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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Originally posted by osman_nz: ghelle..prostitutes come for pirates money and they usually from djibouti or south..it's well known..as for the alcohol issue, the ppl who drink mainly are the pirates as they bashaal with their usc or snm girls...
  2. Originally posted by Emperor: What did he say in this interveiw that makes people go Wooow.... What makes you go ..wooow!?
  3. Originally posted by NGONGE: As naive and amateurish as ever! Somalia will never get better with this guy in charge. I hope that is is sarcasm rather than true analogy. Is he an amateur , yes, but certainly not naive. Having said that I think we have seen what the professionals are capable of when they were in the helm as was evident over the last 19 years and much of before then. Can Somalia get better under him Allahuyaclam but is he sincere and devoted to making it better, a big yes. Ngonge sxb in the current situation nothing looks good as made clear by the Hon President but he is adamant to make it better . He will reconcile where it is due, be firm and strong where it is due. Build country block by block as situation and opputunity arises however long it may take but will never cede nor quiver at the bleak prospect facing him. Ngonge , this President is wholly unknown beyond his circle untill few years ago and thus may fall under the category of being 'naive' in the assumptions of many - but trust me in the couple of years and for history he will leave a mark that will be remembered for centuries to come and much revered. For those who have difficulty in differentiating amid the TIME and THE TIMES
  4. Very good development indeed. It is good to see famous artist returning to their homeland and given good reception.
  5. Very good development indeed. It is good to see famous artist returning to their homeland and given good reception.
  6. Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed By Abdiaziz Hassan Thursday, Jun. 11, 2009 Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has described his job as the most difficult in the world, and he may be right. Now in its 19th year of civil war and without a government worthy of the name, Somalia is the world's most failed state, shattered by war and a safe haven for both al Qaeda and pirates. Sharif, a strict Islamist who nevertheless believes in dialogue with the West and who came to power in January, rules little more than a few blocks in Mogadishu and recently even that has been threatened by a ferocious attack by his former allies in Somalia's Islamist movement. He spoke to TIME about his government, life in Somalia and the issue of piracy. Is your government going to survive? How? How do you achieve peace and stability in the world's most lawless country? I am confident the government will survive. Fighting in Mogadishu does not mean the government is feeble enough to be toppled. The Somali people and their government are facing the challenges seriously to stop the fighting. My hope is that wars in Somalia eventually become something for the history books. Of course, when you have to start everything from zero and the nation has to be completely reconstructed, there are incredible obstacles and a rough road ahead. What kind of assistance do you need? Peacekeeping? Humanitarian? Military? Or is any assistance foreign interference? There is nothing left in Somalia. It is ruined. Wars continue. The situation in which we find ourselves [as a government] is ... abnormal. We need all kinds of assistance from the world in building up our national security forces, reconstructing destroyed cities and returning displaced people. We need assistance to re-establish sources of income and to create jobs for the people so that they can live without having to break the law. [We also need to] restore collapsed social services, education and health. We have some troops [a 4,900-strong African Union peacekeeping force] here, and reinforcing this mission may be necessary. It seems those opposing us want Somalia to be in this turmoil indefinitely. They are not interested in talks to end this war. What does your government offer for the world and Somalia? Peace and development? Absolutely, we offer peace to the world. My dream is to see peaceful, prosperous Somalia where everyone can get his rights, freedom and livelihood without harming others. What does radical opposition Islamist leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys offer Somalia, and the world? Sheikh Hassan and I once worked together, guided by principle, and I believe I am still on the same road. What he believed to be impossible became possible. Sheikh Hassan believed Ethiopia [which invaded in 2006 to topple a previous Islamist government that included Sharif and Aweys] would not withdraw and change was not feasible. [but] Ethiopia pulled its troops out of Somalia in 2008 and change came. He had a role to play and could have helped us to reinstate out nationhood. He has a duty to make Somalia peaceful. Sheikh Hassan objects strongly to your relations with the U.S., as does al Qaeda. It is vital for the government to have a relationship with the U.S. We do not live on an isolated island. We need to be assisted to rebuild country and recover from civil war. Any assistance to Somalia, any relations that serving the interest of the people, is not shameful. It is progress. Can you end piracy? The pirates who hunt down ships are based on land. That's the reality. We can play our part by organizing locals to reject piracy on land. We have also started restructuring Somalia's navy. I have appointed an experienced General to be the commander of the navy. Can your government act as a bridge between Islamists and the West? Without leaving our Islamic principles, we can have relations with the West. I believe my government can succeed in reducing the gap. Why is Somalia seemingly so important to Osama bin Laden? Why is it so attractive to foreign Islamist fighters? The reason foreign fighters pour into our country is that there is lack of governance and there are Somalis who work tirelessly for Somalia to be stuck in chaos forever who welcome these people. Somalis have to understand the consequences that these foreigners have. Everyone can contribute to peace and development. But, it is obvious that our friends have been misled by outsiders What is the price of failure in Somalia? A failed state will disrupt the security of the region and the whole world. SOURCE: TIME MAGAZINE
  7. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote:Originally posted by osman_nz: SOMALIA NAVAL FORCES ................ Xiita xiitadooda ayad ka naxdey miya - dont worry sxb they will be soon nourished.
