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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Originally posted by -: Ma diinkii dhaanka luu diraa ciimada Burundi. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooool...!
  2. Originally posted by The Duke: even if he stays and creats a smaller cabinet filled with technocrats, then it would be a move in the right direction. I wonder where you picked that from?
  3. Originally posted by The Duke: There are mechanisam's in place here dear lad. Such as?
  4. Originally posted by Emperor: ^It was good point made, I too agree with the incompetency of Geedi and his government, No wonder thou Juje finds that a relief, I glad he feels better.... Looooooooooooooooooooool!!! Yep sxb, relieved that you have at last come to realise the uselesness of this government
  5. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: quote:Originally posted by Emperor: ^It matters less if one wants Geedi out or not, but the fact of the matter is that the time for his Government is over, it had three years to introduce the federal charter and the states, and also to take public census or otherwise fall, it hadn't done any of that and the deadline is on the 12th of October 2007, there are no signs that his government will achieve and complete that in the next few days hence it will go out of office. Plain and Simple. Well,Glad we agree on the uselessness of the TFG. Good One Faarax, splendid point indeed..
  6. U.S. Congressmen Support Sanctions On Ethiopia Mayur Pahilajani - AHN News Writer Thursday, October 04, 2007 Washington, D.C. (AHN) - The US House of Representatives showed their support for a bill that would impose travel sanctions on Ethiopian officials and block military assistance to the country. The bill, which was passed on Tuesday, is a measure to force Ethiopian government to improve its track on democracy and human rights. Meanwhile, the bill was criticized by the Bush administration because Ethiopia is an important U.S. military ally in the African continent. Legislator Donald Payne told BBC, that the bill, called the Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act, "was passed because there has been a serious problem with democracy in Ethiopia." The bill was introduced by the Congressmen as there have been many reports on the rise of human rights violence in Ethiopia. The country has reported violence after the crackdown on opposition supporters after 2005 elections. Ethiopia is regarded as an important U.S. ally in the region to fight against its "war on terror" and the Al-Qaeda group. Last year, the U.S. had supported Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia, which increased human rights violations in its eastern ****** region bordering Somalia. Additionally, U.S. troops have trained Ethiopian soldiers to protect their borders, reports say. The bill stresses Ethiopia to bring democratic reforms in to the country, release imprisoned opposition leaders, to punish the security forces violating human rights, to form an independent judiciary system and to maintain the freedom of press. If the bill becomes law, it will also impose sanctions on the military aid of at least $1.5 million, reports BBC. According to reports, Ethiopian government has accepted that last year its security forces killed around 200 civilians who were protesting against the controversial election. "Two years later people are still being imprisoned. There's still problems in the ****** region. People are having food kept away from them. That's why we finally said we need to move forward with it, Legislator Payne told BBC. Source: AHN, Oct 04, 2007 And to say that Ethiopia came to help the TFG to establish themselves..lol. Well according to the current picture the TFG is not doing bad in emulating its guardians.
  7. I thought hijacking was related to terrorism. Someone should report this to the marines..
  8. Duke sxb with all due respect you are becoming stale. You are reporting what we all ready knew and which you so vehemently denied. I suppose the only thing we can discuss with you now is why did you deny it in the first place, but then again knowing that you are made of 'dul aan cebta karin' it is better to move on. So tell me sxb who is Yeey choice going to be, or you have not yet reached that stage? We already have in the hat the favourite Ali Mahdi at 5/1 strongly followed by some one who was a rank outsider and still not known in the Somali political arena - same tribe of the PM and Mahdi and standing as 7/1 is Ali Ismail Jimcaale ( I hope I got that right) a Professor residing in the States and has the backing of US who wants to trim the cabinet to twelve ministers working and able. Others are 10/1 Farax Sindico, Hussein Bood, and believe it or not Abdi Qasiim Salaad. This is where we are Duke, not that Geedi is going, that is yesterdays news.
  9. ^^ The fasting.... ...! What did you expect from a militant press-release sxb, diplomacy?
  10. Looooooooooooooooool....! This is aint fair sxb, you guys have something against cross-dresses or what. Istaqfurullah..!
  11. Looooooooooooooooool....! This is aint fair sxb, you guys have something against cross-dresses or what. Istaqfurullah..!
  12. Looooooooooooooooool....! This is aint fair sxb, you guys have something against cross-dresses or what. Istaqfurullah..!
