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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Isn't KingKong that elder accused of drug dealing and killing of the Italian journalist ?? Sxb afkada sameyso adba Riyaale oo hablaha uu geyn jirey Maxamed Siyaad Barre aya Madaxweyne ku ah. Congratulation to the new King and wish him well and blessing during his reign. Only those who have known or linked with this historical kingdom can appreciate this coronation. Its impact and influence in Somali history exceeds beyond your thoughts and knowledge capability, and it will certainly, Inshallah, surpass your time and reach many more generations to come. In the mean time have the liberty of ridiculing it but learn more about it cause it is here to stay.
Abshir Bacadle muxuu yiiri: "Odeygi dacayadaa weyna noso celsha waad na dubateene" or something like that... hada 'odeyga beer-lawaha noso celsha waxba mesha kuma heysane'. Those in Djibouti who have today announced their breakthrough and classified it as a step towards peace by doubling the number of parliamentarians are a joke and waste of space. C/llahi Yusuf will gain and harness the support of TFG parliamentarians which he lost and lacked over the last one year and they will reject this initiative totally and outright hence dismantling the little minor hope for settlement there was , if ever there was anything. All they had to do was make a mess and as a result rekindle the old man's political life - and they exactly did that.
Djibouti: President Yusuf to lead Government delegation
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: leave the Old man alone. Teleconfrence ayuu kaga qayb galayaa shirka Djibouti, from Garow. Looooooooooooooooooool....! -
TFG and ARS Reach An Agreement - More Parliament Seats
Juje replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
550? Cajiib, are they really serious? Is this really the peace caravan we hoped for? The current number of the TFG parliament is balanced, at least according to TFG's rhetoric, on clan division. How will this balance be maintained with this 100% addition? Djibouti Peace initiative is already turning out to be farce and giving a lot of ammunition to those who opposed it. There is something wrong here - seriously wrong. I wonder what will happen if the unexpected ever happened and Al-Shabaab and other Islamic militias decided to hop on the 'peace-caravan' God save us from the ever bulging Xildhiban numbers. -
Has Presidnet Yusuf ever insulted a nation or state, even a rival?
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Oodweyne: a shameless political harlot such your Uncle Yey That is way over the line and below the belt....choose any other adjective to describe him ...but harlot ( and you have been repeating it through the day in all you other posts) is not even vulgar it is worst. Saxiib odeyna waad isku sheegeysa bal wax yar oo xishood ah iska raadi. -
Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Somaliland is one of the affected countries by the pirates,,, if they are not caught in their places there will be a time they reach Berbera or other locations. It is a prevension measure rather than involving their issues ,,,,,,, Sxb what makes you think S/land is innocent and not implicated in this piracy thing ?
Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Cabaadweyne.com .............. I think this says it all.. He will soon be evicted from the House belonging to the Regional governance,,,and we will witness more cabaad then.
Originally posted by nuune: Faysal Cali Waraabe Loooooooooooooooool!!!!!
Djibouti: President Yusuf to lead Government delegation
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Garyaqaan*: very good move. smile for your enamy. war heedhe odaygu waa libaax. Aad iyo aad - odayga is very skillful, he has turned around a hostile situation against him. However we have yet to see what the parliament will do in their next meeting scheduled for the 23 of this month - if they, as they implicated, approve the PM cabinet list - then old Yeey might flip again. One thing certain though , Yeey is not a done deal, and you can never say you have beaten him even when he is down. -
^^^ Guys the reason BG unearhthed this old thread has nothing to do with the Sheikhs gathering in Asmara - but I assume to display the many faces of Duke. Just read back his glorification of Ethiopians and compare with his despise of them today. As for the Sheikhs gathering in Asmara - it is highly predicted now that they will soon be joined by Sheikh C/llahi Yusuf.
