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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^I hope you liked that, only Yey could deal with them, and he was sent of. By who, by them?
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: And those darn Ethiopians they are like Italy bunch of cheaters.
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: The problem is the lads dont belive what Thierry and others do. They are the ones who defeated the TFG and Ethiopia and they will defeat the little weaklings who are now thinking big. You had to wait for Yeey to resign to acknowledge that Al-Shabaab has defeated the TFG and the Ethiopians.
  4. Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo isu soo taagay Xilka Madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya Talaado, December 30, 2008(HOL): Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo ka mid ah Mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, kana tirsanaa hoggaamiye kooxeedyadii ay ka adkaadeen Maxkamadihii Islaamka sanadkii 2006 ayaa maanta wuxuu shaaca ka qaaday in uu u taagan yahay xilka Madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya. Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare oo lagu tilmaamo siyaasiyiinta ugu mowqifka cad marka laga hadlayo xaaladda Dalka Soomaaliya iyo sida xal loogu heli karo ayaa wuxuu noqday musharixii ugu horeeyay oo xilka madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya isku soo taagay kadib is-casilaad uu shalay sameeyay Madaxweynihii Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed. Xildhibaanka oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa wuxuu sheegay in uu yahay musharax u taagan xilka madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya, wuxuuna caddeeyay in uu codsigiisa u gudbin doono Guddoonka Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. “Marka aan ku guuleysto doorashada madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya waxaan ugu horeyn wax ka qaban doonaa ammaanka, waxaana loo baahan yahay in xabadda dhaceysa la aamusiyo oo dadka iyo dalka Soomaaliyeed xal loo helo”ayuu yiri Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo sheegay in axdiga u degsan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya uu dhigayo in marka madaxweyne is-casilo loo baahan yahay in muddo 30 maalmood gudahood ah madaxweyne kale uu Baarlamaanka ku soo doorto. Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax ayaa wuxuu ka mid ahaa musharixiintii isu soo taagay Xilka Madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya intii uu socday Shirkii ay ka soo baxday Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, wuxuuna ka mid noqday seddex musharax oo ka soo hartay 26 musharax oo doonayay in loo doorto Xilka Madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya, inkastoo uu qudhiisa ku haray wareeggii labaad oo uu la yimid 38 cod. Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, waa Musharixii ugu horeeyay oo isu soo taagay Xilka Madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya 24 saacadood kadib markii uu is-casilay madaxweynihii Dowladda Fedraalka Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo la sheegayo in ay is-casilaaddiisa salka ku heyso cadaadis uga yimid dhinaca Beesha Caalamka. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  5. Duke: Is Abu Mansuur no longer a hero? He is still a hero with new recruits such as you.
  6. They will be replaced the same way 40+ MP's who resigned with Sharif Hassan and went to Asmara. You would not believe the number of dhaxal-sugayaal who are lobbying in the streets of Nairobi wanting to be replaced with those who quit or are sacked.
