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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Inaalillaahi Wa Inaa Ilayhi Raajicuun Allah uu naxaaristo...amiin
  2. Originally posted by nuune: Juje , adigu you supported this guy, waxaan xasuustaa inaan mar kaaga digey ma aqaano inaad taladayda qaadatey I still do support him sxb. Generale those who resigned will be replaced with new ones.. do you have anything else against Nuur Caade apart that he has a different interest to that of Yeey? Nuur Caade has the calibre of the International community behind him - plus the fact that he has made inroads into the resistance and managed to woo some. He will sack Maxamed Dhere, Qeybdiid, Darwish and the lot who are not even competent to manage a Bibito let alone an institution and if that irks Yeey tough luck. The notion that Yeey will mobilize his supporters in the cabinet and the parliament to wage war against the right track will not be accepted at all sxb. The steering wheel of the TFG is held beyond the corridors of Addis and its vicinity currently and in them Nuur Caade has more support than Yeey. Wake up and smell the coffee.
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: ^My opinion is that this fellow has not matched the expectations placed on him. And what was the expectation?
  4. UN peacekeeping chief worried about Somalia mission UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.N. peacekeeping chief Jean-Marie Guehenno said on Tuesday he was worried about a possible plan to send U.N. troops to Somalia when it is unclear who controls militants on the ground. Fighting in the lawless Horn of Africa country between government forces and Islamist insurgents has left more than 8,000 civilians dead over the past year and forced 1 million from their homes. The interim government of Somalia, a country whose main exports are sheep and goats, and its exiled opposition initialed a deal in Djibouti last month calling for the deployment of U.N. peacekeepers and a ceasefire after a month. However, that pact was rejected by Somalia's Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, an Islamist who recently claimed to have taken over the country's exiled opposition, the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia. "The political process is very elusive," said Guehenno, who steps down this month after eight years in the job. "The people who sign agreements ... how much of the guns on the ground do they control? "If their control of guns is at best weak or ... nonexistent, then the agreements will not be a solid foundation for a peacekeeping operation." The Security Council has been reluctant to send U.N. peacekeepers to Somalia, where warlords, Islamist insurgents and Ethiopian-backed Somali government forces are battling. The African Union has said its peacekeeping force cannot stabilize Somalia and asked for U.N. troops instead. Despite his reservations about Somalia, Guehenno said it was hard to deny peacekeeping missions, "How can you say 'no' when you are the last resort?" The French diplomat leaves the department with twice the number of peacekeepers on staff than when he took the job. (Reporting by Megan Davies and Louis Charbonneau) Source: Reuters, July 29, 2008
  5. Mogadishu Mayor Sacked for Lack of Competence Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) - In a meeting held today in Mogadishu, Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) cabinet removed the mayor of Mogadishu Mr. Mohamed Omar Habeb (aka Mohamed Dhere) from his post as mayor of Mogadishu. The Prime Minister of the TFG Mr. Nur Ade chaired the cabinet meeting where the decision to remove Mr. Mohamed Dhere from both chairmanship of the city council and his mayoral position was taken. Sources close to participants in the cabinet meeting where the decision was taken told us that among the reasons stated for removing Mr. Mohamed Dhere from his position include incompetence and the fact that several senior members of the city’s administration complained about him and made it clear that they could not work with him. It is also reported that Mr. Mohamed Osman Ali (aka Dhagah-tur) who is currently deputy mayor of social services will be the interim mayor of the city. Mr. Mohamed Dhere was appointed to position of the mayor of Mogadishu on April 26 2007 by former Prime Minister Prof. Ali Mohamed Gedi in memo that noted that the president of TFG Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed approved of Mr. Mohamed Dhere’s appointment as mayor of Mogadishu. Before being appointed to mayor of Mogadishu, Mr. Mohamed Dhere was a member of a group of warlords who united under the umbrella organization to fight terrorism which was defeated by Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) in the middle 2006. Before that, Mr. Mohamed