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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Illeyhi Rajicuun..! Dr. Xuseen Xaaji Bood oo xalay ku geeriyooday Isbitaal ku yaalla Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya Axad, December 21, 2008(HOL): ALLAH ha u raxmadee waxaa xalay ku dhintay Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya Dr. Xuseen Xaaji Bood oo ahaa siyaasi si weyn looga yaqaano gudaha iyo dibadda dalka Soomaaliya. Dr. Bood ayaa ku jiray Isbitaal ku yaalla Nairobi kaasi oo loo geeyay in looga daweeyo xanuun la soo dersay. Marxuumka ayaa ku sugnaa dalka tan iyo wixii ka dambeeyay markii ay burburtay dowladdii hore ee Soomaaliya, wuxuuna hadda xubin buuxda ka ahaa urur u dhaqdhaqaaqa nabada Gobolka Banaadir. Sida ay sheegeen ehellada marxuumka, waxaa lagu wadaa in Maydkiisa loo soo qaado Muqdisho si loogu aaso, iyadoo qabanqaabada soo qaaditaanka la filayo inay dhawaan dhacdo. Taariikhda marxuumka oo kooban Marxuumka Bood ayaa ku dhashay Degmada Mareeg ee Gobolka Galguduud, isagoo waxbarashadiisii Dugsiga quraanka ku qaatay degmada Ceeldheere ee isla gobolkaas. Waxbarashadiisii Iskuulka Hoose iyo Dhexe wuxuu ku qaatay Muqdisho, isagoo waxbarashadiisa heerka sarena ku qaatay dalalka Itoobiya iyo Talyaaniga. Dr. Xuseen Xaaji Bood ayaa ka mid ahaa aasaasayaashii Ururkii USC, isagoo markii dambena u ololeynayay dhameynta iyo hakinta dagaallada sokeeye ee dalka ka qarxay markii la riday xukuumadii Maxamed Siyaad Barre. Marxuumku ifka kagama tagin wax caruur ah, sida ay sheegeen dad ehelladiisa ah, wuxuuna lahaa xaas kaliya. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraa.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  2. Shirkii IGAD ee Addis Ababa oo lagu taageeray Go’aankii uu Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Kalsoonida ku siiyay Xukuumadda Ra’iisal Wasaare Nuur Cadde Axad, December 21, 2008(HOL): Wasiirro ka socda dalalka IGAD oo maanta shir ku yeeshay Magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta u ah Dalka Itoobiya ayaa waxay shirkooda ku taageereen go’aankii uu dhawaan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya kalsoonida ku siiyay XUkuumadda Ra’iisal Wasaare Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur Cadde). Safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiyo Itoobiya Saciid Yuusuf Nuur ayaa Laanta Afka Soomaaliga ee BBC-da u sheegay in Wasiirrada Arrimaha Dibadda IGAD ay sidoo kale shirkooda ku soo dhaweeyeen Maamulkii dhawaan loo sameeyay Gobolka Banaadir, kaasi oo markii ugu horeysay loo doortay qaab cusub oo doorasho dimoqraadi ah. Safiirka oo sii hadlayay waxaa uu intaas ku daray in Shirkii Wasiirrada Arrimaha Dibadda laga sheegay in madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed uu dhawaan qaaday tallaabo aan sharci ahayn, taasi oo uu ku magacaabay Ra’iisal Wasaare cusub, iyadoo Baarlamaanka Soomaaliyana uu codka kalsoonida siiyay Xukuumadda Ra’iisal Wasaare Nuur Cadde. Waxaa kale oo ay Wasiirrada shirkooda ka soo saareen go’aan ah in cunaqabateyn deg deg ah lagu soo rogo ciddii loo arko in ay caqabad ku tahay geedi-socodka nabadeynta Soomaaliya, waxayna Wasiirradu taageereen go’aan cunaqabateyn ah oo ay dhawaan Dowladda Kenya ku soo rogtay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed. Shirka ay isugu yimaadeen Wasiirrada Arrimaha Dibadda IGAD oo uu Soomaaliya u metelayay Wasiirka cusub ee Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Axmed Maxamuud Goonle ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmay iyadoo uu khilaaf xooggan soo kala dhexgalay madaxda sare ee Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, sidoo kalena ay Dowladda Itoobiya caddeysay in ay Ciidamadeeda kala baxeyso Soomaaliya. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  3. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Mrs Frazier is telling the same things that Cali Geedi was told, that he is a pawn in the chess board and so he should remember. 1. He is being told to backdown from naming warlord Gacmodheere as new PM 2. He is being told to accept Nur Cadde's cabinet 3. He is being told to accept and support the Djibouti peace deal In otherwords, nin weyn tag lama yidhaa wuxu ku tago ayaa la tusaa. The writing is on the wall. He will accept all par #2 - Yeey wants a big shout in naming the cabinet - that is where he wants to re-establish his authoruty and influence. Yeey knows this Djibouti agreement is not worth the paper it is written on and will soon run into reality and be revealed as a not genuine and authentic peace accord. Hence he will accept the current situation except the cabinet , and will most likely accept a reconciliation with Nuur Caade on the condition that he names 50% of the cabinet.
  4. Originally posted by Ibtisam: If I thought that THIS time would be different, I too would be on the cheerleading team. For now, you wait and see, and I shall continue observing. There is no difference and it is not different this time - considering the recent outcomes from Somalia the caravan might further expand the Somali dilemma rather than doing the opposite.
  5. Che the International community and the Ethiopians intentions in Somalia has not changed they have just changed pawns.
  6. Over the last three or four days we have been delighted by the site of the TFG parliament giving the boot to Yeey - but to anticipate they will actually impeach him will be lil bit far fetched. Seriously speaking the recent actions and motions from the parliament that has produced everything against Yeey and his cohorts were much needed boost for those against him. However in the same way he was off the mark in constitutional terms when he declared the sacking of the PM - so were the PM and the Speaker when they passed a cabinet not authorized by Yeey. You have to understand that there is a driving force behind the victory against Yeey. The same external force that has sold Yeey as a legitimate President and fighting against Al-Qaaeda in his country - while he was not - to the international community has now shifted from one tool to the another. Even Condi Rice is arguing that TFG parliament gave vote of confidence to Nuur Caade, makes you wonder how the hell she knows what happened in ADC go-down in Baydhabo. The parliament also unanimously approved and passed the Djibouti accord without even debating forget about whether there was a quorum in there or not . Hence the external force that has been force feeding us Yeey over the last four years has changed focus now and it is supporting Adan Madoobe, Nuur Caade and The Caravan.
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^So if Nur Cade has a cabinet why is Jengeli still the minister. Its a farce lads and all this talk about the international community is the same as the talk about Gen gabre... hot air. Listen to Jengeli's interview before going berserk.
