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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: You've just missed the point ,,,,,, Did I? Take a good look in the mirror.
  2. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Ciidamada Ilaahay dartiis u raran Ciidamada Eritrea darteed u raran Ciidamada Qabyaaladda u raran Ciidamada Xabashida darteed u raran Intaaasaa meesha ku hirdiyaysa ,,,,,,,,, Ciidamada Ilaahay dartiis u raran = Maxakinta Ciidamada Eritrea darteed u raran = lama shegin Ciidamada Qabyaaladda u raran = TFGda Ciidamada Xabashida darteed u raran = TFGda + Somaliland + Puntland
  3. Horta Macaliin Cayrow Allah uu naxaristo - gacan ka xaq daran aya dishey. We can judge his value at the great lenght the Americans went to eliminate him. He must have been, infact was a pillar opposition to their wicked policy. Nevertheless who has sold him out and who has slept with the enemy is at this stage pure speculation. But am for the notion if the Asmara group were hurt by the killing of Macaliin Cayrow (Alla Ya Raxma) then they would have abondoned their planned negotiation with the TFG and International community. But by continuing as planned sends signal that they either might have connived or are undisturbed by the killing of the Macaliin. The TFG are not worth the paper they are written on today - they govern nothing, they control nothing, infact they are like endangered species in Mogadishu. The real enemies are the Tigres and those that sponsered their invasion and if you believe they will leave through negotiation then you are living in a cuckos land.
  4. Originally posted by Emperor: ^ , Jinsiyada iyo Diinta hadaad adiga bixisid aginana waan baxshaayee ogoow... Hadda wixi kadanbeeyana Juje-ow Somalinimada waa laga saaray I appeal against your decision you cannot strip me of my 'jinsiyaad'. Seriously though that was the tone of Peace's argument and it is also the main point of the thread poster. By saying Abu Fatax and Abu Widaayo are slaughtering TFG and Tigres thus the Tigres have the right to slaughter innocent pious people is at best ludicrious and at worst despicable. It lacks the sense of one's own belief, that is if he/she believes in Islam. That is the bottom line, how far are you willing to accept the atrocities of Tigre in order to safeguard your own dubious interest in Somali political stage. And what guarantees do you have that you will not become a victim yourself if your guardians change their playing cards. After all I fail to see the diference between poker and politics. Your hand could change in the next draw.
  5. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Qiil uu uraadiyay wax uma jeedo ninkaas laakiin waxaan arkaa inuu tilmaamay Alshabaab inayan wanaag lahayn.. at least thats what you quoted. I think Somalinimada hal koox baa sharciyaysa! Al-Shabaab wey xunyihiin ama wey fican yihiin waa baab kale - lakiin madama ay Shabaabku wax gowraceen Tigrega jiid bey uu leyihiin in ay ayaguna qalaan wadado masakiin ah oo Tabliiq ah - hadi aad adigu taas ku raac santahey iska dhaf jinsiyade xita isku Diin ma wada sheegan karno.
  6. Originally posted by Peace Action: Abu, You were defending beheading yesterday, why condemn it now? Answer the question, please. You should admit that shabaab is as bad as TFG/Ethiopia when it comes to serious violation of human rights and worse because they claim to be muslims following Islamic rule of warfare. Hadhowba waxaa la oran Somalinimo aya jirta - bal firsha ninkaan qiilka uu radinayo gowrici Amxarada uu geysatey wadadadi Tabliiqa. Ina Lillahi wa ina Illeyhi Rajicuun.
