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Everything posted by Juje
Ok Ood I will pass the msg to him
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Indeed JB
Ciid Bedel muxuu ka raba Jamal ma biyo hostodo aya iska arkeen?
My dear Sophist, a person whose opinion I regard and hold high esteem for his opinion. I wonder whether there has been any rational in regards to the stance of Al-Shabaab at all. Having said I also share with you the fact that in a court of law circumstantial evidence doesn't weight that much . On the other hand though I doubt whether you can link the method used today ( suicide bombing) to any other sector. Ibrahim Addow AUN was targeted twice before and it was not Ahlusuna. There will be, most certainly, a day when the culprits will be uncovered.
Originally posted by General Duke: Thus Juje adeer, for the dead and for those who remain we need to address this issue right now. For you and me and any other nomad in SOL to address in here today will not alter an iota in the ground. But as for today let it rest and I beg you again please. I know and I sent you my deepest condolence for the demise of your relatives in the suicide explosion today. Thank You Duke
Originally posted by General Duke: Its ironic that today, a man who signified the "Ismalic" Courts movement of Mogadishu, has been brutally struck down the very militia his movement created. What does this tell us about, Sharif Ahmed, about the courts themselves and the rise of Al Shabaab who have now conquered the entire south of Somalia? Please not today Duke, just give it a rest. Inti dhimatey Allah u naxaristo.
Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^^weli lama oga wax ka dambeeya & wax sheegtay toona. O ma shaki ya kaga jiira ciddi ka dembeysey ?
This video contains scenes of extreme distress and the last glimpse of the Ministers who died in there >..Allah u naxaristo dhamntood...amiin!
Ina Lillahi wa Ina Illeyhi Rajicuun Three Somali Doctoers who were also lecturers at Banadir and Mogadishu Uniuversity , and attending the fatal event of this morning - who were pronounced wonded earlier on have now died in AMISOM hospital Mogadishu due to the severe injuries they incurred. Dr. Shahiid, Dr, Dufle and Dr. Moxamed Moxamed. Allah u naxaristo. The number of students who died in the suicide bombing ranges above forty Ina Lillahi wa Ina Illeyhi Rajicuun.
Inaanilaahi Wa Ina Ilaahi Raajicuun Allah u naxaristo dhamantood. What is more saddening not only did know figures such as the ministers and journalist die - but over forty young students and graduates also lost their lives. Inaanilaahi Wa Ina Ilaahi Raajicuun Inaanilaahi Wa Ina Ilaahi Raajicuun
Originally posted by peacenow: These people are in the gutter. They are known all over now as benefit frauds. Pirates, warlords, hunger. It has all come to this. What a shame. Indeed, though argumentative. But worse off is the character who suffers from inferior complex.
From this to the above - what a transformation?
Originally posted by NGONGE: Depends on the job really. If you're applying for a job as an Imam in a mosque, it would help your case no end if you happened to mention you are Muslim too. qandho ku dishey
Jokolaato I bet behind that screen of yours you haven't got a woof and are frustrated because you are running law on what you call in your case food stamps. Cidan Islameed aman iska sii fadlan.
Originally posted by chocolate & honey: Preach on sis!! I'm with Malika on this one. I just want to wipe that smug look off of his face :eek: :eek: Id!ot! Seriously, he should get vesectomy or something. They're not using my tax money and I'm pissed. It's one thing to get assistance until you stand on your own two feet, but it is xayawaanimo to live off people's sweat and blood :mad: :mad: Anyone who excuses or justifies this woman and man's acts need to question their own integrity. Markayagi aya la garey....have you noticed that every Mali who has been told off in the street will rebound the offensive words used against him/her back to his society. "You parasite you are living on our wages". Jokolaato first do not question the number of his kids cause ileen adiga ma aha mida uu ka dhaley and he is not asking for nasnujiin. Furthermoremore if you are paying tax, which I doubt you are, you are paying back all that was spend on you . Finally people the story is not about whether the guy is on benefit or not - it is about the housing he has been alocated and that is not his fault. The Sun used the story to bring to the attention of the British public the carelessness and inadequacy of the Benefit system - and in the process it has also ignited morals of the BNP and has boosted their claim that foreigners are treated better than the nationals. Am begining to find out now that there is more animosity in the Somali community itself and specially here in SOL. Once again the story is not Bashir neither Nasra nor their children so please isku xishooda oo amaan geliya reerkaas.
