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We have decided to take your life' IN MOGADISHU: Men burn tires in the Somalian capital to protest the Ethiopian military intervention. Somalia is the deadliest country after Iraq for reporters. At least seven have been killed this year, journalist organizations report. As a Somalian journalist, he was used to threats and horrific violence. But a chilling phone call the day two colleagues were killed left him shaken. By Abukar Albadri, Special to The Times October 29, 2007 MOGADISHU, SOMALIA -- The voice on the other end of my cellphone was oddly calm, but intent. "Abukar, I am calling to inform you that we have decided to take your life," the caller said. I glanced down at my phone to see the caller ID, which read "private." "You're not worthy to live," the man continued. "You have three hours to tell your family and say your last words." "Who is this?" I demanded. "I am a man," was the reply. It wasn't my first death threat. As a journalist in Somalia, I've received more than I'd care to count. In some, angry callers curse me as a "puppet" of the U.N.-backed transitional government in Baidoa and the Ethiopian troops that support it. Others accuse me of being a "terrorist" supporting the Islamic insurgents. But this call came at the end of one of the darkest days of my life. Just a few hours earlier, I'd attended the funeral of a friend and colleague, Mahad Ahmed Elmi, a radio host gunned down that August morning. Then, as my fellow journalists and I drove back from the burial, a roadside bomb struck our convoy, killing Ali Iman Sharmarke, another prominent media figure in Mogadishu. This month, gunmen shot another friend, Bashir Nur Gedi, acting manager of Shabelle Radio, who had been arrested and detained by government forces in September. International journalist organizations say at least seven reporters have been killed in Somalia this year. No one has been caught or punished in any of these attacks. After I hung up, dozens of questions ran through my mind: What am I guilty of? Who is my enemy? Why am I being targeted? But for the first time, one question would not go away: Should I leave Somalia? Many times I'd stood over the graves of friends. Now I imagined friends and family weeping over mine. I began working as a journalist 10 years ago, at age 19, because I wanted to alert the world to the untold stories of Somalia. I had always admired an older cousin who had worked as a radio correspondent during the Mohamed Siad Barre regime, which fell in 1991. As a journalist in the capital, Mogadishu, I've covered street battles, assassinations and public executions. I've had guns pointed at my head and I've stepped over twisted bodies on the road. I've been summoned to news conferences in the presidential palace only to be detained by corrupt officials who demanded a bribe. Over the years, I've watched governments and authorities come and go. Warlords, Islamic courts, transitional governments. One thing stays the same: When new groups rise to power, they attack the media. Today journalists who have dedicated their lives to telling the stories of Somalia find themselves caught between suicidal insurgents and the blazing guns of the transitional government's mad soldiers. Each is trying to make the media its puppet. This year the government has arrested more than 50 journalists; eight remain behind bars. Officials have attempted to close media outlets and have imposed laws that restrict the activities of reporters. Somalia is the second deadliest country in the world for journalists, after Iraq, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. At the same time, insurgents have attacked and harassed us, distributing leaflets in many neighborhoods threatening to kill any journalist perceived as supporting the government. This summer we were flatly warned that we faced attacks if we covered the government's reconciliation conference. I used to think that with commitment, dedication and a strong heart, I could survive. Now I'm not so sure. This job can be rewarding. But sometimes it feels like a curse. During the reign of the Islamic Courts Union in 2006, I watched a guard tie a 50-year-old man to a stake after he was found guilty of stabbing another man to death. Then, in accordance with the regime's interpretation of Islamic law, the son of the victim stepped forward and cut the accused from his groin to his collarbone. Some women began to ululate in support, but many spectators vomited or passed out. I turned away. The scene took place outside a primary school, as students peered over the wall. I thought to myself: What is happening to my country? It got worse: In March angry crowds dragged the bodies of government soldiers and burned them on the streets. With bullets and missiles flying, I decided to take a couple of photographs, scrawl some quick notes and get away. As