  7. Why is he meeting Military leaders now - could it be cause of the return of a redundant Yeey in next door neighbour.
  8. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: new shir in 2009 . dawlad cusub same people different place. just like 2000 lugu badalay 2002 eldoret. May Be
  9. TFG was probably not the ideal reconciliation government Somalia needed and it was known by anyone with an iota of logic that it was an entity that was designed and created by foreign elements that did not have the best Somali interest in mind. However it was a government that enormously enjoyed International recognition and support - this was a factor the Somali leaders of the TFG should have made use but on the other hand they embarked on recreating the deep divisions and animosity within the Somali people. Hence the TFG since its creation until the present was marked by internal conflicts and petty politicking . Its first Prime Minister, Geedi, was ousted not by the required parliament vote but purely on the wishes of Yeey and the strict orders from the neighbouring Ethiopians who are not only the back seat drivers of the TFG but also forcefully occupy Somalia. Yeey emerged triumphantly from that episode but one year on he was facing the same scenario but this time he was on the loosing side. Arguably Yeey probably did not have the required number of MP’s needed to legislate the sacking of his PM, Nuur Caade, but neither were there enough MP’s to give Vote of Confidence to Nuur Caade and his new Cabinet and also to approve the Djibouti Accords. Nevertheless the latter triumphed with International support spear headed by the regional organisation IGAD. Once again clearly demonstrating that decisions that concern Somalia and Somalis are being orchestrated from other chambers. Yeey was bitter to the end but he should realise it is a remedy that worked for him over the last four years. His resignation will not alter the destination of the TFG cause he was never in control of it, and it will depend on where the back seat drivers are taking the TFG to now : 1) Yeey resignation will trigger strong contest among TFG front runners , and it will reasonably question whether the TFG will continue as an entity. Look out for Geedi coming back and Gacmadhere lobbying for the top job. 2) The caravan will be seriously affected by the disintegration of the TFG and its proposals for joint government will be put on hold until the TFG can get its house right first – but then again this will entirely depend on the back seat drivers. 3) The arming of what is called as Ahlu-Sunna will see the elimination of Al-Shabaab from the Central regions of Somalia , and the catalyst to religion sect war that could probably last beyond our life cycle as this could spread to other regions of Somalia . Bear in mind that this is not a reactionary or spontaneous armed conflict - I believe arming of Ahlu-Suuna is well calculated move to counter Al-Shabaab and utterly disregards its circumstances such as creating a new division among the Somalis that is based on religions sects. What is Next………?
  10. Originally posted by Peace Action: A/Y will resign and I hope he does not listen to certain countries that are begging him to stay. Begging...? I beg your pardon..! Give me one good solid reason what 'those' countries will gain in the continuation of Yeey's presidency. Yeey is still stuck in power simply cause he his megalomanic. The thought that he has lost all the authority and power he had over the TFG has been diminished cant get into his mind anymore. He is at this stage cause he did not get to the pinnacle through lobbying, convincing and winning the hearts of the Somali people but rather he stepped on the helm with the help and great support from the Ethiopians and they have now dropped him in favor of his political foes. Will he resign, I doubt. But if he does watch everything go pear shaped including the caravan - cause the TFG constitution illustrates that within 30 period day there should be replacement. And usually in such kind of contest those that were in harmony will tear each other apart.
  11. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: He is originally from Somaliland. I'm glad he died in that way ..... Allah ha u naxariisto though ,, You are glad???????? Wallahi waad kaso dartey markaan JB...lafaha ayad ka jiran tahey.
  12. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: I wonder what will Juje's argument be after Ethiopia withdraws! Then I will have none sxb.
  13. Xildhibaan ka tirsan baarlamanka Somalia oo goor dhoweyd lagu toogtay bartamaha magaalada Baydhabo Daqiiqado ka hor ayaa bartamaha magaalada Baydbabo ee gobolka Bay waxaa lagu toogay Xildhibaan ka tirsan baarlamanka federaalka Somalia oo lagu magacaabo jiray ALLAHA u naxariistee marxuum Ismaaciil Xasan Timir, ka dib markii ay rasaas ku fureen kooxo hubeysan. Dilka xildhibaanka ayaa yimid ka gadaaal markii xili uu ka soo baxay hotel ku yaala magaalada Baydhabo oo lagu magacaabo Isku Aamow kuna soo jeeda hoygiisa ay weerar ku soo qaadeen kooxo bastoolado ku hubeysan kuwaasoo rasaas ku furay, iyadoo xildhibaankana uu isla goobtii ku geeriyooday. Kooxdiil dilka u geysatay xildhibaan Timir ayaa si dg deg ahh goobta uga baxsaday iyadoo daqiiqado ka dib ay goobta soo gaareen ciidamo ka tirsan DF oo baaritaano kaa bilaabay nawaaxiga goobta uu dilku ka dhacay iyadoo xaalada magaalada Baydhabo ay cakiran tahay iminka, mana jiro war arintaasi ku saabsan oo ka soo baxay maamulka gobolka Bay ilaa hadda. Xildhibaankan la dilay ayaa ahaa wasiir ku xigeenka dib u heshiisiinta ee xukuumada Nuur cade issagoona aha shaqsigii warqada ka hor aqriyey barlamaanka markii la dhalilaayey madaxweyne Yuusuf Dilka daqiiqado ka hor loogu geystay magaalada Baydhabo Xildhibaan Ismaaciil Xasan Timir ayaa noqonaya kii labaad ee loo geysto xildhibaanada baarlamanka Somalia,. Iyadoo bartamihii sanadkan lagu dilay magaalada baydhabo Xildhibaan Maxamed Cismaan Maye oo ka mid ahaa xildhibanada baarlamka iyadoo mudooyikan ay sii kordhayeen weerarada lagu hayo xildhibaada baaraamanka
