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Everything posted by Juje
Originally posted by President Anwar: ^^MY Brother your 16 years of haven i over Anwar...horta Illah ha i kaso 'heaven aniga..amiin! Adiga hadi lagugu so shekey Xamar janadi aya kaga si horeysa, mugo wixii aad ka heshiid aniga waxba ha iga siin.
Duke sxb the problem with you is you are in a round about with no exit at all. To get facts right , none of the following - Maxamed dhere, Qeybdiid, Yeey, et al and their troops fought against the ICU. They were all guides, leading the Ethiopans - the war was between the ICU against the Ethiopians financially and logistically backed by the US. So give credit where it is due. To the topic - you yourself accepted Buuba messed with the family. As for your logics regarding Maddobe and Hiraale - how come none of them has a post now..where is the balance u talk about? Runta ha iska indhatirin...adeerka laf cad ayu tobin ku haya. Bal Maxamed dhere mesha aad ka gashan aan aragno.
Originally posted by President Anwar: Mogadishu HERE I COME WITH HELP OF Ethiopia Somalia as a NEW FUTERE MY ALLHA BLESS US Barakada Alla ka qaad.. 'bless' bel oo bas lagu mari Illah ayan ka barshe.
Originally posted by President Anwar: It is a fact that we are one people, we share many things and we need each other. Forgetting the gloomy past history is very important for us and for the coming generations. The Ethiopians have demonstrated to us that we cannot be enemies for good. We are at the verge of a new era of Somali-Ethiopian companionship, an era that needs sound thinking, deep understanding and intelligence. Oh..my..my..! How this would have been very romantic in an ideal situation, where both parties were mutual in terms of commitment and contribution to the marriage of conveniece. But they are not. One is a country that was in civil war over 16 years divided through tribal lines...the other is an invading one and has invaded 'its companion' as you put it and has killed over thousand of its citizen. It also has a direct control f the other. So tell me how I can be your friend if you are forcefuly sleeping on my bed and eating my food and killing my children. Horta bal iga dul kac..aan heshine ama aan dagalne.
Originally posted by Faarax-Brown: Duke,You are back at the deception & the lying games haye? Lying to the readers & trying to spin things your way? War hedhe he is not lying , the guy is in hallucination.
^^ Adiga jawanaada hubka ah maad iska dhigtiid - you are bringing it to every thread...malaha ada jawaanada wato ayan uu maleyna..lol
Originally posted by The Duke: Buubaa made a minor mistake. Buubaa messed with Gheedi's brother in-law a.k.a America (The Somali ambassador to Kenya). Buubaa wanted to sack him and Yeey and Gheedi were against that because it would mess up the "clan balance" within the TFG. America is from Gheedi's main clan but his sub-sub-clan is instrumental to getting support in Mogadishu. Yeey advised Buubaa to leave this guy alone. There you go saxiib, you set out to redicule me, yet you proved my point - the circus is in town. A foreign minister demoted cause he touched a brother-in-law, and yet you claim this is a government.The other thing, explain to me how the sacking of a 'muqalaas' like Cali Amerika will interfere with the balance of power in the TFG, not mentioning his post was an envoy to Nairobi and not Interior minister. Madoobe and his Baydhabo trajic fiasco did not happen recently sxb, it happened long time ago, and if Yeey was going to yield to pressure he would have done so long time ago, especially soon after it. But he did not and he did not give care. He certainly did not want to replace Madoobe as a Chief, and most of all he did not want to replace him with Qeybdiid. You got your facts twisted in there Duke. Qeybdiid is a by product of General Gabre, a figure more senior than Yeey when it comes to Somali affairs. "The president is running the show"..lol..you dont need to prove that to me sxb, and you dont have to shout about it...everyone who knows anything about Somalia now knows that Yeey is clinging to his only 'your excellency' status and running nothing at all. He is desperately trying to get AU to send more troops to Somalia, cause Ethiopians are not playing his tune. I cant wait the day you make scathing attacks on Geedi and the lot...trust me it is not far. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Juje....You seem to be expressing how you wish for things to turn out. This could be hardly called an analysis. Trust me sxb if I was giving the the liberty to express my liking they, both Yeey and Geedi, would have been in the gallows by now. Nevertheless this is not a wishful thinking neither hypothetical - but rather a fact that exists, I wish you could produce counter arguments. Originally posted by N/AA: It is Gheedi you are speaking of. Abdullahi Yusuf never spoke publicly about Kismaayo, it was Gheedi that went on the airwaves with screams of "Al Qaeda" takeover. I would love to agree that with you Horn, but the overwhelming facts on the ground contradicts it. It is well documented that Geedi is not a man with agenda, directions or has ethics - he is under control and fulfilling the ideals of his master, in this case Zenawi.He only does whaqt he is told and sense of nationalism is not in his vocab. Where as Yeey, the definition of nationalism does not extend beyond his blood-line - and is also a tool, but a clever one who also has an agenda of his own. Only thin time his agenda clashed with his backers. Now you and I both know the change of guard in Kismaayo had the blessing of General Gabre and it had infuriarated Yeey cause he has lost much in this change, and not Geedi. Now my fellow nomads the rift amid the two stooges is visible from the outer surface, but we dont know how deep it is - and it is deep. However whether it would lead to their downfall is not an alternative, but the questionis what circumstances will emerge when this rifts disrupts the existance of TFG - will the Tigres just produce another set of stooges from their pockets?
