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Aqoona a kugu dhiman nimankan sxb. Wa xelaad dagal oo logu bartey, intey kaga baxaan oo gadal u durkan ayey wax yar kadib ayago dheg la qabto an laheyn oo weliba laso gam'ey ayey kuso geli donan. Iska jir aan ku dhabey hadaba waku shegey.
Originally posted by Qudhac: plus locking up gadheerayaal is bad for our image. Do you have an image at all, except selling your integrity?
^^Sxb maad ka deysiid ha ku gilgilene.
How can I sxb, when my targets are ina Hassan Warabe and Jacaylbaro.
Originally posted by Qudhac: this clearly statement makes it clear that rather than choosing one side or the other most properly somaliland sees both as a potenciall enemies. Saxiib this where you are wrong, The 'maxakiinta' dont give hoot what the 'xukumata' wants or think. They listen to the will of the Somali people and at moment it for the establishment of righteous Islamic Government for the Somali people as a whole. In short sxb they are coming just be prepared.
Alamagan sxb horta I did not 'habrtan' first of all, secondly I was mere echoing the scale of his defeat and his unplanned futile agrresion. If I remember you belittled my report and others who claimed his defeat and for crying out loud you insisted the man was still kicking and made gains. Am glad to see the tone of your writing has piped down an more humble now : So, in my humple opinion, the only option open for him now is to stay out of any further clashes with these hell-bent maxakimta and see what happens, anothe option is to go to Baydhabo. Any sensible man will suggest no confrotation with this as you put 'hell-bent' maxakamiin and see what they can do to bring about a change into this country. Yesterday according to how Jenerale Duke was reporting the government troops in a military camp near Baydhabo fought each other fataly over the distribution of 'qaat' that was brought to the camp. Marka kuwan wax maso wadan oo kheyr ah, bal aan aragno Maxakiinta waxy kenan. The sooner they take ovber Bay and the surrounding the better. Cause they will go and wipe the smirk out of Mr.Baro' face and take over WaqooyiGalbeed.
Marba meel ma nala ade...no we will not wait what he says to the press. First you listen to those who said he was 'wipped' in Bu'ale and accept that you were wrong, then we listn to his excuse. Now you accept he made a mistake , cajiib?
Originally posted by General Duke: Labada Maleeshiyo ayaa la sheegayaa iney isku qabsadeen Qaad halkaasi la keenay taasina sababtay in 4 ka mid ah Maleshiyaadka Deegaanka ay halkasi ku dhinteen halka qaar kale oo laba garab ka kala tirsan dhaawac culusi uu ka soo gaaray israsaaseyntaasi. Kuwan ma wax ka suge widayo. Jenerale ada cirka roob ku og saxiibo.
^^Duke ka xab-xabi he widayo ada nimakna qolfihi kaso qade o weliba buski ka jafey.
Alif waxmaleh iyo waleyahey man mantey oo dhan ku jireyna Jenerale. Ana waxan raba in aan TFG'da ka dhigo mid dadka oo dhan matasha haba iska tabar yarate adna widayo waxaad rabta in aad toleysiid Turki,Afgaduud iyo Barre Hirale. Marka saxiibo isku meel maka misono because cadawad kale a ku muqato.
Originally posted by General Duke: Saxib I dont lie like Mr Turki ... The whole clan no, but the agenda is the same, we must come clean about that. Bravo, I like your choice of words, very cleverly and cunningly constructed. Turki the man of truth others punch of liars. I dont know where you are leading with that, but saxiibo it does not look good. The whole clan as you say NO, so eliminate these tag of USC you are parading. You might be playing to win the hearts of undecided ones in your camp , but you will be alienating many who have thronged to your camp from the ICU.
Originally posted by General Duke: It has been welcomed by Somali's wehere ever it went, Jowhar, Beledweyne, Mogadishu and so on. Sug he sxb, you are more faster than the speed of sound thus short memory. Jowhar according to Maxamed Dhere xita jodariyashi aad kala cararten malin cad. Beletweyne..the TFG was passing through that zone only in transit never ever came to establish itself. Xamar-Cade..TFG iyo wax uu eeg waxa ugu dembeysey 'padrigi' C/qassim. And just to remind you again all three towns are currently under the control of the ICU hence contradicting that the TFG is welcomed in there waqtigan xadirka ah as sheeko baraley.
Originally posted by General Duke: the national army either A.yUusf clan or Amxaro. I remember you endorsing that with a picture of Af-gaduud. Jenerale widayo banoniga deji, arrinta yesan kula fogan, is walka iska dhaf. There are many USC in the TFG camps. If you label the maxakinta as USC then you are giving them a wrong image. Not that you are labeling them as a tribal group but you are attaching to them to a group which they have fragmented and dismantled it in their own hands. You are given them credit. Now unless you are willing to change the platform into the divisions and conflicts that existed in 1991's. I suugest sxb you tone down the opposition, you can take on the ICU but can you take on the USC?
Originally posted by duuliye: PROF. IBRAAHIM XASAN: “Dowlad ay Itoobiya si macmal ah nafta ugu celineyso ayaa jirta ee ma jirto Dowlad Federaal ah iyo deegaan ay ka taliso toona” This is dangerous, someone should tell this Mr.Addow that he should not question the legitimacy,credibilty and existance of the TFG. Under any circumstances they the TFG have a better more authentic mandate to their unilateral established Ashura. But then again I wonder who runs the political strategy wing of the ICU, they are certainly making a mess and does not mirrorictories in the ground.
