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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Originally posted by Castro: Instead of rejecting every person nominated, may be the opposition should name a candidate of their own for Prime Minister. I can't believe I just suggested working with the TFG. No you did not suggest sxb. But you are probably pissed with the opposition rejecting this man, Nuur Caade. He is not going to bring any changes on his own within the metally demented buffons of TFG. He has to be seen working with the opposition - they (the oppositin) in other words should be slightly constructive towards achieving an end to this catastrophe. There has to some sort of a 'tanasuul' on both sides. Those sponsering the TFG has produced a figure, much to the despise of the the TFG leader and his mentors (Ethiopia), who they think can engage in a dialogue with the other side. Now it is up to the other side whether they want to climb down a bit a make a similar move, rather than sticking to their point 'Ethiopians out'. Ofcourse this is what we want , but how do we do it? Over a year we are at war and lost many , dosplaced many and destructed many. Not mentioning the fact that the 'anti-war' Ethiopia was only done in and the surrounding of 'Bakaraha' - while Ethipian troops are at ease in notably other quarters of Mogadishu - and more than welcomed in most parts of Somalia and if I may state in whole of Somaliland. Hence my friend you are not suggesting working with the TFG - but you are pissed with the opposition bench who are lost for innitiatives and lack the ability to compromise.
  2. I guess the old man is not in good terms with the donors - someone should have told him that this is not how to deal with the hand that feeds you. Nevertheless this clearly shows what he is made of , arrogant , ignorant and incapable.
  3. Juje

    1 million.

    Originally posted by Lois Lane: DAMN! you lack some serious empathy for your own people. That is a disaster in itself That is where you 'probably' misunderstood him. 'Own' in this situation for him is not relative.
  4. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: Duke will cheer for him until the new pm has his runnings with the old man yey. Just watch
  5. It is a combination of hardline Islamists in the Shabaab youth movement, and the Resistance, who regard their primary enemy as Ethiopia. At some point they will split I think we are already into the 'split' stage.
  6. Juje

    1 million.

    Originally posted by Caamir: ^May Allah help them out. IA, they will get support from both inside and outside the country. How will it come, and what will the support relieve them from since they are shields as you say? Or are you all of a sudden feel sorry for them?
  7. Juje

    1 million.

    Originally posted by GJ: He mans a Qabil got cleansed in the early 90s and the same is happening today. Sadly, that is what some peoples imgagination conjures up at the sight of starving, dying and malnourished innoncent Somalis,ie he belongs to reer Hebel and reer Hebel killed this clan in 1940 codh-codh....... He is not alone in that thinking.
  8. Originally posted by Baashi: It is doable and Allah is my witness. This can be done. It takes a man to swallow his pride and make necessary compromises. The time has come. Could you expand on that awoowe, very interesting indeed.
  9. SOMALIA: "The voice for the voiceless is no more" NAIROBI, 19 November 2007 (IRIN) - A popular Somali aid worker, described by her colleagues as a champion of the vulnerable and disadvantaged, has died after she was hit by a stray bullet while distributing food at camp for the displaced on the outskirts of Mogadishu. Madina Mahamud Ilmi (Medina General) , a mother of nine in her late 50s, was seriously wounded in the accident on 15 November and died the next day at the Medina hospital, her colleague Abdullahi Shirwa told IRIN. Ilmi, popularly known as "Madina General", was a prominent civil society personality in the Somali capital. Asha Ugas Shaour, a member of Mogadishu's civil society groups, said Ilmi "always spoke up for those could not speak for themselves; she was the voice of the voiceless". "The whole town is saddened by her death," she said. In the 1990s, to highlight the disillusionment with warlords running the city, Ilmi and 60 other women formed a group called Horseedka Nabada iyo Nolosha (Leaders for Peace and Life) to advocate a peaceful resolution to Somalia's civil war. Shaour, a founder member, said the group also set up a support system for thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the city. A local journalist, who requested anonymity, said Ilmi was "never afraid" of the dangers of her work. "She had this attitude that what will happen will happen. It is what you do when you are here that matters," he said. "It was fitting that she was killed while doing what she liked most, helping those who not could help themselves." The UN Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator, Eric Laroche, expressed his sadness at Ilmi's death. "She was present at the epicentre of the unfolding emergency, assisting an aid distribution to her displaced compatriots, when she was hit by a stray bullet in a tragic accident," Laroche said in a statement issued on 18 November. "Defending vulnerable groups such as the displaced and seeking sustainable peace in Somalia was her vocation." "Somalia has lost one of its heroines," he added. Ilmi's brother Isse Mahamud Ilmi told IRIN that the family was overwhelmed by messages of support. "People are still coming to the house to pay their respect," he said. "We will dedicate ourselves to fulfilling her life's work." Allah UU Naxaristo...amiin! Source