Somali pirates pocket at least $1.67 million 2 tankers released after payments to hijackers; U.N. backs arms sanctions. NBC News and news services updated 12:50 p.m. ET Nov. 20, 2008 MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali pirates released two hijacked ships after ransoms were paid, U.S. military officials said Thursday. The deals emerged as Britain warned that paying for the release of hostages risks encouraging more piracy. NBC News reported that the Great Creation, a Hong Kong-flagged chemical tanker seized on Sept. 18, was released after a $1.67 million ransom was paid. The Genius, another Hong Kong-flagged chemical tanker which was hijacked Sept. 26, was also returned in exchange for an unknown sum. Earlier this week, pirates released the Stolt Valor, a Japanese chemical tanker after paying hijackers $2.5 million. Gunmen from the chaotic Horn of Africa country grabbed world headlines with Saturday's spectacular capture of a huge Saudi Arabian supertanker loaded with $100 million worth of oil, the biggest ship hijacking in history. Since seizing the Sirius Star oil tanker, pirates have hijacked at least three other ships, maritime officials say. The supertanker's owners are in ransom talks with the pirates who are reportedly demanding $25 million for its release. The Saudi Arabian tanker was seized 450 nautical miles southeast of Mombasa, Kenya — far beyond the gangs' usual area of operations. It was believed to be anchored near Eyl, a former Somali fishing village that is now a well-defended pirate base. The audacity of the attack underlined the extent of a crime wave that experts say has been fueled by the Iraq-style Islamist insurgency onshore, dimming hopes for U.N.-led peace talks, and the lure of multi-million-dollar ransoms. Somali gunmen are believed to be holding more than 200 hostages and about a dozen ships in the Eyl area, including a Ukrainian vessel loaded with 33 tanks and other heavy weapons. An associate of the gang holding that ship, the MV Faina, said they rejected a $2.5 million ransom offer this week. "The pirates and a broker met in the forest between Galkayo and Haradheere ... but the pirates stood by their demand for $8 million," the associate, Hussein Hassan, told Reuters. Sanctions on the way Meanwhile, The U.N. Security Council unanimously agreed Thursday to impose new sanctions aimed at reducing the arms flowing into Somalia and the lawlessness and piracy that have flourished there. The 15-nation council, the U.N.'s most powerful body, endorsed a British plan for a council panel to recommend people and entities whose financial assets would be frozen. "It provides a framework for implementing sanctions against individuals in Somalia. And now it's up to the sanctions committee to come up with a list of individuals and entities who will be subject to those sanctions," British Ambassador John Sawers emphasized. Council members say the added sanctions, which exclude money intended for basic expenses like food and medicine, are intended to strengthen Somalia's weak U.N.-backed government. Haile Menkerios, the U.N. assistant secretary-general for political affairs, told the council that just last month more than 37,000 people were displaced from Mogadishu, the nation's capital and largest city, due to insecurity and sporadic attacks. Humanitarian and food aid is increasingly difficult to deliver for 1 million Somalis, he said, and hard-line groups are expanding their military operations in south-central Somalia.The African Union's top diplomat said Thursday that the United Nations should send peacekeepers to Somalia amid the growth in piracy. Jean Ping, chairman of the African Union Commission, said the increasing piracy was being aggravated by the country's feuding politicians and "a clear indication of the further deterioration of the situation with far-reaching consequences for this country, the region and ... international community." Scores of attacks in Somali waters this year have driven up insurance costs for shipping firms, and even made some companies divert cargo around South Africa's Cape of Good Hope. Danish shipping firm A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S has ordered some of its vessels to avoid the Gulf of Aden as a result of the spate of hijackings. Ships "without adequate speed," mainly tankers, will sail the long route around Africa unless they can join convoys with naval escorts in the gulf, group executive Soeren Skou said. The Gulf of Aden, off Somalia, connects to the Red Sea, which in turn is linked to the Mediterranean by the Suez Canal. The route is thousands of