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Everything posted by Juje

  1. He is a foolish person who does not know and evaluate the situation he is in. He lives on hype genrated by those that believe in him. A man with a vision would have not chosen the path taken today by Hassan Dahir, a wiseman would have negotiated and concede to the TFG in Baydhabo and then work from inside to build and widen his base. Someone should have told him that he might have been capable and Alxamdullilah succeded in eradicating the warlords in Mogadishu, but he is certainly not in a position to take on the TFG supported by Axmaro. The latter group were afraid to approach Xamar with the existance of Islamic militias and the warlords. But now since the ICU has done for them the hard part (eradicating the mititary might and influence of the brutal Warlords in Mogadishu) the TFg all it has to do is walk in Mogadishu with the help of Axmaro and the warlords evicted by the ICU. Hassan Dahir is a man may be of emotions and hype but he is not a tactician and politically skillful. This is just a laymans opinion..
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: As for Ethiopian reports they are still no more than hearsay.. Which planet are you living on? 200 oo Ciidanka Ethiopia oo saaka soo gaaray Magaalada Waajid Magaalada Waajid ayaa saaka 3 Aroornimo waxaa soo gaaray Ciidan 200 gaaraya oo Etheiopian ah , kuwaasi oo ku hubaysan Taangiyo iyo Baabuurta gaashaaman ee dagaalka iyagoo koox koox u gaardinaya ayaa dad goobjoogayaali ahi waxaa ay u sheegeen Shabakadani in Ciidankaasi ay fadhiisin ka dhigteen Garoonka Magaaladda iyagoo ku heesaya heeso aan la garanayn oo afka Etheiopianka ah. Ciidamadani ayaa ah dufcadii labaad ee Magaalo labaad oo muhiim ah saldhig ka samaystay si ay u difaacaan dawladda kumeel gaarka ee taageeradda ka hesha Dawladda Etheiopia oo Waqti badan iyo Qarash badan ku bixisay sidii Taageerayaasheedu ay Dalka u hogaamin lahaayeen. Dadka Magaalada Waajid ayaa waxaa lasoo gudboonaatay cabsi aad u weyn tan iyo markii saaka ciidankaasi ay soo galeen Magaaladda Waajid oo 46 Mile u jirta Xuduudka Dalkaasi Etheiopia. Xubno ka tirsan shaqaalaha Hay'adaha caalamiga ah ee Magaalada waajid ayaa iyafuna u sheegay Wakaaladaha wararka in ay arkeen Ciidabka Etheiopia oo Magaalada soo buux dhaafiyay, waxaana ay sheegeen in ay ka joojinayaan hawlaha gargaarka ee ay halkaasi ka wadeen. Khamiistii ayay ahayd markii Ciidankii Etheiopianku ay soo galeen Magaalada Baydhabo oo xarun u ah Dawladda kumeel gaarka ah iyagoo sheegay in ay halkaasi u joogaan in ay ka difaacaan Maxaakiimta hadii ay weerar kusoo qaadaan Baydhabo. Mas'uuliyiinta Maxaakimta ayaa iyaguna sheegay in ay bur bureen wada hadaladii ay la lahaayeen dawladda waxaana ay ku baaqeen Jihaad in ay la galayaan Ciidanka Etheiopianka ee soo galay dhullka Soomaaliya. Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sidoo kale waxaa maanta ka dhacay banaanbax aad u balaraan oo looga soo horjeedo ciidanka Ethiopianka ah ee soo galay dalka Soomaaliya. Xafiiska Onkod News Baydhabo, Soomaliya onkod_news@hotmail.com
  3. Originally posted by Thierry.: Now you want me to applaud the savages who have just invited foreign occupier just so that they can be in power a day longer. Widayo dacad ma uu hadashido. Ok I accept your point abouth Ethiopian forces, but are you brave enough to accept that there are also foreign troops on the ICU side. If you are not then there is no reason to continue the debate , if you are then join my camp which continuosly hopes and prays for mutual and concrete understanding and solving the dilema between the TFg and the ICU. Cause by the end of the day the sufferes are not the foreign troops and their hosts from both sides but people like moi. So lets just hope reasons and peace works and we dont come to actual conflict, that will have a disasterful side effect on the somali citizens.
  4. War wat is wrong with the latter ones, warya that is racism, or is it tribalism, or should I say qooxoism, or any other ism. You saw ICU in parade in Xamar and I presented a dignified and honourable government parade, which you should actually be proud of, yet you are bitter. Somali waxa kala dilaya wa waxaas. Saxiib aceept both and pray they find a solution among them, then you can classify as a patriot, like moi.