  8. Saxiib walida ma hada aya kugu horeysa weligeed ayey ka socotey...the difference is..adey manta kugu socota.
  9. Baarlamanka Somalia oo cod aqlabiyad leh ku ansixiyey natiijada shirkii Jabuuti iyo xildhinaanada oo loo qeybiyey mowshin xilka looga xayuubinayo C/llaahi Yuusuf Xildhibaanada baarlamanka federaalka Somalia ayaa cod aqlabiyad ah ku ansixiyey maanta qodobadii ka soo baxay heshiiskii ay magaalada Jabuuti ku kala saxiixdeen DF iyo isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta Somalia ka dib markii kulankooda la soo hor dhigay Heshiiska oo uu ka hor aqriyey wasiirka dib u heshiisiinta ee xukuumada RW Nuur cadde C/waaxid Cilmi. “Waxaa fadhiga maanta soo xaadiray illaa 151 xildhibaan heshiiskii awood qeybsiga ee DF iyo isbaheysiga dib u xoreyhta ku gaareen Jabuuti waxaa ogolaatay 151 xildhibaan, wax diiday iyo wax ka aamusay midna ma jiro sidaa awgeed heshiiskaasi waa ansax baarlamankuna waa uu ogolaaday” ayuu yiri Guddoomiyaha baarlamanka Somalia Sheekh Aadan Maxamed Nuur (Madoobe) oo shir gudoominayey shirkaasi ka dib markii cod la geliyey heshiiskaasi. Dhinaca kale, xildhibaanada baarlamanka ayaa waxaa loo qeybiyey qoraalo ku saabsan mowshin ay ku saxiixan yihiin illaa 135 xildhibaan oo la doonayo in xilka looga qaado madaxweynaha dowladda federaalka Somalia, kaasoo sidoo kale xildhibaanada laga hor aqriyey waxaana xildhibaanada mowshinku saxiixay ay ku eedeeyeen madaxaweynaha qodono ay ka mid yihiin inuu ku tuntay axdiga ku meel gaarka ah iyo kuwo kale oo aad u badan.
  10. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: Duke , uurku baale ma aha...how the hell on earth was he to know this Nuur Cade guy was going to turn into the shittiest prime minister the TFG has ever had? Weligiinba soo qodqoda ancient threads--Nuur Cade is history. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: Lets give the new PM a chance, he is a civilian, a trained lawyer, a police Colonel a man who has not been involved in the wars. He has experience with the humanaterian sector which is vital for this post. As for the excuses about Ethiopia, if you want peace seek it. I wish him and the government the best. The Duke is not alone Mogadishu came out, Bossaso came out and we wish him the best. Little over a year ago....and today he is a conniving old man. Aduunyoy xaalka ba'.
  12. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: when discussing serious issues, please stop with assumptions and speculation. You should wait and see if kenya comes out and says we will impose or have imposed rather run around kenya is gonna do this or that. It is hard to believe eh? Check this Madaxweyne Yusuf oo la cunaqabateynayo Peter Greste BBC Nairobi Moses Wetangula waa wasiirka arrimaha dibedda ee Kenya Dowladda Kenya ayaa waxa ay ku dhawaaqday in ay cunqabateyn ku soo rogeyso Madaxweynaha KMG ah ee Somalia, Cabdullaahi Yusuf Axmed iyo qoyskiisaba.Wasiirka arrimaha dibedda ee Kenya Moses Wetangula ayaa waxa uu ku eedeeyay Madaxweynuhu in uu caqabad ku yahay nabadda waddanka Somalia. Tallaabooyinka laga qaadayo Madaxweynaha Somalia Cabdullaahi Yusuf Axmed ayaa waxaa ka mid ah xannibaad xagga socdaalka ah iyo in hantida laga xayiro. Tallaabadani waxay ka dambeysay markii Madaxweynuhu uu maanta magacaabay Maxamed Maxamuud Guuleed in uu noqdo raiisal Wasaare, inkasta oo uu shalay baarlamaanku ku ansixiyay dowladda Raiisal Wasaare Nuur xasan Xuseen. Source
  13. Originally posted by NGONGE: Emperor, was it your or Duke (I can't tell who is who these days) who was insisting that Nur Cade was already out of the country yesterday? What gives? They put him in where ever they want...dot worry they will soon wake up from their hallucination..
  14. Originally posted by Emperor: The dismissed PM was denied to get out of the country. Things are moving much faster than expected wallee.... Lets wait and see what the next hour may deliver War maad ka jogtiid.
  15. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Col. Yey is going down in the most shameful way. The old man needs someone to really tell him that his time is up. He needs to pack his bags and go back to Garoowe before he is taken to The Hague. Hague is to far ...say Arusha.
