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Everything posted by Juje
Originally posted by Paragon: If, however, they claim to have genuine and sincere wish to see the country liberated from Ethiopian occupation, let them come with more tangible concerns than this. To be honest, it is a shameful act to always look for petty excuses to change their stances. Why don't they be men enough and label themselves 'The Opportunists in the Middle' from henceon? Only then we wouldn't be dealing with the nonsense they fashion as being genuine support! Para sxb the moment you accept that we can share same principle but differ in approach and implementation of tasks will be healthy, constructive and productive. If you on the other hand jump to the conclussion that any finger of criticism towards Asmara declaration and label it as cynicism then you are not being fair. Was the conference vital to unify national consensus, YES. Was it necessary to establish united front with working committes and organisations, YES. Will it help in the fight against Ethiopian colonialism and their stooges both through the battlefield and the harnassing of international support and recognition, YES. In spite of all above what was needed was to produce and struct a body that is capable and representable through merit and ability. And if you are telling me that Indhacadde falls under such group sxb, then you really have an issue that you need to bring on surface.
Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^lool. Adeer that would be telling. Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool..! Ok Duke thanx for telling, I promise you I wont ask you again.
Originally posted by The Duke: Though a top level delegate has arrived in Puntland including the Police chief, Ministers and so on. War hedhe I dont want 'though' from you sxb, give me solid reasons as to why the PM is not in the delegation.
Originally posted by Socod_badne: Indhacadde maybe a controversial fella but there's nothing controversial about his appointment. The only lingering doubt is whether he is up to the task. Time well tell. You cant have both ways sxb. As you say his a contreversial charecter hence his appointment should be similar beyond argument. How much time do you need to comprehend that his appointment has disillusioned many who had hope in the outcome of Asmara conference, purely for the reasons that it did not portray them to be sincere in their approach to counter the difficulties facing Somalia by appointing same person who was more or less responsible for the catastrophic failure of Shabab back in December 2006. This man who was controversial in his inclussion to the ICU at first time to be appointed again in a very high calibre position sxb raises doubts, and am sure the powers that be in Asmara did not give a hoot to this problem when they chose to include him again. Just watch it backfire to them and they are already loosing supporters by thousands just simply cause of Indhacaddes appointment. By my prediction I would not be suprised to see a splinter group formed opposed to the Asmara group coming from within.
Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^The media was reporting he would be arriving in Puntland adeer. So the media you quoted are not reliable?
^^ Disregarding your attempt to deviate from the subject matter,what I would like to ask you is GEEDI STILL COMING TO PUNTLAND? ? Mind how you answer the question sxb.
Somaliland arrests those who went to Asmara meeting outch
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: Ilaahay igama dhigo ee ha i habaarin niyow Ramadaanta waa la iska aqbalaaye Ok we will throw in the Foreign Ministry as well, and you get a free hand to name Ambassadora as well, sowhat do you say, do you accept this in the spirit of Ramadaan? -
Somaliland arrests those who went to Asmara meeting outch
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: Lesson to all the biidhi qaatayaasha in Somaliland .... the destiny of the losers and final destination of the dollar-driven individuals. # Easy with the strong words sxb, knowing how easily you could be tempted - you could be the next TFG MP hailing from SL... -
Originally posted by The Duke: quote: It is only you in SOL who is throwing his name around.. Juje, I feel sorry for you, in your quest to keep shadowing the Duke, you forget your own tracks. It was you dear lad who named this individual on SOL, months ago before he was even part of any real group. You even placed the mans picture.. Juje Another big time looser Tarzan source- Sorry And you thought you had a scoop there , did you poor lad? Did you see me praising him ever since then, to me he was a losser then and is still a losser - infact I will put him in a rank lil bit higher than you cause he opposes 'gumeysi' but he endorses dark forces he knows not of. So is Geedi coming to Punmtland still orhas there been change of plans?
Originally posted by The Duke: Thus keep hoping after all Tarzan and Sharif Xasan will not bring any change.. You are so much agitated by this Tarzan dude arent you sxb? It is only you in SOL who is throwing his name around..
Originally posted by AYOUB: ^^ I hope he won't have an "accident" like Suldaan Hurre among others.
The latest twist in this saga ever expands, it is believed that Yeey has a delicate weapon in his possesion which will help him get rid of Geedi as PM. In one of the prime resolutions that emerged from the Ali Mahdi project,the NCR , was that that TFG establish or include individuals in the TFG cabinet from outside the TFG parliament. The US encouraged such move and promised to spoinsor it fully should that cabinet mirror the aspiration of the Somali people. Yeey wants to take that motion to the parliament and insist it is the only way forward, however no one knows who he wants to bring from outside, but anything will be better than the current cabinet and their PM.
Originally posted by The Duke: You have been sticking to this story even keeping it alive since June. What happened since then? 1. The landmark NRC supported by the world. 2. The Saudi accord hosted none other than King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz. 3. The US support for the Arab and AU force. 4. The isolation of Asmara and its rag tag defeated rebels. Should one go on. Yes indeed, lets go on; 5. Capture of haul of arms designated to Geedi by TFg security aparatus. 6. The arrest of TFG Chief Judge 7. The sacking of National prosecutor By Geedi - and the prosecutor dismissing it as 'ignorant action'. 8. The claim by TFG minister in BBC that Geedi has stole TFG funds amounting to over $30m. 9. Deputy Speaker of Parliament,Dalxa, declaring that the TFG conflict should be resolved by the parliament need I go on...?