  7. Allah uu Naxaristo...amiiiin!
  8. Call for inquiry into US role in Somalia By Steve Bloomfield in Nairobi Wednesday, 7 May 2008 Amnesty International has called for the role of the United States in Somalia to be investigated, following publication of a report accusing its allies of committing war crimes. The human rights group yesterday listed abuses carried out by Ethiopian and Somali government forces, and some committed by al-Shabaab, an anti-government militia which the US designated a terrorist group. According to the report, based on the testimonies of refugees who have fled Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, in recent weeks, Ethiopian troops have killed civilians by slitting their throats. Ethiopian and Somali forces were also accused of gang-raping women and attacking children. A refugee, named Haboon, accuses Ethiopian troops of raping a neighbour's 17-year-old daughter. When the girl's brothers – aged 13 and 14 – tried to help her, Ethiopian soldiers gouged out their eyes with a bayonet. The Ethiopian government last night issued a statement strongly rejecting the Amnesty allegations and criticising the organisation's "uncritical use of sources." Amnesty called for an international commission of inquiry into allegations of war crimes and said the role of other countries that have given military and financial support to perpetrators should also be investigated. US troops trained Ethiopian forces involved in military operations in Somalia, and the US government supplied military equipment to the Ethiopian military. "There are major countries that have significant influence," said Amnesty's Dave Copeman. "The US, EU and European countries need to exert that influence to stop these attacks." After attacks by Ethiopian and Somali forces on civilian areas in Mogadishu last year, European lawyers considered whether funding for Ethiopia and Somalia made the EU complicit. The results of their deliberations were never made public. The Amnesty report detailed a pattern of attacks. Refugees who fled the violence said al-Shabaab would launch an attack from a residential area. Ethiopian troops would respond with a security sweep, often going from door-to-door attacking civilians. Those who did not flee faced further reprisals. Increased military activity has turned Mogadishu into a ghost town. About 700,000 people have fled – out of a population of up to 1.5 million. The UN estimates that 2.6 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance – more than one quarter of the population. Peace talks between the Somali government and the main opposition alliance are scheduled to begin later this month. Source
  9. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: must say, this is good news, hope mr make it rain and awais are next. "Hadii aad Arinta Geerida Mujaahidiinta Aad Ku Faraxdaan waxaa idiin Danbeeyn doona Wax aad ka Naxdaan oo aad ka Murgootaan" Shiikh Muqtaar Rooboow Cali Abuu Mansuur.
  10. Originally posted by LayZie G.: PS: I wuv kasha, and I can't wait for him to share some of the wisdow he has with me. Kasha I MISS YOUUUUUUUUU If there is anything you share with Kasha it is not wisdom - and if you have any decency left in you , you will respect a deceased Muslim person what ever differences and animosity you had with him/her. Shame on you.
  11. Originally posted by nuune: bari horaan kaaga digey odeygan meesha la qotonsadey, hadaad faaiida inuu keena ka sugeesay wey kaa khaldantey sxb Aad iyo aad.
  12. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Haye ,, Film hindi ah baa la metelayaa miyaa ? Are you saying sxb waxani waa qawda maqashi waxna ha uu qaban - mise waxaad ula jeeda mamulka iyo burcada wa heshiis oo waa riwayaad waxa ay jilayan.
  13. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: I like how you people think, what was the PM supposed? Don't shoot back if your shot at? To all the fake cyber jihadist, this what the war you have been clamoring for gets you. Fair point. But do you know who has been doing the shooting? Nuur Caade a person who making the change for the better and working his way around to achieve more than he achieved in making the two Sharifs concede to dialogue. But he got it wrong this time. He should have never excused for the massacre that happened in the past three days - that completely diminishes his peace effort and undermines his sincerity in breaking the dead lock. Here is a man who was brave when he said that government troops looted the Bakara market and one who did not have the dignity, courage and decency to say that a genocide has been committed by Ethiopian troops in the past three days. It is nothing short of genocide when you SLAUGHTER twenty or so non-combatant civilians in one place. Now the struggle will continue and gather more support and momentum while the TFG and its Ethiopian crusaders will diminish. The end result will take more than you anticipate but it will favor the liberators - though the cost will be unbearable , however the final result will sweeten and heal the pain.
  14. Emperor I agree with you that Nuur Caade is the catalyst to change but not the only ingredient. Camir sxb to wait untill the mandate ends would have been essential - but it is obvious that the TFG buffons hardly know what they have been mandated to do. Hence another Eldoret is not only on the cards but vital in order to save this nation from the deep path of apathy.
  15. The two Sharifs are far sighted, committed and determined to find a breakthrough in this complicated situation peace for the Somali people. In their decission to enter dialogue unconditionally they have shown to be in higher ground than those whose benefit is in this mayhem. Furthermore primary to engaging in a dialogue is for the UN to present a timetable for the withdrawal of the invading Ethiopian troops. Hence it clearly shows that they have not given up their tenet. Am sure the UN that is pushing for this dialogue to commence has come to the conclussion that the current defunct TFG and their backers are anything but a solution for Somalia. Therefore the powers that be that are fuelling this process have realised that they have been banking on a dead horse,TFG. Yeey can brag all he wants about his position not being a bargaining chip - but he will soon realise when it comes to overhaul change nothing is secure. Remember A/qassim and the Eldoret conference which was to negotiate his TNG and opposing factions.
