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Everything posted by Juje

  1. ok..! Yacni reer waqooyi xuduntoda ma firshaan camal miya? Tana ma ii dhineed, ebedkey ma maqliin.
  2. Duke your elaborate excuse has no boundaries. The images from the ICU protest was intend to depict a violent scenario where women and children will be combatant also, but the designers of such demos did not contemplate that it will gear up mass opposition and disgust, they failed and they do not know. So tell me , why did President Yusuf choose to be pictured praying by the AP reporter, is he trying to prove something? Bal adiga ii sheeg saxiib.
  3. They are for PR purposes Duke and they will backfire and be mocked in everywhere, trust me on that, who ever came up with that plan had no clue for the kind of reaction it will spark . Just look at, hjow they are laughing at it in SOL
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^It was taken on friday, when it is a must to pray in a group. Mr. What kind of question is that.. are you or your adeer not aware of the minimum number required for Friday prayers. Further more was it to dangerous of him to travel to neares Masjiid , which I believe is next to the madaxtoyda in Baydhabo. Jenerale waad isku xartey ee mar dambe waxaas oo kale hala shir iomaan. Friday group prayers kuma lahiino.
  5. Lol..! Odeyga asago tukanaya muxuu isku so sawirey?
  6. Originally posted by Jaylaani: I support Somaliland politically and I care about Somalia in general Make up your mind sxb, labadasi meel ma wada galan?
  7. Originally posted by Jaylaani: Adiga masaajidka miyaad aragtay? Adiga weliga xuduntada ma aragtey?
  8. Qofki u mugdi ugu jirey iyo in kalaba hada ha shaki baxo. Xaaji beerlawe waa dhartey, ee hadhow nolama sheegin ha oranina. Incase you guys failed to notice this is the punchline "Al-Qaida is opening up shop in Somalia," Yusuf warned. "This is a new chapter and part of the terror group's plan to wage war against the West."
  9. Somali Leader: Door to Peace Talks Shut By ANTHONY MITCHELL Associated Press Writer Somalia's president said Friday that peace talks with the country's Islamic movement are no longer an option because the group's leaders have declared war on his government. "They are the ones who effectively closed the door to peace talks and they are the ones who are waging the war," Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf told The Associated Press from his office in Baidoa. Tension has been mounting in recent weeks between Somalia's government, which has Western and U.N. recognition but little authority on the ground, and the Council of Islamic Courts, which controls most of southern Somalia. The Islamists have vowed to launch a holy war starting Tuesday unless Ethiopian troops supporting the government leave Somalia. "The fighting can happen at any time now," Yusuf said, adding that his administration will not be the first to attack. The Islamic courts have been steadily gaining power since June, raising concerns about an emerging Taliban-style regime. The United States accuses the group of having ties to al-Qaida, which it denies. "Al-Qaida is opening up shop in Somalia," Yusuf warned. "This is a new chapter and part of the terror group's plan to wage war against the West." Earlier Friday, Islamic leaders in the capital, Mogadishu, distributed sermons about holy war to be read at the city's mosques during prayers - the latest attempt to galvanize the nation as it slides toward war. On Thursday, the State Department's senior official on Africa said the United States does not want an Ethiopian military buildup in Somalia, despite the growing strength of the Islamic movement. "We have said repeatedly that the only solution to the crisis in Somalia is through dialogue," said Jendayi Frazer, the assistant secretary of state for African affairs. Some news reports have suggested that the Bush administration is giving tacit support for an Ethiopian military intervention to support the government, which is confined to the western city of Baidoa. But Frazer said the Bush administration is pushing for creation of an African force to train and protect the government but is opposed to military intervention by Somalia's neighbors, including Ethiopia, against the Islamic militants. Meanwhile, witnesses along the Ethiopian border say troops are crossing into Somalia regularly. Ethiopia acknowledges sending military advisers here, but not a fighting force. --- AP writer Salad Duhul contributed to this report from Mogadishu.
