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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Faah faahin dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya dilkii Maanta Magaalada Muqdisho loogu geystay Saciid Tahliil Axmed oo ahaa Agaasimihii Idaacadda Hornafrik ee Magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoona warar soo baxaya ay sheegayaan in isna la dhaawacay Agaasimaha Idaacada Shabelle Mukhtaar Maxamed Hiraabe. Allaha u naxariistee Saciid Tahliil ayaa waqtigii la dilayay isaga iyo Agaasimayaal kale oo ka mid ah Idaacadaha Muqdisho waxay ku sii jeedeen meel ay Ururka Alshabaab ka waceen oo la filayay inay ku kulmaan Agaasimayaasha Idaacadaha iyo Saraakiisha Alshabaab. Agaasimayaashii kala ee la socday Saciid Tahliil ayaa mar kaliya kala cararay, mid walbana waxaa uu ka baxay meeshii uu nafta ku badbaadin karay, kadib markii rasaas lala dhacay Marxuum Saciid Tahliil. Laakiin rasaasta lagu furay Saciid Tahliil ayaa waxaa dhaawac halis ah oo dhinaca gacmaha ka soo gaaray Agaasimaha Idaacadda Shabelle Mukhtaar Maxamed Hiraabe Lama oga sababta dhabta ah ee ka dambaysa dilka agaasimaha idaacada Horn Afrik iyadoo aan sidoo kale la garaneyn kooxaha dilka u geystay agaasimaha idaacada Horn Afrik Saciid Tahliil Axmed. Dilka Saciid Tahliil ayaa waxaa uu noqonaya kii Labaad oo sanadkan gudihiisa ka dhaca Soomaaliya,iyadoo bishii horeyna Degmada Afgooye lagu dilau Alla ha u naxariistee wariye Xasan Mayoow Xasan oo ka tirsanaa Idaacadda Shabelle ee Muqdisho. Sidoo kale dilka Saciid Tahliil waxaa uu murug u yahay Idaacadda Hornafrik oo sanadkii 2007-da laga dilay Cali Iimaan Sharmaarke xili uu ka soo laabtay aaskii agaasimihii hore ee idaacada Capital Voice Mahad Axmed Cilmi oo kooxo hubaysan ay dileen. Dhinaca kale Qaar ka mid ah Warbaahinta ka howl gasha Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa goor dhow hawada laga saaray, kadib markii Agaasimihii Idaacada Horn Afrik la, waxaana Idaacadahaas ay u muuqdeen kuwo ka tiiraanyeysnaa dilka Mid ka mid ah Suxifiyiintii Soomaaliya ee caanka aheyd. Idaacada Horn Afrik ayaa markii ay baahisay dilka Agaasimaheeda allaha u naxariistee Saciid Tahliil Axmed waxay Idaacada joojisay dhamaan barnaamijyadeeda, iyadoona ay bilowday sii deynta Aayado Quraan ah. Idaacadaha Banaadir, Shabelle, Somaliweyn, IQK, Codka Nabada, Sahan iyo SIMBA ayaa la wada damiyay, iyadoona Idaacadahaas ay kaliya ka shidan yihiin Aayado quraan iyo tacsiyo loo dirayo Marxuumka geeriyooday. Hooyga wararka Somaliyed www.Jowhar.com Jowharcom@hotmail.com Jowharcom@gmail.com