  8. International Contact Group on Somalia 9 – 10 June 2009 Rome Communiqué The 15th meeting of the International Contact Group on Somalia (ICG) was held under the chairmanship of the UN Special Representative for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah on 9 – 10 June in Rome. The meeting was opened by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Franco Frattini, together with the Somali Prime Minister, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke. The ICG welcomes the commitment made by the Transitional Government of Somalia to achieve political stability in Somalia through an inclusive process. The ICG urges the Somali Government to complete the process of national reconciliation by reaching out to those who have yet to support and engage in the process. The ICG is encouraged by the efforts of the Somali Government to introduce a more accountable and transparent system of government which is critical to establishing good governance in Somalia and to enhance the confidence of partners. The ICG calls on all partners to support, through a comprehensive approach, the Somali Government politically, financially and technically to enable it to deliver improved security, the protection of civilians, basic services and provide employment opportunities, particularly for the youth. The ICG remains committed to help bring stability, security and prosperity to Somalia. The ICG urges the international community to operationalise its development and assistance strategies in order to further support the progress made by the Somali Government. The ICG requests joint Somali Government and United Nations reports on the support provided. The ICG recognises the need for a planning process for the International Reconstruction and Development Conference to start. The ICG condemns the recent attempt by extremist armed opposition groups to overthrow the legal, legitimate and internationally recognised Somali Government. The ICG supports the engagement of the Inter Governmental Authority on Development and the African Union Peace and Security Council and calls for urgent discussions on the recommendations of their recent meetings. The ICG calls for concerted actions against those individuals, entities and states who obstruct the peace process, including the imposition of necessary measures against those who violate the United Nations Arms Embargo. The ICG supports initiatives aimed at combating piracy, which is an international security threat that also affects the Somali people by worsening the internal economic conditions and hampering delivery of humanitarian assistance. The ICG recognises fighting piracy requires a comprehensive and cohesive approach. The ICG calls for actions to address the root cause of piracy, namely the political, security and social crisis in Somalia, that risks enhancing patterns of collusion with terrorist activities. The ICG recognises the positive role of the international naval presence fighting piracy. The ICG notes the financial and logistical contributions made by partners to date and welcomes the report on the follow up to the Brussels Donor Conference. The ICG urges those who made pledges to disburse and expedite the use of funds and pledges in kind and services without further delay to enable the Somali Security Sector to become more effective and to strengthen AMISOM capabilities. The ICG encourages partners to help train the Somali Security Forces. The ICG appreciates the continued commitment of AMISOM and its troop-contributing countries performing under extremely difficult conditions and calls on all Somali parties to support those working to bring peace and stability to the country. The ICG welcomes the reinforcement of AMISOM troops in Somalia. The ICG remains gravely concerned about the deteriorating humanitarian situation, particularly the plight of the displaced and of refugees. The ICG condemns those responsible for the violence and calls on all parties to ensure free and unhindered access and the safety of all aid workers. The ICG urges all parties to continue to work on setting up mechanisms to address impunity and past and current atrocities committed by Somalis against Somalis. The ICG recognises the commitment by the Somali Government through the Djibouti Process to the protection of human rights and adherence to International Humanitarian Law. The ICG calls on all partners to support these efforts. The ICG recognises the involvement and important role played by members of the Somali Diaspora and urges them to help bring about a comprehensive political settlement and an end to the violence in Somalia. The ICG encourages the United Nations and the international community to establish offices in the capital of Somalia as soon as possible. The ICG takes note of the decision of the Italian government to re-open their embassy in Mogadishu. The ICG thanks the Italian Government for hosting the meeting. The Chair and former Co-Chairs agree to formulate plans for the next ICG meeting and revert to members. Present African Union, European Commission, European Union Council Secretariat, Presidency of European Union (Czech Republic), League of Arab States, Organization of Islamic Conference, United Nations, World Bank, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Somalia, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, United Kingdom, United States, Yemen.
  9. And the fact that they went to President Sharif to express their grievances and seek financial aid clearly shows who they are running away from.
  10. Wariyeyaashii Muqdisho ee shalay is casilay oo lacago ambabax ka helay Madaxweynaha, kadib markii ay maanta la kulmeen Qaar ka mid ah Wariyeyaashii ugu caansanaa Magaalada Muqdisho ee shalay ku dhawaaqay inay shaqadooda isaga tageen, kadib markii ay u dulqaadan waayeen dhibaatooyinka isugu jira tacadiga, afduubka iyo dilalka lagu haayo Wariyeyaasha, waxaana maanta ay Wariyeyaashan kulan xasaasi ah la qaateen Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed. Kulankan oo qaatay muddo saacado ah ayaa waxaa uu ahaa mid Madaxweynaha uu dalbaday inuu la kulmo, kadib markii uu ka war helay inay shaqadooda isaga tageen sababo xagga ammaanka. Warar lagu kalsoonaan karo oo laga helayo qaar ka mid ah Wariyeyaasha ka qeyb galay Kulanka Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynuhu uga tacsiyadeeyay dilalka iyo dhibaatooyinka lagu haayo, waxaana uga mahad celiyay waxqabadkoodii taariikhiga ahaa iyo u dhabar adeegii shacabka xilligii uu dalka ku jiray halganka dib u xoreynta. Qaar ka mid ah Wariyayaasha ayaa Madaxweynaha u gudbiyay dhibaatada heysata, waxaana ay u sheegeen in xilligan ay ku dhiiran karin safar dhulka ah oo ay dalka uga baxaan, maadaama inta badan Gobolada dalka ay ku sugan yihiin Xoogaga Mucaaradka, ayna ka cabsi qabaan in la beegsado. Wariyeyaasha qaarkood ayaa Madaxweynaha ka dalbaday in laga saacido safar diyaaradeed si ay dalal ka tirsan Bariga Afrika u tagaan, oo ay naftooda ku bad badsadaan, isla markaana laga taakuuleyo wixii tasiilaad ah oo ay u baahan yihiin inta ay ku sugan yihiin Muqdisho, waxaana ay tilmaameen in Hotelo ay isku uruuriyeen. Mid ka mid ah Wariyeyaashii ka qeyb galay Kulankaas oo codsaday inaan magaciisa la shaacin ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynaha ay ka heleen balanqaad lacageed oo aan cadadkeeda la sheegin, waxaana Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha u amray in Hotelada iska degenaadaan. Wariyeyaashan oo ah kuwo boorsooyinkooda u xir xiran ayaa ah kuwo hami ugu jira inay tagaan dalalka Jabuuti iyo Nairobi, halkaasoo ay sheegeen inay tahay meesha kaliya ee ay uga baxsan karaan xaaladaha cakiran ee dalka. Hooyga wararka Somaliyed www.Jowhar.com Jowharcom@hotmail.co m Jowharcom@gmail.com
  11. Kooxaha islaamiyiinta Soomaaliya & dhibaatada warbaahinta xorta ah: Weriye Boodhari: "Waxaan rabo sheeg haddii kale Riddo ayaa tahay waana lagu dilayaa ayaa meesha taalla" Mogadishu Wednesday 10 June 2009 SMC Iyadoo maalintii shalay weriyayaal ku dhow labaatameeyo ay ku dhawaaqeen inay joojiyeen howlahoodii warbaahineed sababo la xiriira ammaankooda oo halis la geliyay iyo hanjabaado taleefanka loogu soo gudbiyay. Weriyayaal fara badan ayaa Warbaahinta ka sheegay sababaha ay uga tegayaan shaqadooda, iyagoona caddeeyay waxyaabaha ku kalifaya arrintaasi, waxaana weriyayaashaas ka mid ah Cilmi Cusmaan Faarax Boodhari oo isagu ka tirsan weriyayaasha Telefishanka Universal ee magaalada Muqdisho. "Waxaan rabo sheeg haddii kale riddo ayaa tahay waana lagu dilayaa ayaa meesha taalla" ayuu yiri Weriye Cilmi Cusmaan Faarax (Boodhari) oo sheegay in Soomaaliya ay isu bedeshay Jamhuuriyaddii cabsida. Isagoo ka hadlayay xilliga ay howlahooda dib ugu soo laabanayaan ayuu sheegay Cilmi Boodhari inaysan wax howl ah oo warbaahineed xilligan aanay ka qabaneynin magaalada Muqdisho, isagoona tilmaamay in xaaladda warbaahinta Soomaaliya ay xilligan la soo gudboonaatay marxaladii ugu adkeyd. Somaliweyn Media Center “SMC”