Ok Duke it is clear now that you have failed to make use of the amnesty we offered you in coming clean over the much reported dispute within the clashes of the Axmaro stooges, the TFG. We excepted you to acknowledge and outline the parameters of the crises and narate how your glorious TFG would overcome such self inflicted TFG farce. But you show to remain, as ever, hard headed and suprisingly you straight forward denied the very existance of the problem. First and foremost to clear matters, I doubt whether any opposition to the presence of Axmaro and their stooges, TFG, is pinning hope on this satarical skirmish amid Yeey and Geedi. Simply for the reason it does not alter the primary tenet which is the elimanation of the TFG and their masters Ethiopia. The farce in TFG if anything will help in convincing the International opinion that they have backed the wrong horse in Somalia. They have given recognition to a group who have no idea of governance, who have no knowledge of building a nation but rather are inclined to its destruction. And most of all have put their weight behind assisting a group who hardly know the starting point of national reconciliation. This my frined Duke is how the fiasco in the TFG will help - but other than that 'aluta continua'.
Originally posted by The Duke: The hope now is the TFG fighst itself since defeating it is no more than apipe dream. So do you accept the TFG in-fighting - which is our 'faint' hope?
I doubt whether this could be solved by the Ethiopian FM. Bearing in mind that they also believe that Geedi has cheated them out of their fair 'share' of he missing funds.
You must be having a laugh...lool!
Asmara group brings in warlord IndaCade [same old clan joke]
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Duke is clearly on steriods today... loooool...indeed. But he has a point on the re-emergence of Indhacadde.It does not sell good. -
Mogadishu: Banadir admin appoints new deputies tightens grip on business
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^Who will be shown the exit? Thats quite simple adeer, the anti-governemnt groups led by the vampire business groups, the clan militias hiding in parts of the capital, the media outlets that parrot clan hysteria and so on. These will join their happless leaders in exile. I hope you gained the answer you was looking for adeer. No I did not, these other groups whatever bloody name you give them is not news tonite , tell me what is happening at your front. Bear in mind we are giving you all ample and oppurtunity to give us your readings into it, and that if you dont do it tinite we will not accept anything you say tommorow or after when all hell breaks loose. Duke sxb iska biixi naqaska. -
Mogadishu: Banadir admin appoints new deputies tightens grip on business
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by The Duke: Juje, whats the real issue adeer. You seem to have much pain in your heart. Want to share it with us? Loooooooooooooooooooool....! We know where the pain is tonite , am trying to help you release your frustration but you seem not to understand. So tell me who will be shown the exit? -
Mogadishu: Banadir admin appoints new deputies tightens grip on business
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Common Duke sxb, talk to us about the real issue in hand, stop this deviation. You are the TFG expert, tell us who will be sacrificed to brimg TFG back online? -
I started this thread back in June and TFG supporters led by the eccentrically pragmatic Duke were on my throat dismissing the whole notion. It had come out to the open and no matter what damage limitations they try to use here in SOL they cant put a lid on it. Hence I will rather prefer they talked to us about it and find out how deep it is. So far we know what led to the current deadlock narrows down to among many things : 1) The arrest of the Chief Judge of TFG 2) the missing of over $32 m. - which were funds for the TFG and no one knows where it went except the PM In view to the above I favour the Yeey camp as far as the TFG constitution is concerned - Geedi has amazed lot of hard money meant for the Somali people and if Yeey is asking for the whereabouts of this then he is on the right. However a according to BBCSomali the outcome of this confluct will entirely depend on how the main power brokers in Somalia, Ethiopia, arbitrate the situation. Thus any of the two , Yeey or Geedi who has the blessing of the Axmaro will emerge as victorious and the other one will be evicted from the scene. My bet is that Yeey will win this and will see the political demise of Geedi and appoint another PM. What is your take?
Originally posted by The Duke: Simple really, if the weapons were Geedi's & Dheere's, which is what you are proposing. Then they must not have any power in Mogadishu what so ever as these weapons were confiscated by the security apparatus. Why dont you come out straight sxb, why the 'sarbeeb'? Just say point blanc that Geedi and co. are powerless in Xamar instead of attaching unrelated explanations. All we want from you, the well informed TFG supporter - how deep is the conflict?
Originally posted by Emperor: No conspiracy theoreis Juje, If you have facts present it otherwise Ramadaan Kariim Ramadaan Kariim sxb. You create or plan consipiracy theories amid two intelligent parties or individuals - what is there between these two buffons - open any web page and you will seein detail the conflict beytween Yeey and Geedi. You have been denying for long time see if you can put a lid on it now.
The weapons shipments are reported to belong to PM Geedi. Why is the PM buying and bringing into the country such vast and heavy weapons, what is going on? Duke, any answers?