  2. Agaasimihii Idaacada Horn Afrik oo maanta lagu dilay gudaha Suuqa Bakaaraha ee magaalada Muqdisho Kooxo hubaysan ayaa maanta waxaa ay gudaha suuqa Bakaaraha ku toogteen Agaasimihii idaacada Horn Afrik ee magaalada Muqdisho xili uu marayay gudaha Suuqa Bakaaraha. Alla ha u naxariistee Saciid Tahliil Axmed oo ahaa Agaasimihii idaacada Horn Afrik oo ka mid ah idaacadaha Madaxa banaan ee ka howlgala gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa maanta waxa ay kooxo hubaysan ku toogteen gudaha Suuqa Bakaaraha ee magaalada Muqdisho. Agaasimaha ayaa inta aan la dilin waxaa la socday agaasimayaasha kale ee idaacadaha Madaxa banaan ee ka howlgala gudaha magaalada Muqdisho kuwaasi oo ay u yeereen Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Ururka Al Shabaab,waxaana saraakiil ka tirsan al Shabaab markii ay ka wadeen agaasimyaashaasi xarumahaooda iyagoo la socda kooxo hubaysan ay toogasho ku dileen agaasimihii idaacada Horn Afrik ee magaalada Muiqdisho Saciid Tahliil Axmed . Xligii dilka loo gaystay Alla ha u naxariistee Saciid Tahliil Axmed ayaa waxaa kala firxadey dhamaan agaasimayaashii ka kala socday idaacadaha kale kuwaasi oo u kala jiheystay halka uu qof waliba wajigiisu qabtay. Lama oga sababta dhabta ah ee ka dambaysa dilka agaasimaha idaacada Horn Afrik iyadoo aan sidoo kale la garaneyn kooxaha dilka u geystay agaasimaha idaacada Horn Afrik Saciid Tahliil Axmed ,iyadoo kooxihii dilka geystana ay ka baxsadeen goobta uu falkaasi ka dhacay,waxaana halkaasi uu dhaawac ka soo gaaray agaasimaha idaacada Shabelle Muqtaar Max’ed Hiraabe oo ka dhaawacmay gacmaha . Alla ha u naxariistee Saciid Tahliil Axmed waxaa uu noqonayaa wariyihii labaad ee sanadkaan lagu dilo gudaha dalka soomaaliya iyadoo bilowgii sanadkaan gudaha degmada Afgooye dil bareer ah loogu geystay wariyihii idaacada Shabelle Alla ha u naxariistee wariye Xasan Mayoow Xasan. Sanadkii 2007-da ayaa waxaa gudaha magaalada Muqdisho miino lagula qarxiyay gaari uu saarnaa Alla ha u naxariistee agaasimihii idaacada Horn Afrik Cali Iimaan Sharmaarke xili uu ka soo laabtay aaskii agaasimihii hore ee idaacada Capital Voice Mahad Axmed Cilmi oo kooxo hubaysan ay dileen,waxaana sidoo kale sanadkaasi dhamaadkiisa la dilay Bashiir Nuur Geedi oo ahaa ku simaha gudoomiyaha idaacada Shabelle oo isna ay toogteen kooxo hubaysan. More pictures
  3. Originally posted by Thierry.: If Al Shabaab was behind this the heat is on, the barbaric animals behind this act are not going to hold us hostage anymore. It is on already sxb...we wait and watch how events unfold. The killing of Siciid will be the catalyst to finally retaliate to organised crimes and criminals who are masked and hide behind the name of Islam.
  4. Originally posted by Somali Pirate: al shabab will be blamed in 3, 2, 1...... It is not a matter of blame - Siciid and alon with other media outlet leaders in Xamar were called into a meeting by Abu-Mansoor's deputy in Xamar, and as they were being led into the venue by their host shots were fired which killed the marxum and oters scattered. So sxb this is not a blame but a fact - we now wait and see reactions.
