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Everything posted by Juje

  1. Ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamka iyo kuwa Dowladda Federaalka oo ku dagaalamaya Degmada Diinsoor Jimco, December 08, 2006(HOL): Wararka naga soo gaaraya Degmada Baydhabo ee gobolka Bay ayaa sheegaya in uu dagaal ka dhex qarxay Ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamka iyo kuwa Dowladda Federaalka oo beryahaan isku horfadhiyay degmada Diinsoor iyo deegaano u dhow. Sidoo kalena jiritaanka dagaalkan waxaa xaqiijiyay Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Fulinta Maxkamadaha Islaamka Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo sheegay in ay ciidamadooda jooga Degmada Diinsoor ay weerar ku soo qaadeen Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwo Itoobiyaan ah. Ilaa iyo haatan ma jiraan wax faah faahin oo laga bixiyay khasaaraha ka dhashay dagaalka labada dhinac ka dhex qarxay, iyadoo ay xusid mudan tahay in ay maalmahan xumeyd isgaarsiinta Degmada Diinsoor. Ciidamo ka amar qaata Maxkamadaha Islaamka ayaa horaantii todobaadkan waxay qabsadeen Degmada Diinsoor oo ka tirsan afar degmo oo Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliyeed ay horay maamul ugu sameysay, iyadoo taasina ay keentay in ay Dowladda Federaalka halkaasi ciidamo u dirto. Dagaalkan ka dhex qarxay labada dhinac ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmeysaa iyadoo Golaha Ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay uu isku raacay in ciidamo nabad ilaaliyayaal ah oo difaaca loo diro Dowladda Federaalka, waxaana go’aankaasi ka soo horjeestay Maxamadaha Islaamka oo sheegay in haddii ciidamo loo soo diro Soomaaliya ay la dagaalami doonaan, halka Dowladda Federaalkana ay soo dhaweysay Qaraarka ka soo baxay UN-ka oo ay ku tilmaantay mid sax ah oo ay horay u codsatay Dowladda Federaalka. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  2. First armed confrontation between the TFG and ICU is being reported from Dinsor. Warar Dheeraad ah: Maxkamadaha oo sheegtay in ay qabsadeen gawaari dagaal War deg deg ah: Mogadishu 08, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Warar dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya dagaal galabta ka qarxay degmada Diinsoor ee gobolka Baay, iyadoo maxkamadaha islaamka ay sheegteen in ay qabsadeen gawaari dagaal. Sheekh Ibraahim Shukri oo ah afhayeenka maxkamadaha islaamka ee gobolada Jubooyinka oo shabelle u waramayay, isagoo ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxa uu ku eedeeyay in ciidamo uu wato Col. Barre Hiiraale ay weerar ku soo qaadeen halkaasi, isla markaana ay iska caabiyeen. Sheekh Ibraahim Shukri waxa uu sheegay in ay ku qabsadeen dagaalkii maanta dhacay 4 baabuur oo kuwa dagaalka ah, isagoo mar wax laga weydiiyay sida uu ku xaqiijin karo arinkaan uu sheegay in xiriiro uu la sameeyay horjoogayaasha ciidamada maxkamadaha ee ku sugan Diinsoor. Xiriir aanu la sameynay dhanka dowladda ayaysan inoo suurto galin in aynu helno. Ma jiro warar ka madax banaan sheegashada mas'uulkaan oo ka hadlay qasaaraha dagaalkaasi oo wali aan la ogeyn, laakiin Sheekh Ibraahim shukri mar wax laga weydiiyay qasaaraha dhankooda soo gaaray ayuu sheegay in ay jiraan dhaawacyo balse si rasmi ah aanu u ogeyn cadadkooda. Shabelle Media Network Somalia E-mail us: info@shabelle.net Shabelle Webmaster: baabul@shabelle.net
  3. ^^ let him do so sxb, ninkan USC ayu u ciil qaba ee ha ka arsade iska dhaf.
  4. Horta laba u kala qaad. The support which the TFg is gathering overwhelmingly since last night is not 'caddi'. As for the resolution it only complicates further a tangled and complicated scenario. Innitially when the TFg seeked the lifting off the embargo it was looking to legalise the entry and presence of foreign sources that will assist them in protecting their fragile and delicate government and help in building Somali security organs that will do so independently. Lakiin arrinti waxba kaso hormarey namely the Maxakamiin. Who were/are much more organised, able and stronger than the warlords who were opposing the TFG hor personal reasons. Enter the scenario Ethiopian forces entering the government seat and building a steel barrier around the TFG. Therefore this proves whether either lifting or enforcing the arms embargo does not make a sense, cause simply it was not in place at first. So what does the resolution bring nothing, but further violence and now legislated by the UN. There are no AU troops that are willing to come to Somalia to protect the TFG while the author of the resolution himself the US ambasador in an interview after its introduction said, when asked about the funding, volunteerely. So tell me which African country will send troops and pay them, none. This resolutions authored by the US was designed to legalise the presence of Ethiopians in Baydhabo already, and all the TFG has to say now is that 'wadadadi walna weyna so weraren' and boom Ethiopain forces are heading all the way to 'ex-barlamaan' supported by logistics from US forces in the region. In this latest twist of Somali politics President Yusuf has the upper hand, it will entirely depend how he plays right. While on the other hand his opposition the maxakamiins have been messing up their chances left and right all day today, bringing a big grin to the faces of President Yusuf and Duke.