Haweeney ninkeeda toorey ku dishay maanta deegaanka Yaaqbiri-weyne ee gobolka Sh/hoose oo gacanta lagu dhigay, xabsigana loo taxaabay Ciidamada maamulka Ururka Xisbul Islaam ee degmada Wanle weyn ee gobolka Sh/hoose ayaa sheegay iney gacanta ku soo dhigeen haweeney lagu eedeeyey iney saaka ku dishay seygeeda deegaanka Yaaq biri weyne ee isla gobolka Sh/hoose. Haweeneydan ayaa la sheegay in barqanimadii maanta la keenay saldhiga degmada Wanle weyn ee gobolka Sh/hoose halkaasoo ay imika ku xiran tahay, waxaana saraakiisha ciidamada Xisbul Islaam ay sheegeen in dhowaan la soo taagi doono maxkamada shareecada islaamka laguna fulin doono waxa dembigeeda ay ka qabto shareecada Islaamka. Haweeneydan oo magaceeda lagu sheegay Deeqo Cali Jaacuur ayaa saaka seygeeda ku dishay toorey ay wadnaha kaga dhufatay ka dib markii uu soo kala dhexgalay muran dhinaca arimaha qoyska ah, waxaana xukunkeeda uu noqon doonaa dil qisaas ah sida shareecada Islaamku ay qabto haddii qoyskeeda iyo qoyska uu ka soo jeedo ninka ay dishay aysan gaarin isfaham kale oo ah iney kala qaataan diyo. Source
Originally posted by Malika: Abwaan,I dont know them neither do I care about knowing them.. Xasha..! I think that is mutual on their part. As for milking the society remember back the time and the many times you went with Xaajiyada to the Social Welfare, and interpreted for her while you were only 12. How short memory you have when it was only yesterday.
Originally posted by General Duke: Juje, adeer keep stamping those papers for the men who sold the sea, keep defending the Villa Somalia prisoners, it has been a year and all you show for your nationalism is that Sharif Ahmed has a new Rolex and an Armani suit. Enjoy it adeer I know its difficult to change ones genes, so loot away lad, and defend the looters. C/llahi Yusuf cafis ayu warsadey ummaadi Soomaaliyeed, adigu koley ummaad Soomaaliyeed kuma taqane ma reer SOL cafis warsatiid.
Originally posted by Malika: ^Do they work? Are they active contributing citizens is the question here not, how they are good people or good mothers. Horta runtaa ayaa iska ficaan,this is not the only family,nor the only people that are milking the system,without any prospect of ever putting anything back into it.. This is like the house nigger ridiculing the one on the street. Malika both Bashir and Nasra are one of the best parents in the Somali community residing in NW London. Just because you saw their story in the tabloid doesn't mean you can have a go at them and question their integrity. milking the system,without any prospect of ever putting anything back into it what do you think you are doing now? Paying back all the time you were on Social welfare. And that is exactly what their offspring will do Insha Allah.
Looooooooooooool....! War Bashir maxaa qadey? Many, infact most, of you guys in this thread dissing the guy now for living on benefit are probably forgeting how you were all raised before you made it to top of ladder. No Somali family in Western Europe o ka dharan karta cayrta. So stop acting as if you are all from bourgeois background, and give the guy a break. Is the story going to have an impact on the community in London, yes but not to a drastic level. On daily basis stories relating to benefits cheats (not dependants) are exposed in British tabloids and Somalis dont make even 5% of the story. Am sure Bashir must have had a sustainable reason to let in Sun reporter into his living room, and certainly did not work out the way he wanted. Bottom line is he is no cheat nor thief. He is in that house because of an error by the authorities. He will be there or probably moved to another convenient house but him and his extensive family will have shelter and food , and Insha Allah his children will grow to live on their own earnings - just like most of you in here who are taking the mick. Typical Maryoley they always forget they were in same situation.
Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: The former president spoke within the confines of a statesman who was asked to shed light on certain issues that are important to his state. I don't think Cadde has the personality to be that bitter to dent the credibility of the state as a whole. He may have his political differences with the current president, but his was, in no way, to bring the “relics” back. He statements were within the acceptable bounds of a former president trying to stay in the limelight. Indeed, it was probably 'ana wa ii kan', but we at least agree on he made the statement whether in acceptable bounds and confinement or not,
Congratulations KK!
Agreed LST, disregarding for a moment the authenticity of the reporting because majority of the news websites agree on Caade's outburst - I wonder why he chose now and at this particular time when the regional government is fighting for the right host the national fight against piracy.
Are you trying to spin it Libax? This is what most portals are reporting : Gen. Cadde Muuse oo sheegay in ciidamo ka tirsanaan jiray maamulka Puntland ku biireen burcad badeeda ” majirto Dilalka Puntland ka dhaca Shabaab maahan waa dadkeena, dilalkii ka dhacay Qardho, Boosaaso iyo Garawe waxaa gaystay dad reer Puntland ah oo la yaqaan” ayuu yiri Cadde Muuse. Gen: Cadde Muuse Xirsi ayaa sheegay qaar ka mid ah Ciidamada Badda Maamul Goboleedkaasi in ay ku biireen kooxaha Burcad Badeeda falalka Afduubida maraakiibta shisheeye ka wada biyaha Soomaaliya.