  5. INAA LILAAHI WAA INAA RAAJIICUUN :Agaasimhii Idaacadda Hornfarik ee magaalada Muqdisho Marxuum Saciid Tahliil Axmed oo goor dhoweyd lagu dilay agagaarka shirkada xawaalada Dahabshiil ee Suuqa bakaaraha Daqiiqado ka hor abaara 2:40 daqiiqo duhurnimo ee maanta ayaa waxaa agagaarka shirkada xawaalada Dahabshiil xarunteeda Suuqa Bakaaraha ee magaalada Muqdisho lagu dilay marxuum ALLAHA u naxaristee Saciid Tahliil Axmed oo ahaa agaasimiii idaacada Hornafrik ee magaalada Muqdisho. Dilka agaasimaha ayaa yimid ka dib markii labo nin oo bastoolado ku hubeysan ay rasaas ku fureen xilli uu la socday qaar ka mid ah agaasimayaaha idaacadaha magaalada Muqdisho oo ku sii jeeday kulan ay iskugu yeereen mas’uliyiinta mid ka mid ah xoogaga ka dagaalama dalka Somalia sida uu sheegay weriye Maxamuud Carab oo ka mid ah shaqaalaha Idaacada SAHAN ee magaalada Muqdisho oo la socday markii uu falkaasi dilka ah dhacayey, iyagoo agaasimyaashii kale ee la socday xiligaasi ay goobta cagahooda uga baxsadeen. Meydka marxuumka ayaa waxaa goobta ka soo qaaday dadweyne aad u fara baadan iyadoo markii dambe la keenay xarunta idaacada Hornafrik ee ku taala Daarta Telnet ee Suuqa Bakaaraha, waxaana idaacada ay joojisay wararkii iyo barnaamijyadii kale ee ka bixi jiray oo lagu bedelay aayado quraanka kariimka ah, waana agaasimihii labaad ee laga dilo idaacadaasi iyadoo sanadkii hore lagu lagu dilay magaalada Muqdisho marxuum Cali Iimaan Sharmarke oo ahaa agaasimhii hore ee idaacada Hornafrik. He recently chaired a meeting attended by all Media directors in the capitol in which it was agreed to support the new TFG led by Sheikh Sharif and spread the words of peace and reconciliation through the media.
  6. France applauds the election of Sheik Sharif Ahmed as President of Somalia ISRIA Tuesday, February 03, 2009 This election represents an important step toward a political resolution to the crisis, within the context of the Djibouti Agreement. This step would not have been possible without the constant and determined engagement of the UN secretary-general's special representative, General Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, and the President of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh. France salutes their efforts in support of Somalia. However, many challenges remain in assuring the security of the people, and in restoring peace to Somalia. France calls on President Sharif Ahmed to appoint a national unity government as soon as possible, and to pursue efforts at reconciliation. France hopes that the different Somali parties will take advantage of this opportunity, ending the violence and working together to restore the country's stability. Source: ISRIA, Feb 03, 2009
  7. New Somalia President is Welcomed with an Ovation at the AU Summit in Addis Ababa Hiiraan Online Tuesday, February 03, 2009 Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) - AU leaders attending the 12th Summit of AU head of states taking place in Addis Ababa have welcomed the newly elected Somalia President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed. The new Somalia President met with members of IGAD, the President of Libya Col. Muamar Al-Qadafi who has been elected chair of the AU as well as other leaders, including the President of Burundi. The meetings the new Somalia President had with leaders form IGAD members focused on cooperation among IGAD countries particularly the security situation in the region. The new President also met with the Secretary General of the United Nations Mr. Ban Ki-moon and the Secretary General of the Arab league and discussed the situation in Somalia and how the UN and the Arab League can help the new government in Somalia. At the end of the AU Summit, the President is expected to return to Djibouti and begin consultations to select a Prime Minister.
  8. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Tolow yaa lagu xumaynayaa ,,, Warya fidnada jooji sxb.
