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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Juje, afhayeenka ma dan baa kaasoo gashay? maya all I wanted was a second opinion on those eyes..
  2. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: Like Juje. "This is more of an accidental death I think". How could you possibly know that? How are you possibly sure of otherwise? At least am basing my assumption on the rationale that that is 98% unlikely that a mother will kill her baby.
  3. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: This is big news. It is not and it does not weight more than the paper it is written on - but then again let Duke and cohorts get excited about the whole farcical fiasco.
  4. This is more of an accidental death I think, still she is suffering more than anyone else today - she did not only loose a baby but is she charged with her murder. Allah uu fududeyo.
  5. Mother charged over death of three year-old linked to acid Iman Omar Yousef, 24, was charged last night with killing Alia Ahmed Jama, whose body was discovered at an address in Erdington, Birmingham, on Saturday. A spokeswoman for West Midlands Police said Yousef would appear before magistrates in Sutton Coldfield later today. The spokeswoman said officers were still attempting to establish the exact nature of the dangerous substance found at the property in Milverton Road, Erdington. The spokeswoman added: "Extensive medical and forensic testing is continuing today to ascertain what the substance is and whether it caused or contributed to Alia's death. "The investigation continues apace today. "Detectives, forensic experts and local officers continue their quest to find out what happened to this little girl." Yousef was arrested after the youngster's body was discovered at about 5.30pm on Saturday. A post-mortem failed to ascertain the cause of Alia's death and officers are now awaiting the results of toxicological and forensic tests.
  6. Mother questioned over suspected 'acid poisoning' of three year old daughter Wednesday, February 17, 2010 By Richard Edwards, Crime Correspondent A mother has been arrested on suspicion of murder after her daughter died of suspected acid poisoning. Specialist officers wearing gas masks and protective radiation suits were called to a house in Birmingham after the discovery of the three-year-old’s body. Neighbours have claimed she may have inhaled or consumed an unidentified corrosive chemical, possibly stored in a vat. One claimed that a police community support officer had told her that the child had been “burned” by acid. Detectives were said to be questioning the mother, who is in her twenties, about what chemical it was and how and why she possessed it. Police had to break down the door to get access to the property in the Erdington district of the city on Saturday. They discovered the body of the unnamed three-year-old girl upstairs. A post mortem examination was unable to determine the cause of death. Further toxicology and forensic tests were taking place yesterday as well as tests on the hazardous substance found inside the property. Kevin Tyler, 29, who lives on the road, said: “The police came round and were asking if there were any chemicals or corrosive substances at the back of the house. As I understand it the child has consumed or inhaled some kind of corrosive substance.” Residents said that a “respectable, nice couple”, thought to be from Somalia or Ethiopia, had lived at the home for the past six months. They had a black Audi soft-top car and looked like they were young professionals. Police have refused to discuss any of the neighbours’ claims or the circumstances of the child’s death, nor would they confirm the discovery of a chemical substance. Officers said nobody else had been arrested and stressed that no one had yet been charged. Source: Telegraph.co.uk
  7. From what I saw on Universal TV regarding the Solidarity with the Chandler's it seemed like it is not the whole Somalis who have abducted the Chandlers but reer Xarardhere. Every speaker who took mic was condemning 'reer Xarardhere' particularly the born again patriot Axmed Nuur Tarzan . So tell me what is achieved in patronizing the Chandlers, British media and public and yet alienating reer Xarardhere. Ibti They should spend more or their time and energy on their falling apart community and the hopeless situation of their people. Indeed.
  8. Originally posted by Maaddeey: Jacphar, waxba kama jiraanoo,waxay isaga bareejeynaayaan qaraxii Xalane Waxan ku maleyn jirey mise waxa aad igu noqotey mise waxa aan mar dambe lo noqon donin.
  9. ^^^ i think that is not far away Zack - there is a big and heavy feud within Shabab themselves and this goes beyond the Jordanian who was killed in North Mogadishu about a week ago. Last nite explossion was not an error and it happened inside a building resided by Shabab inside suuqa Bakaraha - and it happened just about as Mansoor was to enter the building. Coincidence is no longer an excuse in here.