I was getting ready to leave, I felt a gun at my head. A militiaman ordered me to drop my camera. I did. I emptied my pockets, raised my hands and pleaded for my life. He took my camera and cellphone, then turned to an angry, questioning crowd and declared me a spy. The crowd began cursing me and chanting. "I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist," I shouted, showing my press card. Sweat poured from my body. I feared I would end up like the government soldiers. The militiaman, however, had a different punishment in mind. He led me away to his leaders, eager to show off his captive. I was lucky. The militia leaders knew me, and vouched for me. They let me go. Still, those experiences were not a turning point. It was the killings of my two colleagues in August. But it was not an easy decision. I was born and raised in Mogadishu. To leave would feel as if I were giving up. Instead I went into hiding, leaving my house, suspending my work and limiting my movements. I grew suspicious. I viewed every passerby as a potential assassin. One day, a friend and I were moving from one of our hide-outs to another when three young men came up behind us. We started walking faster. They walked faster. My heart raced. We stopped to let them pass, and one of them muttered something as they went by. We thought we were safe. But a few minutes later, as we arrived at our destination, we saw the same three men approaching from the road ahead. We froze. I began praying and asking for God's forgiveness. My friend said something to me, but I couldn't hear his words. I closed my eyes and waited for the bullets. I remembered the man on the phone days earlier, the chilling hatred in his voice. Then the young men passed us by, with a simple nod and hello. Were they just trying to intimidate us? Had something distracted them from their attack? Were they simply three men taking a walk? It didn't matter anymore. My decision was made. Five days later I left the country. Albadri has worked as a journalist for several Western media outlets, including the Los Angeles Times. He is currently living in Djibouti and hopes one day to return home LA TIMES
Somali PM Gedi to resign BAIDOA, Somalia (Reuters) - Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi has arrived in Baidoa to resign in front of the parliament later on Monday following a lengthy political feud with President Abdullahi Yusuf, officials and diplomats said. "He is going to resign. It will be done in front of parliament," the minister, who asked not to be named, told Reuters. The Gedi-Yusuf split had weakened the government as it faced an Islamist-led insurgency this year. It had also frustrated foreign backers including the United Nations and United States Three foreign diplomats who follow Somalia also confirmed Gedi would quit,And a second minister allied to him, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Maulid Maane Mahamud, told Reuters Gedi had handed in his resignation to Yusuf and parliament Speaker Sheikh Adan Madobe when he arrived in Baidoa on Monday. "He raised the issue of his resignation. The president and the speaker of the parliament requested the prime minister to say it officially in front of the parliament. He is due to arrive shortly," Mahamud told Reuters from parliament. (Additional reporting by Bryson Hull in Nairobi) SOURCE: Reuters, October 29,2007
Wacdara saxiib hadey ku dhibeyso iyo hadi kale ba, Duke is not Somalia, for a start he was not born in there and above all he is rejoicing in the Ethiopian inavassion of the country, Somalia. Hence he can never claim to be a 'proud' Somali.
Originally posted by General Duke: My loyalties lies with my family, Nothing more expected from an individual who comletely depends his family and reer to make a living in this World, what a waste.
Originally posted by General Duke: I know all this "hopefull" news has you in suffering symptoms bipolar sufefrers do. Talking from personal experience I can see again. As for Morgan being Xamar, am glad you see that as an achievement - but I hope you are aware that he did not come there inside an Ethiopian armed carrier. He is by best a better tactician than Yeey, and after all his misgivings there is no qualms held against him. If you believe the Dayniile report that man has put on uniform and is in active duty then you are clinging on false hopes. The man is more at home and does not want to loose his status as expired general.
Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Ahh, talk about bringing out deeply held feelings, park, sister, Minister Guled, I wonder what made you burst all those things that had nothing to do with the topic, why are you afraid? Next time stick to the topic and dont highlight your personal envy and fears. What is there to fear, except to point out where your loyalty lies,, . Besides there is nothing envy but despise in that circle sxb..
Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Morgan is just one of our many skilled officers. Juje, you must feel silly now that you have to attack Mohamed Dheere since one has to follow the dayniile.com gospel. Skilled indeed, in total failures. Ever wondered why is that common relation amid the TFF - Yeey- Morgan & failure. And the Mohamed Dhere you mention I thought he was in your equation
Loool! I bet you liked the reincarnation of Morgan? But seriously duke let me ask you, has the guy been appointed anywhere?
Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Oh, clever of you. What if the ouster of Geedi strengthens the TFG? What sort of enclave are you living in sxb? I should be calling my sis and ask her to give more free time to go to the park near you so that you could interact with other humans. You call strenght with the Parliament divided into two and the formation of a party within it. The absence of coherent chain of command withing TFG puppet troops and scattered into different parties that they are fighting among themselves in Merca, etc.etc.etc, and you claim it will strenghten, or wait a minute...now I know...You believe that Gacmadhere will get the PM position and that makes you ecstatic...
Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Adeer you do protest too much, those pics highlights no demo, just people looking at tires or going past them on their way to their to work or school. No feeling, no chants, what type of demo is this? What sort of sedation pill are you on Duke? Or are you so demented to accept that the missionof your adeer and Axmaro is totally unacceptable to the people of Xamar.
You have no shame sxb by calling these people bystanders.
Originally posted by General Duke: Though I was not suprised with his former enemies hailing him as a saint. Dont be naive sxb. The trick there is to speed up the dissentegration of the puppet regime. With the ousting of Geedi the TFG will crmble.
Everything has a time sxb, but that is everything beyond your control, not your tenet, Your principle should be intact and not change with the tide.
Originally posted by General Duke: Give us a break..... Why are enjoying the misery of these people Duke?
I wish it playes out soon, cause if Geedi is shown the door I want to lock him in a room with Togane and play this video for them over and over again. Geedi in DC
Banaanbax lagu diidan yahay dagaalada ciidamada Itoobiya ay ka wadaan Muqdisho oo saaka mar kale ka dhacay qeybo ka mid ah caasimada Dad boqolaal gaaraya oo u badan iyo caruur ayaa saaka banaanbax aad u balaaaran ka dhigay qeybo ka mid ah wadooyinka magaalada Muqdisho kaasoo looga soo horjeedo wax dad dadkaasi ay ku tilmaameen joogitaanka ciidamada Itoobiya ee Soomaaliya iyo dagaaladan ay ka wadaan magaaladan Muqdisho ee maahan kasta dadka faraha badani ay ku dhintaan. Wadooyinka saaka ay banaanbaxtadi ka dhaceen ee magaaladanm Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ka midf ah inta u dhexeysa furayaasha iyo labo dhagax oo ka tirsan wadada sodonka si aad ahna ugu dhow deegaanka Cali kamiin oo dagaalada ugu darani ay ka dhaceen, iyo qeybo kamid ah Suuqa Bakaaraha, waxaana banaanbaxayaashu ay ku dhawaaqayeen ereyo lidi ku ah ciidamada Itoobiya oo ay ku dalbanayeen iney dalka isaga baxaan. Dadkan banaanbaxaya ayaa waxaa ka muuqatay shucuur aad weyn oo dareennkooda ay ku muujinayeen, waxaana banaanbax kan la mid ah uu maalintii shalay aheyd uu ka dhacay qeybo ka mid ah wadada Sodonka sida Albaraka agagaarka saldhiga Hodan iyo fagaaraha Tarabuunka kaasoo isna lagu diidan yahay joogitaanka ciidamada Itoobiya ee dallka Soomaaliya. Xafiiska wararka ee Muqdisho, Soomaliya dayniilecom@hotmail.com