  5. What the support or the resolution itself?
  6. Jenerale waad ii sirtey. When I read the title of the thread, I thought youwill bringing evidence of support from Somali politicians in diaspora, the long list of them supporting the resolution. Buit you took me to Baydhabo. What else did you expect from them they are already under siege. Sxb waku jeeda dhusadada aya barafuun ku noqotey , lakiin waxaad ogata wa dagal waxa aad uu dabaldageysiid. Hadhowna waxa is dagali doona wa Somali vs. Somali ciid kala celineyso maleh ama uu kale hilineyneysa. Isqabooji dar Alle ku deg. Wixii roon Raba ogee.
  7. I thought the ICU were clever enough to understand the intentions of this Resolutions, but they are certainly not. They have reacted in a manner which was expected of them by the drafters of the resolution. They have rejected and promised to militarily retaliate the implementation of this resolution. Which is what the designers of the resolutions hoped for. What the ICU dont recognise is any form of reaction they make now could be interpreted as an act to overthrow or attack the weak TFG in Baydhabo. Hence will excuse the Ethiopians who are already there heavily armed to attack them and their positions. Look at it from this angle, If the innitial response from the ICU this morning was that they endorse the Resolution in terms of creating a dialogue between them and the TFG, plus affirming and urging the part that calls for the banning of Ethiopians troops to be used as enforcers of the resoltion by requesting the immidiate removal of those that are already present. The ICU would have had, in my opinion, a case. And the first thing to be done would have been the removal of Ethiopian troops before the resolution is called into act. Alas, it was not meant to be. The ICU being the ICU through their mouth piece Indhacadde and Sheikh Sharif have called for a Jihaad. Hence the rejectionist of the Resolution would not be the Ethiopians who are already armed and present in Somalia clearly already violating the resolution before it even took off, but the ICU who have outrightly rejected as it is and vowed to fight back.
  8. Olol you are technically breaking the resolution now, your criticism amounts to attemting to overthrow the government thus you should be punished. Sxb this resolutiuon recognises, protects and enhances the TFG. Nothing else. Amar dowlow mudec ninki dida dabal, weliba wala karbasho
  9. Oromia this is the scary part : It threatened Security Council action against those who block peace efforts or attempt to overthrow the government. No measures were mentioned, but they could include targeted sanctions. Anyone who opposses the old man will be seen as a threat to peace. Warba ma idinka heysaan, wa hada kadiib 'noolow madalow' qada hadaad didana wa la idin xira.
  10. U.N. authorizes regional force to protect Somalia's weak government and lifts arms embargo to equip it The Associated PressPublished: December 6, 2006 UNITED NATIONS: The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously Wednesday to authorize a regional force to protect Somalia's weak government which is under increasing pressure from Islamic militants and lifted an arms embargo to allow the force to be equipped. The U.S.-sponsored resolution urged the Islamic militants, who have taken control of the capital and most of southern Somalia since June, to stop any further military expansion and join the transitional government in talks to achieve a peaceful political settlement in the country which has not had an effective government since 1991. It threatened Security Council action against those who block peace efforts or attempt to overthrow the government. No measures were mentioned, but they could include targeted sanctions. The arms embargo against Somalia was imposed in 1992, a year after warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on one another. A government was formed with the help of the U.N. two years ago, but has struggled to assert its authority against the Islamic militants. Critics of the resolution, including some non-governmental organizations, accuse the Security Council of taking sides in supporting the transitional government. U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said the United States, like many other countries, is concerned about the deteriorating security situation in Somalia and the possibility of a wider regional conflict, and views a regional force "as a key element in preventing conflict." There are fears that Somalia could become a proxy battleground for Ethiopia and Eritrea, which fought a border war in 1998-2000. A confidential U.N. report obtained recently by The Associated Press said 6,000-8,000 Ethiopian troops were in Somalia or along the border, supporting the transitional government. It also said 2,000 soldiers from Eritrea were inside Somalia, supporting the Islamic militia — which Eritrea denies. Ethiopia insists it has sent only a few hundred advisers. The resolution authorizes the seven-nation regional group, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development known as IGAD, and members of the African Union to establish "a protection and training mission in Somalia" for an initial period of six months. It lifts the 1992 arms embargo so the regional force can by supplied with weapons and military equipment and engage in technical training. The resolution bans Somalia's neighbors from sending soldiers — a provision demanded by European members of the Security Council who want to ensure that the force's aim is to promote peace. The ban would prohibit participation in the force by troops from Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Kenya — but not Uganda, which is the only country thus far to volunteer troops. Council diplomats said IGAD envisions a force of eight battalions, each with 700 to 800 troops, but only two would be deployed in the first phase. Bolton told the council that the U.S. views the deployment of a regional force "as a critical element to help resume credible dialogue" between the transitional government and the Union of Islamic Courts. "It will also help to create the conditions for Ethiopian and Eritrean disengagement from Somalia," he said.