  13. Originally posted by The Duke: The TFG [political masters of the AU forces] havenothing to gain by torching the market. The defeated groups who have lost revenue because of their exile, will as soem are doing highlight to the world that the governemnt and allies are trying to destroy property and so on. The TFG does not need help of others to convince the rest of the World that it is total failure, it is doing a great job of it in its own.
  14. Warar kale oo ku soo kordhay dabka caawa ka kacay suuqa Bakaaraha Dabkii caawo ka kacay suuqa Bakaaraha, oo markiisii hore ka soo bilowday halkii horay u aheyd Kawaankii suuqa oo ku beegan afaafka hore ee suuqa laga soo galo marka laga imaanaya dhinaca Isgoyska Bakaaraha, ayaa ku sii fiiday qeybaha Rinjiga, Bacadlaha, Khudaarta & Hilibka, wuxuuna dabku sii kulaalayaa qeybta Sarifka Dollarka oo ka mid ah goobaha ay yaalaan hantida ugu badan ee suuqaasi, mana jiraan ilaa haatan wax gurmad ah oo suuqaasi soo gaaray si loola tacaalo dabka sii fidiya, iyadoo ganacsatadu ay ka cabanayaan ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda oo ku sugan hareeraha suuqa isla markaana xabbado ku ridaya baabuurta gurmad ahaanta ugu soo socota suuqa Ra’isul wasaaraha xukuumada federaalka Cali Max’ed Gedddi oo warbaahinta ka hadlay ayaa ka codsaday ciidamada dowladda in ay waddooyinka u furaan baabuurta dab-damiska ah si ay u helaan waddo ay ka galaan suuqa Bakaaraha, mana jiraan ilaa hadda hal baabuur oo dab damis ah oo soo gaaray suuqa, waxeyna wararku sheegayaan in suuqa ay ka soconayaan bililiqo xoogan oo ay wadaan kooxaha burcada ah, lamana kala garanayo qofka hantidiisa badbaadsanaya & burcadka bililiqo doonka ah. Waxaan idiin balanqaadeynaa insha ALLAAH in aad idinla soo socodsiino hadbka halka uu marayo dabka caawa ka kacay suuqa Bakaaraha.
  15. Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee dabka caawa ka kacay suuqa Bakaaraha Caawa fiidkii ayaa mar qura waxaa uu dab ka kacay qeybo ka mid ah suuqa weyn ee Bakaaraha oo ah suuqa ugu weyn Geeska Afrika, iyadoo ilaa haatan aanan si rasmi ah loo ogeyn sababaha dhaliyey dabkaasi, waxeyna wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee ka imaanaya dabkaasi sheegayaa in uu dabka gebi ahaanba baabiíyey suuqii Bacadlaha. Goobaha uu dabka saameeyey ayaa waxaa ka mid ah qeybta lagu iibiyo Rijniga, qeybta Bacadlaha dharka, & qeybta qudaarta, iyadoo aysan jirin cid xil iska saartay in ay demiso dabkaasi, waxeyna dadku suáalo badan iska weydiinayaan sababaha ay ciidamada dowladda federaalku ugu soo gurman waayeen in ay demiyaan dabkaasi, taasoo aad moodo in ay xoojineyso eedeymo ay dadka qaar ku eedeynayaan dowladda federaalka in ay ka danbeyso daWaxaan idiin balanqaadeynaa insha ALLAAH in aad idinla soo socodsiino hadbka halka uu marayo dabka caawa ka kacay suuqa Bakaaraha. Xafiiska wararka ee , Muqdisho Soomaliya dayniilecom@hotmail.com
  16. C/raxmaan Diinaari " Xil kastoo la ii dhibo waxaa iiga qiimo badan in aanka dhiidiyo dhiigga shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo qubanaya taas oo aansafiirnimo qaxooti ka doortay Afhayeenkii hore ee DFKM isla markaana xiliyadii ugu danbeeyey kumagacaawnaa danajiraha DFKMS u fadhiya dalka Suriya mudane CabdiraxmaanNuur Maxamed ( Diinaari ) ayaa mar ay shabakaddan warbaahinta ceelbuurnet.com kula kulantay magaalada Stockholm ee dalka Sweden usheegay in uusan jago kasta oo loo dhiibo siisan karin dhiiga shacabkaSoomaaliyeed ee maatida ah ee maalin