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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Somali President promises support for peace, national reconciliation MOGADISHU (Xinhua) -- Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Tuesday said he supports the national reconciliation and for the first time openly spoke about his differences with the Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein. "I am not opposed to the national reconciliation and no one in my government is opposed to it because I have been part of 12 out of the 14 peace talks held for Somalia," Somali President said at a rare news conference at his office in Mogadishu. "The reconciliation is national, constitutional and inevitable. There is no future for Somalia without it," the president added. Yusuf said that the transitional government is "fully honest about reconciliation" and "is for reconciliation and power-sharing" with the opposition. "Instead of war, the Somali government prefers to get things done through dialogue, political consensus and peaceful means," the president said. This comes after Yusuf was accused of opposing the national reconciliation spearheaded by PM Hussein. It follows the emergence of the disagreement between the Somali president and his prime minster after the premier sacked the mayor of Mogadishu Mohamed Omar Habeeb, a close ally of the president late last month. Eleven ministers allied with Yusuf resigned over the dismissal of Habeeb but the premier named six new ministers to replace them. Days later, the Prosecutor General issued a statement in which he said the Prime Minister's decision to sack the mayor and name ministers without the president's approval was "unconstitutional". Speaking about the differences with the Prime minster, the President said "the disagreement was not about politics or about reconciliation". "The row is about the constitution not over politics. No one should violate the constitution we should only do what the constitution allows to do," he said. "No one can breach the constitution and the other laws of the country," said the president without directly referring to the Prime Minister. Yusuf said as President he is responsible for the protection of the constitution and the country" if it faces danger". The Somali president also lashed out at the media accusing it of lying and bias urging it to be impartial and fair, saying the media should work towards peace and "direct people towards peace, security and unity." Source: AFP, Aug 12, 2008 He seems to be leaning on sympathy and portraying himself as the guardian of the Constitution. Absent is his common authoritarian stature. In this press conference he seems to be looking for support generally from the Somali public and in underlying message to the TFG parliamentarians and the International Community. One could argue the man is confident and will see through his wishes are realized but staunch contrast to that is Yeey never seeked public support 'before' in his ambitious to eliminate those that he deems are opposed to his political interest. During his raw with Geedi, he never at anytime came out public until it was well and over. Having said that one can never bet against this veteran whose sole survival in Somali politics over the years has been confrontation and elimination of the nay sayers. Scenes from the political auditorium back in Mogadishu and Baydhabo are not serene and it is now destined for any out come other than compromise.
  2. From we(The TFG) have the support of all the International communities to Yusuf does not care for Ethiopia or "international" community ... Wale waxba salag leh.....inaba caadi ma'ha
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: I came to Mogadishu with my own skill and chased your clan militias and their backers to Asmara You? What have you done except in aad sidi hablihi gadal ka alalasto. And your skills are limited to, once again, at the coat tails of Tigre forces. Before I forget tell me what was the outcome of the meeting at Hotel Riviera in Dubai, mise waxaad ku jirta kuwa laga tashanayo?
  4. Saxiib mid aya ka qaldan. You came to the powers of Mogadishu at the back of his coat tails, so in order to diminish if not eliminate the trecherous power you have harboured with his presence and protection - wa in laga so mara jiinigi ku keney.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Adeer I am victor so far, I am closer to anyone here. lool. New SYL, Concern groups and others can flip flop the Duke is solid like a rock. Indeed they can and are guilty in all accounts in that nature - but they can resurface in any form cause they are not tainted unlike the culprits mentioned in Channel 4. Talking about flip-flop tell me again what you think of the Ethiopians and General Gabre.
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: none of you here will writte the history of Somalia lads. Definately not on your terms.
