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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Secondly, of all wixii ka dhacay Xamar, xasuuqii and bililiqadii, the least he could have done is stay away from there. He did not only stay away, but is smiling and enjoying to be in his master's aqal in every few weeks. That is disgusting. Indeed..!
  2. Originally posted by The Duke: Their mode of transport speakes volumes....like there is nothing working there.
  3. Originally posted by me: To sett the mood nooh, I think I hear marvin gaye on the back ground.........lets get it onnnnnnnn. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Duf ku bax.....
  4. Madaxweyne Rayaale oo magaalada Addis-Ababa kula kulmay Ra`iisal wasaaraha Itoobiya Meles Zenawi Hargeysa, Jimco , August 24 2007 SMC Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin oo booqasho rasmiya ku jooga Caasimadda Addis Ababa ee Dalka Ethiopia, ayaa waxa uu 06:30 fiidnimo ee caawa, ee sacada Afrikada bari, uu kullan la yeeshay Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Dawladda Ethiopia, Mudane Males Zenawi, kullankaasi oo ka dhacay Xafiiska Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Ethiopia. Waxa Madaxweyne Rayaale iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Males Zenawi ay ka wada hadleen arrimo dhawr ah oo ay ka mid yihiin, xidhiidhka saaxiibtinimo, ka ganacsi iyo arrimaha Siyaasadda ee ka dhaxeeya labada waddan ee jaarka ah, iyo sidii xidhiidhkaa loo sii xoojin lahaa, sidaasi waxa lagu sheegay warsaxaafdeed uu ku saxeexanyahay afhayeenka madaxtooyada Somaliland. Kullankaasi oo qaatey muddo laba saacadood ah, waxa ku weheliyey Madaxweynaha JSL, Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debedda, Mudane, Cabdillaahi Maxamed Ducaale dhinaca kalena Waxa Ra’iisal Wasaaraha ku wehelinayey kullankaasi, Wasiiru Dawlaha Arrimaha Debedda ee Dalka Ethiopia, Mudane, Atto Tekede Alemu. Waxa weftiga Madaxweynaha Maanta Qado Sharaf ugu sameeyay Huteelka uu deggan yahay ee Sheraton, Wasiiru Dawlaha Arrimaha Debedda ee Ethiopia, Mudane, Tekeda Alemu. Madaxweynaha iyo Weftigiisa, waxa u sii socda kulamadii ay ku lahaayeen, Caasimadda Ethiopia ee Addis Ababa. 'Caweyska hadi an wax ku jirin maxaa habenki lo ciyaara? ', so why are this guys meeting in the dark unless they are plotting something sinister?
  5. Originally posted by Nayruus: I believe strongly that we have to fight against the SNM gang and their secessionist agenda. :mad: You have erred in your priorities, we should first get rid of the imbeciles who have led the Xabashi into the country.
  6. Australia explorer Range criticizes Somalia PM's oil policy SYDNEY, Australia Aug 21 (Garowe Online) - The managing director of Australia-based junior explorer Range Resources, Ltd., has criticized an oil law scheduled to be debated in the Somali parliament soon, clearly weighing in his opinion on the country's political landscape. Michael Povey, in a letter sent Tuesday to the Australian Stock Exchange, defended the validity of his firm's production-sharing agreement (PSA) with the semiautonomous State of Puntland, in northern Somalia. "The President and Government of Puntland have reiterated the validity of PSA's and subsequently both recognize and acknowledge the efforts (and financial resources spent) over the last 2 years on the exploration and development," the letter read. Mr. Povey's letter expressed particular concern over a proposed Petroleum Law, which the interim government of Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi plans to introduce into parliament for debate soon. A clause in the proposed Petroleum Law, if passed by parliament, will automatically invalidate any Somali oil deal signed after 1990 when the national government collapsed. There is a "need for the TFG to introduce a general Constitution acceptable by all autonomous regions of Somalia (namely Puntland) prior to the introduction of any national oil legislation," Mr. Povey argued in the letter. The Australian company, aided in a farm-in deal by Africa Oil (formerly Canmex), says a realistic timeframe to commence drilling in Puntland is by the "end of the year," warning that any attempt by Prime Minister Gedi to oppose this measure "will not be tolerated." Such strong language, aimed at the Somali prime minister, echoes Puntland President Adde Muse's insistence that his regional administration will cut off relations with Gedi's federal government in Mogadishu if the Petroleum Law is passed. [ Full story] Mr. Povey's Range firm signed the Puntland agreement in 2005 clouded by legal controversy and the legacy of clan bloodshed. Somali clan fighters took up arms against Puntland security forces protecting Range scientists in skirmishes that killed several people in early 2006. Source: Garowe Online Arrintan wa in Maxamed Dhere lo sheega, isaga jawab ka bixiin yaqan markey saan iskugu dhumuqdo..
