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Everything posted by Juje
Mogadishu: Al Shabaab defeated and airport open -PM delegates land
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
War hedhe kuwani edebdaaro badana - sideybe Madaxweynihi ugu diidene in uu ka dhoofo garoonka, - Nuur Caadena ugu ogoladeen in u kaso deego. This is not fair - and to make matters worst the PM delegation consisted of two planes. -
Al Shabaab [Indacade group] attacks and mayhem will further help Yusuf TFG
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by General Duke: Juje, I have no comment ina abti, again you highlight to everyone your lack of comprehension. This is a complex topic after all. If you only understood what the word complex means. -
Al Shabaab [Indacade group] attacks and mayhem will further help Yusuf TFG
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Duke: attacks and mayhem will further help Yusuf & TFG This is the first time he said the truth. You are right Duke ...so when peace and stability comes it will be the end of the Yeey and the TFG. And also with your statement I suppose you concur that they, Yeey and the TFG, are the instigators of the violence and mayhem in order to keep their existance. Well said sxb I could not agree more. -
Mogadishu: airport functioning despite hype of clan clowns
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by General Duke: They cause more pain and suffering for the "people they are liberating" nothing else. You are very much right in that aspect , but I doubt whether you even care less. The number of people that have died as a result of proclaiming the airport shut and in the process of trying to keep it shut is numerous and thus questions whether the motive is actually worth anything at all. -
Originally posted by Norf 1: Maybe not supporting but certainly turning a blind eye. They are doing both.
Mogadishu: 4000 New troops enter capital after training
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Duke deploys 4 to 5 thousand troops to Mogadishu quarterly - it is either he forgets that he mentioned before and thus has a recollection problem or sooths himself with imaginary news since he is an adamant supporter of a failed entity. -
Mogadishu airport open for business, TFG takes taxes
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by General Duke: Adeer you dont know what you are talking about. This is a good thing the TFG wanted to close most of the clan airlines that support this group. Anyhow be prepared to give more money to Bossaso, Berbera, Eyel, Garacad and other ports Shoulnt you be contend with that or is another spin to cover the inability of the TFG? -
Kismayu: US Ambassador local clans captured it not Al Shabaab
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Ask him to go and visit Kismayo then we will know who has captured it. -
Originally posted by HornAfrique: Juje what is your take on the article? My take is as I pointed out - the hypocrisy. The man who was presnt in the meeting in which the phrase 'qax mahurto' was coined - today claiming thathe had nothing to do with it. That is my point Horn -and dont believe everything and anything Duuliye sare tells you now days.
Xildhibaannada Baarlamaanka oo ka soo horjeestay Qodob ka mid ah Qodobadii ay ku soo heshiiyeen Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Nuur Cadde Kalfadhi Maanta Baarlamaanka DKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya ku yeeshay xarunta uu ku leeyahey Magaalada Baydhabo ee gobolka Bay, ayuu ajandihiisu ahaa cod u qaadida xubnihii wasiirada ee xukuumada Nuur Cadde horey isaga casiley. Kalfadhiga Maanta, waxaa soo xaadirey 190 Xubnood oo ka mid ah xubnaha Baarlamaanka KMG ah, dood iyo falan qeyn ka dib waxay isla garteen xubnihii soo xaadirey kal fadhiga in codka kal soonida ee ka sii mid noqoshada Xukuumada loo qaado xunaha wasiirada ee xukuumada Nuur Cadde horey isaga casily. 175 Xubnood waxa ay u codeeyeen in xilalka ay weynayaan xubnihii Wasiirada ee horey isu casiley, halka 15 xubnoodna arintaas ka soo horjeesteen oo ka codeeyeen. Intii kal fadhigu socdey waxaa jirey mooshin cusub oo xubnaha qaar ee Baarlamaanku soo gudbiyeen, kaas oo ay ku dalbanayeen xubnihii soo gudbiyay in xubnihii wasiirada ee is casiley xilalka laga qaado. Xubnaha wasiirada ee xilalkooda waadey ayaa isugu jirey wasiiro iyo wasiiro ku xigeeno oo ka koobnaa 10 wasiir iyo 3 wasiir ku xigeen. 4 ka mid ah xubnaha wasiirada ee xilalkooda waayey ayaa ka mid ah xubnihii wasiirada ee dibada Baarlamaanka laga keenay. Kal sooni kala laabashada xubanaha wasiirada ee horey isaga casilay xukuumada Nuur Cadde ee Baarlamaanka KMG ah maanta ku dhawaaqeen ayaa wax weyn u dhimi doonta heshiiskii dhawaan Nuur Cadde iyo C/laahi Yuusuf ku soo kala saxiixdeen dalka Itoobiya. Arintan ayaa sidoo kale saameyn weyn ku yeelan doonta siyaasada gudaha ee xubnaha ugu sar sareeya DKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya, gaar ahaan c/laahi Yuusuf iyo Nuur Cadde oo ku loo lamaya awood DKMG ah. www.somalimirror.com