  10. Horn sxb, ambushes ama gadmo ama fol-ka-fol dagalka ayu ku jira.
  11. Originally posted by Jaylaani: Masaajidka iyo qabtriga maxaa isku keenay marka hore? Horta waxaa haboon waxa aad ka hadleysiid in aad aqoon uu leedahey. Boqolaal qaburo o Masjiid ku ag yaal aya jira, waxna kuma jabna taas. Waxaa daran un in qabriga u ku yaal Qiblada Masjiidka hortiisa, waayo waxay u dhigmi karta in ay dadka ku tukanaya Masjiidkaas ay u sujudayan ehluul qabuurkas. In this case and this particular Mosque, qabriga was on the back and left hand side of the Mosque. Hence not contributing to any Shirk if there was any. Nimankaan maxakinta warkoda wu caad yahey sxb, ujeedadodana mahiin wax diinta quseya, waayo falkaas ay sameyeen wuxuu amakaag gelshey dadki mesha uu dhashey oo kale jooga dunida dacalidisa. Awalaba laheysteyaal ayey ahayeen, hadana hadi logu darey in masajidadodi in laga dunsho mantey maliin aan aheyn aya laga jawabi doona, micno maleh xisabti hore ayey ku darsami donta. Waxase ka si yaab badan , hadey nimanku, wa kuwa kuso duley Masjiidka, ahayeen kuwa la dagalamey shirkiga iyo wixii la mid ah, oo ay dunsheen qaburihi masjiidka ku ag yaal. Maxay uu bililiqeysteen matoorki biyaha u Masjiidka iska laha. Mise taas turxanbixinta ayey ka ka mid tahey, wa sual?
  12. Originally posted by Oromia: A/Y have been handing over miskiin Oromo refugees and even sheiks to the Tigree and American tyrants since he came to Baidoa. What makes it so special now? This is a futile propoganda stunt to invite the Americans into Somalia by alleging the presence of foregin fighters in Somalia. And for all who cares to know we don't consider Somalia as a foreign country as we also consider Oromia home to all Somalis. War hedhe give the old man a break, I bet hadey dhusada kugu dhegto you will blame him. Teda kale sxb, it is an open secret the presence of Oromo fighters and other calashood uu shaqeystayaal within the ranks of the ICU. Now if we are going to accept that 'dowlada tagta daran' is being aideed by Axmaro then we should also accept the opposing argument, the presence of Oromo, Eriterea and kuwa maylka adag. Ok fair and square. He did this , he did that kama sareyso sxb. Odeyga dagal aya idin ka dhaxeya saas awgeed wax walba o idin ku sameyo daliil ayu uu heysta.
  13. Has the thought of language difference crossed your mind? Or is that to much asking, I wonder.
  14. Illahow mar ma i tusi karta ninkaan hada dharanaya oo uu noqda shaqadi u heyn jirey, darawaal baaburta BL'ka ee ka dhex shaqeeya Marka iyo Xamar.
  15. Faallo: khariiradii Xildhibaanada Muqdisho Been aan Run u ekeyn By; Xariiri Sadex xildhibaan oo Muqdisho ku sugan ayaa soo bandhigay khariidad cusub oo ay si qarsoodi ah uga heleen xafiiska raisal wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali maxamed Geedi," sadexda nin ayaa ah Sadex aan Soomaali ku cusbayn waa nimankii qabqablyaasha durbaanka u sidi jirey ee is muujin jirey ee markasta jeclaa inay kasbadaan raali noqoshada dagaal ooga-yaasha….."Subxaanal muqayiral axwal" Xiligan hogaamiye-yaashoodi hore gabalkoodii baa dhacay, wadaado cimaamado sita ayaa circa ku dubtey, maantase xilka ay hayaan ee "xildhibaan nimadu" (haday sax tahay in loogu yeedhaa) suuq kale ayuu yeeshay, cid kaloo oo gadanysa ayaa soo baxday waa midowga maxkamadaha ….markaa walaalayaal hala yaabina haday alifaan xirfado cusub oo kalsooni kasbasho ah oo ay inakaga yaabiyaan goor kasta. Markaan u soo noqdo tii ugu dambaysey ee uguna weyneyd ee ahayd Maab cusub oo Soomaaliya Itoobiya lagu daray oo ay saxaafada tuseen, waxaan aad uga murugoodey heerka aqooneed iyo farsamo ee nimanka xildhibaanada sheeganaya ay leeyihiin iyo sida ayan wax fikrad ah uga haysteen meesha Soomaalidu manta marayso iyo in wiil Soomaali ah oo 18 jir ka yiri oo gurigii aabihii joogaa uu samayn karo ka ay soo sameeyeen ee ay qaranka u soo bandhigeen mid ka