  10. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: peacenow, you are crossing the border sxb and you are getting far far away from the religion. Never ever oppose something which clear in the Quran for the sake of argument. It is a plain Kufr Walahi. He does not believe in it. It is obvious - certainly the effort to argue this issue with him was not worth it. Hence I will take GJ's advise and tell PeaceN: In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful 6. To you be your Way, and to me mine. Surah 109. Al-Kafirun (verse 6)
  11. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: peacenow, you are crossing the border sxb and you are getting far far away from the religion. Never ever oppose something which clear in the Quran for the sake of argument. It is a plain Kufr Walahi. He does not believe in it. It is obvious - certainly the effort to argue this issue with him was not worth it. Hence I will take GJ's advise and tell PeaceN: In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful 6. To you be your Way, and to me mine. Surah 109. Al-Kafirun (verse 6)
  12. Originally posted by peacenow: Well who are you or me to suggest to another person what is 'normal'. Maybe they would consider me 'unnormal' or maybe you. What is it about them that you find so threathning? If they live their life and not do harm. Who are you to judge them? You are not god. Xashaa! Sxb inta aysan sheekadu nala fogaan, what do you use as moral judgement, what do u use to differentiate wrong from right or vice versa? Bal ii kala cadey?
  13. Originally posted by peacenow: Well who are you or me to suggest to another person what is 'normal'. Maybe they would consider me 'unnormal' or maybe you. What is it about them that you find so threathning? If they live their life and not do harm. Who are you to judge them? You are not god. Xashaa! Sxb inta aysan sheekadu nala fogaan, what do you use as moral judgement, what do u use to differentiate wrong from right or vice versa? Bal ii kala cadey?
  14. Originally posted by peacenow: Your rights to live as you want is something, I'm positively for. You lost your argument, when you stand and call for people to be burned to death. As if we haven't seen enough violence already. Can you give me the rights to hate them if you have rendered them the right to live. It is puzzling sxb how you entertain a notion to accept 'quers' as ordinary members of society - need I ask. Am sorry the 'burning' thing did not go down well with you - and on a serious note I would suggest such a thing - but I will seriously advocate for them to be 'quarantined' from the society. Purely for the reason not to create a society growing up that homosexuality is a decent thing.
  15. Originally posted by peacenow: Your rights to live as you want is something, I'm positively for. You lost your argument, when you stand and call for people to be burned to death. As if we haven't seen enough violence already. Can you give me the rights to hate them if you have rendered them the right to live. It is puzzling sxb how you entertain a notion to accept 'quers' as ordinary members of society - need I ask. Am sorry the 'burning' thing did not go down well with you - and on a serious note I would suggest such a thing - but I will seriously advocate for them to be 'quarantined' from the society. Purely for the reason not to create a society growing up that homosexuality is a decent thing.
  16. The subject matter is not something that needs to be discussed mildly let alone be accepted as some of you are suggesting. It is sick, immoral and utterly contradicts the teaching and practice of Islam, that is if you still believe in it. I wouldnt freaking care about it if it was in a Socialist tabloid and advocating for the rights of this God forsaken people - but in a Somali forum it is exceptionally disgusting. Now some of you as I read in your posts are hoping they have a peaceful life - it shows that you are more tempted to be marked as a Somali liberal and more modern. It is suprising how people drop their dignity and morals at the sound of 'modern'. Well i will tell you straight forward if you are afraid of it - homosexuality - is and cannot be accepted and anyone practicing should be burned to dead if I was asked. Damn you are accepting queers now, what will you be accepting in ten years time - peados. Bloody liberals I would say.
