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Everything posted by Juje

  1. So much have been said by the chief Yeey camp in SOL. I would really like to see his timid explanation to this “Halkan isuma soo taagin in aan hadal badan idiin sheego, heshiiskii waxaa idiin aqriyay Ra’iisal Wasaaraha, waxaanse idiin sheegayaa hadal yar oo nuxur leh, wuxuuna yahay in heshiiska aan gaarnay uu yahay mid ay ku jirto maslaxada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya waayo Beesha Caalamka iyo Mas’uuliyiinta Dowladaha aan saaxibada nahay ee na taageera waxay nagu yiraahdeen haddii aadan heshiis gaarina nagu tashan meysaan, marka waxay ila tahay in ay haboneyd in aan heshiiskan gaarno”ayuu yiri Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf oo Xildhibaannada Baarlamaanka oo aad u buuqayay dhowr jeer ugu celceliyay in haddii aysan dooneyn in ay dhegeystaan uu iska tegayo kadibna ay war cad ka heli doonaan. C/llahi in Parliament today...where is the macho in him...bloody mockery in governance. Full Text & Source
  2. Three arrested over 'Obama plot' At least three people have been arrested in the US over an alleged plot to kill US Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama, reports say. The suspects planned to shoot Mr Obama in Denver, Colorado, during his speech accepting the nomination to run for US president, CBS4 TV station reports. Police seized weapons and drugs as they made the first arrest on Sunday. However, the US attorney for Colorado, Troy Eid, said he was confident "there is no credible threat" to Mr Obama. The attorney's office in Denver is due to hold a news conference later on Tuesday to discuss the incident. The alleged plot is being investigated by the Secret Service, which is responsible for overall security during the four-day Democratic Party convention in Denver, the FBI and also the joint terrorism task force, officials say. 'Confession' The first suspect was held on Sunday in Aurora, after he was stopped by police for driving erratically in a rented truck, reports say. Police then found two rifles in the vehicle along with camouflage clothing, walkie-talkies and methamphetamine. The suspect was identified as 28-year-old Tharin Gartrell. Mr Gartrell's alleged associate, Nathan Johnson, 32, was arrested shortly afterwards in a Denver hotel. The third man was held after jumping-out from a six-floor hotel window. Reports say Shawn Robert Adolf, 33, broke his ankle and was taken to a hospital for treatment. One of the suspects told authorities they were "going to shoot Obama from a high vantage point using a... rifle," CBS4 reported. VIDEO SOURCE
  3. Adiga kaley timahada dhinacba uma xirman miya? Awey wixii aad xaley dal-daleysey?
  4. Originally posted by nuune: To: duke and Juje Niman Tigrey caabudo oon khilaafkooda xallin karin oo dullinimo waxey ka gaareen looga yeerayo Addis Ababa si loo kala maslaxo ayaad labadiinaba kala difaaceesaan. Duliya 'hose' I know in aad shiishka ila jeceshahey lakiin can you please refer to my early text before you reach a general conclussion..Ahsante! Juje: By the end of the day both you and them admit that there was a clash amid the PM and the President and that it was arbitrated by the Xabashi (and not the AU) - thus what makes you proud in here saxiib - the whole scenario merits nothing but a vomit cause it is lack of integrity
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: Anyhow the President has been asked to forgive Nur Cade an old man who was being brainwashed by a few clanist clowns. Now why sack him if he will repent? No one can ever come up with such utter rubbish other than the clannish supporters of Yeey - it doesn't take much to convince yourself does it - bloody retards. Nuur Caade is still there..oh yeah ..so is Axmed Cabdi-Salaan ....