kasta madaafiicda lagu xasuuqayoiyadoo aan loo aabo yeeleeyn caruur , haween iyo waayeelba . Diinaari oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa yiri "waxaan ahay muwaadin Soomaliah sidaa darteed marna ma qaadan karo xasuuqa lagu hayo shacabkaSoomaliyeed iyadoo qorshahana ay wadato dowladda Itoobiya ayaan haddanamasuuliyiinta ugu sareeysa dowladdu aysan waxba ka oran karin iyagoo ucabsanaya naftooda"C/raxmaan Diinaari oo DFKMS u soo qabtay jagooyinka Afhayeenka dowladdaiyo Danajiraha DFKM u fadhiya dalka Suuriya isagoo dowladii Carta lagu soodhisayna ka soo qabtay jagada wasiirka ganacsiga ayaa wuxuu haatan goostayinuu magangaliyo siyaasadeed weeydiisto dowladda Sweden markii uu arkay inqaabka ay DFKM wax u wado aan habayaraatee dowlad lagu noqoneeyn balselagu xasuuqayo shacab aan waxba galabsan.Diinaari ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in xubno ka tirsan DFKM . DowladdaItoobiya iyo waliba dowlado kale oo uu ka gaabsaday inuu magacaabo ayweerar ku yihiin diinta Islaamka iyagoo u adeegsanaya magaca argagaxisosidaa darteedna maadama uu yahay nin Muslin islamarkaana muwaadin Soomaliah uusan ka qeyb qaadan karin weerarkaa lagu hayo diinta islaamka taasoouu tusaale u soo qaatay dadkii qaxootiga ahaa ee guryahoodii lagabarakiciyey islamarkaana lagu magacaabay argagaxisada.Is dhiibitaanka uu C/raxmaan Diinaari oo ka mid ahaa xubnaha ugu muhiimsanee DFKM oo uu iska dhiibay ayaa waxeey dhabarjab kale ku noqoneeysaadowladda oo haatanba ay u dhaxeeyso xurguf xagga siyaasadda ah oo soo kaledhexgashay Madaxweynaha iyo Raiisulwasaaraha. Cabdi Cumar AfraxStockholm Xafiiska wararka ee , Stockholm Sweden dayniilecom@hotmail.com Any wild guesses what made him change colour, could it be that the appointment to Syria did not materilaise.
  17. Originally posted by Tahliil: Sorry to disappoint you Juje...but that actually was my way of saying instead of yapping and yowling for the sake of yapping and yowling, be analytical and ask the applicable questions first then lynch...not the other way around And I asked sxb, and you have yet to answer. Will it be wrong to assume then it was all hollow excuses from your side rather than 'yapping and yowling ' from me.Since you have no substential explanation I have to accept Ngonge's illustration at face value.
  18. Originally posted by Saalih: Good thing Indhocade doesnt have an uncle like abdullahi yusuf or Hiiraale on SOL who will protect him no matter every mistake and whole he goes into if that happened every indhocade post would be followed by a thousand posts just like duke and horn do it when their uncles are touched. Loooooooooooool....! This is definately a point the admin should ponder, and seek to recruit a nephew of Indhacade into SOL.. That aside since you come to being the closest is there any chance you can take that role while the admin go into search mode.. Tahlil sxb am still waiting for your useful info regarding the mystery seven months, though Ngonge was helpful I doubt whether he can be relied to have a inside story..
  19. Originally posted by Tahliil: It’s all indhocade this or indhacase that…has anyone asked himself where he has been for the past 7 months? Ever get curious of why he was selected for that post in absentia? Where the hell has he been in 7 months? What was the circumstances surrounding his selection? These are the right questions to ask, Please tell us, and take us out of our suprising curiousity, thank you.