It is making the rounds both in Xamar and Addis. That there is a big friction between Yeey and his PM Geedi. It is to a point where it is unconsolloble. In their political skirmish, Geedi has the upper hand, and Yeey is lost in somewhere not knowing what are his capacities and authority. He does not have the pleasure of naming or sacking a single figure within the TFG, while Geedi does it everyday without even informing Yeyy let alone consulting him. The powers behind these men determines who has the upper hand, and Geedi has the full and unwaivered backing of Zenawi. People in Xamar ask whether Geedi is a PM under Yusuf or the Ethiopian representative General Gabre. Yeey is hanging on purely on the basis that his presidency is not under threat, well at least for now. But it is an open secret he was disgusted with the naming of Maxamed Dhere, and to make matters worse - Maxamed Dhere appointed his own individuals to the Banadir Local government which further irked Yeey. Then his henchmen Madobe was replaced with C/qeybdiid...something he found out from the Radio. The Kismayo issue which was probably the catalyst to the friction between Yeey and Addis is still outstanding. Yeey has done everything to get Ethiopian troops to attack Kismayo but with no success. He even went on public Radio to say that Kismaayo has fallen to Al-Qaeeda supporters. Even the Americans failed to heed that call, cause Ethiopia did not approve. In one of his many 'warregtos' Maxamed dheere ordered Federal army troops to leave the city, Xamar, and security to be taken over by Police forces, it was apparent the troops mainly comprised of 'kuwi jodariyasha iyo saririhi ka xadey marki ay Jowhar ka baxayeen'...and it was his way of revenge and he his is very scepetical of them. Plus that he also said no one should claim any rank, other than the rank he had in previous Somali regime (dating back to Barre's time)..here he was referring to the many who were bestowed with new ranks by Yeey. How the cabinet and the parliamentarians are divided down the line in retrospect of Geedi's camp and that of Yeey, is not yet known, but any cabinet minister who is loyal to Yeey has been demoted, take a look at Buuba. This will certainly determine the outcome of the 'bogus' reconciliation conference called by the TFG, if ever held. However many analyst are saying it is the begining of the end of TFG and it is coming from within. What is your take?
Somali bantus have been going to colege for many years, and have many literate and reputed learned figures wthin the Somali society. And over the years since Somalis have been living in the States, the Somali Bantus like their compatriots Somali Nomads have been graduating from colleges and universaties in their fair share. This article comes across as if it is the first Bantu to ever graduate, and that is not truly reflective of Somali Bantu.
Mogadishu: comprehensive crackdown TFG is not playing
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^^The following is even a better news.. Mareykanka oo ka hadlay xiritaanka idaacadaha Shabelle, HornAfrik iyo IQK Mogadishu 06, June.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa ka hadashay wareegatada dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia ay ku xirtey 3 idaacadood oo madax banaan oo ku yaala magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo Washington ay sheegtay in ay dabagal ku sameyneyso arintaan. Danjiraha dowladda Mareykanka u fadhiya Kenya, Michel Renirberger ayaa sheegay in dowladdiisu ay ka walwalsan tahay talaabada dowladda KMG ay ku xirtey 3da idaacadood ee kala ah Shabelle Media Network, HornAfrik iyo Idaacadda Qur'aanka kariimka (IQK). " Saxaafadda xorta ah waxa ay muhiim u tahay dalka Somalia iyo guud ahaan caalamka, waana in loo ogolaadaa Umadda Somaliyeed in ay war ka helaan saxaafadda xorta aha sida saxda ah" Ayuu yiri Michel Renirberger oo warkaan siiyay mid ka mid ah idaacadaha Muqdisho wax yar ka dib markii ay soo baxday wareegto ka timid xafiiska Ra'isulwasaaraha oo lagu xirey idaacadaha shabelle, HornAfrik iyo IQK. Danjiraha dowladda Mareykanka u fadhiya Kenya, Michel Renirberger Hadalka Renirburger ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli maanta dowladda KMG ay soo saartay wareegto ay ku xireyso idaacado madax banaan oo ku yaala caasimadda -
Mogadishu: comprehensive crackdown TFG is not playing
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Keliga waalo wareer waaye Halagula washo wanag waye. -
Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: ruunta, juje, in laska indhatero ma fiicna! Indeed sxb..! Am glad I helped you realise that.
Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: No more anarchy and fighting and statelessness! What makes you think we have a state now? Unless you consider General Gabre a Somali national.
Originally posted by The Duke: [QB] leaders from stronger nations have been executed in their own countries, Kennedy, Lincoln and even Reagen was shot in the US. Musharaf of Pakistan was targeted twice, Sadat was murdered and Hosni Mubarak escaped with his life. Even in Somalia in 1969 the President was murdered in home soil. And you have the audacity to compare these men with Geedi...waale adiga iyo xishood kale dheer. Its a given the Ethiopians are helping with security, though the TFG has a far larger number in terms of Police, NSS, and so on. Xa ku booto ah..wir, car ha baxan Tigre..I promise you your frontier-post will be Godey and Haraar. Helping kuma lahiino - they are your entire security, and you are their pawns - ha ka been sheegin ruunta saxiib.
Originally posted by NGONGE: There really is no stopping the TFG now, unless it comes from within! Indeed, this itself needs to be intelligently manipulated....and the marks of a rift within is already clear. The thought of popular 'kacdoon' is no more...'jabhadeyn' is out of question,
Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ If they get him or his boss the whole outlook will change. Maybe next time, eh! Indeed..! But I hope you dont assume his boss is Yeey - one thing they have in common is 'same boss'. They both get directives from Melez, and ironically they are arch and sworn enemies...namean?
7 ruux oo ku geeriyootay qarax lala beegsaday guriga Ra'isulwasaaraha Mogadishu 03, June.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Inta la og yahay 7 ruux ayaa ku geeriyootay tiro intaasi ka badana dhaawac ayaa ka soo gaaray ka dib Qarax xoogan oo ismiidaamin ah oo gil gilay guriga Ra'isulwasaaraha dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia, ee W/magaalada Muqdisho, Sida ay sheegeen dad goobjoogayaal ah. Qaraxaan oo dhacay abaarihii 5:20 PM ayaa waxa uu ka dhashay gaari laga soo buuxiyay walxaha qarxa oo sida la sheegay ku qaxay albaabka hore ee guriga Ra'isulwasaaraha. Sida shabelle ay u xaqiijiyeen dad goobjoogayaal ah, gaarigaan qarxay ayaa waxa uu ahaa Toyoto ama qooqan sida ay Somalida u taqaan, iyadoo gaarigaan uu istaajiyay mid ka mid ah ilaalada guriga Ra'isulwasaaraha dabadeedna uu is qarxiyay gaariga ninkii watay, Ilaalada Ra'isulwasaare Geedi ayaa furey rasaas badan oo ay ku kala eryayeen dadkii ku soo xoomay qaraxaasi markii uu dhacay ka dib. Waxaa wali isi soo taraya qasaaraha ka dhashay qaraxaan ismiidaaminta ah ee lala beegsaday guriga Ra'isulwasaaraha. Ra'isulwasaare Geedi ayaa xilliga qaraxa uu dhacay waxa uu ku jrey guruga, xaaladdiisana waa ay wanaagsan tahay sida uu shabelle u xaqiijiyay sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan xafiiska Ra'isulwasaaraha oo ka gaabsaday magaciisa. Afhayeenka ciidamada Midowga Africa , Captain Paddy Ankunda oo la soo xiriirey shabelle ayaa sheegay in halkaasi ay gaareen ciidamada Midowga Africa marka qaraxa uu dhacay ka dib isla markaana ay ka soo kaxeeyeen Ra'isulwasaaraha Somalia oo uu sheegay in xaaladiisa ay wanaagsan tahay isla markaana ay geeyeen meel nabad galyo ah oo uusan cayimin. Captain Paddy ankunda waxa uu sheegay in aysan heyn xog ku aadan in qaraxaasi ay waxyeelo ka soo gaareen saraakiil ka tirsan dowladda. Waa markii ugu horreysay oo qarax ismiidaamin ah oo loo adeegsaday gaari laga soo buuxiyay walxaha qarxa lagu weeraro guriga Ra'isulwasaaraha dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia.