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: Horn Afrik, Ahmed AbdiSalaan's site also adds its two cents. Why is it different than the rubbish you are writing here in which you copy and paste P/land version of the story. By the end of the day both you and them admit that there was a clash amid the PM and the President and that it was arbitrated by the Xabashi (and not the AU) - thus what makes you proud in here saxiib - the whole scenario merits nothing but a vomit cause it is lack of integrity - but then again did Yeey and you lot ever know what the word itself means or its value? NO! And before I go tell me - was Nuur Caade sacked or Yeey could not come around to that bend at this time? So much for shouting that Caade will be sacked and yet have the audacity to come around here boasting that the AU ( while it was the Xabashi) have brokered a deal. Shame on you...oops that is another thing you know not of. And one more thing sxb Axmed Cabdi Salaan is light years ahead of you and the parasites you worship.
  7. Ina Lillahi wa ina ileyhi rajacuun..! Allah u naxaristo ..amiin! The irony is in his burial in London yesterday (Friday) he was burried next to his teacher who died approximately 42 days ago ( Alla uu naxariste). They were very close. People of all walks and backgrounds from the Somali community attended the burial and it was clear the man was well revered and had a insurmountable reputation. An iconic who has never had the chance to serve his nation and his people to the best of his ability due circumstances beyond his control. Allah u naxaristo - samir iyo iman dadkiisa Allah ka siyo..amiin!
  8. Originally posted by unknown1: very great news. you i expect cigarr and khat banned. War maxaa dadka balwadooda ku daba dhigey? Username: It's a good day for somalia. You think so? I will you ask you this question when Toma-Hawk missiles hit Kismayo.
  9. Originally posted by Norf 1: I see the Yeey boys are sobering up lately About time as well! Do you like beer jileeca cusub.
  10. Originally posted by Hassan6734: Al-Shabaab are the heroes of the somali people, God bless them. And how do you define 'heroes'?
  11. Juje

    Djibouti Accord

    Warar dheeri ah:- Gudiyada Isku dhafka ee Isbahaysiga Garabka Djibouti & DFKMG ah. By Somalimirror on 18 Aug, 2008 5:58 PM in Main, Wararka isbahaysiga-dib-u-xoreynta.jpgWarar Dheeri ah ayaa ka soo baxaya kulanka maalintii 3-aad uga wada socda Gudiyada Siyaasada iyo Amniga ee ay isla dhisteen Isbahaysiga Garabka Djibouti iyo DFKMG ah ee la shaqeysa Gumeysiga Itoobiya Dalka Djibouti. ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoonyahay ayaa sheegay in caawa 08:00 fiidnimo la filayo in lagaga dhawaaqo Djibouti Heshiis Buuxa oo ay wada gaaraan gudiyada ay labada dhinaca iska dhex xuleen oo dhowrkii maalin ee u danbeysay kulamo al-baabadu u xiranyihiin lahaa. Kulan ay maanta yeesheen Gudiga farsmada ayaa la sheegayaa in uu soo afjarmay duhurnimadii maanta isla markaana caawa la filayo abaare 07:00 fiidnimo ay kulan kama danbeys ah yeelan doonaan. Gudiga amaanka ayaa la sheegayaa in ay Isbahaysiga uga qeyb galayaan shirkaasi:- 1) C/Qaadir Af-dhuub 2) Col. Xuseen Siyaad “Qoor gaab” 3) Abdirahman Maxamuud Faraax “Janaqow” 4) Iyo Maxamed Sheekh Dhinaca DFKMG ah ayaa la sheegayaa in ay kulanka Gudiga amaanka uga qeyb galeen:- 1) Cabdalla Garabeey 2) Taliyaha Ciidamada Asluub C/laahi Macallin. 3) C/Kariim 4) Maamoow Gudiga siyaasada ayaa la sheegayaa in ay ku jiraan hal xubin oo ka socda Q.M iyo Hal xubin oo ka socda Ururada Bulshada Rayidka kuwaas oo aysan wali noo suuro galin inaan helno magacyadooda.