  10. Qarax xoog leh oo bur buriyay xarun Saraakiil ka tirsan ku lahaayeen Suuqa Bakaaraha Warar dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya qarax xoogan oo bur buriyay Hoy Saraakiil ka tirsan Xarakada Shabaab ku lahaayeen Suuqa Bakaaraha, kaasoo lagu sheegay in ay aheyd goob caafimaad oo ay si gaar ah u leeyihiin. Wararka ku aadan qaraxan oo isa soo taraya ayaa sheegaya in qaraxa oo loo maleynayo in ay ka dhasheen walxo qarxa oo goobta yaalay ayaa waxay galaafatay ugu yaraan labo ka tirsan xoogaga Shabaab iyo dhaawacyada 10-kale. Guriga qaraxu ka dhacay oo ku yaala bartamaha Suuqa Bakaaraha ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inuu dhulka ku darsamay, waxaana ka hor inta uu qaraxu dhicin goobta ka baxay Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu Mansuur. Lama oga in qaraxa ahaa mid la dhigay goobta oo loogu tala galay in lagu qarxiyo iyo inuu ahaa walxo qarxa oo si farsamo xumo u qarxay, ha yeeshee markii qaraxu dhacay ayaa Suuqa Bakaaraha lagu arkayay Xoogag ka tirsan Shabaabka oo isku gadaamay goobta si aan macluumaad looga ogaan. Ma jirto wax war ah oo ka soo baxay Xarakada Shabaab oo ku aadan qaraxa ka dhacay, waxaana arrintan si aad ah looga hadal hayaa Suuqa Bakaaraha oo qof walba ay si hoose uga hadlayeen dhacdadii xalay. Hoyga wararka Somaliyed www.Jowhar.com
  11. Abuu Mansuur oo si dirqi uga fakaday qarax xalay gil gilay Xarun Caafimaad Shabaabka ku lahaayeen Bakaaraha Faah faahin dheeri ah ayaa ka soo baxeysa qarax xoog leh oo xalay bur buriyay xarun caafimaad oo Al-Shabaab ku lahaayeen suuqa weyn ee bakaaraha, waxaana wararka horu dhaca ee soo baxaya sheegayaan in qaraxaas uu sababay dhimasho iyo dhaawac soo gaaray Shabaabka Qaraxa oo ahaa Miino la rumeysan yahay in ay tiil xarunta ayaa gebi ahaanba ay bur burisay, waxaana inta la og yahay ku dhintay ilaa saddex ruux oo ka tirsan Shabaabka halka toban kale ay ku dhaawacmeen. Guriga uu qaraxu ka dhacay oo ku dhow Suuqa daawada ayaa ahaa goob caafimaad ay lahaayeen Al-Shabaab, iyadoo uu qaraxu dhacay daqiiqado kadib markii uu goobtaas ka tagay Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu Mansuur oo ka mid ah saraakiisha sar sare ee Shabaabka Lama oga qarax qaabka uu yahay iyo sababaha uu u dhacay, waxaan wararka qaar ay tilmaamayaan in uu ahaa miino Isbitaalka u taalay Al Shabaab iyadoona warar kale ay tibaaxayaan in weerar uu ahaa qaraxa. Xoogaga Shabaab oo aad u fara badan ayaa lagu arkayaa nawaaxiga halka qaraxu ka dhacay, iyadoo dadka u diiday in ay maraan, waxaana suuqa daawada ee bakaaraha maanta uu yahay mid aanay wax shaqo ah ka jirin. Dadka ayaa loo diidayaa in ay maraan wadada guriga ku yaalo, sababo ku aadan in aanay macluumaad uga helin, mana jirto wax war ah oo ka soo baxay Saraakiisha Alshabaab oo ku aadan qarax. Ma jirto ilaa iyo iminka war rasmi ah oo ka soo baxay saraakiisha shabaab ee ku aadan qaraxa ay ku le'deen, kaas oo gebi ahaanba bur buriyay goobtii ay lahaayeen, waxaana magaalada si weyn looga hadal hayaa qaraxaas. Xafiiska wararka midnimo webmaster@midnimo.com midnimo12@googlemail.comcom
  12. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^Dawlad 'saqiirkeed & kabiirkeed' wada 'nobody' yihiin, maxay sheegi? Hadaba ma waxaa 'somebody' ah kuwa ummadii cunaha qabtey. Maadey malmaha tiirso yeasan xisabta ka dhumin.