miles and many days shorter than going around Africa's Cape of Good Hope. Forces from NATO, the European Union and elsewhere are trying to protect vessels on one of the world's busiest shipping routes, linking Europe to Asia. Some nations seek a more robust response and say the hijackings will continue without political reconciliation onshore, where an Islamist insurgency rages. Moscow has suggested international forces should help it attack the pirates' land bases. A Russian news agency said on Thursday that more Russian warships would go to the region. British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said it was vital the international community stand firm against the "scourge" of hostage-taking. He said Britain won't pay a ransom for two Britons being held by pirates off the east African coast. "Payments for hostage-taking are only an encouragement to further hostage taking," he said. Source
INAA LILAAHI WA INAA ILEEYHI RAAJICUUN Allah uu Naxaristo marxum Faraax Sindiko. Khamiis, November 20, 2008(HOL): Guddiga Olombikada Soomaaliyeed ee GOS ayaa maanta wuxuu isugu yimid shir deg deg ah oo uu uga hadlayay geeridii ku timid Faarax Wehliye Caddow Sendiko oo ahaa halyey Isboorti oo si weyn looga yaqaanay dalka Soomaaliya gudahiisa iyo dibaddiisa.su imaatinka xubnaha Gos iyo Dad Isboortiga Soomaaliyeed ehel u ah ayaa waxaa looga hadlay taariikhdii Isboorti ee Faarax Sendiko, waxaana halkaas ka hadlay Khubarro Isboorti oo ay marxuumka soo wada shaqeeyeen iyo kuwo uu ka dambeeyay in ay soo caan-baxaan. Ugu horeyn waxaa isu imaatinka ka hadlay Xoghayaha Xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee Cayaaraha Fudud Faarax Cali Macallin oo sheegay in Faarax Sendiko uu ahaa halyey Isboorti oo taariikh ku leh Caalamka, gaar ahaan Afrika iyo Soomaaliya, wuxuuna caddeeyay in aan taariikhdii Faarax Sendiko lagu soo koobi karin hal isu imaatin. Intaas kadib Faarax Cali Macallin waxaa uu mas’uuliyiintii Isboorti ee ay soo wada shaqeeyeen iyo cid kasta oo wax ka tirsaneysay Faarax Sendiko uu ka codsaday in ay iska cafiso, ayna ugu duceyso in uu Jannadii ka waraabiyo. Waxaa hadlay oo isna cod baahiyaha lagu soo dhaweeyay Guddoomiyaha Xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee Kubadda Cagta Saciid Maxamuud Nuur (Mugambe) oo sheegay in markii ay soo gaartay geerida Faarax Sendiko ay si weyn uga naxeen, wuxuuna sheegay in Faarax Sendiko uu ahaa Aabbaha Isboortiga Soomaaliyeed, wuxuuna xusay in uu ahaa aas-aasaha Xiriirka Kubadda Cagta Soomaaliya. “Tan iyo sanadkii 1978-kii ilaa 2002 oo ay FIFA ganaaxday Faarax Sendiko wuxuu ahaa Guddoomiyaha Xiriirka Kubadda Cagta Soomaaliyeed, mudadaas dheerna wax weyn ayuu ka soo qabtay Kubadda Cagta Soomaaliya iyo weliba Afrika iyo Adduunka”ayuu yiri Saciid Mugambe oo sheegay in isagoo wakiil ka ah Xiriirka Kubadda Cagta Soomaaliyeed uu tacsi u dirayo qoyskii, ehelladii iyo asxaabtii uu ka geeriyooday. “Faarax Sendiko wuxuu noqday Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Olombikada Soomaaliyeed, Guddiga Garsoorayaasha Soomaaliyeed, Guddoomiyaha Xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee Kubadda Cagta, kadibna wuxuu uga sii gudbay Cecafa, Cafa ilaa uu FIFA ka gaaray”ayuu mar kale yiri Aadan Xaaji Yabarow Wiish oo sheegay in uu Faarax Sendiko ahaa nin Taariikh uga tegay Soomaaliya. Ugu dambeyntii Aadan Xaaji Yabarow Wiish waxaa uu intaas ku daray in Faarax Sendiko uu sidoo kale ahaa Macallin soo saaray Dad Isboortiga Soomaaliyeed laf dhabar u ah, “Runtii Beer ayuu abuuray Faarax Sendiko, Beertii uu abuurayna wey soo baxday”ayuu yiri Aadan Xaaji Yabarow Wiish oo sheegay in meydka marxuumka la keeni doono magaalada Muqdisho, si heer Qaran ahna loogu aasi doono.
President Yusuf Vs Ethiopia : he wont budge, the old Col is back
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by General Duke: Juje, in Galkacyu 1993. Did they just leave the city without a fight out of the goodness of their hearts as was known of Aydeed and his group. 1993 your adeer was in Peace Hotel Mogadishu and clapping every time Aydiid spoke. I guess they forget to tell you. -
President Yusuf Vs Ethiopia : he wont budge, the old Col is back
Juje replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by General Duke: We dealt with and defeated the USC saxib who were much more formidable than the Clan Courts. What are you drinking sxb? Defeated the USC? When and where? -
Originally posted by Protocol: Abdullahi Yusuf is a great leader, let's be realistic, the man fought against ethiopians in the 1977 war and was decorated for it, he brought down the dictatorship of Barre. Which book have you been reading?