  7. Hadalk qoraal ah oo ay soo dhigeen boggooda Al Mujaajid.com, Xarakada caanbaxay ee Al Shabaab (Dhalinyarada), ayay si weyn ugu qaadaceen ka qeyb galka shirka lagu wado in bisha soosocota ee 9-aad uu ka furmo magaalada Asmara ee xarunta dalka Ereteriya. Qoraalkan ayay ku sheegeen Xarakada Al-shabaab qodobo badan kuwaasoo ay ku sheegeen inay gun u tahay sababta qaadacaadooda, waxaana ugu horeeyey qodobka qaadcaada shirka Asmara. Caqiidooyin isku dhafan (أنصاف الحلول ) Dimuquraadiyada waa dastuur iyo diin gaalo, dadkeedu waxay aaminsan yihiin in bulshada Allaah laga gooyo sharcigiisana dowladnimada laga fogeeyo, taasina waa diin la'aan. Haddaba kulankan waxaa isugu imanaya Islaamiyiin iyo Cilmaaniyiin, waxaana la heshiisiinayaa labada qolo iyagoo afkaar kala tagsan wata, Diinta Islaamka iyo diin la'aanta labadaasina meel kuma kulmaan, dadkoodana colaad iyo caro ayaa dhex taal BAYAAN Xarakada Al-shabaab Al-Mujaahidiin QAADACAADDA SHIRKA ISKU DHAFKA These guys are astute, adamant, determined, objective and honest to their tenet. And would not accept any other alternative.
  8. JB lets first agree that he is a S/lander whether he recognises them as an independent entity or not would entirely depend on your understanding that every and each S/lander can have his/her own opinion - thus promoting freedom of speech. Ok ?
  9. Labadani niin ke ba wax ogaal ah marka? Then we have Duke who has been dishing out thousands of trained police officers on daily basis. This is not working and someone should make them aware.
  10. Mogadishu mayor says govt has boosted security MOGADISHU, Aug 22 (Reuters) - Somalia's fledgling interim government has committed all its resources to restoring stability in the capital Mogadishu during major reconciliation talks threatened by Islamist insurgents, the mayor said. Mohamed Omar Habeeb "Dheere" told Reuters in an interview late on Tuesday that security had improved in a city mostly in chaos since dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991. "Hundreds used to die," the former warlord said. "Only a few people die these days from pistol and grenade attacks. We hope to end these minor attacks as soon as possible. "Most of our resources go to security in order to return peace to the city. We expect to deploy more police officers in the streets." But Mogadishu remains one of the world's most dangerous cities, with Islamist rebels and clan militia fighting a guerrilla war against government troops and their Ethiopian military allies. In the latest violence, residents said seven civilians were killed in separate attacks across the capital on Tuesday. Two of them died in a landmine blast at one of the squalid camps on the outskirts of the city populated by displaced families. Dheere said his forces had reliable intelligence that "terrorists" were hiding in those camps. "We will go after them wherever they are for the sake of security of the region," he said. The insurgency is blamed on remnants of a hardline Islamic Courts movement chased out of Mogadishu by a joint Somali and Ethiopian force at the start of the year. The United Nations-backed interim government is hosting a major reconciliation conference aimed at kick-starting a peace process. But the talks are being boycotted by Islamist leaders. And late on Saturday the meeting was marred by the killing of a top clan leader and key player in the bid to unite Somalia's disparate factions that triggered fears of reprisals. On Monday, a landmine blast injured four civilians near the venue of the meeting, then insurgents attacked a police patrol in the north of the city, wounding at least seven people. Source: Reuters, Aug 22, 20007