Dhere was the strongman and self-appointed governor of lower Shebele region for five years. While acting as governor of lower Shebele, Mr. Mohamed Dhere ruled the region with iron fist and imposed high taxes but was able to make the region, particularly the city of Jowhar which is the capital of lower shebele one of the more secure cities in southern Somalia. This led to President Abdillahi Yusuf Ahmed and former Prime Minister Prof. Ali Mohamed Gedi to set up temporarily the offices of the TFG in Jowhar for nine months. Mr. Mohamed Dhere does not have many friends among Somalia’s political elite and developed a reputation as an arrogant and confrontational man as indicated by the number of people who complained about him and some of the public statements he made while in power. He is also from the large and powerful Abgal clan which controls part of Mogadishu and several other southern cities. All this makes this an important development in Somalia politics. Observers will sure be watching very closely what moves Mr. Mohamed Dhere makes as a result of this. Additional contribution by Mohamed Amin Ahmed, Hiiraan Online mamin35@hiiraan.com
  6. Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir oo xilkii laga qaaday Talaado, July 29, 2008(HOL): Golaha Wasiirrada Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa shir ay maanta ku yeesheen xaruntooda Magaalada Muqdisho waxay xilkii Guddoomiyenimada Gobolka Banaadir iyo Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho ka qaadeen Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere). Shirka ay Golaha Wasiirrada isugu yimaadeen oo uu shir guddoominayay Ra’’iisal Wasaare Nuur Cadde ayaa waxaa gunaanadkiisii ka soo baxday in Xilkii Guddoomiyenimada Gobolka Banaadir iyo Midkii Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho laga qaaday Maxamed Cumar Xabeed (Maxamed Dheere). Warar aynu ka helnay Ilo ku dhow dhow shirkii Golaha Wasiirrada ee maanta waxaa lagu sheegay sababta Maxamed Dheere xilkaas looga qaaday xil-gudasho la’aan iyo in ay ka soo eed-sheegteen Xubno kala tirsan Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir, kuwaasi oo sheegay in ay la shaqeyn waayeen Maxamed Dheere. Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in xilkii uu hayay Maxamed Dheere si KMG ah loogu sii dhiibay Maxamed Cusmaan Cali (Dhagax-tuur) oo ah Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Gobolka Banaadir ee dhinaca Arrimaha Bulshada. Maxamed Dheere ayaa xilka Guddoomiyenimada Gobolka Banaadir loo magacaabay 26-kii April ee Sanadkii 2007, iyadoo uu magacaabay Ra’iisal Wasaarihii hore ee Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo wareegto xafiiskiisa ka soo baxday lagu sheegay in uu magacaabistiisa aqbalay Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed. Maxamed Dheere ayaa intii aan xilkaas loo magacaabin wuxuu ka mid ahaa Hoggaamiye Kooxeedyo ku midoobay Isbaheysi la magac baxay La-dagaalanka Argagixisada, kuwaasi oo ay ka awood roonaadeen Maxkamadihii Islaamka bartamihii sanadkii 2006. Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) ayaa intii aaney ka awood roonaan Maxkamadihii Islaamka waxaa uu muddo shan sano ah ka talinayay Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe, iyadoo marka laga soo tago in uu dadka gobolka ku soo rogay Shuruuc adag iyo Canshuur xad-dhaaf ah uu dhinaca kale si weyn u sugay ammaanka Gobolkaas, taasi oo keentay in ay Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisal Wasaarihiisii hore Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi ay muddo 9 bilood ah ku soo shaqeeyaan Magaalada Jowhar ee Xarunta u ah Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  7. Ethiopian Trained TFG Troops Attacked Transitional Federal Government (TFG) troops trained in Ethiopia who were on their way to Baidoa were attacked by groups opposed to the TFG and the presence of Ethiopian troops in Somalia. The attack took place near the town of Berdale in Bay region. At the time of the attack, the TFG troops were being escorted by Ethiopian troops. Sources in Berdale we spoke told us that the fighting was heavy and both sides used heavy weapons. The sources, however, declined to comment on the extent of casualties and damages suffered by both sides. ...... Source So much for newly trained troops.
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: Juje: Xasan Dahir Aways was chased from Bari & Sanaag in the 1990s go ask your experts. Indeed! But first ask your experts whether they managed to apprehend Yeey firt before they left the place. Typical duke always claiming feeble and unseen victories. Mise Tigrega aya ku been sheegtey sxb?
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. Abdullahi without even a strong force chased Xasan dahir and his clan terrorists. Watch the project son and enjoy. Chased..? where, in the playground?