Originally posted by Observer: MAY ALLAH CURSE THOSE WHO SUPPORT THE ETHIO. Amiin..amiin...amiin! Iska horimaadyo culus oo dib uga bilowday qeybo ka mid ah caasimadda Mogadishu 28, Oct. 07 ( Sh.M.Network)- Iska horimaadyo ayaa goordhaweyd dib uga bilowday magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan qeybo ka mid ah goobihii shalay ay ka dhaceen dagaalada ee degmada Hodon ee magaalada Muqdisho. Israsaaseyn culus oo la isku adeegsanayo qoryaha lidka diyaaradhaa iyo kuwa boobayaasha ayaa ka bilaabatay abaaro 9:45 Am agagaarka isgoyska KPP, Tarabuunka iyo meelo kale oo ku aadan duleedka suuqa Bakaaraha. Iska horimaadkaan oo u dhaxeeya ciidamada dowladda iyo xoogagga ka soo horjeeda ayaa waxa uu yimid ka dib markii ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda ay soo galeen saakay halkaasi. Lama oga wali qasaaraha ka dhashay iska horimaadkaan oo ah mid marba marka ka dambeysa sii xoogeysanaya. Mararaka qaar ayaa waxaa la maqlayaa madaafiic xoogan. Rasaas wiifto ah ayaa ku soo dhaceyso qeybo ka mid ah xaafadaha ay dagan yihiin dadka rayidka ah. Sidoo kale ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda ayaa soo galay isgoyska Aadan cadde ee wadada wadnaha, iyadoo ciidamadan ay ridayaan rasaas ay ku soo liifayaan dadka maraya wadada labaad ee suuqa Bakaaraha, waxaana laga cabsi qabaa in halkaasi uu ka qarxo dagaal kale. Iska horimaadyadaan oo galay maalintii labaad ayaa waxa ay saameyn ku yeesheen howlihii ganacsi ee suuqa Bakaaraha oo xiran. Wixii ku soo kordha kala soco Shabelle.net Click here to find shabelle news in English Shabelle Media Network Somalia E-mail us: info@shabelle.net Email Us: news@shabelle.net
Originally posted by General Duke: I loved the 47th independence day celebration. I never lost pride to be Somali, but I have felt that we lost many an opportunity throughout my life. How can you be proud of something u have never been sxb, Somali?
^^ Shouldn't I sxb, and if not tell me why?
Afhayeenka RW: " Waa been wararka sheegaya in Geedi uu is casilayo" Mogadishu 28, Oct. 07 ( Sh.M.Network)- Afhayeen u hadlay RW Geedi ayaa sheegay in wararka sheegaya in Ra'isulwasaaraha uu is casilayo ay yihiin kuwo been abuur ah, isagoo sheegay in haddiba ay jirto Mas'uul is casilay uu ugu dhow yahay Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf sababo caafimaad owgeed. C/laahi Muxudiin codka oo ka tirsan xafiiska Ra'isulwasaaraha dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia, ayaa u sheegay idaacadda Shabelle in wararka ka soo yeeray Mas'uulka ka tirsan xafiiska Madaxweynaha ay yihiin kuwo been abuur ah isla markaana aanu waxba ka jirin. Afhayeenka waxa uu si kulul u eedeeyay C/risaaq Aadan oo ah La taliyaha madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah oo uu ku tilmaamay in uu yahay Shaqsi ka been sheega xaqiiqda rasmiga ah ee ka jirta siyaasadda Madaxweynaha iyo Tan ra'isulwasaaraha. " Ma ahan RW Geedi shaqsi ku fududaanaya is casilaad, mana jiro awood sharciyadeed oo baneeyn karta in RW geedi uu xilka ka dago" Ayuu yiri Afhayeenka ra'isulwasaaraha. "Haddiiba ay jirto shaqsi is casilaya waxaa ugu dhow oo ay ku kalifeysaa xaaladdiisa caafimaad waa Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf oo laga warqabo in ay tahay mid liidato" Ayuu yiri C/laahi Codka. Waxa uu sheegay in Ra'isulwasaare Geedi uu ku sugan yahay magaalada Adis ababa sidii loo badbaadin lahaa xukuumadda KMG ah. Xiriir Shabelle ay la sameysay La taliyaha Madaxweynaha C/rsiaaq Aadan oo ay wax ka weydiisay xaaladda Caafimaad ee Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf ayaa waxa uu sheegay in xaaladda Madaxweynaha ay tahay mid wanaagsan oo aan waxba ka badalneyn sidii uu ahaa sanadkii hore.
