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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Why sxb are you using the plight of poor and destitute people as a propoganda machine. Hate Tigrees, but the guys in your picture are dying of hunger and probably in much despair than those you advocate for, besides what have they done to you?
  2. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Laakin sxb, inta Southerners saying that "Ma go'i kartaan, ma seexan kartaan, wax ma cuni kartaan"... specialy those coming, of all places, from Banadir folks? Bal adba caqlaad leedahee, what response would you give? Hadeyba 'reer Banadir' kugu heystaan go'iitanka maad iska dhaftiid ayada dhanba wareerkeda.
  3. ALI JIMALE AHMED Ali Jimale Ahmed is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Queens College and the CUNY Graduate Center in New York. His poetry and short stories have been translated into several languages, including Japanese and the languages spoken in the former Yugoslavia. A former chair of Comparative Literature at Queens College, Professor Ahmed is a widely published poet and literary critic who is recognized worldwide for his contributions to Somali literature. His publications include Daybreak Is Near: Literature, Clans, and the Nation-State in Somalia (1996) and Fear Is a Cow (2002). In his edited book The Invention of Somalia, he has tried to bring to the open the constant humiliation certain groups - the Jareer Bantu, for example - in Somalia faced and still face. Creative teaching is, for Professor Ahmed, one of the corner stones of academic learning. It incorporates Socratic methods of questioning, while at the same time emphasizing the importance of education as a two-way traffic. Through college education, students endeavor to form their own "internally persuasive discourse" (Bakhtin). In relation to this, Professor Ahmed is a firm believer in the de-compartamentalization of disciplines, for no discipline is by itself capable of capturing the inner pulse of a nation. The suggestion implied here is best described by the African parable of the elephant and the three blind men. Neither the tusk, nor the rough skin, nor the soft ears of an elephant would individually give a holistic picture of what an elephant really is. This is what Google could provide -am sure this guy is a new kid in the block just like Geedi was 3 years ago. Looking forward to see what change he could bring. Not a good start though, going to Addis for confirmation will not go down well with many, But then again who has said he will be the next PM?
  4. I like this one best in which he claims are mourners of an Ethiopian Officer killed in Mogadishu when his body was returned to Addis. Which in reality is Ethiopian Jews (Falasha) mourning one of their commarades killed in Israel in the war against Xisbullah. and this is where he got the image from
  5. Originally posted by Seekknowledge: Did they parade all the innocent somalis they killed to get these three? What Islam says about the respect of dead bodies whether muslims or not? When a clan decides to use the name Islamic doesn't mean they are following Islam. At the moment the dead of many Ethiopian troops is a joy, and I dont freaking care whether they are paraded or not, as long as they are dead. Preferably all of them dead will be excellent.
  6. Iska hor imaad culus oo u dhaxeeya kooxaha Kacdoonka iyo ciidanka Itoobiya oo ka soconayaTowfiiq,Gubta Black Sea iyo Shirkole Muqdisho:-Iska hor imaad culus ayaa waxa uu ka soconayaa xaafada Towfiiq iyo xaafada gubta ee magaalada Muqdisho kaasoo u dhaxeeya Ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kooxaha kacdonka ee Muqdisho. Dagaalkaan ayaa waxaa la isku adeegsanayaa hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan waxaan dagaalka xoogiisa uu ka socda xaafada gubta iyo xaafada Towfiiq ayadoona deegaanada uu dagaalka ka socdo laga maqlayaa daryanka madaafiicda iyo tikniko kala duwan. Lama oga qasaaraha uu keeynay dagaalka ka socda xaafada gubta iyo xaafada Towfiiq waxaana dadka deegaanka ay shabkadda wararka halgan.net u xaqiijiyeen in Ciidamada Ethiopia oo baaritaano kawaday xaafada gubta iyo Towfiiq ay kooxaha kacdoonka ay soo weerareen Ciidamadaan Ethiopia. Waxaa kale oo oo uu iska horimaad culus ka socdaa Black Sea iyo shirkole waxaana lagu soo waramayaa in ciidanka Itoobiya ay galeen xaafadaha Black Sea iyo shirkole iyaga oo wata taangiyo iyo hub culus. Wixii ku soo kardha ka lasocoda halgan.net Maxamnuud Maxamed Muqdisho, Halgan.net