  11. War bal uu kadsha, maxaad Jeneralka ku heysataan? He is referring to a website that is reporting a that a major clan in Mogadishu supports the lifting of the embargo. Now if you guys are saying that that is a lie and theJenerale is misquoting, then am afraid you have the same disease as him. Cause in simple words it is true, the major clan of Banadir does not support the ICU. Now however much 'we' support the ICU we have to accept the opposition against us exists, unless you want to be blind like the Jenerale and adeerkis. The mentioned clan in Mogadushu..wey shirben maliin dhaweyd waxay yirahdeen... "Jaano jebka C**R ku jirta jub ku dheh adiga"
  12. Originally posted by bambo: go ask resident of xamar and sourounding who brough them peace and stability they are enjoying toady , wallahi is something god has send , who ever though a year later a sheeq by name of shrif , Aweys , abu Mansur and etc will free resident of xammar . Sxb dont forget to mention that they were part and parcel of the killings and atrocities in Xamar. The benefit people are enjoying today is first Alxamdullilah, and secondly it is due to the fact that a single power which was among the many that held ransom to Xamar Cade has taken over full control. Which once again brings me to my question, will the ICU tolerate an individual, group, organisation thati s oppossed to them to voice their concern within Xamar , or would they be wiped or as you put it cleaned-up ?
  13. Originally posted by duuliyesare: Don't insult our intelligence kid, we know the fact that after the clean-up of Mogadishu city, Can you please define what exactly you mean by clean-up ? Do you see the killing of those who are opposed to the ICU in any terms as a clean-up ?
  14. There are people dying lack of food and shelter and also beng in danger of crocs and snakes.The affected areas are mostly in ICU cpntrolled part of the country. They, the Maxakamiinsm have not done any usedulll help for the distraught people m cause they, understandbly, dont have the logistics, capacity, ability nor the organisation to mount a response for such disaster. They have tried to raise funds from the people through radio call-ins , but as far as my knowledge is concerned I have read so far only 50 or so tins of 'timir' being delivered to effected people. To say that is not enough would be over statement. On the other hand , now that the UN is trying to step up its efforts to assist and alleviate the problem from the people and regions affected by the severe flooding. The ICU ironically has attached conditions, laughable ones indeed. Conditions such as not to use Ethiopian Cargo planes for relief supply, and to make it worse the accusation that the Ethiopians intelligent agents and the UN in Nairobi are planning to send contaminatedc and harmfull items to areas controlled by the ICU m,ilitias in attempt to ease the capture of the country b y Ethiopian forces. This is absurd to say the least if not a bad joke. It is dangerous factor which proves the ICU having seen they have captivated the minds of many can now utter any irrational excuse and still believed by the many. A stage where one individual organisation or charecter can have such an influence on a whole people is scaring. Maxkamadaha Islaamka oo Hay'adaha samafalka uga digay isticmaalka dayuuradaha laga leeyahay Itoobiya Golaha maxkamadaha Islaamka Soomaaliyeed ayaa digniin ku wajahan isticmaalka dayuuradaha laga leeyahay dalka Itoobiya u jeediyey hay'adaha samafalka ee ka howl gala gudaha Soomaaliya gaar ahaan goobaha ay ka taliyaan maxkamadaha Islaamka oo haatan qaar ka mid ah hay'adahaasi ay ka wadaan gurmadyo loo fidinayo dadka ku waxyeeloobay fatahaadaha ka dhashay webiyada shabeelle iyo Jubba iyo daadadka ka soo rogmaday roobabkii lixaad lahaa ee ka da'ay qaar ka tirsan gobolada dalka. Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu-Mansuur oo ah ku-xigeenka madaxa amaanka ee golaha maxkamadaha Islaamka Soomaaliyeed oo isagu digniintan soo saaray ayaa ugu hanjabay in hay'addii lagu helo iney arintaasi ku xad gudubtay ay qaadi doonto mas'uuliyada wixii ku yimaada diyaaradaha laga leeyahay dalka Itoobiya hadiiba ay isticmaalaan “Ma aqbali karno in dayuurado Itoobiya laga leeyahay ay ka qeyb qaataan hawlaha samafalka ah ee haatan socda, iyadoo ciidamadeedu ay heystaan deegaano ku yaala dalkeena waa Cadow soo jireen ah, ninku necebna har kuuma jiido, cidii soo kireysatana iyadaa iibin doonta, anaguna mas'uul kama nihin wixii ku dhaca” ayuu intaa ku daray Abuu Mansuur oo ka hadlayey sababaha ay hay'addaha samafalka uga mamnuuceen