The Geedi saga has reached a new level now. The spokesmen of bot Yeey and Geedi are pillow fightong in the news-portals. London: Ra`iisul wasaare Geeddi oo maanta laga sugayo warqada Iscasilaadda. 28. oktober 2007 APL London(AllPuntland)- Lataliyaha Madaxwaynaha dawladda Soomaaliya ee arrimaha dibadda Dibada C/risaaq Aadan (Durqun) ayaa sheegay in maanta la sugayo warqad istiqaalo ah oo uu soo gudbiyo ra`iisul wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi. C/risaaq Aadan oo waraysi gaar ah siiyay wargayska Al-sharq Al Awsad ayaa waxa uu cadeeyay in marka uu Mudane Geeddi soo gaaro magaalada Baydhabo uu kulamo la qaadan doono madaxwayne Yuusuf, uuna gudbin doono warqad qoraal ah oo uu kaga dagayo xilka uu hayo. Mudane Aadan ayaa waxa uu cadeeyay in arrintaasi ay ka dhalatay wada hadallo ay dhowaanahaan lahaayeen ra`iisul wasaraha wadanka Itoobiya iyo Proff. Cali Maxamed Geeddi. Arrintani ayaa wargayska Al-sharq Al-awsad waxa uu sheegay in uu isku dayay in la xiriiro xafiiska ra`iisul wasaraha ee wadanka Soomaaliya, balse aysan u suurto galin. Waa markii ugu horraysay oo warka arrintaasi ku aadan laga soo xigto mas`uul ka tirsan dawladda Soomaaliya, iyada oo horay uu mudane Geeddi u cadeeyay in uusan marna ka tanaasuli doonin xilkaasi. Idaacada BBC-da qaybta afka Carabiga oo warkaasi iyana baahisay ayaa waxa ay cadeysay in arrintani ay guul u tahay dawladda Soomaaliya oo dhibaato dhinaca siyaasadda ah baryahaan la kumnaysay. Warkaan ayaa wali si rasmi la xaqiijin ,ayadoo hore Raysalwasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi usheegay in uusan xilka raysalwasaarino ka tageyn ,isla markaana ay yihiin wararkaasi kuwa ay faafinayaan dad ka soo horjeeda siijoogitaankiisa Xaafiiska Raysalwasaarnimada dalka Soomaaliya. Faarax C/qaadir Geylan AllPuntland
Somalia: Journalists suffering worst time since 1991 state collapse With the murder on Friday, 19 October of journalist Bashir Nur Gedi, Amnesty International today said that the situation of journalists in Somalia is currently the worst it has ever been since the disintegration of the Somali state after the overthrow of the Siad Barre government in 1991. Throughout the subsequent years of conflict without a functioning government, newspapers and other private media were gradually established and journalists became able to report -- without the same scale of violent repercussions they now face. Since the capture of Mogadishu from the Union of Islamic Courts by Ethiopian forces supporting the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in late December 2006, the situation for journalists has continued to deteriorate, with eight journalists killed with impunity this year. The most recent killing was of Bashir Nur Gedi, acting manager of the Shabelle Media Network, who was shot dead by unidentified gunmen at his house on the evening of Friday, 19 October. Amnesty International called on the TFG to conduct prompt, effective and impartial investigations into these criminal acts of killing or threats of violence against journalists and to bring those responsible to justice through fair trials and without the application of the death penalty. They must also meet their responsibility to protect journalists and media workers from these attacks. The TFG must also put an end to its practise of repeated closure of media houses and arrests of journalists by its security forces. Such actions have created an environment where attacks against journalists by the TFG security forces and armed opposition groups -- in reprisal for their reporting -- have become commonplace. Intimidation of journalists has become a stratagem by all parties to the conflict in Somalia. Amnesty International also called on armed groups active in Somalia opposed to the TFG to end their practise of intimidation, threats of violence and the criminal act of killing