  7. 8 Itoobiyaan ah oo maanta ku dhintay iska hor imaadyo ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho. Beerdhiga 02.11.2007 14:13 Dagaalo qaraar oo saaka qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho ka dhacay oo u dhexeeyay Xoogaga Muqaawamada Soomaaliyeed iyo ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya ayaa la sheegayaa in khasaarooyin dhimasho iyo dhaawacba leh uu ka soo gaaray ciidanka Itoobiya. Ciimadamo badan oo ka mid ah kuwa gumeysiga Itoobiya ayaa saaka baaritaano ka bilaabay xaafado ka tirsan magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaas oo si raxan raxan ah u dhex marayey xaafadaha dhexdooda. Ciidamadan oo hubka yar yar noocyadiisa kala duwan ku hubeysnaa ayaa bilaabay in ay gudaha u galaan xaafadaha Gubta, Shirkole, Black Sea iyo Baar Ubax, iyaga oo isku baahiyay markii danbe jid cadda-yaasha dhex mara xaafadaha dhexdooda. Wax yar ka dib intii ayna baaritaanada bilaabin ciidankii Itoobiyaanka ahaa ee saaka soo galaay xaafadahaas waxa ay la kulmeen qaraxyo iyo rasaas daba socda oo si toos ah iyaga loola beegsanayo. Xoogaga Muqaawamada Soomaaliyeed oo iyaguna hubka yar yar noocyadiisa kala duwan adeegsanaya ayaa iska hor’imaad xoogan kala hor yimid ciidankii Itoobiyaanka ahaa ee saaka baaritaanada ka bilaabay qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho. Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa gumeysiga Itoobiya ee fariisinka ku leh xaruntii hore ee gaashaandhiga ee saaka ku soo faafay qeybo ka mid ah jidka sodonka iyo warshadaha ayaa la sheegayaa in iska hor imaadkii ay la galeen Xoogaga Muqaawamada Soomaaliyeed halkaa looga dilay ciidanka gumeysiga Itoobiya ilaa 4 askari iyo tiro kale oo dhaawac ah oo aan ilaa iyo hadda si rasmi ah loo ogeyn inta ay leegyihiin. Sidoo kale waxa ay noo xaqiijiyeen dad goob joogayaal ahi in halkaa lagu arkayey qeybo ka mid ah maskax iyo dhiig fara badan oo ku daatay halkii dagaaladu ka dhaceen. Wararku waxa ay intaa ku darayaan in ciidamadii Itoobiyaanka ahaa ee ku soo faafay qeybo ka mid ah jidka Sodonka iyo Warshadaha ee ka soo baxay xaruntii hore ee Gaashaandhiga, in ay dib ugu carareen fariisimadooda ka dib iska hor’imaad xoogan oo ay kala kulmeen Xoogaga Muqaawamada Soomaaliyeed. Dhanka kale iska hor imaad isna ka dhacay xaafada Gubta oo ka mid ah xaafadihii saaka ay ku faafeen ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya ee fariisinka ku leh Stadium Muqdisho ayaa wararku waxa ay sheegayaan in halkaa looga dilay ilaa 3 askari oo markii danbena dad shacab ah oo careysan u soo qaadeen dhinaca isgoyska Baar Ubax oo meydkooda ku jiid jidayeen halkaas. Sidoo kale iska hor’imaad isna ka dhacay Isgoyska Miisaanka Dhuxusha ee xaafada Towfiiq wararka naga soo gaaraya waxa ay sheegayaan in halkaa looga dilay ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya hal askari laba kalena looga dhaawacay.oo wali yaala, qaadan la’yihiina. Iska hor’imaadyadii Maanta ka dhacay qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho ayaa khasaarooyin naf iyo maalba leh waxa ay ka soo gaareen ciidamada gumeysiga Itoobiya oo saaka bilaabay in baaritaano ka sameeyaan xaafado ka tirsan magaalada Muqdisho, iska hor’imaadyadan oo ku soo aaday weerar xoogan oo xalay Xoogaga Muqaawamada Soomaaliyeed ku qaadeen fariisin ay ku leeyihiin ciidanka gumeysiga Itoobiya duleedka Bari ee magaalada Muqdisho. Laga soo bilaabo bishii Ramadaan ee tagtey waxaa sii badanaya khasaarooyinka isugu jira naf iyo maal ee ka soo gaaraya ciidanka gumeysiga Itoobiya iyo kuwa la shaqeeya ee dowlada KMG ah, weerarada sida tooska ah ay ula beegsanayaan Xoogaga Muqaawamada Soomaaliyeed fariisimada ay ku leeyihiin gudaha iyo duleedka magaalada Muqdisho.