  16. Maxaa hubka looga qaadi waayey markuu ahaa Raisul Wasaare? Waba sheege in uu Raisul Wasare ahaye , se hubka logu qada? Ka qaadista hubka maxaa hada keenay oo xilkiisa markuu ka tagay ama laga xayuubiyeyba hubkana looga qaadi waayey? Sidi xilka loga xayuubsadey waqtii aya la wayay . Hada madama xelad dagal awgeed dibugurasho laga sameynayo magalada Xamar aya loso jeestey in hubki la siyaayna laga si xayubsado. Maxaa sababy in ay Ciidama Itoobiyaana hub ka qaadis ku sameeyaan Guriga Geedi? Wax qima ah agtado kama laha hada - lakiin ayan daro kuwi asaga la socdey oo gurbanka tumayo weli kuma quus qadan. Micnaha iyo ula jeedada maxey tahay looga dan leeyahay hub ka qaadistan noocan oo kale ah? Wax aan ka aheyn bahdiil iyo awood sheegasho mahiine wax kale oo micna ah masameyneyso. Hadii uu Geedi aad ugu dhawyahay dowlada Tigreyga maxay gurigiisa u weerareen? Tigrega waxa oo dhaw oo keliya kan uu adeega - mar hadi aad xeradi ka baxdey ama danta laga laha aad dhameysatey sidi la rabo aya lagu yela madama aan xishood awal xeerka ku jriin. In regard to the posters mention of "others to follow"..indeed they will - but I very much doubt whether that will make you happy.
  17. Sawiro iyo warbixin ku saabsan hoowlgalkii Ciidamadda faransiiska ka fuliyeen Somaliya lix ka mida burcad badeedii qafaalatay muwaadiniinta faransiiska iyo markabkii ay la socdeen ayaa markii ugu horeysay la helay sawiro muujinayo qaabkii lagu qabqabtay ka gadaal markii diyaaradaha qumaatiga u kaca ay Ciidamo ku daadiyeen wado ay ku socdeen oo gasha dhanka Galaan dheer ee dariiqa hoowdka garacad.Sawirada laga qaaday hoowlgalka Ciidamadda Faransiis waxay muujinayaan burcad badeedii lixda ka mida oo baadiyaha laga soo qabanayo iyagoo sii cararaya halka diyaaradaha yar yarna ay degayeen dhulka. Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamadda Cirka ee Faransiiska ayaa muuqaalkiisa la arkay isaga oo dhabarka ku dhegan Sarkaalkii hogaaminayay burcad badeeda oo marka hoowlgalka dhacayay ku hadlayay telefoon ay dusha sare kala socdeen diyaaradaha Sirdoonka dalkaas,waxaana la sheegay in Video ay duubayeen diyaaradaha qaar oo dhulka sedex maalmood ka hor aad u qiimeeyay. Burcad badeeda oo wadatay labo gaari ayey diyaaradaha mid ka mida gantaal ku dhifteen halka midkii kale oo ay la socdeen lix dableeya iyo qaar ka mida lacagtiina gacanta ku dhigeen. " Jidka ay ku soo socdeen ayaa Ciidan loogu daadiyay,Ciidankuna waxay xirnaayeen qalab aysan xabada maleeshiyaadka karin,waxaana dusha sare ka basaasayay diyaaradaha faransiiska oo markiiba soo degay kuna furay hawo"ayuu yiri qof xog ogaala oo diiday in magaciisa la xuso.Lixda burcad badeeda oo la cadeeyay inay u dhasheen beel ka mida beelaha Puntland dega waxaa lagu wadaa in Maxkamad lagu saaro Faransiiska waloow ay socdaan dadaalo maamulka Puntland ku doonayaan in loo gacan geliyo si ay cadaalada u hor geeyaan. Ciidamadda Faransiiska oo la xaqiijiyay inay la shaqeeynayeen muqaabaraad Soomaali u dhashay ayaa hoowlgalkooda u adeegsaday qaabkii ugu xirfada badnaa ee sabab u noqon karto inay soo afjarto afduubyada sii kordhaya ee maleshiyaad Soomaaliya la beegsadaan Maraakiibta shisheeyaha iyo shaqaalaha la socda. Si kastaba ha ahaatee,duqeynta ay diyaaradaha faransiiska geysteen waxaa ku dhintay dad rayida oo kor u dhaafaya tobaneeya halka ay qaar ka mida burcad badeediina dileen. Source
  18. And it all happened after they released the hostages and the ship.
  19. Inter-Clan conflicts or suicide-bombers, which one is more challenging to the TFG ? None. Because the TFG exists on both factors.