journalists. These attacks on journalists by the TFG and armed groups violate the rights to freedom of expression and the media, as recognized in international and regional human rights treaties and Somalia's Transitional Federal Charter. Since Amnesty International's last statement on the dangers faced by journalists in Somalia, particularly in Mogadishu (Urgent need for protection of journalists, 7 September 2007, AI Index: AFR 52/015/2007), attacks on journalists in different parts of Somalia have continued and include: A)The attempted shooting of Radio Shabelle's acting manager Jafar Mohammed "Kukay" in Mogadishu on 24 September, and the siege of Radio Shabelle's building on 18 September, during which TFG security forces fired automatic weapons at the second and third floor windows of the Radio Shabelle, injuring a security guard. The UN Special Envoy to Somalia later reported that TFG leaders had stated this was an accident and gave assurance that it would not happen again. B)The temporary closure of Radio Garowe in the Puntland capital of Garowe on 19 October and the arrest of three members of staff by Puntland security forces. All were released on 20 October and the station has resumed broadcasting. C)The closure for 24 hours of Radio Simba, a Mogadishu-based radio station and the arrest of two Radio Simba journalists by TFG security forces on 11 October. Abdullahi Ali Farah and Mohammed Farah were released the next day. D)The arbitrary detention of Mr. Mohamed Hussein Jimale, a Mogadishu-based journalist from the news website www.puntlandpost.com, who was detained by TFG police in the prison adjacent to the President's Office in Villa Somalia from 12 to 16 September. E)Numerous other incidents in recent weeks of journalists being harassed, intimidated and arrested for short periods of time in Mogadishu by the TFG security forces. This growing insecurity is not only faced by journalists. Humanitarian workers have also been subjected to attacks. The extraordinary raid on the UN compound in Mogadishu by over 50 officers of the TFG's National Security Service on 17 October and the arbitrary detention of Idris Osman, the local director of the UN World Food Program from 17 to 23 October, was a flagrant disregard for the rights of humanitarian workers acting in the best interests of the most vulnerable populations, displaced by the ongoing internal conflict in Mogadishu. Amnesty International called on the TFG Minister for Information, Madobe Numow Mohamed, to respect the legitimate role of journalists. Amnesty International is concerned to note that the Minister, in a letter dated 3 October 2007, declared that the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) was not recognised by the TFG and had no right to represent and organise journalists. The NUSOJ has been a strong and impartial advocate for the rights of Somali journalists, documenting attacks on them and calling for action. Amnesty International urges the international community to press the TFG to protect the rights of journalists much more strongly. The United Nations, the United States of America, the European Union and the African Union have all invested considerable energy and resources in the development of the Transitional Federal Institutions of Somalia. It is essential that they increase their pressure on these institutions to uphold the importance of the right to freedom of expression and of the press in Somalia, and the right to life for the journalists of Somalia. SOURCE: Amnesty USA,October 26, 2007