  12. Communiqué by the Transitional Federal Government and The Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia 1. The Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) held the first meetings of the High Level Committee and the Joint Security Committee in Djibouti from 16 to 18 August 2008. The international community, including diplomats from regional organizations (African Union, European Union, League of Arab States) and individual countries, as well as representatives of Somali civil society and business community, attended as observers. 2. They adopted the Terms of Reference for both Committees and discussed practical means of implementing the Djibouti Agreement. 3. The Parties agreed to continue the political dialogue between themselves and refrain from making inflammatory statements. They reaffirmed their commitment to cease all armed confrontation and to establish sub committees to implement the arrangements to that end. 4. They welcomed all efforts undertaken by Somali nationals, including through supportive meetings inside and outside Somalia, as well as those of the international community to help implement the Djibouti Agreement. 5. The Parties strongly condemn the perpetrators as well as those who mastermind and fund violence which targets innocent people, including killings, indiscriminate shelling, looting, raping and acts of piracy. 6. The TFG and the ARS are very concerned by the seriousness of the humanitarian situation in the country and the continued suffering of their compatriots. The Parties agree on the critical need to address this situation in all its dimensions – political, security and access. They call on the international community to urgently provide humanitarian assistance to the needy people of Somalia. In this connection, the Parties reaffirmed their strong determination to help ensure unhindered humanitarian access and assistance. 7. The Parties call on the international community to provide full support for the High Level Committee and the Joint Security Committee, particularly in their work in establishing a national mechanism for humanitarian access and assistance. 8. The Parties call on the United Nations Security Council to accelerate the deployment of a UN peacekeeping force to facilitate the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces from Somalia. 9. The Parties would like to reassure the Somali population that they are determined to strengthen their commitment for peace, stability, unity, sovereignty, territorial integrity and dignity in Somalia. 10. The Parties thank the Government and people of Djibouti for their hospitality during the meetings of the High Level Committee and the Joint Security Committee. 11. The parties also express their appreciation to the international community for its generous support and invite it to remain supportive of the Djibouti Agreement, formally signed on 18 August 2008, to help start its effective implementation. Djibouti 18 August 2008 High Level Committee ___________________________ _____________________________________ Ahmed Abdisalam Aden Abdurahman Abdishakur Warsame Transitional Federal Government The Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia Joint Security Committee __________________________ ___________________________________ Mohamed Mohmud Hayd Omar Hashi Aden Transitional Federal Government The Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia
  13. Originally posted by Hassan6734: Well done, the resistance has done fantastic, they forced the ethiopian out of Souther Somalia without much international support, So are you happy they are going to Northern Somalia? And before you get over exited sxb, this is merely a late or early April Fool joke from Press TV.
  14. Originally posted by nuune: quote: aniga agteydana waxay leyihiin xuquuqda Somaalida kale ay leyihiin. What is wrong with being a Christian , is it a crime to be Christian and a Somalia at the same time? Bingo, Thiery put it better, well done brother, so adeer Juujiina waxa aad ka shanqarisey iyo waxa aad ku lifaaqdey(clan vs clan) waa kaaf iyo kala dheeri, hadalkaagu ha lahaado dariiq loogu soo hagaago si loo ogaado maxrushaadka ku dheehan! Rudy , I know personally some one who was in jail with Yeey, I know that person very well, he said many things about Yeey though durin their friends in the jail, it is different topic laakin. Weligaba Bingo dheh ama Eureka dheh - neither you or your homeboy Thiery has answered my question - as for the other - I don have a clue whether Yeey was baptized or not, but by the same unreliable source I was told Nuune was once a Buddhist. Hence labadaba wa isla turey midna ma aminiin.
  15. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: We better save lives before we talk and discuss about something that is not on the table. Can you save lives? How?
  16. Originally posted by Thierry.: quote: What is wrong with being a Christian , is it a crime to be Christian and a Somalia at the same time? Nothing unless you are the leader of nations whose populations is 99.9% Muslims, want the state religion practiced by its leader to be Islam. I doubt there is any truth to this story although he would collaborate with a Christian to loot and kill Muslims for his wretched goal The nation of 99.9% Muslims has been looted, witnessed a clan vs clan war among its own people, the weak within it have been persecuted beyond existence and none of it can be put on the blame of the remaining 1% Christians. The notion of trying to picture the Somali unfortunate fiasco as a religion war and hence Kufar against Islam is baseless if not utterly misleading. It is the doing of non other than those who should be brothers in religion. No one else can be blames other than Somalis and their tribal behavior and background. So my question again what is wrong with being a Christian and a Somali at the same time? Is it a crime? Alfa uma hadlo urrurka aad sheegeysiid lakiin isla markaas uma arko in ay yihiin urur aan jiri kariin - wey jiraan - aniga agteydana waxay leyihiin xuquuqda Somaalida kale ay leyihiin.