  17. The subject matter is not something that needs to be discussed mildly let alone be accepted as some of you are suggesting. It is sick, immoral and utterly contradicts the teaching and practice of Islam, that is if you still believe in it. I wouldnt freaking care about it if it was in a Socialist tabloid and advocating for the rights of this God forsaken people - but in a Somali forum it is exceptionally disgusting. Now some of you as I read in your posts are hoping they have a peaceful life - it shows that you are more tempted to be marked as a Somali liberal and more modern. It is suprising how people drop their dignity and morals at the sound of 'modern'. Well i will tell you straight forward if you are afraid of it - homosexuality - is and cannot be accepted and anyone practicing should be burned to dead if I was asked. Damn you are accepting queers now, what will you be accepting in ten years time - peados. Bloody liberals I would say.
  18. Waa Ayo Al Shabaab Yeyse Dan U Yihiin? Kooxda Al-shabaab ayaa maalmahan danbe si wayn isaga dhexsaartay xoogaga iskacaabinta Soomaaliya, iyagoo ka falaagoobay kana amar diiday hogaankii Maxkamadaha ee Isbahaysiga la galay xoogag siyaasadeed oo kale. Dhalinyaradan ayaa hab dhaqankooda uu shaki geliyey dad fara badan oo Soomaaliyeed oo wanaag doon ah. intaan ka badan in Al-shabaab laga aamuso waa arrin aan haboonayn, Soomaalidu waxay tiraahdaa "Libaax Alam Tara soo Dhaaf". Waa arrin garawshiyo leh in dadka qaar ay ka hadalka arrinka dhibayso oo ay ku doodayaan in ummadu xili adag ay ku jirto oo aanan loo baahnayn in la kala qaybiyo oo tafaaraaruq la geliyo. Dadka doodaan qaba waa dad niyad samaan leh, laakiin ma aha mid meel ina gaarsiinaysa, hadii ay xog ogaalnimo badan heli lahayeenna waa ay ka tanaasuli lahaayeen. Haatan Al-shabaab ma jirto cid ay wax ka maqlaan, balse ficilkoodu wuxuu si dadban ugu adeegayaa danta Itoobiya, waana awood kaligood gooni u taagan oo ayan jirin cid ay masiirka ummada kala tashadaan ama uga amar qaadataan,marka laga reebo Asxaabtoodda dibadda. Tafaraaruq iyagaa bilaabay in la iska qabto maahee maslaxad kalana ma muuqato. Bal eeg Ciraaq, waxaa dantii dadkii Sunadda ahaa bohol ku riday waa noocooda oo kale oo Ciraaq jooga, waxay dileen dhamaan hogaamiyayaashii diinta ee Sunadda, waxay dhabarka ka jebiyeen qabaa'ishii Sunadda ilaa markii danbe ay keentay in dadku iska celiyaan, iyadoo Maraykankii iyo Shiicadii ay ishayaan. Waa dan aan laga fursanaynin in Al-shabaab wado la iska mariyo oo ummadu inta goori goor tahay ka tashato kana maaranto waxgalkoodda sababtoo dhibkoodda ayaa ka badan waxtarkoodda. Yey Dan u Yihiin Al-shabaab Maalmahan danbe waxaa jiray dhawaaq si wayn dunidda uga soo yeerayey oo si dadban iyo toos ahba u canbaaraynayey tacadiga ciidanka Itoobiya ay Soomaaliya ka wadaan. Mar qura ayaa Aadan Cayrow cajalad kasoo tuuray uu leeyahay waa in ciidanka Ugandha la weeraraa, labo maalin ka dib ayaa baasuukayaal lagu weeraray xarun ciidanka Ugandha leeyihiin, iyadoo waaberigii xigay weerarkaas uu Mukhtaar Rooboow sheegay in ay Al-shabaab weerarkaas ka danbeeyeen. Mawqifka hogaanka Maxkamadaha iyo inta badan Muqaawamadda kaa wuu ka duwanyahay. Waxay aaminsanyihiin, inkastoo ciidanka Ugandha uusan isafgarad Soomaaliyeed ku imaanin hadana la mid ma ahan ciidanka taliska Zenawi, sidaas daraadeed hadafka iyo halbeegu waa ciidanka Gumaysiga Itoobiya ee uu damac dhulbaraalsi, aarsi iyo xasuuq uu ku jiro, waana cadaw dunidda si sahlan loo fahamsiin karo ujeedadiisa guracan. Hadaba waxaa iswaydiin leh weerarka Al-shabaab ay ku qaadeen ciidanka Ugandha yuu dan u yahay, yuu indhaha aduunka ka duwayaa, dabca waa Itoobiya. Ma jecli in aan tuhmo niyadda dhalintaas la jahwareeriyey, laakiin sida sahlan ee loogu biiri karo xoogoodda wuxuu keenayaa in Itoobiyaanku dad danahoodda ka shaqeeya ku dhexyeeshaan. Waxaa jirta qiso caan ah oo inta badan wadaadadu ay ogyihiin. Sanadkii 1996 ayaa markii