  8. From Times OnlineNovember 1, 2007 Beshenivsky suspect arrested in Somalia A two-year international hunt for a man suspected of shooting dead Pc Sharon Beshenivsky ended today when Mustaf Jama was extradited to the UK from Somalia. Mr Jama was reported to have fled the country disguised beneath a veil soon after the police officer was shot dead. His photograph had been circulated to every police force, port and airport but it was alleged he snuck onto a plane at Heathrow dressed in a niqab. Pc Beshenivsky, 38, was killed as she arrived at the scene of a robbery at the Universal Express travel agency in Bradford in November 2005. Her colleague, Pc Teresa Milburn, was also shot in the street as the robbers escaped with little more than £5,000. Yusuf Jama, Mustaf’s brother, was found guilty of the murder. Three other members of the gang were convicted for their part in the botched robbery, but police continued to track Mr Jama who they believed was involved in the shooting. He first arrived in Britain in 2000 and was granted indefinite leave to remain after making an application for asylum, claiming that Somalia was too dangerous for him to live in. Police announced today that he had been arrested in Somalia and extradited to the UK. He was being transferred to a West Yorkshire police station this evening. Pc Beshenivsky was shot on November 18, 2005 on her youngest daughter’s fourth birthday. She had three children and two stepchildren, aged between five and 16. The former childminder had trained to become a policewoman in her home city of Bradford and had been a serving officer for just nine months when she was gunned down. Yusuf Jama, was ordered to serve a minimum of 35 years for his part in the robbery and murder. Faisal Razzaq was also given a life sentence and told he must serve at least 11 years when he was found guilty of manslaughter, robbery and firearms offences. His brother, Hassan, was later jailed for 20 years for the manslaughter of the police officer. He was also found guilty of robbery and firearms offences. Earlier this year, Raza ul Haq Aslam was jailed for eight years for taking part in the robbery, he had acted as a look-out during the fatal raid. Since when did we have a repatriation treaty with the UK government?
  9. Failed state, failed leader Nov 1st 2007 | NAIROBI From The Economist print edition A country still dangerously adrift THE prime minister of Somalia, Ali Mohamed Gedi, has bowed out after a year of rivalry with the country's president, Abdullahi Yusuf—in the interest, he says, of national unity. In his resignation speech, Mr Gedi said he had survived five assassination attempts in three years at the helm. A veterinarian, he has seen his share of bone-crunching. His father was a colonel in Somalia's intelligence service during its steadier Soviet-backed years, a trade Mr Gedi may also have dabbled in. It was probably the prime minister of next-door Ethiopia, Meles Zenawi, who advised Mr Gedi to go. The pair are close. In his days as a rebel fighter, Mr Zenawi was protected by Mr Gedi's father. Mr Gedi belongs to the ****** clan, the most powerful in Mogadishu, Somalia's ravaged capital. He has been unpopular with ****** elders, some of whom have Islamist sympathies so are hostile to Somalia's feeble, Ethiopia-backed government. It is unclear whether or not his exit will make it easier for Mr Yusuf, now squarely in charge, to strike a deal with the ****** to deprive jihadist fighters of clan support and shelter. Mr Gedi flew straight out of Somalia to Kenya, the speed of his departure showing how even the toughest patriots are loth to build a life in Mogadishu. Most educated emigrés return without their children, as life for them is getting worse. The UN says school attendance has collapsed; malnutrition and cholera are common. The all-out fighting that ripped through Mogadishu in the spring has not resumed, but the seaside city remains violent. Jihadist rebels pin down Ethiopian troops and peacekeepers from Uganda, the only country willing to send troops under the aegis of the African Union. The failure of moderate Islamists to create a plausible negotiating position at a recent meeting in Eritrea may have strengthened the armed radicals, who hope to foment a holy war with “Christian” Ethiopia. The threat is not restricted to the Horn of Africa. British intelligence says that Somali jihadists may be involved in future terrorist attacks on