  17. What is wrong with being a Christian , is it a crime to be Christian and a Somalia at the same time?
  18. Inaa lillahi wa inaa ileeyhi raajicuun. Allah Yarham, Aamiin
  19. Juje

    Summoned To Addis

    Originally posted by Emperor: I support the man and digust his actions is what you present here, you can't have it both ways... unless you are using him for a short time goal and mock or laugh at thim later the useful ******. Once again you dont suprise me with your sporadic burst of inuendo - what I presented in here is an article from Hiiraan.com and not that of my opinion. Do I support Nuur Caade and his peace innitiative - Yes I do. But what are the odds of him standing against a veteran who exterminates his opponents, 7/1, and that is not good. And for heaven sake how did you come up with this phrase : unless you are using him for a short time goal - what ever gave you that thought that I was using him puzzles me - but then again you are not famously known for making logical arguments, Emperor saxiib add some flavour in your life - cause everything is not black and white.
  20. Madaxda ugu sareysa dowladda Federaalka iyo Saraakiisha Ciidamada Soomaaliya oo maanta u kala dhoofay Jabuuti iyo Itoobiya. Shabelle: MUQDISHO Madaxweynaha iyo ra’iisal wasaaraha Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa maanta ka dhoofay Magaalada Muqdisho iyaga oo kusii jeeda dalka Itoobiya si loo xaliyo khilaaf soo kala dhex galay iyadoo sidoo kale wafdi kale oo ay kamid yihiin saraakiisha ugu sareysa Ciidamada Dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ay maanta u ambabaxeen dalka Jabuuti. Madaxda dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa maanta barqanimadii waxa ay ka dhoofeen Garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde ee Magaalada Muqdisho iyagoo kusii jeeda Magaalada Addis Ababa ee Xarunta wadanka Itoobiya. Safarka Madaxdan ayaa salka ku haya sidii dowladda Itoobiya ay isugu dayi laheyd inay ku qanciso labadani mas’uul inay dhameeyaan xiisadaha siyaasadeed ee u dhaxeeya isla markaana aanay u horseedin in ay kudhacdo dowladda KMG ah Mashaqo siyaasadeed oo xilligani laga cabsi qabo in dowladda mashaqadaasi ay soo wajahdo haddi aanan lagu guuleysan in la xaliyo xaaladda xiisadeed ee labada mas’uul u dhaxeysa. Wararku waxa ay sheegayaan in saraakiil sar sare oo katirsan dowladda Itoobiya ay labadan mas’uul ku casuumeen in ay tagaan Magaalada Addis Ababa ee Dalka Itoobiya si ay dowladda Itoobiya ay dhex dhexad uga noqoto muranka labada mas’uul ee salka ku haya arrimaha awooda iyo muran dhinaca dastuurka ah oo labada dhinac u dhaxeeya. Mas’uuliyiinta dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa kadhex taagnaa khilaaf xoogan oo saameyn kuyeeshay qeybaha kala duwan ee dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, waxaana labada mas’uul sida ay siyaasadda u kala tageen oo kale iyana u kala tegay baarlamaanka Soomaaliya dhinaca araktida siyaasadda oo ku aadan arrimaha dib u heshiisiinta oo ah xilligani kan ugu dhaq dhaqaaqa badan ee hannaanka ay kushaqeyneyso dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya. Dhinaca kale waxaa maanta ka ambabaxay magaalada Muqdisho wafdi kale oo uu hoggaaminayo ra’iisal wasaare kuxigeenka dowladda ahna wasiirka warfaafinta, dhalinyarada iyo Sportska Axmed C/salaan Xaaji Aadan oo u kicitimay dhanka wadanka Jabuuti si ay uga qeybgalaan