wadaadu dagaalka la galeen ciidanka Itoobiya deegaanka Luuq oo ay Itoobiyaanku ka itaal roonaadeen wadaadadii, ayaa waxaa soo baxday in Nin Sheekh C/risaaq Garwayne la yiraahdo oo hogaamiyihii ciidanka wadaada ahaa uu Itoobiyaanka horay u sii raacay, taasoo niyad jab wayn ku noqotay dhalintii dagaalka ku jirtay. Waxaa kaloo dhacday xiligii Maxkamadaha in dhalinyaro asalkoodu Oromo ahaa oo sanooyinkii ugu danbeeyey ku sugnaa Soomaaliya kana mid noqday hogaamiyayaasha ciidanka Maxaakimta ay saraakiil ka ahaayeen ciidanka Itoobiya. Ragani Al-shabaab ah, waa xoog dabacsan oo ay sahlantahay sida looga mid noqdo. Waxaa keli oo kugu filan in aad Tawxiidsato, Ger Wayn la Baxdo, Gaaladaan Xasuuqayaa ku celceliso. Laakiin aduunka aan maanta joognaa ma ahan mid sidaa u shaqeeya ee waa aduun danuhu isdhaafsanyihiin, dadkana aan sahal lagu kala sooci karin, sirdoonkuna sidii jinigii u shaqeeyo. Waa ayo Al-shabaab maxayse Doonayaan Al-shabaab waxay qayb ka yihiin urur waynaha Al-qaacida sida ay iyagu sheegteen. Al-shabaabka Soomaaliya iyo Al-qaacidada aduunkaba nuqsaantooda waxaa ka mid ah in aysan lahayn taageero shacab iyo culimo la ictiraafsanyahay oo dariiqooda taageersan. Waa dhalinyaro kaligood culimo isku ah oo aan lahayn Fiqi Diineed qoto dheer. Alshabaab waxaa ka quustay dhamaan culimadii Soomaalida ee ictibaarka lahayd, ma jirto culimo magac iyo miisaan leh oo ay taageero uga haystaan fikirkoodda, iyaguna waxay isku qadariyaan waa inuu ruuxu dagaal yahan yahay Afgaanistaana u tegey Usaama Bin laadinna soo arkay. Waxaan shaki ku jirin in ay ka faa'iidaystaan gocoshadda iyo dhibaatadda dadka Soomaaliyeed iyo Muslimiinta guud ahaanba lagu hayo, laakiin waxaa si wayn u muuqata in ay dhibaatadaas sii murjinayaan oo ceel kasii ridayaan. Hadafkoodu waa mid mustaxiil ah xiligan marka la eego quwadaha aduunka iyo sida nolsha Casriga ahba ay u dhisantay. Waxay sheegaan in ay doonayaan dawlad Islaami ah oo Bariga iyo Bartamaha Afrika ka hirgasha, oo Imaaradii Islaamka laga taago la iskana iloobo xuduuudaha haatan jira ee Muslimiinta, qaarkood waxay qabaan in Kacbadda la xoreeyo oo xukunka reer Aala Sacuud meesha laga tuuro. Waa rag Muslimka iyo dadka aan Muslimka ahaynba colaadu isku si uga dhaxayso oo aysan tabartooddu u qiyaasnayn, waa rag mudnaan waxqabad iyo oodaha sida ay u kala sareeyaan in loo kala qaado aysan xisaabta ugu jirin, waa rag doonaya in ay uun qoray heegeysnaadaan cidii aan iyaga ka amar qaadaninna uu gaal yahay. Waa rag aan qawaaniin dawli ah iyo Qaramo midoobay ictiraafsanayn, waa rag qiyaasta Khatarta iyo halista aysan halbeeg u lahayn, waa rag mayraxi madaxa ugu xirantahay uusan masiir qaran mushkilo wayn ku haynin, waa rag miisaamida Masaalixda iyo Mafaasidda ayan u muuqan, maxaase la kala hormariyaa murugo ku haynin. Waa rag markii Sheekhoodii ugu waynaa ka yaabay fariin Ashtako ah Al-jaziira usoo mariyey. Maalmo ka hor ayuu Sh. Usaama isagoo la hadlaya Al-qaacidada Ciraaq ku ehbeyey in ay Maslaxadda kooxda ka hormariyaan Tan Jamaacadda, Tan Jamaacadanna ka hor mariyaan tan dowladda, tan dawladana ka hormariyaan, tan umadda. Dad badan baa qabay ragani in ay Mujaahidiin yihiin oo Shahaado doon yihiin, laakiin ragii ka dhinac dagaalay waxay sheegeen in hogaamiyayaasha Al-shabaab ay dhamaantood baneeyeen furumihii dagaalka xiligii dagaalkii Itoobiya uu socday. Rooboow waa kii dhoofay, Ibraahim xaaji (Afgaan) sedex boqol oo dhalinyara ah isagoo wata ayuu Aaga Jawhar baneeyey, Cabdi Godane (Mukhtaar) sidoo kale ayuu Iidaale isaga soo baxay, Cayroow sidoo Furunta Jawhar ayuu kasoo baxay oo Muqdisho isaga soo laabtay. Dadkii ka qaybgalay dagaalkii Itoobiyaanka waxay isku raaceen in ay Al-shabaab masuul ka ahaayeen jabkii Maxkamadaha iyo fashilkii mashruucoodiiba. Al-shabaab waxay isku koobeen dhamaan talisyadii ciidanka iyagoo diiday ragii khibradda ciidanka lahaa ee wadani iyo wadaad intaba lahaa. Sax waa yihiin rag tababaran, laakiin tababarkoodu waa