Originally posted by The Duke: The deaths of these individuals should lie squirley on groups such as one led by Ahmed Diriye, the various clan webmasters of sites such as Wadanka,clannews.com and others who glorify these murders. Others groups like New SYl and HAG. Should also be careful. The days when one could write anything to incite others are over. Loooooooooooooooooooool....! In other words praise the stooges or be damned eh..! Saas ayad rabtaan in aad wax ku xuquntaan so ma aha? Saxiib just keep watching the TFG is slowly deteriorating...it is been dismantled by those who bank rolled its keepers (Ethiopia). The TFG is now only nominal and will soon be extinct...
Originally posted by Tahliil: Juuje: Then again why target a poor Tigranyan soldeir in Hamar who may have been forced and compelled against his will to come and die in Somalia..Why not leave him alone and search for his senior commenders instead ??? In the bigger scheme of things, he also is a minor player? isn't he? Saxiib, horta it depends where you set your bar of discrimination. Tigre soldier whether poor oir not is an enemy combatant you cannot put him in the same zone as 'xoogood uu shaqeystayasha Soomaaliyeed', periood. Now if we were to ask you and those who are killing this people whether you could guarantee their livelihood - I doubt whether you or they can. With that aside, the resistance needs popularity support, and certainly this is not helping the case. But then again they could argue that it was not them, who are doing the killing, which is acceptable cause there is no proof - but when loyal websites write 'kacdoonki oo diley gudomiyaha Karaan, H/wadag,etc.' it does not help the public relation of the 'kacdoonka'. Furthermore there is no justification for killing a person who is not combatant.
Tahliil rfejecting Ethiopian inavssion and their TFG stooges is a different level and should be pursued without any doubt, but if you kill minor workers who are seeking work from TFG, since they are the only organ in the city today that is paying out what can be termed as salary is unacceptable. Since you cant offer any substitute tothis person, or either guarantee that you will feed his family and give him shelter - you cannoit therefore kill him simply on the pressumption that he/she works for the enemy.
Haba la qabte ma xume...lakiin waxad ii sheegta adiga Duke, saddexdan war oo aad kor kuso qortey xay ku kala duwan yihiin? All same sh*t whether from All Puntland, wayaha or calanka. Maha ma qof dhagool ah oo madax adag ma jooga maxaa ugu so celceline...sida isku dhan widayo ...bufiis aa kugu dhacey waku jeedaye.
Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Masaakiintaas Eebba ha u naxariisto. Hunguri intee radinayeen naftooda ku waayeen. Dowlad ku sheegaan inay faragishtaan maba habooneen awal. Mar labaad Eebba ha u naxariisto. [/QB] Allah uu Naxariisto inti dhimatey....however the act of killing people who work for the TFG should be condemned....waa dad masruuf iyo hunguri uu raadsanayo carrurtooda..killing them is despicably out of order and does not bear any logical reason. Nin qof aan waxna ka galabsan diila uu maleynmaayo in uu dan Soomaaliyeed iyo mid diinba uu adeegayo. There are many ways you can opposse this TFG and confronting it, murdering minor workers is certainly not one of them.
Mogadishu: Mayor , Police chief NSS boss on city wide tour: PICS
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Jabhad: Signature you got should read this "Somali's worst traitor in history". will the following signature suit you sxb? -
Originally posted by Castro: N/AA, aside from the Fox News talking point, what evidence, argument or even similar historical precedence do you have that a power vacuum left after Ethiopians leave would be detrimental to the population? It is not like everything is rosy now, in fact the presence of the occupiers makes the country detrimental considering the peaceful period that precedded them. However, with the immidiate evacuation of the invaders a vacum will be created. But it is a vacum better than being occupied - it might take sometime to recover but we will certainly get there. On the other hand , I would suggest, in order to side step this question of 'power-vacuum' to increse the mandate of Amisom and their number. And to use them as an authority untill an all inclusive and acceptable governance can emerge from Somalia. Certainly though the immidiate withdrawal of the Ethios is necessary , if we are to find a solution to the problem. In a nutshell they are part, parcel and core of the problem - their evacuation can only bring home some hope. But ask any TFG support and they will tell you it will be a disaster if they were to leave.
Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Heck, waligiis matante xataa ma gishan. Just out of curiousity, how did you come to know that sxb.?