  11. Somali forces poorly trained and equipped, and receive no pay, says minister Wednesday, August 22, 2007 NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Somali forces fighting a bloody insurgency in the capital are poorly trained and equipped and receive no pay, the country's interior minister said on Wednesday. The government, however, is not relying on a military strategy to defeat the insurgents, Somali Interior Minister Mohamed Mohamoud Guled told journalists in the capital of neighboring Kenya. The government uses clan elders as mediators to negotiate with insurgents to stop fighting, said Guled. Violence has gripped the Somali capital, Mogadishu, for the past eight months and thousands of civilians have been killed. In the latest incident, a grenade attack on the convoy of the government's Ethiopian allies killed two civilians and wounded five others in north Mogadishu. One of the dead and three of the wounded were women, said witness Abdi-shakur Ga'al, a local garage owner. «We cannot deny that there are difficulties. We have got a lot of challenges ahead,» said Guled, adding that the government was confident it will defeat the insurgents. In the past, Somali officials have said they have defeated the insurgents in Mogadishu, only for more fighting to begin. Somalia's government has fewer than 10,000 soldiers and 5,000 policemen, Guled said. He said the U.N. Development Program used to pay the salary of 1,800 policemen but stopped payments in July. «The rest are not paid because the government has no local revenue,» said Guled, without elaborating on how the soldiers and policemen survive. But a U.N. Development Program official said the organization only pays 50 percent of stipends to 1,010 policemen, and not 1,800. There has been a delay in payments because of checks to make sure the right policemen are paid, but the program has not been stopped, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue. In the past, businessmen in Mogadishu's largest market, Bakara, have accused soldiers and policemen searching for arms of looting their premises. In December, Ethiopian troops and Somalia government forces toppled Islamic fighters who controlled most of southern Somalia. The militants vowed to conduct an Iraq-style insurgency. Somalia has been mired in chaos since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on each other. A U.N.-backed transitional government was formed in 2004, but is has been unable to assert its authority. Source: AP, Aug 22, 2007
  12. JB am glad you said Asmara, I was sceptic and worried about what your answer to your question "but from where ?" would be. That aside what is it that you miss or dont miss about J.Qaalib? Whether he is in Asmara or somewhere in Utopia does it matter, if he expresses his views regarding the political turmoil in Hargeysa. Or are you irrittated by some reputable person opposing S/land governments stance. On the question whether he can or cant do anything about is due to the despotic attributes of the goovernment your revere.
  13. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Since when USC became beelo? The USC I've seen was a punch of drug addicts led by the Hitler of Africa. USC was used to substitute for the original word in order to respect the golden rules of SOL, but then again any apt SOLer would have figured that out...
  14. Originally posted by me: Ma wada tashanaa? Uu Maleyn ma..! Nayrus I think there is a slight truth in the report of carmooyin.com cause after all Eriterea is a total dictatorship country.
  15. Originally posted by me: Haa Soomaali baan ahay, barasho wanaagsan.
  16. Originally posted by me: Waa in aan hadii aan Soomaali nahay wada tashato, iskuna kalsoonaano. Adiga Soomaali maad tahey?