An ugly mode has turned more uglier that is the picture. The war turf between Yeey and Nuur Caade is in the TFG parliament now. It will depend on who among the two can harness more MP's to his cause. It is back to happy-days for the MPs. The other notable aspect is also the disunity affecting the Islamist militants be it Al-Shabaab or ICU loyal either to Sheikh Sharif or Hassan Aweys. Clashes among this groups is imminent whether now or even in the near 'immediate' future when the Ethiopians withdraw . As for (Labada Duuliyaal) Yeey and Nuur Caade their fiasco might make a different turn by the end of the day depending on the outcome of the mini IGAD Summit in Nairobi. If they are vocal and insist on endorsing Nuur Caade's plan then Yeey might be forced to concede, bearing in mind he cannot go against IGAD and still claim to be president when he is an end product of their doing. In simple words the turmoil has just got worse and some heads will roll.
Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. Adeer you need to worry about your position, a man of confidance is Yey, he knows as a military figure what he needs to do and is doing it. You on the other hand was telling only yesterday that he was going to take orders from Melez. You have egg on your face adeer President Yusuf does not take orders he makes them. Thus Ethiopia can leave its not an issue, I tell you they should leave now. The Arafat head scarf wearing lads we know how to deal with, adeer you are not talking to Hiiraale, Qaynyare and IndaCade this is President Yusuf he knows how to deal with them.. I don't know whether to amuse myself with this, but it is entirely a hogwash if not a innuendo. I don't know either whether to describe it as sad or not, the day has come when you are caught with your pants down and you are making the depiction more enjoyable with your , as usual, unfounded reasoning. You are , my dear bro, in a state of naf la caari. Keep on amusing us am sure it will take sometime before you realise you are on a sinking ship.
Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^^^^Either you don’t know English or you just read what others write about the Duke. I support a national government for the Somali's, thus it’s oxymoronic of you to suggest I can also support an occupation of the Somali's. Also this is politics my old friend, the Ethiopian support was a short term strategy to offset the support of other rivals. The fact that we supported the regional effort and that we called for the international support through the UN from day one debunks your asinine claims. Adeer lets deal with facts and not emotion, I don’t care for Ethiopia, or Eritrea or the Arabs my interest is and has been a united and self sufficient Somalia. Now this is big boy politics, this is not Hiiraale trying to rule Kismayu with his roadblocks. The difference is stark and hence your confusion. Walle wala iska dabayimid.... "geeli laba jir so wada mar" Kow maxad tiiri? Amxarada bul Allah siiyo...maxaa ku tala adiga markaas?
I think the scenario was mis-interpreted.Yeey did not disown neither disperse the government He clearly stated that Nuur Caade did not nominate on two occassions a cabinet acceptable by him and in his, Yeey, standards meet the required needs in the current situation of Somalia and TFG. Hence he said " there was no valid government' in his reference to Nuur Caade's nomination of the new cabinet - but had not any time stated or questioned the exitance of governance. Nevertheless it clearly once more shows all is not well in the upper deck of the TFG. The two, President and PM , were recently humilated and scorned at the recent IGAD Somali Summit in Nairobi - and in their latest excurssion into Addis in attempt to resolve their difference their both expelled from the lobbies of Addis goverrnment and are now embarked on a dirty dog fight within the TFG. To top it up all a third of the country and much of the Southern Somalia is under Al-Shabaab. May be soon both, Yeey and Nuur Caade will be insignificant in the Somali political scenario and if we are lucky we could have that soon rather than later.
Somali Leaders Locked In Internal Dispute While Rebels Advance On Mogadishu The feuding leaders of Somalia's transitional government are deadlocked in a dispute over cabinet appointments as Islamist rebel forces advance to within striking distance of the capital, Mogadishu. VOA correspondent Peter Heinlein reports from Addis Ababa, where Somalia's president and prime minister met Ethiopian officials for urgent talks how to settle political differences and meet the rebel challenge. Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf and Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein met Friday with Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin for what were described as frank talks. Sources close to the meeting said Ethiopian officials urged the two Somali leaders to settle a political dispute over cabinet posts. But at the end of the day, those sources said neither President Yusuf or Prime Minister Hussein was willing to yield. Both men left later in the day for Nairobi, where discussions are said to be continuing on formation of a new government of national unity to replace the embattled Transitional Federal Government, which holds power mostly in name only. Amid the political wrangling in the Ethiopian and Kenyan capitals, reports from inside Somalia indicate fighters from the extremist al-Shabab are advancing on the Somali capital, Mogadishu. Shabab forces met no resistance this week when they moved into the key port of Marka, less than 100 kilometers south of the capital. News reports said they immediately imposed strict Islamic law. Al-Shabab gunmen during exercises at their military training camp outside Mogadishu, 04 Nov 2008 Ethiopian and Somali officials in Addis Ababa, however, downplayed the significance of al-Shabab's advance. Somalia's former ambassador to Ethiopia and the African Union Abdi Kareem Farah, who is playing a key role in political negotiations, told VOA the areas taken by al-Shabab had not previously been under TFG control. "Of course we can say they are advancing toward Mogadishu, its quite true, but the areas they are capturing now is not under the TFG, only Marka, where the capital city of lower Shabelle, at one point the TFG appointed administration, but that administration dissolved by itself and the people four months ago," he said. Farah admits the feuding leaders are in his words "stuck" in their efforts to settle their political dispute, as they had agreed to do in a deal struck through the east African regional grouping IGAD. He said it may be necessary to put aside the disagreement about cabinet posts and proceed directly to the formation of a successor government of national unity, which would include the opposition Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia, or ARS. Farah said this is an issue on which Prime Minister Hussein, better known as Nur Adde, and President Yusuf agree. "Nur Adde is the one who started these negotiation. He is serious about it and will continue to finish it. Abdullahi Yusuf and parliament also welcome that. And that is the Unity govt. maybe under Yusuf, or Nur Adde or maybe a complete new leadership," said Farah. Ethiopian foreign ministry spokesman Wahde Belay expressed regret at the lack of progress in settling Somalia's political dispute, and said it could have a bearing on Ethiopia's decision whether to withdraw its troops from Somalia in line with last month's Djibouti accord. Wahde said Ethiopia remains committed to a withdrawal timetable beginning this month, but noted that he could not predict what might happen in the future. As he spoke, news agency reports said Somali government troops were massing at a key checkpoint south of Mogadishu where rebel forces are said to have advanced to within a few kilometers of the city. Source: VOA, Nov 14, 2008
According to latest reports they have been kicked out of Addis and have both arrived in Nairobi on different planes today - are now embarking on skirmishes to buy out the members of the TFG parliament. The circus has just started, someone should tell this punch of loosers that a third of the country is under control of Al-Shabaab. And soon, very soon indeed, they will loose their enclaves in Mogadishu and Baydhabo. Duuliyaal.
Originally posted by General Duke: Ok you mentioned my uncle the president is in Addis today holding talks with leaders of Ethiopia and AU. Are you still dreaming then? Athi holding talks.....he doesn't have that caliber sxb. He is being scorned and scolded at and told exactly what to do . Adeerka is duuli adna waad ku tagrsan tahey.....and that speaks volumes of who you are. I was wondering why you picked the job of washing car windscreens in North London in your earlier life but now am discovering shamelessness runs in the family.
Originally posted by General Duke: Juje All I care about is the demise of these armed clan militias and the lower Shabbele going back to locals. The Al Shabaab are eating their mother and thats good for everyone less armed groups to deal with later on. Bloody bigot - whether less or even lesser what can you or even someone remotely related to you can do about? All you guys were or have been were guiding rufyaans for Wayaanas. Adeerka cawa Addis ayu jooga oo lagu cananaa and you have the audacity to claim something....warya orodo shukada nagaha intaad xiraatiid meel fadhiso yaan lagu aqoonine
Madaxda dowladda oo ku sugan Ethiopia Madaxweynaha KMG ah ee Somalia Cabdulahi Yusuf Ahmed iyo Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Nuur Xasan Xuseen ayaa iminka labaduba waxay joogaan magaalada Addis Ababa ee xaruunta waddanka Ethiopia.Wararka ka imaanaya gobolka ayaa sheegaya inuu jiro khilaaf ku saabsan qaab dhiskeedka golaha xukuumadda. Wararkii ugu danbeeyay ee ka soo baxa Addis Ababa ayaa sheegaya in labada mas'uul ay is arkeen. Safiirka Somalia u fadhiya Addis Ababa Saciid Yusuf Nuur oo BBC wareysi siiyay ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynaha iyo Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ay maanta Addis Abab isku arkeen oo ay weliba isku hotel degan yihiin. Safiirku waxa uu sheegay in labada mas'uul ay martiqaad ka heleen dowladda Ethiopia, isla markaana khilaafka dhexyaala Madaxweynaha iyo Ra'iisul Wasaaraha meesha lagu dhameeynayo. Ra'iisul Wasaaraha iyo Madaxweynaha ayaa toddobaadkii hore wada joogay kuna wada shiray labo jeer magaaladan London. QODOBADA WARKA UGU HOREEYA Ciidamada Britain oo dilay burcad badeed Madaxda dowladda oo ku sugan Ethiopia Nuur Cade oo ka hadlay Xukuumadiisa Xabsiga Garowe oo laga fakaday. Audio