isticmnalka dayuuradaha Itoobiya laga leeyahay. Talaabadan ay maxkamaduhu qaadeen ayaa ka dambeysay markii maalmihii la soo dhaafay ay soo baxeen warar sheegayey in qaar ka tirsan hay'adaha samafalka oo ay ku jiraan kuwa Q/Midoobay ay gorgortan kula jiraan shirkaddo dayuuradeed oo laga leeyahay dalka Itoobiya, si ay u helaan dayuurado yar yar oo ay u kaashadaan hawlaha samafalka ee hadda ka socda qeybo ka tirsan gobolada koonfureed ee Soomaaliya oo fatahaaduhu ay dhibatada ba'an ka abuureen. Dayniile Ciidamada Tikreega oo kaashanaya Hey'adaha Samafalka ee Qaramada Midoobay oo Qorsheynaya in diyaaradaha Samafalka lagu keenayo laga soo daadiyo Sun. Muqdisho, 03-December-06 ( Qaadisiya.com) Wararka naga soo gaarayo Magaalada Nairobi ee Xarunta Wadanka Kenya ayaa waxa ay xaqiijinayaan in Hey'adaha Qaramada Midoobay iyo Sirdoonka Ciidamada Tikreega ay halkaasi kulamo kuyeesheen isla markaana ay kawada tashadeen qaabka keliya ee lagu geli karo Wadanka Soomaaliya laguna qabsan karo. Warkani oo Sir ahaan ay qaadisiya uga heshay Rag lashaqeeya UN-ka oo kusugan Nairobi ayaa qorshaha waxa uu yahay in Ciidamada Tikreega ah ay isticmaalaan diyaaradaha ay leedahay Qaramada Midoobay qeybteeda gargaarka taasi oo la damacsan qorshooyin fara badan. Qorshooyinka ay ciidamada Tikreegu Dageen ayaa waxaa kamid ah in Marka hore diyaaradaha Qaramada Midoobay ay soo raacaan Kooxo Tikree ah oo katirsan Sirdoonka Wadanka Itoobiya isla markaana ay baritaano ku sameeyaan halka ay ku kala sugan yihiin Ciidamada Golaha Maxaakimta, waxayna doonayaan in baaritaankaasi ay dhanka Hawada kasoo sameeyaan kahor inta aysan diyaaraduhu soo degin iyagoo sheegaya xilliga ay baaritaankaasi wadaan in ay baadi goobayaan goobaha ugu wanaagsan ee deeqda ugu horeyn lagu dejin karo. Diyaaradaha ugu horeeya ee Deeqda Keenaya Soomaaliya ayaa la qorsheeyay in keenaan Deeqdii loogu talagalay iyadoo sirdoonka itoobiyaankuna ay soo raacayaan diyaaradahaasi. Qodobada kale oo ay qorsheeyeen ayaa waxaa kamid ah in Garoon ay Maamulaan Golaha Maxaakimtu aanay ku deganin Diyaaradaha Hey'adaa Samafalka ee Qaramada Midoobay oo ay ku degaan keliya garoomada iyagu ay la noqoto. Waxaa kaloo kamid ah Qorsheyaasha in Marka laga gudbo qeybinta deeqaha wejigiisa koowaad loona gudbo wejigiisa labaad ay soo raacaan Diyaaradaha UN-ka kuwa Tikreega ah oo xilligaasi lagu tilmaami doona in ay yihiin kuwa sugaya Amniga Diyaaradaha UN-ka iyo Shaqaalaha Saaran. Inta ay hawsha qeybinta aysan ka bilaabin wejiga labaad Gobolada dalka Soomaaliya oo Fatahaadaha ay waxyeello ba'an u geysteen AY KUSOO DAADIYAAN GOOBAHA MAXAAKIMTA AY DEGAN YIHIIN SUN, TAASI OO AH MID SAACADO BADAN QOFKA UU KU SUUXSANAANAYO, kadibna ay sidaasi kula wareegaan Ammaankii goobtaasi iyo hubka Ciidamada golaha Maxaakimtu ay heystaan. Qorshahani sirta ah oo ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ay lawadaan Mas'uuliyiin katirsan Hey'adaha Samafalka oo iyagu si aad ah looga yaqaano Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa ku wehliya Mas'uuliyiin katirsan Dowladda Federaalka oo ay horsed kayihiin Col.C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Cali Maxamed Geeddi!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAXAAKIMTU MAXAY KAYIRAAHDEEN. Mas'uul katirsan Golaha Maxaakimta Islaamiga Soomaaliyeed oo lagu magacaabo Sh.Mukhtaar Roobow (Abuu Mansuur) oo ka hadlay Qorshaha lala damacsan yahay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Inshaa Allaah Qorshahaasi ay ka hortagi doonan isla markaana ay ku wargeliyeen Hey'adah Samafalka in waxyabahaasi aanan lagu arki Karin sidoo kalena aanan lagu arki Karin iyaga oo wada Sirdoon Itoobiyaan iyo wax diyaarado ah oo itoobiyaanku ay leeyihiin Ciddii ay ku arkaanna ay ku qaadi Doonaan Shareecada Islaamka. Qaar katirsan Mujaahidiinta oo Sirtani maqlay ayaa iyaguna ka codsaday Mas'uuliyiintooda in diyaaradaha laga shakiyo loo tilmaamo un kadibna Inshaa Allaah ay arki doonaan Diyaaradahaasi Wixii Allaah aktiisa uga qoran. MAXAA SHACABKA LA GUDBOON. Shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo iyagu dhibaatooyin fara badan kujira hadana ay u dheertaya fatahaadaha loona sii raaciyay hanjabaadyo ayaa waxaa la gudboon in ay si aad ah uga feejignaadaan Arrimahaasi oo kale isla markaana ay iska difaacaan. Soomaalidu oo horey ugu maahmaahday BAAHI BAKHTI LOOMA CUNO ayaa lagu dhiira gelinayaa in aysan marnaba u baahan wax ay qaramada midoobay soo wado isla markaana ay qorsheyaal ku hoos duugan yihiin. Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee Fatahaaduhu ay dhibaatooyinka u geysteen ayaa waxaa u soo gurmaday sida la ogsoon yahay isla Shacabka Soomaaliyeed kuwooda wax heysta dalka iyo Dibadda Meel waliba oo ay kaga nool yihiin iyadoo Golaha Maxaakimtuna ay u saareen Guddi hawshooda ay iminka weli kusocoto si dar dar leh, waxayna balan qaadayaan Golaha Maxaakimta in gargaarka ay walaalahooda Soomaaliyeed u soo dhiibeen in ay sii wadi doonaan gaarsiintooda illaa ay ka gaaraan Shacabka dhibaateysan heer aysan uga baahanin qaramada midoobay sunta ay u soo wadaan Soomaaliya. Qaadisiya This reminds me of a recent cartoon pic ny Amin Camiir , the guy was not far off in his assumption.