  17. “Haddii ruux ka mid ah 119-ka xubnood ee golaha dhaqanka iyo midnimada beelaha USC uu dhereg u dhinto waxaa mas’uul ka ah Maxamed Dheere” Guddoomiyaha golaha dhaqanka iyo midnimada beelaha USC Maxamed Xasan Xaad ayaa si kulul uga jawaabay eedeeymo iyo hadalo kala duwan oo maalintii shalay ka soo yeeray guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (M/Dheere) oo ahaa in qaraxyada ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ay ka dambeeyaan duqeyda dhaqanka ee USC, waxaana Mr. Xaad uu hadalkaasi ku tilmaamay mid laga xumaado oo aan qaban iyaga isla markaana ay tahay in Maxamed dheere uu raali gelin buuxda ka bixiyo. Xaad ayaa intaa ku daray in guddiga golaha dhaqanka iyo midnimada Beelaha USC aanu aheyn mid siyaasadeed balse uu yahay gola nabadeed oo ka shaqeeya dib u heshiisiinta isla markaana farta ku fiiqa xad gudubyada kala duwan ee ka dhacaya magaalada Muqdisho “Anagu Asmara tegi meyno mana socono, Maxamed dheerena magaalada isaga ma laha, i soo raaca haddii kale waa kula diriraa ma soconeyso, xiligii caga jugleyntana waaba laga soo gudbay, waxaana nahay dad xor ah oo fikirkooda aan la gabaneynin, haddii qaabka dowladda wax u wado aan dhaliil u soo jeedinana macnaheedu maahan in aan Asmara la heysano, anaguba dhaliil waa naloo soo jeedin karaa ilaa xad kaakiin hanjabaad meesha kuma jirto boosna ugama banaana” ayuu yiri Maxamed Xasan Xaad. Beesha caalamka iyo ummada Soomaaliyeedba waxaan u sheegeynaa in Maxamed dheere uu inoo hanjabay, Haddii ruux ka mid ah 119-ka xubnood ee golaha dhaqanka iyo midnimada B/USC uu dhereg u dhintana waxaa mas’uul ka ah Maxamed Dheere isaga ayaana loo raacanayaa” ayuu yiri Maxamed Xasan Xaad oo dhinaca kale nasiib daro aan horey loo arag ku tilmaamay in Maxamed Dheere oo sheeganaya mas’uuliyad dowladeed uu argagaxiso ku sheego shacab Soomaaliyeed oo ka barakacay dhibaatooyinka ka jira magaalada Muqdisho, wuxuuna tilmaamay in arintaasi ay tahay mid fool xun oo taariikhdu ay xusi doonto. Ugaaska Beesha Dayniile oo markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay mowqifkiisa ku wajahan shirka dib u heshiisiinta Qaran iyo colaadaha ka aloosan gobolada dhexe Ugaaska beesha Dayniile Ugaas C/qaadir Ugaas Xaashi Ugaas Faracade oo ku sugan degmada Ceelbuur ee gobolka Galgaduud ayaa ku tilmaamay dagaalada deegaano Wabxo iyo Maxaas ku dhexmaraya labada beelood ee Dayniile iyo Hiiraan mid nasiib daro ah oo aan loo baahneyn, isagoo beelahaasina ku tilmaamay iney ahaayeen ilaa hadadna yihiin kuwo deris iyo walaalaba ah oo deegaanada si nabdoon ugu wada noolaan jiray. Ugaaska ayaa intaa ku daray iney haatan ku howlan yihiin sidii loo joojin lahaa dagaalada ka socda deegaano ka tirsan gobolada dhexe ee Soomaaliya, iyagoo kaashanaya waxgaradka culumaa’udiinka iyo salaadiinta labada dhinac ee nabada jecel, wuxuuna tilmaamay oo kale ugaasku in khilaafka labada beelood ee keenay dagaalada ay dadka faraha badani ku hoobteen uu salka ku hayo dhul daaqsiin ah oo ku yaala soohdimaha dhulka ay labada beelood ee ood-wadaagta ku wada nool yihiin. “Waan tegeyaa goobaha labada beelood ee walaalaha ay ku dagaalameen waana ka qeyb qaadanayaa sidii loo heshiisiin lahaa waaba shaqadeyda iyo shaqadii ay aabeyaashayo iiga tageen waxaana ku rajo weynahay intey doontaba ha nagu qaadatee inaan heshiis nabadeed dhex dhigno labadaasi beelood, anagoo kaashaneyna qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada.