  9. Taageero gudaha iyo dibedda ah Madaxweynaha cusub ee Somalia Shariif Shiikh Axmed ayaa waxa uu taageero fara badan ka helayaa dibedda iyo gudaha Somalia. Barkat Simon oo ah wasiirka madaxtooyada ee dowladda Itoobiya waxaa uu sheegay in dowladdiisu ay soo dhoweynayso madaxweynaha cusub ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed. Waxaa uu intaas ku daray in ciidammada Itoobiya ay ka soo baxeen Soomaaliya kaddib markii ay gaareen ujeedadii ay halkaasu u tageen. waxaa uu sheegay in loo baahan yahay in mar haddii ay ciidammada Ethiopia soo baxeen ay dadka Soomaaliyeed ka faa'iidaystaan fursadda haddii ay markii hore ku kala qaybsanaayeen joogitaanka ciidammada Ethiopia, loona baahan yahay inay taageeraan hoggaamiyahooda cusub. Hadalka Ethiopia waxaa uu soo baxay iyadoo Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya uu hore taageero uga helay madaxda dalal kale sida Maraykanka, Masar, Yemen, iyo Djibouti oo madaxweynaha lagu doortay. Qaar ka mid ah madaxda iyo dowlado African ah ayaa ka hahadlay doorashadii madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, kuwaas oo inta badan hambalyo iyo taageero muujiyay. Madaxweynihii hore ee dalka Nigeria Obasanjo oo la weydiiyay sida uu u arko madaxweynaha cusub ee Soomaaliya. waxaana uu yiri. "Haddii ay su'aashu sax tahay, waqtigu uu sax yahay, jawiguna uu sax yahay, waa wanaagsan tahay in la helo qof madax u noqda hay'ad uu bani'aadamku leeyahay. haddii dadka Soomaaliyeed ay heleen nin madax u noqda arrimahooda waa wax fiican" Alfa ken oo ah wasiirka arrimaha bulshada ee madaxtooyada dalka Sierra Leone. waxaa uu yiri. Inkastoo aan aqaannay ninkii la tartamayay Nur Xasan Xuseen oo aan dhowr jeer kula kulmay shirarka hase ahaatee sheekh Shariif laftiisa ayaa ah mas'uul la yaqaanno, waana war u wanaagsan dhaammaanteen Afrika. waxaana aan rajeynayaa inay xasillooni iyo dowlad xasilloon u noqoto Soomaaliya ayna dhaqso u soo afjarmi doonto dhibaatada ay dadku qabaan. Dr Masuuri oo ka socda dalka Libya ayaa isna waxaa uu yiri in Soomaaliya ay madaxweyne yeelatay telefishinada baan ka arkay, waana war wanaagsan. Sh Shariif waa nin hawsha qaban kara waxaana fuushay mas'uuliyad aad u weyn. Axmed Xasan oo ka tirsan baarlamaanka Afrika isla markaana ah xubin ka tirsan baarlamanka Ethiopia ayaa waxaa uu yiri: "waxaa la igu wargeliay in Soomaaliya madaxweyne Cusub loo doortay, waxaan rajeynayaa inuu dalka nabad ku soo dabbaalo, waxaana aan rajeynayaa inuu derisnimo fiican kula dhaqmo dalalka deriska, gaar ahaan Itoobiya" Dhinaca kale shir jaraa'id oo maanta ay ku qabteen magaalada Muqdisho madax ka tirsan ururka maxkmadaha ismaaliga ayay ku sheegeen inay taageerayaan doorashada madaxweynaha cusub ee ka dhacday dalka Djibouti. Madaxda shirkaas qabatay waxaa ka mid ah Sheekh Cabdulqaadir Cali Cumar oo mar ka soo horjeestay qorshaha nabadda ee Sheekh Shariif iyo kooxdiisu ay la galeen dowladdii ku meel gaarka. Audio of Sheikh C/qadir Cali endorsing President Sharif Sheekh Cabdulqaadir Cali Cumar waxa uu sheegay inay soo dhaweynayaan doorashada Madaxweynaha cusub ee Somalia Shariif Shiikh Axmed. Waxaa dhinaca kale ka dhacay magaalooyinka Beledweyne, Buula Barde iyo Jalalaqsi, dibedbaxyo lagu taageerayo doorashada Madaxweynaha cusub. Waxaa sidoo kale dibedbaxyo taageero ah ay ka dheceen magaalada Galkacyo qeyb ka mid ah, halkaasi oo maamulka Galmudug ay sheegeen inay taageerayaan Madaxweynaha cusub. Waxaa sidoo kale taageero u muujiyay Madaxweynaha cusub odoyaasha iyo waxgaradka gobolka Mudug, oo sheegay inay soo dhaweynayaan. Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sidoo kale shalay waxa ka dhacay dibedbaxyo taageero ah, oo dadku ay ku soo dhaweynayaan doorashada Madaxweynaha Somalia Shariif Shiikh Axmed.