  20. America and Ethiopia need each other, but their needs are not equal THE alliance between the United States and Ethiopia was born of pragmatism. In another time, they might have been enemies. Ethiopians do not like American soldiers tramping on their soil. Americans dislike Ethiopia's bad human-rights record. Local elections due this month are a case in point. Ethiopia's opposition, emasculated by the long imprisonment of its leaders (most of whom were pardoned last year) and weakened by its own divisions, will almost certainly be crushed in an unfair contest. “It's going to be a stitch-up,” says a Western diplomat. “Control is what this government is all about.” America jealously guards information about its more discreet military activities in Ethiopia, while advertising its soldiers' do-gooding: digging wells, vaccinating animals and so on. Officially, it contributes only a sliver of Ethiopia's $300m defence budget. Unofficially, it may have helped pay for the rising costs of Ethiopia's army, one of Africa's largest. Some say America has a secret base in eastern Ethiopia to move CIA, special forces and “friendlies” into next-door Somalia; America says not. What is certain is that the closest military ties between the two countries involve Somalia, which America fears may have already become an incubator of Islamist terrorism. That is why America backed Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia at the end of 2006. Its own air raids on supposed terrorist targets in Somalia have relied on Ethiopian intelligence, though nearly all appear to have missed. American officials praise the Ethiopian troops who are still in Mogadishu, Somalia's battered capital, as peacekeepers; most Somalis see them as occupiers. Leftist hardliners in Ethiopia's government think that its prime minister, Meles Zenawi, is doing the Bush administration's bidding. That is not how the Americans portray it. Regardless of Mr Zenawi, who must answer to his party's central committee and is anyway due to step down in 2010, the Pentagon wants to make Ethiopia a bulwark in a region where Somalia is a dangerously failed state, Sudan and Eritrea are pariahs and Kenya has troubles of its own. Ethiopia has other selling points. The African Union is based there. Its ancient Christian history stirs American evangelicals. Its poverty and population (at 80m, Africa's third-largest) attract development-minded foreigners. But Ethiopia is too poor to be rated an A-list client state. Even American hawks admit that selling guns to one of the planet's hungriest countries, the “cradle of humanity” to boot, would look bad. America says the little it gives Ethiopia's forces is “non-lethal”: boots, night-vision goggles, medical kits and so forth. It would like to do more to train Ethiopian troops for peacekeeping work. A measure of America's realism is the way it has allowed Ethiopia to buy arms from North Korea. So differences remain. Many in Ethiopia's 1.2m-strong diaspora in the United States have lobbied their congressional representatives to condemn Mr Zenawi's government as tyrannical. A bill passed by the House of Representatives last year called for curbs on aid to Ethiopia, but is unlikely to be passed by the Senate. Yet it points to a division between those in Washington (mainly Republicans) wanting to reward Ethiopia for fighting terrorism in Somalia and those (mainly Democrats) wishing to punish it for its human-rights abuses at home. Ethiopia, for its part, had hoped for stronger support from America over its border dispute with Eritrea. It wants the administration to list two Ethiopian separatist groups, the ****** National Liberation Front and the Oromo Liberation Front, as terrorists. America is reluctant. The process is complex; it has taken a long time to complete listing the Shabab, a Somali jihadist group. The ****** and Oromo fronts will go on fund-raising among their supporters in America, just as the Irish Republican Army once did. Aid from European Union countries will probably keep flowing, however patent Ethiopia's human-rights violations. China will invest more. But Ethiopia's luck may run out. After several years of good harvests, a famine may set in this year. With 8m of its people likely to depend on food aid, much of it paid for by the Americans, Ethiopia still needs America a lot more than America needs it. Source
  21. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Wixii markii horeba ka khaldanaa uun baa ka khaldan ,,, it is not something new ay imika la soo baxeen. Indeed..!
  22. Originally posted by Suldaanka: ^^What was done to that girl if you can remind us? Check your files.
  23. Gabadhi masakinta aheyd waagi taad ku dhigteen wala ogaa, mantey ma mid Caade Muse adeer uu yahey aya idin so gacan galey, walle wadkiisa galey.