  7. Jaamacadda Carabta oo dib u dhigtay qorshe ay dooneysay in Ciidamo ay ugu soo dirto Dalka Soomaaliya Shebelle: QAHIRA Jaamacadda Carabta ayaa dib u dhigtay qorshe ay Ciidamo Carbeed ugu soo diri laheyd wadanka Soomaaliya. Xoghayaha guud ee Jaamacadda Carabta Caamir Muusaa ayaa meesha ka saaray in ciidamo si deg deg ah loogu soo diri lahaa Dalka Soomaaliya oo kasocda wadamada Carabta kadib markii uu kasoo baxay kulan uu la qaatay Hoggaamiyaha Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed. Waxa uu sheegay in Ciidamo Carbeed ay shuruud u tahay marka hore in labada dhinac ee Soomaaliya ku dagaalamaya ay heshiiyaan isagoo intaasina raaciyay Soomaaliya in ay u muuqata mid xaaladeedu aad ay u kacsan tahay. Dhinaca kale Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa isna markii uu kulanka kasoo baxay waxa uu codsaday in wadamada carabta ay Ciidamo u soo diraan Dalka Soomaaliya wuxuuna sheegay in mabda'ooda uu u baahan yahay keliya in Ciidamada Itoobiya ay ka baxaan gudaha wadanka Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale waxa uu ka codsaday Hoggaamiyeyaasha carabta in Soomaalida ay ka gacansiiyaan iyo wadankaba sidii loo horumarin lahaa geeddi socodka nabadda. Kulanka kadib ayaa labada dhinac waxa ay isku afgarteen in ugu horeyn laga shaqeeyo sidii ay Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka dalka uga bixi lahaayeen, waxaana Sheekh Shariif uu sheegay in wada hadalkooda uu inta badan ku saabsanaa sidii loo badali lahaa Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka. Joogitaanka Ciidamada Itoobiya waa caqabadda ugu horeysa, dhammaan kooxaha Soomaalida waxa ay doonayaan sidii ay Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka uga bixi lahaayeen Wadanka Soomaaliya si iyaguna ay markaasi u heshiiyaan" ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed. Wafdiga Isbaheysiga ayaa ka codsaday Jaamacadda Carabta sidii Soomaaliya Ciidamo carbeed loo keeni lahaa inkastoo arrintaasi Xoghayaha guud ee Jaamacadda Carabta uu ku xiray shuruud ah in kooxaha Soomaalida ay heshiiyaan si caqabadda taagan looga hortago. Shebelle Media Network - Source of Somalia News
  8. What happened to the one they opened in Jowhar circa November 2005, or that does not count? Somalia: Arab league opens a new office in Somalia
  9. ^^ Magacyada maka heshey?
  10. Originally posted by sunaari: I would say he is man of principle. He stand by his own principle by cleaning up thugs and clan hogemany in Somalia. The reason why many people here don't like him and cursing like women is that he is very determined man to see Somalia with functional institutions and stability, where AL-SHABAB and Anarchist want business as usuall where they loot, kill and extort minorities and others. NO NONE SENSE MAN I must add.. GOOD AY, history will tell soon what you stand for and what anarchist stood for many years.
  11. Why do I suspect that it is JB who wrote the Constitution for Somaliland.
  12. Originally posted by Kashafa: Adeer Nur Cade saaka sidoo ku soo toosay, Tol-ka miyaa soo waydiisay Saxiibo raali ahow kun jeer ana ka gardaran.
