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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Me: Please tell me if there is the fulfillment of justice in here why are the 'soldiers of justice' behind this minor covering and hiding their identity. This is rubbish and utter disgust :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. Originally posted by me: then you are also doubting the authenticity of the information that we are using and by that you undermine your claim that no crime took place. AUTHENTICITY..? :mad: :mad: You really have a nerve...there is nothing authentic or real facts about the information you are relying on....this whole scenario was as someone put it 'extremist PR justice'
  3. Originally posted by me: Secondly what do you say to the people that those criminals robbed? What about those that the criminals killed? Do they not deserve justice? How did you come to the conclusion that these young even robbed and killed people let alone the fact the conditions that comes along with fulfilling such jurisdiction in Islamic Sharia. While you are at it please tell me how old is this boy and whether he deserves such jurisdiction. This is a justice of the barbarians and has nothing to do with Islamic Sharia.
  4. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: . Waxa dhameystirmay oo ay dawladu bixisay Saamigii kharashka dawlada ee doorashada Madaxtooyada, oo lagu shubay xisaabta komiishanka, taas oo dhan SL SH. 7,200,000,000 una dhiganta 1-Million oo Dollar. Sual JB : Xisbiyada kalena ma into kale aya laga raba in ay bixiyan?
  5. Originally posted by Dubai Man: back in 2006 0. yeey was president. 0. yeey brought xabashis 0. macruuf was melodramtic and screaming "xabashi" fast forward to 2009 0. shareef is president 0. shareef brings and even begs Ethiopia to come (something Yeey never did) 0. Marcruuf makes the following comment MMA: "Xabashi baa soo socoto, huu, haa, hii. Waagii Xabasho dadka lagu cabsiin jiray wey dhamaatay. Taas wey dhamaatay." Oops. Did I do that? Sorry I didn't mean to qarxis anyone but someone has clan issues. loool ceeb badanaa. amxaaro waa laga adkaan mar dhoow INSHA ALLAAH, sheik shariif-na waa laga ceeyrin meesha. dhareerka iska duwan intaa nin caabudaysaan keliya. Long live Kashafa and other mujahids on SOL. When you only joined July 2008 how do you know what Macruuf was saying back in 2006?
  6. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: And someone dares to accuse others being in 'denial' now. 'Motivational prank' indeed. How fitting in this title of the other thread now, initiated by the same member in 180 degree change of principle. Xabashi kaariyaashooda ku socdo ayaa la deny gareynaaye, haddana iyagoo joogin in empty wind laga raadinoyaa. If only some had principles. Eebboow. Ka daa..........!
  7. ^^^ No worries sxb , I know when you are taking the mick and not.
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ He was. Lakin as they say, ayee aa cunay and we all know how nijaas those are. Warya nin weyn ayad tahee maad isku xishotiid ?
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^I am having a laugh adeer, its all so ammusing how the lies have come out so quickly. Good, now take a deep breath and consider the thought that JB started this thread for sake of fun and not evaluate your political stance.
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^You are the one who used to demonstarte on their behalf to liberate the country, now you want the Ethiopoians to liberate you from Al Shabaab. Saxiib loosen up a bit - and just at one time let humour take over your defensive emotions.
  11. Originally posted by Peace Action: Who will take shabaab? I have no idea. Duke aya meel u radradinaya , so we wait to hear from him...
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Sharif Amxaar & Adan Madobe are in worse position , tell my ina adeer Omar to stay away. Thank you for your concern - 'your ina adeer' Omar is fulfilling his responsibilities and is never a coward who turns away from situations whether they are bleak or worse. He is adamant to straighten and solve the dire issues and Insha Allah he will do so. And yes, what ever this admin is he is part and parcel of it.
  13. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: nuune, sheekadu halkay ka socoto fahan niyow ,,, ha is dhegoolayn ,,, mar mar ayu macangag noqda...
  14. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: hee maxaad ku qoslaysaa ,, miyuu ku ag fadhiyaa ? Maya ...kuwa kale oo raba in ay tahriban aya i ag fadhiya. Muse Sudi ayad ka taqan...
  15. Originally posted by Belial: 1. Restoring peace and stability in areas they control. 2. Ending the clan warfare that plagued Somali for the last twenty years. 3. Standing up to Ethiopia and rejecting its efforts to interfere in the internal affairs of Somalia. Complete peace is needed..
  16. Juje

    Sharif must go

    Originally posted by Somali Pirate: torres, he would be in a better position today if he simply told amrisom to leave somalia back in february when he had the chance and was popular. he failed and he's paying the price Looooooooooooooooool ....! He is not that ******.