quruxbadan kana macquulsan. (Ka ay sameeyeen marka la eego "fonts" iyo midabka magacuba waa ka duwan yahay ka runta ah, wayna iska muuqataa in uu yahay wax la dhoodhoobay…."Fake and fabricated" Hadaba Anuguna waxaan sameeyey mid ka fiican kay ku sheegeen inuu yahay Map laha helay Xafiiska Raiisal wassaare Geedi, oo laga soo xaday, bal ila fiiriya quruxda mabka aan sameeyey oo kooda aan waxba ka bedelnayn , waxaan ku kala duwanahay oo kaliya kooda waxay dhinac saareen calanka Itoobiya , Aniguse waxaan doortay inaan Calanka Soomaaliyeed aan ku sharaxdo maabka Afrika bal .Hadaba anigoo in kooban ka aqaan kumbuyuutarka aan haysan barnaamij Photoshop ah ayaan anigoo isticmaalayaa "Normal Photo editor" sameeyey mid kooda u dhigma ama ka wanaagsanba bal ila eega……!!! Designed By, Abdrahman Xariiri , Saudi Arabia Anigoon hadaba u doodayn Itoobiya meeshan aan ka saarayn in dowlada waliba tay ka itaalka roon tahay dano ka yeelan karto hadana in Soomaaliya oo iska dhan Itoobiya lagu daraa waa cirkoo caad laga waayey, waa qoraxdoo soo bixi weydey, waa beledweyne baar kuma taal. Nimakan xildhibaanda sheeganayana waxaan leeyahay hadaad been sheegaysaan mid run u eg sheega, Ixtiraama caqliga bulsha weynta soomaaliyeed kana xaal mariya inaad sida wax ma garatada wax ugu sheegteen….hadii kale…!!! Kay saxaafada ku soo bandhigeen waxaa qof walba oo Soomaaliya ka arki karaa webside-yada Soomaalida maabkaas oo Calanka itoobiya gees ka saareen , laakiin waxaan filayaa kaan gurigayga ku sameeyey baa ka haboon kana wanaagsan anoo isticmaalaya Barnaamijyo caadiya Sawirkay saxaafada kusoo bandhigeen: http://www.dayniile.com/disember/10disember4.htm Nimakan xildhibaanda sheeganayana waxaan leeyahay hadaad been sheegaysaan mid run u eg sheega, Ixtiraama caqliga bulsha weynta soomaaliyeed kana xaal mariya inaad sida wax ma garatada wax ugu sheegteen….hadii kale…!!! Walaahu aclam Cabdirxman Xariri – Saudi Arabia Puntlandpost wax masuuliyad ah kama saarna Faalada qoraaga ku saxiixan Daabacaada: Puntlandpost.com
  16. Honourable members of the Parliament in Mogadishu lined up to claim to have found new destructive plan against Somalia. In which the so vehemently stated that Ethiopia withe help of President Yusuf wanted to erase Somalia from the World Atlas. Such cheap claim and propoganda was simultaneously used by the ICU its leaders and websites as a propoganda in attempt to strem up support for their self-proclaimed Jihaad. This was obviously a lie, a claer blatant and shameful attempt to abuse thge intellect of the Somali people. Since it is nopw proven that they lied, could we come to the conclussion their whole claim and promise is piece of stupidly fabricated bunch of lies tp mislead the Somali people. The map found my the Honourable Members of Parfliament.. The origin of the Map itself before it was distorted by the MP's, ICU policy makers and their cohorts What a punch of nitwits Maxaa ka jira in Qariidadii ay soo Bandhigeen Xildhibaanada Dowladda Federaalka ee Muqdisho ku sugan ay ahayd mid la been abuuray? Talaado, December 12, 2006(HOL): Maalintii dorraad ahayd waxaa magaalada Muqdisho shir jaraa’id ku qabaty Xildhibaano ka tirsan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo shirkooda jaraa’id ku soo bandhigay Qariidad ay sheegeen in ay heleen Xafiiska Ra’iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi, taasi oo muujineysa sida ay yiraadheen in uu jiro qorshe ay ku heshiiyeen Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Xukuumadda Itoobiya. Qariidada ay soo bandhigeen Xildhibaanada ayaa waxay u sawiran tahay qaab ka gedisan sida ay Soomaaliya ugu jirto Qariidada Afrika oo ah in dalka Soomaaliya lagu daray dalka Itoobiya, isla markaana ay Soomaaliya u muuqato gobol ka mid ah Itoobiya. Xildhibaanadu waxay sheegeen in ay Qariidadaas ka heleen dad ku dhow dhow xafiiska Ra’iisal Wasaare Geedi, waxayna intaas