  15. Ehem...! Am still waiting for a resolution which lifts the embargo. I think they still might voting in the Security Council.
  16. Garoweonline reporting, maxakinta oo qiratey in a falka ka dambeyeen. Sxb ileen markaan wax walbaad ku hadasha, benti laga xishoon jirey darishada ayey ka baxdey. Nasiib waxaad ku ledahey qaraxaan aya dhacey, hadi kale waxan ka sugeyney goanki QM ay kaga qadeen Soomaaliya cunaqabateynta huubka. As dor this suicide bombing it will not do the ICU any favours except reveal their true colours, expert in terrorist activities and introducing a new form of combat in Somalia, Suicide bombing...very dangerous. Bal adeer halke ku qariin dona wa yabe.
  17. UN council weighs tightening Somalia arms embargo By Irwin Arieff UNITED NATIONS, Nov 29 (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council pledged on Wednesday to consider steps to tighten a widely ignored 1992 U.N. arms embargo on chaotic Somalia but offered no specifics. A unanimous resolution expressed the 15-nation council's intention to "consider specific action" to improve the embargo after U.N. monitors reported that Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Uganda and Yemen were providing illicit military support either to Somalia's interim government or its Islamist rivals. Several of the countries named by the U.N. monitoring group this month have denied any impropriety, and a council committee has said it plans to give all of them a chance to confront the monitors at a meeting this week. At the same time, U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said Washington was not yet ready to unveil a separate resolution authorizing African peacekeepers to help prop up the shaky Somali transitional government. "We're still in consultation on that," Bolton told reporters. "We're moving as rapidly as we can." The U.S. draft resolution would approve deployment of a joint peacekeeping force put together by the African Union and the regional Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), as the two groups have requested. The measure would also ease the arms embargo to enable the peacekeepers to legally bring in weapons. SET OFF ALARMS But it set off alarms earlier this week when the Brussels-based International Crisis Group warned the text could backfire by undermining the transitional government, strengthening rival Islamists and leading to wider war. The group, relying on an early draft, said it feared the measure would legitimize the presence in Somalia of Ethiopian troops sent in by Addis Ababa to back the interim government. Because the Islamists are backed by Eritrean troops, the group said it feared the intervention in Somalia could deteriorate into a proxy war between Ethiopia and Eritrea, whose relations remain extremely tense years after a bloody border war between them. But Jendayi Frazier, the U.S. assistant Secretary of State for African affairs, said in Washington on Wednesday that IGAD had itself ruled out putting troops from neighboring countries in the intervention force. "The country that has said that it would deploy forces at this time is Uganda, and we would look for other countries that would be willing to do so from throughout Africa, but we are not expecting that any of the immediate neighbors would be deploying," Frazier told reporters. The Islamists have been steadily expanding their reach and influence in Somalia after seizing the capital of Mogadishu in June. The United States says they are harboring al Qaeda operatives who pose a threat in the region and elsewhere. After initially backing a coalition of warlords against the Islamist forces, the draft resolution signaled that Washington was now throwing its support behind the interim government. Source: Reuters, Nov 29, 2006
  18. Originally posted by Abwaan: Website-ka wax soo waraystay ma Idamaalaa? Ninka la waraystayna ma Ciid baa? Sheekooy ku nacay! You forgot to add, ninka so postgareyay ma Duke ba, ninka lo dadalayo ma C/llahi Yusuf ba? What is the link? Bilabi ogaa weli meysan hana qadiin be.