The USC was I think Aydeed, Atto, Qanyare, Abdiqeydiid, Muse Sudi, Mohamed Dheere, and their group. They exist no more at least not on paper. USC is dead. The ICU is a new breed, more nationalistic, more powerfull, more representatives, more objective, more pious, more dharbaxyoweyn, more xukum doon, more dangerous (to the opposers) and ceratinly more Somali than USC. Cause we have in Xamar now more people whose houses and propertiers looted and reclaiming them. Guys seriously the mentality to divide the ICU tribaly and label them as such will only backfire. Like for example when you say USC is ICU and vicecersa, then the crediblity in the sense of political power of the latter will increase. Criticise them in the sense of their policy and sense of establishment and that they are using religion as a tool to meet ends. But if you say they are USC then the TFG is SSDF and where do we draw the line then?
^^Duke wale walagu so haya, waxan uu maleyna in aad mar dhow warka kaso tebin dontiid Godey o noqoneysa xarunta TFG'da.
Originally posted by Nayruus: that is why Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Hassan with open discussion with Mog students on BBC...presented the UIC military strategy to minimize the effectiveness of aerial bombardment. The UIC forces will never concentrate in large numbers in one identifiable spot. Macaliin iga dheh...did he actually say that in the airwaves....clearly outlining the strategic defense of the ICU. What next , he will be outlining the number of combatants and their gears and location. Anyway the ICU is strong in here as said, causde they have a home advantage.
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: waxase loo yaabaa maalintay Somaliland soo jaleecaan ,,,,, believe me that is gonna be da last day u hear da name IUC or ICU ,, or Af aha le tas, mugo hadey kaso jestan xaaji c/llahi iyo inta madaxa madow ee Baydhaba fadhiya widayo waxa uu sheegta inta Iceland (S/land) jogta in ay u batan dhinac molaca iyo masajiidka. Maxakinta ayago ge'maya ayey idin so geli donan Hadi Illahey idmo. Inta aan salada tukan wadada Hargeysa dhexdeda a lagu magdhaba. Hadho manola shegin ha dhihina.
Originally posted by Allamagan: Alla maxaa dad badan wadnuhu istaagi lahaa Barre oo ku soo noqda Kismaayo. Mugo asagele ha ka nixiin. Ha ku oraan ku noqo Kismayo.
Originally posted by Allamagan: Who it could be? I am sure I know ninkaasi Hadale ma waga ku baryay? Mesha walala waregey sxb. Maxakiinta aa qabsatey, magaci hore walagala bedeley. Hada waxa la dhaha 'Maxkamada Al-SOL, waxayna ka mid tahey midowga maxakiinta. Hada kadin waxa aad qoreyso ka firso , mise hadi kale fagaro weyn aa lagugu magdhaba (karbash)
Originally posted by nuune: Jowhar ka guur Baydhabo u guur Garbahaarey u guur Godey ku guur Gaalkacyo u guur Maxa jira? Halas o dhan isaga madaxweyne ma u ahiino? Meshis rabo as tegi kara, idinka le ha daliin sidi uu bursaneysiin. Xaaji C/llahi wa idin ka fiato badan yahey, wax badan ayu so ordayay..welibana hada beer cusub ayu gacanta ku wata. Ya iska garey.
Originally posted by nuune: waaba arrin lala yaabo oo roobkii baa ka eexday Barre una hiiliyey Maxaakimta, qiso cajjiiba waaye! Widayo roob ma laysku ogeyn..waa qiyamten odeyga. Xaajiga lafa xanun uu qaba..qabowga iyo roobka waa dhiban.
Originally posted by Allamagan: Cayaari waa gelin dambe ma maqlino markaa ebow sug he. Lol@gelin dambe...Hargeysa a kobka gobolada ku qaadi laheyd taas. (Inkasto ay hal mar qadey..thanx to Gen. Gaani)
Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: War meeshaan lagu hardamaayo, aawey dadkii deggaankaa u dhashay? Reer Saakoow dhabta ahaa aaweya? Wax dhanka Diinsoor idinka caawiyo maleh? Reer Bu'aale iyagana waaba la iska ilooway. Miskiin been been ma ula bixiin widayo. Reer kuma lahino. Warya 'reer' waxa eh kuwa heysta gandheri, tekniko, qori kor iyo hos iyo geesaha u kala dhacay, somajeste, si majeste, liqiye, manaxe, libaxsankatabte,kunciil, kolonel, jeneral,madaxweyne, madaxyare, gudomiyaha haweenka, gabyay, buranburtoy, iwm. Kuwas aa reer ah. Inkasto ayantan magacyadi kisto la qurxiyay oo 'abu' laga hormarsadey carrurtina magac carbeed lo bixiyay..abu-cuteybi aa markaas so baxey iyo kuwa kale. Shib iska dhe war ma heysiide Maskiino. Si Reer aad uu noqotiid sharudo badan aa lo bahan yahey..waxa ka mid ah in aad fadhi-kudirir aan naxeeyn sida Jenerale Duke internetka ku fadhiyo. Ci-ciyar ma uu maleysey 'reer'.