  17. Surrender? You must be taking the mick sxb. Slaughtering? Who is doing that and who did that to Marxuum Inj. Caddow? The true sons of Somalia will be those who kick out the *** of the pretenders and that will be in due course Insha Alla. Watch this space.
  18. Raisal wasaarihii hore ee Somalia Nuu Cade iyo Kuxigeenkiisii Dr Ahmed Abdi Salaan Xaaji Aden oo si taariikhi ah loogu soo dhaweeyay dalka Norway. The well reputed designers of the 'peace-caravan'. These men brought about a change where it was impossible but really necessary Shir balaaran oo u dhacay si heer sare ah ayna ka soo qeyb galeen dhamaan Waxgaradka Aqoonyahanada iyo dhalainrada ku nool Magaalada Oslo iyo agagaarkeeda ayaa waxaa hadalo koob kooban ka jeediyey Mas'uuliyiin u dhalatay Dalkan Norway,Uqeysamaha waasrada arimaha dibada Mudane hans Jacob Axmed Walad Cabdalla Nuur Cadde iyo Axmed Cabdisalaan. Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ayaa iyaguna sidoo kale Fekradahooda halkaasi ka dhiibtay iyadoo su'aalo ku saabsan xaaladda Dalkana ay weydiinayeen Axmed Cabdi Salaan Nuur Cadde iyo Axmed Walad Cabdallaba. ugu horeeyntii waxaa halkaasi hadalo soo dhaweyn ah ka jeediyey Mas'uuliyiintii Dowladda Norway ka socotay iyagoo cadeeyey in ay hiil iyo hooba la garab taagan yihiin Dowladda Soomaaliyeed ayna iyagu horay u saacideen saacidana Doonaan. waxaa markaasi ka dib hadalkii qaatay Axmed Cabdisalaam oo marka hore Tacsi u jeediyey Marxuumiintii uu ka mid ahaa wasiirkii amniga qaranka Cumar Xaashi ee ku geeriyooday Qarax Ismiidaamin ah, isagoo qurba joogta Soomaalida ahna ugu baqay in ay Dowladda garab istaagaan si kuwa Noocaasi ah la isaga qabto. Waxaa isna hadalo qiiro geliyey dadkii halkaasi soo xaadiray u jeediyey Nuur Cadde isagoo shacabka Soomaaliyeed ugu Baaqay in ay is kaashadaan oo midoobaan hadii kale anan weligeed Dhibaatada laga baxeynin. "Hadii aad adinka qurba joogga ah midoowdiin oo aad dalad keliya sameeysatiin waxaan hubaa in aad wax badan wadankii u tari doontiin oo aad sumcad iyo magacna ku yeelan doontiin meesha aad ku nooshaihiin ee Norway"ayuu yiri Nuur Cadde oo ku dheeraaday baraarujinta Reer Norway. "Waad aragteen Izraa'iil meel walba oo aay caalamka ka joogaan waxay dhistaan Dallado waxay is qabsadaan gacmaha waxay dhex galaan dadka ay markaasi la nool yihiin iyagoo xilal sarena ka qabta meelahaasi, intaasi waxay u sameeynaan in ay wadankooda Caawiyaan ee wax kale ayuu sidoo kale yiri Nuur Cadde oo ay xamaasad wadaninimo ka muuqatay.waxaa sidoo kale la gudoonisayya bilado sharaf ugu danbeyntii waxaa loo mahad celiyay qabanqaabiyasha mudane yasiin fiidoow iyo Eg abaadir iyo waliba Gudoomiyha Kacdoonka oo kaalin weyn kaqaatay waxaa isku soo duba rididay wariye caanaboore.
  19. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: who would you replace him with and do you think these rebels will desist if he leaves office? Bring back C/llahi Yusuf I assume.
  20. He, Hassan Dahir Aweys, stated that it was sad but never send his condolences - furthermore the irony is that in the same radio interview the Sheikh justified the same suicide act and said with firm voice that it was acceptable on the grounds of the Sharia because those whether individual or one person who was driving the suicide truck was doing so to fight infedils and sympathisers. The Sheikh cant have both ways.
  21. Originally posted by [Waranle]: Ilaheey asaga iyo inta kaleba (people who don't get a "allaha u naxriisto thread on SOL)Alla ha u naxriisto. juje, didn't this guy once run for the presidency? Amiin Allah u naxaristo Yes I think he did in the 2004 elections in Nairobi