  5. kuwa dhargey amey ku roon yihiin, ileen kuwa hada bahaan gor ay dhergi donan Illah a og, iyo inta ay qudan donan si ay ku garan dheragoda.
  6. Well it is as colourful as the above one and more 'dowladnimo'..namean.
  7. ^^Widayo fundiga warqada so qorey hadalkiisa wa fican yahey, o mela badan in la tabto u bahan ayu ka hadla. Lakin a mesha ku jirta, fundiga magacisa waxa la yirah A/qadir Khalif wuxuna u hadla urur Soomaali ah ninka u warqada kusotana waa nin Soomaali ah. Waxa is weydin leh mugo muxu af an aheyn ki la isla wada yiqiin ugu so qorey. Ma dhici karta in usan Sheikh Sharif iyo asxabtisa o kuli wada 'Abu' la wada baxeen ay isku ficneyn Ingrisiga. Mise warqadan mid dacaad mahiino ee waa mid logu tala galey in Internet laga akhristo, bal kala cadey saxiibo.
  8. ^^Bisinkoy, widayo odeyga biyo ma sisido, dhunta aa wax ugu istageen ma ujeedido, mise maxakiinta ayu u dharana, waba yabe.
  9. By asking your women to wear Xijaab and marrying and divorcing other women of weaker tribe on monthly basis is not Islam. By using the Sharia to protect your kinsmen and implying on those who hail from weaker and unarmed clan is not Islam. By waking up from a property that is not yours and declaring to go and free other illegelly held properties is not Islam. Ikhayarey camal xumada iska dhafa , qofki seef la bodayasha wax ka sheega ma aha in uu dintey ka baxay ama wax ka sheegey, se camal yaqey. Waba yabey, kalaya idinka dinta hada mey idin so gartey, maxaakaminta ka hor diin ma aqoniina miya. Dadkan biniadan waaye sidina oo kale geef waa galeen wana galidoon. hadey kaga macdahey wala dhalila, mahiin in marki wax laga sheego aad tirahdiin dinta ala cayay. Airaboor aa la furey, furda aa la furey, Xamar nabad waaye, Ok very good, ma xuma. lakiin waxan is wereysaneyna marki gabdhihini shaan shaan la gursado oo welina aan laga so donin , marki maxkamaad lagu so saro dembi adan gelin , xukuna lagugu ofsho si lo cadeyo in meha xukun ka jiro. Markas aan is wereysaneyna, inti ka horeysa sacabka no tuma.
  10. You have not offended Islam sxb rest assured. The notion that Arab cultural dress is Islam speaks volume of those who dont know what they believe in.
  11. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: The strongest they managed to come up with is Indhacadde supports the Courts and hence the Court’s agenda is not different than his. We are all going around in circles. However much you praise thge ICU praise them, cause they derserve for being about a big and better change in Xamar. Am not in dispute with that saxiib. Now can you come down to my point please, as I quote you from top due to the overwhelming support of balayo Indhacadee to the ICU are they turning a blind a eye on the treacherous situation situation in Marka cause by him. You might see him as a hero and a saviour in Xamar, but ask the people of Marka , he is bully, villian, murderer, occupier and all similarities.Marka widayo waxaa ii sheegta since he helped the ICU achieve a rfesounding victory in Xamar should the plight of the people of Marka Cadeey be ignored.
  12. ^^^Before you quote from xaar.com , do you know where Lower Shabelle is and who governs it and also what state are they in the citizens of Lower Shabelle. You have the urge to barge in with your sword irrespective of the logics, odd!
  13. Mantey oo dhan nacash nacash ma dheleyna he, ok mid iga jawaab. Considering the support he gives them , do you think the ICU will freaking care what he does in Marka?
  14. Originally posted by Rahima: This man (and I’m assuming guilt here), like all others, has one of two choices, to repent or to be dealt with, so far it seems that he is supporting the courts and since the movement is in its infancy, Wallahi waa runta , and because of the support he is giving them they are turning a blind eye to all his evils. So the question is who is depending on who? And as you say Justice will one day prevail, but I differ in you cause I believe Justice is in the hands of Allah SWT rather than the ICU, though I appreciate what they have done in Xamar and dont appreciate what they have failed to do or even mention its disgust the situation in Marka-Cadeey.
  15. In Illahey kala badbadsho ma Illahey ka barisan. Remember guys there are young children, women , unarmed and weak civilians who will be the prime casualty first. So asxaabey wanaga nogu duceya, nimankaan hadi ay isdagalan uu maleyn ma in ay isbedel keneyso ka ficaan inti aan so aragney 16ki sano u dembeysey.