  10. Originally posted by Meiji: Lets hope the ''moderates'' and the ''extremists'' and whatever ''faction'' fight there war somewhere else. Saxiib Meiji I could not agree with you more...and I pray it turns out that way...we cant afford to be anymore battle-grounds.
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: Marx, I thought you were a Somalilander! Did you sell out like Norf? Bah! Paper men. Edit: T, this thread is going to come back and bite you on the..err..erm..cawra. Ngonge saxiib we have decided to give you the position 'Ababulka iyo Kicinta dadweynaha' I hope you will accept the position..
  12. Originally posted by Meiji: quote: Mohamed Jaama Ali, a minister in Sharif's government, Minister of what? And more importantly what govermnent? Printing error I think...there is no executive government yet saxiib.
  13. Somali leader praises US position Sunday, February 01, 2009 Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Somalia's new president, has said that he sees a positive role for the US in helping his country attain peace. The comments, made in an interview to el-Shorouk, an Egyptian newspaper, were released on Sunday. "One can say that the US position towards Somalia has become honest ... We think that the American view of Somalia is now positive," Ahmed said. "In the framework of the Djibouti negotiations, America has become a force which supports peace." The Djibouti negotiations are a UN backed process which helped bring about the election of Ahmed. Ahmed easily won a parliamentary run-off vote on Saturday against Maslah Mohamed Siad, the son of ex-president Mohamed Siad Barre, taking 293 votes to Siad's 126, to become president. Somalia has not had effective central government since 1991, when Barre was forced from power. Victory celebreations Mohamed Nur, a Somali journalist based in Mogadishu, the capital, told Al Jazeera that people had taken to the streets to celebrate Ahmed's victory. Ahmed has vowed to form a broad-based government and invited all armed groups in Somalia to join a UN-sponsored reconciliation effort. Ahmed had been critical in his assessment of past US administrations' influence on Somalia. He led the Islamic Courts' Union before the US backed a 2006 Ethiopian invasion with the purpose of driving the group from power. In 2008, Ahmed condemned the US after an air raid killed a Muslim leader in central Somalia. The last of the Ethiopian troops left Somalia in January and a new US administration under Barack Obama took office in the same month. Abdullahi Yusuf, the former Somali president, resigned on December 29 after he was accused by the major powers of being an obstacle to peace. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the UN's special envoy for Somalia, praised Saturday's "transparent" presidential vote. Source: Al-Jazeera, Feb 01, 2009
  14. Somali leader wants united front against extremism By ANITA POWELL ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Somalia's new president called for a united front against violent extremists and signaled his intent to try to bring together the country's feuding Islamic factions, according to an interview published Sunday. Moderate Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Sheik Ahmed was sworn in Saturday and faces the daunting task of leading a Western-backed government that wields little control over a country that has suffered nearly 20 years of violence and anarchy. "I say it is now high time to achieve national unity, forget our differences, unify our ranks and confront those who commit violence," Sharif was quoted as saying by the English-language Saudi Gazette. Ahmed was chairman of the Islamic Courts Union that ran Mogadishu for six months in 2006 before Ethiopian soldiers drove them from power. The group's extremist breakaway militia, al-Shabab, has now taken much of the country, forcing lawmakers to meet outside of the country. The U.S. considers al-Shabab a terror organization with links to al-Qaida. Al-Shabab did not recognize the last government and also disapproves of Sharif, but his election raises hopes that he will bring many of Somalia's Islamic factions into a more inclusive government. The U.S. government welcomed Sharif as leader Saturday and said that he had worked diligently on reconciliation efforts in Somalia. Sharif was attending the African Union summit in Addis Ababa on Sunday and holding a series of meetings with other African leaders. He did not speak to reporters. Mohamed Jaama Ali, a minister in Sharif's government, said the administration would first try to appease the militia, but that if they refused to come around, would go after them. "We'll try to negotiate with them," he said. "We'll try to bring them on board. We'll use the carrot-and-stick. We'll try to influence them — or we'll beat them." The last president resigned in December after failing to pacify the country during his four-year tenure. The arid and impoverished Horn of Africa nation of some 8 million people has not had a functioning government since clan-based militias overthrew a dictator in 1991 then turned on each other. Pirates prey on international shipping freely from Somalia's lawless shores, and analysts fear an extremist Islamic administration could become a haven for international terrorists. There have been more than a dozen previous peace efforts and three previous governments were formed, but they never managed to take effective control over most of the country. Source: AP, Feb. 01, 2009
  15. Union of Islamic Courts in Somalia Declare Their Support for Somalia’s New President Spokesman for Islamic Courts - Sheikh Abdirahman Isse Addow Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) - Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) leaders inside Somalia have welcomed the election of Somalia’s new President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed and called on the Somali people to support him. Spokesman for the UIC Mr. Abdirahim Isse Adow read a press release from UIC inside Somalia which said that the UIC welcomes the election of the new President. Mr. Adow said that the new President needs to keep his promise to implement Islamic Sharia in Somalia and that only the implementation of Islamic Sharia will end the suffering of the Somali people. Mr. Adow also called for the formation of a national army starting with the resistance forces which he said will allow Somalia not to need foreign troops including those currently stationed in the country. Mr. Adow also called for uniting the resistance forces and added that if there is a dialogue there will be a solution to solve any differences. The support the new President received from UIC inside Somalia is important and shows that the new President has the support of Islamic groups inside Somalia. Somalia's enlarged parliament elected Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed in Djibouti defeating at least 14 other candidates including Maslah Mohamed Siad, the son of ex-president Mohamed Siad Barre and Prim Minister Nur Hassan Hussein (Nur Adde). Hiiraan Online Sunday, February 01, 2009
  16. New Somali president wants sport to help achieve peace and integration Sunday, February 01, 2009 The newly elected president of Somalia’s national unity government Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has asked the leaders of the Somali Football Federation (SFF) to help his government establish sports for peace programs to achieve peace and public integration in the country through football games. The Islamist president delivered this speech during a meeting with the general secretary of SFF Abdi Qani Said Arab at the Campinski Hotel in Djibouti late on Saturday night. President Sheikh Sharif praised the federation for having done a good national task in the past and he requested the SFF leaders to work with his government in the field of peace building throughout the war-ravaged nation of Somalia. “Sports, particularly football is the most popular, and it is one of the major elements that can be used to easily achieve peace and public integration in our war-devastated country,” the president added during the meeting. “Sport is very important for congregating people, peace building and even guiding the youths to the right path, because it protects juveniles from using drugs, so we can say sports is also fitness,” said President Somalia’s first Islamist president. The President says he is very confident that the football federation will help his government to introduce law and order into Somalia which has been under going anarchy and bloody clan clashes for nearly two decades. “I am very happy that the Somali Football Federation became the first civil society organization I met after my election as the nation’s president,” he told the general secretary. “My government will help sport and so we need sporting organizations to work with us in the field of peace,” he added. For his part the federation’s general secretary congratulated the new president on his recent success in the presidential election, adding “The main point of the meeting I had with President Sheikh Sharif was to show him that the federation supports and will work with the national unity government. I pledged to the president that we will help his new government to introduce peace and stability into the country through ‘football for peace’ games. In mid-January, the Islamic Courts administration under the chairmanship of Sheikh Sharif handed over Somalia’s largest football facility in Mogadishu to the Somali Football Federation a day after the Ethiopian troops vacated it, thus ending their two years occupation of the place. Source: APA, Feb 01, 2009
  17. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Gen. Morgan for PM .... Saxiibo adiga weli ninkaas ma qarowda Galeydh and another person not in the poll are making headways, remember Juriile anyone? It widely believed the new PM will be named by Monday or latest Tuesday.