ku dareen in ay jiraan heshiisyo kale oo u socda labada dhinac, kuwaasi oo ay ballan qaadeen Xildhibaanadu in iyana u soo bandhigi doonaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed marka ay helaan. Haddaba markii ay Qariidadaas baahiyeen Website-yo badan oo uu ka mid yahay Website-kan Hiiraan Online ayaa waxaa nala soo xiriiray dad badan oo ka mid ah aqristayaasheena, kuwaasi oo qaarkood la dhacsanaayeen howsha ay Xildhibaanada qabteen, halka ay sidoo kalena ay jireen aqristayaal kale oo shaki geliyay dhab ahaanta Qariidada ay Xildhibaanada soo bandhigeen. Aqristayaasha beeniyay sax ahaan Qariidadaas waxaa ka mid ah Aqriste magaciisa ku soo gaabiyay Dr. Shidane oo aan noo soo sheegin halka uu Dunida kaga nool yahay, wuxuuna sheegay in Map-ka ay soo bandhigeen Xildhibaanada uu yahay mid been abuur ah, intaas kuma ekeysane wuxuu noo soo diray oo uu qoraalkiisa ku soo lifaaqay Qariidad uu ku sheegay in ay tahay midda saxda ah. Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, haatan waxaan soo daabacnay labada Qariidadood, wuxuuna markan garsoorka u yaallaa Dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ee iyagu arkaya labada Qariidadood. source
  17. You would have known what is in their heart when you see or saw their actions. Number one being occupying , ruling and unfair justice in the land of those who are neither armed nor strong to state their position or either their opposition. When they have justified as legitimate the governance of Balayo Indhacadde and co. And when they said they have replaced him on in paper or should I say mouth and have not. There is a lot that meets the eye red Sea. Meshaan lama kala roona. However waxba waxba ka daran. Axmaro wax ka daran maleh. But and which it is true it has in shadows a TFG parliament which has representatives from the weak and who are there on legitimacy rather than out of fear. Both sides have errors, should we keep wadaadka geedkadi cambaha harsanaya mise waxan so dhaweyna kuwa 'ishi' so wata. Laba kala daran kala doro.
  18. ^^ Indeed, but there is also something very seriously wrong on the other side. I would anytime have an Islamic rule and justice as oppossed to TFG. But let me ask you this , is the alternative that which a I prefer or a mask?
  19. Yeah we are brain dead,but let me tell you this there are many factors that can be picked to opposse the Ethiopian Army presence, but the Map Excuse, the raping of a 60 year old woman and the AIDS thing is stale and undermines any form of oppossition.
  20. ^^Shouldnt the above be in the Jokes section..?
  21. You guys have to give credit to the motivation factors of the ICU. What, with an Africa map that does not include Somalia this has to be big pulling power. Imagine how many people would side with the ICU cause they want to see Somalia back in the map. What a joke. If anything it shows that the ICU policy makers actually think low of the Somali intellect level.
  22. Originally posted by Sheikh Yusuf: Eri Soldier petrolling the leaders of the UIC during a rallying speech for jihadists recruitment! Guess you knew him before then?
  23. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: I don't think the UIC fully understand the inherent flaws in their logic of over-running Baydhabo. They might succeed in this futile attempt, but ensuing carnage will have a serious ramifications for southern Somalia as Yeey, and his Ethio masters will not be bullied into fleeing that easily. Whether they will flee is only a matter of question or as is the case now time. But let me ask you this, though I agree with you it will have a serious repercussion of carnage unseen before,but what makes you think it will be limited only to the south?
  24. Sheikh Yusuf I dont think no one cares about the Resolution, but according to latest news the ICU is planning to uproot the government from Baydhabo.