  13. Dowladda Itoobiya oo soo faragelisay Khilaafkii soo kala dhexgalay Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo ra’iisal wasaare Nuurcadde. Posted: 8/10/2008 2:32:00 PM Shebelle: MUQDISHO Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa soo faragelisay Khilaafkii u dhaxeeyay Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisal wasaaraha dowladda Federaalka. Sida ay shabelle u xaqiijiyee ilo wareedyo kudhaw Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, waxaa maanta soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho labo sarkaal oo Itoobiyaan ah kuwaasi oo katirsan Hoggaanka Ciidamada Itoobiya ee kusugan gudaha wadanka Soomaaliya. Labadani Sarkaal oo midkood uu yahay Janeraalka caanka ah ee lagu magacaabo Jeneraal Gabre ayaa waxa ay si toos ah u tageen Xarunta Madaxtooyada halkaasi oo ay kulamo kala gooni gooni ah ay kula qaadanayaan Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisal wasaare Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuurcadde). Warar kudhaw saraakiisha Itoobiyaanka ayaa sheegaya in Saraakiisha ay dadaal ugu jiraan sidii ay Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf uga dhaadhicin lahaayeen inuu aqbalo Xil kaqaadistii lagu sameeyay Guddoomiyihii Gobolka Banaadir Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) iyaga oo sidoo kale kala hadlaya Ra’iisal wasaare Nuurcadde muranka soo kala dhexgalay labada dhinac. Saraaliishani oo barqanimadii maanta kasoo degay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Muqdisho ayaa kulamada ay labada mas’uul la qaadanayaan waxa ay ku riixi doonaan sidii meesha looga saari lahaa khilaafka waxaana sidoo kale wararku ay sheegayaan in saraakiishani oo u janjeera dhinaca ra’iisal wasaaraha ay Madaxweynaha ka dhaadhicinayaan qaabka ugu wanaagsan waraaqdii uu xilka kaga qaaday Maxamed dheere kuna magacaabay Dhagaxtuur oo aan isna weli aan u suuragelin in uu fadhiisto xafiiska Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir. Waxaa jira war hoosaad sheegaya in khilaaf uu u dhaxeeya Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Taliska Ciidamada Itoobiya ee kusugan gudaha Dalka Soomaaliya kaasi oo la xiriira xil kaqaadista Maxamed dheere iyo sidoo kale habka maamulka Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka. Shebelle Media Network - Source of Somalia News Nuur Caade oo dar-dar hor leh laso baxay marki Gabre yimid kadiib - lasoco wixii so kordha Warya Nuune , halki Nuur Caade aha geesiyo noqde dey
  14. Originally posted by nuune: Juje, good luck with your Cade man Thanx we really need that - but the odds are stacked against us. The guy is not street fighter - and the best we can get out of this political skirmish is a compromise. Yeey sakin ayu jeebka ku wata wa nin xarif ah.
  15. Originally posted by unknown1: juje the question is do you support shabaab. And the answer is big MAYA . So are you still going to mate that important writing contribution?
  16. Originally posted by unknown1: i will soon write to you and others how serious it is to give up on Allahs law. That will be good indeed. While you are at it can you also write how serious it is to falsify and pretend that you are guarding and fulfilling Allah SWT Laws.
  17. Originally posted by Hassan6734: Only God knows, i just want ethiopia out of somalia. Do you actually know what you want?
  18. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Actually i don't give a damn ........... I'm just worried about the poor innocent people living there ........ Maxaad ugu go'dey if you are so worried about them? I thought their misery and continuos anarchy fueled the logics of your claims to secede. Try another one saxiib. So who is your money on?