  18. Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir oo Odayaasha Beelaha USC ku eedeeyay in ay ka dambeeyaan Qaraxyada ka dhaca Magaalada Muqdisho Isniin, August 20, 2007(HOL): Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Muqdisho Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) oo maanta saxaafadda kula hadlayay xarunta Taliska Booliiska ayaa sheegay in qaraxyada iy dagaallada ka jira Muqdisho ay ka dambeeyaan Maxamed Xasan Xaad iyo Axmed Diiriye oo ka tirsan Golaha dhaqanka iyo midnimada ******. Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ayaa sheegay in odayashaas ay ka dambeeyaan dhibaatada ka taagan Muqdisho loona baahan yahay inay faraha kala baxaan arrimaha Muqdisho, haddii kale ay dhibaatada jirta guryahooda ugu imaan doonto, waa sida uu hadalka u yiriye. “Odayaasha ****** kuwa sheeganaya ayaa ka dambeeya dhibka ka jira Muqdisho, waayo waxay inta badan dabada ka wadaan dhibaato ka dhacda Caasimadda, waana uga digaynaa” ayuu yiri Maxamed Dheere oo hadalkiisa ay caro ka muuqato. Maxamed Dheere ayaa ku eedeyay odayaashaan inay ka dambeeyaan weerarkii lagu qaaday xaafadda Shibis, markii uu furmay shirka Qaran, ayna ku dileen 5-carruur ah, sidoo kalena ay ka dambeeyeen qarax lagu dilay 5-haween ah oo ka shaqeynayay Nadaafadda gobolka Banaadir. “Ha ogaadaan Axmed Diiriye iyo Maxamed Xasan Xaad, haddii ay ka waantoobi waayaan waxa ay faraha kula jiraan in ay la kulmi doonaan ciqaab adag, sidoo kalena ay dalka ka carari doonaan, iyagoo laabta ku heynaya in kuwa gadaal ka riixaya ay yihiin kuwa ka soo hadlaya dalka Eritrea iyo meelo ka dhaadheer” ayuu yiri Maxamed Dheere. Guddomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir, ahna Duqa Muqdisho Maxamed Dheere ayaa dhowr jeer oo hore ku eedeeyay Odayaasha Golaha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimada Beelaha ****** oo markaas isku duubnaa inay ka dambeeyaan dhibaatada ka jirta Muqdisho, waxayna dhowrkaas jeer oo hore sheegeen odayaashu in aysan ka dambeynin, iyadoo haatanna aan la ogeyn jawaabta ay ka bixin doonaan eedeynta uu u soo jeediyay Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online
  19. Cabdulaahi Yuusuf:- Geedi Waa Nin Tigree ah Somali maahan Meeshana Aniga Kuma Haayo ee waxaa ku haayo meles zanaawi (hadal sir ah oo aan ka helnay mid ka mid ah odayaasha beelaha USC Madaxweynaha Somaliya Md:Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa waxaa uu eedeyn kulul u jeeday Ra'isulwasaaraha Somaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi asigoo ku eedeeyay In Uu Yahay nin Tigree ah oo aan Somali aheen kuna shaqeeyo kaliya amarka Ra'isulwsaaraha itoobiya males zanaawi Cabdulaahi Yuusuf ayaa Hadalkaan waxuu u sheegay Odayaal Ka Socday Beelaha USC oo Ka Codsaday in uu Geedi Ku Bedelo Shaqsi U Umada Somaliyeed Isu Keeni Kara, Yuusuf ayaa waxuu u sheegay odayaashii u tegay in uusan Bedeli Karin Cali Geedi uuna Isku Dayay In uu Bedelo Dhowr Jeer Lakiin uu Ku Guuleysan Waayay Cabdulaahi Yuusuf oo Arinkaas odayaasha Kala Hadlaayay sida aan kasoo xiganay oday shirkaasi ka qeeb galay ayaa waxaa uu Yiri: "itoobiya waxey leedahay Somali amxaaro iyo oromo Lakiin Geedi waa Nin Tigree ah Somali maahan Aniguna Meesha Kuma Haayo ee waxaa Ku Haayo Meles Zanaawi ee asiga ka codsada in uu idinka bedelo maxaa yeelay anigu mar hore ayaaba ka bedeli lahaa hadaan awood u leeyahay" Cabdulaahi Yuusuf ayaa waxuu intaasi ku daray in uu ahaa ujeedkiisa markii uu ogolaanaayay in ay dalka soo galaan Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah in ay u qabtaan Dalka Sidii hada Ka hor puntland ugu qabteen, ayna nabadeyaan Magaalada Moqdisho, Lakiin waxuu sheegay in Geedi uu noqday sidii maamule shirkadeeda uuna dalkii Uu bedelay Shirkad Ganancsi oo Kaligiis Siduu Rabo Isaga Maamulnaayo, asigoo kaashanaayo saxiibadiisa Itoobiyaanka. Hadalka Cabdulaahi yuusuf ayaa waxuu kusoo aaday ayidoo la hadal haayo maalmahaan Khilaaf Xoogan oo soo kala dhex galay Labada Mas'uul ee ugu sareeyo Xakuumada Somaliya Waxuuna Muujinaa Hadalka Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Heerka uu Gaaray Xiriirka Labada Mas'uul. Cabdulaahi Yuusuf oo ah Nin waayeela ayaa waxaa loo doortay jagada Madaxtinimada Somaliya oo uu Mudo dheer usoo dagaalamaayay Sanadkii 2004 