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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Garowe can become and deserves to be the capital of Somalia if agreed among the legislators and there is nothing barring it from - at moment there no such discussion in the horizon.
  2. Originally posted by Geel_jire: unless of course it is just to add a little xawaash & cusbo to the article. I guess it is much of that.
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: so far the PM seems to be the only good guy. Guess I should nod my head in agreement, should I?
  4. From refugee to a leader in war-torn Somalia Somali-Australian Issa Farah (second from right) with (from left) daughter Bishaaro, 5, wife Anna-Marie Treeweeke, and youngest daughter Bilan, 3. Sunday, July 19, 2009 ISSA Farah is a government minister who carries a pistol in his belt. After 25 years as a refugee in Melbourne, where he earned a university degree from La Trobe and worked in community radio, in January he returned to his homeland — the often violent anarchy that is Somalia. Politics in this strife-torn country has a heavy cost. Mr Farah left behind his white Australian wife and two young daughters for fear of kidnapping. He is constantly shadowed by bodyguards. His final protection is the gun tucked into his trousers. So why go? "Simple, because I'm a Somali." Mr Farah is now minister for oil and minerals in the state of Puntland, a northern Somali region commonly known as the Horn of Africa. He has joined a government in a country that has been ungovernable for almost two decades and an administration not yet formally recognised by the outside world. Much of Somalia has been torn by fighting between local warlords, Islamist fanatics believed to be linked to al-Qaeda, occasional US air strikes and troops from neighbouring Ethiopia. But Mr Farah is convinced there is hope. "The international community works with us," he said at the weekend, during his first trip back to Melbourne to see daughters, Bishaaro, 5, and Bilan, 3, and wife Anna-Marie Treeweeke. Puntland is generally calm, he said, not plagued by the war that since 1991 has afflicted the rest of the county. The president, Abdirahman Mohamud Farole, recently met US and British officials to discuss combating Somali piracy, which has become a major hazard to international shipping. Regional governments in Kenya and Djibouti are engaged. Mr Farah describes Puntland as an embryonic democracy, one needing help — including from Australia. "We are working very hard," he said. "We want the Australian Government to engage Somalia and to engage Puntland for the simple reason we are Somali-Australians … (and) because the problems we face are global issues, in terms of piracy, radicalism and religious fanatics." Source: The Age, July 19, 2009
  5. Originally posted by Fabregas: ps. Xisbul Islam got robbed. bullied rather
  6. They are not going to behead them Che is right. They are using them as bargaining chip. These men are much more useful to them when alive , and they are after something and at the top of the list is money. Dont be suprised if they take ransom.
  7. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: Puntland had nothing during the entire history of Somalia, no airport with a real runway, or finished port. Excuse me..!
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: This was a Somali tragedy, and the youths were targeted because of their clan there is no doubt about that. Lets not argue over this historic fact and its good to remmeber so such things never happen again insha Allah. May Allah give them his mercy and give our land peace. Hear hear..!
  9. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: Good job for bringing the mafriish stories to sol... NN am sure you are much older and wiser than this - unless you yourself were inside a 'marfish' while responding to this thread. Allah u naxaristo dhamaan dadki ku dhintey xasuuqas. PS NN: Watch this sxb it might do you some good.
  10. Originally posted by Dabshid: they save him ? or dead? He is ok. JB , Abwan has had worse experience than you and the dude in video combined together. Wa bir-laq ninkani ciyaar ciyaar ha u maleyniin.
  11. Originally posted by Dhagax-Tuur: Soomaaliya waxay noqota dhilo nin walbaa iska damaaciyo. Yeey, has had his time with her. Now, it is the puppet Sheikh. And now, this Faroole is positioning himself to have a go? Rabbi talo ku filan. Looooooooooooooooooo oooool...! War midkanai halke laga so gamey?
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by Juje: Originally posted by General Duke: [qb] Jini ninki keena bixiya. [/i] lool. Juje we hope Sharif Hotel, Ahmed Diriye and IndaCade can stop the Al Shabaab jin they brought to the people of Mogadishu. Looooooooollllllllll .... Raagedi
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: Only Puntland could deal with this international problem, and he sent the proposals to the world powers Indeed Jini ninki keena bixiya.
  14. Originally posted by AYOUB: Piracy flourishes in Puntland because the authorities turn a blind eye to the criminal activities in towns like Eyl. War hedhe Ayoub se ka noqotey. You dont mention that at this stage. You only talk about how powerful, big and civilized P/land is, how President Faroole has stirred the country into emerging as an State that can no longer wait for the others and it is on the brink of going it alone. That is what you mention, damn , hadi aan layska ka qaban you will soon iterate that the Financial power that brought President Faroole into power ahead of 'popular' Ilka-Jiir came from Eyl.
  15. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Would you elect him as your President then and replace Sharifka with him ?? Nah..! Puntland is a small cake in comparison with the task facing President Sharif & co.