Al Shabaab netwrok claim murder of Usman Maye [mp from unarmed clans]
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by General Duke: Unknown adeer, what excuse will you have to not capturing the capital or defeating the government when the foreign troops leave? You certainly have very good set of bench-marks dont you saxiib - is that all it takes for you to declare who is the winner. And hey when the foreign troops leave you will be finding how you are family linked with Abu- Mansoor - am sure you wont have difficulty in establishing that. ISTAFURULLAH -
It is not only Obama and Mcain who can claim to be of CHANGE.....Maxamed Dhere has also picked up the theme and he is not only claiming to be for change but is insisting he had nothing to do with what happened in the past 'including yesterday'. He points the finger of blame towards the Ethiopians and the TFG. It is not only odd but strong of him to campaign on the ticket of 'Amxaro diid'. All these much cause his previous position is now elective through an appointed committe - it makes you wonder what C/llahi Yusuf if he was faced with ame scenario. Maxamed /Dheere oo ku eedeeyay Barakicintii rayidka Ciidamada Itoobiya iyo Baarlamaanka KMG Gudoomiyihiii hore gobolka Banaadir Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed ]Dheerea ) ayaa ku eedeeyey dadka Soomaaliyeed ee barakacay in ay barakiciyeen ciidamada Itoobiya oo ogaalasha ay siiyeen Barlamaanka KMG . Maxamed Dheere oo lagu yaqiinay difaaca ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa markaan si toos ah ugu eedeeyey in xasuuqa iyo barakicinta ay geysteen ciidamada Itoobiya sagoona isaga fogeeyey in uu wax lug ah ku leeyahay Barakicinta shacaka reer Muqdisho. Maxamed Dheere oo lagu yaqiinay in uu u hanjabo shacabka Soomaliyeed ee ku noolaa geedaha hoostooda isagoona hal ku dhigyadiisa ay ahayeen Argagaxisaa joogta goobaha ay u qaxeen shacabka waana weerari doonaa. Aniga ma qabo madaafiic aan dad ku garaaco iyo ciidan intaba waxa leh madaafiicdaa oo rayidka ku garaacay si ay u barakacaan shacabka waa ciidamada Itoobiya oo ogolaansho ka heysta Barlamaanka DFKM anigana kama mid ihi Barlabaan ayuu yiiri Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) Maxamed ayaa sheegay in uu musharax uu u yahay xilkii laga qaaday isagoona sheegay sharuudaha ku xiran musharaxnimada in aysan waxba u dhibeynin taa oo ay ka dhex muuqata in uusan isku soo sharaxi karin maamulka gobolka Banaadir cid ka qeyb qaadatay dagaaladii sokeyey soona noqotay dagaal ooge qodobkaa oo u muuqda md meesha looga saaraayo Maxamed Dheere in uu mar kale isku soo sharaxo Xafiiska war qabadka Dayniile
Al Shabaab netwrok claim murder of Usman Maye [mp from unarmed clans]
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by General Duke: Adeer one is fasting and thus does not need to get into your nonsence. Duf ku bax...what do you know about fasting . You quote Calanka.com and accuse Al_Shabaab killing an innocent men. War isku xishow ayan ku dhihi laha, lakiin hadi aadan Illahba ka cabsaneyniin maxaad xishootaa ...iska walaqo dhoqadada - koleyba waayahaan dahiri meysiid. -
Xildhibaan Maxed Cusmaan Maye oo Baydhabo lagu toogtay War goor dheweyto naga soo gaaray magaalada Baydhabo ayaa sheegaya in xildhibaan Maxed Cusmaan Maye oo ka mid ah xildhibaanada baarlamaanka federaalka ee ka soo jeeday beelaha Banaadiriga in rag bastoolado ku hubeysan ay caawo toogasho ku dileen marxuumka xili uu salaada cishaha ku soo tukaday y masaajid ku yaala dhabarka danbe ee xarunta shirkada Dahabshiil ay ku leedahay magaalada Baydhabo, iyadoo ragga dilka geystayna ay goobtaasi ka baxsadeen. Marxuum Maxed Cusmaan ayaa ragga soo weeraray waxey la heleen saddex xabbadood, isagoo isla goobta ku geeriyooday, waxaana goobta ka qaaday meydkiisa rag. Waxaa ka soo wareegatay wax ka yar 24 saacadood markii wareysi uu shalay siiyey warbaahinta uu ku sheegay in aysan xildhibaanadu haysan damaanad qaad dhinaca ammaanka ah, waxaana hadaladii uu shalay yiri xildhibaan Maye ka mid ahaa "ma jirto cid ammaankeeda damaanad qaadi karta waxaana nahay meyd socda" Dilka Marxuum Maxed Cusmaan Maye ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli shir jaraaid oo u maanta ku qabtay magaalada Baydhabo xildhibaan Xassan Maxed Nuur (Shaatiguduud) uu sheegay in ammaanka magaalada Baydhabo uu yahay mid aad u sarreeye, ciddii ku tilmaanta Baydhabo magaalo aan ammaan aheynna in ay been sheegtay. Xafiiska war qabadka Dayniile Inna Lillahi Wa Ina Ileyhi Rajacuun...Allah uu Naxaristo ..amiin!