  19. I dont know whether to say we are privilaged but we are once again seeing tug of war between the top two leaders within the TFG. This time between the reigning champion of the previuous tussle Yeey and the new challenger Nuur Caade. The latter is not cunning street fighter and a clever boxer as the previous sore looser Geedi - but he has certainly shook the base support of Yeey and created animosity amid Yeey and Gabre who is an agent of the fight promoters , Ethiopia. Caade is also a silent mover but makes impacts - and none could have been a better example than the sacking of Maxamed Dheere and the immidiate replacement of the resigned ministers. That did not only shock Yeey but limited his famous quick reactions - cause Caade has already wooed the support of the infleuncial and power backers of Yeey, Gen Gabre. By the time Yeey realised this it was too late - he also found out that he has survived an assasination attempt that only failed cause the executers could not agree on how to do it.Lucky him. He is also lucky the superiors of Gen. Gabre have a different of understanding Somalis than Gabre himself - and their software is programmed by Yeey. Hence the recalling of Gen.Gabre to Addis, not only him but other top lieutenants of the Ethiopian army in Mogadishu. They have not yet been officially replaced but it is the stigma in knowing who has won the tussle amid Yeey and Nuur Caade. Cause if they are replaced then the reigning champion will have his way and replace the challenger with a new PM. And if they are not, specially Gabre, and return to tgeir posts Nurr Caade will come out with flying colours and the powers of Yeey will be restricted though his position will not be altered at this stage. You might be wondering what about the other aspects that make the TFG - like the Parliament . I hope you do realise they are bunch of stooges who are led by where the currency lies. However even in that category Yeey has more influential factor than Nuur Caade. Cause the latter has not ever made the effort to buy or lobby within the TFG Parliament during his tenure - he has always ignored them and considered them as unimportant. They sure would be a decission factor and an element constructively used by Yeey in dismantling the government of Nuur Caade - if he wins the favour of Addis. So who is your money on? Mine is on Yeey - not cause he is right but in this kind of dirty war only those who are more dirty and lack integrity always wins.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: adeer Ethiopia is nothing They do not rule Somalia the TFG does, when Geedi made noise many came here and said oh Ethiopia will save him. "Indhihi nool geel dhalayana wey arkayan" Ethiopia is nothing Generale saxiib halke saladu iska qabsan la'dahey - shime lakala boodey saxiibo?
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: This has happened before. The cleaning ladies were working for the local admins. Who is against cleaning? Al Shabaab War miyadaan Illah ka cabsaneyniin maxaa beenta kugu wata - ma hubta in ay Al-Shabaab ahayeen?
  22. Ra'iisul Wasaare Nuur cadde oo magacaabay Wasiiro Cusub oo badalaya kuwii shalay xilka iska Casilay qaarkood. Shebelle: MUQDISHO Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxa uu magacaabay qaar ka mid ah Wasiiradii shalay iska casilay xilalkii ay u haayeen dowlada KMG. Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG ayaa waxa uu magacaabay ilaa 5 Wasiir iyo hal Wasiiro ku xigeen.,waxaana xubnihii shalay is casilay ay gaarayeen ilaa 11 Wasiir iyo hal ku xigeen. Xubnaha Cusub uu Ra’iisul wasaarahu magacaabay waxaa ka mid ah. 1-Xildhibaan Xuseen Maxamed Muuse Baanjuun Wasaarada Xanaanada Xoolaha iyo kaluumeysiga iyo bii’ada. 2-Xildhibaan Cabdalla Xaaji Cali Wasiirka Wasaarada Caafimaadka. 3-Xildhibaan Fahma Axmed Muumin Wasiirka Wasaarada hormarinta haweenka, arimaha qoyska horayna u aheyd Wasiiro ku xigeenka arimaha gudaha iyo amniga qaraanka. 4-Xildhibaan Cabdalla boys Axmed Wasiirka wax barashada iyo hidaha. 5-Mudane Cabdi Casiis Xasan Maxamed Wasiirka Wasaarada shaqada iyo arimaha bulshada. 6-Xildhibaan Ismaaciil Xasan Maxamuud wasiiru ku xigeenka Wasaarada dib u heshiisiinta , hormarinta gobolada, dastuurka iyo arimaha federaalka. Inkastoo Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG uu magacaabay qaar ka mid ah Wasiirada ayaa waxa uu sheegay in xubnaha kale ee shalay iscasilay looga baahanyahay in ay istiqaalada ay u soo gudbiyaan Xasfiiska Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG si loo booxiyo boosaska ay baneeyeen. Xubnahaan uu galabta magacaabay Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmaysaa xil shalay 11 wasiir iyo hal wasiir ku xigeen ay iska Casileen xilalkii ay ka haayeen dowlada KMG,waxaana arinkaan ay ku soo beegmeysaa xil khilaaf xoogan uu u dhaxeeyo Mas’uuliyiinta dowlada KMG,waxaana Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG laga dhowrayaa in uu soo dhameystiro xubnaha ka dhiman xukumadiisa.