shakhsi iyo sida uu u dagaal galo, laakiin si loo dhigo Istaraatiijiyo ciidan, Saadka ciidanka loo xariiriyo, cadawga awoodiisa loo qiyaaso looga soo sir waramoo, kaartadda dagaalka loo dhigo waa arrin u baahan khibrad ciidan iyo in aad Kuliyaad Xarbi kasoo baxday. Tan kale waxay Maxkamadaha ku qasabeen in ay dagaal aysan diyaar u ahayn galaan, markii la galayna dhamaan aagagii ay joogeen waa ay soo faaruqiyeen. Rasuulkeenna (SCW) wuxuu yiri Muslim labo jeer god lagama qaniino ee Hogaanka Maxakamudu waa in ay ragan mawqif cad iska taagan, intii ay arrinkan qarin kareenna waa ay qariyeen, Soomaaliduna waxay tiraahdaa "Wixii Aad Qarsato Waa Ay ku Qurunsadaan" ee inta goori goor tahay dhalintan waa lagu daalay in loo caqli celiyee ee umadda ha loo cadeeyo halistoodda iyo hadafka guracan ee ay wataan.
  19. "Wa Madeys Aduunyadu Dadkuna Wey Matalayaan"
  20. Somalia: MEPs call for immediate ceasefire and action by international community In the light of the worsening situation in Somalia, Parliament adopted a resolution urging an immediate ceasefire as well as enforcement of the longstanding UN arms embargo on the country. The African Union's member states are pressed to provide peacekeeping troops, while the international community is urged to provide financial and logistical support for those troops. At least 80 people have been killed in the recent fighting between the Union of Islamic Courts and allied Ethiopian and Transitional Federal Government (TFG) troops and at least 100,000 people have been displaced. The total number of displaced persons in Somalia is now over 850,000. About 38,000 children under the age of five among the rural population are estimated to be acutely malnourished and 10,000 are believed to be at risk of death. Calls for immediate cessation of hostilities and of all foreign military intervention Against this background, Parliament's resolution "strongly condemns the serious violations of human rights committed by all parties to the conflict", calls for "the immediate cessation of hostilities", demands that "all warring factions refrain from indiscriminate attacks on civilians" and calls for "an independent panel to investigate war crimes and human rights violations". Parliament also warns that there is a clear risk of the Somalia conflict growing into a regional war affecting the entire Horn of Africa. It calls on the international community "to step up and sustain diplomatic efforts to end the violence" and propose a mechanism to negotiate and monitor an immediate ceasefire. It also calls for "the cessation of all foreign military intervention in Somalia". African states urged to provide full contingent of AU peacekeeping troops While welcoming the efforts by the African Union to assemble a peacekeeping force, MEPs deplore the fact that so far only 1,600 soldiers out of the 8,000 promised have actually been deployed. The AU is asked to call on its member states to honour their commitments, while the EU is urged to provide political, financial and logistical support. More generally, the international community, particularly the EU, is asked "to increase the provision of humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons and people in need". Enforce the UN arms embargo MEPs also urge "strict and renewed application and monitoring of the arms embargo against Somalia imposed by the UN in 1992, for which scant respect is paid" and call for "the violators of the Somalia arms embargo to start being held accountable". In addition, they highlight the urgent need for journalists to be protected and condemn the Somali Government's systematic harassment of journalists. Lastly, says Parliament, the EU-Africa Summit in Lisbon on 8 and 9 December 2007 should "give urgent consideration to the grave situation prevailing in Somalia". Source
  21. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: i wouldn't post my pic if i was him And why not?
  22. THE RORY PECK AWARDS 2007 Sponsored by Sony WINNERS THE SONY IMPACT AWARD This Award honours freelance footage providing humanitarian imagery which has had an impact internationally and contain images that have contributed to a change in perception or policy. Elizabeth Tadic (Australian) Malaria, Money and Murder Shot: Nigeria February - March 2006 Self funded Based on a original idea by Robert Cockburn Broadcast by Dateline, SBS THE RORY PECK AWARD FOR HARD NEWS This Award honours freelance coverage of on-the-day news, where the focus is on the immediacy of the action, or a news feature. Farah Roble Aden (Somali) Somalia Reports Shot: Somalia December 2006 - June 2007 For Reuters News Service This footage shows very close-to-the-action fighting in Mogadishu, after the Islamic courts militias were ousted by Ethiopian backed Somali Government troops. Subsequent attacks forced thousands of civilians to flee their homes while even more were injured and killed in the fighting. Farah Roble Aden was arrested several times and his camera was confiscated. After the murder of three of his colleagues from HornAfrik, Reuters asked Farah to stop covering this story until they could work out whether the killings were deliberately targeting journalists. The judges felt that this piece of work clearly showed the human misery that comes in the wake of fighting. “This is what good, frontline, war coverage can be like. It is calm, clearly-shot, good quality footage from a place that is so dangerous we don’t get to see much that is happening there.” Cameraman's Comment “This was very dangerous. On some shots you can hear bullets ricocheting off walls as the camera is rolling. I hope that my coverage would show the world the real situation inside Somalia. I have lost friends and relatives over many years here. Two colleagues at HornAfrik were injured in April 2007. Three months later – Ali Iman Sharmake – founder of HornAfrik was killed in an explosion.” Biography Farah Roble Aden was born in 1965 in Kismayu, Somalia. He started working in television in 1997 as a researcher/assistant producer for UNESCO in Nairobi. In 2001 he returned to Mogadishu to freelance as a producer for HornAfrik and two years later began to freelance for Reuters. When Ethiopian troops joined the Somali Army and started taking back towns from the Islamic Courts militias, he was one of the few journalists who covered the situation from the beginning, filming the aftermath of mortars, roadside bombs and rockets into civilian areas as militiamen attacked government forces.
  23. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: truth is, Somalis are not patriotic in any corner of their country. Northwest has been busy trying to cut the country in two. the south has turned to bililiqo for as far us we can remember. yet the puntland regions are not only for unity but found the formula for statehood. Northwest either deports somali refugees to ethiopia or las anod. They the kill, rape or rob them in the south. But in puntland, Bosaso, Galkacyo, Las Anod, they are welcomed with open arms. What little money puntland gets from its main port is mostly given to the central government. All its troops were given to the central government. So your right, what little patriotism thats left in Somalis, is in those regions but did really win a race whean no one is competing with you? Secession the day before yesterdays news Bililiqo yesterdays news traitor and selling cheaply the country to Tigres at the cost of so many Somali lives - todays news. NN falari gilgilato kaga ma harto - for centuries to come the term 'dabakadhilif-cadow' will stick, and out of the three that is the worst.
  24. I wonder what the case would have been had MMI said ' ka ku jiro moho' .