Originally posted by HornAfrique: .to be so accepting of an Islamist administration that is majority reer Gedo and for Kismaayo no less! Lol..! Saxiib ma dhuso ayad tahey cariiri jecliida, this new Admin had nothing to do and neither does it embrace any clan nor is it linked with any province that has a clan adminstration. It is the second time you used the reer Gedo and new admin link today - let me make clear one thing for you saxiib - if there is anything that the wadaads or shabaabs that have captured and building a new admin in Kismayo have nothing to do with is the accommodation of the needs of reer hebel and reer hebel. The fact that S/lander is head of the admin shows you that they have a different set of priorities than what has been the ill conceived norm in Somalia. In simple words sxb Horn stop your self imposed jubilation and with humility lick your wounds and admire a Somali solution at work.
Bossaso port booms with business - report with PICS
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by nuune: Juje, adna markii Cadan laga hadlo Siyeeloow waad u ordi jirtey, war heedhe, goormaad series noqon doontaa, waad un ka sii dareesaayee, wallee soonkii baa kugu dheeraadey oo ku kala gooyey. But truth to be told, rag baa ka macaashey Pirateska iyo doomaha dadka lagu qaloombiyo oo daara ka dhistey iyo dunya Ok sxb keep on ringing the truth to those who see the better side of the vices you mention.....ada Siyeeloow igu iman doona marki lagu arko nin qaldan. -
Originally posted by nuune: Rabbish, what kind of news is that, very poor, it doesn't even seem a news article. On Ethiopia colonzing Somalia, it is already happening, nothing new there, and everyone knows that, fact!! Indeed, but the honourable MP just began to realise this fact as soon as he became aware that he has gone down on the beckoning order. It is just a pity that some make it a news now having no idea or are ignorant to his past stance.
Bossaso port booms with business - report with PICS
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by nuune: The business would be good and bright if those two obstacles are eliminated. Weligey wax ka talo xuun ma arag....how can you suggest to bring an end to two prime income generating progects. -
Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Soomaaliya needs as many maanokoobiyo as possible. Isbitaal Martiini, the former asylum, should be expanded. Sxb I think you should get your facts right - Ospedale Martini was never an asylum place nor for mental cases. IT is the first General hospital of Somalia and the biggest. It was a pioneer only later to be ignored in favour of Digfer, Banadir, and Medina. However it continued to surface by housing and treating those that were wounded in the 77 War - and it still does. It lives on charity from local and international level. Should Somalia have prisons? I thought they already had them.
Originally posted by Hassan6734: So much for somaliland independence, those donkeys don't even know that they are occupied by ethiopia. This is uncalled for and I suggest you apologize unconditionally to all S/landers now
^^^^^^ Aqliilow...!
Mcain's aim is to pick up the disenchanted Clinton supporters in the Dems. But also there is the possibility that higher number than that who were inclined towards him before might question his choice and see as it is and thus move to Obama.
Originally posted by Ban-tured: Good news, however, will that garuntee to stabilise Somalia? No, but it certainly guarantees the utter oppositte. The Somali are more fragmented than they were before - the presence of Ethiopian troops does not, mind you, create stability among them but rather creates a bigger enemy than the enimity among them.
Nuune sxb labada ha is bar-bar dhigin, Nuur Caade will never say something like this: Macalin Jiisow aamus cid kaa itaal xun meesha ma fadhidee, walaahi cid kaa itaal xun oo gurigeeda la haysto, oo kaaga **** xun inaysan jirine” C//llahi Yusuf part of his speech yesterday and refering to one of the MP's who were jeering him.