waxuuna ra'isulwasaaraha itoobiya males zanaawi ku qasabay in uu Cali maxamed Geedi oo ah Nin dhalinyara u magacaabo jagada wasiirkada kowaad, lakiin xiliyadan danbe ayaawaxaa aad Looga Deyrinayaa xaaladiisa Caafimaad. labada mas'uul ee xukuumada ugu sareeya ayaa waxaa lugu xantaa inay labadaba isgaadayan oo aysan jirin kalsooni buuxdo oo ay isku qabaan ayidoo midba midkale uu ku fikiraayo sidii uu uga takhalusi lahaa oo uu males zanaawi kalsoonidiisa guuleysan lahaa,taas oo muujineyso in mas'uuliyiinta Soomaaliyeed ay yihiin kuwa ayagu aanan goaa,an ka gaari Karin xaalada maamul ee umadda ayna yahiin dad looga taliyo Addis abeba.
  20. Saxiib, may be there is a slightly valid points in your stance aginst SMN, and I dont dispute that neither do I intend. Simply for the reason you are independent to hold such views. But what is alarmingly questionative is the fact you use as resources for back-up an articule written by a coward, scumbag, dirty scounderel and a charecter who deserves no respect from his peers let alone us, Bahailu Damte . SMN is at first used as a reference by Interational Media in matters concerning Somalia, and am sure your opposition is narrowed down to the fact of clan hatred, which a common syndrome in and around you. But that is beside the point - but why sxb, and why do you refer to an article written by Xabashi dirt who blindly supports the Zenawi regime. Why couldnt you just come up with your own article listing the misgivings of SMN, am sure it would have had more respect. But Bahailu Damte damn , I guess you share with him his loyalty to Zenawi. uuuuufffff.!!! You stooped low - 'wa baahanahey baqtiga loma cuno'.
  21. Very unfortunate indeed where some have to resort to the scums of this earth to bring forward their stance: Who is Bahailu Damte: Behailu is an Oromo Ethiopian living in the US. He was born in 1965 in Adama City, within Oromia State of Ethiopia. He graduated from Addis Ababa University after majoring in English. He has interests in a small restaurant in Washington DC where he lives with his family. He is a proud father of two children. And the following is few quotes from responses of his peers in comments he makes: Who is Berhanu Damte? another apologist for the regime? Why is he attacking the messenger? where did the UN condomned New York Times? The reporter has visited ****** and knows the facts first hand. Berhanu Damte is in DC and telling us New York Times is wrong. what is your name? Behailu. This is a completely one-sided trash that I regretted taking my good time reading the article. You should be open enough to state that aid agencies have fears of straining their relations with governments if they expose governments interferences and related matters.... How many people have been and are being killed in the name of OLF, CUD, ONLF, and many more oppositions, many as human right activists, and journalists and anything and anyone who tries to practice their God-given rights! We are FED UP, BORED of bad governance and false arguments as this one. Behailu Damte What is your writing about, are you a vanguard to the inhuman woyane government? You are trying to pass a deceiving message to the public. Your comment on Jeffery Gentleman lacks substance. Your way to convince the public is appreciated but it lacks facts and truths to attract your readers. First of all the journalist was on the place where the merciless tragedy was taking place. That is his initial point to report the truth. How could you say that the journalist is a propagandist? Do you mean he is working to make happy the ONLF... If you recognize have a normal thinking power, this time internally and externally woyane is in real trouble. The land where he stands is a loose surface. It is like a land susceptible to a land slide that will broken down any time and let the woynae burry beneath it. If you have done any blunder then be ready to accompany your cruel comrades. Shame to you! And there is many more. Hence someone with a Somali flag avatar to refer to such a trash ( Berhanu Damte ) is actually very unfortunate.But then again that is how low people will reach to sell their dignity. And sxb, re-read your thread before you irk the 'golden-rules' of SOL.