wareeg kale oo wada hadalo ah oo dhex mara dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo Isbaheysiga Mucaaradka ah. Wafdiga Ra’iisal wasaare kuxigeenka ayaa waxaa lasocday sida ay wararku sheegayaan qaar kamid ah talisyada Ciidamada dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo uu kujiro taliyaha Ciidamada Booliska Jeneraal Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeybdiid), Taliyaha Ciidamada Militariga Saciid Dheere iyo sidoo kale Taliyaha Ciidamada Asluubta C/llaahi Macallin Cali iyadoo aanan lasheegin in wafdigaasi uu raacay Taliyaha Ciidamada Nabad sugidda Jeneraal Maxamed Warsame darwiish oo maalmahani kusugnaa Magaalada Muqdisho kana mid ahaa saraakiishii isku dayay in ay xaliyaan khilaafka madaxda sare ee Dowladda Federaalka. Macadda sababta xilligan sarakiisha sar sare ee dowladda loogu biiriyay wafdiga uga qeybgalaya dowlada wada hadalada iyo sida ladoonayo in la isku waafajiyo arrimahaasi, waxaana uu kusoo aadayaa xilli dagaalo fara badan ay ku furan yihiin Ciidamada ay hoggaamiyan ee dowladda Federaalka.
  21. They have been summoned to Addis and will be scolded. So much for Yeey doesn't give a hoot about Ethiopians and International Community. I assume all bets to this feuds will be canceled now since big brother has intervened. Madaxda Dowladda Federaalka oo Addis Ababa looga yeeray Khamiis, August 14, 2008(HOL): Warar aynu ka helnay ilo lagu kalsoonaan karo oo ku dhow dhow xafiisyada Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra'iisal Wasaare Nuur Cadde ayaa waxay sheegayaan in labadaas mas'uul looga yeeray Magaalada Addis Ababa ee Xarunta u ah Dalka Itoobiya. Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in ay Dowladda Itoobiya u yeertay Madaxda Dowladda kadib markii ay ku guuleysan waayeen in ay khilaafkooda xaliyaan, isla markaana ay ixtiraamaan Axdiga u degsan Dowladda Federaalka ee kala qeexaya Awoodaha Hay'adaha Dowladda. Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa tan iyo markii ay Ciidamadeeda soo galeen Soomaaliya, isla markaana ay la safteen Ciidamada Dowladda waxaa ay saameyn weyn ku leedahay Arrimaha siyaasadda Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan tan ay ku shaqeyso Dowladda Fedeaalka, waxaana mar kasta oo khilaaf uu soo kala dhexgalo madaxda Dowladda la maqlaa Itoobiya ayaa u yeertay Madaxda sare ee Dowladda. Khilaaf midkan ka horeeyay oo soo kala dhexgalay Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Ra'iisal Wasaarihii hore ee Xukuumadda Federaalka Cali Maxamed Geeddi waxaa la xusuusan yahay in ay si weyn ugu dhex jirtay labadaas mas'uul Dowladda Itoobiya oo Wasiirkeeda Arrimaha Dibadda Seyoum Mosfen uu labo Jeer Baydhabo u tegay in uu xaliyo khilaafka labada mas'uul, ilaa ugu dambeyntii Ra'iisal Wasaare Geeddi oo booqasho ku tegay magaalada Addis Ababa uu soo noqday isagoo wada warqad uu ku caddeynayo is-casilaaddiisa. Haatan waxay Dowladda Itoobiya u yeereysaa madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra'iisal Wasaare Nuur Cadde, waxaana la eegi doonaa sida ay u xaliso khilaafka labadaas mas'uul soo kala dhexgalay oo soo shaac bixitaankiisa ay sabab u noqotay xil-ka-qaadistii ay Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ku sameysay Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir, ahna Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere). Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia