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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Originally posted by Meiji: Juje, What is your stance on this? What makes this foreign-created regime different then the one before it? Besides the new make-up ofcourse. And why should Somali people support it? Why shoudn't they ? And who are the 'Somali people' you are refering to sxb?
  2. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: good job somalia meel fiican bay maraysa viva somaliland Indeed viva Somali Land.
  3. Madaxweyne Shariif "Dowladaha Uganda iyo Brundi waxaan ka dalbanay inay na caawiyaan ilaa aan isaga filnaaneyno" Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo shir jaraa'id ku qabtay Xarunta Madaxtooyada ayaa ugu horeyn waxaa uu kaga hadlay safaradii uu ku kala bixiyay Dalalka ka tirsan Qaarada Afrika oo uu ku tagayo booqasho qaadatay 2-todobaad. Madaxweyne Shariif oo warfidiyeenada ugu warbixiyay safaradaas ayaa ugu horeyn sheegay in Dowladaha Uganda iyo Brundi oo ay Ciidamado ka joogaan Soomaaliya ay u gudbiyeen qorshe ku aadan sidii ay uga caawin lahaayeen dhisida Ciidamo qaran iyo inay sii joogaan dalka ilaa Dowladda ay isaga filnaaneyso. "Qorshaha aan u gudbinay Uganda iyo Brundi waa inay na caawiyaan ilaa aan isaga filnaaneyno, waad la socotiin in Ciidamada AMISOM ay ka mid ahaayeen heshiiskii lagu soo saxiixday Jabuuti, marka anaga wadamadaasi waxaan u gubinay qorshaha dowladda oo ah in ciidamo ay dhisato, dadka inaga soo horjeedana aan la heshiino"ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Shariif oo si aan leex leexad laheyn u sheegay in Ciidamada AMISOM ay sii joogayaan Soomaaliya. Sheekh Shariif ayaa sidoo kale soo hadal qaaday Dowladaha Suudaan iyo Libiya inay doonayaan inay gacan ka geystaan sidii xal loogu heli lahaa mushkiladda Soomaaliya, isla markaana dhinacyada ka soo horjeeda Dowladda ay uga dhaadhicin lahaayeen in ay nabad iyo heshiis qaataan. Mar uu ka hadlay Madaxweynaha magacyada loogu yeero Ciidamada Dowladda uu ah mid lagu kala saarayo ciidamadii hore iyo kuwa Muqaawamada ayuu sheegay inuu saxaafada ka codsanayo inay hal magac ugu yeeraan oo ah Ciidamada Dowladda. "Ma ahan in magacyo kale loogu yeero, Ciidamadii hore iyo kuwa Muqaawamada, , waxaan idinka ka codsanayaa in loogu yeero Ciidamada Dowladda hadii ay wataan dareys iyo hadii aysan wadan"ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha oo intaa ku daray inay wadaan qorshe ay isugu dhafayaan, isla markaana ay dareys isku mid ah. Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha ayaa ka hadlay kulan uu la qaatay Golaha wasiirada iyo Ra'iisul wasaaraha waxaana uu sheegay inay warbixino is dhaafsadeen oo Wasaaradaha ay u bandhigeen howshooda, isagana uu uga warbixiyay safaradii uu ku tagay dalalka Afrikaanka. Madaxweyne Shariif oo su'aalo ay weydiiyeen Wariyeyaasha ayaa waxaa uu si kulul uga jawaabay su'aalo ku saabsan hanjabaadii Hogaamiye Al-qaacida uu u soo diray Dowladda iyo weerarkii qaraxa ee uu ka bad baaday Madaxweynaha, waxaana uu yiri "Waxaan aad ugu xumahay in Al-Qaacida wax ay ka hadasho inteey weyday maanta ay Soomaaliya oo haatan dowlada dhisatay oo heshiisay ay ugu baaqayso in ay dagaalamaan, “Al-Qaaciia nama barin Diin, Dalkanna Dowlad kama ahan ee raali ha naga ahaato"ayuu hadalkiisii intaasi ku daray Madaxweyanaha. Madaxweyne Shariif ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in uu qaldan yahay in qofkii aaminsan in Sheekh C/qaadir ayaa gaal ah, dilkiisana inuu jano ku galayo waxaan aaminsanayay in dadkaas ay qaldan yihiin, waxaana Madaxweynuhu tilmaamay in amni darada Magaalada Muqdisho ay wax ka qaban doonaan. Shir jaraa'id ee Madaxweynaha oo ahaa mid dhinacyo badan taabanaya ayaa waxaa uusan ka hadlin dagaalada ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho, kaasoo muddo labo maalmood ka socday Deegaano ka tirsan Degmada Yaaqshiid, iyadoona Madaxweynuhu aad uga war haayo dagaaladaas, isla markaana warbixin lagu siiyay. Source + PICS
  4. MADAXWEYNAHA SOOMAALIYA: “Al-Qaacidda nama barin Diin, Dalkanna Dowlad kama ahan ee raali ha naga ahaato” Sabti, March 28, 2009(HOL): Madaxweynaha Dowladda Midnimada Qaran ee Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa wuxuu shirkiisa jaraa’id kaga hadlay arrimo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid ahaayeen socdaalkii uu ku tegay dhowr dal oo Afrika ah, Hadalkii Osama Bin Laden ee ahaa in la af-gembiyo dowladda uu madaxweynaha ka yahay, Qaraxii lala beegsaday Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Soomalaiya iyo Ciidamada Dowladda Soomaaliya ee magacyada kala duwan loogu yeero. Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed waxaa uu sheegay in socdaalkii uu ku tegay dalalka Kenya, Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan iyo Libya uu ahaa mid guul ku soo dhamaaday, wuxuuna caddeeyay in madaxda dalalkaas ay ka wada hadleen arrimo ku saabsan hagaajinta xiriirka Soomaaliya iyo Wadamadaas iyo weliba sidii ay uga qeybqaadan lahaayeen dib u dhiska dalka Soomaaliya oo muddo 20 sano ku dhow burbursan. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya waxaa uu sheegay in Dowladaha Uganda iyo Burundi oo ka mid ah dalalka uu booqday, isla markaana ay Ciidamada ka joogaan Soomaaliya uu kala hadlay sidii ay u caawin lahaayeen Dowladda Soomaaliyeed tan iyo inta ay Dowladda Soomaaliyeed isaga filnaaneyso, ciidamadeedana ay ka tababareyso. Dowladaha Sudan iyo Libya ayuu sheegay in ay diyaar u yihiin in ay gacan ka geystaan sidii xal loogu heli lahaa mushkiladda Soomaaliya, isla markaana dhinacyada ka soo horjeeda Dowladda ay uga dhaadhicin lahaayeen in ay nabad iyo heshiis qaataan. Waxaa uu ka hadlay intaas kadib magacyo loogu yeero Ciidamada Dowladda, kuwaasi oo ah Maxkamadaha iyo Ciidamada Dowladda, wuxuuna sheegay in ay jiraan Ciidamo mid ah oo leh Ciidamada Dowladda Midnimada Qaran ee Soomaaliya, wuxuuna caddeeyay in Ciidamadaas dhawaan la siin doono labis isku mid ah. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed waxaa uu ka hadlay hadalkii uu dhawaan sii daayay Hoggaamiyaha Al-Qaacidda Osama Bin Laden, kaasi oo ahaa in lala dagaallamo oo xukunka laga tuuro Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, “Waxaan aad uga xumahay in Al-Qaacidda intey weysay wax ay ka hadasho in ay tiraahdo Shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo Muslim ah, isla markaana heshiiyay, dowladna dhistay ha is-dilaano”ayuu yiri madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo sheegay in aaney Al-Qaacidda wax shaqo ah ku lahayn Soomaaliya. “Al-Qaaciida nama barin Diin, Dalkanna Dowlad kama ahan ee raali ha naga ahaato” ayuuna hadalkiisa ku sii daray Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo shalay dib ugu soo noqday dalka Soomaaliya, kadib socdaal uu ku soo kala bixiyay dalal dhowr ah oo Qaaradda Afrika ku yaalla. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya waxaa uu shirkiisa jaraa’id ku soo hadal qaaday qarax maalmo ka hor lala beegsaday Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Soomaaliya Shiikh C/qaadir Cali Cumar, “Qofkii dhahaya Shiikh C/qaadir Cali Cumar ayaa gaal ah, dilkiisana janno ayaan ku tegayaa, waxaan wada aaminsannahay in qofkaas uu yahay mid mid qaldan”ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo intaas ku sii daray Dowladda Soomaaliyeed ay wax weyn ka qaban doonto amni darrada ka jirta Soomaaliya. Dhanka kalena, Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed waxaa uu maanta Xarunta Villa Somalia kula shiray Golaha Wasiirrada oo uu horkacayay Wasiirka koowaad, wuxuuna shirkaas ku saabsanaa warbixin uu madaxweynaha siinayay Golaha Wasiirrada iyo Golaha Wasiirrada oo isna warbixin siinayay Madaxweynaha. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  5. Cumar Xaashi "Waan garaneynaa guryahooda iyo cida ay yihiin waan heysanaa Bastoolado, hadii iyagu ay heystaan qaraxyana waan fulin karnaa" Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka Col. Cumar Xaashi Aadan ayaa ku goodiyay inay tallaabo deg deg ah ka qaadi doonaan kooxihii shalay ka dambeeyay isku daygii lagu dili lahaa wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha isagoona sheegay inay wax ka badaleen qorshahoodii hore ee ammaanka Caasimada Muqdisho. Col. Cumar Xaashi ayaa sheegay in la garanayo kooxaha ka dambeeyay qaraxii shalay, isagoona sheegay in hada iyo wixii ka dambeeyay aanay u dulqaadan doono, waxaana uu sheegay inay digniin kama dambeys u jeedinayaan kooxaha falkaas ka dambeeya. "Hadaan shalay dhaheynay walaalayaal, oo dulqaadanaynay maanta uma dul qaadan doono, waan garanaynaa cida ay yihiin guryaha ay joogaan, balse waxaan u jeedineynaa digniin"ayuu yiri Col. Cumar Xaashi oo u muuqday mid aad uga careysanaa isku daygii dil oo lala damacsanaa Sheekh C/qaadir Cali Cumar Amiirkii Muqaawamada. Isagoo la hadlayay Idaacada Horn Afrik ee Magaalada Muqdisho ayuu sheegay Col. Cumar Xaashi in kuwa qaraxyada fuliya iyo kuwa soo diray ay garanayaan, waxaana uu tibaaxay in hadii ay Bastoolad iyo qori heystaan ay iyaguna heystaan Magaaladana la isla joogo. "Waa la ogyahay guryaha ay ku jiraan dadka ay yihiin waxay soo galeen magaalada Muqdisho iyagoo cararaya hadana waxay ku soo laabteen markii Ethiopianka la saaray hada waxay billaabeen in ay qarxiyaan dadkii Mujaahidiinta ahaa oo uu ugu waynaa C/qaadir Cali Cumar marka waa dibiga qal weyshu ha ku quus qaadatee mana sugayno taas waana ka nadiifinaynaa dalka, shacabkana waxaan ugu baaqeynaa in ay ka saaraan godadka ay ku jiraan"ayuu si kulul u yiri Col. Cumar Xaashi. Cumar Xaashi ayaa sheegay in hada iyo wixii ka dambeeya ay dhamaatay in ay Dowladdu iska fiirsato ficilada nuucaasi ah isla markaana ay si deg deg ay tallaabo kaga qaadi doonaan waxaana uu carabka ku dhuftay in qarax loo gaystay Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha uu soo dedejiyay baahida loo qabo in xaalada ammaanka ee caasimada la xaqiijiyo wuxuuna intaasi ku daray in dalku leeyahay hal Dowlad. "Adeer waan garanaynaa guryahooda cida ay yihiin meel walba oo ay joogaan waan haysanaa Bastoolado, hadii iyagu ay haystaan qaraxyana waan fulin karnaa Tallaabo ayaana ka qaadaynaa dadka xalaaleysanaya dhiiga shacabka Soomaaliyeed"ayuu ku goodiyay Cumar Xaashi oo muujinayay inay iyaguba qeyb ka ahaayeen kacdoonkii ka dhacay dalka. Hadalkan kulul ee ka soo baxay Wasiirka Amniga qaran, ayaa ka dambeeyay weerar qarax Miino ahaa oo la doonayay in lagu dilo wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Sheekh C/qaadir Cali Cumar kaasoo shalay ay ku dhinteen labo ka mid ah howlwadeenadii wasiirka. Hooyga wararka Somaliyed www.Jowhar.com Kash sxb stop beating about the bush the perpertraters of yesterday's mindless crime are well known - if only they were brave enough standing their ground rather than blaming it on others.
  6. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: Why politics section?? . Because they are co-related.
  7. Originally posted by Farancab: The next president could be from Bur'co. War ma walaan tahey?
  8. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: I wonder who is next though .. Moi..! :cool:
  9. Originally posted by Kashafa: Between the two of us, yaa booto haayo ? Adiga
  10. Originally posted by Kashafa: The dust will never settle and the good fight will never stop until this treasonous dowlad-kuu sheeg is obliterated from existence(izaala canil wujood). No half-measures, No compromise. Real world talk, abti. My advice to you and your fellow peacniks is to grow(or borrow, or beg) some nuts, cuz you will be needing it in the coming weeks/months markee dagaal fool-ka-fool qarxo. booto.com Dagal mahiine ama maslaaxo kale heysa? Just watch how, on daily basis, those you rely to fulfill your dreams of chaos are disbursed into groups and disintegrate .
  11. Local News Fire guts two beach resorts Two popular beach resorts in Bagamoyo, Coast Region, Paradise Holiday Resort and the Oceanic Bay Hotel and Resort were today reduced to ashes in less than fifteen minutes due to a fire that began in the kitchen of the former. Hundreds of the fast growing seaside township’s residents rushed to witness the mid-morning inferno that is likely to render about 380 workers of the two hotels jobless. Eyewitnesses told the ‘Daily News’ ‘that the fire, which is believed to have been ignited by a gas cooker inside the Paradise Resort kitchen, spread fast to other parts of the hotel due to thatched roofs and the strong ocean winds. “We had tea break at 10:30a.m. before heading back to the seminar room. After just five minutes of business, the electricity went off. We continued with our session as we did not know what was going on,’’ a hotel guest said. Another seminar participant said it was when they decided to open the windows for air, when they heard people screaming outside. ‘We got outside only to see fire and smoke all over… we had to run for our lives,” said Mr Donath Mlawila, who was at the hotel, instructing a five-day course for Tanzania Roads Agency (TANROADS) officials. Other witnesses said that the second hotel, Oceanic Bay Hotel and Resort, caught fire when most of its staff went to offer a helping hand to the nighbouring Paradise. The fire crossed to their hotel without their knowledge, only to realize it when the situation was out of hand. The owner and Chairman of the Paradise Holiday Resort, Mr Abdullahi Nur Guled, said that the total investment of the hotel, which was built in 1997, was 10 million US dollars (more than 13bn/-. He, however, said that the hotel was insured. “We could not save anything… the fire began at around 11:30 am. Within 15 minutes, the whole hotel was on fire. Everything is burnt completely,” said the hotel’s Operations Manager, Mr Shukri Ali. The fire did not cause any fatalities except for the massive loss of property. Several cars parked at the hotel were burnt in varying degrees, including a four-wheel drive Nissan Patrol vehicle that was burnt beyond repair. Two Toyota Land Cruiser vehicles, one belonging to TANROADS, Mbeya Office, and another to Mr Mlawila, were partly damaged. “When I saw the car partly destroyed, I could not believe my eyes because I failed to take it away as I had left ignition keys in my room which was on fire,” said Mr Mlawila, who said that he had borrowed the car from his friend. By the time it was gutted by fire, the Paradise Resort had 89 guests in 82 rooms, with 70 of them participating in four meetings, including 21 TANROADS regional managers from all Mainland regions. “This is the low season, when we make between 60,000 US dollars and 80,000 US dollars (about 78m/- and 94m/-) per day, but we used to reach up to 100,000 US dollars (about 130m/-) per day during peak season. These include accommodation costs, conference costs and all other services,” said Mr Ali. The Paradise is prominent for hosting different government and private meetings. It has 95 rooms and employs 180 people on a permanent basis. “Many people will lose their jobs due to this…not only our employees, but also other people who were supplying us with various goods and services,” said Mr Guled. The Oceanic Bay Hotel General Manager, Mr Rahul Nayar, said the hotel had employed 200 workers but declined further details on grounds that the owner, who is in Dubai, was the only one to give such details. Bagamoyo District Commissioner Serenge Mrengo said that the district was going to suffer economically from the loss of the two hotels. “This is a challenge to hotel owners who prefer thatched roofs. The fire this time spread faster because of the thatched roofs,” said Mr Mrengo. Due to lack of fire tenders in the district, the fire in the two hotels had to be extinguished by fire brigades from Dar es Salaam and Kibaha. “This is a problem for us. We have already ordered four such vehicles for our district and paid 400m/- for them. But delivery has not yet been effected,” said the DC.
  12. Infernos expose Dar Tanzania's lack of preparedness for major disasters was exposed yesterday after fire destroyed two famous tourist hotels in Bagamoyo. As Paradise Holiday Resort and Oceanic Bay Hotel went up in smoke, another fire broke out in Dar es Salaam, destroying a house at Mbagala. Earlier, firefighters rushed to the British Council offices in the city centre, only to discover that it was a false alarm triggered by a faulty warning system. As they were attending to the situation, they received information that a fire had broken out at a house in Mbagala. They arrived in Mbagala after about half an hour, but no sooner had they started putting out the blaze than they were notified that a major fire had broken out at two adjacent hotels in Bagamoyo. Fire engines with sirens blazing set out for Bagamoyo, some 65 kilometres away, arriving after about an hour at around midday. It was, however, too late as the once-prestigious beach hotels were nothing more that smouldering shells. Eyewitnesses said workers and guests at the hotels could only look on helplessly as fire ravaged the buildings for over three hours before dying down because there was nothing more to burn. Dense smoke could be seen rising high up into the clear sky from the site. The fire started in the kitchen of the Paradise Holiday Resort, according to the front office manager, Mr Godfrey Runyungu. He said the building in which the kitchen and restaurant were located caught fire after a gas tank exploded. "The fire started around at ten in the morning, and was so fierce that the entire building was reduced to ashes in only 20 minutes. Strong winds from the ocean made things more complicated as fire spread to other buildings," he said, adding that nobody was injured. The Dar es Salaam Fire Brigare was notified of the blaze at 11.54am, and the first fire engine reached the scene of accident at 12.47pm. Residents of Mangesani and neighbouring areas were the first to arrive at the scene, but were helpless against the towering flames. Paradise Holiday Resort chairman Guled Abdallah said he was thankful that nobody was killed in the incident. "Everything has been destroyed�we tried our level best to save lives and we succeeded. Everybody is safe, but we have lost everything," he said. He added that the hotel had 170 permanent employees and 30 part-timers, who all escaped unhurt. Earlier, Oceanic Bay Hotel managing director Rahul Layan told reporters that the fire started at Paradise Holiday Resort, but added that he was not sure what the cause was. "Strong winds blew the flames from Paradise Resort to our hotel. As you can see, everything has been destroyed. We have not been able to rescue anything apart from people who were working at the hotel when the fire broke out. "The most important thing was to ensure that all our employees and guests were safe. It was impossible to salvage anything as he fire was very fierce," Mr Layan said. Youths from surrounding villages had a field day, stealing anything they could lay their hands among the ruins. Some of them could be seen walking away with items such as desktop computers, laptops, television sets and fire extinguishers. A local resident, Mr Edgar Nazar, said some of the thieves arrived in canoes, which they used to ferry valuables looted from the destroyed hotels. Bagamoyo District Commissioner Serenge Mrengo was among the first people to arrive at the scene. He said the destruction of the two hotels was a �cruel� ; blow to the district. "We have lost two important symbols of development in our district. It will take a long time to recover from this," he said. Firefighters from Dar es Salaam extinguished the last smouldering remnants of the hotels at around 1pm. The two hotels, particularly Paradise Holiday Resort, have transformed Bagamoyo from a sleepy coastal town - previously famous only for its rich history - into a major conference centre in Tanzania. It was only last week that stakeholders in the tourism industry ranked Bagamoyo third after Dar es Salaam and Arusha among the focal areas for conference tourism in the country. In recent years, the historic town has rivalled Arusha in hosting major conferences to the extent of forcing owners of conference venues in the northern town to travel all the way to Dar es Salaam to carry out aggressive marketing after noting that Bagamoyo was becoming a serious competitor. Paradise Holiday Resort has hosted dozens of conferences and high-profile meetings since it opened its doors for the first time in 1998. The facility started off as a beach resort with a few rooms, a restaurant, swimming pool and snack bar. The establishment underwent major expansion from 2000 to 2004, with the focus being on conference facilities and the addition of more rooms to cater to a diverse clientele ranging from ordinary visitors to tourists and VIPs. Oceanic Bay Hotel was put up on an adjacent plot. The two were the leading hotels in Bagamoyo Town, although other beach resorts cropped up in later years. Source
  13. Somali owned 5 star hotel turned to ashes Two Somali owned 5 star hotels located at the historical town of Bagamoyo some 60km from Dara-Salaam the capital city of Tanganyika has turned to ashes on Monday. “In fact my Hotel was among the leading deluxe hotels in the town of Bagamoyo, and there were 280 workers working in the hotel, and the cause of the fire is yet mysteries, but investigations are underway to detect out the cause of the fire, the fire was very ferocious, and has annihilated money worth 10 million U.S$, but the goodness is that it is registered in the insurance company, the fire swiftly spread to another hotel in the next building owned by a Somali man as well, and it has also completely destroyed it, this hotel of mine was built in the year 1997, everything happens in the will of God the almighty and this simply a building in the world and thanks to God to what has hppend we are Muslims we should come up with strong and unshakable faith to what ever we come across evil or good” said the Abdullahi Noor Gulled the owner of hotel Paradise in Tanganyika speaking to Somaliweyn correspondent in the town of Arusha in Tanganyika. Since the last effective central government in Somalia collapsed in the year 1991 the Somalis have scattered in the entire of the world and East Africa is one of the places where they have occupied most, in Kenya for instance they have big hotels and shopping malls. Mohammed Omar Hussein +2521-5519235 shiinetown@hotmail.c om
  14. OOMAAR: “Waan ka xumahay in hadal aan sheegay uu laab kiciyo bulshadeyda, waxaana muhiim ah inaan isla fahamno ujeedka hadalkeyga” Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar Wasiirka arimaha dibadda Doladda Midnimada Qaran ayaa ka hadlay hadal baryahan buuq badan ka dhaliyay Golayaasha Dowladda dhexdooda, kaasi oo uu ku saabsanaa ciidamo nabad ilaalin oo la keeno Soomaaliya, si loo xasiliyo ammaanka magaalada Muqdisho iyo guud ahaan dalka oo dhan. Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Soomaaliya Max’ed C/laahi Oomaar oo xalay u waramayay Warbaahinta gudaha isaga oo ku sugan Magaalada New York ee dalka Mareykanka ayaa sheegay inuu si weyn uga hadalkiisa uu sheegay inuu kiciyay Dowladda uu ka tirsan yahay iyo madaxda sarsare iyo waliba bulshada Soomaaliyeed qeybaheeda kala duwan. “Waan ka xumahay in hadal aan sheegay uu laab kiciyo bulshadeyda, waxaana muhiim ah inaan isla fahamno ujeedka hadalkeyga” ayuu yiri Wasiirka arrimaha Soomaaliya oo sheegay in dowlad iyo shacabba ay ku mideysan yihiin rabitaanka ah in dalka ay u helaan tababarka ciidamada Soomaaliya si ay u sugaan ammaanka dalka oo dhan. Mar uu ka jawaabayay Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar hadalka ku saabsan dalabka ciidamada shisheeye in dalka keeno ahaa ee isaga ka soo yeeray waxa uu ula jeeday, ayuu yiri “Ciidamada aan ka hadlayo waa kuwa haatan dalka jooga ee Burundi iyo Uganda, kuwaas oo markii ay joogaan saddex biloodba la bedelayo” ayuu yiri Wasiirka oo dhinaca kale sheegay inay Midowga Afrika ka dalbadeen in Dowladda Soomaalikya ay u tababaraan ciidamadeeda. Somaliweyn Media Center “SMC”
  15. So now requesting troops is a sin.
  16. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^how was it resolved? Did he apologise and retract his long statement? Also why did he make that statement if he did not have the support of the PM, cabinet and President? Do explain saxib. Nuur Caade wuxuu yiiri, maya Yeey ba saan yiiri, no no no Jengeli ba kadaba hadley and the comic fiasco that ensued. Those days are History. The PM has already given his view regarding this and thus it is a bygone now and hopefully such mistakes will not recur again. Anything else?
  17. Thank you sxb, but that has been resolved without the usual hype and scramble that were evident in previous governments. Anything else?
  18. Originally posted by Meiji: The subclan of Indha Adde has made a wise decision to not ruin their people and resources in defending religious warlord's campaign to gain political power. That is exactly what they have been doing sxb beyond any doubt. It seems they have now steered from that strategy and following as you state : They have decided to live in peace, and more importantly to not allow ANY FACTION to use the neighbourhoods where they live as launching points of their offensives. And I could not agree with them more. Though we have to wait and see whether it is at least 'near' unanimous . As for Indhacaade I fully agree with Duke and should be made important leader or decider where the 'beel' should go politically. Am sure there are many who have more caliber and able within who can take that role.
  19. Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo sheegay in aysan dooneyn in ay sameeyaan wax dhibaato u keenaya Shacabka Soomaaliyeed Isniin, March 23, 2009(HOL): Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Midnimada Qaran ee Soomaaliya Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma-arke oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay guriga uu Muqdisho ka degan yahay ayaa wuxuu sheegay in ay Xukuumaddiisa ka cudur-daaraneyso wel-wel ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ka qaadeen hadal uu sii daayay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar, kaasi oo ahaa in Dowladda Soomaaliya ay dalabatay in Ciidamada jooga Soomaaliya lagu kordhiyo seddex battalion oo hor leh. Ra’iisal Wasaaraha ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Soomaaliya aysan qorshaha ugu jirin in ay ku dhaqaaqdo wax dadka Soomaaliyeed dhibaato u keenaya, wuxuuna caddeeyay in Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar uu isna qabanayo shir jaraa’id oo uu uga hadlayo hadalkii uu sii daayay ee ay cabashada badan ka keeneen Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Waxgarad, Culumaa’udiin, Aqoonyahanno, Siyaasiyiin, Abwaanno Soomaaliyeed oo ku dhaqan Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa si weyn uga hadlay hadalkii laga soo xigtay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya, iyado dadkaasina ay ka codsadeen Dowladda Soomaaliyeed in ay hadalkaas ka laabato, isla markaana ay cudurdaar ka bixiso. Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar ayaa la eegayaa sida uu u fasiro hadalkii ay ka soo xigteen Wakaaladaha Wararka Reer Galbeedka ee ahaa in uu codsaday in seddex battalion oo dheeraad ah lagu kordhiyo Ciidamada Amisom ee hadda ku sugan Caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  20. Originally posted by NGONGE: Muqadishu is united. Aaaah..I'll come back later...home time... I know it is not an attainable stance, unity, at this present circumstances. However it is not, as you stress it, an impossible task. Out of all people I thought Ngonge will be encouraging rather than scorning it at every opportunity.
  21. Sheekh Daahir Aw Cabdi “dadka qaadka inta ay soo cunaan ee marqaansan ee magaalada lagu soo dayay ayaa qaadaya mas’uuliyada dadka dhaawacmay….” Sheekh Daahir Aw Cabdi ayaa salaadii Makhrib kadib waxa uu si kulul uga hadlay falkii ay galabta ciidamada P.I.S ee loo yaqaano “Ashahado La dirirka” kula ka ceen Sheekh Cismaan Shire. Sheekh Daahir ayaa sheegay in qaabka loo qabtay Sheekha ay tahay mid aad looga xumaado wuxuuna sheekh daahir oo arintaas ka hadlaya yiri ” Sheekh Cismaan ayay xabadu ku dhaceysay isagaana la qabtay qaabka loo qabtayna qaab xun buu ahaa qaabkaads ayuu warku igu soo gaaray arintaana waan ka xunahay oo waan ka xunahay” Waxa uu sida oo kale sheekh Daahir ka hadlay cida qaadaysa mas’uuliyada waxa galabta ilaa makhribadii ka dhacayay magaalada wuxuuna yiri ” dadka qaadka inta ay soo cunaan ee marqaansan ee magaalada lagu soo dayay ayaa qaadaya mas’uuliyada dadka dhaawacmay bur burka dhacay iyagaana mas’uuliyada qaadaya”. Sheekh Daahir ayaa si kulul u weraray Kooxda Ashahaado la dirirka wuxuuna sheekhu xusay in ay dhibaato ku yihiin aminiga guud sidoo kalena ay yihiin kowo dhib ku ahay shacabka qeybihiisa kala duwan wuxuna sheekh yiri isagoo arintaas ka hadlaya ” ma ahan in ashahaado la dirirku ay dadka dhibaan dhibaatadana iyagaa wada ma ahan in dadka ay dhibaato u keenaan … dad marqaasan oo qaad soo cunay ma ahan in maalin walba ay magaalada rasaas ka ridaan oo amaanka ay khal khal galiyaan” Dhinaca kale waxa uu sheekh daahir ka hadlay in loo baahan yahay in la iska qabta kooxda Ashahaado la dirirka sidoo kalena ay maamulku arintooda wax ka qabtaan. Sheekh daahir ayaa xusay in Sheekh Cismaan uu yahay nin wanaagsan wanaaganka ka shaqeeya wuxuuna yiri ” Sheekh Cismaan waxaan ku naqaanaa in uu yahay nin wanaagsan oo masaajida dhisa dugsiyada quraanka dhisa kana shaqeeya arimaha dacwada” Sheekh Daahir waxa uu dhinaca kale Shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada Boosaso ugu baaqay in ay arinta dajiyaan qalalaasada ay ka daayaan magaalada amnigeedana aysan wax u dhimin. Hadalka uu Sheekh Daahir Salaadii Makhrib kadib uu ka jeediyay masjidka Rowda ayaa waxaa mar qura masjidka is qabsaday tabiir ah ” alaahu akbar ” taasoo timid kadib markii uu sheekhu si kulul uga hadlay falka loo geystay Sheekh Cismaan. www.somalimirror.com
  22. Sirta iyo sababta tanaasulka Sheekh Yuusuf Indha Cadde Tan iyo markii uu bilowday cadaadis Sheekh Yuusuf Indha Cadde ay beeshiisa ku saareysay inuu u hogaansamo talada beesha, isla markaana uu qaato dadaalada nabada ayaa waxaa mar kaliya is bedelay mowqifkiisii, isagoona si weyn uga soo horjeestay dagaaladii ay qaaday Ururka Xisbul Islaam, kaasoo sabab u ahaa in Ururka todobaadyo kadib inuu labo garab u kala jabay. Sheekh Yuusuf Indha Cadde ayaa dagaaladaas ku tilmaamay mid uusan ku lug laheyn, waxaana uu dharaar cad ka dhaqaaqay xilka Taliyenimada ururka Xisbul Islaam oo uu sheegay inuu iska casilay. Generaal Indha Cadde ayaa si hoose hormuud ugu ahaa garab ka tirsan Xisbul Islaam oo ku kala qeybsamay dagaaladii labadii maalmood ee bishii Febraayo ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana tan iyo xilligaas ka dambeeyay uu maleegayay qorshayaal ka dhan ah xilka uu haayay Dr. Cumar Iimaan Abuubakar oo ah nin ay aad isugu dhow yihiin Sheekh Xasan Dahir Aweys oo lagu tilmaamay inuu lahaa maskaxdii ka dambeysay aas aaska Kooxaha Islaamiyiinta Soomaaliya ee haatan firqooyinka noqday. Indha Cadde oo aad moodo inuu u tusaalay rabitaanka Beeshiisa kadib markii uu kulan dhex maray ayaa la soo baxay is bedelo aan horay looga baran, maadaama lagu yaqaan inuu yahay nin is bed-bedel badan, waxaana uu u hogaansamay awaamir ka soo baxday Beeshiisa oo ay ugu weyneyd in aan laga duulaan qaadin meelaha ay ku badan tahay beeshiisa oo ah dhanka Koonfureed ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Tanaasulka uu la yimid Mr Indha Cadde ayaa noqday mid sii dedejisay in maanta xilkii laga qaado ninkii usha u hayay Xisbul Islaam Dr. Cumar Iimaan Abuubakar oo ah sheekh cilmiga ka gaaray meel sare, balse siyaasadu ay laba afleysiisay. Sheekh Yuusuf Indha Cadde ayaa la rumeysan yahay inuu lahaa fikrada xilka looga qaaday Dr. Cumar Iimaan Abuubakar oo kal hore ay isku khilaadeen dagaaladii Muqdisho, isla markaana maanta xilka qaadistiisa u cuskaday arrimo badan oo dhagaha shacabka soo jiidanaya. Mr Indha cadde ayaa hadal gaaban ka jeediyay shirkii maanta xilka looga qaaday dhamaan Mas'uuliyiintii Xisbul Islaam oo ka dhacay Warshadii Baastada, isagoona sheegay inuu taageersan yahay baaqii Culumada. Sheekh Maxaned Xasan Axmed Camey oo ah Gudoomiyaha Xisbul Islaam iyo Afhayeenka Sheekh Daa'uud Maxamed Abtidoon, waxay labaduba bedeleen Labadii nin ee xilkaas hayay sida Dr. Cumar Iimaan iyo Afhayeenkii kale Sheekh Muuse Cabdi Caraale, waxaana la ogeyn sida labadan nin ay ku aqbali karaan xilka qaadistooda. Dadka odorasa Siyaasada Soomaaliya ayaa aaminsan in Isbaheysiga Xisbul Islaam uu si rasmi ah labo garab ugu kala jabay, iyadoona ay aheyd wax caado u ah siyaasada Soomaaliya, marka koox ay midowdo ay koox kale ay ka hortimaado, sidaas labo garab loo kala baxo, marka fikrad la isku diido, laakiin tani ay siyaasada soomaaliya mugdi ka sii galeyso, marka loo eego maslaxada umada oo aanay jirin cid u tanaasusha. Hooyga wararka Somaliyed www.Jowhar.com Indhacaade is making headways towards the government - dont be suprised if he is made a Minister without a Portofolio.
  23. What a wonderful week and half LFC have had ....it can only get better... bring on Arsenal, Chelsea and hmmm....anyone. Walk on.........................!
  24. Somalia's new leader offers hope Somali Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke The sound is what Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke remembers most vividly. It was 1969, and Sharmarke was 9 years old and living in Mogadishu with his family. He had just returned from school and watched his uncle walk silently past him and his brother, Ali, to go to his mother. That's when he heard her cry – a deep and sudden sob and he knew, before the adults told him, that his father had been killed and life was about to change. The assassination of Sharmarke's father, president Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, was followed by a military coup in Somalia and the two-decade rule of Gen. Mohamed Siad Barre. Somalia descended into anarchy after warlords overthrew Siad Barre's government in 1991. The Horn of Africa country is today one of the world's most ungovernable, dangerous and impoverished, with clan rivalries, an Islamic insurgency and a history of disastrous international intervention. Now 48-year-old Sharmarke, a Canadian citizen, Carleton University graduate and well-respected diplomat, has returned to the city where his father died to attempt to mend his broken birthplace. Sharmarke was named the country's new prime minister last month in a move that surprised many since he has lived abroad for most of his adult life and does not enjoy a strong political base within Somalia. But he has come with the reputation of his popular father and the backing of the West. And in the past few weeks, he has also brought optimism. Or rather, since Sharmarke's government is the 15th since 1991 that will attempt to stabilize Somalia, perhaps it's more of a cautious optimism. "We have a country that has almost no economic life and we have a country where so many weapons are in the hands of citizens," Sharmarke told the Toronto Star during his first in-depth interview since taking power five weeks ago. "It's a country where there's not a proper military structure or forces. The challenges are huge, but I think there's light at the end of the tunnel." His challenge may have gotten harder last Thursday – or easier, depending on the analysis – with the release of a audiotape by Osama bin Laden urging war on Sharmarke's government. The elusive Al Qaeda leader mentions by name Somalia's new president – the moderate Islamist schoolteacher-turned-politician Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, who hand-picked Sharmarke. "The war which has been taking place on your soil these past years is a war between Islam and the international crusade," bin Laden said, according a translation of the Arabic tape. "These sorts of presidents are the surrogates of our enemies and their authority is null and void in the first place, and as Sheikh Sharif is one of them, he must be dethroned and fought." U.S. military intelligence chief Lt.-Gen. Michael Maples warned the Senate Armed Services Committee this month that Al Qaeda was gaining a stronghold in the Horn of Africa through Somalia's insurgent group, al Shabaab ("the Youth"), and a merger was "forthcoming." "I think we cannot be a government from the outside," Sharmarke said during the telephone interview from his Mogadishu home. "We have to come back to our own people. We have to sit with them, and all those who oppose us." President Ahmed has vowed to implement a form of sharia law in Somalia, which some believe should appease the insurgent groups. However, the form of Islamic law that's adopted will undoubtedly cause further division. Sharmarke cautioned against any comparisons to sharia law associated with Afghanistan's Taliban. "It's really kind of a long discussion and a dialogue amongst scholars on how this could actually be implemented," Sharmarke said, noting the important role of having female cabinet members, a role banned by the Taliban. "Women in Somalia, believe me, in these 18 years of chaos they were the backbone of the economy. They were the ones who helped more than anyone. To deny them their rights? That's impossible." Sharmarke says he's confident al Shabaab's popularity in Somalia has already waned due to the recent withdrawal of Ethiopian troops. Ethiopia's presence in Somalia – stemming from a December 2006 U.S.-backed invasion that was intended to quell a rising Islamic insurgency and prop up an unpopular transitional government – infuriated Somalis and helped bolster al Shabaab's ranks. "I think the population is sick and tired of conflict," he said. "There's no argument any longer for (al Shabaab) to continue to fight. The population is on our side and that's what counts." Sharmarke says his education in Canada has helped shape the type of leader he hopes to be and the ties between the two countries – with Canada home to the largest diaspora of Somalis outside Africa – are strong. "To this day I am very grateful what Canada has done for us, and all Somalis. When you have a biological father that dies you have an adopted one. That's exactly Canada for me," he said. His loyalty to Canada has driven his personal interest in the case of kidnapped Canadian freelance journalist Amanda Lindhout, who was seized in the country in August with Australian photographer Nigel Brenan and Somali Abdifatah Mohammed Elmi. "It is in my heart every day. I really want to see her free. I don't want to say anything now, but we are following it very closely and we hope to come to a successful conclusion to the situation," he said. And Sharmarke won't be the only Canadian citizen in the new government as dozens of the appointees once lived here, including Toronto's Buri Hamza, now Somalia's environment minister. Hamza left Somalia on a scholarship to California State University in the mid-1960s and studied and worked abroad for years before joining his family and settling in Canada in 1999. Hoping to one day be a part of rebuilding his country he recently completed a Masters at York University in environmental governance and peace building. Like Sharmarke, he believes establishing security and working toward overcoming traditional clan divisions are the priorities. "Once this is attained, the country will be prepared for elections whereby the people in the entire nation will be able to choose their representatives ... through democratic processes," Hamza said. Source: Toronto Star, Mar 22, 2009