  19. Somalia: The Deyr Delays an Imminent Clash Nov 27, 2006 Summary Militias of the Supreme Islamic Courts Council (SICC) reinforced the central Somalian town of Abudwaaq on Nov. 27 to seal off the region from Ethiopian forces bogged down by flooding farther south. War between Ethiopia and the SICC remains imminent, though not likely before the rainy season ends in mid-December. Analysis Militias loyal to Somalia's Supreme Islamic Courts Council (SICC) reinforced the Somalian town of Abudwaaq on Nov. 27, a move meant to prevent Ethiopian forces facing severe flooding farther south from moving into central Somalia. Seasonal rains, expected to continue until mid-December, will delay a clash between Ethiopian and SICC forces Greater than normal seasonal rains, known as the Deyr, have made many roads almost impassable in parts of southern Somalia and southeastern Ethiopia. This situation is particularly acute in Ethiopia, which must maintain an overland supply route to its forces protecting Somalia's interim government in Baidoa. On the other side, the SICC faces the easier task of supplying its militias in areas of southern and central Somalia that are relatively unaffected by flooding. The first Somalian town north of the flood-affected areas, Abudwaaq has become a military focal point and potential battleground in the brewing conflict. Facing the threat of a full Ethiopian invasion -- a threat that Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi alluded to Nov. 23 when he addressed his country's parliament, calling Somalia's Islamists a clear and present danger -- the SICC made the first move to Abudwaaq. The reinforcement of Abudwaaq also holds out the promise of creating stronger linkages between the SICC and ethnic Somalis in Ethiopia's ****** region, which lies just across the border from Abudwaaq. Gaining support among anti-Ethiopian insurgents in the ****** is a declared goal of the SICC in its efforts to create a Greater Somalia. However, this goal exacerbates Addis Ababa's dire fears over regime survival that have provoked its continued intervention in Somalia. Although the severe Deyr rains mean that war is unlikely to occur before mid-December, Ethiopia is not likely to wait long after the rains end to attack the SICC. From Addis Ababa's perspective, the longer it waits to attack, the better prepared the SICC will be to fight. The wait is on for the floodwaters to recede.
  20. Security Council 29 November2006 SC/8880 Security Council condemns ‘significant increase’ in somalia weapons flow,Calls for re-establishment of group monitoring arms embargo Resolution 1724 (2006) Adopted Unanimously; Group’s New Recommendations Aim at Reducing Momentum towards ‘Military Catastrophe’ Condemning the “significant increase” in the flow of weapons to and through Somalia in violation of the 1992 arms embargo, the Security Council today requested the Secretary-General to re-establish, within 30 days and for a six-month period, the Monitoring Group focusing on the ongoing arms embargo violations. Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter and through the unanimous adoption of resolution 1724 (2006), the Council requested the Group, whose mandate expired today, to continue the tasks entrusted to it, including the investigation of the violations of the arms embargo covering access to Somalia by land, air and sea. Also, the Group would continue to provide the Committee, established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) to oversee the arms embargo, with a draft list of those who continued to violate it inside and outside Somalia, and their active supporters, for possible future measures by the Council. The Council would also have the Group make recommendations based on its investigations. [Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Council resolution 1519 (2003) of 16 December 2003, the Secretary-General established a Monitoring Group composed of four experts for a six-month period. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, the Group was mandated to focus on the ongoing violations of the arms embargo –- imposed by Council resolution 733 of 23 January 1992 and has had its mandate renewed for subsequent six-month periods.] Under related provisions of the text adopted today, the Council further requested the Secretary-General to make the necessary financial arrangements to support the work of the Monitoring Group. It also expected the Committee to consider the Monitoring Group’s recommendations and to advise the Council of ways to improve implementation of and compliance with the arms embargo. In its recent report (document S/2006/913), the Monitoring Group proposes, in view of the “unprecedented and highly exacerbated security situation” in Somalia, a new and interrelated set of recommendations intended to reduce the level of tension and “offset the continuous momentum towards a military catastrophe”. Those recommendations call for: increasing the strength of the arms embargo through an all-border surveillance and interdiction effort for Somalia by air, sea and land; the application of financial sanctions on significant Somali-owned and -operated business entities; and a high-level, international diplomatic and political effort intended to encourage the will of States in the region to avert war. The meeting, which began at 12:50 p.m., adjourned at 12:54 p.m. Resolution The full text of resolution 1724 (2006) reads as follows: “The Security Council, “Reaffirming its previous resolutions and the statements of its President concerning the situation in Somalia, in particular resolution 733 (1992) of 23 January 1992, which established an embargo on all delivery of weapons and military equipment to Somalia (hereinafter referred to as the “arms embargo”), resolution 1519 (2003) of 16 December 2003, resolution 1558 (2004) of 17 August 2004, resolution 1587 (2005) of 15 March 2005, resolution 1630 (2005) of 14 October 2005, and resolution 1676 (2006) of 10 May 2006, “Reaffirming the importance