  18. Originally posted by Somali Pirate: this is disappointing. same country which killed 16,000 innocent somalis. this is not right. Calm down Pirate he is going there for s meeting with his from the continent.
  19. Originally posted by me: My money is on Cabdiqaasim Salaad Xassan Xasha! And C/llahi Yusuf as his deputy may be. LST you could be spot on, but lets see who the President picks.
  20. Poll Results: Vote for the Next Prime Minister of TFG (8 votes.) Vote for the Next Prime Minister of TFG Choose 1 Cali Khalif Galeydh 0% (0) Nuur Xassan Xussen 12% (1) Jamac Cali Jamac 12% (1) Maslax Maxamed Siyaad 38% (3) Cabdiwaxiid Cilmi Cumar 0% (0) Cumar Cabdirashid Cali ( Sharmarke) 12% (1) Axmed Ismacil Samantar 12% (1) Xassan Abshir Farax 12% (1) Maxamed Cabdi Yusuf 0% (0) Maxamed Cabdi 'Gandhi' 0% (0) Come on guys you can vote better than this...you might never know you moght influence the decision makers. 4.5 Is unfair and despised, am quite certain that it will not come under the equation in this decision.
  21. Originally posted by Norf 2: I think Maslax shuld get it. Finished 2nd in the vote and 4.5 compliant Is he qualified that is the question. Receiving a high number of 'protest' vote does not propel him to PM position.As for the 4.5 equation I think that will be overlooked at this time.
  22. Vote for the Next Prime Minister of TFG Who would you prefer of this list 1) Cali Khalif Galeydh 2) Nuur Xassan Xussen Caade 3) Jammac Cali Jamaac 4) Maslax Maxamed Siyaad 5) Cabdiwaxiid Cilmi Cumar 6) Cumar Cabdirashi Cali (Sharmarke) 7) Axmed Ismaciil Samantar 8) Xassan Abshir farax 9) Maxamed Cabdi Yusuf 10) Maxamed Cabdi 'gandhi' Please Vote Now
  23. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: call me naive...but this guy has alot of secret bags that stings to hi heaven. Rudy sxb give it a rest and let bygones be bygones for the least. There is nothing much you can have against this guy - plus the fact there are no invassionist nor their henchmen at the helm which will justify the continuation of a struggle. the Hon. President is a former leader of the well reputed Islamic Courts he has a good background to prove he is capable of creating peace and stability and ofcourse order in this war thorn country. Give him chance and time at least if you do not want to grant him your services. Any opposition to President Sharif at this time and stage is and will always be ' Qaran-diid'. In simple words: there are no Ethiopians in Somalia so build your country.