  10. Duke, horta inti dhimatey Allah uu naxaristo - teeda kale Cali Jaamac was the sixth of the same sub-sub -clan men who were assasinated in Galkacyo - thus I very much doubt whether Aweys or even Al-Shabaab have anything to do with it. Look no further than your surroundings and the policy of your adeer and Caade. Don't blame this on the bell-boy Duke.
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: Correction: THE NILE is a river in Egypt (and other places). Carry on.... Sxb it was meant to be a metaphor - adna madax adeega aan kugu nacey. Yacquub to socialise and spend some Time online with like minded Somali people Even if we had an iota of such resemblence LSK would have been a PM in Somalia by now - the fact that we are diverese and staunchly contradictory makes a worthwhile in SOL politics . And it doesn't serve any other purpose other than to interact with 'possibly compatible' peers online.
  12. Originally posted by Sophist: Ahmedou spoke about in-experience of the ARS negotiating group! I don’t think he was condescending, he seemed genuinely concerned. Dearth of leadership!! Aloow noo gargaar. Abdirahman Abdi-Shakur sprints to mind..
  13. Nicely put Sophist - and I liked your question yesterday - though the answer was short and not wholly addressing the queries you raised. I wished the Envoy will delibarate more, but as you said he is a seasoned diplomat and gave a cautious answer - nevertheless the issues you mentioned are apparent and short answers as yesterday will not be a solution - the Envoy and his entity should be more forthcoming and display their assests on the table.
  14. Originally posted by Kashafa: Pretty interesting lineup: C/kariin " Dhabo-dhilif" Laqanyo "Ambassador of Somalia to South Africa, Looooooooooooooooooooooool....! How come up he is in your list of pretty interesting line-up then ?
  15. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Adeer hadaad heshiis gelaysaan yaa idinku haysta bal ?? ,, the fact is that maba heshiin kartaan coz waxba ma maqashaan, is mana dhegeysataan, mana isu debecdaan, dad shisheeye uun baad dabada ku wadataane idinku tiina uma tashataan. Hadaad heshiin karaysaan bal heshiiya ha la idin arkee, not an ink on a paper but the facts on the ground is what i judge. I guess you want us to believe that you are from Costa de Sol..
  16. Originally posted by Oodweyne: For, it seams to me he was dealing with a seasoned diplomats from EU , US and lastly from the UN ; whereby the deal that he was asked to sign, seams to me, that it has already been put together to the disadvantage of the Resistance forces that he was supposed to be speaking of, and acting on their behalf. But, since you are convince, that this is best deal of all possible world; then in that case, I must beg to differ with you, or at least ask your indulgence for my obtuseness in here. Ood sxb aside with your innuendo give me valid reasons your negative assumption of this pact apart your monotomous use of seasoned diplomats and sharks. The good Sheikh went into dialogue with the condition of a set time table of Ethiopian withdrawal and their replacement - he got that in the form of and I quote : 7. The Parties agreed from the date of coming into effect of this Agreement: a. To request the United Nations, consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 1814 and within a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days, to authorize and deploy an international stabilization force from countries that are friends of Somalia excluding neighboring states; b. Within a period of 120 days of the signing of this agreement the TFG will act in accordance with the decision that has already been taken by the Ethiopian Government to withdraw its troops from Somalia after the deployment of a sufficient number of UN Forces; I know many made their own interpretation of this particular part of pact, however it clearly shows that there is a timetable, now whether it will be fulfilled or not is entirely a mere predition - but the benefit in here is, and I think that it is generally agreed, that the onus is on the UN to actually realise the withdrawal and the replacement. Not mentioning the fact that the good Sheikh has made the UN and the International observers (seasoned diplomats and sharks) sign a pact that calls for the withdrawal of the Ethiopian troops . If it succeeds well and good , alas if it fails then the good Sheikh would not be accused of dodging the chance of persuing the path to peace in an alternative other than armed conflict. Ood, Sheikh Sharif has made a bold and brave move and has taken a big risk, but am sure he has made his own calculation and Insha Allah he will succeed. He has not sold neither abandoned the resistance which whom he is a leader. This is only the begining and as obvious it woould pump. skepitical and rebuffed - hopefully though it gradually sink in that it is an alternative and an ideal one to kick out the occupation .
