, Afhayeenka Madaxweynaha, ahna safiirka Brussels - ********** 4. Cabdirashiid Seed, Ergayga gaarka ah ee Madaxweynaha- ******* 5. Daahir Mire Jibriil, Agaasimaha Madaxtooyada - ********* 6. Cabdirisaaq Axmed Cali, Agaasime ku xigeenka Madaxtooyada - ******** 7. Axmed Yuusuf, Xoghaynta gaarka ah ee Madaxweynaha - ******* 8. Cabdullaahi Dheere, Madaxa ilaalada Madaxweynaha - ******* 9. Cali Jiis, Waardiyaha gaarka ah ee Madaxweynaha - ******* 10. Axmed Cabdullaahi Yuusuf, wiilka Madaxweynaha, ahna qasniga Madaxtooyada - ******* 11. Yuusuf Weyrax, La Taliyaha Madaxweynaha dhinaca Dhaqaalaha - ******* 12. Xasan Cali Yuusuf, Madaxa borotokoolka Madaxweynaha - ******* 13. Hibo Maxamed Cilmi, La Taliyaha Madaxweynaha ee dhinaca xiriirka bulshada - ****** Here is what the writer who compiled this had to say "Haddaba, waxaa muuqata in dowladda Cabdullaahi Yuusuf aysan xitaa ahayn dowlad qabiil ee ay tahay dowlad qoys iyo mid jufo. Sidaa awgeed, ma ahan mid qaadan karta term-ka ‘dowlad’ ee waa jabhad lagu dhisay qaab xaaraan ah, Soomaaliduna waxay tiraahdaa “Hal xaaraan ah, Nirig xalaal ah ma dhasho." Nepotism is in the blood of every Somali, it has been here since independence, through Barre's regime which was a catalyst to the civil war. Again it was evident in the Maxakamiins, now President Yusuf introduced a new dimenssion, 'qabileysi an xishood laheyn'. What Duke doesnt know is it is the sign of a disintegration and demise of a ruler. Source [ February 16, 2007, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  21. Shirki waa dhamadey....where is the nabaad and dib u heshiisiinta ? No where to be seen, you know why? Cause this shir was not authentic and practical, nor was it designed to meet the needs.
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: the TFG has the control of all the existing infrustructure in Somalia, for exampel the Port and airport of all the 15 regions including those in Puntland, Kismayu, Mogadushu, Baidoa airport and so on. They probably did not teach you in school that to function as a government does not only require the control of airports and ports.Full control of security, functioning police and army, fully functioning local municiapality or councils in all levels such village, district and regional levels which provides for the basic needs for its citizens, running water and power supply, schools, hospitals etc., fully operational Juridistic system, these and many other aspects sxb are the infrustructure that make a government. Airports and ports and tax collection, which you prioritised, are only income generating infrustrutures.
  23. Originally posted by Taako Man: This is PM Geedi reshuffling his cabinet. Stop making this a clan thing. Unless my memory fails me, Geedi came to power cause another Warlord (Moxamed Dhere) stepped down from his seat in Parliament so that Geedi could become PM. So let me ask you if Moxamed Dhere today said he wanted his seat back, what will Geedi do? What you and others are missing is that this TFG was not elected by the people, and the only mandate it has is that of the warlords and its cohorts tribal leaders and civic leaders. Having said that I accept the fact that it is a bridge to the next form of government, one by the people. However you cannot at this stage rock the boat by dividing them into loveble and unloveble warlords. TFG is a warlord government from top to bottom, now matter how much you disguise it. There if you want to keep the boat afloat keep them together and lets move on to the next stage.
  24. Originally posted by General Duke: Qaynyare, Suudi, Finish, Dheere, Mr Waal, Musa Sudi Yalaxow are all in Baidoa, they all came to get some position, and none were included in the reshuffle.. How far we have come.. We have come to an alley that has no exit, and it is dark and no one has a torch except....! My dear friend Duke....let me remind you that the government build in Dofarey was based on warlords + elders + civic societies. The later two's role was insignificant as they were proposed by the warlords themselves. Hence eliminating some of the primary actors such Muse Sudi, Qanyare, Finish, Xaran ku Naax, etc. and keeping President Yusuf, Barre Hirrale, etc. will certainly disturb the balance of the TFG. We have come to a day when you and Yeey know what is good for others better than themselves. God save us from the wrath of a collapsing TFG, we have all seen it before, haven we Duke?
  25. Originally posted by General Duke: Qaynyare, Suudi, Finish, Dheere, Mr Waal, Musa Sudi Yalaxow are all in Baidoa, they all came to get some position, and none were included in the reshuffle.. How far we have come.. A clear sign of gloating..wonder how long it will streght.