Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Originally posted by Gediid: One thing oo qura aan sheegey and that is a fact no one denies. Going along with that fact, so you are saying the southerners were simply passive actors,and did little or nothing to facilitate the formation of the union. P.S. The union was borne out of desire of all Somali people. Northern and Southern politicians simply acted on that desire.
  2. ^LooooooooooooooooooooL...Wat makes you sheeko more valid than his.
  3. ^Creating phantom regions doesn't solve bad governance.
  4. Ugandan Church leaders have asked Christians to forgive Libya's leader for suggesting the Bible was forged as it didn't mention the Prophet Muhammad web page
  5. Droughts, Inflation, Unemployement, Lack of basic services, Supposed "war" on the east ,and the list goes on Of things to worry about, Riyaale main concern became creating usuless in order to hang on to power and please Qabil-lords. Poor Togheer, Talk getting F*up
  6. Originally posted by LayZie G.: [QB] lol, this isn't the time nor the place to have this sort of discussion, Never thought you would find my rambling indecorous. You might have to give me political etiquette guide in order for me properly engage these pundits in SOL P.S. You sound like conformist now! PPS...My aqli can't be transmitted.
  7. ^What about you that I should be jealous about? I know the good looks,but that ain't it.
  8. Some leaders -- notably those from Somalia, Burundi and Djibouti -- were visibly uneasy as guns were drawn on all sides. Akhyaartaan geesi waaye.And how come no one knocked Yeey
  9. Museveni briefly lost his balance when a hefty Libyan guard pushed him to a wall. Another Libyan guard pushed Rwandan President Paul Kagame, who also lost his balance but was caught by his own guards. The vice president of Tanzania was knocked over by fighting guards as he was taking his shoes off to enter the mosque. Guards to the rest of the visiting presidents and prime ministers kept their respective leaders out of the fray, with some drawing their guns as the dignitaries looked on in disbelief. Some leaders -- notably those from Somalia, Burundi and Djibouti -- were visibly uneasy as guns were drawn on all sides. "What are your people up to? Do you want to kill our leader?" a Libyan protocol official said to his Ugandan counterpart. The Ugandan official, who declined to be named, shouted back, "Why do think you're superior? What makes you think Uganda has any ill intention against Gadhafi?" web page
  10. Somalipride....That makes more sense. It is just that and correct me if I'm wrong, nobody ever made public what does oil deals entail. About piracy,and money counterfeiting, I believe Pland leaders is well aware who's involved.
  11. ^Come on, do you really wanna hear my version. It would involve more than words P.S. From what I understand, supposedly Somalis in Baraawe, and the Jilib practice this, in particular the Gibil Cadka! Of course, as usual this is very unpleasant experience for the bride.
  12. Duke....What are the terms of the agreement? How would the profit be split assuming they found oil in Puntland. And would Puntland share the profits with the rest of Somalia since kheyraadka dhulka belongs to all Somalis.
  13. ^LoooooooooooL...Aight my good man
  14. Stoic...There is nothing derogatory about being a girl. Must you upset these ladies. Buuxo....Cl just get dirty mind. LooooooooL@lily
  15. ^LoooooooooooooooL since being anonymous and all, does anybody know what is Sariir Saar means. Apparently, Somali Bantus do this after girl is married. I heard shaah saar, most common with all Somalis.
  16. ^All we are saying is if you have a thing for CL, it is ok to admit. Buuxo....And I was under impression you actually what that meant. Stoic...You sir have become a girl
  17. ^I thought you like mischievous felles..I was way off I guess. See now, I wanna get to know you. Already finding little fascinating
  18. ^If you trust her, wat's with the chastity underwear. Surely you know what that signifies. P.S. Get to knew me Cynical before you shoot me down. You might be surprised
  19. Originally posted by cynical lady: Malika before you go and stay at che, please promise me you will wear that at all time. I don’t trust the man with penny let alone you.. [/QB] But you should trust her.You don't have faith in your gal, do you?....very dissappointed CL P.S. Malika knows I'm gentleman
  20. Originally posted by Geel_jire: quote:Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^LoooooooooooooooooooL...nice Ttssss I believe the correct term is udder ..... Was really necessary to qoate it twice. You could have just edited the first. Just wann get me in trouble. Well since you mention it I think it is udder that protects cows from cold. Buuxo...Geeljire is bored out of his mind. That's Cl looga dabo reebi la,yahe
  21. ^Waa lagaa qaade Xaajiyo. Geeljire...I don't know wat you are talking about.
  22. Giselle looks little gitty. Oooh, wat's da topic about, yeah King Kong. I think people are over sensatitive