Freedom of speech can kill you Saturday, October 27, 2007 Mogadishu, Tribune correspondent Paul Salopek encounters reporters who are afraid to even go outside—with good reason Paul Salopek is the Tribune's Africa correspondent. MOGADISHU, Somalia — Bashir Nur Gedi, the acting director of Shabelle Media radio, was too frightened to visit me recently in this embattled African capital. Gedi was sitting in his office only about 20 blocks from my safe house. But it may as well have been a thousand miles away, given the dangers journalists face today in Mogadishu. Indeed, when it comes to media workers' safety—or the lack of it —this desert city is starting to resemble another arid metropolis: Baghdad. "I'll send over some other staff to talk to you," Gedi promised via cell phone. "I don't like to go out." Like scores of other Somali journalists, Gedi, a jovial businessman who had switched to reporting, was receiving anonymous death threats. He was too scared to even go home, he explained. His house was being watched. So he was sleeping at a different location each night—including at his radio station, on a floor mat. Ten months ago, Ethiopia invaded Somalia and toppled a radical Islamist regime. The U.S. lent a covert hand. This was supposed to be a blow for freedom and democracy in the Horn of Africa. Yet since then, for many working in the Somali media, exercising the right to freedom of speech has gotten more, not less, hazardous. Some would say it's gotten suicidal. Eight Somali journalists have been murdered this year, according to media watchdogs. The usual technique: a faceless assassin armed with a pistol and a getaway car. Extremists associated with Somalia's growing Islamic insurgency are doubtless to blame for some of these killings. But rights groups implicate the fragile transitional federal government as well. Human Rights Watch counts more than 40 reporters detained by federal authorities this year. Touchy officials here don't like to be portrayed as weak. Last month, it was Radio Shabelle's turn. Government troops shot up the radio station, one of Somalia's few independent news outlets, and briefly detained 16 of its employees. The two staffers that Gedi managed to send me were terrified. They showed up in what they called "civilian clothes." This was ragged attire that helped them blend in with Mogadishu's illiterate poor. They had walked from the radio station. Riding in a car would have drawn too much attention, they said. For the same reason, they declined my invitation to pay their taxi fare back. Both men presented me with their journalist IDs. They set the laminated cards on the table in front of them, as if to say: Here we are, part of the brotherhood. I don't know why, but this plaintive gesture, the wildly misguided hope in it, made me feel ashamed. How many times has this happened before? It was like hearing the distant appeals from a refugee ship fleeing Nazi Germany. Or the pleading at the gates of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. Their names were Abdulrahman Yusuf, the head of programming, and Hassan Sheik Abdullah, a producer. They were trapped in Mogadishu without passports. They recounted the threats, their sleepless nights, and the paralyzing fear that comes with being stalked. Near the end of our conversation, Abdullah said he regretted ever becoming a journalist. They didn't want money. They each drank a Coke, and left. A few days later I received an e-mail. Gedi was dead. They finally got him. Two unknown gunmen shot him on the street, 14 times, outside a Mogadishu cafe.
Magaalada Muqdisho oo Maanta la Ciir Ciireyso Dagaalo(Dagaal lagu jabshay Ciidanka Itoobiyaanka) Madaafiic iyo Rasaas Culus Ayaa lagamaqlayaa Magaaladda Muqdisho Xaafado ay ka mid tahay Wardhiigley iyo Hodan Halkaas oo ay iskaga sooHorjeedaan Ciidamadda Itobiyanka iyo koxaha KasooHorjeedo. Mar aan Xariirnay Deegaanka Dagaalka kasocodo Ee Black Sea ayaa inoo suurta gashay in aan wareeysano googjooge kusugnaa halkaas oo lagu Magacaabo Axmed Geele ayaa u sheegay Web-ka Dayniile Qaabka Dagaalka ku biloowday waxaan uu yiri “Waxaan aragnay ciidanka Itoobiyaanka ah oo Soogaaray isgooska Black Sea ayagoo