  14. Originally posted by nuune: Xagee wax u wadaa Juujoow !! An unwanted destination...reality.
  15. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Threatened are those whose clutches of creative boutiques comfortably ensconced behind Islamic slogans are about to be exposed by the departure of Ina Yey! For in the end, the real question that will have to be answered will be what next ya Jamacah! Very ironic indeed - but if the goal of the caravan was to eradicate Yeey and other warlords then you have achieved your target - though the inclusion of Salad Cali Jeele in the cabinet will question your motive. However on the other hand if the caravan was intended to bring together the armed resistance and the TFG together and as a result create a circumstances which calls for the immediate withdrawal of the invading forces, Ethiopian troops, then you are no where near it , on the contrary the caravan has generated more animosity than the sign of peace. The caravan primary tenets has been diverted and is now focused on setting up joint- government with the TFG and relying on the need for the continued presence of the Ethiopian troops in order to fulfill that. Not mentioning the fact that majority armed resistance whether Islamic Militants or Freedom fighters are not with the caravan. Hence by displaying the caravan as success simply on the basis that it has made possible the eviction of Yeey while sleeping with the enemy is utter shambles.It is not different than the situation when Yeey walked into Mogadishu with Ethiopian tanks and claimed to be a Somali government. PeaceAction I agree with Xiin and I doubt if Juje can answer the question he posed without clanish lenses. A/Y will resign for sure and will Sharif and Cade have any plan other than Ethiopia should stay. How ironic? First I don't believe Yeey will resign .Secondly Nuur and Sharif dont have plans .
  16. Originally posted by Guutada 14aad: Good Riddance. Let him go in the disgrace he deserves. Sxb he is not going ...ninkan calacalkiisa ha uu bixiin, wa riwayaad waxay wadaan.
  17. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: What else did you expect from DQ yaa Juje ,,,, wax ka oohin xun lama arag, wuu cabaadaa weliba
  18. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^ Shalay waxaad lehaydeen, dhibta taagan oo nabada hor taagan waa Cabdullahi. Peace caravan-kuna, asaga ayuu ka tilaaba qaadi la'yahay, maantana waxaad ku calaacalaysaan haduu C/llahi katago TFG-da, nabad lama helayo oo peace caravan-ku halkaas ayuu ku dhiiqoonayaa-- marka dhankeebaa idiin raacna? The question is simple sxb...if you cant answer it calacal iyo baror dhiq hala imaan mesha....and if it will give you any comfort Yeey will not resign.
  19. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Sharif is in Mogadishu. Abdullahi Yusuf is expected to resign, and give the peace a chance. And in 2 weeks time, PL is expected to have a new leader. How is C/llahi Yusuf resignation meant to help the progress of the caravan?