Britain and elsewhere, as they have been already. The recent killing of yet another Somali journalist illustrates the chaos. Bashir Nur Gedi (no close relation) was the eighth journalist to be murdered in Mogadishu this year. Other Somali reporters have gone into hiding or left the country; both the government and Islamists have targeted them for trying to report freely. A sharp increase in piracy is also telling. During their time in power last year, Islamists managed to curb attacks on foreign vessels. Now they are back up to record numbers. The Americans pursued two ships hijacked by pirates this week, one of them a North Korean freighter whose crew managed to kill two of the pirates before the Americans arrived. There is no sign yet of a French naval escort promised by France's new president, Nicolas Sarkozy. Nov 1st 2007 | NAIROBI From The Economist
  10. Up to 90,000 displaced in deadly Mogadishu clashes: UN The United Nations say up to 90,000 civilians were displaced in the Somali capital in three days of fighting, as aid groups warned that catastrophe was unfolding in the shattered nation. The civilians were displaced in fighting on Saturday, Sunday and Monday that was "the worst in months," the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said in a statement. At least 10 civilians were killed in various incidents over the weekend, including one in which Ethiopian troops opened fire on demonstrators protesting against their presence in Somalia, witnesses and police sources said. There was a lull in Mogadishu on Wednesday (local time), but civilians continued to flee the seaside metropolis that has seen a deadly escalation in the recent months, the agency said. "You can feel tension in the air," the statement quoted an aid worker as saying. "Everyone is afraid that the lull in fighting is not going to last. They fear the insurgents are organising themselves and that violence is going to be unleashed on an even higher scale." In a separate statement, some 40 humanitarian groups warned that a catastrophe was unfolding in Somalia and that they could no longer meet the war-torn country's growing relief needs. "There is an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe in south central Somalia," they said in a statement, whose signatories include CARE, Oxfam and Islamic Relief, among others. The UNHCR said the displacement forced civilians out of Mogadishu and others to move within the city. "Of the people who have left the capital since Saturday, about 46,000 have settled along the road linking Mogadishu to Afgooye," some 30 kilometres west of Mogadishu. "Another 42,000 have either fled Mogadishu for areas outside the city or moved to safer neighbourhoods within the capital." Source:AFP, November 01, 2007
  11. Situation worsening The fighting is worsening an already dire humanitarian situation which has left 1.5 million - almost a sixth of the total Somali population - in need of humanitarian assistance. Mogadishu has been the scene of daily fighting or attacks since Ethiopian-backed government forces ousted an Islamist movement from the country, setting off a deadly insurgency. Civilians are bearing the brunt of the violence and hundreds are estimated to have been killed since June, although accurate death tolls are not available. Humanitarian agencies have complained that all parties involved in the conflict have failed to respect human rights and protect civilians, also accusing them of hampering the delivery of aid. In October, the head of the UN food agency's Mogadishu office was detained for several days without charge by government authorities. Source: AFP, November 01, 2007
  12. HornAfrik co-founder to get posthumous award for courage Ali Iman Sharmarke helped start up Somalia's first independent radio and TV station before dying in a roadside bombing attack. It was about 2:15 p.m. on Aug. 11 when the SUV Ali Iman Sharmarke was riding in inched back to the radio compound, shortly after he attended a funeral for a fellow journalist who had been gunned down that morning. It was a bumpy, slow ride back to Mr. Sharmarke's HornAfrik compound in Mogadishu, on the muddy dirt Somali road made worse by the seasonal rainfall that had fallen throughout the week. Then the roadside bomb struck. Heat and black smoke filled the vehicle. Sahal Abdulle, a colleague and close friend who was also in the SUV, called out to Mr. Sharmarke. There was no response. "And the