  20. Here we go again much of innuendo and avoiding the facts. Lets be clear on one thing that those who have lost their lives in the fields in the battle against Ethiopan forces deserve nothing less than to be honoured and if I said anything in contrary I stand corrected and render my apologies. However I believe what I was questioning here, which I believe was the theme of the thread, was the leadership that has set them out in that very miscalculated task. As much as the young jihadist were prudent and commited to their believe it was however not in parallel with the dubious sincerity of their commanders who can be termed as being nothing short than conspiracy. While thousands of committed and devoted lives were lost in the battle field the commanders such as Roobo and Indhacadde went to Xaaj soon and during the height of the heated battle. And in later stages when hundreds were avoiding the fierce air attacks of the AC-130 the prime leader was fished out by the supposed enemy and given refuge in a five star hotel in Nairobi. Hence my friends Tahliil and Kashafa what I question is not the motive of the jihadist but the commanders who inspite of previous vital misgivings have been reinstated in similar heirarchy. Thus by questioning this if it warrants such comment : The thoroughbreds who lined the fields of combat fighting against Ethiopian aggression don't need ur approval. Not then, and mos def not now. Try and remember that as history is being written in Somalia, you and your ilk are nothing but insignificant back-wash with nowhere to go. Relics of a bygone generation with no convictions but that of the Clan.....Al-Qabiil. then I can only assume it is defence of very nature of which am accused of 'Al-Qabiil'.
  21. Originally posted by Tahliil: Please don't smear, don't belittle, don't slander and don't make harmful and untrue statements about the good name of the soldiers who lost thier lives while defending honor, justice, morality and nobility in their OWN country againts the Tigrinyan aggression...by saying they were sent to their death by Indhacade...They died,those noble Somali men, for what they believed in...a concept that seems totally alien to some SOL members Typical Somali, not accepting blame. They blame it on everybody else but themselves or much better they glorify it as Tahliil is doing it.
  22. Baarlamaanka oo soo hadal qaaday khilaafka madaxweynaha & raísul wasaaraha & xildhibaan si gaar ah uga warbixiyey waxa uu ku saleysan yahay khilaafka labada masuul Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka ee fadhigoodu yahay magaalada Baydhabo ayaa labadii cisho ee u danbeeyey isla soo qaaday qodobka ku saabsan khilaaf muddooyinkii u danbeeyey la hadal haye inuu u dhexeeyo madaxweynaha dowladda federaalka & raísul wasaarihiisa, waxeyna dooda xildhibaanadu ku biyo shubatay in arrintaasi ay soo eegaan, kana soo talo bixiyaan qaabka loo wajahayo guddiyo madax looga dhigay guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka. Xildhibaanada qaar ayaa muujiyey in khilaafka madaxdu ku saabsan yahay arrimo siyaasadeed & dhaqaale, isla markaana qodobka ugu weyn ee ay isku haystaani ay tahay arrinta la xiriiro shidaalka laga baarayo Puntland, oo madaxweynuhuna doonayo in qaraarkaas la laalo, halka raisul wasaaruhu u ololeynayo in baarlamaanku ka doodo, kana soo saaro goáamo ad-adag, iyadoo socdaalkii la filayey in raísul wasaaruhu ku tago Puntland loo baajiyey sababo la xiriiro madaxweyne Cadde oo diiday booqashada Geeddi. Xildhibaan ka tirsan baarlamaanka, oo ka gaabsaday in magaciisa la xuso ayaa sheegay in madaxweynaha & raísul wasaaraha ay ku socdaan labo wado oo is diidan, wuxuuna sheegay in madaxweynuhu doonayo in uu ka taqaluso Geeddi, isla markaana u sheego baarlamaanka in dhinaciisa ay kaga soo dhammaatay Geeddi, iyaguna ay goáan ka gaaraan, halka Geeddi uu ku guuleystay in uu kalsooni ka helo inta ugu badan xildhibaanada baarlamaanka. “Geeddi wuxuu la heshiiyey dhammaan xildhibaanada beesha ****** ee ku jira baarlamaanka, wuxuuna ku guuleystay in uu taageero buuxda ka helo xubnihii hogaamiye kooxeedyada la oran jiray ee baarlamaanka ku jiray, C/llaahi Yuusuf wuxuu doonayey isagoo adeegsanaya garsoorka in uu xilka ka qaado Geeddi, taasina ma dhicin, marka haddii baarlamaanku uu soo gaaro khilaafaadka siyaasadeed waxaan u wajaheynaa sida uu axdigu qabo, waxaadna moodnaa in weli ay qarinayaan C/llaahi Yuusuf & Geeddi” ayuu yiri xildhibaankaas. C/fataax Aweys Xuseen-E-mail: diinle66@hotmail.com Xafiiska wararka ee , Qaahira Masar dayniilecom@hotmail.com
  23. Originally posted by Kashafa: Fatxun minnallahi wa nasrun qareeb. Ilahoow umadaas masaakeenta uugargaar. Amiin...!