  23. Nuune sxb ma fogiid lakiin waxba iskuka dhexyacsaan. First and foremeost his tenure is not yet one year. Secondly he could have not at his time made a fundemental changes in the TFG - but the question could have been has he embarked on it - yes beyondg argument. He could for instance get the Ethiopians out of the country by single directive and cannot at anytime confront them . But has embarked on the diplomatic path with the great assiatnce from the International Community in ways of withdrawing them from Somalia. However in the process there will be grand obstacles that will hamper even the hope for it let alone its realisation and a great example is the cowardly act yesterday orchestrated by the TFG President. Nevertheless it will be overcome and I now think the PM is more courageous now that assumed. As I write six new ministers have been appointed in replacement of those that resigned. Also the other main obstacle to his plans are some of the armed resistance who deem that they have the right to govern the country and hence will only achieve through the barrel of the gun - certainly those will be eliminated once most and most of the credibable resistance come on board on Nuur Caades plane. So my friend Nuune, I will take you on your words that if he delivers change you will support him - and I accept that - but can you give the man a chance who is facing evil forces both within and outside the TFG. Saxiib the enemies against restablishing the Somali state out numbers their counterparts and the road is not easy. Abu Geeljire xabaadna kama fahmiin saxiibo
  24. Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire: Easy there, mr Nuune, rag ba mooday in the messengers of the Jenday Frazer such as Cade and Ould Abdullah so wadaan honey and milk. Dont kill their dreams now. Dhul-q, how about we scrap the presidents office ? I will rather have hopeful messengers of honey and milk rather than the promise of ill-conceived jihaad. That is our difference and it could not have been more apparent than this morning when innocent 10 street cleaning women became victims of a remote contrlled land mine. Allah UU Naxaaristo inti dhimatey..amiin.
  25. Originally posted by nuune: quote: I still do support him sxb. Juje, Yes sxb, I know you support him, blindly, and whatever reasons you may have, daba soco waligaa, ma wuxuu ka duwanyahay Yeey oo qasaaro socoto ah, kan ayaaba ka daran Yeey, wax allaala wax uu soo kordhiyey maba la garanayo, at least Yeey amarkiisa ayaaba soconayo shul iyo shalba. Only thing Nuur Cade done was to organise firing Maxamed Dheere, even that he failed miserably, I really feel sorry for this guy! He failed the nation, added nothing new to the current situation in our country, done nothing at all that can be remembered, security was his main concern as he said in his first speech when he got the post, he never uttered the word "security" ever after that speech. Sxb, waa la wada ogyahay, qof kastaa inuu jagadiisa iyo shilimaadkiisa ilaalsanayo iyo danahooda u khaaska ah, marka hadaad ileedahay I support him because he did nothing, waan kaa aqbalayaa, you can support Adeero Nuur Cade, laakin waxbuu Soomaalia iyo Soomaalida u qabtey hadaad ku support gareeneeso I support him too, balse ma jirto wax uu qabtey adna waad ogtahay. Waxaaba dhaamey kii waalnaa ee Geedi ee amxaarka ahaa, kana firfircoonaa dhan kasta, kan waxaad moodaa in afka laga heesto, addimahana laga gooyey, oo la yiri halkaa un fadhi oo daawo waxa ka dhacayo Soomaaliya. Saxiib however much I respect your reasoning at times - I fail to understand the base of your notion at this time. I mean I can understanding such arguments coming from hardcore supporters of Yeey but not from you, unless ofcourse I miscalculated you before. What did you expect from Nuur Caade - immidiate changes to situations or embarking on a track to overhaul the despicable situation?