next thing I know he's dead, and I'm going, 'No, no, he cannot be dead. He cannot be dead," Mr. Abdulle, a Reuters correspondent at the time, recalled saying. Mr. Sharmarke, 50, who lived in Ottawa before leaving for Somalia to co-found HornAfrik, the war-battered country's first independent radio and television station, will be given an award Thursday in Toronto for his courage in journalism. Canadian Journalists for Free Expression will honour Mr. Sharmarke with the Tara Singh Hayer Award, which will be presented to his son, Liban Sharmarke. The other CJFE award recipients at the 10th International Press Freedom Awards are Farida Nekzad, editor-in-chief of Afghanistan's Pajhwok News Agency, and Sahar Al-Haideri, a reporter in Iraq for several news agencies. Like Mr. Sharmarke's award, Ms. Sahar's is posthumous; she was gunned down on June 7. Mr. Sharmarke came to Canada in the 1990s and received a master's degree in public administration from Carleton University. He worked in the federal Finance Department, before returning to Somalia in 1999 to co-found HornAfrik. "He really showed courage in terms of making sure that these stories get out and people knew the real story. And he paid with his life," said Ms. Game. Mr. Abdulle echoed the sentiment last night from his Toronto home, where he is recuperating from injuries caused by the bomb. "By the organization like this giving him that award, it's making sure his voice is not silenced. It benefitted the people of Somalia greatly," he said. "He knew the risks he was taking when he left his job in Ottawa. But he was going there to give the voiceless, the little guy, a voice." Earlier that August day, when he attended the funeral of Mahad Ahmed Elmi, his Horn-Afrik colleague and a popular radio journalist and talk-show host, Mr. Sharmarke was visibly shaken, Mr. Abdulle said. That morning you could see the sadness in his eyes. He didn't even have to open his mouth," Mr. Abdulle said. In times when Mr. Abdulle felt discouraged, he said, Mr. Sharmarke would act like a "grandfather" figure, reminding him ôf the importance of their jobs. Somalia is the second-deadliest country for journalists, after Iraq, in terms of numbers killed, Ms. Game said. Eight have been killed so far this year. And each year it's increasingly more dangerous for journalists around the world, said Ms. Game, executive-director for Canadian Journalists for Free Expression. According to an International Press Institute count, 28 journalists were killed worldwide in 1997 and 50 in 1998. About a decade later, in 2006, 100 journalists were killed. Eighty-nine have been killed so far this year, the institute said. ''The most frightening thing is the impunity," she said, saying that in many cases "there's absolutely no follow-up." Mr. Abdulle's son, 11-year-old Liban, who by coincidence shares same name with Mr. Sharmarke's son, wrote an article, referring to Mr. Sharmarke as "uncle, " a term used to denote respect of an older person in Somali culture. "My uncle tried to make the world a better place, but it was that very quality that he was slain for," he wrote. Source: The Ottawa Citizen, November 01, 2007
  13. SHIIKH SHARIIF: “Cali Maxamed Geeddi markii ay Guumeysiga ku gaareen Dantooda waxay ku qasbeen in uu is-casilo, Nin kasta oo lagu bedelana iyaga ayuu u shaqeyn doonaa” Khamiis, November 01, 2007(HOL): Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Axmed ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in aaney wax is-bedel ah keeni doonin is-casilaaddii Ra’iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi, isagoo carrabka ku dhuftay in aanu fileynin in ay is-bedel keeni doonto cid kasta oo Geeddi lagu bedelo. Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo ahaa guddoomiyihii Guddiga Fulinta Maxkamadihii Islaamka, haatanna ku sugan Dalka Eritrea waxaa kale oo uu u sheegay Wakaaladda Wararka Reuters in is-casilaaddii Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi ay qeyb ka ahayd qorshaha uu gumeysiga ku doonayo in uu ku qabsado Dalka Soomaaliya, wuxuuna in taas ku sii daray in cid kasta oo bedesha Cali Maxamed Geeddi ay iyaga u adeegi doonto. “Cali Maxamed Geeddi markii ay Guumeysiga ku gaareen Dantooda waxay ku qasbeen in uu is-casilo, Nin kasta oo lagu bedelana iyaga ayuu u shaqeyn doonaa” ayuu yiri Shiikh Sharifi Shiikh Axmed. Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed waxaa uu dhanka kale taageeray Kooxaha Dagaalka kala soo horjeeda Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwa Itoobiyaanka, wuxuuna sheegay in ay xaq ku taagan yihiin. “Ujeedada ugu weyn ee aan leenahay waxay tahay in aan la dagaalno cadawgeena, isla markaana aan ku qasabno in ay Dalkeena nooga baxaan”ayuu yiri Shiikh Shariif oo sheegay in Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah ee ku sugan Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan magaalada Muqdisho ay dhibaatooyin kala duwan u geystaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Shiikh Shariif oo sii hadlayay waxaa uu Dowladda Mareykanka ku eedeeyay inay taageero maaliyadeed iyo logistic ah ay siiso Dowladda Itoobiya, isagoo intaas ku sii daray in ay jiraan Dowlado kale oo iyana faragelin ku haya Arrimaha Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo uu ka gaabsaday in uu magacaabo. Hadalka Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo uu is-casilay Ra’iisal wasaarihi hore ee Soomaaliya Porf. Cali Maxamed Geeddi, isal markaana ay maalmihii aynu ka soo gudubnay ay magaalada Muqdisho ka dhaceen dagaallo u dhaxeeyay Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwa Itoobiya isku dhinac ah iyo Kooxaha hubeysan ee kas oo horjeeda. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  14. Tell you what, you should be worried about this reports whom its contents you failed to comprehend. In other words it means those who orchestrated the expeulssion of Geedi are lining up someone who will catalyst the ending of the puppet Yeey. read between the lines before you display yourself as 'tageero dhohaan'.
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: If Geedi was appointed y Ethiopians why if they are all powerful not keep him there. Why did he go fter flling out ith YEY. thus ou highight hat YEY stood up to the Etiopians and they ld Geedi to go. Hence Yey is independent of he Ethiopians.[/quote ] What a load of innuendo. Utter garbage I say. And you redicule 'old ladies'. Wallahi habraha aya ka sheeko macquulsan adiga. "Yeey stood up and is independent from Ethiopia", what planet are you living on sxb? The Geedi saga proved beyond doubt that the TFG is a local government under Ethiopian rule in black and white - anything else is BS. And as I said this is temporary Inshallah and soon rather than later we shall have a governance under the control of Somalis and that ventures for their interest. Obviously there will be no place for walking mats such as Yeey iyo 'kuwa ka daba alalasa such as you.
  16. Originally posted by General Duke: If you attribute his sucess o Adis, the sky or heaven t matters nt. And so for the record let me tell you that it matters as any other Somali would tell you. They would also tell you that Geedi was neither at first appointed by 'adeero' nor was he sacked by 'adeero'. But then again what matters to you is the fact that your adeero is given a 'nominal' stature even if it means that he is used as a walking mat in the process by the Ethios. Please spare the rubbish you utter hurts me deeply....traumas that impacts my fellow Somali's every where. your fellow Somalis sxb are the mentally demented and tribalistically motivated who cheered on the phrases such as "'where is Musa, re is ATO, QANYRE" just as you are now. And yet you call him vintage, ironic. Certainly not suprising coming from a group who are known to gloat on a 'mirage' victory ant at times of the slightest defeat sell their dignity. If that is vintage for you,have it, you have had for a long time. But rest assured your gloating will come to an end - and history will not be kind nor will the repercussion.
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: LOOL, with regards to the jinni that speaks through you at times of insecurity. I hope u r not referring to the 'jin' who kept you isolated and 'bustada hosteeda' during the capture of LA and the duration your adeer had the difficulty in getting rid of the PM(Bearing in mind that you came to live only when it was done from the offices in Addis - even your adeer had the audacity to face the parliament after only then). Insecurity? Who is insucure, someone who knows that his country is under captivity , or a person who dances to the tunes of the captors? Bal adba..!
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: Juje, have you calmed down yet. On regard to what sxb?
  19. ^^ Do you even know what a nation is, or do you think tribally supporting Yeey is nationality?