  20. AU ministers endorse sanctions against Somali leaders PANA Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Pana) - African ministers in charge of defence and foreign affairs have endorsed a series of targeted sanctions against Somali leaders, including President Abdullahi Yusuf, and his new Prime Minister who quit early Wednesday. The continent's top security arm, the Peace and Security Council (PSC), which wound up its meeting here Tuesday, endorsed sanctions against President Yusuf and his political allies and affirmed its support for Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein. The ministers directed the African Union secretariat to immediately set up a committee of experts to draw up sanctions against Somali leaders seen as obstacles to peace in the Horn of Africa nation and prepare punitive measures against them. "Somalia is once again at cross-roads with the risks that recent developments could lead to a total collapse of all the efforts so far deployed to promote peace, security, stability and reconciliation," PSC Ministerial Council said in a statement Wednesday. The statement came hours before Somalia's recently appointed Prime Minister Mohammed Mahmoud Guled resigned, saying his decision was motivated by the need to give peace in Somalia a chance and with travel sanctions looming over his head. The Prime Minister, whose appointment was dismissed as unconstitutional, reportedly resigned after evaluating the situation in the country, in the interest of peace. The African ministers, whose responsibility is to ensure peace and stability prevails throughout the continent, told the Somali leaders to "show leadership and rise to the daunting challenges facing the country." Yusuf defied a parliamentary vote reconfirming Nur Hassan as the country's legitimate Prime Minister and faced the wrath of the Kenyan government, which immediately announced sanctions against him and close allies. Yusuf has been at odds with his Prime Minister over the Premier's approach to peace in the country; he has been opposed to a power-sharing system with moderate Islamists, who have previously fallen out with the President. However, the premier has been pursuing dialogue with the rivals and the international community, including AU, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), which has been overseeing these talks, has backed the premier's approach. The ministerial council meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, reiterated that divisions within the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs) as Somalia's interim government, its legislative arm and other institutions are known, constitute an obstacle to peace. "Council stresses that no one should be allowed, both within and outside Somalia, to stand in the way of the ongoing efforts aimed at promoting reconciliation, peace and stability in Somalia," the ministers reiterated. The ministers warned Yusuf against disregarding the IGAD and termed his appointment of a new Prime Minister 'unconstitutional', they also agreed to immediately slap sanctions on the new prime minister and all his appointees. Source: Pana, Dec 24, 2008
  21. Yeey is not gone and neither is he going.
  22. Abwaan sxb give them a break - they need to come to terms with reality and in the process they will leave no stone unturned to come up weak excuses. The same site about two weeks ago was stating that Yeey will crush his opposition and his sacking of the legitimate PM and the appointment of the new PM will prevail - only coming to realise that that was only a hogwash. On the other hand I personally dont believe Yeey will resign.
  23. Niman lagu eedeeyey iney kufsadeen haweeney oo xukun tacsiir ah lagu fuliyey fagaare ku yaala bartamaha magaalada Kismaayo Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee magaalada Kismaayo ayaa maanta xukun tacsiir ah ku fuliyey labo nin oo lagu eedeeyey iney gabar Soomaliyeed ku fara xumeeyeen maalmo deegaanka Goob weyn ee ku yaala meel illaa 15 km dhinaca woqooyi kaga beegan magaaladaasi kuwaaaso ay gacantu ku soo dhigeen ciidamaada maamulkaasi. Goobta lagu tacsiirayey labadaasi oo aheyd fagaaraha loo yaqaano beerta Xoriyada ee magaalkada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa soo buuxiyey dadweyne aad u fara badan oo ka tirsan kuwa degan magaalada Kismaayo kuwaasoo iskugu jiray haween caruur iyo dad dhalinyaro ah, waxaana labadaasi nin lagu dhuftay midkiiba illaa 100 karbaash oo Tacsiir ah. Madaxa warfaafinta ee maamulka Islaamiga ah ee magaalada Kismaayo Sheekh Xasan Yacquub ayaa sheegay labadan nin ee lagu fuliyey tacsiirta uu xukunka lagu riday yimid ka dib markii ay ku cadaatay iney fal kufsi ah u geysteen haweeney Soomaliyeed oo ka tirsan dadka deegaanka Goobweyn ee duleedka magaalada Kismaayo, wuxuuna xusay in sidoo kale lagu xukumay labada nin in ay bixiyaan labo neef oo lo’ah oo la siiyo haweeneyda ay kufsadeen isagoo ugu dambeyntiina sheegay in xukunka ragaasi la waafajiyey shereecada Islaamka Source Couple of months ago they stoned to death a 14 years old girl because , as they claimed, she committed adultery. Now two grown up men who have raped a women , as they say, are being whipped with lashes. Punch of illiterate, arrogant and senseless ****** if you ask me.