  16. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Kenya cannot threaten the Somali President, Yey is untouchable and is not taking anything from Kenya, Ethiopia or anyone. He's the reason why the TFG is still alive and will not let others dictate their cause of actions. Kenya and Ethiopia are our brothers and sisters and a neighbouring countries helping us build a nation free from looters inc. and pirate leaders (funny that was the motto used by you and others couple of years back). Therefore they have identified Yeey as being the leader of these groups and a major obstacle to attaining peace and stability therefore Kenya and others in IGAD can impose sanstions on him. Emperor remember back in summer 2006 when you and co. so vehemently supported the call by Yeey and Gedi for Kenya to arrest the Warlords fleeing from the ICU in Mogadishu. You never thought it could haunt you did you..
  17. Audio Listen to this Naxar before you turn up with feeble excuses.
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: Juje, the constitution gives the President the authority to name and fire a PM if that one has committed grave harm or has failed in the job he soar an oath to. What a bloody nonsense..sxb you have no substance.
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: With regards to Somalia constitution the President has vast powers. He has the support of most MP’s and all he needs too do is just get their names and signatures with regards to the approval of the new PM. Where in the constitution does it say if he gets the signature of 100 MPs he can sack the PM..do you have anything else apart from that utter rubbish sxb..if not..I suggest just shut your gob and stop complaining. President Yusuf has the armed forces under his command; he has the support of Puntland state. What army? And P/land does not matter in this case...it does not necessarily give you the power to rewrite the constitution the way it suits you. If you want to take him back as your president you are more than welcome other wise halkan edeb ayu ku jooga.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Adeer why scream and shout. The fact of the matter is would there have been any controversy if Nur Cade had the support of the Parliment? Why did they rush this? Why was there a hands show? They prefer stunts to real deal, the Djibouti 550 parliment, the Banadir Admin, the weak cabinet All is a stunt. 1) The rush was made yesterday..remember gathering few loyal MP's and declaring the sacking of the PM. At least Nuur Caade made his move in the Parliament rather than his residence. 2) The hand show was usual ploy used by Yeey all the time...not that it is against him it doesn't necessarily become illegal. 3) The Djibouti Agreement was not even mentioned and the Banadir saga has already passed by the new admin is up and working. True in constitutional norm and its legal form the president should approve the new cabinet before it is discussed in parliament - but that has been superseded by the arrogance and irrational announcement of Yeey yesterday which has deemed necessary to surpass him. Now if two thirds of government heads - the Speaker and the PM are on one side the President has not got a lot going for him on his own .
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: Because NGOOGNE: The President did not sign of on the Cabinet and thus it was illegal for the Parliment to vote on. 2. That there was no vote and it was sham as claimed by 100 out of 170 of the MP's present. 3. The President will announce a new PM who will create a cabinet, which will have the signed approval of Yey and then be put to parliment. Tuug ka indha adag weligey ma arkin...at least if you are referring the legal status ..apply it on both versions. The President cannot sack the PM. Period. Accept what the president did yesterday was totally wrong and unconstitutional and then your rationale on the existance on todays happenings can be considered. But by on one hand approving the short comings of Yeey and shouting unlawful the Parliaments decree today shows that you are a sour looser . The whole thing is a fiasco and a joke Duke... and nothing more was expected from Yeey.
  22. U.S. Condemns Dispute Among TFG Leadership Monday, December 15, 2008 Efforts by President Yusuf to remove Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein undermine the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and efforts to promote peace and stability. Divisions within the TFG, as manifested by efforts to remove the Prime Minister, threaten to undermine Djibouti peace process. We have confidence in the Prime Minister and urge the TFG leadership to work cooperatively together for the good of all the people of Somalia. It is important that the Parliament also support efforts to achieve unity and peace. We strongly support the Djibouti peace process and welcome efforts by the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia to cooperate with representatives of the TFG to advance the work of the High-Level and Joint Security Committees in Mogadishu. We urge the TFG leadership to approach its work in the same businesslike manner.
  23. Originally posted by General Duke: Another one bites the dust. Yes indeed, and it aint just another one..it is adeer Yeey.
  24. Originally posted by General Duke: Ahmed Abdisalaan are civilians. Does he hurt you that much?