  16. This Faroole is better than his predecessors Yeey and Cadde. Kudos to him.
  17. Pillay accuses Somali rebels of possible war crimes Navi Pillay, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations human rights chief said on Friday Islamist insurgents in Somalia had executed civilians and set off bombs in residential areas, violations which she said may amount to war crimes. Navi Pillay, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, cited credible reports that rebels had also set up tribunals which have handed down death sentences by stoning and decapitation and also ordered amputations. Civilians, especially women and children, are bearing the brunt of the latest violence in the lawless Horn of Africa country, she said, as government troops try to drive insurgents out of their bases in the capital Mogadishu. "Witnesses have told U.N. investigators that the so-called al Shabaab groups fighting to topple the transitional government have carried out extrajudicial executions, planted mines, bombs and other explosive devices in civilian areas and used civilians as human shields," Pillay said in a statement. "Fighters from both sides are reported to have used torture and fired mortars indiscriminately into areas populated or frequented by civilians," she said. "Some of these acts might amount to war crimes". Al Qaeda-linked fighters in al Shabaab control much of southern and central Somalia and all but a few blocks of the capital. Neighbouring countries and western governments fear if the Somali government is overthrown, the country will become a safe haven for al Qaeda training camps and militants will destabilise the region. Hundreds of civilians are believed to have been killed and wounded since the offensive led by al Shabaab and Hisbul Islam militia began in May, Pillay said. Insecurity has prevented aid agencies from reaching many of the more than 200,000 people who have fled Mogadishu during the period. The former U.N. war crimes prosecutor said rights activists, aid workers, journalists and the displaced are especially vulnerable. Six journalists have been killed in Mogadishu this year, including four apparently assassinated, she said. There was also increasing evidence that "various forces" in Somalia are recruiting child soldiers, a serious violation of international human rights and humanitarian law, she said. JUSTICE "Once order has been restored -- and one day order will be restored -- those responsible for human rights violations and abuses should, and I hope will, be brought to justice," said Pillay, who is from South Africa. Her spokesman Rupert Colville, asked whether a case could be brought to the International Criminal Court (ICC) amid raging conflict, noted that the Hague-based tribunal had indicted leaders of Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and warlords from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Regular judicial institutions have ceased to function in Mogadishu and southern and central areas, Pillay said. "U.N. human rights staff have received credible reports that in areas controlled by insurgent groups, ad hoc tribunals are judging and sentencing civilians without due process and in violation of Somali as well as international law," she said. "The punishment handed down by these tribunals include death sentences by stoning or decapitation, as well as amputation of limbs or other forms of corporal punishment," Pillay added. In the Somali town of Baidoa on Friday, witnesses described how hardline Islamist rebels beheaded seven people for being "Christians" and "spies" in the latest implementation of strict sharia law by al Shabaab. (Editing by Charles Dick). Source: Reuters, July 10, 2009
  18. Rag qoorta looga jaray mag. Baydhabo Warar isa soo taraya ayaa hoosta ka xariiqaya in falaage-diimeedyada mayalka adag ee Soomaaliya ay qoorta ka jareen laba nin oo ay ku eedeeyeen in ay taageerayaan dowlada Soomaaliya . Ilo wareedyadan ayaa sheegaya in labadaani nin qoorta looga jaray deegaan u dhaw magaalada Baydhaba oo ay haystaan islaamiyiinta beeleedyada. Mid ka mid ah falaaga diimeedyada Al-shabaab ayaa u sheegay wakalaada wararka ee AFP in raggaani qoorta ey iyaga ka jareen isla markaana ay jiraan ragg kale oo la hayo oo hadii ay ku cadaadaan dambiyada iyana surka laga jari doono . Muqtaar C/laahi oo walaalo la ah mid ka mid ah wiilasha qoorta laga jaray ayaa sheegay in muddo ay waaysanaayeen wiilkooda balse ey iminka ka war heleen in la dilay . Falaago diimeedyada Al-shabaab ayaa u sheegay Muqtaar in walaalkii uu tageerayay dowlada Soomaaliya ee uu hoagankeedu hayo wadaad diimeedka qunyar socodka ah ee sheekh shariif lagana abaal mariyay falkaasi . Al-shabaab ayaa qeybo ka mid ah koonfurta Soomaaliya ka fuliya xukuno ku aadan rabitaankooda iyaga oo ku andacoonaya dhanka diinta . Jaabir C/Gani jaabirc@yahoo.com Xafiiska Calanka Ee Muqdisho
  19. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^He is irrelevant. I knew once you concurred with Duke for calling Hassan Dahir Aweys 'irrelevant' - he will follow up with President Sharif as being 'irrelevant'. I wonder how you can opposse the latter having condoned the former previously. Duke ina-abti is deji oo dar Alla ku deg. There is nothing concrete or even a begining of such yet. However if it was to happen then trust me it is more than irrelevant and more important cause it will end at least some if not most blood shed. And yes Aweys is a stake holder whether we like him or not - and it is either he can be defeated and totally erased from the equilibrium or we can engage with him in dialogue and bring him on board. The second is more desirable but as I said before there is no such situatuion in picture now. It is only the reporting of Garowe Online that has lost much of its reputed status.