  24. Originally posted by inspector22: Will Puntland send troops to support the president in dealing with the troublemakers Puntland already has troops that support the TFG in Mogadishu..and whether they are staged in any part of the country any Puntland soldier is a TFG troop. Puntland has always being not only part and parcel of the TFG but a strong and vital supporter of it - thus I fail to understand where your question is coming from. Also should Dr faroole change his title to "Governer"? Well in real terms he is a Regional President thus he is a 'governor' already. Which brings me to ask you have you retreated from your previous position calling for the seccesion of Puntland? I knew the emergence of the good Sheikh as Somali President will be changing so many minds
  25. Somali president faces tough task By Roger Middleton Saturday, January 31, 2009 The election of Sheikh Sharif Ahmed as president of Somalia marks a dramatic return for the former head of the Union of Islamic Courts administration. Winning over the roughly 500 members of Somalia's newly expanded parliament is likely to be the easiest part of his presidency, however. Somalia faces a daunting set of challenges: famine, poverty, chronic insecurity and lawlessness, meddlesome neighbours, and the enduring memory of numerous failed peace processes. Sheikh Sharif defeated at least 14 other candidates including current Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein, commonly known as Nur Adde, who has been the driving force behind bringing the Transitional Federal Government and Mr Sharif's Alliance for the Reliberation of Somalia (ARS) together. Mr Hussein was probably the favoured candidate of the West, but Sheikh Sharif commands considerable respect among many in Mogadishu and southern Somalia. The most pressing problem for the new president is how to deal with the radical Islamist group al-Shabab. So far they have shown no willingness to join the grand coalition between Sheikh Sharif's ARS and the remains of the transitional government under Mr Hussein.They have spent the last two years building their military and financial strength and will be hard to dislodge by force. Sharia law Since the Ethiopian intervention at the end of 2006 al-Shabab has grown in size, ambition, organisation, and seems increasingly radical. Their leaders have benefited from the bitter feelings generated by the Ethiopian intervention and are now probably the best organised force in Southern Somalia. They have expanded their control over southern Somalia since taking control of the strategic port of Kismaayo late last year. Baidoa, the town that until recently hosted the Transitional Federal Parliament, is for now also under their control. Reports indicate that they are established in Mogadishu and threatening to capture the city. The ARS and the transitional government have been negotiating in Djibouti but it is al-Shabab who have been making headlines. In Shabab-controlled Kismayo a young girl accused of adultery was stoned to death - in fact she had been raped. Al-Shabab have said they will also impose their version of sharia law in Baidoa and the other areas they control. They have been destroying shrines of traditional saints across southern Somalia. Most Somalis insist that al-Shabab does not represent traditional interpretations of Islam. Clan divisions It seems highly unlikely that the international community or Somalia's neighbours would be keen to support the new president if he engages in negotiations with a group listed as a terrorist organisation by the US State Department. His best bet may be to hope that militiamen fighting for al-Shabab can be convinced to change sides and support his government. President Sharif cannot even count on unified support from the newly enlarged parliament. The clearest division is between the original MPs who served under President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and the new ARS MPs. Even within these two groups there is hardly consensus, and it is likely that the new president will receive little help from politicians who in the past have only really swung into action when new prime ministers or presidents needed to be appointed. MPs have been selected on the basis of a formula designed to ensure even representation across Somalia's different clans. It is up to each clan to decide how to negotiate divisions within them along sub-clan lines. Humanitarian crisis Some analysts argue this system means MPs who come from the more stable north of the country will be involved in trying to solve the problems of the south. They complain that the formula, by treating the problem as an all-Somalia one, ignores the reality - that the war is in the south and only southerners will be able to end the fighting. As Mr Hussein and Sheik Sharif are both from the ****** clan, if one is president the other cannot be prime minister. So the two men with the best chance of resolving the problems of the south cannot together hold the two most important offices of state.More than three million people are in need of urgent humanitarian aid, millions were displaced from Mogadishu, and Somalia has been described as the world's worst humanitarian crisis.Somalis rely on massive shipments of food aid to stay alive.If the president wants to build popular legitimacy then he will need to address these problems.However, providing food and medical supplies will be very difficult until some form of security is established, and without a government that can ensure the most basic services young men have little incentive not to take the $15-a-day pay cheque from the warring factions. Finally, President Sharif should not expect to be left alone to resolve his country's crises. The outside world has a history of interfering in Somalia's affairs.Among a long list of interventions, the two-year Ethiopian mission and US missile strikes against terrorist targets may have been motivated by legitimate security fears, but they have almost never improved the security or humanitarian situation inside Somalia. The new president will need to navigate a bickering parliament, a hungry population and meddling world - and face down a massive military threat from al-Shabab. He will need a lot of luck if this is not to be just the most recent failed peace process in Somalia. Roger Middleton works for the Africa Programme at Chatham House, a London-based foreign-policy think tank.