of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia, “Stressing the need for the Transitional Federal Institutions to continue working towards establishing effective national governance in Somalia, “Reiterating the urgent need for all Somali leaders to take tangible steps to continue political dialogue, “Commending the efforts of the African Union, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development and the League of Arab States for their continued support for national reconciliation in Somalia, and urging both the Transitional Federal Institutions and the Union of Islamic Courts to recommit to the principles of the 22 June Khartoum Declaration and the agreements made at the 2-4 September Khartoum meeting and to engage in the next round of talks without further delays, “Reiterating its strong support for the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, “Taking note of the report of the Monitoring Group dated 22 November 2006 (S/2006/913, annex) submitted pursuant to paragraph 3 (i) of resolution 1676 (2006) and the observations and recommendations contained therein, “Condemning the significant increase in the flow of weapons and ammunition supplies to and through Somalia, which constitutes a violation of the arms embargo and a serious threat to peace and stability in Somalia, “Reiterating its insistence that all Member States, in particular those in the region, should refrain from any action in contravention of the arms embargo and should take all necessary steps to hold violators accountable, “Reiterating and underscoring the importance of enhancing the monitoring of the arms embargo in Somalia through persistent and vigilant investigation into the violations, bearing in mind that strict enforcement of the arms embargo will improve the overall security situation in Somalia, “Determining that the situation in Somalia constitutes a threat to international peace and security in the region, “Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, “1. Stresses the obligation of all Member States to comply fully with the measures imposed by resolution 733 (1992); “2. Expresses its intention, in light of the report of the Monitoring Group dated 22 November 2006 (S/2006/913, annex), to consider specific action to improve implementation of and compliance with measures imposed by resolution 733 (1992); “3. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Committee established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) of 24 April 1992 (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”), to re-establish within 30 days from the date of the adoption of this resolution, and for a period of six months, the Monitoring Group referred to in paragraph 3 of resolution 1558 (2004), with the following mandate: (a) to continue the tasks outlined in paragraphs 3 (a) to © of resolution 1587 (2005); (b) to continue to investigate, in coordination with relevant international agencies, all activities, including in the financial, maritime and other sectors, which generate revenues used to commit arms embargo violations; © to continue to investigate any means of transport, routes, seaports, airports and other facilities used in connection with arms embargo violations; (d) to continue refining and updating information on the draft list of those individuals and entities who violate the measures implemented by Member States in accordance with resolution 733 (1992), inside and outside Somalia, and their active supporters, for possible future measures by the Council, and to present such information to the Committee as and when the Committee deems appropriate; (e) to continue making recommendations based on its investigations, on the previous reports of the Panel of Experts (S/2003/223 and S/2003/1035) appointed pursuant to resolutions 1425 (2002) of 22 July 2002 and 1474 (2003) of 8 April 2003, and on the previous reports of the Monitoring Group (S/2004/604, S/2005/153, S/2005/625, S/2006/229 and S/2006/913) appointed pursuant to resolutions 1519 (2003) of 16 December 2003, 1558 (2004) of 17 August 2004, 1587 (2005) of 15 March 2005, 1630 (2005) of 14 October 2005, and 1676 (2006) of 10 May 2006; (f) to work closely with the Committee on specific recommendations for additional measures to improve overall compliance with the arms embargo; (g) to assist in identifying areas where the capacities of States in the region can be strengthened to facilitate the implementation of the arms embargo; (h) to provide to the Council, through the Committee, a midterm briefing within 90 days from its establishment, and to submit progress reports to the Committee on a monthly basis; (i) to submit, for the Security Council’s consideration, through the Committee, a final report covering all the tasks set out above, no later than 15 days prior to the termination of the Monitoring Group’s mandate; “4. Further requests the Secretary-General to make the necessary financial arrangements to support the work of the Monitoring Group; “5. Reaffirms paragraphs 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 of resolution 1519 (2003); “6. Requests the Committee, in accordance with its mandate and in consultation with the Monitoring Group and other relevant United Nations entities, to consider the recommendations in the reports of the Monitoring Group dated 5 April and 16 October 2006 and recommend to the Council ways to improve implementation of and compliance with the arms embargo, in response to continuing violations; “7. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.” Background When the Council met today, it had before it the final report of the Monitoring Group on Somalia (document S/2006/913). The report contains observations and information regarding violations of the 1992 arms embargo and related matters, in the context of unfolding events since its last report of 5 May. According to the report, the Islamic Courts Union has become the pre-eminent force in Somalia’s southern and central regions. Bolstered by aggressive support from seven States, it is consolidating its grip on military and political power and the economic infrastructure in the areas under its control. A much weaker Transitional Federal Government, backed by aggressive support from three States, is attempting to hold on to its power base in Baidoa. The possibility of a military confrontation between the two is an ever present threat. The report points to a rampant arms flow to the Transitional Federal Government and the Islamic Courts Union, as well as military support from States. It details support for the Union from Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Libya, Syria and Saudi Arabia, as well as Hizbollah’s (Lebanon) support –- noting that the Union had sent a 720-person military force to Lebanon to fight alongside Hizbollah in July 2006. For the Transitional Federal Government, support comes from Ethiopia, Uganda and Yemen. Both sides were also supported inside the country by combat troops, military trainers and advisers from certain States, including Eritrea, Ethiopia and Uganda, all members of the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD). All the ingredients are there for a violent, widespread and protracted military conflict in Somalia, according to the report, more so as the Islamic Courts Union has publicly stated its intention to violently oppose any IGAD or African Union military force. There is also the distinct possibility that the momentum towards a military solution inside the country might spill over into a direct State-to-State conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea, as well as acts of terrorism in other vulnerable States of the region. In seeking responses from the multitude of actors involved in arms embargo violations, the Monitoring Group has sent a total of 54 letters to a combination of States, businesses and other entities, and has received 26 replies (annexed to the report). All respondents denied any involvement in violating the arms embargo, but the unbridled military build-up in Somalia continues, the report notes. In view of the “unprecedented and highly exacerbated security situation” in Somalia, the Monitoring Group proposes a new and interrelated set of recommendations intended to reduce the level of tension and offset the continuous momentum towards a military catastrophe. The recommendations call for: increasing the strength of the arms embargo through an all-border surveillance and interdiction effort for Somalia by air, sea and land; the application of financial sanctions on significant Somali-owned and -operated business entities; and a high-level, international diplomatic and political effort intended to encourage the will of States in the region to avert war and to give States a reason to disengage from contributing to the military build-up. Source: UN.org
  21. Originally posted by xox ogaal: Duke he just sait safka hore was not included. should we take your word or his word. since he was there draf the resolution to bring peacekeepers For the record sxb, Sharif endorsed and agreed for the introduction of Foreign troops from 'safka hore iyo kan dambe'. There was no clear definition. Refer to the meeting which he chaired in Baydhabo on the day of attempted assasination on President Yusuf. Sharif Xassan can only be defined in Jenerale Dukes word 'hypocrite'. He does not stand for better Somalia and he never stood for it. He only persues his interest whereever it lies. Having said that it is worth mentioning we have gone beyond the stage of choosing which kind of foreign troops. Ethios are here whether we like or not . The question is what will they achieve if anything. Will they as Jenerale Duke hopes capture the whole country and bring it under the dictatorial rule of President Yusuf? Will they fail and be defeated and scattered all over the place? Or will they create havoc, confussion and anarchy in the recently peace restored regions of Somalia? I think the latter of the three. They will not win, plus they will lead to the eradication of TFG as opposed to their expectation. Whatever the case it will be devastation to the whole of Somalia, and the effects of the war will be felt everywhere. There will be no winners.
  22. Duke sxb, waxaa aad uu gurban tumeysiid wa Axmaro. Waxa aad rabtiid ugu wac, call them Iternational Aliiance troops. And your support for them is purely based on for them to trample on all existing Somali armed groups who could pose a threat to your uncles rule. Behind your brain child propoganda is the same ideology of adeerka to eradicate anyone who could obstract the establishment of his dictatorship. Duke waxaad ogaata dagalkaan waa dhaca mar u Illahey idmaba, wa la ma huran, lakiin waxaad qalbiga gashata in ayasan natijada ahan doniin sida aad jaceshahey. Midkaan wa la isku gubana , sadasheydana waxay ila tahey kuwa hada hurinaya in aysan ka shekan doniin mesha ay ku dambeyso. Adna mowqiifkada wa cad yahey, hadhow un yan laga weyn masraxyada...ileen wala is yaqaan.
  23. Good that you are here. Sxb lexlexasha iska dhaf. Just answer my question. If as you call them reer Mogadishu, or clan courts, or Maxakiinta drogada, call them anything you want . They are people who are your blood and ethenticity, if they fight with Axmaro, and it is imminent now, who would you Jenerale Duke (though you claim to have relatives there) support. Hadaba is cadey, hadhow markey xaajo xumato 'awalba wan iska ogaa' ha dhihiin. Make your stand now sxb, wala kala baxaa mantey.
  24. Saxiibo adiga qarnige ku noshahey? Ya Illahey cidinkiisa ah oo joga Soomaaliya? Mise waxad bafineysa benta ummada lagu halagayo. So ma ogiid in Illahey SWT uu Ogyahey qof walba qulubtiisa, maad ka cabsatiid Asaga, so ma ogiida in ay xisabtan ay jiri doonto. Mesha waxaa isku haya laba qoxod o xukun doon ah, kuwana ku candaconaya anaga nala so dortey oo Calamaka na cintirafsanyihiin, kuwa kalana leyihiin waxa idin ku xukumeyna Sharecada Islanka. Labadaba waa qurafaad aan waxba ka jiriin, oo dantoda ayey uu adegayaan. Lakiin la kala ital roon.