  12. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: The best thing he could do was to resign immediately and take the first flight to Hargeisa. That would make sense if he is as hones as he is trying to be for his father. What if he doesn't believe in it - can a Lander with a different thought live and visit his country without fear or persecution just because of his thoughts? On the other hand JB sxb unlike many SOLERS am personally aware that the incident where FM Omaar requested to attend his father's burial and refused never occurred. On the contrary the FM was in New York and because of other strong obligations which he could not delegate did not attend the burial.
  13. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Waxaanse garan waayay qoriga uu ka dhaco noociisa ,,,, waa mid inagu cusub ,,, Qori uu yaheba wa mid gadal laga hayo....midkan oo kale naguma ragi jiriin, walle wa yab!
  14. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: He should know that is the cost of being a politician in the wrong side. I can see you argument, but on the other side revolving your argument for a recognition of statehood on the premises of repelling someone from attending the burial of a loved one doesn't that narrow if not diminish the bar of your claim ?
  15. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Ma isagaa kala yaqaanba ,, Sheikha laso gamey ayan maqli jirey , midkani wana lagu so gamey walle
  16. Originally posted by osman_nz: .doqon sana Ya doqon ku sheegeysa ma JB mise Siilanyo, bal kala cadey, haba la kala baxe mantey.
  17. Originally posted by osman_nz: This is serious topic that puntlander's need to discuss, why do we need to spread our resources to other regions? We need to spend our resources on building infrastructure, services, education, and financial markets in our region. Puntland and the rest of the Federal fighting over the money received from Puntland Oil resources.
  18. He should have never asked nor wait for a permission. That would have really shown their bluff. I doubt whether they could have halted ina Omaar from attending the burial of his father. They cant take such risk with a Lander.
  19. Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Illeyhi Rajicuun Allah uu naxaristo ...amiin! I knew him personally and also his father abti Yaasin Daahir from Leicester. Geeridu wa xaq - a very good guy from a very good and strong family. Even the manner of his death portrays his gentleness and kindness, Dr. Mohamed was officially not on duty and took his family to a resort near Bosaso to escape from the heat season. While in there a man came to him and asked him if he could come with him and check on his sick wife in a distant village from there. The doctor (marxum) took the man in his own car and went with him. Treated his wife and on his way back to his family had the fatal car accident. Once again Allah u naxaristo...amiin
  20. Originally posted by MoonLight1: Juje who wouldn't celebrate if he was gone? I wouldn't. Besides that, this man is the pinnacle of an army that wrongfully believe they are righteous. If he is eliminated their urge to continue will more than double rather than the opposite, but if a , and if possible, a way is found and chartered in a manner which could end this conflict - that will be more useful than this senseless bloodshed.
  21. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: Morgan said he doesn't want to be president.
  22. He is well fine. And however oppossed to him which should not joy at the mere rumours of him being wounded. Lets hope and pray there will be the emergence of something or even a factor that could convince him to cease fire and pursue another avenue much more peaceful than his current.
  23. Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : This is rich coming from some-one who was blind-supporter of the government just 3 months back and a criticizer of Al Shabab. Spot on.