  13. Inaa lilahi wa inaa illahi rajicuun...Allah uu naxariisto, idinkana samir iyo imaan Allah idinka siiyo...amiin!
  14. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote:Originally posted by Juje: New Video of Qaraxi Shamo From this video ,,, I can see the bomb was planted in the area ,,, not a suicide one. look again
  15. INNAA LILLAAHI WA INNAA ILEYHI RAAJICUUN Wasiirkii Isboortiga Soomaaliya oo Sacuudiga ku geeriyooday Wasiirkii Isboortiga Soomaaliya-Saleebaan Colaad Rooble imco, 12 February 2010(HOL): Waxaa goor dhaweyd ku geeriyooday Magaalada Riyad ee dalka Sacuudiga Wasiirkii Isboortiga Saleebaan Colaad Rooble oo ka mid ahaa dadkii uu dhaawaca culus ka soo gaaray qaraxii ay dadka badan ku dhinteen ee Hotelka Shaamo ee Magaalada Muqdisho ka dhacay 3-dii December ee aanu ka soo gudubnay. Wasiirka ayaa wuxuu qabay dhaawac culus, waxaana dalka Sacuudiga loo geeyay in looga daweeyo dhaawacii qaraxaas ka soo gaaray. Alle ha u naxariistee Wasiirka ayaa wuxuu ahaa qofka ugu dhaawaca culus, marka loo eego dadkii dhaawacyada kala duwan qabay ee Sacuudiga lala geeyay. Qaraxii uu Wasiirka ku dhaawacmay ayaa waxaa ku dhintay Seddex Wasiir oo ka tirsanaa Dowladda Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo kala ahaa Wasiirkii Hidaha iyo Tacliinta sare Prof. Ibraahim Xasan Caddow, Wasiiraddii Caafimaadka Qamar Aadan Cali iyo Wasiirkii Waxbarashada Axmed C/llaahi Waayeel. Sidoo kalena qaraxaas waxaa ku geeriyooday hormuudkii Jaamacadda Banaadir Prof. Maxamed Warsame Shahiid, waxaana dhaawac iyo dhimasho ay ka soo gaartay Dhaqaatiir shaqeyneysay iyo Dhaqaatiir Jaamacadda Banaadir ka qalin-jebineysay. Qaraxii ay dadka badan ku dhinteen ee Muqdisho ka dhacay 3-dii December 2009 ayaa wuxuu ahaa mid uur-ku-taallo iyo xanuun ku reebay shacabka Soomaaliyeed, wuxuuna qaraxaas oo uu fuliyay qof ismiidaamiyay uu ahaa mid lala eegtay dad biri-ma-geydo ah. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online
  16. Originally posted by The Zack: Good! This time Shabelle is reporting this news..
  17. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^Indha Cadde xoow yiri jujoow? Horta Sheikh Indha Cadde dheh sidaad oran jirteyba waagad dulin jirtey.
  18. Sheikh Maadey bashalkada iyo sheekadada wey iska so dhamane goor dhaw Insha Allah.
  19. Originally posted by NGONGE: My fellow citizens, I stand here amazed and awed by your wise decision to select me as your next president. After decades of stumbling, fighting and falling out, you have finally chosen a man with the ability, lineage and intelligence to take the hardest job in the known world. Fellow citizens, I do not blush or flinch at the thought that I am the best man for this job. As you all know, I am Abdullahi the son of Yusuf the son of Siyad the son of Barre the son of Riyaale the son of Abdul Qader the son of Sharif of the Somali clan. In war, my people are the most ferocious and in peace the most generous. I AM, the missing link to all your problems. You all know of my great grandfather Sayid the pious, you all heard of my grandmother Hawa the brave and you all know of my cousins Ali and Warsame the fishermen. These are people you knew and admired all your lives and I am the son, heir and descendant of such people. My people. Today, Somalia is at a cross roads and you have given me the opportunity to lead you to a prosperous future and sure present. Very well, let me make you a promise right here and right now that Somalia shall never suffer from any war or conflict as long as I am president. Somalia after all does not have any natural enemies. Nobody has the lineage, history and nobility to qualify as an equal to us. Our only enemy has always been...ourselves. Today, as a result of my election, that enemy has been finally vanquished. I look forward to a presidency full of busy projects, foreign debt and a concubine or two. Thank you. I have posted this for you sxb - I hope they publish it , but I know they wont...
  20. Originally posted by NGONGE: I was defending dumarka la qabo. My bad..! - sawie Sir.
  21. Originally posted by NGONGE: Jb was correct. Manta wad hanjabaysa, saaxib. sali caleeh, juje. Wa maxay naagta la qabo iyo hadalada nooca? Salaam Boss, horta ma hanjabayo waayo aniga wax gacan igu jiira maleh - teeda kale 'naag la qabo ayad ka tahey' doesn't necessarily refer as in aad naag tahey but rather as irrelevant or non participant. Duke hates Shabab but wants them to be victorious in this case for reasons best known to him. Thus my reference to him.