  16. Originally posted by OLOL: Liberate yourself poeple and work for the Somali progress and peace. Stop attacking people fromm other clans with propoganda and above all fear ALLAH. Thank you for the encouraging words widayo, lakiin aa mesha ku jirta. For me to go back to Somalia I have to go back to Marka-Cadey. And at the moment I cannot cause we have been asked to pay a equivelant of $45 a month for what was our premisses,plus equivelant £86 for a business (mac-macaan) shop we were running there. We have all left and none of my close family is there now. The mentioned premises has since been confistigated by the local authority (note not formed by reer Marka) cause of refusing to pay the levied tax. So my frind I have no qualms with your personification of Balayo Indhacade and am waiting for the ICU to come and free Marka Cadey.
  17. Olol yep waa runta. Lakiin why you yourself is not doing Sheikh (note it self proclaimed) Indhacadde justice. Somalida waxay ku maahmaahda "Balayo ama lug ha la'ato ama ill". Assuming I agree with you all the attributes you have given to this balayo can you agree with me also that he exports charcoal, has numerous 'xashish' farms, rules by force the Lower Shabelle region.If I was to agree with yoiu that he was born and bred in there, then I do hope you will agree with me that he is of the minority in that area therefore forfeits his right to govern the region, well unless he from a powerful and armed clan that has a major influence in the whole region, but are reer 'koreed'. Please you are also undermining the achievements of the ICU by narrowing it down to the sole achievements of Balayo Indhacadde. And I think just like other Somalis with me you will pray they find a common solution and agreement among themselves, I mean the TFG and ICU, rather than resolve to conflict which you are so hopeful of.
  18. Abwaano horta halko ho, Soomalida waxay tirah "geeso lo'aad kuleylka aa lagu goya". Maxakaminta hady arrintan mantey wax ka qaban wayan , beri weji kale e la imane. Dib dib halo dhigo halahan an kuso garney. Nimankan cadalad ku baqaya markey gursiga xukunka kusi fadhiyan damaca wa is bedela. Mugo mantey bururusan yihiin howsha ha dhameystirano, hadi kale hadhow hadhow hadey sheekada noqoto ayaga wax ku tagayo mana kaso celin kartiid. Hadaba wax badan oo laga tirsanayo a jirta. Kaiin af dabolon dahab. Marka ani saas le ka wadey widayo. Horeyna waa uu shegey halko tixri aa ku dhex jira, marka ha no kala cadeyan - ayaga ma isaga wata mise isaga ayaga oo dhan wata.
  19. ^^^Deymo. Ani iso tax qadiyadoda maku dhihin. Waxan ku warsadey ....xolaha qaran iyo kuwa dadyoo ayaga ku maqan malaga hadla mise malaga hadlayo? Intas aan ku warsadey bes. Aniba tan iyo ayanti ey buriyeen tugaadi isbarada no dhigtey maxakamiinta ha jirto ha jogto an ku hayay, lakiin hada suashan a so baxdey mugo wax maka dhihi karta mise?
  20. Ikhiyare waxan idin warsadey ma xuma baaqas lakiin xolaha oo gacanta ugu jir horjogayasha maxakamiinta malaga hadley? Mise kuwas dib aa lo dhigey. Maxakaminta ha guuleysato waa dhahney, Illaheya wanaga aqbaley Alxamdulillah, lakiin aa ku jirta mesha, iyaga a u bahan in ay iskala shandeyna o tixriga ku dhex jiro iska so bixiyan.
  21. Wara jiri doone wishka le ha yeero..! Horta fidno oo dhan xudun ayey ledahey, xudunta fidnada Somaliya tan iyo ebedked waxay kaso bilabata kuna so ururta Mudug. Mudugna ya degan is warsan meyno. Mantey ayagi oo wadajir ah hadey iskashadeen o ku tashaden in ay colad Somali kala fogeysa halkas kaso huriyan waxan lenahey Illah hanaga qabto. Reer Mudug arxan ma yaqanaan, wada nolansho nabadeed ma yaqanaan. Waxay yaqanaan oo ka go'an waa sed-bursi, awood sheegasho iyo ana ka laan-dheer. Tasna waxaa uu sabab ah jawiga iyo noolasha degankkoda. Mantey nasib wanag Soomalida inteeda kale waa ujeeda wana laga awood badan yahey oo Maxakaminta uma babac dhigi karan. Towxiidka Allah kuso hanunsho walalha xumanta iyo dagalka isku baheystey...amiin dhaha.
  22. May Allah SWT support them .They are in the right path of rebuilding a thorn Nation.