  22. Originally posted by Jimcaale: ^Why not. He thought good Qeydiid would bring back stability to Moqdisho. I like your benchmark.....
  23. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Waa yaab, wax walba Axmaaro miyaa ka danbaynayso? Oo adeer dagaaladi kuwaane ka horeeyene. Axmaaro marmarsiiyo ayay wax walbaaba u noqotay. Somali waligeed kici mayso intay marmarsiiyo wax walbaaba ka dhiganayso. Xasha ! Through personal experience I found out first hand in aad tahey nin aan abaal laheyn, lakiin it is clear midka Axmarada waad ku dheer tahey.
  24. Even hope is in short supply as violence flares in Mogadishu WHO was behind the murder in the past week of two prominent journalists in Mogadishu, Somalia’s wretched capital city? Ali Imam Sharmake, the director of the country’s respected HornAfrik Radio, was killed while returning home from the funeral of a colleague, Mahad Ahmed Elmi, head of the city’s Capital Voice Radio. Mr Elmi, also a popular presenter, had been shot dead earlier the same day by unknown attackers. Mr Sharmake's jeep was blown up by a remote-controlled landmine—the cowardly assailants watching from a nearby alley. The double killing was a miserable reminder in the rubble-strewn city of how far Somalia has to travel if it is ever to become a normal country. Both men had been defiant in the face of threats, providing balanced reporting on the tense local situation. The Somali government said the killings were “obviously” the work of Islamist insurgents and quickly picked up two men it says were responsible. The suspects were also accused of trying to murder a Reuters correspondent. Were Islamists behind it all? The device that shredded Mr Sharmake was apparently of a type used by Islamist fighters in the city, but no one really knows. Life in Somalia, for journalists and other civilians alike, remains perilous and miserable. The killings in Mogadishu are not going away. This week alone at least 30 people have been murdered and 60 seriously injured, most of them civilians. In one incident a grenade was thrown at police from a crowd. In the chaos that followed somebody, perhaps a policeman, let fly with a gun and several others were killed or injured. Elsewhere there were also bombings, mortars, attempted suicide attacks and sniper fire. Life grinds on, but insecurity keeps down an already feeble economy. Unlike Iraq, Somalia has no oil revenues (although some, including Chinese firms, are rumoured now to be looking) or Pentagon job schemes to keep poverty at bay. Some 1.5m Somalis, about 20% of the population, are thought to need humanitarian aid. An estimated 3,000 civilians flee Mogadishu each week, most of them to disease-ridden camps at the edge of the city. The World Food Programme says that since June insecurity has made proper distributions of food impossible. Even the sea is unsafe: some food shipments have been intercepted by pirates. Mogadishu, in any case, remains too dangerous for non-Somalis to visit. So most outsiders with an interest in helping the country do their talking in Nairobi, the capital of next-door Kenya. The Somali government wants to create a Green Zone for foreign visitors, but that would not be likely to have much impact given the world’s indifference. America backed Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia in December, in order to bring down an Islamist group that had control of Mogadishu and much of the south of the country. The Americans have promised Somalia more cash and appointed a new envoy, based in Nairobi. But this seems to be little more than window-dressing. America’s main interest is not in creating regional stability but in catching a few suspected al-Qaeda operatives, who may or may not be in Somalia. America is not alone in its clumsiness. A report issued this week by Human Rights Watch, an NGO, blamed the Somali government and Ethiopia for the deaths of hundreds of civilians in fighting in Mogadishu earlier this year. The shelling of neighbourhoods, occasionally with phosphorous bombs, and summary executions of civilians, caused 400,000 people to flee the city. Oddly, the report made little of the Islamist insurgents, whose fighters took cover in the neighbourhoods. Ethiopia, in particular, was bitter in its denial of the report's findings, calling it “factually and morally repugnant”. But Ethiopia was meant to be gone from Somalia in February, to be replaced with peacekeepers from the African Union. The fact that it is still the main occupying force reflects the listlessness of the AU operation. So far, of 8,000 peacekeepers promised by the AU only 1,600 Ugandan troops have arrived. Meanwhile, the Islamist insurgents are evidently as determined as ever, remaining a threat to Somalis and, perhaps, to their neighbours as well. Aug 17th 2007 From Economist.com