  24. Originally posted by Thierry.: Ngonge is trying to make a mountain about the 500+ it is only an administrative problem and one that could be and will be easily solved. I suspect the parliamentarians from the said clan will be replaced with the ARS crew and of course when there is no more seats to fill some will be laid of I wish it could be so easy. The ARS, Somali Diaspora and former MP's are squabbling over the allocated number of seats at the moment. Some where in West London positions are being sold to the highest bidder. The importance of the primary principle which was seeking the withdrawal of the Ethiopians has been taken over by the wish to be part of the TFG entity. Who ever designed or inserted the aspect of joint parliament with the TFG had the downfall of the Djibouti process in mind. And it will be this issue that will haste the disintegration of the caravan
  25. Gacmadheere oo ku dhawaaqay daqiiqado ka hor inuu iska casilay xilkii ra'isul wasaarenimo ee uu u magacabay Madaxweyne Yuusuf Maxamed Max’uud Guuleed (Gacmadheere) oo maalmo ka hor uu ra’isul wasaare uu u magacaabay madaxweynaha Dowladda federaalka Somalia C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa daqiiqado ka hor ku dhawaaqay inuu iska casilay xilkaasi ka dib shir jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada ee magaalada baydhabo ee gobolka Bay. Gacmadheere ayaa faahfaahin ka bixiyey sababaha uu isku casilay, isagoo sheegay iney ka dambeysay ka dib markii uu arkay xaalada adag ee dalku ku sugan yahay oo dad badani ay u arkeen ayuu yiri in magacaabisteyda ay caqabad ku tahay dib u heshiisiinta ka socota magaalada Jabuuti iyo xalinta khilaafka ka dhex aloosan heyadaha DF “Markii aan la tashi badan la sameeyey saaxiibey sida xildhibaanada baarlamanka iyo dadka kale aan siyaasada ku wada jirino, markii aan arkay xaaladaha ee dalku ku sugan yahay iyo nabadeynta ka socotay dalka jabuuti oo dad badani ay arkeen in magacaabisteyda ay carqalad ku tahay nabada iyo dib u heshiisiinta Somalia ayaan waxaan go’aansaday inaan iska casilo xilkii ra’isul wasaarenimo ee la ii magacaabay dhowaan anigoo eegaya danta iyo maslaxada shacabka Soomaaliyeed” ayuu yiri Gacmadheere oo inta ku daray inuu nabadeynta dalka ka qeyb qaadan doono isagoo ah xildhibaan ka tirsan baarlamanka Somalia, wuxuuna sheegay inuu rajeynayo inuu is casilaadiisa aqbali doono madaxweynaha Dowladda federaalka Somalia. Maxamed Max’uud Guuleed (Gacmadheere) ayaa maalmo ka hor waxaa ra’isul wasaare u magacaabay madaxweynaha Dowladda federaalka Somalia C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ka dib markii uu malamo ka sii horeeyey uu madaxweynuhu sheegay inuu xilkii ka qaaday ra’isul wasaaraha xukuumada Somalia Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur cadde) xilka qaadistaasi ka dib helay kalsoonida baarlamanka Somalia iyo taageerada beesha caalamka, waxaana dad badani iswediinyaan sida iscasilaada Gacmadheere ay sharci ku tahay maadaama sida ay qabaan magacaabistiisii hore aysan sharci aheyn, waxaana is casilaadiisa ay ku soo beegantay xili la hadal hayo in maalmaha so socda uu xilka iska casili doono madaxewyne Yuusuf ka dib markii uu sii kordhay cadaadiska arintaasi la xiriira oo kaga imanaya beesha caalamka.