  17. Originally posted by Castro: I'll tell you in six words what Oodweyne would in 5000: this agreement is an aborted fetus. Saying so does not make one a warmonger. Ignoring it makes you look uninformed. Indeed for the last sentence and which is , Castro, a category you come under - uninformed. By declining to give it the benefit of doubt, even the thought of slightly hoping that it could work is something at least. And its success or failure will not effect 'directly' neither you or I, but many, and by many I mean many, who have lost everything and are in destitute situation. And that is what matters - whether this pact will ever prevail or even achieve something worthy of peace and stability will bring hope to those living under the 'qurac' or make shift tents in the outskirts. Rest assured Castro you do not hate the Ethiopians as mush as Sheikh Sharif and his colleagues who agreed to this pact for the sake of finding another avenue of relief for those they represent - however bitter it would have made them is over ruled by the dire situation in the ground which you see as a 'blood sport'. And in all honesty the Ethiopian enigma circles around the very people who suggest that there should be no peace pact until the total withdrawal of Ethiopian troops - good point indeed - but it is the same people who little more than a year ago who declared that they will perform their Eid prayers in Addis after a week. Have we not yet reached a stage where we consider the betterment of many as a vital ingredient as opposed to defining presumptive the declaration of war that is inconsiderate at best and at worst not in tune with its mass.
  18. Originally posted by Oodweyne: And therefore, as a consequence of that, should have stuck with his old vocation of “Quranic teaching” to the Somali boys that can be found in his district of Northern Mogadishu in the first place. Though the whole text is utterly rubbish, senseless and lacks the basic concept of analysis your last para sums up your whole analogy as one that is off-mark, based on unjustified reason and has a slight inkling of animosity based on rather envy I presume. First there many good Sheikhs teaching Quran in North Mogadishu - this particular 'good' Sheikh sxb Oodweyne is trying and has the capability to stir this nation back in harmony. And just to be like you let me add - this 'good' Sheikh will reach great heights unattained before by those whom you have entrusted your loyalty with.
  19. Originally posted by Thierry.: Juje Adeer he is still raising the issue unlike many of his peers in house of commons, so rather than try and discredit the very few in the west who are actually trying to help Somalia and the rest of the Muslim world I suggest you make you focus your energy else where. Galloway supports what he believes is right, Somalis might not need his support but it never hurts having MPs on your side, especially one as eloquent as Mr Galloway.. Ok, I leave it to that -I think we have different understanding of the character and how helpful he could be. Lakiin Somalida waxay ku maahmaahda 'ninka aad kabaha ka toloneysiid kabihisa la firsha'.
  20. Originally posted by Northerner: ^^You're making a pointless point. Instead of talking about the empty chamber you refer to the man's character. ohinta ohin orgi ka weyn sxb by pointing out his insignificance it clearly demonstrates that no one listens to him - or do you have a problem correlating the two.
  21. Originally posted by LANDER: Sorry, I'm not privy to the 'Big Brother' stuff, See in North America we spend our TV time watchin The NBA Finals, Big brother is a flop show out here . What I do know of this man is speeches in parliament and a few interviews on you tube, from what I have observed he often speaks of injustice that is not well covered in the mainstream media. At this point, it matters that the message be spread about the Occupation and its abuses in Somalia regardless, as Geeljiree already pointed out. NBA is that the National Buffoons Association? The point sxb was not whether you prefer watching the Twilight Zone to Big Brother - but rather my point was that this George character is utterly insignificant in anywhere in this World, hence him voicing the Somali issue is worthless.Thus his spreading of the message, as you say, will not help since no one regards him.
  22. Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire: ^^somebodys gotta do it, bro! Get somebody else tafadali, who is worthy of the job
  23. Originally posted by LANDER: George always tirelessly working for the sake of the underdogs and the oppressed. Does he? I bet that is what he was exactly doing when he was on Big Brother Channel 4. I fail to see how the Somali issue will make to the surface if they are advocated by the likes of him.
  24. Odeygan mu iska keen dhafo - heshis walba gunanadkisa iyo ducadiis Sucuudiga aya la ada - sa wuxuu noqda ka daro dhibi dhal.