durbadioin Xiray wadada aado Dhanka Isgooska Albarako, durbadii waxaa meesha soo gaaray Dhalinyaro ku hubeeysa Qaryaha fudud iyo Baasuukayaal waxayna markiiba meesha ka bilaabeen dagaalay uga hortagayaan Ciidankaas.” Axmed Geele ayaan intaas ku daray “islamarkii dad weynihii kusugaan goobtaa ay kalcarareen. Qadaryarkadibna ciidamada itoobiyaanka waa ay ka Durgeen isgooska Black Sea waxaan ay is ku aruursadeen isgooska Albarako oo ay hada xabada kasocoto. Mar aan wax kawaydiinay qasaaraha dagaalkaas uu geestay waxaa uu shegay “ aniga indhahayga waxaa ay qabteen halnin oo rayid ah oo meeshaasi ku nafwayey iyo laba Dumarah oo halkaas ku dhaawacmay ” ayuu yiri Axmed Geedi Dagaalka ayaa sababay in loo awood sheegto ciidamada ku soo duulay Soomaaliya ee Itoobiya taana ay keentay in ay soo cararaan iyga iyo taangiyadoodii. Maanta Muqdisho waxaa ka socda dagaal baahsan iyo kacdoon shacab ah waxaana muuqata in ay qabsadeen kooxaha kacdoonka gooba badan oo muhiim ah sida deeganada Hodan iyo qeyba kamid ah Howlwadaag. Muqdisho ayaa maanta la ciir cireyso dagaal taana waxay keentay in uu bato manata dadka ka qaxayo dagaalada oo la meel ay u cararaan maadama goob kasta ay ka dhaceysa xabadaha. Dagaalkaan ayaa socdo wili asigoo ku sii fidayo dhulkale sida Warshadii Hore ee Caanaha wila lama xaqii ji karo qasaraha dhabta ah ee dagaalkaan hada socdo balse waxii ku soo kordho waa idin lasoo socodsiin doonaan . Xafiiska Wararka Ee Qaahira cairodayniilecom@hotmail.com
Dadweyne fara badan oo ku xoomay qalabna ka so dal dalanaya saldhigga degmada Hodon kadib markii xoog looga saaray ciidamadii ku sugana Sida uu noo xaqiijiyay mid ka mid ah dadka degaanka KPP, oo lagu magacaabo Kaafi, waxaa haan ka soconeysa dal dalasho baahsan saldhigga degmada Hodon ee magaalada Muqdisho kadib markii dagaal muddo gaaban soconayay xoog loogala wareegay gacan ku heyntii saldhiggaasi ciidamadii Booliska ee ku sugnaa saldhigga. Kooxo ku hubeysan hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa barqonimadii maanta weerar xoogan ku qaaday xeyn ciidamo ah oo ku sugnaa gudaha saldhiggaasi degmada Hodon oo ku yaala xaafada Kasopolpulare (KPP) ee isla degmadaasi Hodon, iyagoo daqiiqado kadibna ay xoog kula wareegeen gacan ku heynta saldhigga iyo gebi ahaanba nawaaxiga xaafadaasi. Sidoo kale, dadweyne aad u fara badan isla markaana taageersan kooxahaasi saldhigga soo weeraray ayaa ku xoomay dhismaha saldhiggaasi iyagoo ugu horeyntiina dadweynuhu ay ku xoomeen inay qaataan dhamaamba agabkii u yiilay gudaha saldhiggaasi ciidamadii laga saaray. Qaar ka mid ah dadka ayaa la arkayaa iyagoo sii wata Joodariyaal ay ka soo qaateen saldhigga, Sanaadiiq ay ku jiraan Rasaas, Raashin, iyo weliba qalab kale, waxaana la sii daayay maxaabiis ku jirtay gudaha saldhigga. Sidoo kale, dadka ayaa ku dhawaaqaya erayo ay ka mid yihiin Allahu Akbar, iyagoo aad ugu faraxsan ka saarista ciidamadan Booliska laga saaray saldhigga demgada Hodon, waxaana arrintani lagu micneeyey inay soo dedejisay fal fil ah oo ay shalay ciidamada Booliska saldhiggaasi u geysteen wadaad isla markaana macalin dugsi quraan ahaa oo ay ku toogteen masaajidka Sheekh Suufi ee u dhow saldhiggaasi, waxaana wadaadkani la sheegay inuu ahaa Naafo. Dhinaca kale, waxaa haatan laga maqlayaa Daryanka Rasaasta cul culus iyo mida fufud qeybeheeda kala duwan qeybo badan oo ka tirsan magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo ay jiraan ciidamo fara badan oo isugu jira Soomaali iyo Itoobiyaan oo iyaguna soo buux dhaafiyay isgoyska muhiimka ah ee magaalada iyo weliba xaafadaha, waxaana haatan daryanka ugu badan ee Rasaasta laga maqlayaa Xaafada Albakara, Xamarjadiid, Black Sea illaa Warshada caanaha oo ay ku dagaalamayaan kooxaha wax iska caabinta ee ka horjeeda joogitaanka ciidamada Itoobiya ee dalka iyo ciidamadaasi isbaheystay. Xafiiska wararka ee Muqdisho, Soomaliya dayniilecom@hotmail.com