  20. a) Destroyed the fabrics of the first ever armed opposition group, SSDF, formed by Somalis against Barre's regime - and narrowed it down to as a tribal organisation. b)Led the the Somali soldiers that together with Ethiopian troops captured Balanbale and Goldogob - where the Ethiopian flag was raised. c) Again through tribal influence and manuevering ( as he did in the destruction of SSDF as a national organisation) took over the authority of Puntland from the founding fathers such as Bartacad, Mohamed Abshir et al. d) to over through military force with the full assistance of Ethiopian forces the Puntland State , and chased the out the elected incumbent elected president Jama Ali Jama. He used Ethiopian troops to kill those who were close to him tribal wise. e) As head of a puppet regime created by the Ethiopians, the TFG, Yeey was brought into Xamar inside an armed peoples carrier - and has since given blessing and legalised in his own terms the atrocities by the Ethiopian regime against the Somali and still ongoing. I fail to see where the politician and military status is related to a charecter like Yeey. He has never achieved anything nor build anything except destroy them. Currently Yeey exists within the equation of Ethiopian presence in Somalia and the American backing to counter the emergence of Al-Qaeeda sympathisers in this corner of the World. Take Ethiopia out of the equation Yeey would have never gone back to Puntland let alone Xamar - he would have still been stuck in a council house in Camden, London. Yeey, above all will always be remembered for leading the Ethiopoians capture 'circole officiale' - their nemisis of the 77 war.
  21. a) Destroyed the fabrics of the first ever armed opposition group, SSDF, formed by Somalis against Barre's regime - and narrowed it down to as a tribal organisation. b)Led the the Somali soldiers that together with Ethiopian troops captured Balanbale and Goldogob - where the Ethiopian flag was raised. c) Again through tribal influence and manuevering ( as he did in the destruction of SSDF as a national organisation) took over the authority of Puntland from the founding fathers such as Bartacad, Mohamed Abshir et al. d) to over through military force with the full assistance of Ethiopian forces the Puntland State , and chased the out the elected incumbent elected president Jama Ali Jama. He used Ethiopian troops to kill those who were close to him tribal wise. e) As head of a puppet regime created by the Ethiopians, the TFG, Yeey was brought into Xamar inside an armed peoples carrier - and has since given blessing and legalised in his own terms the atrocities by the Ethiopian regime against the Somali and still ongoing. I fail to see where the politician and military status is related to a charecter like Yeey. He has never achieved anything nor build anything except destroy them. Currently Yeey exists within the equation of Ethiopian presence in Somalia and the American backing to counter the emergence of Al-Qaeeda sympathisers in this corner of the World. Take Ethiopia out of the equation Yeey would have never gone back to Puntland let alone Xamar - he would have still been stuck in a council house in Camden, London. Yeey, above all will always be remembered for leading the Ethiopoians capture 'circole officiale' - their nemisis of the 77 war.
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: Juje, I feel sorry for you ina Abti, I will only wish for your mental recovery at this time. # Mental, you and I, bro is the person who entirely relies on the achievement of others.
  23. Originally posted by General Duke: Geedi is gone and so are the hype, has the governemnt deteriorated? Has the sky fallen in? Is Mohamed Dheere fighting? What more deterioration are you looking for - Geedi was no sacked nor asked to resign officially by Yeey Geedi's government was not granted the wish to seek confidence in Parliament Geedi got the orders from Addis and by the time he landed he has already written his resignation. It was done and dusted in Addis. You and your adeerka came out from your hiding hole after Geeli left. And yet you have the audacity to claim TFG is functioning - well if you call pimping to the Axmaros governance then go ahead be proud. Cause today no single Somali can say we have a government for Somalis run by Somalis.
  24. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: what is next tolow ?? ,,, someone must be ready for that post Yes , Duke. Well literally not him, but certainly a yes man like him
  25. " Idinka ma tagin mana idinka dheeri, kamana safrayo halkaan, waxaan ahay xildhibaan, Istaqaaladeyda waxaan u gudbiyay Madaxweynaha, wuuna iga aqbalay" ayuu ku yiri Geedi Mudanayaasha Baarlamabka qudbad uu iminka ka jeedinayo Xarunta ADC ee magaalada Baydhabo